2025-02-10: News Headlines

Hugo GABBERO (2025-02-10). Cambodia: Denial of entry and harassment of British journalist Gerald Flynn. fidh.org

Hugo GABBERO (2025-02-10). Cambodia: British environmental journalist denied re-entry to the country. fidh.org The Cambodian government's decision to deny British journalist Gerald Flynn re-entry to Cambodia and ban him from the country is a blatant attack on journalism and serves as yet another example of the Cambodian authorities' intolerance of critical and investigative journalism. The Observatory for the protection of human rights defenders (International Federation for Human Rights-FIDH and World Organisation Against Torture-OMCT) along with 19 other organisations condemn this arbitrary (…) | – |

WSWS (2025-02-10). This week in history: February 10-16. wsws.org Mugabe loses constitution vote; Thatcher to head British Tories; Stalin-Mao sign treaty; Kurdish revolt in Turkey.

presstv.ir (2025-02-10). Focus on threat of Israel's nuclear arsenal: Iran embassy rejects Telegraph's 'lies'. presstv.ir Iran's embassy on London advised the British media, not least the Telegraph, to focus on the "imminent threat" posed by Israel's arsenal of nuclear weapons to international peace and security.

Richard C. Cook (2025-02-10). The Death of NATO? Richard C. Cook. globalresearch.ca As we know, or should know, NATO was originally a post-WWII British creation. Britain even came out and said that the purpose of NATO with respect to Europe was to "keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down." That …

Olivia Barber (2025-02-10). Liz Truss blames Tory general election defeat on plastic straw ban in ridiculous tweet. leftfootforward.org Liz Truss, the UK's shortest-serving prime minister, has praised Donald Trump for overturning former President Joe Biden's plan to phase out plastic straws. | In a post on Truth Social, the social media platform he has a majority share in, Trump wrote: "Paper straws don't work," before adding, "BACK TO PLASTIC!" | In response, Truss posted on X, stating: "I tried to stop the ludicrous British government plastic straw ban back in 2018. | "These lefty policies resulted in the Conservatives getting trounced in 2024. | "Good for

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-02-10). US remittances to Cuba suspended, hard side of irrational policy. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 9 (Prensa Latina) Countless Cuban families will be affected by the suspension of remittances to Cuba as a result of the U.S. government's change of course in its irrational hardline policy toward the island.

Bay Area Cuba Solidarity network (2025-02-10). Saturday 2/15: The Cuban five Victory-its significance 10 years later. indybay.org 518 Valencia, San Francisco…

Staff (2025-02-10). Dolarización parcial de la economía cubana (+ Video). cubadebate.cu øQué significa dolarizar parcialmente la economía? øPor qué hay que evitar una dolarización completa? øQué nos va a permitir? øEs reversible? Sobre estos temas dialogaron en Cuadrando la caja el Doctor en Ciencias Económicas José Luis Rodríguez; el licenciado Adriano García, de la Dirección de Planificación Estratégica y Desarrollo del MEP, y el licenciado Ian Pedro Carbonell, director de políticas macroeconómicas del Banco Central de Cuba.

Staff (2025-02-10). Trump sobrevuela el golfo de México y declara el "Día del golfo de América" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El presidente Donald Trump firmó este domingo una orden ejecutiva por la que se instaura el 9 de febrero como el "Día del golfo de América". El decreto fue suscrito mientras el mandatario estadounidense se encontraba en el Air Force One, que sobrevoló el golfo de México.

Staff (2025-02-10). °Al César lo que es del César! cubadebate.cu "… este Mercado está ubicado en nuestro Consejo Popular Sierra y nos abastece todos los meses al SAF que tenemos ubicado en 31 y 46 de viandas y ensalada, porque esa institución no lo recibe. El propietario como muchos le decimos (EL COYOTE) no ha dejado de apoyar a la comunidad y los precios siempre los consulta con el Consejo".

