2025-01-28: News Headlines

newarab (2025-01-28). UK military role in Israel's Gaza war exposed in report. newarab.com A recent report by the British Palestinian Committee (BPC) has unveiled the full extent of the UK's military collaboration with Israel during its The report gave an in-depth look at how UK resources – including military bases, arms exports, and logistical support – were instrumental in sustaining Israel's military campaign in Gaza, which saw much of the enclave utterly destroyed. | According to the BPC, while the UK was not directly responsi…

The Canary (2025-01-28). Now British Palestinians have weighed in over the Met Police/Palestine march scandal. thecanary.co

Nava J. Thakuria (2025-01-28). In Pursuit of India's R-Day Celebration. pressenza.com Defying all odds, including a boycott call by some armed militant outfits, the people of far eastern Bharat (India) celebrated the 76th Republic Day, unfurling the Tri-colour paying homage to the known and unknown martyrs of India's Freedom Movement against the colonial British forces. | Resentments against the governments in respective State capitals as well as in New Delhi, anti-India rhetoric and even the diktats from separatist militants could not deter from joining the celebrations aspiring for a powerful nation, which is definitely a Biswa Mitra (if not immediately, it can emerge as Biswa Guru), a guiding l…

Alina Ramos Martin (2025-01-28). Cuba's National Hero honored in East Timor. plenglish.com Dili, Jan 28 (Prensa Latina) Friends of Cuba and members of the diplomatic corps paid tribute to the architect of the Caribbean nation's independence, José Martí, on the 172nd anniversary of his birth.

aljazeera (2025-01-28). 'Five babies in incubator': HRW on danger to pregnant women, babies in Gaza. aljazeera.com Human Rights Watch finds Israel has violated rights of pregnant women and girls, with no end in sight.

Staff (2025-01-28). Heridos en Líbano tras ataques israelíes en zonas fronterizas. cubadebate.cu El Ejército de Líbano informó este martes que un soldado y tres ciudadanos resultaron heridos en el contexto de los continuos ataques israelíes en las zonas fronterizas del sur. Según las Fuerzas Armadas, Israel abrió fuego contra personal del ejército y residentes en la carretera Yaroun-Maroun al-Ras mientras intentaban regresar a sus hogares.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-28). Elsa Vega Jiménez y su apego a las ideas de Martí (+Audio). radiohc.cu Autora de 18 libros, incluyendo textos universitarios estudiados en Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela, China, Elsa Vega Jiménez ha dedicado muchos años de su actividad investigadora al estudio de la obra de Martí, descubriendo algunas de sus facetas más desconocidas…

Staff (2025-01-28). Gustavo Petro confirma llegada de 200 migrantes deportados por Estados Unidos a Bogotá. cubadebate.cu Dos aviones de la Fuerza Aérea del gobierno de Colombia llegaron este martes a Bogotá con unos 200 migrantes deportados por Estados Unidos, luego de superarse las tensiones diplomáticas con el gobierno de Donald Trump, confirmó el presidente Gustavo Petro.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-28). Cuba hosts International Conference dedicated to Marti. plenglish.com The scientists Hector Hernandez and Eduardo Torres, who are members of the organizing committee, explained that a youth forum, some workshops, and a conference will be dedicated to debating Marti on his 172nd birthday and the 130th anniversary of his death in combat. | We had to talk about peace, unity, solidarity, and other controversial issues, so we chose Jose Marti, the first to write and offer a dialogue on those issues," Eduardo Torres affirmed. | "His ideas were not just for Cuba, he was a universal thinker whose ideas are still valid at present," he continued. | The Jose Marti Project for World Solidarit…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-28). Cuba thanks Laos' support against inclusion in Washington's SSOT list. plenglish.com Vientiane, Jan 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Ambassador to Laos, Enna Viant, on Tuesday thanked Laos' support in the fight against the tightened US blockade and its unjust inclusion in Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-28). Reconocen a Miguel Barnet en su 85 cumpleaños. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 ene (RHC) Con una sólida y reconocida trayectoria en la cultura cubana, Miguel Barnet Lanza, Premio Nacional de Literatura (1994), poeta, narrador, ensayista, etnólogo y político, arriba hoy a sus 85 años de vida.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-28). Respaldan en la India a Cuba en homenaje a José Martí. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 ene (RHC) Organizaciones de India corroborarán hoy su respaldo a Cuba en medio del aumento de la agresividad de Estados Unidos con la reinserción de la isla en su lista de Estados Patrocinadores del Terrorismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-28). Cuba agradece apoyo de Laos contra inclusión en espuria lista de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 ene (RHC) La embajadora de Cuba en Laos, Enna Viant, agradeció hoy el respaldo de esta nación en la lucha contra el recrudecido bloqueo estadounidense y su injusta inclusión en la espuria lista de países presuntamente patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Karen J. Greenberg (2025-01-28). With Trump Back in the White House, What Will Happen to Guantánamo? truthout.org On January 10th, one day before the 23rd anniversary of its opening, a much-anticipated hearing was set to take place at the Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility on the island of Cuba. After nearly 17 years of pretrial litigation, the prosecution of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the "mastermind" of the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001, seemed poised to achieve its ever-elusive goal of… |

Staff (2025-01-28). Olga, una maestra de verso martiano. cubadebate.cu Desde hace más de treinta años, Olga Barrios Hernández, sostiene largas conversaciones con José Martí. Le habla como si aún viviera, como si fuera su vecino, su compañero, su compatriota de cientos de batallas, en las tierras de Pinar del Río. Dice que al Maestro lo ve por todas partes, y le cuenta la historia de sus días, y siente que renace y lo ve multiplicado.

Staff (2025-01-28). El canal que marca la frontera entre Asia y àÅfrica. cubadebate.cu Egipto es uno de los países transcontinentales del mundo debido a su ubicación geográfica única. Puerto Said, en el continente africano, y Puerto Fuad, en el continente asiático, están conectadas a través del Canal de Suez, que sirve como límite natural entre Asia y àÅfrica. Este canal simboliza la unión entre ambos continentes.

Staff (2025-01-28). Martí convocó de nuevo al diálogo "Por el equilibrio del mundo" cubadebate.cu Cumpliendo con la premisa de ser un foro de pensamiento plural y multidisciplinario, que apuesta por sembrar ideas y conciencia en torno a las soluciones de los conflictos internacionales, quedó inaugurado este 28 de enero la VI Conferencia internacional Por el equilibrio del mundo, "Con todos y por el bien de todos".

Staff (2025-01-28). Palombo y Martí. cubadebate.cu Cuando el argentino Bernardo Palombo le dio forma a su tema Imágenes Latinas sabía muy bien lo que estaba haciendo. Ya el inolvidable músico y militante, autor también del tema Canción por el fusil y la flor tenía unos 10 años residiendo en Nueva York dando clases de castellano y abriendo camino como soporte para otros músicos latinoamericanos.

Staff (2025-01-28). Plantas medicinales y resfriado común. cubadebate.cu Estamos pasando por un invierno quizás un poco más intenso de lo habitual. Creo que todos hemos sentido el descenso de las temperaturas durante parte del primer mes de este año 2025 y es posible, por qué no, haber tenido un "resfriado". Aunque el resfriado común no es una enfermedad grave, sí es bastante frecuente.

Staff (2025-01-28). Roscosmos anuncia expansión de su constelación satelital a 650 aparatos para 2030. cubadebate.cu La constelación satelital de Rusia llegará a 650 aparatos para 2030, sin incluir los comerciales, declaró el director general de la corporación rusa Roscosmos, Yuri Borísov. "Este año comienza un ambicioso proyecto nacional, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer nuestra posición en el espacio. La meta es crear para 2030 una constelación de aproximadamente 650 satélites".

Staff (2025-01-28). Comunica Banco Central de Cuba cambios en bonificación a pagos electrónicos. cubadebate.cu Para incentivar los pagos por canales electrónicos, el Banco Central de Cuba implementará a partir del miércoles 29 de enero del 2025, una modificación sobre la aplicación de bonificación a los pagos en línea. Desde agosto de 2023, esta bonificación se ha fijado en un 6%, sin embargo, esta no ha podido ser extensiva a toda la red de comercios minoristas.

Staff (2025-01-28). Carlson revela supuestos planes de la Administración Biden para desatar guerra con Rusia y atentar contra Putin. cubadebate.cu El exsecretario de Estado estadounidense Antony Blinken dirigió en realidad la Administración Biden intentando desencadenar una verdadera guerra entre Washington y Moscú, afirmó el periodista Tucker Carlson. En concreto, añadió, los planes habrían incluido la posibilidad de atentar contra la vida del presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin.

Staff (2025-01-28). La Casa Blanca suspende fondos para programas de asistencia federal. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos pausa de forma inmediata la distribución de subvenciones, préstamos y otros programas de asistencia financiera federal. Así lo señaló la Oficina de Presupuesto de la Casa Blanca, mediante un comunicado interno, enviado a las agencias gubernamentales.

Staff (2025-01-28). Viengsay Valdés, jurado del Premio de Ballet de Lausana en Suiza. cubadebate.cu La primera bailarina y directora general del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Viengsay Valdés, integrará el jurado del Premio de Lausana, en Suiza, informó este martes la prestigiosa compañía. El reconocido certamen internacional de ballet se efectuará del 2 al 9 de febrero de este año, con un tribunal presidido por Laurent Hilaire.

