(2025-01-22). Rights activist charged for pro-Palestine campaign in Jersey. presstv.ir A pro-Palestine campaigner and human rights activist has been arrested and charged in the self-governing British island country of Jersey for defending Palestinians.
(2025-01-22). British voters view Donald Trump as a 'dangerous idiot'. leftfootforward.org British voters have a scathing view of Donald Trump, who returned to the White House for a second presidential term yesterday. | When asked to describe the Republican in one word, the most popular responses to a poll by think tank More in Common were "idiot" and "dangerous". | Among the few positive descriptions, respondents called Trump "funny," "good," "strong," and a "leader." | Overall, three in five Brits have a negative view of the new president. | Half of the 2,000 British adults who responded to the poll say they would have voted for his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, compared to just 28% for Trump.
(2025-01-22). CPUSA leader Cambron sheds light on the fight for immigrant justice. cpusa.org This slightly edited article was originally Introduction: As a second Trump presidency takes shape, the treatment of immigrants, particularly from Latin America and the Caribbean, remains a central and contentious issue. Republican border policies have long framed immigrants as threats, using them as scapegoats for broader societal problems. | Yet much of the migration from Latin America is driven by the fallout from U.S. foreign interventions — anti-de…
(2025-01-22). Cuba holds Bastion 2016 strategic drill. plenglish.com The exercise aims to train the leadership and command of the different structures of the National and Territorial Guard in organizing their work. | The Revolutionary Armed Forces Ministry (MINFAR) said this exercise "seeks to increase the country's defense willingness and the preparedness of troops and the population to face the enemy's different actions." | Granma newspaper informed in a note that the Strategic Exercise was scheduled for November 2024. However, due to the effects caused by two earthquakes and Hurricanes Oscar and Rafael, it was necessary to postpone it for the present year. | During the strateg…
(2025-01-22). Orcas y delfines alcanzan un punto evolutivo de "no retorno" y nunca regresarán a tierra firme. cubadebate.cu Dos animales considerados superinteligentes han alcanzado un punto sin retorno que los hace completamente dependientes del medio acuático. A pesar de que sus ancestros fueron mamíferos terrestres, la evolución ha moldeado su anatomía y fisiología hasta el punto de que un regreso a la tierra firme es imposible. En concreto, se trata de las orcas y de los delfines.
(2025-01-22). President Díaz-Canel Condemns Inclusion of Cuba in Trump's List of State Sponsors of Terrorism. orinocotribune.com Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has expressed his strong opposition to the recent decision by US President Donald Trump to reinstate Cuba in the list of state sponsors of terrorism. In a The Cuban president stressed that the measure is part of a broader US strategy to intensify the "cruel economic war" against the country, with the aim of exercising domination. | The extreme policies i…
(2025-01-22). Mexicans reject Cuba's inclusion in Washington's SSOT list. plenglish.com Mexico City, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba has rejected the recent decision by US President Donald Trump to revoke the island's removal from Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.
(2025-01-22). Argentinean organization rejects reinstatement of Cuba to US list. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MasCuba) joined organizations around the world that repudiate the reinstatement of Cuba to the US list of state sponsors of terrorism.
(2025-01-22). Tiradores cubanos apuntan a los Juegos de Asunción. radiohc.cu La Habana, 22 ene (JIT).- Los tiradores cubanos se aprestan a intervenir en dos torneos clasificatorios para los Juegos Panamericanos Júnior de Asunción 2025, en Paraguay.
(2025-01-22). Más allá de las listas criminales, Cuba crecerá. radiohc.cu Hoy quiero hablarles sobre un tema que ha generado gran repercusión y daños a la economía cubana: la lista de entidades restringidas impuesta por el gobierno estadounidense, al igual que la espuria lista de paises supuestamente terroristas, desprecian la verdad y la soberanía del país.
(2025-01-22). Comunicación al Día. radiohc.cu Comunicación al día, es un servicio de podcast de Radio Habana Cuba, que invita a conocer por dentro la Ley de Comunicación Social y los procesos relacionados con su implementación.
(2025-01-22). Comienza andadura de Fitur con expectativas de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 22 ene (RHC) Mal tiempo, buena cara para el turismo, que comienza hoy su andadura con Fitur en IFEMA-Madrid, donde una legión de profesionales de 156 países promueve sus ofertas.
