(2025-01-16). Inside visual artist Nsenga Knight's Close to Home exhibition. newarab.com "That's such a great question, I'm so glad you asked that. You probably have it as a British saying that something's 'hitting close to home,'" says artist Born in Brooklyn as an Afro-Caribbean American Muslim, Nsenga explains that the idea came about during the 2023 International Symposium on the History and Legacy of Muslims in the Caribbean…
(2025-01-16). Badenoch admits Tories had 'no plan' for post-Brexit Britain. leftfootforward.org Kemi Badenoch is set to admit that the Tories "made mistakes", including deciding to leave the EU without a plan. | Today Badenoch will make her first major speech as leader of the Conservative Party, on rebuilding trust in the political party. | She will say: "We announced that we would leave the European Union before we had a plan for growth outside the EU." | The British economy will be £311bn worse off by 2035 due to leaving the EU, according to a report by data consultancy Cambridge Econometrics. | The UK is also anticipated to have three million fewer jobs, 32% lower investment, 5% lower exports an…
(2025-01-16). Life of CPUSA leader, Rossana Cambron, lens into struggles of immigrants. peoplesworld.org Introduction: As a second Trump presidency looms, the treatment of immigrants, particularly from Latin America and the Caribbean, remains a central and contentious issue. Republican border policies have long framed immigrants as threats, using them as scapegoats for broader societal problems. Yet much of the migration from Latin America is driven by the fallout from …
(2025-01-16). Cuba Condemns Attacks on Venezuelan Consulates. orinocotribune.com
(2025-01-16). Venezuelan youth celebrates Cuba's removal from spurious list. plenglish.com Caracas, Jan 16 (Prensa Latina) The Youth of the Venezuela-Cuba Movement of Mutual Friendship and Solidarity welcomed the decision of the US government to remove the island from the list of states allegedly sponsors of terrorism, a statement circulating here said.
(2025-01-16). Relaciones EEUU-Cuba siguen con desafíos, afirma Sri Lanka Guardian. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) El diario Sri Lanka Guardian señaló hoy que, aun con la decisión de Estados Unidos de sacar a Cuba de la presunta lista de naciones patrocinadoras del terrorismo, sus relaciones bilaterales siguen enfrentadas a desafíos.
(2025-01-16). øPaz con fuerza. radiohc.cu "Biden suaviza el embargo a Cuba y la saca de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. El presidente saliente desafía a Trump, con un alivio de embargo insólito en su tiempo de descuento". Es el sorpresivo titular del periódico español, El País, del pasado martes, que ha recorrido el mundo.
(2025-01-16). Asociaciones y movimientos de solidaridad con Cuba continúan expresando su complacencia por decisión del gobierno estadounidense. radiohc.cu El 14 de enero de 2025, el gobierno de Estados Unidos anunció su decisión de retirar a Cuba de la vergonzosa lista del Departamento de Estado de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo.
(2025-01-16). Movimiento Rebelde de Dominicana saluda defensa de Cuba a soberanía. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) El Movimiento Rebelde (MR) de la República Dominicana expresó hoy que el Gobierno y el pueblo de Cuba demuestran, una vez más, el valor de la persistencia en la defensa de su soberanía.
(2025-01-16). Proyectan en Argentina filme cubano Fresa y chocolate. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) Los amantes del cine cubano podrán disfrutar en Argentina del multipremiado filme Fresa y chocolate, que será proyectado desde hoy y hasta el 22 de este mes en el capitalino cine Gaumont.
(2025-01-16). Aboga Cuba por enfoque integral en estrategias de desarrollo local. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) El primer ministro cubano, Manuel Marrero, instó a los gobiernos provinciales a implementar estrategias de desarrollo que se correspondan con las proyecciones nacionales para corregir distorsiones y reimpulsar la economía, revelan hoy medios de prensa.
(2025-01-16). Cubana Leonor Borrell al Salón de la Fama de la FIBA. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC).- La cubana Leonor Borrell forma parte de los exaltados al Salón de la Fama de la Federación Internacional de Baloncesto (FIBA) en su clase de 2025, de la cual forman parte otros estelares como el español Pau Gasol, la estadounidense Dawn Staley y su compatriota, el entrenador Mike Krzyzewski.
(2025-01-16). Leonor Borrell orgullosa y feliz al entrar al Salón de la Fama del básquet. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC).- La cubana Leonor Borrell, considerada la mejor basquetbolista cubana de la historia, dijo sentirse "feliz y orgullosa" por su exaltación al Salón de la Fama de la FIBA y dedicó especialmente el reconocimiento a su entrenador Manuel "el Gallego" Pérez.
(2025-01-16). Directivo considera muy merecida exaltación de Leonor Borrell al Salón de la Fama de FIBA. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 ene (RHC).- El cubano Ruperto Herrera, gloria del deporte en la isla y uno de sus principales directivo durante años, se mostró feliz por la exaltación de Leonor Borrell al Salón de la Fama del baloncesto y la consideró muy justa.