NEOB (2025-01-28). SA improves housing consumer rights. sanews.gov.za SA improves housing consumer rights | President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law the Housing Consumer Protection Bill, which is geared at offering greater protection for housing consumers and support for new entrants in the home building industry. | According to a statement by the Presidency, the law also seeks to address "challenges identified by the Department of Human Settlements and the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), with regard to the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act of 1998". | "The new law seeks to ensure adequate protection of housing consumers and effective regulation of…

Kit Klarenberg (2025-01-28). 'Conspiracy Theory' is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived. mintpressnews.com Ever since Tel Aviv's 1948 creation, much has been said and written about 'Greater Israel' — the notion Zionism's ultimate end goal is the forcible annexation and ethnic cleansing of vast swaths of Arab lands for Jewish settlement, based on Biblical claims that this territory was promised to Jews by God. The

EDWIN (2025-01-28). Mchunu honours men and women in blue. sanews.gov.za Mchunu honours men and women in blue | Police Minister Senzo Mchunu has thanked police officers for the sacrifices they make to safeguard the country. | | The country on Monday marked National Police Day. | | "You leave your families to serve the greater family that is our beloved country. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed. On behalf of the government of the Republic of South Africa and the people you so diligently protect, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. | | "The parade today is a symbol of the discipline, strength, and capabilities of the SAPS [South African Police Service]. It is a…

presstv.ir (2025-01-28). Activists in Mexico rally against incoming Trump's anti-immigration policies. presstv.ir Migrant rights groups in Mexico demonstrated against the proposed anti-immigration measures of US President-elect Donald Trump.

Ramzy Baroud (2025-01-28). Gaza's unbreakable resistance: A historical perspective on the war and its aftermath. peoplesworld.org The problem with political analysis is that it often lacks historical perspective and is mostly limited to recent events. The current analysis of the Israeli war on Gaza falls victim to this narrow thinking. The ceasefire agreement, signed between Palestinian groups and Israel under Egyptian, Qatari, and U.S. mediation in Doha on Jan. 15, is …

Amy Goodman (2025-01-28). 80 Years After the Liberation of Auschwitz, Genocide in Palestine Continues. truthout.org Holocaust survivors on Monday marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Nazi Germany exterminated over 1 million Jews and other minority groups between 1940 and 1945. The commemoration comes as the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles worldwide and far-right forces gain strength across Europe and the United States. For more, we speak with Israeli… |

Staff (2025-01-28). Genocide Denial in Holocaust Studies: Scholar Raz Segal on Gaza & 80 Years After Auschwitz Liberation. democracynow.org Holocaust survivors on Monday marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Nazi Germany exterminated over 1 million Jews and other minority groups between 1940 and 1945. The commemoration comes as the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles worldwide and far-right forces gain strength across Europe and the United States. For more, we speak with Israeli American historian Raz Segal, who says the academic field of Holocaust studies has a blind spot when it comes to Israel and its actions in Palestine, from the 1948 Nakba to the genocidal assault on Gaza. "Since Octob…

Chris Walker (2025-01-28). Quakers Sue Trump Admin Over Policy Allowing ICE Raids on Churches. truthout.org Several Quaker congregations are suing the Trump administration over an order lifting a previous policy that had curtailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from conducting raids in "sensitive locations," including schools, hospitals and houses of worship. The Quaker groups filed their suit on Monday in a Maryland federal court alleging that the policy change within the… |

aljazeera (2025-01-28). Denmark to pump $2bn into Arctic security as Trump eyes Greenland. aljazeera.com Copenhagen boosting defence spending and talking with allies as it resists US demand for the strategic island.

Caitlin Johnstone (2025-01-28). Jordan And Egypt Snub Trump's Ethnic Cleansing Plan. caitlinjohnstone.com.au It still remains to be seen if the Trump administration will find a way to bribe or coerce either or both nations to comply with Trump's ethnic cleansing agenda, but the fact that they aren't already on board means the empire still needs to jump through some significant hoops before this could happen.

Chaim Levinson (2025-01-28). Qatar's calculated plan for Gaza will crush far right Israeli dreams of war and displacement. haaretz.com Israeli officials believe Qatar seeks a Middle East foothold via Trump ties, aiming to make Gaza a Mediterranean outpost. Its role in the hostage talks highlights a strategic vision, contrasting far-right Smotrich's messianic territorial imaginations…

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-28). A new paper finds vaccinations increase the likelihood of autism by 4.4 times; a "noted expert in covid" makes a poor attempt to debunk. expose-news.com Last Thursday, a peer-reviewed paper was published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. The objective of this study was to determine the association between vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders …

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-28). A new paper finds vaccinations increase the likelihood of autism by 4.4 times; a "noted expert in covid" makes a poor attempt to debunk. expose-news.com Last Thursday, a peer-reviewed paper was published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. The objective of this study was to determine the association between vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders …

infobrics (2025-01-28). BRICS: A Catalyst for Change or a Mirage of Hope. infobrics.org The BRICS bloc, now expanded to ten nations, is positioning itself as a challenger to Western dominance in global trade and finance, according to political analyst Ebrahim Harvey…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-28). Russian FM denounces UNESCO's involvement in information warfare. plenglish.com Moscow, Jan 28 (Prensa Latina) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealed on Tuesday that authorities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) are becoming accomplices in the "information warfare against the truth" by not fulfilling the mandate on the situation of Russian journalists.

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-28). WHO begs for money from the public after Trump's announcement to withdraw the US. expose-news.com The World Health Organisation is facing a $706 million shortfall in contributions after the US withdrawal initiated by President Donald Trump. Maria van Kerkhove has started an online fundraiser asking for donations …

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-28). WHO begs for money from the public after Trump's announcement to withdraw the US. expose-news.com The World Health Organisation is facing a $706 million shortfall in contributions after the US withdrawal initiated by President Donald Trump. Maria van Kerkhove has started an online fundraiser asking for donations …

Abdullah Jallow (2025-01-28). Auschwitz — a brief dialogue with Hagay Hacohen. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Abdullah Ibn Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that Allah's Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, "Whoever would love to be delivered from Hellfire and admitted into Paradise, let him meet his end while believing in Allah …

aljazeera (2025-01-28). Israeli operation in occupied West Bank forcibly displaces Palestinians. aljazeera.com Video shows Palestinians fleeing their homes during an Israeli raid in Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank.

Mark Gruenberg (2025-01-28). Trump executive orders roll back civil rights, workers' rights, and greenlight fraud. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Not content with trashing federal workers' rights, Republican President Donald Trump—who as a young New York developer violated federal fair and open housing laws—wants to roll back the civil rights revolution, too. Not only that, but a separate Trump executive order fires at least 17 key watchdogs—independent Inspectors General at various agencies. That move opens …

presstv.ir (2025-01-28). IRIB head confirms journalist held by Israeli forces in occupied territories. presstv.ir The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting says an IRIB journalist has been held by Israeli forces in the occupied territories.

Staff (2025-01-28). "War of Plunder": How Rwanda Has Fueled War in DRC as Western Countries Look Away. democracynow.org The long-simmering conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo escalated this week when Rwandan-backed M23 rebels captured at least part of the eastern city of Goma. The fighting between the militia and Congolese forces has killed at least 17 with over 370 people injured, and hospitals are overwhelmed. U.N. chief António Guterres has called on Rwandan forces to withdraw immediately from the DRC and end support for M23, as fears grow of a wider regional war, but Maurice Carney, co-founder and executive director of Friends of the Congo, says Rwanda's actions in the DRC will continue unless Western countr…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-28). A los 76 como república, India figura entre las principales economías>. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 ene (RHC) Al celebrar el aniversario 76 como república, India figura hoy como la quinta potencia económica a escala internacional y "con gran esfuerzo se encamina a ser la tercera en 2027", vaticinó el embajador Armstrong Changsan.

Maxime Duriez (2025-01-28). DRC: Armed fighting threatens civilians in and around Goma. fidh.org

DikelediM (2025-01-28). SANDF refutes video clip claims. sanews.gov.za SANDF refutes video clip claims | The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has dismissed claims circulating on social media that its forces surrendered to M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). | | The SANDF said these allegations are misleading and untrue. | | In a statement on Tuesday, the SANDF clarified the misrepresentation of events circulating in a video clip claiming that SANDF forces surrendered to M23 rebels. | | "We wish to set the record straight. The footage in question depicts a white flag raised, which is an outcome of discussions between the opposing fighting forces to agree…

The Independent (2025-01-28). Trump's Africa team starts to take shape. independent.co.ug Top State Department job like to go to J. Peter Pham, a diplomatic very familiar with Ugandan issues ANALYSIS | THE INDEPENDENT REPORTER & AGENCIES | U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to nominate a former special envoy as Washington's top Africa official, while a Republican aide is likely to be the White House's Africa director. …

DikelediM (2025-01-28). SANDF members killed in rebel attack near Goma Airport. sanews.gov.za SANDF members killed in rebel attack near Goma Airport | The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has confirmed the passing away of three of its members following a mortar bomb attack by the M23 rebel militia near Goma Airport in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Monday. | | This follows an exchange of mortar bomb between the Forces Armees de la Republic Democratique du Congo (FARDC), Congolese Defence Force and the M23 rebel militia near Goma Airport, where the SANDF base is collocated. | | "The M23 rebels launched several a mortar bomb in the direction of Goma Airport, which landed in the SANDF b…

