(2025-02-02). US, UK were aware of Israel's plan for 'forced transfer' of Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt: Report. presstv.ir Historical documents from the British National Archives have revealed that the US and UK governments were informed of a clandestine Israeli plan more than 50 years ago, which aimed to facilitate the "forced transfer" of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to northern Egypt.
(2025-02-02). Colin Powell and the "The Sloppy Dossier": Plagiarism and "Fake Intelligence" Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an "Official" British Intel Report. globalresearch.ca Fake intelligence as well as plagiarized quotations had been slipped into an official intelligence report on Iraq's WMD presented to the UN Security Council by Secretary of State Colin Powell in February 2003.
(2025-02-02). øCuáles son las consecuencias para Estados Unidos de la guerra arancelaria de Trump? cubadebate.cu Sin embargo, un arancel adicional del 10 % sobre China contraería el PIB de la economía estadounidense en 55.000 millones de dólares durante el segundo mandato de la Administración Trump, suponiendo que Pekín tome represalias arancelarias, según un análisis de Warwick McKibbin.
(2025-02-02). Top musicians to close the Jazz Plaza Festival in Cuba (+Photo). plenglish.com Tonight at the Yara cinema, a tribute will be paid to the Cuban Tres (a countryside kind of guitar with three strings), with the presence of an exceptional player of the instrument: Pancho Amat, who was honoured at the 20th International Jazz Colloquium "Leonardo Acosta in Memoriam" on the occasion of his 75th birthday. | Manolito Simonet and his Trabuco, Celso and his Changàºí de Yateras, Yarima Blanco, Isaac Mena, Juan Antonio de la Cruz Antomarchi (Cotó), Kay Lions, Maikel Elizarde, Abel Acosta and Rodrigo Sosa, among others, will be performing. | Meanwhile, the Karl Marx Theatre will host the Cuba Vive…
(2025-02-02). Inaugurada muestra expositiva Carteles en diálogo. radiohc.cu La Habana 2 Feb (RHC) El Centro Internacional de Prensa del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica de Cuba acoge la muestra expositiva Carteles en Diálogo: Nuevas Narrativas.
(2025-02-02). Cuba: Máximo líder sindical insiste en la discusión del plan anual de la economía. radiohc.cu La Habana, 2 feb (RHC) El secretario general de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, insistió que el plan de la economía en centros laborales debe concentrarse en la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas que enfrenta el país tanto materiales como financieros.
(2025-02-02). Desde Cuba exaltan protagonismo del Partido Comunista de Vietnam. radiohc.cu Hanoi, 2 feb (RHC) El papel principal desempeñado desde su fundación en 1930 y hasta hoy por el Partido Comunista de Vietnam fue enaltecido por el primer secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, y el General de Ejército Raúl Castro.
(2025-02-02). A escena en Cuba emblemática pieza de Abelardo Estorino>. radiohc.cu La Habana, 2 feb (RHC) La actriz Valia Valdés regresará este domingo a la escena cubana con el monólogo Las penas saben nadar, escrito por el Premio Nacional de Teatro y Literatura, Abelardo Estorino.
(2025-02-02). The Hague Group of Nations – Inaugural Joint Statement – January 31, 2025. indybay.org We, the Representatives from the Governments of Belize, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Honduras, Malaysia, Republic of Namibia, Republic of Senegal and Republic of South Africa in The Hague, Netherlands, on this 31st day of January 2025, inaugurate The Hague Group,…
(2025-02-02). Una marcha inolvidable que marca un quiebre. cubadebate.cu "Yo nunca había ido a una marcha, pero después del discurso del presidente dije °Basta! y vine". Dice Flor 14 años
mirando la cabecera de la marcha de 14 metros de ancho. Son 50 quienes sostienen la bandera con los dedos apretados, dedos arrugados de uñas rojas y negras.