(2025-01-16). Cuba Removed From State Sponsors of Terrorism List. pressenza.com This milestone is the result of relentless efforts by activists and organizations over the past several years who worked tirelessly to challenge the baseless designation, which made it nearly impossible for Cuba to make transactions using international banking systems and acquire necessary goods on the international market. | The removal demonstrates the power of collective action and international solidarity—but it doesn't stop here. The U.S. continues to uphold a strangling economic blockade on Cuba, which intentionally generates scarcity of essential items on the island. Biden's political decision to wai…
(2025-01-16). øCuba resistirá la "máxima presión económica"? cubadebate.cu El 16 de abril de 1960, el diplomático estadounidense Lester D. Mallory escribió un memorándum en el que abogaba por un embargo contra Cuba "para provocar hambre, desesperación y el derrocamiento del gobierno". Dado que la mayoría de la población de la isla apoyaba a Fidel Castro y que el país había vivido recientemente una revolución.
(2025-01-16). Hermosa Habana: Instantáneas de la ciudad. cubadebate.cu La Habana vive en las miradas de su gente, en los gestos que hablan de resiliencia y en las historias que se adivinan en cada rostro. Este fotorreportaje reúne retratos de habaneros, capturando su esencia en momentos de cotidianidad. Los versos de Hermosa Habana, de Los Zafiros, dibujan un homenaje a la ciudad y a quienes la habitan.
(2025-01-16). Reportan incendio en paneles eléctricos de termoeléctrica de Cienfuegos. cubadebate.cu En la mañana de este jueves ocurrió un incendio en paneles eléctricos de la termoeléctrica cienfueguera Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, que fue sofocado. Se trabaja en la evaluación de daños y causas. No se reportan trabajadores lesionados. El incidente no influye en las afectaciones por déficit de capacidad de generación del sistema eléctrico nacional.
(2025-01-16). Keros SRL inaugura el primer polígono de pruebas para sus productos. cubadebate.cu La empresa tecnológica Keros SRL inauguró esta semana el primer polígono de pruebas para sus productos en los terrenos de un centro de comunicaciones de RadioCuba, en la capitalina avenida de Boyeros. En el polígono se harán las pruebas de los mejoradores de suelo o conductividad producidos por la empresa y que forman parte de sus sistemas de puesta a tierra.
(2025-01-16). Muere el legendario director de cine David Lynch. cubadebate.cu David Lynch, uno de los grandes directores de la historia del cine norteamericano, falleció este jueves a los 78 años. El director es conocido por películas como Twin Peaks, Terciopelo azul y Mulholland Drive. Lynch anunció en agosto que sufría una enfermedad pulmonar después de "años de tabaquismo", pero dijo a sus fans que "jamás se retiraría".
(2025-01-16). Rusia califica de insuficiente decisión de retirar a Cuba de lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. cubadebate.cu Rusia considera que la retirada de Cuba de la lista de Estados patrocinadores del terrorismo que elabora Estados Unidos es un paso correcto, pero no suficiente, ya que el bloqueo a la isla sigue vigente, declaró la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, María Zajárova.
(2025-01-16). TikTok planea cerrar su app a los usuarios de Estados Unidos a partir del domingo. cubadebate.cu La red social de videos cortos TikTok planea cerrar su app a los usuarios de Estados Unidos a partir del domingo, cuando debe entrar en vigor una prohibición federal en su contra. La ley solo prohibiría las nuevas descargas de TikTok, pero los usuarios actuales seguirían usándola por un tiempo.
(2025-01-16). Desigualdad y pobreza laboral persisten en el mundo, según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. cubadebate.cu Alrededor de 240 millones de trabajadores en el planeta han sido afectados desde el 2015 por formas extremas de pobreza laboral, indicó un informe reciente de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). De acuerdo con la fuente, a escala global las peores manifestaciones tendieron a disminuir en tiempos recientes, pero persisten en los países de ingreso bajo.
(2025-01-16). Este domingo en Cuadrando la Caja: Presupuesto del Estado, øqué se hace con el dinero del pueblo cubano? cubadebate.cu El domingo 19 de enero, con retransmisiones el martes 21 y el miércoles 22 de enero, siempre por Canal Caribe, conversaremos sobre "Presupuesto del Estado: øQué se hace con el dinero del pueblo cubano?" øCómo se forma el presupuesto del Estado? øQué mecanismos de control y participación popular existen, o deberían existir, para conformar y ejecutar el presupuesto de forma transparente? øCómo utilizar el presupuesto para atenuar las diferencias sociales?
(2025-01-16). Presidente cubano visita la provincia de Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez visitó la provincia de Pinar del Río, donde se centró en el sector tabacalero y la innovación agrícola, y recorrió áreas del hospital provincial Abel Santamaría, un centro esencial para la atención de la población local.
