2022-02-13: News Headlines

Carlos Martinez (2022-02-13). Along the Belt and Road: Breaking the Cycle of Underdevelopment in Latin America. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Martinez — Feb 10, 2022 | The last few months have seen a significant expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although this region of the world is not the most obvious fit for an undertaking that was originally modelled on the Silk Road — a network of trade routes linking East Asia with the Middle East, Africa and Europe — the reality is that the countries of South America, Central America and the Caribbean share many of the same needs as their counterparts in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. | Most Latin American countries…

Staff (2022-02-13). Activa nuevamente web de Resumen Latinoamericano Cuba. cubadebate.cu El sitio web de la corresponsalía en Cuba del periódico argentino Resumen Latinoamericano está de vuelta, trataron de borrarnos y solo lograron multiplicar la solidaridad y los lectores, afirmó este miércoles 9 de febrero Graciela Ramírez, su editora jefa. Volvemos al camino con la adarga al brazo, para multiplicar la verdad que pretenden silenciar, expresó.

Staff (2022-02-13). Frank-Walter Steinmeier es reelegido presidente de Alemania. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Federal de Alemania reeligió este domingo al actual presidente del país Frank-Walter Steinmeier para un nuevo periodo de cinco años al frente de la jefatura del Estado, un cargo representativo para el que contó con el apoyo de los principales partidos políticos.

Staff (2022-02-13). Rusia revela cómo surgió la "invasión rusa a Ucrania" cubadebate.cu Rusia ha sido objeto de un ataque mediático destinado a desacreditar sus demandas de garantías de seguridad, informó la cancillería rusa y aclaró que a finales de 2021 y principios de este 2022, Moscú estaba bajo ataques mediáticos sin precedentes, destinados a convencer a la comunidad global de que Rusia estaba planeando una invasión a Ucrania.

Staff (2022-02-13). Cubanos residentes en el exterior: Poniéndole corazón a Cuba. cubadebate.cu La historia de Javier es solo una entre tantas que evidencian el aporte de los cubanos residentes en el exterior a su Patria frente a la pandemia, contexto en el que las medidas de asfixia económica, comercial y financiera impuestas a Cuba por EE.UU. se han reforzado, y han obstaculizado la adquisición de insumos y materiales médicos. Al comentar a Cubadebate sobre el trabajo de la organización, Javier rememora las múltiples actividades que se coordinan para unir a más de 300 connacionales que viven y trabajan en el gigante asiático.

Staff (2022-02-13). Trabajo a distancia: Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. cubadebate.cu Al parecer casi dos años no han sido suficientes para enderezar la implementación del trabajo a distancia en Ciego de àÅvila, que sigue "encasillado" en alternativa y no en solución, cuando se trata de prestar servicios y cumplir encargos productivos con eficiencia. Todavía persiste la idea de que la presencialidad es sinónimo de rendimiento.

Staff (2022-02-13). Yaniela Forgas se lleva la corona del Campeonato Femenino Nacional de Ajedrez. cubadebate.cu La corona del Campeonato Femenino Nacional de Ajedrez pertenece desde hoy a la Maestra Internacional Yaniela Forgas (Santiago de Cuba), quien ha estado participando en estos eventos desde muy joven, de ahí que la victoria es muestra de su crecimiento constante detrás de los tableros.

Staff (2022-02-13). Youth Day in Venezuela: Chavista Call to Venezuelan Youth, Two Demonstrations in Caracas. orinocotribune.com During the celebration of Youth Day in Venezuela, on Saturday, February 12, President Nicolás Maduro made an emotional call to the revolutionary youth of the nation, and assured that he and the Bolivarian government are committed to the fight against corruption, bureaucratism and criminality. The president made these remarks in a meeting with young people in Caracas, who marched from Petare (east Caracas) to Miraflores (center) to celebrate Youth Day. | "I have come to ask you, the youth, for help in the fight against corruption, crime, and bureaucratism. A sour, bitter fight," said the president in his speech.

teleSUR (2022-02-13). Report: Argentine Army Planned an Invasion of Venezuela in 2019. telesurenglish.net In the investigation by Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky, it was revealed that in command of the operation was General Juan Martin Paleo, who at the time was commander of the rapid deployment force. | The new Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Argentine Armed Forces, Brigadier General Juan Martín Paleo, takes office in February 2020.