(2025-02-02). Actualizan situación de termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras. cubadebate.cu Rubén Campos Olmo, director general de la planta, explicó que actualmente se investiga el origen del problema y, en caso de que no se reporte algún daño a la CTE podrían iniciar el arranque en las horas próximas. Aclaró el directivo que al momento de la salida la Guiteras aportaba de manera estable 250 megawatts al sistema eléctrico…
(2025-02-02). Guiteras en proceso de arranque tras salida por fallo eléctrico. cubadebate.cu En estos momentos, la unidad de mayor potencia de Cuba está en proceso de arranque y debe sincronizar en las próximas horas. Se espera generar 250 MW y disminuir en ese valor el déficit agudo de este domingo. También se registró una batería dañada en un sistema de válvulas de alta presión, inconveniente que logró solucionarse en muy corto plazo.
(2025-02-02). Pero con Cuba… °Cuidado! cubadebate.cu Con Trump, Rubio y compañía/la administración del norte/le está haciendo un gran aporte/al odio y la felonía./Se superan cada día/con su concepción perversa/y su política adversa/a los pueblos, que se ofenden/cuando ven cómo pretenden/dominarlos por la fuerza.
(2025-02-02). Propone despido voluntario a los bomberos que combatieron los incendios en California. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades de la administración estadounidense han enviado una oferta de despido voluntario a los bomberos que lucharon contra los incendios forestales que arrasaron Los àÅngeles el mes pasado, antes de que se produzcan despidos masivos, reporta The Washington Post.
(2025-02-02). Salida de la Guiteras eleva el déficit durante pico nocturno a 1750 MW. cubadebate.cu Durante la mañana de este domingo, la termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras, salió de servicio de manera imprevista, según se informó en los habituales partes matutinos que ofrece la Unión Eléctrica. Esta situación crítica, eleva el déficit en el pico norturno a 1750 MW aproximadamente.
(2025-02-02). Modo Avión: øPor qué tener relaciones sexuales saludables? (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Tener relaciones sexuales saludables puede mejorar tu calidad de vida y prevenir enfermedades de transmisión sexual y embarazos no deseados. Para ello existen varios métodos, entre estos el condón, las pastillas anticonceptivas y algunas vacunas. Sobre el tema hablamos hoy en Modo Avión, ponte los audífonos que ya despegamos
(2025-02-02). Así recibieron algunos panameños a Marco Rubio en su visita al centroamericano. cubadebate.cu Por su parte, organizaciones populares protagonizaron una vigilia en la Plaza 5 de Mayo, en las inmediaciones de la Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento), donde quemaron banderas norteamericanas y enarbolaron carteles con las figuras de Rubio y de Trump, a quienes catalogan como fascistas.
(2025-02-02). Venezuela realiza su primera consulta popular de 2025. cubadebate.cu Los habitantes de las mil 101 parroquias existentes en todo el país, acudirán a los cinco mil 245 centros electorales habilitados, para elegir sus propios proyectos de desarrollo, propuestos por ellos mismos en cada comunidad a través de las asambleas de ciudadanos.
(2025-02-02). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 2 de febrero de 2025. cubadebate.cu
(2025-02-02). Dominicans return from U.S. for fear of mass deportation. plenglish.com Santo Domingo, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) Leandra Rojas, who decided to return voluntarily to the Dominican Republic due to fear of the new U.S. immigration policy, said that life in that country is very difficult, Diario Libre reported today.
(2025-02-02). At least 56 killed as fighting grips Sudan's capital Khartoum. newarab.com Artillery shelling and air strikes killed at least 56 people across greater Sudan's regular army and the paramilitary
(2025-02-02). Activists in Mexico rally against incoming Trump's anti-immigration policies. presstv.ir Migrant rights groups in Mexico demonstrated against the proposed anti-immigration measures of US President-elect Donald Trump.
(2025-02-02). Iraq groups seek Tsurkov swap with Israel for Hezbollah fighters. newarab.com
(2025-02-02). Gaza to Prevail over Israeli Regime: Ayatollah Khamenei. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lauded the sacrifices of Palestinian resistance groups against the Israeli regime and underscored the imminent victory of people in the besieged Gaza Strip against the occupying entity.