Moshe Gilad (2025-01-28). This beautiful Russian Orthodox church is in Tel Aviv — where an Arab village once stood. haaretz.com The Saint Peter and Saint Tabitha Russian Orthodox Church, and the park in which it's located, offer a peaceful bubble in a busy area of Tel Aviv…

Caitlin Johnstone, Consortium News. (2025-01-27). Switzerland: Another Journalist Arrested For Wrongthink About Israel. popularresistance.org They've arrested another pro-Palestinian journalist, this time in Switzerland. | The Electronic Intifada's executive director Ali Abunimah has reportedly been detained by Swiss police in Zurich, after having been interrogated for an hour and released the previous day when entering the country. | Abunimah, who is Palestinian-American, has played a leading role in exposing and critiquing the apartheid abuses of Israel for many years. | In October of last year, Electronic Intifada's associate editor Asa Winstanley saw his home raided by British "counterterrorism" police in response to his social media posts about Is…

Staff (2025-01-27). Pressure Grows to Free Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah & Stop Harassment of Hossam Bahgat. democracynow.org We discuss the cases of two of Egypt's most prominent political activists, Hossam Bahgat and Alaa Abd El-Fattah, who have both been persecuted by the Egyptian government for exposing its human rights abuses. Bahgat is facing a new round of harassment from Egyptian security forces, while El-Fattah remains in prison past his expected release. El-Fattah's mother, the Cairo University professor Laila Soueif, has been on hunger strike for nearly four months in the U.K., where both she and her son have dual citizenship, demanding that the British government pressure Egypt for El-Fattah's freedom. &#82…

Josiah Mortimer (2025-01-27). Nigel Farage's Latest NHS Comments Spark Fresh Scrutiny of Reform UK's Health Policy. bylinetimes.com Reform UK's leader Nigel Farage says he is "open to anything" when it comes to replacing Britain's NHS with "an insurance-based model". | The Clacton MP told LBC on Sunday the French healthcare system could be a model for Britain's NHS, appearing to back a move "where you pay in to effectively an insurance scheme." | It is the latest in a series of comments on the health service which put him at odds with the British public, despite Reform UK's recent climb in the polls. | Reform UK's 2024 manifesto — or "contract" — called for tax relief of 20% on all private healthcare and insurance, effectively…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-27). Cubans in Argentina reaffirm support for the revolutionary process. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) The Union of Cuban Residents in Argentina (URCA) has reaffirmed its support for the revolutionary process in the Caribbean nation and demanded the end of aggressions perpetrated by the United States.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-27). Cuba calls to stop supplying weapons to Israel. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez called today to stop the delivery of arms to Israel, given the massacre perpetrated by that Zionist state against Palestine.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Cuba llama a detener suministro de armas a Israel. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, llamó hoy a suspender la entrega de armas Israel, frente a la masacre que perpetra ese estado sionista contra palestina.

Staff (2025-01-27). Rusia tras quedar fuera de las celebraciones por los 80 años de la liberación de Auschwitz: "Fue el soldado soviético quien derrotó este mal" cubadebate.cu Rusia no fue invitada al 80. ∫ aniversario de la liberación por las tropas soviéticas del campo de concentración nazi de Auschwitz, que se celebra este lunes en Polonia con la participación de representantes de 54 países, incluidos el presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron; el canciller y el presidente de Alemania, Olaf Scholz y Frank-Walter Steinmeier; el rey del Reino Unido, Carlos III; y el rey de España, Felipe VI.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-27). Sri Lanka and Cuba hold talks on reactivation of parliamentary group. plenglish.com Colombo, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Ambassador Andres Gonzalez and Parliament Speaker Jagath Wickramaratne today discussed the historical ties between the two countries and the reactivation of the Sri Lanka-Cuba Friendship Association in the Legislative.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-27). Cubans pay tribute to their National Hero Jose Marti. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban students will reenact the traditional March of the Torches on Monday to pay tribute to National Hero Jose Marti on his 170th birthday, on January 28.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-27). NAM demands Cuba's removal from Washington's SSOT list. plenglish.com Kampala, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) strongly condemned the decision by the United States Government to reinstate Cuba in Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list, local media reported in this capital on Monday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2025-01-27). Vietnam regrets reinstatement of Cuba in arbitrary U.S. list. plenglish.com Hanoi, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Vietnam today deeply regretted the recent decision of the US government to include Cuba again in its arbitrary list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.

María Candela (2025-01-27). Estar listos para la defensa y preservar la paz. radiohc.cu Sin abandonar planes esenciales de la economía y los servicios, los cubanos desplegaron la semana anterior ejercicios considerados cardinales para consolidar la defensa del país, proceso que incumbe a los organismos armados y a la población.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Lamenta Vietnam reincorporación de Cuba a lista arbitraria de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) Vietnam lamentó hoy profundamente la reciente decisión del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de volver a incluir a Cuba en su arbitraria lista de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo.

María Candela (2025-01-27). La luz de Caridad. radiohc.cu Coincidimos en los caminos de la radio. El arte vibraba en la maestría y el talento simpar de Caridad Martínez González. Aprendimos de la humildad de una mujer enorme, amante de la música y con la palabra precisa para corregir cualquier obra radial. Inició su vida en la radio como copista y se consagró en el olimpo de las más importantes directoras de programas dramatizados en la historia de la Radio Cubana.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Cuba rinde tributo a Héroe Nacional José Martí. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) Estudiantes de Cuba reeditarán hoy la tradicional Marcha de las Antorchas para rendir homenaje al Héroe Nacional José Martí, al conmemorarse este 28 de enero el aniversario 172 de su natalicio.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Cubanos en Argentina reiteran respaldo al proceso revolucionario. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) La Unión de Residentes Cubanos en Argentina (URCA) ratificó su respaldo al proceso revolucionario en la nación caribeña y exigió el fin de las agresiones sostenidas hoy por Estados Unidos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Cuba expresa respaldo a Colombia frente a arbitrariedad de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, expresó su respaldo al mandatario colombiano, Gustavo Petro, frente a las acciones arbitrarias de Estados Unidos relacionadas con el tema migratorio.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-27). Inauguran en Santa Clara Festival Internacional Jazz Plaza 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 ene (RHC) La 40 edición del Festival Internacional Jazz Plaza, el más importante de ese género en Cuba, inició la víspera en Santa Clara con la presencia de músicos de seis países de América y Europa.

Staff (2025-01-27). Este lunes en la Mesa Redonda "Culpables", un juicio documental. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda estrena este lunes el documental "Culpables", realizado por Yaimi Ravelo y producido por Resumen Latinoamericano y el ICAP. El audiovisual, que resume en 58 minutos los debates del Tribunal Internacional contra el Bloqueo a Cuba, que sesionó en noviembre de 2023, en la sede del Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas, Bélgica, es un poderoso testimonio sobre los costos humanos de la criminal política de Estados Unidos sobre nuestro país.

Staff (2025-01-27). Defendiendo los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en Cuba desde el servicio de orientación jurídica del CENESEX. cubadebate.cu La pasada semana estuvimos presentando los Servicios de Orientación Jurídica para Poblaciones Claves que desarrolla actualmente PROSALUD con incidencia en cada una de las provincias. En esta ocasión nos acercamos a otro de los Servicios de Orientación Jurídica que se llevan a cabo en el país, pero esta vez desde CENESEX.

Staff (2025-01-27). Presupuesto del Estado: øQué se hace con el dinero del pueblo cubano? cubadebate.cu El presupuesto del estado es el instrumento financiero del cual dispone el estado y el gobierno para respaldar e ir dando prioridades en la ejecución de todo un ejercicio presupuestario. En el caso que nos ocupa, decir que es la voluntad, es expresión máxima de la voluntad de nuestro gobierno de respaldar las conquistas de nuestro proyecto de desarrollo social.

Staff (2025-01-27). El Jazz Plaza 2025 ya suena en tres ciudades de Cuba. cubadebate.cu La 40 edición del Festival Internacional Jazz Plaza abrió este domingo con la presencia de 400 artistas extranjeros y numerosos músicos cubanos que se unen en esta fiesta musical. Con dos conciertos, en el Teatro Nacional de Cuba, y uno en el Teatro Heredia, en Santiago de Cuba, el Festival Jazz Plaza 2025 no pudo tener mejor comienzo.

Staff (2025-01-27). Oficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria alerta sobre obligación de abrir y operar la Cuenta Bancaria Fiscal. cubadebate.cu La ONAT es la entidad encargada, por sus funciones, de revisar y controlar el uso de las cuentas bancarias fiscales, tanto su apertura como las operaciones a través de ellas, y los contribuyentes que no hagan uso de las mismas serán sancionados según la legislación tributaria vigente, ya que constituye una infracción.

Staff (2025-01-27). Cuba promueve proyectos de investigación e innovación para disminuir su dependencia de combustibles fósiles. cubadebate.cu Resultó interesante escuchar una disertación que, en el caso del primer tema, ofreció detalles sobre un Programa integrado por expertos procedentes de todas las provincias, el cual busca, entre otros objetivos, aprovechar biomasa, desechos industriales, e impulsar el desarrollo de tecnologías para incrementar la eficiencia en los procesos.