(2025-01-16). SA calls for lasting peace after Middle East ceasefire agreement. sanews.gov.za SA calls for lasting peace after Middle East ceasefire agreement | South Africa is calling for the establishment of a just and lasting peace that protects and promotes the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. | This statement follows confirmation from mediators that a ceasefire agreement has been reached between Hamas and Israel after 15 months of conflict. | "South Africa welcomes the ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and Hamas after 15 months of Israel's genocidal onslaught on Gaza after Hamas and other armed groups launched an attack on Israel," the Department of International Relations an…
(2025-01-16). East Africa, Horn: Civilian Suffering in Armed Conflict. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Refugees are taken in trucks from Joda, on the Sudanese border, to Renk, in South Sudan. | © 2024 Sipa via AP Images | (Nairobi) — Civilians in East Africa and the Horn bore the brunt of armed conflicts between government forces and opposition armed groups in 2024, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. Throughout the region, the authorities have harassed activists and government critics and suppressed dissent. For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the worl…
(2025-01-16). Tunisia: Drastic Closure of Civic Space. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Demonstrators wave Tunisian flags and raise placards during a demonstration organized by the Tunisian Network for Rights and Freedoms in Tunis, Tunisia, on September 22, 2024. | © 2024 Chedly Ben Ibrahim/NurPhoto via AP | (Beirut) — The Tunisian government exacerbated its repression of critical voices and accelerated its crackdown on civil society groups, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. Authorities undermined the integrity of the October presidential election, escalating politically motivated arrests and arbitrary detentions, including of prospective c…
(2025-01-16). What is Red Dye 3 and why has the US FDA banned it in food and drinks? aljazeera.com The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted a 2022 petition by consumer advocacy groups to ban the use of the dye.
(2025-01-16). Met Police Could U-turn on Gaza Protest Restrictions After Widespread Backlash. bylinetimes.com The demonstration, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War and other anti-war groups, had been challenged by Jewish figures including the Chief Rabbi for taking place near to the Central Synagogue London on the Jewish day of rest, Shabbat. It is a four minute walk from the BBC's HQ, New Broadcasting House in Westminster, though not directly on the planned march route. | The Met Police plan to use conditions under the Public Order Act to prevent the protest at the BBC on Portland Place, on the grounds that it would cause disruption to the synagogue. It is despite the groups claiming the Me…
(2025-01-16). Plans for a Majorly Polluting Chemical Plant Nixed in Louisiana's Cancer Alley. truthout.org Environmental groups are claiming victory after Mitsubishi Chemical Group dropped plans for a $1.3 billion plant in the heart of Louisiana's industrial corridor. In the works for more than a decade, the chemical manufacturing complex would have been the largest of its kind in the world, stretching across 77 acres in Geismar, a small community about 60 miles west of New Orleans. |
(2025-01-16). Haiti: Escalating Violence; Humanitarian Crisis. hrw.org Residents walk past a burnt car as they evacuate the Delmas 22 neighborhood the morning after an attack amid ongoing criminal violence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, May 2, 2024. | © 2024 Ramon Espinosa/AP Photo…
(2025-01-16). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-16). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-16). Ceasefire: I Am Not Holding My Breath. counterpunch.org The announced ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza is reminiscent of the last days of the Carter administration, a time when American hostages were released with Reagan (and his behind-the-scenes machinations) taking credit for ending the hostage impasse. Be on the look-out for Trump to take 95% of the credit. Between today and the 19th (when
(2025-01-16). Iran, UN Discuss Syria Developments. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The United Nations secretary general and the Iranian foreign minister's special envoy for Syria talked about the latest developments in the Arab country.
(2025-01-16). 'Trump May Be Returning But the Post-War World Order Is Not'. bylinetimes.com Are we entering a new era of Disorder? Some would say we are already in it. | The United Nations Security Council has for years been unable to fulfil its mandate to uphold international peace and security because of ideological disputes between its five permanent members. | The UN General Assembly, where no member state has a veto, reaches more agreements, but cannot enforce its resolutions. | The UN's programmes and agencies, such as the World Food Programme and Refugee Agency do valuable work, but face massive funding shortfalls. Funding for peacekeeping is also drying up. | The UN Human Rights Council h…
(2025-01-16). UN braces for impact of Trump's second term. america.cgtn.com The United Nations is bracing itself for the worst case scenario should the Donald Trump administration decide to cut funding to the organization.
| During his first term, Trump suspended funding for the U.N. health and family planning agencies and withdrew from its cultural organization and top human rights body.
| Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York about what the next four years could potentially hold.
(2025-01-16). Iran Refutes Allegation of Training, Providing Assistance to Ansarullah Forces. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations dismissed the baseless claims that Iran has trained or provided assistance for the Houthi forces of Yemen, saying such accusations are rooted in disinformation, lack credible technical evidence, and are driven by political agendas.
(2025-01-16). Spain pledges 10 million euros for Lebanon army. newarab.com Spain's top diplomat announced Wednesday a EUR 10 million aid package for "This announcement of 10 million euros for the United Nations Development Programme" will contribute to "supplement the salaries of the Lebanese Armed Forces" as well as finance "solar panels and logistical aspects" of the army, Jose Manuel Albares said during a v…
(2025-01-16). Unemployment a reality for millions of people, ILO warns. plenglish.com United Nations, Jan 16 (Prensa Latina) Some 402 million people remain unemployed in the world despite wanting to work, and the participation of the active population in the labor market is tending to decrease, the International Labor Organization (ILO) revealed today.