(2025-01-22). Cubano Simón reapareció en la Superliga Italiana de Voleibol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 22 ene (JIT).- El estelar Roberlandy Simón reapareció en la Superliga Italiana de Voleibol con un buen rendimiento, a pesar que su equipo Piacenza cayó frente al Milano en cinco parciales.
(2025-01-22). Elpidio Valdés, la cañonera y el dentista (II). cubadebate.cu Para confeccionar las minas subacuáticas made in manigua, los cubanos habían buscado garrafones de los que se usaban para almacenar vino, aguardientes o aceite. Vasijas robustas, en ocasiones reforzadas con cubiertas de mimbre como las que se muestran en las fotos. Pero para las funciones bélicas como las que narramos, el cuello estrecho dificultaba su llenado con dinamita.
(2025-01-22). A la venta entradas para la edición 33 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana. cubadebate.cu El Instituto Cubano del Libro informó que están a la venta las entradas al Recinto Ferial de la edición 33 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana 2025, a efectuarse entre los venideros días del 13 al 23 de febrero. La institución cultural explicó que las boletas estarán disponibles en las librerías capitalinas Fayad Jamis y Tuxpan.
(2025-01-22). Anestesia de las conciencias. cubadebate.cu Al ser humano le ha sido dada la capacidad dediscernimiento, atributo que le permite el ejercicio de la libertad. Pero hay quien prefiere renunciar a ese derecho de optar libremente. Prefiere dejar que sea el líder, el gurú o el mentor del grupo social con el que se identifica quien tome las decisiones.
(2025-01-22). Empresa Industria Electrónica: Renovación continua (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La Empresa Industria Electrónica Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos (EIE) logró un récord histórico de ventas en el 2024 y apuesta por poner la innovación al servicio del desarrollo este 2025. Sobre las experiencias del año que recién concluye y las metas del nuevo período, Cubadebate dialogó con el director general de la institución, Edel Gómez Gómez.
(2025-01-22). Niebla, nubes en el suelo. cubadebate.cu La niebla es un fenómeno meteorológico habitual en cualquier época del año en Cuba, que cuando ocurre en verano es presagio de un día caluroso. øNiebla o neblina? La diferencia entre ambos viene dada por qué tanto se reduzca la visibilidad por este fenómeno, definiéndose como neblina cuando el alcance visual supera los 1000 metros y como niebla cuando es inferior.
(2025-01-22). Conozca las órdenes ejecutivas que implementó Trump en sus primeras 24 horas en el cargo. cubadebate.cu Donald Trump regresó este lunes a la Casa Blanca. Durante su primer discurso como presidente de Estados Unidos anunció que ese mismo día firmaría una serie de órdenes ejecutivas, entre ellas la declaratoria de emergencia nacional en la frontera con México. øCuáles son todas las órdenes firmadas?
(2025-01-22). Tuit del día: La estatua de Donald Trump frente al Capitolio en San Juan. cubadebate.cu La gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Jenniffer González Colón, dijo ayer que está "coordinando" para que se erija una estatua de Donald Trump frente al Capitolio en San Juan. Teniendo en cuenta la consabida historia de ese presidente con los puertorriqueños, suponemos que la estatua será algo así, tuiteó el periodista Luis de Jesús.
(2025-01-22). Línea del néctar Taoro concreta producción inicial de 279 000 unidades entre el jugo de mango y dos nuevos sabores. cubadebate.cu Desde su reactivación, en el último trimestre de 2024 —tras unos cuatro años paralizada—, la línea del néctar Taoro, perteneciente a la Fábrica de Conservas y Vegetales de Yara, en Granma, logró concretar una producción inicial de unas 279 000 unidades, entre el jugo de mango y dos nuevos sabores.
(2025-01-22). Entregan Orden de la Solidaridad a Gabriel Escarrer Juliá, fundador de Meliá Hotels International. cubadebate.cu En emotiva ceremonia de homenaje póstumo, realizada en la Embajada de Cuba en España, se entregó la víspera la Orden de la Solidaridad a Gabriel Escarrer Juliá, fundador de Meliá Hotels International, quien mantuvo siempre una estrecha relación con Cuba, informó en X el primer ministro cubano Manuel Marrero Cruz.
(2025-01-22). CTE Antonio Guiteras sincronizó nuevamente al Sistema Electroenergético Nacional. cubadebate.cu La CTE Antonio Guiteras sincronizó nuevamente al Sistema Electroenergetico Nacional, según informó la Unión Eléctrica a través de sus plataformas oficiales. "Todo se ha venido haciendo según lo previsto y tenemos el compromiso de estar generando en el horario pico de este miércoles", aseguró Rubén Campos Olmo, director general de la planta.
