(2025-01-11). Israel, US, UK Launch First Joint Attack On Houthi Targets. popularresistance.org Sanaa, Yemen Israel, the US, and Britain on Friday carried out their first coordinated attack on Houthi targets in Yemen, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported. | Houthi-affiliated Al-Masirah TV also reported that a series of airstrikes targeted the vicinity of the Al-Sabeen Square in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. | The attack coincided with a rally in support of Palestine amid Israel's 16-month-old continuing genocidal war on Gaza. | Additionally, the Houthis reported six airstrikes on the port city of Al-Hudaydah in western Yemen. | Al-Masirah later reported: "An American-British assault targeted t…
(2025-01-11). One killed, several injured in joint US, UK, Israeli strikes on Yemen. presstv.ir At least one person has been killed and nine others were wounded in the US-British-Israeli joint airstrikes across Yemen.
(2025-01-11). Israel on 'high alert' as it braces for Yemen retaliation after US-British attack. presstv.ir A new report says the Israeli so-called security service is on high alert as fears mount over Ansaruallah launching an attack in retaliation for US-British-Israeli joint airstrikes on Yemen.
(2025-01-11). Lancet Study: Gaza Health Ministry Undercounted Death Toll By 41%. defenddemocracy.press The study doesn't account for indirect deaths caused by the Israeli siege by Dave DeCamp January 9, 2025 A new study published in the British medical journal The Lancet found that the Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip has significantly undercounted the number of Palestinians killed by Israel's genocidal war. The study reviewed the period …
(2025-01-11). China and UK hold economic-financial talks. plenglish.com Beijing, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) China and the United Kingdom resumed the Economic and Financial Dialogue on Saturday, after a six-year pause, during British Minister of Economy Rachel Reeves's visit to Beijing.
(2025-01-11). Activities of the British Army intelligence linked Mutton Crew that targeted covid-sceptics continue to be exposed. expose-news.com
(2025-01-11). Cuban Government considers Nicolás Maduro's third term historic. plenglish.com "A historic day, full of joy and commitment to the Homeland of Bolívar, Sucre, Chávez and Maduro," the Cuban Foreign Ministry posted on its X profile on Saturday. | Cuba is with Venezuela, in a show of solidarity and support for brother President Maduro in his third term, the text adds. | It also expresses Cuban authorities' support "for the civil-military union" of the Venezuelan people. | On Friday, President Nicolás Maduro was sworn in as the President of Venezuela for the 2025-2031 six-year term. | In a solemn session in the Elliptical Hall of the Federal Legislative Palace, the re-elected president took his…
(2025-01-11). Cuba considera histórico tercer mandato de Nicolás Maduro. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 en (RHC) El gobierno de Cuba consideró histórica la jornada en la cual el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, realizó la toma de posesión para su tercer mandato, según trascendió este sábado.
(2025-01-11). Anuncian celebraciones por el Año Nuevo Chino en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Fiesta de la Primavera es la celebración más importante para recibir el nuevo año en China y para los chinos de ultramar. En 2025 tendrá en La Habana un amplio programa de actividades.
(2025-01-11). India reaffirms ties with Cuba and Global South. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) India reaffirmed its bonds of friendship and cooperation with Cuba on the 65th anniversary of bilateral relations, and ratified its commitment to working with Cuba and the Global South nations.
(2025-01-11). Perú declara estado de emergencia ante intensas lluvias. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno peruano declaró este sábado el estado de emergencia en 338 distritos de 20 regiones del país, como respuesta al peligro inminente generado por las intensas lluvias que afectan diversas zonas de ese territorio. La medida pretende mitigar los efectos de las lluvias extremas, proteger a la población afectada y salvaguardar la infraestructura crítica del país.
(2025-01-11). Cuban president's visit to rebel command reported. plenglish.com Granma, Cuba, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) The TV news program "Desde la Presidencia"(From the Presidency), led by the Cuban head of State, Miguel Díaz-Canel, on Friday reported on the president's recent visit, along with 65 young people, to the General Command of the Rebel Army in La Plata.