Staff (2025-01-27). CELAC ratifica reunión de urgencia para analizar política migratoria de Trump. cubadebate.cu Honduras ratificó hoy la convocatoria de urgencia de una reunión de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) para analizar el tema de las deportaciones masivas adoptadas por el gobierno del presidente norteamericano Donald Trump. El encuentro de presidentes de la Celac se mantiene para el próximo jueves en formato híbrido.

Staff (2025-01-27). Unión Eléctrica estima afectación de 1411 MW para el pico nocturno de este lunes. cubadebate.cu Ayer el servicio eléctrico fue afectado desde las 6: 51 a.m. hasta las 10: 35 p.m., con una máxima afectación de 1,227 MW a las 6: 30 p.m., concentrándose en la zona centro-oriental. Hoy, a las 6: 05 a.m., se reportaron nuevas afectaciones por altas transferencias hacia esa región. A las 7: 00 a.m., la disponibilidad del SEN es de 1,790 MW, frente a una demanda de 2,000 MW.

Staff (2025-01-27). Presidente Díaz-Canel expresa apoyo de Cuba a Gustavo Petro. cubadebate.cu El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, expresó el apoyo de la Isla al mandatario colombiano, Gustavo Petro, ante una nueva manifestación de arbitrariedad y chantaje de la Administración de Donald Trump.

Staff (2025-01-27). Congreso Internacional Pedagogía 2025 reunirá a docentes e investigadores de 21 países (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana acogerá entre el 10 y el 13 de febrero próximo el Congreso Internacional Pedagogía 2025: "Encuentro por la unidad de los educadores". El evento está concebido en formato híbrido y reunirá a docentes e investigadores de unos 21 países. Hasta el momento han confirmado 248 delegados internacionales.

Staff (2025-01-27). El podcast de Cubadebate: José Martí y el equilibrio del mundo. cubadebate.cu Desde El Podcast de Cubadebate les invitamos a acompañarnos en un nuevo viaje por la historia, esta vez para conversar sobre "José Martí y el equilibrio del mundo", desde la voz de nuestro invitado de lujo: el prestigioso intelectual, Dr.C. Eduardo Torres-Cueva, Presidente de la Academia de la Historia de Cuba, Director de la Oficina del Programa Martiano y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Sociales.

Staff (2025-01-27). Números y sopa de palabras en homenaje al apóstol y a la Marcha de las Antorchas. cubadebate.cu José Martí siempre estará presente en nuestra columna Para Pensar. Debes poner en acción habilidades numéricas, creatividad y conocimientos de Historia °La FEU de Cuba jamás olvidará la Marcha de las Antorchas de 1953! Vamos por partes.

Mitch Anderson, DeSmog. (2025-01-27). Alberta's 'Zero Tolerance' Enforcement Strategy Doesn't Apply To Polluters. popularresistance.org "Alberta is taking a zero-tolerance approach to crime," bragged Alberta Premier Danielle Smith in 2023 on social media after her government announced more enforcement, greater emphasis on public safety, and limited discretion of prosecutors to let offenders off the hook. " | "There is an increasing sense that the system is not holding criminals properly accountable and letting the public suffer the consequences," chimed in Alberta Minister of Justice Mickey Amery during the announcement. "This is simply unacceptable." | If only the governing United Conservative Party applied those laudable principles to oil sands…

Human Rights Watch (2025-01-27). Libya: Civic Space Crushed. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Libyan security forces stand guard in Tripoli, Libya, August 16, 2023. | © 2023 Yousef Murad/AP Photo | Libyan authorities have used a litany of overbroad and draconian legacy laws that violate international law to threaten, harass, arbitrarily detain, and attack civil society members and activists.Targeting nongovernmental organizations risks completely closing the space for free assembly and association in the country. Many activists are self-censoring or leaving the country.The authorities in both administrations vying for control of Libya should cease targeting civic groups and…

newarab (2025-01-27). Tunisia parliament seeks to legalise deportation of migrants. newarab.com In The move follows government claims last year of success in the "voluntary" repatriation of more than 7,000 migrants. However, rights groups have expressed…

Ralph Nader (2025-01-27). To Thwart Trump's Tyranny, the Media Must Cover Resistance by Civic Groups and Unions. counterpunch.org A lawless madman, with cunning political skills, is at large in our White House. After less than five days in office, he has set a record for flamboyantly issued executive orders, many violative of federal statutes and the Constitution. A partial list: he has withdrawn the U.S. from the World Health Organization (e.g., damaging international

Nicholas Mwangi, People's Dispatch. (2025-01-27). Kenya Deploys 200 More Police Officers To Haiti As Crisis Escalates. popularresistance.org Kenya has deployed another batch of 217 police officers to Haiti, adding to the 400 sent last year as part of a "multinational mission" aimed at addressing the country's deepening crisis of gang violence. The intervention aims to protect critical infrastructure and conduct "targeted operations" alongside the Haitian National Police, however, there are significant doubts about its effectiveness in resolving the systemic challenges plaguing Haiti. | On October 2, 2024, the United Nations Security Council authorized this year-long, Kenyan-led security intervention to purportedly combat gang violence and restore stab…

Roger Harris (2025-01-27). Maduro Assumes a Third Term: Prospects and Problematics for Venezuela. counterpunch.org The first thing greeting me as I disembarked from my flight in Caracas was a wanted poster for one Edmundo González Urrutia. The reward was $100,000. Not to be outdone, the US had slapped a $25 million bounty on the head of President Maduro and lesser amounts on other Venezuelan leaders. Both González and the

Mark Lesseraux (2025-01-27). The Real Possibility of Peace on Earth in the 21st Century (Part 2): The Pill that the West Must Now Swallow. pressenza.com Introduction | Massive global changes are taking place, now, as you read these words. These changes, which are not being properly reported on in the Western press, are going to have a major impact on most aspects of the lives of whoever is reading this piece of writing. The aim of this particular article is to provide a kind of wake up call, a warning about what's coming in the near future in order to facilitate thought and action that is productive rather than frazzled and reactionary. For this reason, its tone might appear a little direct, a little alarmist, maybe even a little apocalyptic to some readers. Rest…

newarab (2025-01-27). UN envoy meets Houthi official in Oman after workers detained. newarab.com The United Nations' special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met on Sunday with a senior Houthi official in Oman and called for the release of UN staff held by the rebels. | A statement from Grundberg's office said he met in Muscat with "senior Omani officials" and Mohammed Abdul Salam, spokesman for the "They addressed the recent arbitrary detention of additional United Nations personnel adding to the numerous others already held by Ansar Allah," the statement said, referring to the Yemeni rebels.

The Onion Staff (2025-01-27). SATIRE: Trump Declassifies Secret JFK, MLK Assassination Documents. theonion.com President Donald Trump signed an executive order requiring the full release of government documents related to the assassinations of former President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. What do you think?

Josiah Mortimer (2025-01-27). Elon Musk is Accidentally Helping to Raise Thousands for Progressive Causes in the UK. bylinetimes.com Activists say they have "tricked" Elon Musk into helping to raise thousands of pounds for causes he hates, in a new online campaign. | The People vs Elon campaign, launched on Sunday morning, collects micro-donations for UK organisations campaigning for immigrants, anti-racism, and LGBTQ+ rights, every time Elon Musk tweets. | Each time Donald Trump's efficiency tsar Musk posts on X, people who have pledged to donate give money to progressive causes. | It comes days after the world's richest man performed what was widely recognised as a Nazi salute at Donald Trump's inauguration. | With Musk's posting freque…

tvbrics (2025-01-27). Indonesia and India forge strategic cooperation across key sectors. tvbrics.com The nations have agreed to partner in fintech, artificial intelligence (AI), digital public infrastructure, and space exploration…

Alfred de Zayas (2025-01-27). Second World Summit for Social Development. counterpunch.org Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 78/261 of 26 February 2024, a "Second World Summit for Social Development" (WSSD2) was launched, to be held in Doha, Quatar on 4 to 6 November 2025[1]. H.E. Mr. Philippe Kridelka, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations, and H.E. Mr. Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United

infobrics (2025-01-27). Pakistan Expects to Become BRICS Partner Soon. infobrics.org Pakistan expects to join the list of BRICS partner nations soon, Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has said…

Gabisile (2025-01-27). SA to continue promoting stability in the DRC. sanews.gov.za SA to continue promoting stability in the DRC | South Africa's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mathu Joyini, has stated that South Africa will continue to contribute to promoting peace and stability in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo and to the continent's overall peacekeeping efforts. | | The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting yesterday regarding deadly clashes in eastern DRC, following Kinshasa's withdrawal of its diplomats from Kigali as Rwanda-backed rebels advanced on the key city of Goma. | | At least 13 soldiers serving with peacekeepin…

Gabisile (2025-01-27). SA to continue promoting stability in the DRC. sanews.gov.za SA to continue promoting stability in the DRC | South Africa's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mathu Joyini, has stated that South Africa will continue to contribute to promoting peace and stability in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo and to the continent's overall peacekeeping efforts. | The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting yesterday regarding deadly clashes in eastern DRC, following Kinshasa's withdrawal of its diplomats from Kigali as Rwanda-backed rebels advanced on the key city of Goma. | At least 13 soldiers serving with peacekeeping…

nosihle (2025-01-27). Matric results queries should be directed to SACAI, says Umalusi. sanews.gov.za Matric results queries should be directed to SACAI, says Umalusi | Umalusi has advised learners and parents to direct their queries regarding the assessment outcomes of the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam to the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI). | | These queries include concerns relating to the costs of and timeliness for viewing, re-marking or re-checking of examination scripts, re-writing of examinations and other NSC exam-related processes. | Umalusi is the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training in South Africa. It is responsible for ensu…

Carlos Sirah, Black Agenda Report. (2025-01-27). Dispatch: Through The Fire. popularresistance.org Unprecedented January wildfires devastate Los Angeles, as communities face both natural disaster and militarized state response. The Eaton Fire displaces numerous families in the Pasadena-Altadena area, including multigenerational Black households who have built lives in these neighborhoods for decades. Among them, the Edwards family stands displaced from their home of 32 years. | For those seeking to support impacted community members, the Edwards family's GoFundMe, provides direct aid to one of many displaced households fighting to survive. A broader directory of displaced Black families seeking support can be…

A A (2025-01-27). Auschwitz's hierarchies of villains and victims. strategic-culture.su It is necessary to remember all the victims of imperialism, not only in Auschwitz but also in Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola and countless other places like Bengal and Vietnam, Declan Hayes writes. | Join us on , , and .