(2025-01-22). La imagen del día: Los grises del invierno. cubadebate.cu Los días invernales nos regalan imágenes como esta. Según el Instituto de Meteorología predominarán este miércoles los nublados en el occidente con algunos chubascos y lluvias, fundamentalmente hacia localidades del interior y costa norte.
(2025-01-22). Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today. ummid.com Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands.
(2025-01-22). UN experts urge Thailand not to deport 48 Uyghurs to China. newarab.com United Nations human rights experts have urged Thailand not to send 48 Human rights groups and some Thai lawmakers have raised concerns in the past week that the transfer to China of the Uyghurs, who have been held in immigration detention for more than a decade, was imminent. The government has said it has…
(2025-01-22). Second phase of hostage deal set for Saturday, with four women to be released. haaretz.com Under the cease-fire agreement, Hamas is set to release a total of 33 hostages. Three have already been freed during the initial phase, with the remaining 30 to be released in five phases: four groups of three, followed by the final 14 hostages in the last week of the agreement…
(2025-01-22). Colombia seeks to reassert control as rebel fighting kills over 100. aljazeera.com Government sends troops into coca-rich northeast Catatumbo region in bid to quell hostilities among rebel groups.
(2025-01-22). Mali's FLA rebels 'free Spanish man kidnapped in Algeria'. newarab.com A rebel alliance in Mali said Tuesday it has freed The Azawad Liberation Front (FLA), a coalition of separatist armed groups in Mali's predominately Tuareg north, said on the social media platform X that it freed Spanish citizen Gilbert Navarro. | "The former Spanish hostage, Mr. Navarro Giane Gilbert, has been released by the FLA and is in good health," said Mohamed Maouloud Ramaadan, spokesperson for the separatist movement. | Boubacar Sadigh Ould Taleb, the Azawad Liberation Front's communication…
(2025-01-22). Left-wing groups come together to offer public funding and training for local organising. thecanary.co A number of left-wing groups have united to offer people around Britain funding, training, and networking support in order to get active locally and nationally. "Funding, training and national networks for local people" Transform, Assemble, The Ron Todd Foundation, For the Many, Majority and OCISA have come together in order to support: Assemblies and community […] | By
(2025-01-22). 'Decolonise' aid urgent call from Fiji's Prasad to face Pacific climate crisis. asiapacificreport.nz By Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Fiji's Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad has told an international conference in Bangkok that some of the most severely debt-stressed countries are the island states of the Pacific. Dr Prasad, who is also a former economic professor, said the harshest impacts of global economic re-engineering are being felt…
(2025-01-22). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-22). Indonesia reports 17 dead due to floods and landslides. plenglish.com Jakarta, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) At least 17 persons have died in Indonesia following flash floods and landslides on the main island of Java, the National Disaster Management Agency said.
(2025-01-22). Israel Isn't Leaving Syria: Settlement Plans Signal a Permanent Land Grab. mintpressnews.com Israel wasted no time following the abrupt collapse of Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria. Within hours of Assad's fall on December 8, 2024, Israeli forces More than a month later, Israeli troops remain stationed in the United Nations-patrolled area — raiding government buildings and summoning residents for <...
(2025-01-22). Netanyahu takes on Otzma Yehudit's ministerial roles, violating Supreme Court ruling. haaretz.com Two hours after ministers from the far-right party submitted resignations, the Israeli prime minister has yet to appoint replacements at the three ministries they held – meaning he automatically became interim minister…
(2025-01-22). Iran-Armenia Ties Serve Caucasus Peace: Araqchi. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said that close cooperation between Tehran and Yerevan serves the interests of the two nations and benefits stability and peace in the South Caucasus region.