(2025-01-16). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-16). UN warns of retaliatory attacks against Sudan civilians. newarab.com The United Nations warned Wednesday of retaliatory attacks against civilians in Sudan's The Sudanese army, at war with rival paramilitaries since April 2023, led an advance this week on El Gezira, recapturing the st…
(2025-01-16). CHAN 2024: Uganda Cranes draw Niger and Guinea. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Cranes has been drawn into Group C alongside Niger, Guinea, and two yet-to-be-determined teams for the CAF TotalEnergies African Nations Championship (CHAN). The draw was conducted at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya, shortly after CAF announced the tournament's postponement. Originally slated for February 1—28, …
(2025-01-16). Tough CHAN draw for Kenya as Uganda gets old foes. independent.co.ug GROUP A: Kenya, Morocco, Angola, DR Congo, Zambia GROUP B: Tanzania, Madagascar, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic GROUP C: Uganda, Niger, Guinea, Qualifier 1, Qualifier 2 GROUP D: Senegal, Congo, Sudan, Nigeria Nairobi, Kenya | THE INDEPENDENT | The Draw for the finals of the TotalEnergies CAF African Nations Championship (CHAN) Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 2024 was staged in Nairobi, …
(2025-01-16). Kemi Badenoch's Spokesman Ties Himself in Knots Over Her 'Peasants' Grooming Gang Comments. bylinetimes.com The Conservative Party leader's spokesman told reporters to stop "quibbling" over "language" after he faced repeated questions about her suggestion that grooming gangs are made up of "peasants" from "sub-communities". | Kemi Badenoch told GB News on Tuesday that the perpetrators come from "a very poor background, a sort of peasant background, very, very rural, almost cut off from even the home-origin countries that they might have been in". | And she added further fuel to the fire by adding: "There are some places where, when people behave in that way, a mob turns up and burns their homes down, and then they k…
(2025-01-16). Muwanga Kivumbi appointed NUP Buganda Deputy President. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Butambala County Member of Parliament Muhammad Muwanga Kivumbi has been appointed Deputy President of National Unity Platform-NUP Buganda Region. Kivumbi, who is also the Chairperson of the Buganda Parliamentary Caucus, replaces the Nyendo Mukungwe MP, Mathias Mpuuga, who was suspended by the Party over the controversial 500 million service …
(2025-01-16). Montana's Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill Moves Forward After Key House Vote. truthout.org Montana's Republican-controlled House advanced a bill on Wednesday that would ban transgender people from using bathrooms in public buildings that do not correspond to their sex assigned at birth. House Bill 121 appears to specifically target two Montana lawmakers — transgender state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D) and nonbinary state Rep. SJ Howell (D) — while broadly restricting all transgender… |
(2025-01-16). DeSantis Pick to Replace Rubio in Senate Is an Election-Denying Trump Loyalist. truthout.org Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has picked state Attorney General Ashley Moody (R) to become the state's next senator, replacing outgoing Sen. Marco Rubio (R). Rubio is vacating his seat due to being nominated by president-elect Donald Trump to serve as secretary of state in the next administration. It's believed that Rubio will likely be confirmed by the Senate to fill that role. |
(2025-01-16). Top general: Enemy dares not cast hostile glance at Iran. presstv.ir Iran's top military general has praised the country's naval capabilities, saying the enemy does not dare cast a hostile glance at the Islamic Republic.
(2025-01-16). Sicut in Coelo et in Terra: Cina e USA, la corsa allo spazio. strategic-culture.su Il quarto dominio geopolitico, lo spazio, non è mai stato cosਠvicino. La Cina corre per il primo posto, mentre gli Stati Uniti d'America cercano di aprire nuovi lidi di conflitto oltre l'atmosfera terrestre. | Segue nostro Il quarto dominio | In Geopolitica, i domini di guerra sono 5: terra, acqua, aria, spazio extra-atmosferico e infosfera. Il quinto dominio è artificiale, creato dall'uomo, mentre gli altri quattro sono tutti pre…
(2025-01-15). Troop Deployment in Ukraine Could End in Failure, Warns British Expert. globalresearch.ca The possible deployment of British troops to Ukraine after the conflict is over could result in a costly failure and humiliation, British military expert Nicholas Drummond warned in an interview with the Express newspaper. Despite warnings from experts like Drummond …
(2025-01-15). Troop deployment in Ukraine could end in failure, warns British expert. infobrics.org Macron continues to entertain the idea of Western troop deployment to Ukraine.
(2025-01-15). UK anti-corruption minister Siddiq resigns over links to Bangladesh 'embezzlement probe'. presstv.ir The UK's anti-corruption minister has resigned following an investigation into her family's alleged involvement in a significant embezzlement scandal in Bangladesh.
(2025-01-15). Elon Musk, Nigel Farage and the Second Cummings. bylinetimes.com When Dominic Cummings, Grand Vizier to Boris Johnson's Sultan of Sleaze, was unceremoniously defenestrated from Number 10 in November 2020, many assumed that this would mark the end of his political career. | In the years that followed, Cummings seemed to be consigned to the margins of British political life, condemned to hurling embittered jeremiads from his Substack blog at the political class that had failed to recognise his genius and stymied his efforts to remodel the UK state into a technocracy administered by the "weirdos and misfits" that were its only hope of salvation. | But it's clear now that the…
(2025-01-15). Solidarity in Chile welcomes Cuba's removal from terrorist list. plenglish.com Santiago, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) The Movement of Solidarity with Cuba in Chile welcomed the decision of the United States to remove the Caribbean country from the State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list and also demanded an end to the blockade.