(2025-01-11). Ballet Beyond Borders Havbana 2025 closes in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) Dancers from several countries will gather at Teatro Nacional de Cuba in this capital on Saturday in the awarding and closing gala of the Ballet Beyond Borders (BBB) Havbana 2025 event, which was organized by companies from Cuba and the United States.
(2025-01-11). Cubans recall Celia Sanchez 45 years after her death. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) Cubans are recalling the 45th death anniversary of Celia Sanchez Manduley, a transcendental figure of the Revolution, who was considered a sharp interpreter of the ideas of Fidel Castro, the historic leader of that emancipation process in this nation.
(2025-01-11). Cuba bets on solidarity and peace, ambassador to Argentina states (+Photo). plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) In times of hatred and war, Cuba is betting on love, solidarity and peace, Ambassador in Buenos Aires Pedro Pablo Prada said at a ceremony on the 66th anniversary of the Revolution.
(2025-01-11). Cuban trade union movement faces new challenges. plenglish.com Pinar del Río, Cuba, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Cuban Workers' Confederation (CTC), Ulises Guilarte, said in this western city on Friday that the country's trade union movement faces new challenges today prior to its 22nd Congress.
(2025-01-11). Cuba convenes congress on nonclinical biopharmaceutical development. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) called on the global scientific community to participate in the International Congress on Biopharm Nonclinical Development, BioNCiD 2025, which will take place in Varadero beach in late May, the institution announced.
(2025-01-11). India reafirma nexos con Cuba y el Sur Global (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 ene (RHC) La India reafirma sus nexos de amistad y cooperación con Cuba en el 65 aniversario del establecimiento de sus relaciones, al tiempo que ratifica su compromiso de colaboración con nuestro país y naciones del Sur Global.
(2025-01-11). Evacuados por explosiones en provincia cubana de Holguín retornan a sus hogares. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 ene (RHC) El Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (Minfar) de Cuba informó este viernes que las personas evacuadas debido a las explosiones ocurridas en una obra militar en la provincia Holguín podrán regresar a sus hogares.
(2025-01-11). Cuba recuerda a heroína Celia Sánchez en aniversario 45 de su deceso. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 ene (RHC) Cuba conmemora hoy el aniversario 45 del fallecimiento de Celia Sánchez Manduley, figura trascendental de la Revolución, considerada aguda intérprete de las ideas de Fidel Castro, líder histórico de ese proceso emancipador en la isla.
(2025-01-11). En Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel luego de jornada histórica en Venezuela. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 ene(RHC) Luego de una jornada inolvidable en Venezuela, el presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, retornó a Cuba al filo de la madrugada de hoy.
(2025-01-11). Cuba apuesta por la solidaridad y la paz, afirman en Argentina (+ Foto). radiohc.cu Buenos Aires, 11 ene (RHC) En tiempos de odio y guerra, Cuba apuesta hoy por el amor, la solidaridad y la paz, aseveró el embajador de esa nación en Argentina, Pedro Pablo Prada, durante una ceremonia por el aniversario 66 de la Revolución.
(2025-01-11). Será en Cuba Cumbre Mundial de la Juventud de la UIT. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 ene (RHC) Cuba será sede de la Cumbre Mundial de la Juventud (CMJ-25), evento organizado por la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) y el Ministerio de Comunicaciones de la República de Cuba, entre los días 11 y 13 de marzo venidero en el balneario de Varadero, 140 kilómetros al este de La Habana.
(2025-01-11). Agradecen en Cuba gesto solidario de India (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 ene (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, agradeció hoy la más reciente muestra de solidaridad del gobierno indio con el pueblo y las autoridades del país antillano.
(2025-01-11). Con Mojica en La Habana. cubadebate.cu Comenta Dulce María Loynaz en sus memorias que fue una suerte de locura colectiva la que se adueñó de los habaneros durante la estancia en la ciudad del cantante mexicano José Mojica. Corría el mes de diciembre de 1931 y estaba el artista en la cúspide de la fama. La gente formaba largas filas frente a su hotel o al teatro, solo para verlo escapar rápidamente al salir, si no se escabullía antes por una puerta secreta.
