(2023-05-19). Inauguran acería eléctrica de la empresa siderúrgica Antillana de Acero. cubadebate.cu La acería eléctrica, considerada el corazón de la empresa siderúrgica "José Martí" conocida como Antillana de Acero fue inaugurada este jueves y forma parte del proceso de remodelación total en que se encuentra inmersa está importante planta cubana.
(2023-05-18). Rechazan hostigamiento contra artistas cubanos en España. telesurtv.net El Instituto Cubano de la Música (ICM) denunció que existe una campaña mediática y virtual hacia sus artistas.
(2023-05-18). Fallece en La Habana intelectual cubano Iroel Sánchez. telesurtv.net El intelectual se destacó por su labor en el Ministerio de Comunicaciones, atendiendo la informatización de la sociedad.
(2023-05-18). Cuba inscribe nuevos bienes en Registro de Memoria del Mundo. telesurtv.net La conformidad tuvo lugar durante la sesión de la Comisión de Programa y Relaciones exteriores de la 216 sesión del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Unesco.
(2023-05-18). Informan sobre mantenimiento a la plataforma Ticket. cubadebate.cu En los últimos días se han realizado paradas técnicas para realizar mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de la infraestructura que soporta la plataforma, a fin de estabilizarla ante el crecimiento de los servicios, que ha generado un mayor volumen de peticiones por parte de los usuarios.
(2023-05-18). Parlamentarios ecuatorianos presentan demanda de inconstitucionalidad ante decisión de disolver la Asamblea. cubadebate.cu El segundo vicepresidente del Parlamento ecuatoriano, Esteban Torres, presentó este miércoles ante la Corte Constitucional de ese país una demanda de inconstitucionalidad por la decisión del jefe de Estado, Guillermo Lasso, de disolver la Asamblea Nacional y pedir la convocatoria a elecciones generales anticipadas.
(2023-05-18). Estudio advierte que el 53% de los mayores lagos y embalses del mundo está menguando. cubadebate.cu Más de la mitad de los mayores lagos y embalses del mundo están menguando y ponen en peligro la seguridad hídrica de la humanidad, siendo el cambio climático y el consumo insostenible los principales responsables, según un estudio académico publicado este jueves.
(2023-05-18). Analizan en parlamento cubano proyecto de ley de Comunicación Social. cubadebate.cu Diputados electos por municipios de La Habana discutieron hoy el proyecto de ley de Comunicación Social, en encuentro encabezado por Esteban Lazo, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba. El proyecto pretende establecer los principios de organización y funcionamiento para todos los medios de comunicación social en el país.
(2023-05-18). Cuba condena impacto del bloqueo en la salud pública. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Salud Pública de Cuba, doctor José Angel Portal Miranda, condenó hoy el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra la isla impuesto por Estados Unidos hace más de 60 años, una política de estrangulamiento que afecta el desarrollo de la salud. Lo hizo en la reunión de ministros de esa rama del Movimiento de Países No Alineados.
(2023-05-18). La Habana: Sesiona Comisión Intergubernamental Cuba-Rusia. cubadebate.cu Bajo amplias expectativas, por los beneficios que puede aportar a la economía cubana, comenzó hoy en La Habana la XX Sesión de la Comisión Intergubernamental para la colaboración económico-comercial y científico-técnica entre Cuba y Rusia. Las delegaciones examinarán aspectos de interés mutuo en las áreas económica, financiera, energética, de transporte, entre otras.
(2023-05-18). Cuando defender a Cuba genera odio, amenazas y censura (Adhesión a este manifiesto). cubadebate.cu El grupo musical cubano Buena Fe está sufriendo en su gira musical por Europa el acoso, la violencia y la censura de los enemigos de la Revolución cubana. Por eso se ha circulado este manfiesto, al que se han adherido varias personalidades en contra de las agresiones.
(2023-05-18). Falleció el intelectual cubano Iroel Sánchez, a los 58 años. cubadebate.cu En la tarde de hoy, jueves 18 de mayo de 2023, a la edad de 58 años, falleció en La Habana el destacado intelectual cubano Iroel Sánchez Espinosa, graduado de ingeniero informático por la CUJAE y reconocido por su activa labor como dirigente cultural, periodista, analista político, escritor, editor y realizador audiovisual.
(2023-05-18). Unesco inscribe piezas del patrimonio cubano en Registro Internacional de Memoria del Mundo. cubadebate.cu El Consejo Ejecutivo de la Unesco aprobó este jueves la inscripción de la "Colección de carteles de cine cubano" y "Las actas capitulares del ayuntamiento de La Habana" en el Registro Internacional de la Memoria del Mundo, dedicado a la preservación, acceso y protección del Patrimonio documental de la Humanidad.