(2025-02-02). Uruguayan blue helmets wounded in Congo remain hospitalized. plenglish.com The military report also mentions brief exchanges of fire between the Armed Forces of the DRC and the rebels of the M23, although it adds that the situation in the city of Goma, in the east of that African country, is moving to normalcy. | According to the communiqué, the day before "short clashes were heard in areas close to the town of Rusayo, but far from our base, presumably between elements of the M23 and groups apparently supporting FARDC." | Rusayo is under M23 control like Goma, the report pointed out. | Our troops are in good condition, continuing the mission assigned to them, the army added, indicating…
(2025-02-02). Tom Cotton Admits The US Doesn't Actually Care About Spreading Democracy. caitlinjohnstone.com.au Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix: ‚ùñ | Warmongering senator Tom Cotton made an interesting comment during the confirmation hearings for Tulsi Gabbard the other day which acknowledged the mostly unspoken truth that the US government cares less about whether the nations it partners with are free and democratic than how well they serve US interests. | "In a fallen world, we have to take our friends where we find them," Cotto…
(2025-02-02). Thurs. Feb 6: U.S. Role in Regime Change — Libya, Iraq, Syria at 7pm ET — Webinar & In person. iacenter.org Date: Thursday, Feb 6 Time: 7 PM In Person: The New School, NYC, RSVP: bit.ly/tnspanel On Zoom: bit.ly/tnszoom What is regime change, and how has the US used it to target nations like Libya, Iraq, and Syria that resist Western dominance? This event will explore how sanctions, propaganda, and military intervention are wielded as tools of imperialism, plunging nations into chaos under the guise of "human rights" rhetoric. Join us to analyze the devastating consequences of US-led interventions and corporate media propaganda. Spread the word: www.instagram.com/p/DFbE4W7Sczl Questions? Email us at thenewschool…
(2025-02-02). 9 nations form 'Hague Group' to push for justice and liberation for Palestinians. skwawkbox.org On Friday, nine nations announced that they have formed the Hague Group (HG) with the aim of holding Israel accountable for its crimes in Gaza and the occupied West Bank and to push for justice and liberation for the Palestinian people. The nine — South Africa, Malaysia, Namibia, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Senegal, Honduras and Belize …
(2025-02-02). UN Receives Encyclopedia of Iranian Victims of Terrorism. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations provided the UN chief with the Encyclopedia of 23,323 Iranian Victims of Terrorism, saying Iran has been a pioneer in the fight against terrorism and also a primary victim of it since the 1979 Revolution.
(2025-02-02). The ENMOD Treaty and the Sanctioned Assault on Agriculture and Human and Environmental Health. globalresearch.ca Abstract: | The 1978 "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques" [ENMOD] obliges signatory nations to fundamentally compromise their sovereignty and cause widespread and permanent agricultural devastation. Instead of prohibiting "hostile use of …
(2025-02-02). Trump threatens BRICS with tariffs if they replace US dollar. defenddemocracy.press US President Donald Trump has threatened BRICS nations with 100% tariffs if they replace the US dollar as reserve currency. He has also threatened Canada and Mexico with tariffs. Jan31, 2025 US President Donald Trump threatened BRICS member states with 100% tariffs on Thursday to dissuade them from replacing the US dollar as reserve currency. Trump …
(2025-02-02). PLE: 15 Luwero headteachers in trouble over poor performance. independent.co.ug Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Fifteen headteachers in Luwero district are in trouble over the poor performance of their schools in Primary Leaving Examinations. According to the PLE results for Luwero, 1085 (6.8%) candidates failed and 288 (1.8%) candidates didn't turn up to sit examinations out of 16162 candidates that registered in 2024. About …
(2025-02-02). PLE: Muyingo calls for investigation into failures, withheld results. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, the State Minister for Higher Education, has called for a thorough investigation into the significant failures recorded in Luwero District during the recently released Primary Leaving Examinations (P.L.E). The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) announced the 2024 P.L.E results on January 23, 2025. The results …
(2025-02-02). President Ramaphosa to address Mining Indaba. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa to address Mining Indaba | President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Monday deliver a keynote address at the Investing in African Mining Indaba in Cape Town. | The Indaba is the world's largest gathering of mining's most influential stakeholders and decision-makers vested in African mining. | The four-day Indaba will be held from 3 to 6 February 2025, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. This year's event will be held under the theme: "Future-proofing African Mining, Today!", which places the focus on sustainability and economic value for the African mining sector. | "The President's par…
(2025-02-02). Trump imposes tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China. aljazeera.com Republican US president imposes 25 percent on goods from Canada and Mexico, and 10 percent on all imports from China.