(2025-01-11). Destellos de luz: La magia del contraste. cubadebate.cu Las fotografías, desprovistas de color, nos invitan a observar más allá de lo evidente, a mirar con atención esos detalles que tantas veces damos por sentados. En el negro y el blanco, la luz cobra una nueva profundidad, habla del asombro y de cómo, incluso bajo el sol más familiar, la magia puede encontrarnos si sabemos mirar.
(2025-01-11). Choque de trenes en Francia deja varias decenas de heridos. cubadebate.cu Un choque frontal este sábado entre dos trenes en la ciudad francesa de Estrasburgo dejó al menos 50 heridos. Otras 100 personas resultaron implicadas en el siniestro. Se desconocen las causas del accidente de manera oficial. Los servicios de emergencia aseguran que algunos heridos sufren "fractura de clavícula" y "esguinces en la rodilla".
(2025-01-11). Cuba recuerda a Celia Sánchez Manduley, la heroína de la sierra y el llano. cubadebate.cu La impronta y obra revolucionaria de Celia Sánchez Manduley acompañó el tributo que le rindió este sábado 11 de enero el pueblo de la capital a la heroína de la sierra y el llano en el aniversario 45 de su fallecimiento. También en Granma localidades como Manzanillo, Pilón, Bayamo y su natal Media Luna se sumaron a los homenajes.
(2025-01-11). Día del Ingeniero: Diez hitos que cambiaron la historia. cubadebate.cu La ingeniería es la columna vertebral de los avances que han moldeado la humanidad. En este Día del Ingeniero, celebremos a quienes convierten ideas en realidad y sueños en logros tangibles. Su trabajo nos inspira a construir un futuro mejor, piedra a piedra y cálculo a cálculo.
(2025-01-11). Metaverso: Un nuevo campo de batalla para los ciberataques. cubadebate.cu El metaverso, un universo digital en constante expansión, promete revolucionar la manera en que interactuamos, trabajamos y nos entretenemos. A medida que más empresas y desarrolladores invierten en esta tecnología, es probable que veamos avances significativos en los próximos años. Aunque vimos que ofrece un sinfín de oportunidades, también plantea serios desafíos en términos de ciberseguridad.
(2025-01-11). Neuralink implanta un chip cerebral a un tercer paciente. cubadebate.cu Elon Musk afirmó que su empresa Neuralink implantó un chip cerebral a un tercer paciente y que planean realizar entre 20 y 30 implantes más durante este año.
(2025-01-11). Presidente panameño considera acudir a la ONU por amenazas de Trump sobre el canal. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Panamá, José Raúl Mulino, declaró en privado que planea acudir al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU si el presidente electo de EE. UU., Donald Trump, sigue amenazando a su país con retomar el control del canal, reporta Politico haciendo referencia al exmandatario del país, Ernesto Pérez Balladares.
(2025-01-11). La heroína que salvó a Fidel Castro y a la Revolución cubana. cubadebate.cu Quizás uno de los aspectos menos tratados, y por ello poco conocidos en la vida de Celia Sánchez Manduley, sea el papel que desarrolló en el aseguramiento de la supervivencia inicialmente de los combatientes guerrilleros y más tarde del Ejército Rebelde, al punto de ser considerada por Fidel, desde los primeros meses de la Sierra Maestra como imprescindible y por Raúl como la madrina de los guerrilleros.
(2025-01-11). América Latina y el Caribe crecerá 2.5 por ciento en 2025. cubadebate.cu Las perspectivas económicas de América Latina y el Caribe se fortalecerán en 2025 apoyadas por un gasto más robusto de los hogares y la flexibilización de las políticas monetarias; sin embargo, la región se enfrenta a importantes riesgos a la baja, como las incertidumbres políticas internas y una demanda externa más débil de lo previsto, según las perspectivas económicas de la ONU para este año.
(2025-01-11). Fallece otra persona tras accidente masivo de tránsito en Camagàºey. cubadebate.cu Suman tres los fallecidos por este lamentable accidente, ocurrido pasadas las 7: 00 p.m. de este viernes en la intersección de la circunvalación norte de Camagàºey y la carretera Central vía Occidente, al impactarse dos ómnibus por violación de la señal de Pare de uno de los conductores.
