2020-08-18: News Headlines

A Guest Author (2020-08-18). Colonialism intensifies pandemic school crisis for Puerto Ricans. workers.org By Lorraine Liriano Chávez This slightly edited talk was given at the Aug. 6 Workers World Party webinar, "War on the Working Class: the Socialist Response," which featured education workers. Lorraine Liriano Chávez Puerto Rico faces the life-threatening decision of the reopening of schools in the midst of rising COVID-19 . . . |

Mehr News Agency (2020-08-18). Oil tankers seized by US 'not Iranian'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 18 (MNA) — Iranian oil minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Tuesday that the four oil tankers seized by the US few days ago belong to Venezuela not Iran.

teleSUR (2020-08-17). Venezuela: President Maduro Volunteers To Test Russian Vaccine. telesurenglish.net Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro Sunday announced he'll be the first to get vaccinated when the Russian COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, arrives in the country. | RELATED: | He recalled that Russia was the first country in the world to vaccinate its population and volunteered to test the Sputnik V. | "There will be a time when we all get vaccinated and the first to be vaccinated will be me. I'm going to get the vaccine, I…

Mike Hastie (2020-08-17). Never Surrender in Portland, Oregon. counterpunch.org There is a whole new generation of Americans who have decided that non-stop resistance is the only way to confront the lethal power structure that is bound and determined to tattoo obedience on their very souls. That relentless longevity of energy is being acted out in Portland, Oregon like no other city across this nation. This has really become a profound awakening of historical precedence. The Black community only represents 6% of the population in Portland. Most of the demonstrators have been predominately young white people who are strong supporters of Black Lives Matter. There has been some very effective B…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2020-08-17). The Hoopla Over the Kamala Harris VP Selection Obscures the Many Young People of Color Who Are Winning Offices Nationally. counterpunch.org Joe Biden's pick of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate for the 2020 Democratic presidential ticket has generated strong responses. While many Democrats are elated at the idea of seeing a brown-skinned woman of Indian and Jamaican heritage in such a position, progressives are debating one another about Harris' mixed record on bread-and-butter

Jorge Arreaza Monserrat (2020-08-17). Venezuela and Trump's Irrational Electoral Policy. counterpunch.org Caracas, Venezuela. Elections always have an interesting effect on public policy, in particular if the person in charge of designing and implementing a certain policy is up for reelection. In politics, it is logical that an incumbent candidate decides to show successful policies and accomplishments while minimizing failures or shortcomings. However, what is irrational is

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-17). Lebanon Devastated by Corruption, Economic Collapse, and Beirut Explosion. globalresearch.ca A perfect storm affects Lebanon and vast majority of its near-seven million people, including: | Out-of-control rampant corruption. | Unemployment of a third or more of working-age Lebanese. | Poverty exceeding 50% of the population. | Over 80% inflation since last October, debasing the …

Paul Dobson (2020-08-17). Venezuela: Attorney General to Investigate Disappearance of Revolutionary Carlos Lanz. venezuelanalysis.com The former guerrilla fighter, who was investigating paramilitary infiltration in Venezuela, disappeared from his home on August 8.

news.un (2020-08-17). FROM THE FIELD: Protection among the mangroves. news.un.org The rehabilitation and replanting of mangrove forests in Cuba's coastal regions is helping to protect the lives of people living on the Caribbean island, and reduce the effects of climate change, thanks to a UN Development Programme project.

The Canary (2020-08-17). Government urged to let beaver populations expand in England. thecanary.co Beavers should be allowed to stay on a number of English rivers where they are already living wild, the government has been urged. | The semi-aquatic mammals, which are making a comeback after being hunted to extinction more than 400 years ago, should also be given legal status as a native species, as part of a national strategy for the animals. | And plans should be drawn up to license the release of beavers to other suitable rivers, including from where they are currently living in enclosures, proposals drawn up by wildlife charity Beaver Trust and other groups say. | The call comes after a population of the da…

RT (2020-08-16). At least 3 cops shot at Cedar Park, Texas after gunman opens fire & barricades himself inside. rt.com Three police officers in Texas have been shot after they were met with gunfire while responding to a call in Cedar Park, a suburb of Austin. There have been reports that the suspect, barricaded in a house, has taken hostages. | The incident unfolded on Sunday afternoon, after police were called to a home off Natalia Cove in Cedar Park, a major Austin suburb with a population of about 80,000 people. | In the ensuing standoff, three responding police officers were shot, Cedar Park Police have confirmed. All three officers were taken to hospital and are in stable condition, Chief Mike Harmon reported, while advis…