(2025-01-22). China rejects bloc confrontation against other countries. plenglish.com Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning reiterated China's opposition to any cooperation among nations directed against other countries. | Mao also stressed that alliances and political blocs are not conducive to international peace and security. | "China has always held that cooperation among countries should not be aimed at forming exclusive alliances or conducting bloc confrontation, as this does not contribute to regional or global stability," she stressed. | The meeting in Washington focused on regional security issues, such as activities in the South China Sea, in the context of growing cooperation among th…
(2025-01-22). President Ramaphosa calls on nations to work together. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa calls on nations to work together | President Cyril Ramaphosa has urged nations to work together to tackle a multitude of challenges facing the global economy, highlighting rising debt and climate change impacts, as burning issues. | He was giving a special address to the 55th World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday as Head of State and in his capacity as the President of the G20. | He called for collective efforts to rid the world of current conflicts causing untold pain and suffering to those affected. | "As we confront the challenges of the 21st century — from climate change to pan…
(2025-01-22). Preventing WW3, Declassification of Imp Files and More — Trump Promises New Era. ummid.com A day before taking oath as 47th U.S. President, Donald Trump in a victory rally Sunday promised to stop World War 3, declassification of documents related to JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King assassinations and a new America.
(2025-01-22). Trump rescinds guidance protecting 'sensitive areas' from immigration raids. aljazeera.com For more than a decade, agencies like ICE and CBP avoided raids on places that provide vital services, like hospitals.
(2025-01-22). Why Vivek Ramaswamy Abruptly Quit DOGE? Republican Drops Big Hint On X | Musk Behind Exit Plot. hindustantimes.com U.S. politician Vivek Ramaswamy has made headlines by abruptly resigning from the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), a role he was appointed to by President Donald Trump. His departure comes just hours after Trump's inauguration, raising eyebrows and sparking speculation about the reasons behind this sudden exit. In his statement, Ramaswamy expressed gratitude for the opportunity to help establish DOGE and voiced confidence in Elon Musk's ability to lead the initiative moving forward. Watch the video for more details.
(2025-01-22). Virginia Dems Advance Reproductive, Voting and Marriage Rights Amendments. truthout.org Democratic lawmakers in Virginia have advanced three constitutional amendments to restore voting rights, protect reproductive freedoms and enshrine marriage equality in the state's highest governing document. The measures passed within Virginia's House of Delegates last week, mainly along partisan lines, with all Democrats in the chamber voting in support of them and most of the Republican… |
(2025-01-22). Iran Optimistic about Strategic Partnership with Azerbaijan. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Continuation and promotion of cooperation between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan will turn the two neighbors into strategic partners, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said.
(2025-01-22). Anti-Immigrant Legislation Doesn't Serve Anyone But Prison Contractors. ips-dc.org When I fled El Salvador four decades ago, I was 12 years old and alone. I was escaping the country's civil war, where U.S.-backed death squads had made murders and rape our daily reality. | That's why I'm so alarmed that the new Republican-led Congress has chosen to open with a bill,
(2025-01-21). Met Police Accused of Lying About Gaza Protest at the BBC. bylinetimes.com A London Assembly member has written to the Home Secretary amid claims the Met Police "lied" about Gaza protests at the weekend. | On Saturday, thousands of protesters in central London gathered to demand a lasting ceasefire and an end to what they have called a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The march had been hit with strict conditions by police over where they could go, and for how long, under the Public Order Act. | It came amid pressure from the Board of Deputies of British Jews that the planned destination — BBC headquarters — was close to a synogogue, and its attendees on the Sabba…
(2025-01-21). Trump orders withdrawal of US from WHO 'in major blow to global health'. leftfootforward.org Health experts have condemned Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and cut all funding to the UN agency on the first day of his new presidency. | Trump claimed that the global health agency had mishandled the covid-19 pandemic "and other global health crises". | The British Medical Journal (BMJ), published by the British Medical Association, has said "Withdrawal from WHO does not "Make America Healthy Again," but severely diminishes American influence and standing in the world, while threatening its national interests and population health." | The BMJ warned that…
(2025-01-21). Green Party politicians rally behind people arrested at Saturday's pro-Palestine march. thecanary.co Two Green Party politicians have hit back at the Met Police over the arrests of peaceful protesters on Saturday 18 January at the Palestine March in London. 'It's about choices' Following this weekend's disgraceful policing tactics from the Met Police against protestors organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to urge the British government to […] | By
(2025-01-21). Latin American Ministers Meet To Unify Their Stance On Trump's Policies. popularresistance.org On Thursday, ministers, deputy ministers, and heads of delegations from 10 Latin American and Caribbean countries met in Mexico City to develop a joint strategy in response to the threats of mass deportations by Donald Trump. | The "Meeting on Human Mobility in the Northern Route of the Continent: Towards an Orderly, Safe, Regular, Responsible, and Humane Management" was attended by representatives from Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Venezuela. | "In light of the challenges we face in migration matters, we gathered in Mexico City to discuss and coordinate acti…
(2025-01-21). Headlines for January 21, 2025. democracynow.org Tech Billionaires Share Stage as Donald Trump Takes Oath of Office as 47th U.S. President, Trump Declares Emergency at Southern Border, Promising "Millions and Millions" of Deportations, Trump Pardons 1,500 Capitol Rioters Including Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, Biden Grants Clemency to Indigenous Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier, Trump Withdraws U.S. from Paris Climate Agreement , Trump Withdraws from WHO, Rolls Back LGBTQ Rights and Puts Cuba Back on Terrorism List, Senate Votes 99-0 to Confirm Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, Senate Armed Services Committee Advances Pete Hegseth's Nominati…
(2025-01-21). China critica a EE.UU. por devolver a Cuba a lista terrorista. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) China criticó hoy la decisión de la nueva administración estadounidense de devolver a Cuba a la lista de supuestos países patrocinadores del terrorismo y cuestionó la credibilidad internacional de Washington.