(2025-01-11). Ya'alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria. defenddemocracy.press Defense minister says jihadists don't 'have capabilities' of Islamic Republic, which he brands Israel's 'greatest enemy' By Judah Ari Gross 19 January 2016 Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Tuesday that Iran poses a greater threat than the Islamic State, and that if the Syrian regime were to fall, Israel would prefer that IS was in …
(2025-01-11). CENSUS REPORT: 58% of Ugandans legally own land. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | Census findings show that only 58 percent of Ugandans who own land have legal documents as the country grapples with escalating land conflicts. In Greater Luwero districts, several people are in a panic over rampant evictions from land. The latest case involves over 300 people settled at the disputed …
(2025-01-11). London police under fire for banning pro-Palestine rally outside BBC. presstv.ir The UK's pro-Palestinian groups condemn London's MET police for banning a Palestine march.
(2025-01-11). More States Are Passing Laws Offering Vigilantes Cash to Report Targeted Groups. truthout.org State and city legislators across the U.S. are passing laws that offer private citizens the option to sue for cash if they catch a trans person using a bathroom aligned with their gender identity, someone providing or receiving an abortion, or a librarian offering inclusive books. The trend is already showing up in the 2025 legislative session after starting four years ago. |
(2025-01-11). VPNs, training, and mental health workshops: How CPJ helped journalist safety in 2024. Lucy Westcott
(2025-01-11). Dr Victor Frankenstein Disavows His Monster. popularresistance.org Very few humans have had the good fortune to descend into the depths of the world's oceans. The deepest such place — 11 kilometres below sea level at its deepest point — is the Mariana Trench, which is located just north of the 607 islands of the Federated States of Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean (by comparison, Mount Everest is nearly nine kilometres above sea level). Down there, in the depths below six kilometres in what is called the hadal zone, there is no light. It is called the hadal zone after Hades, the ancient Greek god of the underworld.
(2025-01-11). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-11). Dozens killed in Myanmar military air attack in Rakhine State, UN says. aljazeera.com Attack on village of Kyauk Ni Maw, in Ramree island township, kills more than 40 people and destroys about 500 homes.
(2025-01-11). Galápagos Islands: a cradle of evolution slated for extinction. iacenter.org By Lyn Neeley January 9, 2025 Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa approved a resolution to let the U.S. build military bases on the Galápagos Islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador's coastline in the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Armed Forces will arrive on Jan. 10 with ships, submarines, personnel, weapons and military equipment to control and patrol the region. The military base is exempt from paying the administrative taxes that other organizations must pay. The U.S. government agreed that the stated objectives of the contract are to secure the Galápagos, combat drug trafficking and illegal fishing and prevent violent cri…
(2025-01-11). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-11). Delegate to the United Nations- Indefinite-term contract based in FIDH Geneva office. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights organisations from 116 countries. FIDH is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, apolitical, and not for profit organisation. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all human rights — civil, political, economic, social, and cultural — as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
| You can find us on our social networks: : www.fidh.org/en (…) | |
(2025-01-11). Panama official rejects Trump threat to take back canal control. presstv.ir China does not control the Panama Canal, and the US cannot take it back, says a Panamanian official.
(2025-01-11). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-11). Mayo Clinic Minute: Update adult vaccinations for a new year. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the start of a new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult vaccinations. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Whether it's the annual flu shot,…
(2025-01-11). Revival of the UN Command—a Pacific NATO—Brings the Danger of a Revitalized Korean War Closer. covertactionmagazine.com Few people know of the existence of the so-called UN Command in South Korea. Fewer still realize that it is actually an active entity. Most who do recognize it associate it with the Korean War (1950 to 1953). Described by Wikipedia as "a multinational military force established to support the Republic of Korea (ROK) during …
(2025-01-11). Russia takes Shevchenko and causes hundreds of casualties in Ukraine. plenglish.com Moscow, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) Russian forces took the town of Shevchenko, in the self-proclaimed republic of Donetsk, on Saturday, and annihilated nearly 800 Ukrainian soldiers in one day and shot down at least 85 drones in that territory.
