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2024-12-09: News Headlines

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-09). Cuba vs Bahamas por el título en Copa del Caribe de béisbol sub-15. Nasáu, 9 dic (PL).- Cuba y Bahamas se enfrentan este lunes en Nassau por la corona de la segunda edición de la Copa del Caribe de béisbol para menores de 15 años.

newarab (2024-12-09). UK PM Starmer in first Gulf visit to forge ties with UAE, Saudi. British He will aim to boost investment and deepen defence and security partnerships, the government said in a statement on Saturday, describing the two Middle Eastern countries as "some of the UK's…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-09). Cuba represented in Higher Education forums in Uruguay. The First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Higher Education (MES), Modesto Gómez, heads the delegation of Cuba to the Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, which began today at the headquarters of the Latin American Integration Association (Aladi). | The meeting, whose main objective is to address the challenges and opportunities of Higher Education, with the participation of the Deputy Director General of Unesco, Stefania Giannini. | Ambassador Jorge Martí, Chargé d'Affaires in Uruguay, Miriam Alpízar, head of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Higher…

Workers World. (2024-12-09). Human Rights = Right To Live!: Sanctions Kill! Webinar December 10. On International Human Rights Day, Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, learn how U.S. sanctions violate human rights, with speakers from Palestine and diplomats from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Also speaking will be representatives of the Sanctions Kill / Americas Without Sanctions Campaign and Zone of Peace. | Human Rights Day is observed annually around the world on December 10, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrines rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being. | As this Human Rights Day approaches, we are horrified that the genocidal terror on Gaza is not only continuing b…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-12-09). Perceptible earthquake shakes eastern Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) The Station Network of the Cuban National Seismological Service (SSNC) reported on Monday a perceptible 3.4-magnitude earthquake in Richter's scale in several localities of Guantanamo and Santiago de Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-09). Concluye Semana de la Cultura Británica en Cuba. La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) La XII Semana de la Cultura Británica en Cuba, dedicada a fomentar la diversidad, igualdad e inclusión, culminó con el espectáculo "Muévete" en el Teatro Nacional de esta capital.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-09). Cubanos a Panamericano de Pentatlón Moderno en Brasil. La Habana, 9 dic (JIT).- Tres cubanos se encuentran en Resende, Brasil, para intervenir en el Campeonato Panamericano de Pentatlón Moderno 2024, que se efectuará desde este lunes hasta el día 15 del mes en curso.

María Candela (2024-12-09). Venezuela presente en FIART 2024 (+Foto). La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) Venezuela es otro de los países que presentan su cultura en la XXVI edición de la Feria Internacional de Artesanía, FIART 2024, que bajo el lema "Arte, Utilidad y Oficio", tiene lugar hasta el venidero 22 de diciembre , en el recinto ferial Pabexpo, de la capital cubana.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-09). Campaña Dominicana de Solidaridad defiende una Cuba sin bloqueo. La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) La Campaña Dominicana de Solidaridad con Cuba condenó el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero de Estados Unidos que tanto limita el desarrollo y progreso de la isla, y ocasiona daños incalculables a las familias.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-09). Afrodescendencia, igualdad y justicia social signan evento en Cuba. La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) El Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana abrirá sus puertas hoy a la Conferencia Internacional Cuba 2024. Decenio de los Afrodescendientes, que se celebrará en este y otros espacios hasta el venidero 13 de diciembre.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-09). Amplia presencia cubana en torneo Carlos Torre de Ajedrez 2024. La Habana, 9 dic (JIT).- Una armada de 18 jugadores, encabezada por Carlos Daniel Albornoz, representará a Cuba en la edición 34 del Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Carlos Torre in Memóriam 2024, que comenzará el próximo viernes en la tradicional sede de la Unidad Deportiva Kukulcán, en Mérida.

Staff (2024-12-09). Reytel Oro en Renacer: César logra encontrarse a sí mismo. Si un personaje nos produce sentimientos encontrados por estos días en la telenovela Renacer es César Enrique. Tanto lo esperamos para ser testigos de su bello romance con Gía y resulta que otro amor complicado ha "trastornado" al joven centrado, estable y familiar que nos había anunciado la trama. Nadie sabe en qué va a parar su historia. La única pista que logramos arrancarle al actor Reytel Oro, quien le pone piel a este controvertido carácter fue la siguiente: "César logra encontrarse a sí mismo".

Staff (2024-12-09). Evacúan en Filipinas a más de 87 000 personas por erupción del volcán Kanlaon (+ Video). La entrada en erupción del volcán Kanlaon —en Filipinas—, durante este lunes, ha obligado a las autoridades a evacuar de forma urgente a más de 87 000 personas que residen en zonas cercanas, informó la Oficina de Defensa Civil del país asiático. De acuerdo con la fuente, la situación es "particularmente grave" en el municipio de La Castellana.