(2025-02-02). Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth. expose-news.com Data from the Czech Republic shows that covid vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women. During 2023, even though only about a third of Czech women …
(2025-02-02). Several factories inaugurated in important DPRK city. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) Several factories were inaugurated today in the city of Kaesong, North Hwanghae Province, as part of the efforts of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to develop industries following the 20àó10 policy.
(2025-02-02). DRC: Armed fighting threatens civilians in and around Goma. fidh.org
(2025-02-02). Northern Cyprus to scrap double jeopardy conscription. newarab.com Authorities in the Turkish Republic of This refers to the requirement for Turkish Cypriot men living in Turkey, who are also Turkish citizens, to complete military service both in A bill drafted by National Unit…
(2025-02-02). Challenge of the Congo. independent.co.ug How politics in Kinshasa combines with international power politics to undermine regional efforts for peace in DRC THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | Once again, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is on fire. This week, M23 rebels captured the strategic town of Goma and are now advancing on Bukavu. At an emergency session of the …
(2025-02-02). Over 40,000 captured FARDC, Wazalendo fighters sent for fresh training. independent.co.ug Goma, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | The March 23 Movement (M23) rebels have sent over 40,000 captured troops from the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and militia coalition to its camp in Rumangabo, Rutshuru territory in North Kivu province for fresh military training. The FARDC soldiers and militia coalition under their …
(2025-02-01). Israel paved way for Gaza genocide by destroying healthcare system: Surgeon. presstv.ir British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta says the Israeli military's destruction of Gaza healthcare system paved way for genocide in the besieged coastal territory.
(2025-02-01). BBC: the voice of the viscerally anti-Russian British Government. gilbertdoctorow.com Today I call attention to the BBC's role as the voice of the British Deep State. The 'free market' British media, despite their anti-Russian predisposition, have of late joined U.S. print and electronic mainstream in accepting the inevitable and, likely, soon to come defeat of Ukraine in its war with Russia. The non-state British press, …
(2025-02-01). WhatsApp denuncia campaña de ciberespionaje contra periodistas y activistas. cubadebate.cu WhatsApp, la aplicación de mensajería instantánea ha denunciado una campaña de ciberespionaje dirigida contra unos 90 usuarios, entre ellos periodistas y activistas, utilizando un software desarrollado por la empresa israelí Paragon Solutions. La campaña, empleó programas espía (spyware) para acceder ilegalmente a los dispositivos.
(2025-02-01). Israel libera a 183 prisioneros palestinos en cuarto intercambio bajo tregua con Hamás. cubadebate.cu Israel liberó este sábado a 183 prisioneros palestinos como parte del cuarto intercambio de prisioneros por rehenes bajo el acuerdo de tregua vigente con Hamás, según confirmaron fuentes palestinas. De acuerdo con Abdullah Zaghari, jefe del Club de Prisioneros Palestinos, las autoridades israelíes entregaron a los excarcelados al Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja.
(2025-02-01). øQué efectos tendrán los aranceles de EE.UU. a China? cubadebate.cu Los nuevos aranceles del 10 % que EE.UU. ha anunciado para las exportaciones de China a partir de este sábado tendrán efectos negativos para las dos partes, así como consecuencias nocivas para el comercio internacional, según expertos. Trump justificó la medida porque considera insuficiente la lucha del gigante asiático contra el tráfico de fentanilo.