(2025-01-15). Cuba removed from terrorism list — More work to be done. cpusa.org The Communist Party USA welcomes the long-overdue removal of Cuba from the U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism and considers it a significant step towards justice for the Cuban people and a welcome one to all those who champion peace and justice. | Despite its limited scope, this decision reflects years of struggle by the Cuban people, the international community, and broad sections of the world population, including democratic, labor, civil rights, and communist organizations across the globe. | Cuba was not, and is not, a "state sponsor of terrorism," but a country that works tirelessly for peace, inter…
(2025-01-15). Minfar informa sobre el fallecimiento de los 13 desaparecidos tras explosiones en Holguín. cubadebate.cu A tenor con los trabajos realizados y los análisis de los especialistas, la comisión ministerial creada por orden del Ministro de las FAR para llevar a cabo la investigación correspondiente, junto a los órganos de investigación competentes han llegado a la conclusión de que es inaccesible el lugar del accidente y en consecuencia no existe posibilidad alguna de vida en el lugar.
(2025-01-15). Israel y Hamás alcanzan un acuerdo de alto el fuego. cubadebate.cu Israel y el grupo palestino Hamas llegaron a un acuerdo para un alto el fuego y la liberación de rehenes que pone fin a más de un año de combates en la Franja de Gaza, informan hoy medios de Estados Unidos. El acuerdo se produce tras una semana de intensas negociaciones mediadas por Qatar, Estados Unidos y Egipto.
(2025-01-15). China: Quitar a Cuba de lista terrorista era deuda histórica de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) China enfatizó hoy que eliminar a Cuba de la lista de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo era una deuda histórica de Estados Unidos que debió corregir hace mucho tiempo.
(2025-01-15). Seis masacres en 24 horas dejan 62 muertos y 253 heridos en Gaza. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Salud de la Franja de Gaza informó que en las últimas 24 horas, la ocupación sionista cometió seis masacres contra familias en las que fueron asesinadas 62 personas y otras 253 resultaron heridas. En el norte de Gaza, diez palestinos fueron asesinados durante incursiones militares.
(2025-01-15). El genocidio continúa implacable. cubadebate.cu Si una persona está atenta, verá que a diario hay cada vez más informes de bombardeos en el norte de Gaza, unos bombardeos que pulverizan edificios enteros y masacran a familias enteras. Se ha convertido en un ruido de fondo. Sabemos que está ocurriendo, pero casi podemos olvidar que continúa a un ritmo brutal.
(2025-01-15). El director de Auschwitz considera "cínico" invitar al país que liberó Auschwitz. cubadebate.cu Piotr Cywi≈Ñski se negó a invitar a la delegación rusa al 80. ∞ aniversario de la liberación del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz con el siguiente falso y xenófobo pretexto: "Se llama Día de la Liberación, y no creo que un país que no entiende el valor de la libertad tenga algo que hacer en una ceremonia dedicada a la liberación. Sería cínico que estuvieran allí".
(2025-01-15). Cuban expert points to accessible tourism. plenglish.com In his usual commentary on the Facebook network, the scholar refers to the fact that this type of travel could generate income close to 90 billion dollars this year, according to a study by Emerald Insight. | He said that traveling is a gateway to new experiences and perspectives, but represents a world of obstacles and limited options for more than a billion people living with disabilities. | With an aging world population and increasing health problems, the demand for accessible tourism options is more pressing than ever. A study by Emerald Insight, he reiterated, indicates that the accessible tourism market co…
(2025-01-15). FMLN in El Salvador expresses solidarity with Cuba. plenglish.com San Salvador, Jan. 15 (Prensa Latina) The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party in El Salvador celebrated today the removal of Cuba from the US list of states that promote terrorism.
(2025-01-15). Cuba hosts innovation and development fair. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) The Havana-based Conference Center is hosting, from this Wednesday to January 17, the Innovation for Development Fair, as part of the activities to mark Cuban Science Day.
(2025-01-15). Apuesta de Cuba Unica en Fitur Madrid. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) La apuesta de Cuba Unica, el eslogan de la isla mayor de las Antillas, repetirá este año con todas sus bondades en la Feria Internacional de Turismo (Fitur) de IFEMA-Madrid.
(2025-01-15). Cuba busca cupos panamericanos juveniles en Triatlón de La Habana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (ACN).- La Federación Cubana de Triatlón busca clasificar a cuatro de sus juveniles a los Juegos Panamericanos Junior de Asunción 2025 en la IX edición del Triatlón de La Habana, aseguró a la Agencia Cubana de Noticias Alejandro Puerto, presidente de la federación de la disciplina en Cuba.
(2025-01-15). Una voz de victoria expresan los amigos de Cuba (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) Los grupos de solidaridad con Cuba en todo el mundo recibieron con agrado la noticia de las medidas tomadas por el presidente Joe Biden a siete días de concluir su administración y reconocen que ello se produjo por la unidad internacional para demandar el fin de la política agresiva de Estados Unidos contra el pueblo cubano.
(2025-01-15). El mundo celebra decisión de Estados Unidos sobre Cuba y exige fin del bloqueo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) Cuba quedó fuera de la lista estadounidense de países patrocinadores del terrorismo, decisión de la Casa Blanca celebrada hoy por líderes mundiales y organizaciones sociales que exigen también el fin del bloqueo de Estados Unidos.
(2025-01-15). Jóvenes en Feria para el desarrollo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 de ene (RHC) Una amplia participación tendrá las BTJ, Brigadas Técnicas Juveniles en la Feria Innovación para el Desarrollo que hoy se inicia en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, en coincidencia con la celebración en Cuba, del Día de la Ciencia.
