2020-02-04: News Headlines

Party for Socialism and Liberation (2020-02-04). Forum – Eyewitness Venezuela Report & Analysis of Palestine "Peace Plan" indybay.org 2969 Mission St. near 26th…

news.un (2020-02-04). FROM THE FIELD: 'A piece of me' was taken – women talk about genital mutilation. news.un.org "My flesh has been taken away, but I can never give away my heart"; those are the powerful words of resolve from Abida Dawud, one of three women survivors of female genital mutilation, or FGM, from Ethiopia, who have been speaking to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) about their experiences.

Staff (2020-02-03). ACLU: Trump Is Expanding His Racist Travel Ban, This Time Targeting Africans. democracynow.org The Trump administration has expanded its contested travel ban to six additional countries — most of which are African nations. Under the new restrictions, nationals of Nigeria, Eritrea, Myanmar and Kyrgyzstan will no longer be able to obtain visas to live and work in the U.S., while Sudan and Tanzania will no longer be able to participate in the diversity visa lottery program. The ban, commonly referred to as the "Muslim ban," already affects citizens from Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela and North Korea. The expansion is expected to affect more than 350 million people. Democrats say they will…

Ajamu Baraka (2020-02-03). The U.S. War on Iran and Venezuela: Interview with Ajamu Baraka. globalresearch.ca The

teleSUR (2020-02-03). Haiti's Government Insists to Dialogue With the Opposition. telesurenglish.net Adviser to President Jovenel Moise, Jude Charles Faustin, said Monday the government is seeking to continue dialogue with sectors of the opposition to find a solution to the nation's dramatic situation. | RELATED: | The comments came as government officials and some moderate opposition parties concluded a three-day meeting in Port-au-Prince without reaching any agreement. | The meeting called 'Political Conference for a way out of the…

commondreams (2020-02-03). Yale Undergraduate Representatives Unanimously Vote to Join Call for Yale to Cancel Puerto Rico Debt, Divest From Fossil Fuels. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Anya Parampil (2020-01-30). US government censorship? Social media giants disappear accounts of Iranian and Venezuelan academics, journalists. thegrayzone.com Red Lines host Anya Parampil talks with Professor Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran. Professor Marandi's Facebook and Instagram…

Alan Macleod (2020-01-30). Cuba is Testing Products Against Cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. mintpressnews.com While demonized in the United States, the Cuban government has built a comprehensive nationalized healthcare system based on preventative medicine, rather than the curative model the U.S. employs…

Staff (2020-01-30). Headlines for January 30, 2020. democracynow.org Rev. William Barber: Mitch McConnell Is Bringing Old Southern Justice to U.S. Senate, European Parliament Votes to Ratify Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, Coronavirus Death Toll Hits 170, Racial Justice Groups Call on Klobuchar to Suspend Campaign, French Firefighters Clash with Riot Police in Latest Protests Against Pension Overhaul, Cuban Man Dies in ICE Custody, Marking 6th Death Since October, Salvadoran General Admits U.S.-Trained Forces Carried Out 1981 Massacre, South Dakota Passes Bill Criminalizing Gender-Affirming Surgery, #DignidadLiteraria: Latino Writers Launch Campaign in Response to "American Dirt"

Max Blumenthal (2020-01-29). Ciudadano estadounidense detenido e interrogado por agentes del DHS sobre la solidaridad con Venezuela del movimiento antiguerra. thegrayzone.com Un ciudadano estadounidense que participó en el Colectivo de Protección de la Embajada de Venezuela fue detenido, registrado e interrogado…

Joe Emersberger (2019-12-20). Notes on a private TV newscast in Bolivia. The contrast with Venezuela is clear as day. zcomm.org In August, I took detailed notes a news broadcast on one of Venezuela's largest TV networks. I summarized these notes in an interview I did with the Real News Network making the point that Venezuela's private media (which reaches 60-90% of households) is remarkably free — most especially when you consider the US is openly

Joe Emersberger (2019-12-16). Francisco Rodriguez answers some questions I asked about Venezuela. zcomm.org Venezuelan economist Francisco Rodriguez, formerly of Torino Economics, answered a few questions of mine about his country. He was the economic adviser to Henri Falcon, the second place finisher in the May 2018 presidential election. His updated estimate for 2019 is that Venezuela's real GDP will contract by 25% . That's horrific, but less severe