(2025-01-11). All US interests in region within Iran's reach: Army commander. presstv.ir A top Iranian commander says the Islamic Republic's Armed Forces are the undisputed power in West Asia.
(2025-01-10). UK face probe into handling of allegations against Harrods owner. newarab.com British police watchdogs will investigate whether the London force bungled its handling of The Independent Office for Police Conduct said Wednesday that it will oversee a probe by the Metropolitan Police Directorate of Professional Standards into whether opportunities were missed to bring the wealthy businessman to justice. | "There is widespread public concern around this case, with a significant number of allegatio…
(2025-01-10). Cuban president arrives in Venezuela for Maduro's inauguration. plenglish.com Caracas, Jan 10 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel arrived in Venezuela on Friday to accompany his counterpart, Nicolas Maduro, to his inauguration before the National Assembly (Parliament) for the 2025-2031 term.
(2025-01-10). Delegación cubana en Festival Antifascista ratifica respaldo a Venezuela y a su Presidente Nicolás Maduro (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Delegación cubana que participa en Festival Mundial Antifascista ratifica la solidaridad de nuestro país con el hermano pueblo venezolano, y el Presidente de la nación bolivariana, Nicolás Maduro Moros, quien realizará su acto de juramentación este 10 de enero.
(2025-01-10). Nicolás Maduro toma posesión de la Presidencia de Venezuela (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Nicolás Maduro Moros fue juramentado este viernes, en la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, en Caracas, para cumplir su tercer mandato consecutivo como presidente de la nación. El juramento fue tomado sobre un ejemplar de la Constitución Bolivariana rubricada por el comandante Hugo Chávez. Maduro dijo: "Haré cumplir todas las obligaciones de la Constitución y las leyes de la República. Este nuevo periodo presidencial será el período de la paz, la prosperidad, igualdad y nueva democracia".
(2025-01-10). Llega Díaz-Canel a Caracas para toma de posesión de Maduro. cubadebate.cu El primer secretario del Comité Central del PCC y presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, arribó en la mañana de este viernes a Venezuela para asistir a la toma de posesión de Nicolás Maduro.
(2025-01-10). Chapeando: María Corina nunca fue secuestrada, sólo la verdad (+Podcast). cubadebate.cu La más colosal y muy peligrosa fake news en relación con la Revolución Bolivariana jamás ocurrió, pero quien el 9 de enero de este 2025 abría en YouTube los canales de casi todos los medios vió el modo en que se viralizó el show de María Corina por las redes como si fuera cierto, replicado por medios que presumen de objetividad, sin una sola imagen de respaldo. María Corina nunca fue secuestrada, ni detenida. La única secuestrada ha sido la verdad.
(2025-01-10). Récords de temperaturas hacen "más propensos e intensos" incendios y nevadas, según NASA. cubadebate.cu La NASA divulgó este viernes un nuevo récord de temperatura global ocurrido durante 2024, que aunque no se puede vincular directamente con los mortales incendios de California, las enormes nevadas o los huracanes del año pasado en EE.UU., sí hacen más "propensos" e "intensos" este tipo de eventos, según explicó a EFE Carlos del Castillo, científico de esa agencia.
(2025-01-10). India sends humanitarian aid in medicines to Cuba. plenglish.com The official spokesman for the Indian Foreign Ministry, Randhir Jaiswal, confirmed on X that the humanitarian cargo includes antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, oral solutions and muscle relaxants. | India's contribution to Cuba shows the close ties that both countries have, which this year celebrate the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. | In June 2024, the Indian authorities sent humanitarian assistance to Cuba corresponding to raw materials for the production of medicines, as a reflection of their commitment to the historical friendship between the two nations. | Some 90 tons of active pharmaceutic…
(2025-01-10). Dúo playero cubano ante un calendario de primer nivel en 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 ene (ACN).- La dupla playera de Cuba de Jorge Luis Alayo y Noslen Díaz enfrentará un calendario de primer nivel en 2025, con siete torneos Challenge, ocho Élite 16 y un campeonato mundial, luego de una destacada actuación en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024.