Mary Triny Mena (2022-02-13). COVID-19 vaccine boosters available in Venezuela. america.cgtn.com Venezuela has started administering booster vaccinations against COVID-19, as the country continues its efforts to keep the pandemic under control. For the boosters, Venezuela is using China's Sinopharm and Russia's Sputniklight vaccines. One of those getting a booster is Augusto Mancini. He went to a vaccination center in …

Editor2 (2022-02-12). US Attacks Against Cuba: Offensive or 'Counteroffensive'? orinocotribune.com By José Ramón Cabañas — Feb 8, 2022 | In conversations with neighbors, experts, young people, and following the thread of our national press, it is common to hear the assessment (true by the way) that there has been a brutal onslaught of the United States against Cuba in recent years. A number of arguments have been put forward that make this assertion undeniable, the evidence is everywhere. | However, it would be useful to dwell on a small question when assessing recent events: is it an offensive against our country, or a "counter-offensive?" Many readers will say, "who cares, it causes the same harm!" That…

teleSUR (2022-02-12). Cuban President Urges Renovation of the National Banking System. telesurenglish.net According to Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez Cuba´s banking system is still operating under a primary system and even though there is an understanding of the present issues as well as a solution path, specialists have not managed to solve the existing problems. | Cuban president urges renovation of the national banking system. Feb. 12, 2022.

Staff (2022-02-12). Putin y Biden sostienen llamada telefónica para hablar sobre el "tema Ucrania" cubadebate.cu El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, le declaró a su homólogo de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, que Moscú no entiende por qué su país proporciona a los medios de comunicación información deliberadamente falsa sobre los supuestos planes rusos para "invadir" Ucrania, afirmó el asesor presidencial, Yuri Ushakov.

Staff (2022-02-12). Llega Heberprot-P al primer mundo: Registran fármaco cubano en Corea del Sur. cubadebate.cu Hace pocas horas el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB) informó en su cuenta de Twitter que el medicamento cubano Heberprot-P fue registrado en Corea del Sur. Este medicamento demuestra la posibilidad de cura para la cicatrización de las heridas complejas, las úlceras isquémicas y las resultantes del pie diabético, lo cual reduce los riesgos de amputación.

Staff (2022-02-12). øCómo le va al país en desarrollo mejor vacunado del mundo? cubadebate.cu La experiencia de Cuba ha sido verdaderamente notable. El país se destacó en términos de desarrollo y producción de sus propias vacunas. Gracias a eso, pudo aumentar la cobertura de vacunas muy rápidamente, una ventaja local de la que se han aprovechado otras naciones que fabrican vacunas. El éxito en el lado de la vacunación parece haber resultado en muy buenos resultados pandémicos, especialmente en el lado de la mortalidad. Por supuesto, hay otros factores en juego, pero los resultados son impresionantes.

Staff (2022-02-12). Autoridades cubanas evalúan proyectos que promueven la ciencia, innovación y soberanía alimentaria. cubadebate.cu Han ocurrido intensas jornadas de evaluación de proyectos y organización de otros que pueden tener impacto en el desarrollo de Cuba. El presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, de conjunto con varios ministros han revisado áreas claves como el sector de la banca, el alimentario y el de conservación patrimonial.

Aarathi Prasad (2022-02-12). [Perspectives] Deirdre Cooper Owens: bringing context to systemic medical racism. thelancet.com In the 1790s, Franàßois Marie Prevost, a young French surgeon fresh from his medical training in Paris moved to Port-de-Paix, Haiti. "Of course at that time Haiti was France's most economically valuable colony", says historian Deirdre Cooper Owens. "So there he began some experimental work on enslaved Haitian women, trying to perfect the caesarean section." Prevost's sojourn coincided with the leadership of Toussaint Louverture, who had been born a slave, the fight for Haitian independence, and the abolition of slavery.

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-02-12). Renuncia cuarto juez designado para investigar magnicidio en Haití. telesurtv.net El juez Chavannes Étienne había sido designado para la investigación del magnicidio hace una semana.