(2023-05-18). Cuba Reaches 1 Million Tourists So Far in 2023. orinocotribune.com Cuba broke the figure of 1 million visitors received so far in 2023, thus surpassing the number of visitors who arrived in the Caribbean country on the same date in 2022, informed Juan Carlos García Granda, Minister of Tourism. | In the context of the 41st International Tourism Fair (FITCuba-2023), the minister of tourism, after announcing the news, stated that, despite the obstacles, the goal of reaching 3.5 million foreign vacationers proposed for the year will not be given up. | He reiterated that one of the major limitations, in addition to the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imp…
(2023-05-18). D.C. Council unanimously demands U.S. end Cuba blockade and remove terrorist designation. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the D.C. Council unanimously voted to urge President Joe Biden and Congress to end the 60+ year economic blockade against Cuba and to remove the country's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. After three months spent in committee, the resolution, officially titled "PR25-0113: Sense of the Council on the …
(2023-05-18). Russia, Cuba to reach agreements to boost strategic cooperations. plenglish.com Havana, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba have reached several agreements Thursday to boost bilateral strategic cooperation in different areas including phytosanitary control, customs service, construction, sugar production and sports.
(2023-05-18). Buena Fe band receives full support in Spain. plenglish.com Madrid, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Hundreds of people today expressed their solidarity and full support for the Buena Fe Cuban music group, whose tour in Spain has been cut short due to harassment, violence and censorship by the enemies of the Revolution.
(2023-05-18). David Project: tenderness and solidarity of Bridges of Love. plenglish.com Washington, May 18 (Prensa Latina) The David project, an American boy who proposed to assist foster homes in Cuba, is presently moving the social networks of the ®Bridges of Love ® movement, coordinated from the United States by Professor Carlos Lazo.
(2023-05-18). Unesco inscribe piezas del patrimonio cubano en Registro Internacional de Memoria del Mundo. cubadebate.cu El Consejo Ejecutivo de la Unesco aprobó este jueves la inscripción de la "Colección de carteles de cine cubano" y "Las actas capitulares del ayuntamiento de La Habana" en el Registro Internacional de la Memoria del Mundo, dedicado a la preservación, acceso y protección del Patrimonio documental de la Humanidad.
(2023-05-18). Cuba Reaches 1 Million Tourists So Far in 2023. orinocotribune.com Cuba broke the figure of 1 million visitors received so far in 2023, thus surpassing the number of visitors who arrived in the Caribbean country on the same date in 2022, informed Juan Carlos García Granda, Minister of Tourism. | In the context of the 41st International Tourism Fair (FITCuba-2023), the minister of tourism, after announcing the news, stated that, despite the obstacles, the goal of reaching 3.5 million foreign vacationers proposed for the year will not be given up. | He reiterated that one of the major limitations, in addition to the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imp…
(2023-05-18). D.C. Council unanimously demands U.S. end Cuba blockade and remove terrorist designation. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the D.C. Council unanimously voted to urge President Joe Biden and Congress to end the 60+ year economic blockade against Cuba and to remove the country's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. After three months spent in committee, the resolution, officially titled "PR25-0113: Sense of the Council on the …
(2023-05-18). Russia, Cuba to reach agreements to boost strategic cooperations. plenglish.com Havana, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba have reached several agreements Thursday to boost bilateral strategic cooperation in different areas including phytosanitary control, customs service, construction, sugar production and sports.
(2023-05-18). Buena Fe band receives full support in Spain. plenglish.com Madrid, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Hundreds of people today expressed their solidarity and full support for the Buena Fe Cuban music group, whose tour in Spain has been cut short due to harassment, violence and censorship by the enemies of the Revolution.
(2023-05-18). David Project: tenderness and solidarity of Bridges of Love. plenglish.com Washington, May 18 (Prensa Latina) The David project, an American boy who proposed to assist foster homes in Cuba, is presently moving the social networks of the ®Bridges of Love ® movement, coordinated from the United States by Professor Carlos Lazo.
(2023-05-18). Russia and Cuba complete work on 10 investment projects. plenglish.com Havana, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba are working on 10 investment projects and seek to deepen mutually advantageous cooperation in the scientific-technical sphere, Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas said today.
(2023-05-18). Cubans recall Africans' presence. plenglish.com The Quisicuaba community socio-cultural project brought music, colors and arts to a cultural gala that gathered African ambassadors accredited in the country, representatives of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples and neighbors of the capital's Centro Habana municipality. | The process of slavery brought about the arrival of extraordinary valuable women and men in Cuba, essentially from the sub-Saharan region who set their music, dances, plastic arts, theater, literature and other manifestations that were syncretized over time. | Today, Africa is a robust, upright region that draws on the deepest…
(2023-05-18). Cuban Communist Party stands out in visits to provinces. plenglish.com Havana, May 18 (Prensan Latina) The Secretary of Organization of Cuban Communist Party (PCC), Roberto Morales highlighted the outstanding role played in visits to provinces to check up their development strategies in 2023, the Presidency on Thursday informed.
(2023-05-18). New donation to the Guayabera Museum in Cuba. plenglish.com Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, May 18 (Prensa Latina) The Guayabera House-Museum in this city on Thursday received a new donation from Mariela Castro, director of the National Center for Sexual Education, as part of the Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.