Rhoda Wilson (2025-01-27). GPs kill retail but hospitals kill wholesale. expose-news.com Hospitals are places where patients are often neglected, humiliated and left in pain, with thousands dying due to poor treatment, writes Dr. Vernon Coleman. The main issues in hospitals include filthy wards, …

Michael Fox (2025-01-27). Stories of Resistance: Standing Against the Cold. therealnews.com It was a cold day in Washington | When the Proud Boys came to town | And the rioters were pardoned | And executive orders fell like rain (or snow). | It was a cold day | When the Capitol rotunda filled with applause | For the man who would be king | And who promised the rebirth of a nation | And to reboot Manifest Destiny | And to conquer exotic places, | Like Mars, Panama (again), and Greenland. | Liberation day for the Patriots of America. | And beside him cheered the rich and powerful | The barons of Silicon Valley | The owners of the new technocracy | The Great Gatsbys of TikTok and Twitter | Who would…

John P. Ruehl (2025-01-27). The Venetian Republic Offers Powerful Lessons to an American One in Need of Repair. counterpunch.org Over more than a thousand years, Venice transformed from a modest refuge into a dominant Mediterranean power. Despite various crises and encircling empires, the Venetian Republic avoided foreign rule, revolution, and collapse. It developed an adaptable and efficient political system, building on its semi-independence from the 5th century until Napoleon's conquest in 1797. In an

The Independent (2025-01-27). M23: We have captured GOMA city. independent.co.ug Goma, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | The March 23 Movement (M23) rebels have announced the capture of Goma city in North Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The fall of Goma in the early hours of Monday morning followed fierce fighting between the rebels and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo …

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2025-01-26: News Headlines

Johnnie Lewis, Workers' World. (2025-01-26). 1968 And 2025: What Prospect For Resistance Inside US Military? popularresistance.org A recent article in the British Guardian newspaper recounted the experiences of veterans of the U.S. military and their thoughts and feelings in opposition to the U.S.-aided and -abetted genocide on Palestinian Gaza perpetrated by Zionist Israel. This opposition is to be applauded. | The U.S. military is now "all-volunteer." So, this opposition will allow youth contemplating joining the military a different, sobering perspective. No doubt many young people already have this perspective because all branches of the military are failing to meet their recruiting quotas. | My experience in the U.S. Army from 1968 to 1…

presstv.ir (2025-01-26). Indigenous rights activists rally on Australia Day to protest British colonization legacy. presstv.ir Tens of thousands of Australians protested over the treatment of Indigenous people on Australia Day, the anniversary of British colonization of the country.

Luis Britto Garcia (2025-01-26). The Military Occupation of Latin America and the Caribbean. orinocotribune.com By Luis Britto García — Jan 22, 2025 | The battles of Latin America and the Caribbean for independence and sovereignty were bloody. According to the estimation of Liberator Simón Bolívar, the battles took the lives of more than a third of the population. | During the 19th century, the unjust oligarchic order inherited from colonial times led to numerous civil wars. However, apart from the independence struggles, there have been few international conflicts in our region, most of them initiated by financial interests foreign to Our America. To demonstrate their peaceful vocation, the governments of Latin Ameri…

Patrick Mazza, Resilience. (2025-01-26). To Confront Oligarchy, Build Power At The Community Level. popularresistance.org A consistent theme through my life has been to understand our world, to assemble a comprehensive picture the best I can, respecting the world's boggling complexity and the limits of any one mind to grasp it all. What has long been clear to me is that our world is on a systematically wrong way path. Three trends are in the foreground — the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, ecological overshoot and increasing economic disparity. Together they shape what many have called the polycrisis. | From the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis with its nuclear war close call, which happened around my 10th birthday, the…

Staff (2025-01-26). Ataque israelí contra protestas en Líbano deja 11 muertos y más de 80 heridos. cubadebate.cu En el sur del Líbano, las fuerzas israelíes dispararon este domingo contra manifestantes que exigían su retirada a raíz del acuerdo de alto al fuego, dejando 11 muertos y más de 80 heridos. Entre los fallecidos hay dos mujeres y un soldado libanés, informó el Ministerio de Salud. Se reportaron heridos en más de una docena de pueblos en la zona fronteriza.

Staff (2025-01-26). Petro desautoriza entrada a Colombia de aviones estadounidenses con migrantes. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, anunció en X que desautoriza la entrada al país suramericano de aviones provenientes de Estados Unidos con migrantes colombianos deportados por la Administración de Donald Trump. "Los EE.UU. no pueden tratar como delincuentes a los migrantes colombianos", escribió Petro.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-26). Schoolchildren in US capital learn about Jose Marti's life. plenglish.com Washington, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Guided by officials from the Cuban Embassy in the United States, students from Harriet Tubman Elementary School in this capital learned about the life of Jose Marti, the most universal of all Cubans.

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-26). Tribute to José Martí in Uruguay on the eve of his 172nd birthday. plenglish.com Montevideo, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Cubans, Uruguayans and people from other nationalities paid tribute to Cuban National Hero José Martí on Friday, on the eve of his 172nd birthday.

María Candela (2025-01-26). Cohesión y Unidad de Cienfuegos en el Día Nacional de la Defensa (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu En el Día Nacional de la Defensa concluyó en Cienfuegos como en toda Cuba el Ejercicio Estratégico Bastión 2024 que puntualizó los destacamentos de respuesta rápida, Brigadas de Producción y Defensa y àìrganos de Dirección de las empresas y entidades.

Martha Ríos (2025-01-26). Compañía cubana Malpaso concluye presentaciones en EEUU (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 ene (RHC) La compañía cubana de danza contemporánea Malpaso tiene este domingo su última fecha en cartelera en el teatro Joyce, de Nueva York, y con ella una exitosa gira por Estados Unidos.

Martha Ríos (2025-01-26). Cuba: De alta todos los estudiantes afectados por escape de gas en Matanzas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 ene (RHC) Todos los estudiantes afectados por el escape de gas en el Instituto Preuniversitario 'José Luis Dubrocq', de la occidental provincia cubana de Matanzas fueron dados de alta, informó en su perfil de Facebook el periodista Pedro Rizo Martínez, de TV Yumurí.

María Candela (2025-01-26). Colaboradores cubanos en Venezuela evocan presencia eterna de José Martí (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu En la peña "Con té te cuento", en Caracas, los colaboradores cubanos evocaron la presencia eterna de José Martí en el advenimiento del aniversario 172 del natalicio del más universal de los cubanos.

María Candela (2025-01-26). Rechazan nueva inclusión de Cuba en lista espuria del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 26 ene (RHC) El rechazo y condena en Cuba es unanime ante la reincorporación de la mayor de las Antillas a la lista espuria de supuestos países patrocinadores del Terrorismo por desicion actual del Presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump.

Staff (2025-01-26). La protección animal en la obra literaria de José Martí. cubadebate.cu A propósito de los diversos homenajes que desde la historia, la educación y la cultura, se realizan en el país para destacar la vida y obra de José Julián Martí y Pérez, se hace necesario recordar que de la protección de los animales también escribió nuestro Héroe Nacional. En un artículo periodístico dirigido al director de La Nación, escribió José Martí sobre el tema.

Staff (2025-01-26). La Tira de los Lectores: El Martí que vive en mí. cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, para homenajear al más universal de los cubanos, a pocos días de cumplirse el aniversario 172 de su natalicio. Agradecemos a nuestros lectores la participación en esta convocatoria y les invitamos a mantenerse informados a través de nuestro sitio web y redes sociales. Hasta la próxima.

Staff (2025-01-26). Holguín: Reportan cinco fallecidos y un herido en accidente de tránsito. cubadebate.cu Un accidente de tránsito en Castillito, Mayarí, Holguín, dejó cinco fallecidos y un herido en la madrugada de este domingo, informó el periodista Emilio Rodríguez Pupo. Las investigaciones señalan que el accidente ocurrió pasada la una, cuando un vehículo arrendado al turismo transitaba de Holguín a Moa con seis personas.