Staff (2024-12-09). Reconocen labor de Brigada Médica cubana que presta servicio en Calabria, Italia. Una placa de reconocimiento le fue entregada este lunes a la Brigada Médica cubana que presta servicio en la sureña región de Calabria, a dos años del inicio de esa exitosa misión sanitaria. El doctor Luis Enrique Pérez, jefe de la agrupación, expresó que la placa es un estímulo a la labor de 333 miembros de la Brigada Médica cubana, ubicados en 27 hospitales.

Staff (2024-12-09). Lecciones de los terremotos del mes de noviembre de 2024 en Cuba suroriental. Al cumplirse un mes de la ocurrencia de estos eventos primarios se han registrado unas 7000 réplicas en la zona cercana a los epicentros, 132 de ellas perceptibles, con magnitud mayor a 2.5, incluido uno de magnitud 4.1. Es importante resaltar que, si bien las réplicas pueden o no ser percibidas por las personas, lo cierto es que estas vibraciones siguen actuando sobre amplios territorios y continúan debilitando la infraestructura, sobre todo las obras anteriormente afectadas.

Staff (2024-12-09). Díaz-Canel en Guantánamo para chequear la recuperación en territorios afectados por huracán Oscar. El primer secretario del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, realiza este lunes su cuarta visita a la oriental provincia de Guantánamo, luego del paso del huracán Oscar por ese territorio el 20 de octubre pasado. El jefe de Estado recorrió sitios de interés económico y social en San Antonio del Sur y también visitó la ciudad cabecera provincial para chequear estrategias de desarrollo.

Staff (2024-12-09). China investigará al gigante tecnológico Nvidia por presuntas violaciones de leyes antimonopolio. El regulador del mercado de China inició este lunes una investigación sobre el gigante estadounidense de chips Nvidia por presuntas violaciones de las leyes antimonopolio, según informó el canal estatal CCTV. De acuerdo con la fuente, el procedimiento contra el gigante de los chips fue iniciado por los servicios de regulación del mercado público y también se refiere a la violación de un compromiso asumido en 2020, cuando adquirió Mellanox Technologies Ltd.

Staff (2024-12-09). Santiago de Cuba: Tribunal Provincial Popular impone sanciones por hechos violentos. La Sala Primera de lo Penal del Tribunal Provincial Popular de Santiago de Cuba celebró el juicio público y ejemplarizante de la causa 176 del 2024, por un delito de robo con violencia en grado de tentativa. Asimismo, resultaron sancionados tres acusados por los delitos de asesinato en tentativa, homicidio, desórdenes públicos y portación y tenencia ilegal de armas.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-09). Presidente cubano llama a preservar independencia de Siria. La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel, convocó a "preservar la soberanía, la integridad territorial y la independencia de Siria".

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-09). Reportan sismo perceptible en localidades del oriente de Cuba. La Habana, 9 dic (RHC) La red de estaciones del Servicio Sismológico Nacional Cubano informó hoy sobre un sismo perceptible de magnitud 3.4 en varias localidades de Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba.

Staff (2024-12-09). Este lunes en la Mesa Redonda: IX Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Dirigentes del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y de sus organizaciones base dialogarán este lunes en la Mesa Redonda, sobre los temas centrales del IX Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, a celebrarse los días 12 y 13 de diciembre.

Staff (2024-12-09). Sobre la cancha: Londres de azul øy la Premier League? Quizás es muy temprano para pensar en un Chelsea capacitado para competir hasta el final por la Premier League. En teoría el Liverpool parte con todas las ventajas tras lo ocurrido en estos meses de temporada, siendo el Arsenal y el Manchester City los rivales directos. Claro, la tabla de posiciones dice otra cosa.

aljazeera (2024-12-09). Baseball star Juan Soto lands world record 15-year, $765m deal with NY Mets. The Dominican baseball player moves to the Mets as free agent after playing last season for the New York Yankees.

Israel Shahak (2024-12-09). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East… (2024-12-09). Greater global unity key to sustainable growth. Global unity and cooperation are essential for tackling today's complex challenges and building a sustainable future for all, experts from home and abroad said at the launch of the Global Development Report 2024 in Beijing on Friday.

_____ (2024-12-09). The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity: Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon. As the world teeters on the brink of nuclear war in Central Asia, shatters 'international justice' by not halting the televised genocide in Palestine, and runs into the technocracy, the bulk of the human population yawns while scrolling the latest entries in chat groups on their phone.