(2025-01-10). Master classes occupy Ballet Beyond Borders Havbana 2025. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 10 (Prensa Latina) Relevant dance figures from Cuba and other countries will offer master classes today as part of the Ballet Beyond Borders Havana 2025 event, which concludes tomorrow after several days of competition.
(2025-01-10). India envió a Cuba asistencia humanitaria en medicamentos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 ene (RHC) El gobierno de India envío hoy a Cuba asistencia humanitaria en medicamentos esenciales para contribuir a la recuperación de la isla, afectada por el huracán Rafael en noviembre pasado.
(2025-01-10). Clases magistrales ocupan a Ballet Beyond Borders Havbana 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 ene (RHC) Relevantes figuras de la danza en Cuba y de otros países ofrecerán hoy clases magistrales como parte del evento Ballet Beyond Borders Havbana 2025, que concluye mañana tras varias jornadas de competencia.
(2025-01-10). EEUU sanciona a más de 200 entidades e individuos relacionados con sector energético ruso. cubadebate.cu EE.UU. sancionó a más de 200 entidades e individuos relacionados con el sector energético de Rusia, informó este viernes el secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken. Moscú afirmó en repetidas ocasiones que resistirá la presión de las sanciones que Occidente comenzó a ejercer sobre Rusia hace varios años y que continúa aumentando.
(2025-01-10). El Gobierno brasileño exigirá a Meta que explique el fin de sus programas de verificación. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno brasileño exigirá formalmente que la multinacional Meta explique sus nuevas políticas y el fin de sus sistemas de verificación de contenidos, informó este viernes el ministro de la Presidencia, Rui Costa.
(2025-01-10). La OMM confirma que 2024 fue el año más cálido jamás registrado al superar en cerca de 1.55 ∞C los niveles preindustriales. cubadebate.cu La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) ha confirmado que 2024 fue el año más cálido del que se tiene constancia, según seis conjuntos de datos internacionales. En una excepcional concatenación de récords de temperatura, los últimos diez años han sido los diez años más cálidos jamás registrados.
(2025-01-10). Más de 153 000 evacuados mientras se empiezan a contener los incendios de Los àÅngeles. cubadebate.cu Más de 153 000 personas han sido evacuadas de sus hogares desde que se desató una ola devastadora de incendios en el condado de Los àÅngeles el pasado 7 de enero que los equipos de socorro están empezando a contener, informaron este viernes las autoridades.
(2025-01-10). Trump recibe condena simbólica por caso Stormy Daniels. cubadebate.cu El presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, fue condenado este viernes por el caso de la exactriz de cine para adultos Stormy Daniels, en una sentencia histórica, pero simbólica, que lo convierte en el primer delincuente convicto en ocupar la Casa Blanca. Trump calificó el proceso penal como una "vergàºenza para el sistema" antes de conocer su condena.
(2025-01-10). Convocan en Cuba a congreso de desarrollo no clínico biofarmacéutico. cubadebate.cu El Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB) convocó a la comunidad científica global a participar en Congreso Internacional Biopharm Nonclinical Development, BioNCiD 2025, que se efectuará en el balneario de Varadero a fines de mayo, anunció este viernes esa institución. El evento tiene como objetivo reunir a expertos, académicos y profesionales de la industria.
(2025-01-10). ONU tras reciente decisión de Meta: No es censura impedir incitación al odio. cubadebate.cu A raíz del cierre del programa de verificación de datos de Meta en Estados Unidos, el alto comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Volker Tàºrk, subrayó este viernes que las publicaciones en redes sociales que incitan al odio y la división tienen consecuencias y existe la responsabilidad de regular el contenido.
(2025-01-10). Retornan a sus hogares evacuados por explosiones en Holguín. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (Minfar) informó este viernes que los evacuados por las explosiones en una obra militar en Holguín podrán regresar a sus hogares. De acuerdo con el Minfar, la decisión se debe a que las casas están ubicadas a una distancia que no representa peligro de futuras afectaciones por el incidente.
(2025-01-10). Desde La Presidencia: Díaz-Canel con los jóvenes en La Plata. cubadebate.cu El pasado lunes 9 de enero, el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez acompañó a 65 jóvenes de todo el país en su ascenso a la Comandancia General de La Plata, desde donde el Comandante en Jefe dirigió buena parte de la lucha guerrillera.