(2023-05-17). The Washington Consensus Supporting Sanctions On Cuba And Venezuela Is Breaking. progressivehub.net BRANKO MARCETIC | JACOBIN…
(2023-05-17). Cuba And Russia Seek To Boost Joint Business. telesurenglish.net This Wednesday in Havana, the Cuba-Russia Business Economic Forum was inaugurated by businessmen from both countries in search of revitalizing commercial exchange. | RELATED: | The president of the Cuban Chamber of Commerce, Antonio Carricarte, highlighted at the opening of the forum the willingness of Russian businessmen to actively participate in the main sectors of the Cuban economy, not only as suppliers of finished products or raw materials, but also as part…
(2023-05-19). Ben Dupuy, the Revolutionary Whose Vision and Organizations Radicalized and Formed a Generation in Haiti. orinocotribune.com By Kim Ives — May 3, 2023 | The second of two parts | Haiti's Sep. 30, 1991 coup d'état was a challenge which tested and strengthened the organizations in Ben Dupuy's revolutionary network. | Ambassador-at-Large Dupuy was returning from an outreach trip to Scandinavia when the coup struck. After a brief stopover in New York, he quickly flew to Caracas, Venezuela (then ruled by President Carlos Andrès Perez), where he met with the now exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. | The bloody, brazen coup by the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAdH) against Haiti's nascent democracy and overwhelmingly popular young preside…
(2023-05-18). Presidente de Venezuela recibe delegación brasileña. telesurtv.net La representación del gobierno brasileño estuvo encabezada por el encargado de negocios de la embajada de Brasil en Caracas, Flavio Helmold Macieira.
(2023-05-18). President Maduro: Venezuela Must Participate in Worldwide De-dollarization Trend. orinocotribune.com During the fourth broadcast of his television program Con Maduro+, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that Venezuela will join the de-dollarization initiative that is advancing globally: "Venezuela must join the initiative of de-dollarization of the world." | President Maduro noted that Venezuela has been a pioneer in the search for alternatives to the US dollar to circumvent the "sanctions" imposed by the United States and its allies, while he denounced the political use of the US currency due to its position as the dominant international reserve currency in the world financial system. The president highli…
(2023-05-18). Venezuela's Anti-Blockade Deputy Minister: Capriles is the 'Shadow Interim President'. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice Minister for Anti-Blockade Policies William Castillo referred to the opposition pre-candidate for the Justice First party (Primero Justicia, PJ), Henrique Capriles, as the new "shadow interim president" who the economic powers of Washington and London utilize to justify the robbery of Venezuela's resources. | On his social media accounts, Castillo pointed out that the United States and the United Kingdom need someone that they can consider as the head of a parallel government so that they can recognize an alternative to the democratically elected president, Nicolás Maduro of the United Socialist P…
(2023-05-18). Venezuelan President Maduro Meets Brazilian Cooperation. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro discussed issues of bilateral cooperation with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) Director Ruy Carlos Pereira and the business manager of the Brazilian embassy Flavio Helmold Macieira. | RELATED: | In the meeting held in Caracas, the Bolivarian leader also spoke with the coordinator of Humanitarian Cooperation Jose Solla Vasquez Junior and Technical Cooperation for…
(2023-05-17). Venezuela: Food is not a commodity, it's a human right: Pueblo a Pueblo builds food sovereignty (Part I). mronline.org An organization that brings together rural producers with urban consumers breaks with the dictates of the market.
(2023-05-17). Venezuela's National Assembly Approves Bill for Protection of Assets Abroad. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the Bill for the Protection of Assets, Rights and Interests of the Republic and its Entities Abroad in its second discussion on Tuesday. The bill is a tool to counter the failed US-led "regime change" operation to oust President Nicolás Maduro that, in reality, affects millions of Venezuelans, especially the most vulnerable ones. | After the bill was approved on Tuesday, May 16, the president of the National Assembly (AN), Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, agreed to apply "exemplary" sanctions against the people involved in the dispossession of property and assets…
(2023-05-17). PSUV and Communist Party of China Ratify Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and China continue to deepen political alliances. This time, Caracas served as the venue for an official meeting between the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Communist Party of China (CPC), organizations sharing deep anti-imperialist principles. | Vice President of the PSUV Diosdado Cabello received the CPC delegation, led by the deputy minister for the international department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Li Mingxiang. | High-level members of the PSUV leadership also participated in the meeting: Vice President of Organization Pedro Infante; Vice President of Training Tania Día…
(2023-05-17). Americas Now: Pirates of the Gulf of Mexico. america.cgtn.com Pirates and robbing ships at sea may seem like a thing from the past. But in Mexico, a country that has been attacked by pirates for centuries, the practice continues. Elaine Reyes talks to correspondent Alasdair Baverstock who has reported on modern-day pirates targeting oil platforms and vessels in the …
(2023-05-18). ALBA Movimientos lanza campaña "Bolívar contra Monroe" telesurtv.net La finalidad de la campaña es visibilizar las consecuencias en la actualidad de la Doctrina Monroe en América Latina y el Caribe.