(2025-01-15). Balonmanistas culminan fructífera preparación antes del mundial. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC).- La selección cubana de balonmano culminó con éxito la base de preparación realizada en Umag, Croacia, previa a su participación en el mundial de la disciplina que comenzó el martes con sede compartida entre ese país balcánico, Dinamarca y Noruega.
(2025-01-15). EE.UU. excluye a Cuba de una lista a la que no debió enviarla. radiohc.cu Al tiempo que admitía que la medida le había sido solicitada anteriormente por actores internacionales, la administración estadounidense de Joseph Biden retiró, por fin, a Cuba de una lista de los que en Washington consideran patrocinadores del terrorismo.
(2025-01-15). Parten cubanos a clasificatorio de velas para Asunción 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (JIT).- El equipo cubano de velas que asistirá al torneo Mayan Wind Fest de Cancún, en México, viajó hacia la sede del evento, que es clasificatorio para los Juegos Panamericanos Júnior de Asunción 2025.
(2025-01-15). Expresan solidaridad con Cuba ante política de Estados Unidos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) Movimientos de solidaridad con Cuba en El Salvador manifestaron hoy su solidaridad con la isla ante las políticas de gobiernos estadounidenses para someter a su pueblo.
(2025-01-15). Feria promoverá en Cuba innovación y desarrollo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) El Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana acogerá desde hoy hasta el 17 de enero la Feria Innovación para el Desarrollo, en el contexto de las actividades por el Día de la Ciencia Cubana.
(2025-01-15). Anuncian en Puerto Rico Copa Unión Antillana de Beisbol. radiohc.cu San Juan, 15 ene (PL).- El alcalde del municipio puertorriqueño de Aguadilla, Julio Roldán Concepción, anunció la celebración de la Copa Antillana de Beisbol con la presencia de un equipo local y las selecciones de Cuba y República Dominicana.
(2025-01-15). Instituto Finlay de Vacunas actualiza sobre el ensayo clínico Neumo11 en población adulta. cubadebate.cu Las infecciones causadas por neumococo, representan un importante problema de salud pública en todo el mundo, que afecta con mayor frecuencia y gravedad a niños mayores de 2 años y adultos menores de 50 años. Estas infecciones tienen un amplio espectro de enfermedades asociadas, que pueden variar desde otitis o neumonía hasta una enfermedad neumocócica invasiva.
(2025-01-15). Biotecnología cubana: Patrocinadora de salud, jamás de terrorismo. cubadebate.cu Cuando el doctor Eulogio Pimentel escuchó que Cuba ya no estaba más en la "Lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo", recordó que tres semanas atrás había caminado con sus compañeros por el Malecón de La Habana. Una marcha para exigir sensatez a Estados Unidos, que al parecer esta vez, fue escuchada.
(2025-01-15). Canciller de Cuba: "La decisión más correcta sería levantar el bloqueo" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "Lo más correcto sería levantar el bloqueo", enfatizó Rodríguez Parrilla, al insistir en que Cuba continuará defendiendo sus derechos como Estado soberano y siempre ha estado y continuará abierta al diálogo respetuoso, sobre la base de igualdad, y en consonancia con los principios del derecho internacional.
(2025-01-15). La FIVB implementa cambios en el reglamento del voleibol para 2025. cubadebate.cu La Federación Internacional de Voleibol (FIVB) ha aprobado tres modificaciones al reglamento de este deporte durante su XXXIX Congreso Mundial, celebrado en Portugal. Estas nuevas normas, que buscan optimizar el desarrollo de los partidos, entrarán en vigor en competiciones oficiales a partir de 2025.
(2025-01-15). Cuba y la "injusticia" de su inclusión en la lista de EE.UU. de patrocinadores del terrorismo. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno del presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, envió una nota diplomática a la administración de Joe Biden para pedir la exclusión de Cuba de la lista de Estados patrocinadores del terrorismo, que fue citada el martes por la Casa Blanca como una de las razones por las que decidió retirar a la isla de ese ranking.
(2025-01-15). Detenido el presidente Yoon de Corea del Sur tras suspensión de cargo. cubadebate.cu El destituido presidente surcoreano Yoon Suk Yeol fue enviado a un centro de detención cerca de Seúl el miércoles por la noche, después de ser interrogado por funcionarios anticorrupción que lo tomaron bajo custodia por su imposición de la ley marcial el mes pasado. Yoon fue detenido en una importante operación de las fuerzas del orden en el complejo presidencial.
(2025-01-15). México apoya retiro de Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. cubadebate.cu La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, celebró hoy la decisión del gobierno de Estados Unidos de retirar a Cuba de la lista unilateral de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. Sheinbaum se sumó a la lista de personalidades y mandatarios, entre ellos los de Bolivia, Venezuela y Colombia, que manifestaron satisfacción por la noticia difundida ayer.
(2025-01-15). Con Filo: Lo que le pasó a Hawai (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Emanciparnos por nosotros mismos, por nuestros propios esfuerzos, sin hacer concesiones de principios, sin renunciar a derechos colectivos, sin convertirnos en colonia de una potencia: esa es la pelea. Y de esa pelea que, por supuesto, no solo se limita a nuestro país, estaremos hablando hoy.