Staff (2025-01-26). Por un minuto en la vida. cubadebate.cu En el primer mes de año/hemos estado pendientes/de múltiples accidentes/que nos hacen mucho daño./La cifra exhibe un tamaño/que nos duele cada día/cuando vemos que en la vía/muchas veces la imprudencia/y la falta de conciencia/enlutan la travesía.//No solo es el mal estado/constructivo de las calles.

Staff (2025-01-26). UNE pronostica afectación de 1 104 MW durante pico nocturno de este domingo. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para el pico nocturno de este domingo una disponibilidad de 1 966 MW frente a una demanda máxima de 3 000 MW, lo que implicaría una afectación de 1 104 MW. A las 7 a.m., la disponibilidad del SEN fue de 1 881 MW, frente a una demanda de 1 758 MW, con 100 MW afectados en la zona centro-oriental.

Staff (2025-01-26). Victoria de los Leñadores en Serie de Béisbol de las Américas. cubadebate.cu Leñadores de Las Tunas contó con ofensiva de 13 jits válida para imponerse 5-4 a àÅguilas Metropolitanas de Panamá y obtuvo su primera victoria en la I Serie de Béisbol de las Américas, con sede en Nicaragua. Los tuneros enfrentarán este domingo a la invicta novena de Curazao Goats. El lanzador abridor será el zurdo Dariel Góngora.

Staff (2025-01-26). Asiste Díaz-Canel a la Catedral San Nicolás de Myra, en La Habana. cubadebate.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presidente de la República, asistió este domingo, en La Habana, a las actividades de clausura por las dos décadas de la Sacra Catedral Ortodoxa Griega San Nicolás de Myra. También se conmemora el encuentro histórico entre el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro y el santísimo patriarca ecuménico Bartolomé.

Staff (2025-01-26). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 26 de enero de 2025. cubadebate.cu

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2025-01-26). Andy Burnham pushes for control of Northern Rail by 2028. leftfootforward.org The Greater Manchester mayor is urging the Chancellor to allocate funding in her Spending Review to enable him to bring the region's beleaguered rail services under public ownership by 2028. | "We've got to have it in the Spending Review. I n…

presstv.ir (2025-01-26). Hamas condemns Trump's plan to 'clean out' Palestinians from Gaza. presstv.ir Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad have condemned a plan stated by US President Donald Trump to "clean out" the Gaza Strip.

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-26). Pope Francis concerned about tension in Colombia's Catatumbo region. plenglish.com A statement released by the Holy See press office indicated that the supreme pontiff addressed this issue after Sunday's Angelus prayer, said at noon from the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, before more than 25,000 faithful and pilgrims who gathered in St. Peter's Square. "I see with concern the situation in Colombia, particularly in the region of Catatumbo, where clashes between armed groups have caused numerous civilian victims and more than 30,000 displaced people," the bishop of Rome noted. | "I express my closeness to you and my prayers," Pope Francis added, in reference to the populati…

Mike Ludwig (2025-01-26). Trump Withdraws Proposed PFAS Limitations, Giving "Green Light" to Polluters. truthout.org Faced with a silent but widespread threat to public health, environmental groups applauded the Biden administration for taking major steps to regulate and remove toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" from drinking water used by millions of people across the United States. During his first week in office, President Donald Trump began reversing this progress while installing chemical industry insiders to… |

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2025-01-26). President Maduro Assumes A Third Term: Prospects And Problematics. popularresistance.org The first thing greeting me as I disembarked from my flight in Caracas was a wanted poster for one Edmundo González Urrutia. The reward was $100,000. Not to be outdone, the US had slapped a $25 million bounty on the head of President Maduro and lesser amounts on other Venezuelan leaders. | Both González and the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, claimed that he would be the one to be inaugurated in two days. I had come to accompany the inauguration and for the concurrent antifascist festival.

Roger D. Harris (2025-01-26). Venezuelan President Maduro Assumes a Third Term — Prospects and Problematics. orinocotribune.com The first thing greeting me as I disembarked from my flight in Caracas was a wanted poster for one Edmundo González Urrutia. The reward was $100,000. Not to be outdone, the US had slapped a $25 million bounty on the head of President Maduro and lesser amounts on other Venezuelan leaders. | Both González and the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, claimed that he would be the one to be inaugurated in two days. I had come to accompany the inauguration and for the concurrent antifascist festival. | History repeats itself — first tragedy, farce, and then silliness
| From its inception with the election o…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2025-01-26). UNRWA condemns Israel's new move against it. plenglish.com Ramallah, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) on Sunday condemned Israel's order to vacate all premises in East Jerusalem and cease its operations there by January 30.

presstv.ir (2025-01-26). Trump calls for moving Palestinians to Egypt, Jordan to 'clean out' Gaza. presstv.ir US President Donald Trump has proposed relocating Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Jordan, Egypt, and other Arab nations to "just clean out" the war-torn area.

The Independent (2025-01-26). What Trump's return means for Africa. independent.co.ug America has long viewed the continent mainly through the lens of corporate interests and that's unlikely to change COMMENT | ADEKEYE ADEBAJO | U.S. President Joe Biden's end of 2024 trip to Angola was only his second to Africa, following his appearance at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh. Coming near the …

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-26). Israeli occupation army spokesman: We will update the places that residents of South Lebanon are "allowed to enter" english.almanar.com.lb

Dr. David Shiffman (2025-01-26). Trump's Second Term Spells Disaster for Endangered Ocean and Coastal Animals. truthout.org The re-election of Donald Trump has scientists and conservationists like me worried about the wildlife and wild places we've dedicated our lives to protecting. This is especially true for ocean and coastal natural resource management and endangered species conservation, given Trump's ongoing rhetoric. He's attacked climate science and supported a plan to dismantle the National Oceanic and… |

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-26). President Aoun reaffirms army's commitment to Lebanon. plenglish.com Beirut, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) The President of the Republic of Lebanon, Joseph Aoun, on Sunday reaffirmed the army's commitment to the security and protection of citizens, in light of Israel's violations of the truce agreement.

tvbrics (2025-01-26). India celebrates 76th anniversary of Republic Day. tvbrics.com The event was attended by the President of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto…

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-26). Putin congratulates Indian leaders on Republic Day. plenglish.com "Russia-India relations have the nature of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. I am sure that through joint efforts we will continue to strengthen fruitful bilateral cooperation constantly in all areas, as well as constructive interaction in international affairs," the Russian head of State said in a text released by the Kremlin press service. | In this regard, Putin stressed that the development of the partnership responds to the fundamental interests of the peoples of both States and contributes to the creation of a fair multipolar world order. | The Russian leader noted that since the adoption of…

presstv.ir (2025-01-26). West 'prevented' Ukraine from signing 2022 peace deal with Russia: Slovak PM. presstv.ir Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has revealed that the West sabotaged the signing of an agreement by Ukraine that would terminate the war in the former Soviet Republic as early as 2022.

newarab (2025-01-26). Iran arrests 13 Bahais for promoting their 'misguided sect'. newarab.com The Bahais, Iran's largest non-Muslim minority, are branded "heretics" by the Islamic Republic and are often targeted over their

Staff (2025-01-25). Museo Casa de la Obra Pía: Entre el arte y la comunidad. cubadebate.cu En una de las calles más antiguas de La Habana está el Museo Casa de la Obra Pía. Fundado el 16 de noviembre de 1983 por el doctor Eusebio Leal Spengler, este museo no es solo un espacio para la conservación del arte, sino que también actúa como un centro comunitario que promueve la inclusión y la creatividad.

Johnnie Lewis (2025-01-25). 1968 and 2025: What prospect for resistance inside U.S. military? workers.org A recent article in the British Guardian newspaper recounted the experiences of veterans of the U.S. military and their thoughts and feelings in opposition to the U.S.-aided and -abetted genocide on Palestianian Gaza perpetrated by Zionist Israel. This opposition is to be applauded. U.S. military veteran protests at hearing for . . . |

Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today (2025-01-25). A UK energy company received $762M in 'green loans' despite years of pollution violations in the South. grist.org Drax, the British owner of wood pellet plants The energy company ships out wood pellets made in North America for other countries to use as a…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). Gustavo Petro's visit marks a news week in Haiti. plenglish.com During his stay, Petro stressed that "South-South cooperation must be one of the pillars of relations between countries such as the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Haiti." | The Colombian dignitary highlighted the excellent quality of the ties between the two States, based on the principles of friendship, solidarity and mutual respect. | Both parties renewed their commitment to the rule of law, democracy and the promotion of human rights. | Bogotá and Port-au-Prince are committed to finding a peaceful solution to the political crisis that is shaking the Caribbean nation. | Petro advocated for ending the…

Staff (2025-01-25). Proyecto de Ley en Estados Unidos exhorta a "cazar" migrantes indocumentados por 1 000 dólares. cubadebate.cu Un proyecto de ley presentado ante la Cámara de Representantes del estado estadounidense de Misisipi contempla la creación del Programa de Cazadores de Recompensas Certificados, lo que permitiría que particulares reciban pagos en metálico por "cazar" a inmigrantes indocumentados, recoge este viernes el portal Clarion Ledger.