(2025-01-21). Association of Italy supports student initiative for event in Cuba. plenglish.com Rome, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Italian humanitarian association Seeds of Peace, has launched an international student initiative to welcome the upcoming International Conference for the Balance of the World that will begin on January 28 in Cuba.
(2025-01-21). Modelos de lenguaje de la inteligencia artificial: Conversando con un amigo virtual. cubadebate.cu Los humanos hemos inventado la inteligencia artificial a imagen y semejanza de nosotros mismos. Esta paráfrasis bíblica, y también marxista, se aplica perfectamente también a muchos otros avances de la ciencia y la tecnología que tienen que ver con la información, como es el caso de la computación digital.
(2025-01-21). Asociación de Italia apoya iniciativa estudiantil para evento en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La asociación humanitaria italiana Semillas de Paz, impulsó una iniciativa estudiantil internacional en saludo a la próxima Conferencia Internacional por el Equilibrio del Mundo que iniciará el 28 de enero en Cuba, señala hoy un comunicado.
(2025-01-21). Cuba indoblegable pese a reincorporación en lista terrorista de Estados Unidos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) Cuba mantiene hoy su determinación de no doblegarse y seguir batallando, pese a la reincorporación de la isla en la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo y demás acciones injerencistas en su contra.
(2025-01-21). Compañía cubana de danza Malpaso abre temporada en Nueva York. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La compañía danzaria cubana Malpaso inaugura hoy una temporada en el Teatro Joyce de Nueva York, en Estados Unidos, con invitados como la primera bailarina del Ballet Nacional de Cuba Grettel Morejón y prestigiosos músicos.
(2025-01-21). Resaltan en Panamá ejemplo de dignidad y resistencia de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) Organizaciones populares de Panamá resaltaron hoy el ejemplo de dignidad y resistencia de Cuba y llamaron a incrementar la lucha contra el bloqueo de Estados Unidos.
(2025-01-21). A Time Capsule from 2048. tomdispatch.com My name isn't important, only what I have to say. I'm writing with a pencil because I need to conserve my batteries tonight. It's Year 24 of Our Trump (though he himself, of course, is no longer with us, just his kids who are running things). I feel like I should try to explain our era to whoever opens this time capsule a century from now, though you may need scuba gear to get at it. A lot of records could be lost by then. The Chinese climate hoax was less of a hoax than we thought at the time. Forgive me, Donald, but despite what the New Evangelical Church says, you were anything but infallible — even if I…
(2025-01-21). La Operación Verdad: La campaña propagandística del Gobierno de EE. UU. que la hizo necesaria. cubadebate.cu Encaminada al aislamiento internacional de la triunfante Revolución, el núcleo de tal campaña se basó en la utilización de la carga emotiva del término baño de sangre, del cual supuestamente eran víctimas, indiscriminada y masivamente, partidarios de la recién derrocada tiranía batistiana. Tal campaña encontró una inmediata respuesta revolucionaria a través de lo que se denominó Operación Verdad.
(2025-01-21). Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo hallan otra nieta y ya son 139 encontrados. cubadebate.cu Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo anunciaron este martes el hallazgo de la nieta 139. La asociación ofrecerá más información en una conferencia de prensa en el Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos. Abuelas ha denunciado que el gobierno de Javier Milei hace todo lo posible por obstaculizar la búsqueda de los bebés robados en la última dictadura.