RT (2020-08-16). 3 cops shot at Cedar Park, Texas after gunman opens fire & barricades himself inside. rt.com Three police officers in Texas were shot in a hail of gunfire while responding to a call in Cedar Park, a suburb of Austin. The suspect barricaded himself into a house, taking hostages and refusing to leave for 18 hours. | The incident unfolded on Sunday afternoon, around 3: 00 pm local time after police were called to a home off Natalia Cove in Cedar Park, a major Austin suburb with a population of about 80,000 people. | Cedar Park Police Chief Mike Harmon said that the police received a tip from the suspect's mother, claiming that her son knocked down the door and was acting erratically. | Upon arriving at th…

_____ (2020-08-16). Beirut Explosion: It Is Late, But It Is Early Morning If We Insist. popularresistance.org Nothing happens in Beirut and Lebanon that is transparent; plots of all kinds unravel against the ordinary hopes of the population. After the deadly explosion, it was impossible to imagine that the most reasonable explanation would be accepted. Rumors flew around, except the rumors did not have their impact. It was clear to the people that this time — unlike so many times previously — it was their own political system that had to be held accountable for the enormous explosion, which came in the midst of a pandemic, a currency and economic crisis, and a long-standing and unresolved political quagmire.

teleSUR (2020-08-16). Luis Abinader Takes Office in the Dominican Republic. telesurenglish.net Luis Abinader has been sworn in as President of the Dominican Republic for the 2020 – 2024 period, in a ceremony which took place on Sunday morning. | RELATED: | Taking the oath before the Senate President, Eduardo Estrella, he received the presidential sash, followed by the swearing in of the new Vice President, Raquel Peña. | Abinader's central speech began with a minute of silence for those who are hospitalized or at home w…

Manuela Solé (2020-08-15). Maduro Hails Russian COVID-19 Vaccine as Comms Minister Tests Positive. venezuelanalysis.com The South American nation has a 70 percent COVID-19 recovery rate.

A Guest Author (2020-08-15). U.S. mercenaries sentenced to 20 years for invasion attempt in Venezuela. workers.org Telesur published the following report Aug. 8. Venezuela's Attorney General Tarek William Saab reported Friday [Aug. 7] that the two former U.S. military officers, Luke Denmnan and Airan Berry, who participated in the failed invasion attempt in Venezuela [May 4], were sentenced to 20 years in prison. Former members of . . . |

Mehr News Agency (2020-08-15). US should thank Dominican for saving it from total isolation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 15 (MNA) — Referring to the failure of US bid to extend an arms embargo on Iran, Ambassador to Pakistan Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini said that the US should be so thankful of the Dominican Republic that saved it from total isolation.

_____ (2020-08-15). Iranian President Denies US Statements On Tankers Seizures. popularresistance.org Iran's President Hassan Rouhani Saturday announced that the U.S. lied about the seizure of four Iranian gasoline tankers headed towards Venezuela. | On Friday, the U.S. Justice Department announced that the country's authorities had confiscated four Iranian fuel tankers bound for Venezuela. | "We have successfully executed the seizure of four vessels, that were carrying a total of 1.116 million oil barrels. With the assistance of foreign partners, this seized property is now under U.S. custody," the U.S. Justice Department stated. | However, "non of the seized tankers were Iran-flagged. It was all just fake news,…

Naja H Rod, Jessica Bengtsson, Esben Budtz-Jà∏rgensen, Clara Clipet-Jensen, David Taylor-Robinson, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Nadya Dich, Andreas Rieckmann (2020-08-15). [Articles] Trajectories of childhood adversity and mortality in early adulthood: a population-based cohort study. thelancet.com Almost half of Danish children in our study experienced some degree of adversity, and this was associated with a moderately higher risk of mortality in adulthood. Among these, a small group of children had multiple adversities across social, health, and family-related dimensions. This group had a markedly higher mortality risk in early adulthood than that of other children, which requires public health attention.

Ben Norton (2020-08-14). Venezuelan Guaidó coup regime pledges to restore relations with Israel, decade after Hugo Chávez broke ties. thegrayzone.com The US-backed Venezuelan coup regime of Juan Guaidó is reestablishing ties with Israel and has opened a "virtual embassy" in…

Vijay Prashad (2020-08-14). It is late, but it is early morning if we insist a little. mronline.org Nothing happens in Beirut and Lebanon that is transparent; plots of all kinds unravel against the ordinary hopes of the population.

