(2023-12-25). Cuba To Implement a Macroeconomic Stabilization Plan. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero presented the macroeconomic stabilization program that will be implemented to boost the Cuban economy in 2024. | This program includes measures aimed at increasing foreign exchange income by promoting exports of goods and services and increasing the participation of foreign investment, especially in the production of food and energy. | Cuban authorities will reduce tariffs on intermediate products and increase tariffs on final products to promote the competitiveness of local industries. | Among the measures to reduce the budget deficit, it is proposed to update fue…
(2023-12-25). Venezuela Now Has A WBW Chapter For Peace/ Venezuela Ya Tiene Un Capítulo Para La Paz. worldbeyondwar.org By Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War, December 24, 2023 | As World BEYOND War continues to grow in Latin America, on December 21st a new chapter was created in Venezuela. The activity took place at the Nucleus of Endogenous Francisco de Miranda-Tócome, in the Sucre municipality of the city of Caracas. | The event to launch the chapter was part of a conference called "Venezuela Territory of Peace", in which various members of the chapter, activists, and people interested in contributing to the work of peace and against war participated in-person and virtually. | The event began around 3: 00 p.m. local time in Ca…
(2023-12-25). Presidente Maduro afirmó que el 2024 será bueno para Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano publicó un video exponiendo el crecimiento logrado en diversas áreas a pesar de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales impuestas por EE.UU.
(2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. counterpunch.org Alex Saab and President Maduro, Youtube screengrab. | Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, ch…
(2023-12-25). Despite US Import Ban, Sugar Cane Cutters Still Face Abuse in Dominican Republic. unicornriot.ninja
(2023-12-25). Al menos nueve personas heridas tras un tiroteo en Río de Janeiro. telesurtv.net Los presuntos criminales dispararon en su huida a "tres autos" que pasaban en ese momento por la Avenida Brasil, donde se produjo el incidente, y contra "un coche patrulla" de la Policía Militar.