(2025-01-21). UNE pronostica afectación de 1 600 MW durante hora pico de este martes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico de este martes una disponibilidad estimada de 1 720 MW, mientras que la demanda máxima podría alcanzar 3 250 MW, resultando en un déficit de 1 530 MW, y una afectación de 1 600 MW durante ese horario. Para el horario pico se espera la entrada de la unidad 3 de la CTE Rente y la unidad 6 de la CTE Nuevitas.
(2025-01-21). Más de 50 parques solares fotovoltaicos serán finalizados en Cuba durante 2025. cubadebate.cu En 2025 serán finalizados los primeros 55 parques solares fotovoltaicos de 92 que prevé un proyecto de 2 012 MW de generación. Los parques, que están en diferentes fases de construcción y montaje, entregarán al SEN alrededor de 1 200 MW. El proyecto cuenta con un sistema de acumulación en baterías de 50 mw en cuatro instalaciones.
(2025-01-21). Este martes en la Mesa Redonda "América vs Trump" mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu El retorno de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca, su discurso de toma de posesión y las primeras medidas del mandatario, serán los principales temas a analizar este martes en la Mesa Redonda "América vs Trump" con la presencia de periodistas y académicos.
(2025-01-21). José Martí y los movimientos sociales de su tiempo. cubadebate.cu Martí fue, a la vez, hombre de pensamiento y acción, y poeta en versos y en actos. Su conocimiento de los movimientos sociales nuestramericanos fue muy amplio, y se sirvió de esa información para el diseño teórico de su proyecto de república y, sobre todo, para la campaña de preparación ideológica y de organización de la Guerra Necesaria.
(2025-01-21). Turquía: Incendio en hotel de una estación de esquí deja 69 muertos. cubadebate.cu El incendio en el hotel Grand Kartal de la estación de esquí de Kartalkaya, a medio camino entre Estambul y Ankara, en Turquía, dejó al menos 69 muertos y 68 heridos. El inmueble alojaba a 238 personas. El fuego se originó sobre las 3: 30 a.m. (hora local). Los equipos de rescate continúan tratando de localizar a posibles víctimas.
(2025-01-21). Incendios en Los àÅngeles generan elevados niveles de contaminación por plomo y cloro. cubadebate.cu Los incendios en varias zonas de Los àÅngeles liberan enormes concentraciones de contaminación por plomo y cloro a la atmósfera, incluso a kilómetros de los fuegos, según mediciones obtenidas por The New York Times. De acuerdo con el rotativo, la presencia de plomo en el ambiente fue 100 veces superior al promedio.
(2025-01-21). Qué trae la prensa cubana, martes 21 de enero de 2025. cubadebate.cu
(2025-01-21). Priorities for International Cooperation in Greater Eurasia: An Indian Perspective. infobrics.org Eurasia, a region of immense geopolitical significance due to its strategic location and abundant natural resources, has always been a focus of global interest. The Russia-Ukraine conflict that erupted in February 2022 has further underscored the evolving dynamics of Eurasian geopolitics…
(2025-01-21). BVRLA warns of coming EV residual value storm. wattsupwiththat.com But soon they will be dealing with much greater volumes of EVs, along with lower volumes of profitable ICE cars.
(2025-01-21). Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today. ummid.com Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands.
thecanary.co (2025-01-21). Israeli forces arrest & kill Palestinians as Trump lifts sanctions on far-right settlers And as he starts his second term, he's wasted no time in bolstering the settler-colonial project. Because amid a shaky ceasefire giving Palestinians in Gaza a brief pause from genocide, he has lifted sanctions on "far-right Israeli settler groups and individuals" responsible for attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
(2025-01-21). Is Hezbollah weakened as Lebanon shifts towards new governance? aljazeera.com Lebanon has a new president and prime minister – but can they challenge groups like Hezbollah for dominance?>
(2025-01-21). Anti-Trump Campaigners Fear Starmer's US Ambassador Pick Peter Mandelson Could Slash UK Regulations to Secure Trade Deal. bylinetimes.com Anti-Trump groups in Britain believe that the UK's choice for US ambassador under President Donald Trump could adopt a slash-and-burn approach to regulations and protections in order to secure a trade deal. | The Stop Trump Coalition is concerned that a mooted US-UK trade deal under Donald Trump could further open up parts of Britain's economy to US outsourcing giants and tech billionaires. | It comes amid conflicting reports about whether Trump will approve Keir Starmer's choice to appoint the former New Labour minister, peer and ex-EU commissioner Lord Mandelson to the weighty US ambassador role. | Lord Ma…
(2025-01-21). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-21). Five-year-old repatriated from Mauritius adjusts to new life with family in SA. sanews.gov.za Five-year-old repatriated from Mauritius adjusts to new life with family in SA | Despite a challenging start to life, a young South African girl repatriated from Mauritius in December last year, is blossoming into what her grandmother describes as a "ball of fun and sunshine". | The child, who was born in Mauritius, lived in a prison compound on the island, where her mother is awaiting trial for allegedly trafficking drugs. On turning five, the little girl had to leave her mother and the prison and start life anew in South Africa with extended family. | The little girl now lives with her grandmother in the North…
(2025-01-21). Iran Urges Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations urged that the ceasefire in Gaza must be transformed into a permanent and sustainable solution, stressing the need for the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian enclave.