Staff (2025-01-25). Hamás e Israel realizan segundo intercambio de prisioneros durante la tregua. cubadebate.cu Israel y Hamás realizaron hoy el segundo intercambio de prisioneros desde el inicio de la tregua hace una semana, aunque la tensión escaló tras el ultimátum del gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu a la milicia. La formación armada entregó este sábado a cuatro mujeres israelíes, todas militares, a cambio de 200 palestinos, 70 de los cuales serán exiliados a naciones árabes.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). Cuban Revolution is highlighted in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Revolution continues to be the beacon that lights up our struggle for a better world, said Rubén Zaccaro, president of the House of Friendship between Argentina and Cuba, in Buenos Aires.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Cubanos en China envían donativo a la isla. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Cubanos en China enviaron hoy vía aérea un donativo destinado al proyecto A Cuba hay que quererla y a los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR), mayor organización de masas de la isla caribeña.

María Candela (2025-01-25). Cuba celebra el advenimiento del Año Nuevo para China. radiohc.cu El deseo de que la cooperación cultural bilateral sea más estrecha y la amistad entre China y Cuba sea profunda, lo expresó el embajador de la nación asiática en La Habana, Hua Xin, al dejar inaugurada la muestra "Entre el Mito y el Arte", en el Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas.

Staff (2025-01-25). Shanghái alberga el museo de astronomía más grande del mundo. cubadebate.cu El museo de astronomía más grande del mundo está ubicado en Shanghái, y es simplemente espectacular. Con 39 000 metros cuadrados dedicados al fascinante mundo del espacio, esta atracción china se ha convertido en un verdadero paraíso para los amantes de la ciencia y la astronomía.

Orlando González Cruz (2025-01-25). Confirmada nómina para nacional absoluto de ajedrez. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Todos los principales jugadores del momento en Cuba aparecen entre los confirmados para el Campeonato Nacional Absoluto de Ajedrez, que acogerá Ciego de àÅvila del 3 al 15 de febrero próximo.

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-25). Conference for world balance in Cuba announced in Guatemala. plenglish.com Guatemala, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) A column in the newspaper La Hora de Guatemala informed about the 6th International Conference for World Balance, scheduled from January 28 to 3 in Cuba.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). Cubasol opens doors to more projects at Fitur Madrid. plenglish.com Madrid, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) The International Tourism Fair (Fitur) is about to close its doors this Sunday, leaving hopeful feelings for the Cubasol group and its numerous projects.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). French association promotes projects to support Cuba. plenglish.com In a conversation with Prensa Latina, the president of the organization that celebrates this year three decades of work in favor of Cuba, Víctor Fernández, said that the campaigns for the shipment of powdered milk, intended primarily for children and with two containers already dispatched, as well as spare parts to support the electrical energy system, continue. | We are now entering a second phase, consisting of a joint effort with associations from other countries, in line with what was agreed in this capital last November, during the XIX European Continental Meeting of Solidarity, he said. | According to Ferná…

Juan M. Garcia (2025-01-25). Cuba hosts ceramics exhibition on Chinese Lunar New Year. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) The Havana-based National Museum of Decorative Arts inaugurated the exhibition of Chinese porcelain "Between Myth and Art" on Friday, in the advent of the Lunar New Year.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Canciller cubano felicita a mujeres diplomáticas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, felicitó a las diplomáticas, en ocasión de celebrarse hoy el Día Internacional de la Mujer en el Multilateralismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Asociación francesa impulsa proyectos de apoyo a Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) La asociación Cuba Coopération France (CubaCoop) resaltó hoy el avance de proyectos de acompañamiento socioeconómico, con iniciativas en curso valoradas en 100 mil euros.

María Candela (2025-01-25). Cuba y Sudáfrica, una amistad duradera. radiohc.cu Se acerca el mes de febrero y los cubanos esperan con ansias la Feria Internacional del Libro de la Habana, que en su trigésimo tercera edición estará dedicada a Sudáfrica, un buen motivo para referirnos a los entrañables lazos de hermandad existentes entre los dos países.

Orlando González Cruz (2025-01-25). Primer revés de Cuba en Serie de las Américas de béisbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Los Leñadores de Las Tunas debutaron este viernes con derrota de 5-1 ante la anfitriona selección nacional de Nicaragua en la I Serie de Beisbol de las Américas 2025, en partido que acogió el Estadio Nacional Soberanía, de Managua.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). La Colmenita tributa a grupo cubano Irakere como parte del Jazz Plaza. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Las novedades de esta 40 edición del Jazz Plaza incluyen hoy el espectáculo Ricitos Valdés y los Tres Ositos en el bosque de Irakere, un tributo a la agrupación cubana de jazz que revolucionó el panorama sonoro latinoamericano.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). José Martí, el héroe cubano desde lo más humano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Cuando celebramos este mes el 172 aniversario del natalicio del Héroe Nacional de Cuba, José Martí, el habitual espacio Sábado del libro, en esta capital, presenta hoy un ejemplar que le rinde homenaje al hombre más común.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Grupos políticos de Colombia rechazan agresiones de EE.UU. contra Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) El Partido Comunista y la Juventud Comunista Colombiana se sumaron hoy al rechazo que genera la decisión del gobierno de Estados Unidos de incluir otra vez a Cuba dentro de la lista de países supuestamente patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Concluye Ricardo Cabrisas visita de trabajo a España. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) El viceprimer ministro del Gobierno de Cuba, Ricardo Cabrisas, concluyó hoy una visita de tres días a España, en la que sostuvo provechosos intercambios en distintos ámbitos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). Destacan en Argentina ejemplo de la Revolución cubana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) La Revolución cubana sigue siendo hoy el faro que nos ilumina en la lucha por un mundo mejor, aseveró el presidente de la Casa de Amistad entre Argentina y Cuba, en Buenos Aires, Rubén Zaccaro.

Orlando González Cruz (2025-01-25). Viceprimera ministra cubana se interesa por el fútbol nacional. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Inés María Chapman Waugh, viceprimera ministra de la República de Cuba, se interesó este viernes por la actualidad y las principales proyecciones del fútbol en la Isla.

Staff (2025-01-25). "Aferrado" a la sismología. cubadebate.cu Jefe del Servicio Sismológico Nacional desde hace 10 años, el doctor en Ciencias de la Tierra Enrique Diego Arango Arias no logra desprenderse de la inmensa responsabilidad que recae sobre él. Para Arango Arias, enfatizar en el estricto cumplimiento de las normas de construcciones sismorresistentes NC 46: 2017, resulta vital en la reducción de la vulnerabilidad sísmica.

Staff (2025-01-25). Encuentra la copa diferente en menos de cinco segundos. cubadebate.cu En el universo digital de hoy, los acertijos visuales están arrasando como una tendencia que mezcla entretenimiento y desafío mental. Entre estos retos, el de la "copa diferente" se ha convertido en uno de los favoritos de los usuarios.

Staff (2025-01-25). Equipo cubano cae ante selección de Nicaragua en I Serie de Beisbol de las Américas. cubadebate.cu Con derrota de 1×5 debutó este viernes Leñadores de Las Tunas ante la anfitriona selección nacional de Nicaragua en la I Serie de Beisbol de las Américas, en partido que acogió el Estadio Nacional Soberanía, de Managua. Los Leñadores tuneros se enfrentarán este sábado al cuadro panameño, y contarán con el derecho Raymond Figueredo como abridor.

Staff (2025-01-25). Estos son los dos países a los que Estados Unidos no ha cortado la ayuda militar. cubadebate.cu El secretario de Estado estadounidense Marco Rubio emitió una orden de "suspensión" para toda la ayuda exterior existente y puso en pausa la nueva asistencia. Sin embargo, se han emitido exenciones para la financiación de los programas alimentarios de emergencia, así como para la financiación militar extranjera a dos países.

Staff (2025-01-25). Havana Club Cocktail Maestros: Certamen de bartenders que celebra la tradición y cubanía. cubadebate.cu Comunidad y espíritu de equipo, educación comprometida, maestría en coctelería e inmersión cultural son los ejes principales del Havana Club Cocktail Maestros, certamen que reúne en la capital de todos los cubanos a los mejores bartenders del mundo y que la víspera lanzó su convocatoria para su segunda edición.

Staff (2025-01-25). Preside Díaz-Canel acto por el Día Nacional de la Defensa. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, encabezó este sábado el acto por el Día Nacional de la Defensa, que estuvo precedido por el ejercicio militar Bastión 2024. En la actividad de masas, efectuada en el capitalino municipio Playa, representantes organizaciones estudiantiles y juveniles reafirmaron su compromiso con la defensa del país ante amenazas externas.

Staff (2025-01-25). øPor qué el Golfo de México lleva ese nombre? cubadebate.cu El nombre "Golfo de México" tiene su origen en la época de la colonización europea, específicamente con los exploradores españoles. Durante el siglo XVI, cuando los europeos comenzaron a explorar y mapear las costas de América, el golfo fue reconocido como una gran extensión de agua entre las tierras que rodean la actual América del Norte, Central y el Caribe.

Staff (2025-01-25). De alta todos los estudiantes afectados por el escape de gas en Matanzas. cubadebate.cu Fueron dados de alta todos los estudiantes afectados por el escape de gas en el Instituto Preuniversitario José Luis Dubrocq, de Matanzas, informó en su perfil de Facebook el periodista Pedro Rizo Martínez, de TV Yumurí. En total ascendieron a 35 los pacientes atendidos este viernes en el Hospital Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño, de la provincia.