(2025-01-10). Jóvenes universitarios enaltecen legado de Julio Antonio Mella. cubadebate.cu Jóvenes universitarios rindieron tributo este viernes a la memoria del líder estudiantil Julio Antonio Mella (1903-1929), en el aniversario 96 de su desaparición física. Litza Elena González Desdín, ideológica del Secretariado Nacional de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU), lo calificó como un símbolo de lucha y resistencia.
(2025-01-10). UNE pronostica afectación de 805 MW durante pico nocturno de este viernes. cubadebate.cu La Unión El&
(2025-01-10). Watching the Banners of Empire Unfurl. thealtworld.com The Destruction of Syria Has Altered the Correlation of Forces | Washington, Israel, and Turkey conspired in the destruction and partition of Syria, and now they face conflict among themselves. It is enough to put you on the side of the terrorists. | An Israeli government committee has advised that Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, suspected of intentions of restoring the Ottoman Empire which would encroach on Israel's plans for Greater Israel. Such a war would present Washington with a dilemma. Turkey is a NATO member to whose aid Washington must go. But how can Washington go to war against Israel when Is…
(2025-01-10). Israel continues to push for "Greater Israel" amid massacres in the West Bank and Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org Israeli drone strikes escalate in the West Bank. In Gaza, massacres continue as the occupation vows to achieve the "Greater Israel" project.
(2025-01-10). Welcome to 2025: Where Your Freedoms Go to Die. counterpunch.org "There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice." —Montesquieu, Enlightenment philosopher Wondering what to expect from the government in 2025? So far, it looks like it will be more of the same ill-advised, costly, greedy, taxpayer-funded, dunderheaded power grabs, saber-rattling, graft,
(2025-01-10). California Just Banned Mandatory Anti-Union Meetings in Workplaces. Business Groups Have Sued to Stop the New Law. scheerpost.com
(2025-01-10). VPNs, training, and mental health workshops: How CPJ helped journalist safety in 2024. Lucy Westcott
(2025-01-10). Galápagos Islands: a cradle of evolution slated for extinction. workers.org By Lyn Neeley Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa approved a resolution to let the U.S. build military bases on the Galápagos Islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador's coastline in the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Armed Forces will arrive on Jan. 10 with ships, submarines, personnel, weapons and military equipment to control . . . |
(2025-01-10). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-10). Trump is Far Too Timid in His Imperial Aspirations. counterpunch.org Much is being made of Donald Trump's threats to use US power — its military, or its mighty import demand and trade deficit — to take over the Panama Canal, the entire country of Canada, and the world's largest island, Greenland, as well as renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. But why
(2025-01-10). Solomon Islands tops passport index for region's global rankings. asiapacificreport.nz RNZ Pacific Solomon Islands has the highest-ranked passport of Pacific Island nations, at 37th equal globally. This is according to the Henley Passport Index. The index, organised by a consulting firm that describes itself as "the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment," releases the list based on global travel freedoms using data from…
(2025-01-10). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-10). Delegate to the United Nations- Indefinite-term contract based in FIDH Geneva office. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights organisations from 116 countries. FIDH is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, apolitical, and not for profit organisation. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all human rights — civil, political, economic, social, and cultural — as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
| You can find us on our social networks: : www.fidh.org/en (…) | |
(2025-01-10). Five things Friday roundup: Countries with compulsory military service. anabaptistworld.org I am still hoping 2025 will be better than its predecessor. The year has already brought its challenges, though. Threats of annexation of sovereign nations by the United States, along with unstable governments in the West, and upcoming elections in countries that are already facing political instability make the beginning of 2025 a nerve-racking one. …