(2025-01-21). Situation Critical: UNRWA and its Continued Operations. counterpunch.org In April last year, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini told the United Nations Security Council that "an insidious campaign to end UNRWA's operations is under way, with serious implications for peace and security". Repeatedly, requests by the relief and works agency responsible for providing welfare and aid to Palestinians to continue its work, notably in northern Gaza, had been
(2025-01-21). Preventing WW3, Declassification of Imp Files and More — Trump Promises New Era. ummid.com A day before taking oath as 47th U.S. President, Donald Trump in a victory rally Sunday promised to stop World War 3, declassification of documents related to JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King assassinations and a new America.
(2025-01-21). Sanction-Proof? Russia's Arctic Ambitions and the China Factor. infobrics.org Russia's Arctic ambitions are not just surviving — they're evolving, largely thanks to a deepening partnership with China. This resilience underscores the strategic importance Russia places on its Arctic resources and the increasing limitations of sanctions in a globally interconnected economy…
(2025-01-21). Morocco's Higher Education Stimulus. The University of Participatory Learning and Action (UPLA). globalresearch.ca Most of our world is experiencing a time of public discontent that now necessitates accomplishing a better and different driver of renewal for our cities and rural places. Let us consider a new approach, rooted in a long-held understanding of …
(2025-01-21). Consideran que Trump ha declarado guerra a América Latina y el Caribe. radiohc.cu La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La conducción del Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH) de Puerto Rico consideró la víspera que el recién estrenado presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald J. Trump, ha declarado la guerra a América Latina y el Caribe.
(2025-01-21). How Labor Can Fight Against Trump's Mass Deportation Agenda. popularresistance.org This is a frightening time for immigrant workers. President-elect Donald Trump ran on the slogan "mass deportations now," and has appointed a team of anti-immigrant hardliners. The leadership of the Democratic Party has lurched to the right on this issue, adopting Trump's rhetoric about "securing the border," and embracing core Republican policies. | A bill that would target undocumented people for deportations if they are merely accused—not convicted—of nonviolent crimes like shoplifting passed in the House with bipartisan support. It's moving forward in the Senate where only eight Democrats opposed…
(2025-01-21). Biden hands preemptive pardons to family, allies citing Trump retaliation. aljazeera.com Republican lawmaker Liz Cheney and immunologist Anthony Fauci among those offered protection.
(2025-01-21). DRC and WHO strengthen cooperation against Mpox. plenglish.com Kinshasa, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) strengthen cooperation against Mpox, a disease that has caused almost 1,400 deaths in the country since the beginning of 2024.
(2025-01-21). Nigel Farage humiliated as he admits he 'didn't make the cut' to key Part of Trump's Inauguration. leftfootforward.org Reform UK leader Nigel Farage was left humiliated after admitting that he 'didn't make the cut' to sit in the Capitol rotunda to watch Donald Trump's inauguration. | The far-right Republican was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America yesterday afternoon, where he set out policies such as declaring a state of emergency at the country's southern border, as well as promising a return to 'manifest destiny' for the country. | Farage was among a number of right-wing politicians from the UK who attended Trump's inauguration ceremony, however he didn't quite get the seat he expected. | Asked on…
(2025-01-21). Iran Army ready to thwart terrorist threats, will crush enemy's delusion of grandeur: Cmdr. presstv.ir The commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Force says the Islamic Republic is completely ready to thwart any hostile actions.