(2025-01-15). Elpidio Valdés, la cañonera y el dentista. cubadebate.cu Si usted es cubano o cubana no tengo que presentarle a Elpidio Valdés. También me arriesgo a pensar que alguna vez vio el dibujo animado donde el coronel Elpidio vuela una cañonera. Lo que quizás no conozca es que eso fue un hecho real, aunque, por supuesto no lo realizo un dibujo animado.
(2025-01-15). La nueva conductora Marino Palatino: un proyecto vital para el abastecimiento de agua en La Habana (+Video). cubadebate.cu Un ambicioso proyecto de infraestructura hidráulica está tomando forma: la nueva conductora Marino Palatino. Este esfuerzo busca reemplazar una red de tuberías envejecidas que ha causado constantes roturas y salideros, afectando a aproximadamente 72,250 habitantes de los municipios Cerro y Plaza de la Revolución.
(2025-01-15). Presidente cubano destaca labor de científicos cubanos en su día. cubadebate.cu Un abrazo agradecido a los científicos cubanos de todos los saberes envió hoy Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, en el Día de la Ciencia en el país. En su mensaje en la red social X, el jefe de Estado destacó que frente a grandes desafíos ellos siguen haciendo ciencia.
(2025-01-15). La Santa Sede celebra la liberación de 553 sancionados en Cuba. cubadebate.cu La Santa Sede destacó el anuncio de la liberación de 553 sancionados por diversas causas, tras un proceso con la participación del Vaticano, una decisión enmarcada en el Jubileo católico. A principios de enero, el presidente cubano dirigió una carta al papa Francisco, "comunicándole la decisión de conceder la libertad a 553 personas".
(2025-01-15). Díaz-Canel recibe al excelentísimo señor Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, enviado especial de Zimbabue. cubadebate.cu Un caluroso abrazo fue la primera nota del encuentro de cortesía que, desde el Palacio de la Revolución, tuvo lugar en la tarde de este miércoles entre el Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, y el Excelentísimo Señor Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales del Partido de la Unión Nacional Africana de Zimbabue-Frente Patriótico (ZANU-PF).
(2025-01-15). The Burning Questions: LA Fire Cuts vs. Billions for Israel and Ukraine. mintpressnews.com As Los Angeles battles historic wildfires, residents are demanding accountability for why the city's fire department faced budget cuts while greater disaster preparedness measures were overlooked. These frustrations have fueled questions about the prioritization of aid to Israel and Ukraine. | Just months before the wildfires ravaged the city, LA Mayor Karen Bass approved the budget for the next fiscal year, which included a
(2025-01-15). Hamas, Israel Announce Ceasefire – Read Full Deal Details. ummid.com Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands.
(2025-01-15). Italian TV exposes Israeli manipulation of EU institutions. presstv.ir Italian state broadcaster Rai TV has exposed the high level of lobbying activity by Israeli groups inside European institutions over the past two decades.
(2025-01-15). Report from Los Angeles as Mutual Aid Hubs Mobilize in the Face of Historic Wildfires. itsgoingdown.org Grassroots journalist Alissa Azar reports on the unfolding ecological disaster in Los Angeles and how mutual aid groups are mobilizing in response. On Tuesday, January 7th, people in Los Angeles County, California began receiving a high wind advisory and risk of fire notice. Come nightfall, heavy winds were underway and several fires had broken out,…
(2025-01-15). Minors still at the crossroads of gun violence in Uruguay. plenglish.com Montevideo, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) Another child, the third in recent days, was wounded by gunfire due to crime and groups linked to drug trafficking, it was reported here.
(2025-01-15). GST is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich: TS Singhdeo. ummid.com India's GST (Goods and Services Tax), system is disproportionately benefiting the wealthy while burdening the middle and lower-income groups, says TS Singhdeo, former Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.
(2025-01-15). GST is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich: TS Singhdeo. ummid.com India's GST (Goods and Services Tax), system is disproportionately benefiting the wealthy while burdening the middle and lower-income groups, says TS Singhdeo, former Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.
(2025-01-15). Recent strikes revive Dr. King's legacy. workers.org What do you give the person who has everything? Well, if you're an Amazon or Starbucks worker and that person is the CEO, there's only one answer. Give the boss a strike! Amazon strike, JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New York, December 23, 2024. (WW photo) The Rev. Dr. Martin . . . |
(2025-01-15). El legado de M.L. King y las recientes huelgas. workers.org øQué le regalas a la persona que lo tiene todo? Huelga de Amazon, almacén JFK8 en Staten Island, Nueva York, 23 de diciembre de 2024. (MO foto Bueno, si eres un trabajador de Amazon o Starbucks y esa persona es el director general, sólo hay una respuesta. °Dale al jefe . . . |
(2025-01-15). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-15). What Do Greenland and Macedonia Have in Common? globalresearch.ca At first glance, the answer to what a distant, massive island and a small landlocked country have in common seems simple: absolutely nothing! Except that both territories are part of the NATO family—Greenland through Denmark, and Macedonia, after selling its …
(2025-01-15). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-15). Canadian Foreign Policy Is Utterly Barbaric. globalresearch.ca Author's update as of January 15, 2025: | Washington and its allies, including Canada, have now successfully "regime-changed" Syria. The result? A UN-proscribed terrorist organization (HTS) has forcibly overtaken the elected Syrian government, a member of the United Nations. | Syria is …
(2025-01-15). Israel's planned explusion of UNRWA — time for UN to walk the talk and invoke Security Council action. asiapacificreport.nz COMMENTARY: By Chris Gunness 'In Gaza, only UNRWA has the infrastructure to distribute aid to scale, such as vehicles, warehouses, distribution centres and staff. However, Israeli authorities are making this extremely difficult,' writes Chris Gunness. In the last week of January, two Knesset bills ending Israel's "cooperation" with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency…
(2025-01-15). Indonesia and Japan pledge to deepen military ties. wsws.org The Japanese prime minister visited Indonesia and Malaysia, as part of efforts to integrate the Southeast Asian nations into Tokyo's preparations for a catastrophic US-led war against China.