(2025-01-10). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-10). "Let's call it Mexican America": President Sheinbaum hits back at Trump's comment on renaming Gulf of Mexico to "Gulf of America" pressenza.com Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum on Wednesday mocked U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's proposal to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to "Gulf of America," referring to the United States. Sheinbaum gave her daily press conference in front of a large map from 1607 that gave much of the North American continent the name "Mexican America."President Claudia Sheinbaum: "Obviously the Gulf of Mexico is recognized by the name of the United Nations, it is a United Nations agency. But, the next one, why don't we call it Mexican America? It sounds nice, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Since 1607, the Constitution of Apatzi…
(2025-01-10). Why Jimmy Carter pardoned draft resisters. workers.org By Gerry Condon Condon, who was a leading activist among exiled military deserters in Canada, places the role of U.S. President Jimmy Carter in perspective, while presenting a survey of how repulsion against the U.S. occupation of Vietnam drove varied forms of war and draft resistance among U.S. youths. These . . . |
(2025-01-10). UAE places 11 individuals, 8 UK-based entities on 'terror list'. newarab.com The The decision was taken by the Emirati cabinet, "which approved the inclusion of 11 individuals and 8 entities in the approved list of individuals and organisations supporting terrorism", the UAE's official WAM news agency reported. | "The move is part of the UAE's ongoing e…
(2025-01-10). President Nicolás Maduro 2025-2031: Towards Communal Democracy and Popular Power. libya360.wordpress.com Horacio Duque Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Jan. 10, 2025. The international reactionary mafias have prioritized Venezuela, the Bolivarian revolution and President Maduro as the target of their attacks. On the day of Nicolás Maduro's inauguration as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the period 2025-2031, the scenario is quite turbulent and agitated. Obviously,…
(2025-01-10). US House passes bill sanctioning ICC to protect Israel. newarab.com The US House of Representatives have voted for the second time to sanction individuals working for the The Republican-led bipartisan
(2025-01-10). Upcoming DNC Election Will Set Democratic Party's Course on Palestine and More. truthout.org The Democratic Party, still reeling from its resounding loss to Donald Trump and the Republicans, will try to set a new course for the party at the Democratic National Committee's upcoming winter meeting. This will be no small task; the party just endured a chaotic presidential campaign that saw the sitting president opt not to run for reelection after considerable pressure from inside the… |
(2025-01-10). Trans Californians Could Seal Court Records Under Proposed Law Amid Trump Term. truthout.org California State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-11th district) has introduced Senate Bill 59, the "Transgender Privacy Act," to enhance privacy protections for transgender and nonbinary people. The bill aims to automatically seal and keep confidential all court records related to gender transitions, reducing the risk of involuntary outing. "The incoming Trump Administration and Republican… |
(2025-01-10). The Tears of Our Children. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Jan 2, 2025 | From Palestine to Sudan, imperialist wars are destroying the lives of innocent children, leaving long-term physical and psychological wounds on those who survive. | A
(2025-01-10). Londra lotta per riconquistare l'influenza globale. strategic-culture.su Nonostante gli sforzi britannici per riconquistare parte del prestigio perso nel corso del XX secolo, Londra affrontava una mancanza di mezzi materiali o condizioni eccessivamente difficili. | Segue nostro Il Regno Unito occupa una posizione geopolitica unica nel mondo contemporaneo. Un tempo prima potenza mondiale durante il secolo che va dalla sconfitta di Napoleone all'inizio della Prima guerra mondiale, il Regno Unito si è trovato su…
(2025-01-10). Interior Minister of Venezuela Exposes Opposition Leader Enrique Márquez's Involvement in Coup Plot. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, presented evidence of the coup plot involving opposition leader Enrique Márquez, who has already been arrested. | "There are no saints here, and even less so if there is money involved. In this opposition everything is contaminated, absolutely everything," said Cabello, the first vice-president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), during his program Con El Mazo Dando on Wednesday, January 8. | The minister also confirmed Márquez's close friendship with US-linked Juan Barreto and lawyer María Alejandra Díaz, as well as w…
(2025-01-10). Netanyahu's pathetic puppets cooked up a plan that's a recipe for disaster. haaretz.com Israel's justice and foreign ministers want to turn the Judicial Select Committee into a purely political entity, without any semblance of professionalism ‚ñ In his role as defense troll, Israel Katz is manning the eighth front in the service of Netanyahu: The draft-evasion crisis ‚ñ Smotrich's calculation is clear: the price of a life isn't equal to the price of the territories…