(2025-02-01). Países árabes rechazan propuesta de Trump sobre desplazamiento de palestinos en Gaza. cubadebate.cu La Liga àÅrabe y seis países de la región rechazaron este sábado cualquier intento de desplazar al pueblo palestino de la Franja de Gaza, una propuesta que había sido planteada previamente por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump. En una reunión celebrada en la capital egipcia, representantes del organismo regional denunciaron los esfuerzos para forzar el éxodo de la población del enclave costero.
(2025-02-01). UN rapporteur welcomes 'best news' — Hague Group coalition pushing for Palestinian state. asiapacificreport.nz Asia Pacific Report UN Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territory Francesca Albanese has hailed the formation of The Hague Group, describing it as the "best news" from a coalition of policymakers "in a long time". Formed on Friday in the city of its namesake, The Hague Group's members — Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras,…
(2025-02-01). Sri Lanka condemns US aggressiveness against Cuba. plenglish.com Colombo, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) The Peace and Solidarity Council of Sri Lanka today strongly condemned the reinstatement of Cuba in the list created by the United States of nations sponsoring terrorism.
(2025-02-01). Cuba expands access to tourist rental vehicles. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) A reduction in the length of time a driver's license is required for clients who rent cars for tourism in Cuba came into force today to expand access to that service, a source announced.
(2025-02-01). Cuba convenes 3rd International Transportation Fair. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) Cuba announced the 3rd International Transportation and Logistics Fair, FITL 2025, which will be held from April 1 to 3 at the Pabexpo fairgrounds, in Havana.
(2025-02-01). Cuban women more capable of entrepreneurship. plenglish.com Santiago de Cuba, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) Entrepreneurial women in Santiago de Cuba are today more capable of developing their businesses, thanks to the support of Zuturo, a Local Development Project specializing in consulting, which sponsored an exchange with Marta Deus, a leading businesswoman among Cuban women.
(2025-02-01). Nuevos proyectos a favor de la mujer cubana. radiohc.cu El Grupo Temporal de Trabajo que atiende el Programa Nacional para el Adelanto de las Mujeres sesiona cada mes para dar seguimiento a la implementación de este plan, que resume la voluntad del gobierno cubano de continuar avanzando en el empoderamiento de las féminas.
(2025-02-01). Convocan en Holguín al XXIII Taller La Ciudad que Queremos: un espacio para la construcción colectiva del patrimonio de la Ciudad cubana de los Parques. radiohc.cu El próximo mes de abril, entre los días 43 y 4, la ciudad de Holguín será sede de la XXIII edición del Taller "La Ciudad que Queremos", un evento consolidado como un espacio fundamental para el debate, la reflexión y la búsqueda de soluciones en torno al desarrollo urbano y la preservación del patrimonio cultural.
(2025-02-01). Sostenibilidad demográfica: un compromiso hacia el futuro. radiohc.cu La Política para la Atención a la Dinámica Demográfica fue aprobada en octubre de 2014 en nuestro país y su implementación y actualización se mantiene en la agenda del gobierno, y así lo ratificó por estos días el primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, quien subrayó la importancia de la atención a la dinámica demográfica de cada territorio en el país, como factor clave para la ejecución de las políticas públicas económicas y sociales.
(2025-02-01). Asociación cubana en Italia realizó jornada en homenaje a José Martí (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Roma, 1 feb (RHC) La asociación Para un Príncipe Enano, de cubanos residentes en Italia, realizó una jornada cultural con artistas de ambos países en homenaje al héroe nacional del país caribeño, José Martí, en el aniversario 172 de su natalicio.
(2025-02-01). Condenan en Sri Lanka agresividad de EEUU contra Cuba. radiohc.cu Colombo, 1 feb (RHC) El Consejo de Paz y Solidaridad de Sri Lanka expresó este sábado su enérgica condena a la reinstalación de Cuba en la lista creada por Estados Unidos de naciones patrocinadoras del terrorismo.