Staff (2025-01-25). Rusia registró los tres puntos más fríos del planeta, con alrededor de -50 ∞C de temperatura. cubadebate.cu La temperatura más baja del aire en todo el planeta se registró en la República rusa de Sajá el pasado jueves, en la estación meteorológica de Sujana. De acuerdo con el Centro Hidrometeorológico ruso, la zona presentó una helada de -55,9 ∞C. Las siguientes dos posiciones de las temperaturas más frías del mundo también se registraron en Rusia.

Robert Inlakesh, MintPress News. (2025-01-25). Trump's Day One: Sanctions Lifted, Settler Violence Explodes. popularresistance.org On his first day in office, Donald Trump lifted all sanctions previously placed on Israeli settlers in the West Bank, a political move that coincided with a series of violent attacks by Israeli settlers targeting Palestinians that same night. While the President has publicly committed to combating violent extremism, extremist settler groups continue to finance their activities through American charities. | On Monday night, with the backing of the Israeli military, settler groups launched a series of violent assaults on residents in the West Bank.

npr.org (2025-01-25). Pete Hegseth, Trump's embattled pick for defense secretary, wins Senate confirmation Pete Hegseth overcame allegations of sexual assault, public drunkenness and questions of financial mismanagement at two veterans' groups he ran to narrowly win Senate approval to become Donald Trump's defense secretary. The vote was 50-50 . Vice President J.D. Vance cast a tie-breaking vote

npr.org (2025-01-25). Pete Hegseth, Trump's embattled pick for defense secretary, wins Senate confirmation Pete Hegseth overcame allegations of sexual assault, public drunkenness and questions of financial mismanagement at two veterans' groups he ran to narrowly win Senate approval to become Donald Trump's defense secretary. The vote was 50-50 . Vice President J.D. Vance cast a tie-breaking vote

Amy Maxmen (2025-01-25). The US Is Seeing Quickly Widening Gaps in Life Expectancy Between Groups. truthout.org The life expectancy among Native Americans in the western United States has dropped below 64 years, close to life expectancies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Haiti. For many Asian Americans, it's around 84 — on par with life expectancies in Japan and Switzerland. Americans' health has long been unequal, but a new study shows that the disparity between the life expectancies of… |

Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2025-01-25). Zone of Peace In Haiti And The Americas. popularresistance.org Thank you for joining us for this critical webinar exploring the multifaceted tools of imperialism and their impact on the Americas, or rather, Our Americas or Nuestra América. This discussion will unpack how sanctions, soft power mechanisms like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and USAID, militarization, and global banking systems are weaponized to uphold U.S. power and undermine sovereignty across the region. Panelists will analyze the historical and contemporary roles these tools play in destabilizing governments, fostering dependency, and suppressing popular people's movements for self-determination…

María Candela (2025-01-25). Inusual visita en Haití. radiohc.cu Haití, sumido en una desconcertante rivalidad de bandas armadas, debió frenar el flujo de invitados extranjeros, aunque recibió recientemente una visita desacostumbrada, la del presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro.

newarab (2025-01-25). Tunisian waters offers hope for vulnerable sea turtles. newarab.com On a barge hundreds of metres off the Kerkennah Islands in southern Tunisia, a group of students watch intently as Besma, a recovering sea turtle, shuffles towards the water and dives in. | The barge, used to treat injured loggerhead turtles, is the first floating rehabilitation centre for the species in the Mediterranean, its organisers say. | Harbouring netted enclosures underwater, allows the threatened species to receive care in saltwater, its natural habitat. | "It is important that the sea turtles recover in their natural environment," said Hamed Mallat, a marine biologist who heads the UN-funded project…

Pressenza New York (2025-01-25). Venezuelan President Maduro Assumes a Third Term — Prospects and Problematics. pressenza.com The first thing greeting me as I disembarked from my flight in Caracas was a wanted poster for one Edmundo González Urrutia. The reward was $100,000. Not to be outdone, the US had slapped a $25 million bounty on the head of President Maduro and lesser amounts on other Venezuelan leaders. | By Roger D. Harris | Both González and the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, claimed that he would be the one to be inaugurated in two days. I had come to accompany the inauguration and for the concurrent antifascist festival. | History repeats itself — first tragedy, farce, and then silliness | From its inception with…

presstv.ir (2025-01-25). Iran rejects 'baseless' Israeli accusation of smuggling arms to Lebanon. presstv.ir Iran's ambassador to the United Nations roundly dismisses Israeli allegations against the country.

newarab (2025-01-25). UN says more staff detained by Houthi rebels in Yemen. newarab.com The UN called for the "immediate and unconditional" release of its staff held in Yemen, which is suffering one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. | "Yesterday, the de facto authorities in Sanaa detained additional UN personnel working in areas under their control," the office of the resident United Nations coordinator for Yemen said. | It did not say how man…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2025-01-25). The Promethean Aspirations Of The Darker Nations. popularresistance.org For decades now, there has been a clear understanding that the models of development proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Washington Consensus — debt, austerity, structural adjustment — simply have not worked. The long history of adversity experienced by the former colonial countries remains intact. A glance at the numbers from the Maddison Project Database 2023 shows that global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms has risen by 689.9% between 1980 and 2022 (from $18.8 trillion to $148.5 trillion).

The Independent (2025-01-25). An urgent plea for protection of Banyamulenge targeted by genocidal violence in South Kivu. independent.co.ug COMMENT | Prof. Freddy Kaniki | The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo is prey to various and varied conflicts, particularly the M23 war with identity crisis implications in North Kivu; the catastrophic campaign to uproot the Tutsi Banyamulenge in South Kivu; and the strategic social and economic destruction targeting the Hema community in …

tn.ai (2025-01-25). Iran, Azerbaijan Mull Over Economic Cooperation Plans. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — An aide to the Iranian foreign minister and the Republic of Azerbaijan's ambassador to Tehran weighed plans to promote cooperation between the two neighbors and reconvene the joint economic commission after a three-year hiatus.

WSWS (2025-01-25). Fascist kills one, injures two, before turning gun on self, in Nashville, Tennessee high school shooting. wsws.org On his social media accounts and in a purported manifesto, the fascist shooter repeated the same anti-immigrant "Great Replacement Theory" politics promoted by the Republican Party, and large sections of the financial oligarchy.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). DRC: North Kivu Hospital overwhelmed by increasing number of wounded. plenglish.com Kinshasa, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) The CBCA hospital in Ndosho is today overwhelmed by the increase of people wounded by bullets or shrapnel who arrive every day at this institution in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-01-25). India and Indonesia strengthen cooperation with five agreements. plenglish.com New Delhi, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) India and Indonesia signed five agreements today in connection with the visit here of President Prabowo Subianto, guest of honor at tomorrow's Republic Day celebrations.

Shefali Luthra (2025-01-25). Trump Attacks Abortion, Fortifying Hyde Amendment and Reviving "Global Gag Rule" truthout.org President Donald Trump has directed his administration to block global aid recipients from telling patients about abortion — a move that could weaken reproductive health care worldwide. The move, announced in a presidential memorandum Friday, revives a policy known as the "global gag rule" that Trump and many other Republican presidents have implemented. Already, contractors that receive U.S. |

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2025-01-25). No corren peligro los estudiantes intoxicados en Matanzas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 ene (RHC) Sin peligro para la vida se encontraban, al cierre de esta información, los estudiantes ingresados con signos de intoxicación, en el Hospital Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño, de la ciudad de Matanzas.

WSWS (2025-01-25). On Biden's posthumous pardon of Marcus Garvey, the "patron saint" of black separatism. wsws.org The widespread favorable media response to the pardon speaks to the enduring usefulness of Garvey's brand of identity politics to the powers that be.

Michael Arria, Mondoweiss. (2025-01-25). Maersk Exports Cargo From Illegal Israeli Settlements To The US. popularresistance.org A new report details a shipping and logistics giant's role in sustaining illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine and Syrian territories. | A.P. Moller Maersk is a publicly traded Danish company that netted a revenue of $51.1 billion in 2023. According to research compiled by the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and its Mask off Maersk campaign, the company has repeatedly facilitated shipments to the United States from illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and the Syrian Golan Heights. | "The global structures of financialized capitalism, logistics and supply chains play an outsize role in the ma…

presstv.ir (2025-01-25). Hamas: Operation al-Aqsa Flood 'preemptive strike' on Israel. presstv.ir A senior Hamas official says Operation al-Aqsa Flood by the Palestinian resistance movement into the Israeli-occupied territories on October 7, 2023, was a "preemptive strike" to defend Palestinians and their holy sites.

presstv.ir (2025-01-25). Companies linked to Israeli settlements invest in Spain tourism. presstv.ir Israeli investment funds are profiting from the occupation of Palestinian territories by investing in Spain's tourism sector, specifically in Malaga.

english.almanar.com.lb (2025-01-25). Hezbollah MP Underlines Right to Liberate Occupied Territories If Israeli Enemy Doesn't Withdraw before Deadline. english.almanar.com.lb Member of Hezbollah's Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Ibrahim Al-Moussawi stressed that the Resistance is powerful and proud of its fighters as well as martyrs, pointing out that all those who believe in the preciousness of dignity support this path. Addressing a funeral ceremony to commemorate the Islamic Resistance martyr Youssef Awdah in Al-Khodr …

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