Staff (2024-12-09). "Assad Is Gone": Writer Yassin al-Haj Saleh on Syria, His 16 Years in Prison & Wife's Disappearance. "We needed to turn this page. … We've been under this inhuman condition for 54 years." Following a lightning 12-day offensive, armed opposition groups have overthrown President Bashar al-Assad's regime and his family's five-decade rule in Syria. Assad has fled to Russia, where he has been granted asylum, while tens of thousands of political prisoners have been freed. The uprising was led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, a Turkish-backed group listed as a terrorist organization by the United States and the United Nations. The release of prisoners from conditions of "hunger, hu… (2024-12-09). Yemen's Ansarullah Condemns Israeli Strikes on Syria after Government Collapse. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Yemen's Ansarullah movement denounced Israel's intensified airstrikes and occupation of areas in Syria following the collapse of the Syrian government and the fall of Damascus to militant groups.

infobrics (2024-12-09). Yet another sovereign nation destroyed (Syria) in NATO aggression against the world. Whether it's Wahhabism and other forms of Islamic radicalism, unadulterated Nazism, narco-terrorism, extremely violent criminal groups such as drug cartels, repulsive ideologies (ultra-liberal extremism and moral depravity), etc, NATO is behind it all and stands fully committed to supporting it. The people of Syria are now the hostages of this evil empire of lies, serving as the tragic showcase to all of us what the loss of sovereignty can cost an entire nation.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-12-09). The Sectarian Risk: Turkey's Syrian Mission. Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan must be delighted about what is unfolding in Syria, though it is a feeling bound to be tempered by swiftly changing circumstances. Iran's Shia proxies have been weakened by relentless Israeli targeting and bombing. Russia's eyes and resources are turned towards war in Ukraine. With reports that Syrian rebel groups are now fighting on

UMMID (2024-12-09). Syrian Opp groups kilometers away from capital Damascus. Syrian opposition groups are kilometers away from Damascus and have started to surround the Capital — the only major city under the control of Bashar Al Assad regime.

Staff (2024-12-09). "Remarkable Moment": After Fleeing Syria, "For Sama" Director Waad Al-Kateab Celebrates End of Assad. "Whatever's coming next, I don't believe at all that [it] would be worse than what we've been through, what we lived through," says Syrian activist and filmmaker Waad Al-Kateab as she celebrates the fall of Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship to Syrian opposition groups. Al-Kateab, who was forced to flee her hometown of Aleppo with her family in 2016 and now resides in the United Kingdom, says the end of Assad's rule has reignited the "dream of a free Syria." Her Oscar-nominated documentary film For Sama, released in 2019, offered a rare glimpse into Syria's…

Amy Goodman (2024-12-09). Syrian Writer and Former 16-Year Political Prisoner Celebrates Assad's Ouster. "We needed to turn this page. … We've been under this inhuman condition for 54 years." Following a lightning 12-day offensive, armed opposition groups have overthrown President Bashar al-Assad's regime and his family's five-decade rule in Syria. Assad has fled to Russia, where he has been granted asylum, while tens of thousands of political prisoners have been freed. The uprising was led by Hayat… |

Sharon Zhang (2024-12-09). Gaza Humanitarian Aid Operation "Nearing Collapse," UN Warns. UN groups have warned that food security is "collapsing" across famine-stricken Gaza, with the entire humanitarian aid operation at the brink due to Israel's severe aid blockade and Israeli-protected gang looting preventing what little aid that enters from reaching starving Palestinians. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has reported that Palestinians are "in a… |

____ (2024-12-09). Glimmer of Hope: Optimism Rises for Hostage Deal in Gaza. Amid rising tensions and conflict in Gaza, Israel has expressed cautious optimism for a potential hostage deal with Hamas. Foreign Minister Gideon Saar conveyed a positive outlook on the situation, highlighting that indirect negotiations have been underway regarding approximately 100 hostages held by militant groups in the Palestinian enclave.

Karam Bales (2024-12-09). Decision to Limit COVID Vaccines Will 'Amplify Health Inequalities and Lead To More Hospitalisations'. A coalition of academics and healthcare professionals have backed an open letter critical of the Government and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation's (JCVI) decision to restrict access to Campaign group Until now, COVID policy prioritised protecting "at risk" groups such as those with chronic h…

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-09). UN: Deploy New Haiti Mission to Restore Security. Click to expand Image | The social media slogan #HaitiCantWait is displayed as Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in high level meetings with an advisory group on Haiti at United Nations headquarters on September 23, 2024. | © 2024 Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP | (New York, December 9, 2024) — The United Nations Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged United Nations mission to Haiti, Human Rights Watch said today in publishing a briefing paper on the subject. The mission should ensure a human rights-based response to restore security, th…

aljazeera (2024-12-09). Haiti gang killed 110 people over witchcraft accusation, rights group says. The killings are a personal vendetta of a gang boss who believed witchcraft caused his son's death, according to RNDDH. (2024-12-09). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.