(2025-02-01). Granma prioriza objetivos económicos y sociales en primera etapa del año (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Bayamo, 1 feb (RHC) .La instrumentación de las cuatro prioridades del país planteadas por el Presidente cubano Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez constituyen en la provincia de Granma instrumento y objetivo de trabajo de la Primera etapa de este año, en pos de alcanzar la celebración en el territorio de la sede por el 26 de Julio.
(2025-02-01). Ni huevo ni gallina, primero fue el esfuerzo. cubadebate.cu Si el emprendedor Jaine Hernández López se viera obligado a responder qué fue primero, øla gallina o el huevo?, parapetado en los predios de su finca San José, de Ceiba Mocha, afirmará, sin vacilar, desde el interior de una nave de gallinas ponedoras, que primero fue el esfuerzo. Solo ese ímpetu que jalonea las voluntades y le cierra el paso a la flaqueza le permitió construir una nave de gallinas ponedoras a fuerza de puro sacrificio.
(2025-02-01). EE.UU. no descarta ataques militares contra cárteles mexicanos en territorio de México, dice secretario de Defensa. cubadebate.cu El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Pete Hegseth, no descartó el viernes la posibilidad de que su país lleve a cabo ataques militares contra cárteles mexicanos dentro de México. Durante una entrevista con Fox News, Hegseth respondió a preguntas sobre si tiene autorización para perseguir a los cárteles en México o en otras regiones.
(2025-02-01). Etecsa aclara proceso de renovación de contratos para teléfonos fijos alternativos. cubadebate.cu Ante las inquietudes recibidas por parte de los usuarios, la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. aclaró este sábado que la convocatoria para renovar los contratos de los teléfonos fijos alternativos, conocidos como teléfonos de minutos, no implica la pérdida del servicio. El proceso busca actualizar los contratos para incorporar nuevas facilidades al servicio.
(2025-02-01). Los Premios Grammy se adaptan a la tragedia de los incendios forestales en California. cubadebate.cu Los Premios Grammy de este fin de semana en Los àÅngeles tendrán un tono diferente debido a los recientes incendios forestales que han afectado a California. La ceremonia anual, que se realizará este domingo en el Crypto.com Arena, contará con una variedad de artistas destacados, pero su enfoque será más que una simple celebración.
(2025-02-01). øQué salió mal? Continúan investigaciones del fatal accidente entre helicóptero militar y avión de pasajeros en Washington. cubadebate.cu El helicóptero militar que colisionó con un avión de pasajeros sobre el río Potomac el pasado miércoles realizaba una misión de entrenamiento para evacuar a miembros del gobierno en caso de una catástrofe o ataque, según confirmaron altos funcionarios estadounidenses. El accidente se ha convertido en el más mortífero en la aviación estadounidense en los últimos 16 años.
(2025-02-01). Saltador cubano Alejandro Parada se impone en el Mitin Tres Saltos de Amiens. cubadebate.cu El cubano Alejandro Parada dio este sábado una auténtica exhibición en el evento de longitud del Mitin Tres Saltos de Amiens, en Francia, donde se alzó con la victoria gracias a un impresionante salto de 7.79 metros, reportó el medio digital Jit. Según la fuente, Hayla González también dejó su huella al terminar en quinta posición con una sólida actuación.
(2025-02-01). The fight against fascism requires a fight against capitalism and war! wsws.org Having twice voted with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in favor of a brutal policy of sealing the borders against refugees, the conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and Free Democratic Party (FDP) parliamentary groups in the Bundestag are prepared to accept the far-right party as a government partner.
(2025-02-01). Activists in Mexico rally against incoming Trump's anti-immigration policies. presstv.ir Migrant rights groups in Mexico demonstrated against the proposed anti-immigration measures of US President-elect Donald Trump.