Walter Smolarek (2022-02-12). Teamsters union denounces far-right so-called "trucker protest" liberationnews.org Representing 1.4 million workers mainly in the trucking industry in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is speaking out against the far-right "freedom convoy".

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-02-12). Venezuela: Storage Bottleneck Causes Setback in Oil Output and Exports. venezuelanalysis.com Caracas is reportedly in talks with bondholders to restructure its debt while Chevron is allegedly lobbying Washington for a sanctions waiver.

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2022-02-12). President Maduro Questions 'Cowardly Regional Left' that Favors US Aggression Against Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 11, 2022 ( "I demand respect for the Bolivarian project, for the people of Venezuela, under attack by imperialism," said President Maduro. "Now there is an intent to validate the imperialist aggression against Venezuela…

Staff (2022-02-12). Coup Plotter Cliver Alcala's Confession 'Compromises US National Security'. orinocotribune.com The United States does not want disclosure of classified materials that allegedly "involve Venezuela with drug trafficking," claiming that such information may cause "serious damage to national security" of the US. Such a decision came from the prosecutors in New York trying former Venezuelan general Clíver Alcalá Cordones of Operation Gideon fame, who has been accused on drug trafficking. This makes one wonder what information could Alcalá be supplying makes US intelligence conclude that it should be kept secret. | Alcalá, who was involved in the Operation Gideon and other plots to assassinate or abduct Venezuel…

Staff (2022-02-12). FANB Neutralizes Explosives Planted by Colombian Terrorists in Apure School. orinocotribune.com The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) of Venezuela neutralized explosives that were planted by Colombian terrorists at different locations in the Venezuelan state of Apure, including in a school. This was informed by the head of the Operational Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, who reported that a total of six explosive cylinders were deactivated, one of them found at the entrance of the Los Arenales Elementary School in the Arauca sector of Apure state, close to the border with Colombia. | This was part of the 2022 Bolivarian Shield Operation that t…

Staff (2022-02-12). President Maduro Accuses Colombian Government of Financing Criminal Brought Down in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has accused the Colombian government of financing organized crime in Venezuela. | On Thursday, February 10, Maduro decried that his Colombian counterpart, Iván Duque, had been financing and training Carlos Luis Revette, a.k.a El Koki, leader of Caracas' La Cota 905 criminal gang. Revette was killed last week in a Venezuelan police operation in Aragua state. |

Staff (2022-02-12). Venezuelan Authorities: Colombian Paramilitaries Fled Apure due to FANB Operation. orinocotribune.com On Friday, February 11, Venezuela's Sectorial Vice President of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, Major General Vladimir Padrino López reported that "the Bolivarian National Armed Force [FANB] has dealt heavy blows to the mafias and gangs that deal in drug and human trafficking, and which belong to the Colombian Armed Terrorist and Drug Trafficking Groups [TANCOL]." | He explained that it is due to the terrorist acts of TANCOL in Apure state that most of the FANB operations have focused there. TANCOL "is trying to secure that route [as their territory]," he stated. He praised the Strategic Operational Co…

teleSUR, yart – (2022-02-12). Venezuela afirma que mantendrá guerra sin cuartel contra narcotraficantes. telesurtv.net General Vladimir Padrino reiteró que las FANB continuarán desplegadas para proteger la paz y tranquilidad del pueblo.

teleSUR (2022-02-12). Venezuela Cracks Down on Para-Militarism and Organized Crime. telesurenglish.net Major General Vladimir Padrino López reported that "the Bolivarian National Armed Force [FANB] has dealt heavy blows to the mafias and gangs that deal in drug and human trafficking, and which belong to the Colombian Armed Terrorist and Drug Trafficking Groups [TANCOL]." | FANB of Venezuela dismantled a clandestine camp dedicated to drug trafficking in Apure State. Feb. 12, 2022.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-02-12). Venezolanos marcharán para conmemorar la Batalla de la Victoria. telesurtv.net "Todos (…) a recordar el sacrificio, la valentía y la entrega de nuestros jóvenes en la Batalla de la Victoria", dijo Cabello.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-02-12). Convocan a un paro en Rep. Dominicana en rechazo a la carestía. telesurtv.net La huelga de 48 horas es en protesta por la situación económica ante el aumento de la canasta familiar y de los combustibles.

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