Staff (2024-12-09). Headlines for December 9, 2024. Bashar al-Assad Ousted as Syrian Leader Following 12-Day Offensive, Israel & U.S. Bomb Syria as Questions Swirl over Future of Post-Assad Syria, Israel Kills Dozens in Gaza; Electricity, Oxygen & Water Cut at Kamal Adwan Hospital, Trump Calls for Ukraine Ceasefire After Meeting Zelensky & Macron, Biden Administration to Send Ukraine Another $1 Billion, Trump Vows to Pardon Jan. 6 Rioters, Calls for Jailing of House Jan. 6 Committee Members, Trump Calls for End to Birthright Citizenship, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Survives Impeachment Vote, Faces Treason Probe, U.N.: 184 Haitians Killed in Cité Soleil Ar…

Nitza Soledad Perez (2024-12-09). More than 100 dead in new violence in Haiti. Unrest in Haiti reached new depths this week, with a shocking massacre in the capital's largest slum Cité Soleil, leaving more than 100 hundred people dead. This comes as violence continues to paralyze the nation, forcing major airlines to suspend operations and hampering humanitarian aid efforts. CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez has more.

____ (2024-12-09). Massacre in Cite Soleil: Gang Violence Sparks Outrage. At least 110 people were brutally killed this weekend in Haiti's Cite Soleil slum. The massacre was reportedly orchestrated by Monel "Mikano" Felix, who targeted elderly residents, alleging their involvement in witchcraft that afflicted his child.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-09). Teachers to prevent collapse of education in Haiti. Port-au-Prince, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) The National Association of Teachers of Haiti describes the challenges of the education system as overwhelming and proposes concrete ways to prevent its collapse.

____ (2024-12-09). Tragedy in Haiti: Elderly Killed in Witchcraft Accusation. A tragic incident unfolded over the weekend in Haiti's Cite Soleil slum, where at least 110 elderly individuals tragically lost their lives.

____ (2024-12-09). Uncertain Horizon: Tonga's PM Sovaleni Resigns Amid Political Tensions. In an unexpected political shift, Tonga's Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni resigned on Monday, forestalling a no-confidence vote that was set to challenge his leadership. The resignation highlights the turbulent power dynamics in the island nation, where the monarchy and elected officials often find themselves at odds.

APR editor (2024-12-09). Cook Islands seeks 'decolonisation' of international law at ICJ. RNZ Pacific The Cook Islands has used its first-ever appearance at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to advocate for the "decolonisation" of international law. While making an oral statement for an advisory opinion on the obligations of states regarding climate change, Auckland University senior lecturer Fuimaono Dr Dylan Asafo placed the blame on "our…

____ (2024-12-09). Shaking Grounds: Alaska's Aleutian Islands Experience Earthquake Swarm. A series of significant earthquakes jolted Alaska's western Aleutian Islands and adjacent offshore waters on Sunday.

aljazeera (2024-12-09). Taiwan raises alert to 'high' amid presence of Chinese warships. Nearly 90 Chinese navy, coastguard ships reported near Taiwan, southern Japanese islands, East and South China Seas.

Taylar Dawn Stagner (2024-12-09). The Philippines is going all-in on transition minerals and endangering Indigenous lands. The island of Mindanao in the Philippines is ringed by beaches and covered in volcanoes and gardens of exotic orchids. Mindanao has been home to the Indigenous Lumad peoples for centuries, but beginning in 2026, the island will become the site of the Philippines' largest mining project. The Tampakan Copper-Gold Project has been in the works since large gold reserves were confirmed in the 1990s, and since its inception, there has been intense Indigenous resistance. Kat Dalon is one of those people working to stop the mine. | Dalon has been fighting to stop the mine for most of her life. Today, she writes and or…

Jason Ditz (2024-12-09). US, Israel and Turkey Launch Airstrikes in Syria After Cheering Regime Change. Several nations have been loudly cheering the weekend regime change in Syria (some are even taking credit for it). But despite the Islamist faction they were backing ending up taking Damascus, neither the US, Turkey, nor Israel are actually stopping attacks on Syrian territory. If anything, they are increasing strikes. The US, Turkey and Israel …

tvbrics (2024-12-09). Iran proposes collaboration on cutting-edge oil and gas technologies with other nations. Iran seeks to enhance its influence in shaping the future of sustainable oil and gas development… (2024-12-09). Chinese, U.S. scientists tie up for cancer treatments. Despite geopolitical tensions, Chinese and U.S. medical professionals have made persistent efforts to strengthen collaboration between the two nations in biomedical and medical sciences, a forum has heard. (2024-12-09). Sanya labeled top 10 destination for 2025. Sanya, Hainan province, was recently selected among the top 10 trending global destinations on's travel predictions for 2025.