(2025-02-01). Over 1000 People Block The Strand Outside Hearing For Just Stop Oil. popularresistance.org Over a thousand people have taken part in a peaceful demonstration blocking the road outside the Royal Courts of Justice. Inside, the appeal against the draconian sentences given to 16 Just Stop Oil supporters last year is continuing. The mass appeal concerns 16 supporters with combined sentences of 41 years handed down between July and September 2024. [1] [2] | All 16 Just Stop Oil supporters were jailed in the months following the publication of a report to the government written by 'Lord Walney', a paid lobbyist for the oil and arms industry that called for groups such as Just Stop Oil and Palestine Action to…
(2025-02-01). Four years after coup, Myanmar regime prepares for 'violent, messy' polls. aljazeera.com Pressure is building on Myanmar's rulers to hold what opposition groups promise will be fraught national elections.
(2025-02-01). Trump at odds with US military veterans over snarled Afghan relocations. aljazeera.com Advocates say broad executive orders have hurt Afghans seeking to flee to the US after aiding its military and groups.
(2025-02-01). Four years after coup, Myanmar regime prepares for 'violent, messy' polls. aljazeera.com Pressure is building on Myanmar's rulers to hold what opposition groups promise will be fraught national elections.
(2025-02-01). Trump at odds with US military veterans over snarled Afghan relocations. aljazeera.com Advocates say broad executive orders have hurt Afghans seeking to flee to the US after aiding its military and groups.
(2025-02-01). Venezuela Launches Lightning of Catatumbo Operation Against Armed Groups in Border Region with Colombia. orinocotribune.com Venezuela launched the Lightning of Catatumbo Operation as part of the Bolivarian Shield 2025 Military Drills and will cover the entire border shared between Colombia and Venezuela. | The announcement was made on Friday, January 31, by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who
(2025-02-01). Private and Public Sector Partners in Eliminating Lead Paints Honored by the EcoWaste Coalition at its 25th Anniversary Celebration. pressenza.com 1 February 2025, Quezon City. In a unique display of collaborative relationship built through years of dialogue and advocacy, civil society organization EcoWaste Coalition feted the paint industry association of the Philippines and seven of its member companies, as well as national and local government authorities, for the country's continuing efforts to eliminate lead in paints. | At a high-spirited gathering held on January 31 in Intramuros, Manila to celebrate the group's 25th anniversary, the EcoWaste Coalition presented "Awards of Recognition" to several individuals, institutions, and groups, including partn…
(2025-02-01). "Peace Gathering 2.0" in Berkeley Seeks Participants for April Event. indybay.org anti-war networking evening is looking for groups who want a table & speaking time…
(2025-02-01). On the picket line. workers.org Costco strike vote Costco workers across five states have voted to authorize a strike in February by a solid 85% majority. The 18,000 Costco workers are Teamsters (IBT) union members. The IBT organized practice pickets in several cities, including San Diego, California and in Long Island, New York. Workers are . . . |
(2025-02-01). Denmark says Greenland 'not for sale' as US hardens rhetoric. presstv.ir Demark declares that it is not interested in handing Greenland over to the US, as the Trump administration intensifies its rhetoric about acquiring the island.
(2025-02-01). Nations Launch Legal Action Against Israel At The Hague. popularresistance.org Nine nations are set to meet today, January 31, 2025, in The Hague, Netherlands, launching The Hague Group with the goal of holding Israel accountable for its alleged violations of international law in the Gaza Strip. The nations aim to announce coordinated legal, economic, and diplomatic measures as part of their commitment to uphold Palestinian rights. | The historic meeting, convened by the Progressive International, will bring together representatives from Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Malaysia, Namibia, Senegal, and South Africa.
(2025-02-01). Nations Launch Legal Action Against Israel At The Hague. popularresistance.org
(2025-02-01). Arab nations reject Trump's displacement plan for Gaza. presstv.ir Arab foreign ministers oppose US President Trump's proposal to relocate Palestinians from their territories to Egypt and Jordan.