RT (2020-08-14). DOJ confirms 'largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel' on 4 ships bound for Venezuela. rt.com The US has seized some 1.116 mn barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela, the Justice Department has confirmed, hinting at "assistance" from "foreign partners" and declining to reveal where the grab took place. | The agency hailed what it called the largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel in a The statement appeared to…

Peter Koenig (2020-08-14). Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation. globalresearch.ca Robert F Kennedy Jr, an avid Defender of Children's Rights and anti-vaccination activist, has launched a petition sent to the White House, calling for "Investigations into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' for Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity"

teleSUR (2020-08-14). Venezuela: Caracas Mayor Dario Vivas Dies From COVID-19. telesurenglish.net Caracas Mayor Dario Vivas Friday passed at the age of 70, after 20 days hospitalized with COVID-19. | RELATED: | On July 19, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) president had said on Twitter that he had tested positive for the virus and was going into self-isolation. As reported, he died after respiratory and cardiac complications. | Venezuela's Prosecutor General Tarek William Saab announced the news and confessed being…

Fight Back (2020-08-14). A great read for Fidel Castro's birthday. fightbacknews.org In honor of Fidel Castro's birthday, Fight Back! is circulating a speech he delivered on May 1, 2003. Castro was born on August 13, 1926. Enjoy. |
| Cuba's achievements and America's wars |
| Distinguished guests; |
| Dear fellow Cubans: |
| Our heroic people have struggled for 44 years from this small Caribbean island just a few miles away from the most formidable imperial power ever known by mankind. In so doing, they have written an unprecedented chapter in history. Never has the world witnessed such an unequal fight. |
| Some may have believed that the rise of the empire to…

teleSUR (2020-08-14). 'Fidel Lives in Those Saved by Cuban Doctors' Ambassador Says. telesurenglish.net Cuba's Ambassador to Canada Josefina Vidal took part in a virtual conference on the legacy of Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution, which was held on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of his birth. | RELATED: | "Fidel Castro is still alive in each of the lives that our doctors save. He is alive in any corner of the world where people say 'Thank you Cuba'," Vidal said. | When the world is going through the COVI…

Telesur (2020-08-14). Russia to Start the Production of Its COVID-19 Vaccine in Cuba. globalresearch.ca Russia's Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Chief Executive Officer Kiril Dmitriev announced that Cuba could begin producing the COVID-19 vaccine, the Sputnik V, in November. | "Cuba has a large capacity to produce medicines and vaccines with highly qualified staff. We could …

Peoples Dispatch (2020-08-14). US claims seizure of oil supplies bound for Venezuela, Iran contests claim. peoplesdispatch.org Iranian ambassador to Venezuela stated that the US claims of seizure of ships belonging to Iran was false and an attempt at "psychological warfare"

_____ (2020-08-14). US Seizes Iranian Oil From Four Tankers En Route To Venezuela. popularresistance.org The Trump administration has seized the cargo of four tankers it was targeting for transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela, U.S. officials said Thursday, as it steps up its campaign of maximum pressure against the two heavily sanctioned allies. | Last month, federal prosecutors in Washington filed a civil forfeiture complaint alleging that the sale was arranged by a businessman with ties to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization. At the time, sanctions experts thought it would be impossible to enforce the U.S. court order in international waters. | A senior U.S. official…

sputniknews (2020-08-14). Caracas Calls US, EU Joint Statement on Creation of Venezuelan Transitional Gov't 'Absurd'. sputniknews.com BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) – Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said on Friday that a new joint statement by a group of concerned countries, including the United States and the European Union, in which Caracas was urged to create a transitional government, was absurd and dictated by Washington.

Jessica Corbett, staff writer (2020-08-14). Further Escalating Tensions, Trump Administration Seizes Alleged Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela. commondreams.org Iran's ambassador to Venezuela, Hojad Soltani, said that neither the ships nor their owners are Iranian but did not address whether the gasoline came from his country. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/bella_1.jpg

Hélène Barthélemy (2020-08-14). How Men's Rights Groups Helped Rewrite Regulations on Campus Rape. thenation.com How Men's Rights Groups Helped Rewrite Regulations on Campus Rape…

Ricardo Vaz (2020-08-13). Venezuelan Oil Output Remains at Historic Lows as Sanctions Continue to Bite. venezuelanalysis.com US sanctions have caused the Caribbean nation to lose three oil supertankers.