____ (2024-12-09). Star-Studded Lineup Awaits: Golden Globes Nominations Anticipation. The Hollywood spotlight is set to shine brightly come Monday morning as nominations for the 82nd Golden Globes are revealed. A galaxy of stars, including Zendaya and Timothee Chalamet, stands poised for recognition. The awards, grappling with past controversies, seek to reclaim their once-towering prestige.

John P. Ruehl (2024-12-09). How Republics Succeed, Falter, and Fail. The U.S. enjoys many strengths that give it an edge over other republics, such as a decentralized and innovative economy that draws global talent and unmatched military strength. Yet the Roman Republic, which had its own comparative advantages, ultimately fell to autocratic rule, and the U.S. faces a similar fate if it fails to protect

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-09). Czech Republic committed to collaborate in Ethiopian agriculture. Addis Ababa, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) The Czech Republic today reaffirmed its commitment to work closely with Ethiopia in the field of agricultural technology and animal husbandry after bilateral talks on cooperation in the sector.

Chris Walker (2024-12-09). DOGE Heads Musk and Ramaswamy Signal Social Security Cuts Are Coming. On Sunday, president-elect Donald Trump sought to assuage concerns that he will make cuts to Social Security and other safety net programs after Republicans signaled last week that Social Security could be targeted by Trump's "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE) initiative, managed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Asked by host Kristen Welker on NBC's "Meet the Press" program whether… |

The Independent (2024-12-09). DRC, Uganda officials to meet over illegal entries, charges at border. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Authorities from the Democratic Republic of Congo-DRC in the Eastern Ituri Province, Mahagi Territory will this month meet Ugandan customs officials over illegal entries and charges at the border. According to the officials, the meeting is aimed at promoting good trading environments and sharing common practices at the Uganda-Congo border at …

Mark Gruenberg (2024-12-09). Democratic governors launch resistance to Trump's right-wing scheme. SPRINGFIELD, Ill.—Capitol Hill lawmakers may not always be sure how best and when to resist the right-wing schemes of Republican President-elect Donald Trump but three Democratic governors—J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, Gavin Newsom of California and Jared Polis of Colorado—have no qualms about opposing Trump's plans. They're planning how to do so. That bodes well for … (2024-12-09). Yemeni drone hits apartment block in central Israeli occupied territories. A combat unmanned aerial vehicle launched from Yemen has struck an apartment block in the central part of the Israeli-occupied territories.

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2024-12-05: News Headlines

Hanna Eid, Black Agenda Report. (2024-12-05). Anti-Imperialism And The Tricontinental Vocation. Radical economist Samir Amin understood well that revolutionary offensives against the imperialism of the triad (USA, EU, and Japan) will come from the tricontinental sphere of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The peripheries of the world-system are where the contradictions of capitalist-imperialism are the most heightened, and where the fissures can be exploited. According to Amin, we must analyze social struggles at three levels: the popular classes, nations, and states. This essay seeks to validate Amin's argument by highlighting the anti-imperialist victories in the tricontinental sphere, while also providing…

Imran Khalid (2024-12-05). Trump Takes Aim at BRICS (and the Global Economy). Donald Trump, a man who never shied from bold declarations, has once again turned the global stage into a theater of economic brinkmanship. His target: the BRICS coalition, a bloc of emerging powers that includes China, Brazil, India, Russia, and South Africa (and now Iran, the UAE, Ethiopia, and Egypt as well). With more than 30 countries showing interest, BRICS is steadily challenging the traditional economic order. | Trump, in his signature style, announced on Truth Social that BRICS nations could face 100 percent tariffs should they dare to establish a unified currency or undermine the U.S. dollar. "The idea…

APR editor (2024-12-05). Northern Marianas leaders meet Taiwan President Lai Ching-te in Guam. By Mark Rabago, RNZ Pacific Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas correspondent Northern Marianas Governor Arnold Palacios and Senator Celina Babauta have travelled to Guam to attend a luncheon with Taiwan President Lai Ching-te. Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of China (Taiwan). China claims Taiwan as its own territory, with no right to state-to-state…

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