(2025-01-15). What Trump Should Do. Dr. Paul C. Roberts. globalresearch.ca American security agencies have long used the cloak of national security to avoid accountability for their crimes, such as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, and the numerous assassinations of foreign leaders and …
(2025-01-15). WV Governor Scraps DEI, Signs Vaccine Exemptions on Second Day in Office. truthout.org West Virginia Republican Gov. Patrick Morrisey issued a series of executive orders on his second day in office, including measures to allow religious exemptions for school vaccinations and eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within state government. These actions have elicited criticism from state leaders and activists, including West Virginia Democratic Party Chair… |
(2025-01-15). Australia: Hundreds of public hospital psychiatrists resign to demand increased staffing and decent wages. wsws.org The mass resignations are another expression of the rising opposition of health and other state sector workers to the Labor's pay caps and its ongoing attacks on public health.
(2025-01-15). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-15). UN calls for probe over 'disturbing' Libya prison torture videos. newarab.com The The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said in a statement late Tuesday that it was "alarmed by the disturbing footage circulating on social media, which shows brutal torture and ill-treatment of detainees at the Gernada detention facility in eastern Lib…
(2025-01-15). Government congratulates Matric Class of 2024. sanews.gov.za Government congratulates Matric Class of 2024 | Government has extended its congratulations to the Matric Class of 2024 for their outstanding performance in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. | | With a pass rate of 87.3% – the matriculants have exceeded the 82.9% achieved in 2023, marking an impressive improvement of 4.4%. | | The class of 2024 has worked hard and with determination, reflecting a collective effort from learners, teachers, parents, guardians and caregivers. | | "The 2024 results mark a significant milestone in the history of South Africa's education system, coinciding with the…
(2025-01-15). Keir Starmer's Government Promises Urgent Crackdown on Elon Musk Donations Loophole to Stop Foreign Interference by 'Malign Actors'. bylinetimes.com UK election law currently forbids any political party from accepting foreign donations. | However, a Billionaire X Owner Elon Musk recently
(2025-01-15). REPORT: Buganda region registers highest cases of child marriages. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The main Census findings have shown that the Buganda region has the highest cases of child marriages across the country raising concerns among local leaders. The Children (Amendment) Act 2016 emphasizes the right of every child to education and places responsibilities on parents and the state to ensure children attend …
(2025-01-15). Fiction to reality: Will the U.S. ever embrace insect cuisine? grist.org | | The vision: |
(2025-01-15). Democrats Grill Pete Hegseth on Rape Allegation, Drunkenness and Women in Combat. democracynow.org Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump's pick to become defense secretary, appears to be moving toward confirmation after a contentious Senate hearing on Tuesday. He was grilled over his alleged history of sexual misconduct, reports of frequent public drunkenness at work, financial mismanagement at veterans' organizations he led, and statements he has made disparaging women, LGBTQ people and others in the military. Hegseth's confirmation can only be blocked if three or more Republicans join Democrats in opposing the former Fox News host, but so far the party appears aligned behind Trump's nominee. Wat…
(2025-01-15). Anti-Immigrant Legislation Doesn't Serve Anyone But Prison Contractors. fpif.org You're reading the words of a formerly undocumented immigrant. | When I fled El Salvador four decades ago, I was 12 years old and alone. I wanted to escape the country's civil war, where U.S.-backed death squads had made murders and rape our daily reality. | I reunited with my sisters, my only surviving family, in Wichita, Kansas. Once there, I helped open churches, started businesses, and raised three daughters. There were times I wasn't sure we'd make it to the end of the month, but I was grateful for the sense of peace and security we were able to create here. | That's why I'm so alarmed that the new Republica…
(2025-01-15). "We Must Make the Trump Tax Cuts Permanent as Soon as Possible," GOP Rep. Says. truthout.org Republicans on the House's chief tax-writing committee made clear during a hearing Tuesday that their top priority is making permanent the massive giveaway to the rich that Donald Trump and the GOP pushed through in 2017. Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said during his opening remarks at Tuesday's hearing that "we must make the Trump tax cuts… |
(2025-01-15). The American Climate Corps is over. What even was it? grist.org Giorgio Zampaglione loved his two-hour commute from the town of Mount Shasta into the surrounding northern California forests last summer. The way the light filtered through the trees on the morning drive was unbeatable, he said. He ate lunch with his crew, members of the new Forest Corps program, deep in the woods, usually far from cell service. They thinned thickets of trees and cleared brush, helping prevent the spread of fires by removing manzanita — a very flammable, shoulder-high shrub — near campsites and roads. | "The Forest Service people have been super, super happy to have us," Zampaglio…