(2025-02-01). How could U.S. withdrawal from World Health Organization impact the world? america.cgtn.com The withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organization could diminish the country's influence on the world stage. That's according to some global health experts, who have questioned U.S. President Donald Trump's administration's decision to withdraw from the world body. | Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
(2025-02-01). WHO, UN Report: 700 killed during Goma City capture. independent.co.ug Kinshasa, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | Assessments conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and partner organizations have reported that 700 people were killed during the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels' insurgency in Goma City, North Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the UN and WHO, the people were …
(2025-02-01). WHO, UN Report: 700 Killed During Goma City Capture. plusnews.ug Assessments conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and partner organizations have reported that 700 people were killed during the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels' insurgency in Goma City, North Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the UN and WHO, the people were killed during fierce fighting between M23 …
(2025-02-01). Iranian Administration Renews Allegiance to Imam Khomeini's Aspirations. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's president and his cabinet members visited the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini on Saturday to reaffirm allegiance to the ideals of the late founder of the Islamic Republic during the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn) celebrations marking the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution's victory.
(2025-02-01). Africa CDC: Conflict in eastern DRC hampers Mpox fight. independent.co.ug ADDIS ABABA | Xinhua | The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has warned that the worsening humanitarian situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) hampers the fight against the spread of Mpox in the region. The number of mpox cases reported in Africa this year has surpassed 9,959, …
(2025-02-01). Students Shut Down Pro-ICE Neo-Nazi Demonstration on ASU Campus. itsgoingdown.org On Wednesday, January 31st, up to a thousand students and community members mobilized against four neo-Nazis involved in College Republicans United, a group known for sponsoring numerous events featuring white supremacists. Students linked arms and stood in front of the neo-Nazis, who had set up a table and were encouraging students to report undocumented people…
(2025-02-01). A Forged Viral Post Has Made Pro-Palestine Students in Missouri Live in Fear. truthout.org It's been an unjust start to 2025 for members of University of Missouri's Students for Justice in Palestine (MSJP). On New Year's Day, another group on campus, the Mizzou College Republicans, spread a fabricated image, purported to be from MSJP, in a social media post online. The image falsely claimed to be a screenshot of a statement from MSJP celebrating Shamsud-Din Jabbar… |
(2025-02-01). Musk's DOGE Accused of Seizing Sole Control of Essential Federal Databases. truthout.org Reporting Friday that aides to Elon Musk — the billionaire backer of Republican President Donald Trump who runs the Department of Government Efficiency — locked career civil servants out of computer systems containing the personal data of millions of federal employees raised alarms among observers who said the move is consistent with the administration's efforts to assert authoritarian control… |
(2025-02-01). DRC: Armed fighting threatens civilians in and around Goma. fidh.org
(2025-02-01). Northern Cyprus to scrap double jeopardy conscription. newarab.com Authorities in the Turkish Republic of This refers to the requirement for Turkish Cypriot men living in Turkey, who are also Turkish citizens, to complete military service both in A bill drafted by National Unit…
(2025-02-01). Russia says UNRWA mission must continue in Palestinian territories. presstv.ir Russia's Foreign Ministry says hundreds of thousands of children, women, and the elderly are at risk of being abandoned to their fate.
(2025-02-01). 'We Refuse to Be Exterminated': Gazan Journalist Describes Historic Return to the North. thealtworld.com Abubaker Abed, Palestinian journalist and commentator in Gaza, joins the show to discuss Palestinians' historic return to their devastated homes in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday after over a year of genocidal war. | Reporting firsthand, Abed explains how this historic mass return marks a powerful act of Palestinian resistance and is seen as a significant step toward reclaiming all occupied territories. | It is a victory that we've stayed on this land, stuck together, and defied all odds" -Gaza journalist
(2025-02-01). WHO insists on the evacuation of wounded and patients from Gaza. plenglish.com The representative of the institution in the Palestinian territories, Rick Peeperkorn, explained that the health needs in the coastal enclave are enormous. | He detailed that only 18 of the 36 hospitals in that territory are partially operating, to which 11 field facilities have been added. | UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged last Thursday the evacuation of some 2,500 minors from the Strip to receive medical attention. | Also the director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, yesterday called for the evacuation of the wounded and sick. | In his X account, the official welcomed the departure t…