Staff (2025-02-10). Ajedrez: Sorpresas en Nacional Femenino. cubadebate.cu Quizás el único de los desenlaces que se ajustó a lo esperado fue la división de honores entre la santiaguera Maritza Arribas y la local Roxángel Obregón, que les dejó con acumulado de 1,5 puntos y situadas detrás del trío de ganadoras. Ese grupo lo conformaron la anfitriona Lorena Beatriz Montejo, la matancera Haden Zuaznabal y la cienfueguera Legna García.

Staff (2025-02-10). El Gobierno de Donald Trump expulsa a más reporteros del Pentágono de sus puestos de trabajo. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Trump duplicó el número de medios que desalojó de sus espacios de trabajo en el Pentágono para rotar a medios más afines. Se pedirá a CNN, The Washington Post, The Hill y War Zone dejar sus puestos, que serán ocupados por Newsmax, Washington Examiner, Daily Caller y Free Press, según un memorando de John Ullyot.

Staff (2025-02-10). Neutralizan venta ilícita de componentes sustraídos del Parque Fotovoltaico en construcción en Jovellanos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu àìrganos de enfrentamiento a delitos, corrupción y conductas de indisciplina social, encabezados por el Partido y el Gobierno de la provincia de Matanzas, detectaron y neutralizaron, la venta ilícita de componentes, sustraídos ilegalmente, de la inversión del Parque Fotovoltaico que se construye en el municipio Jovellanos. Inició la investigación penal.

Staff (2025-02-10). Sofocan incendio en la Terminal de àìmnibus de Mulgoba, en La Habana. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, personal de guardia de la Terminal de àìmnibus de Mulgoba, perteneciente a la Empresa Provincial de Transporte de La Habana, detectó un incendio en la maleza que limita con la cerca perimetral del objetivo e inmediatamente informan a los bomberos, al apreciar su proximidad a algunos ómnibus de baja en proceso de entrega para materia prima.

Staff (2025-02-10). El Baràßa vuelve a la pelea por la Liga al superar al Sevilla. cubadebate.cu El FC Barcelona venció (1-4) al Sevilla FC este domingo en una jornada 23 propicia tras el empate entre Real Madrid y Atlético el sábado para volver a la lucha por LaLiga EA Sports, gracias a otra buena dosis de pegada y a pesar de jugar con uno menos, por una roja a Fermín, la última media hora en el Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán.

Staff (2025-02-10). Declaran duelos oficial y nacional en Cuba por fallecimiento del primer presidente de Namibia Sam Nujoma. cubadebate.cu Debido al fallecimiento del entrañable amigo de Cuba, el Excmo. Sr. Dr. Sam Nujoma, Padre Fundador y primer presidente de la hermana República de Namibia, se declara Duelo Oficial desde las 6: 00 a.m. del día 10 de febrero hasta las 12: 00 de la noche del 11 de febrero de 2025, y Duelo Nacional el día 12 de febrero de 2025, desde las 6: 00 a.m. hasta las 12 de noche.

Staff (2025-02-10). "El 47" y "La infiltrada": Empate histórico en la entrega de los Premios Goya. cubadebate.cu En un hecho sin precedentes en la historia del cine español, dos largometrajes empataron en la entrega de los Premios Goya: "El 47", de Marcel Barrena, y "La infiltrada", de Arantxa Echevarría.

Jeff Halper (2025-02-10). The End Game: Normalization. counterpunch.org Despite the fallout, there was little that was actually new or shocking about Trump and Netanyahu's press conference last week. What shocked informed people on all sides of the Palestine issue was Trump's forthright (if crude, ill-comprehended and oblivious) statement of the truth: that the United States is committed to the Judaization of Palestine and a process of "normalization" between a "greater" Israel and its Arab neighbors that involves a combination of apartheid and physical displacement. All the diplo-speak of Biden and his predecessors that so effectively obfuscated the Americans' and Israelis' true pol…

Melvin Goodman (2025-02-10). The American President is a "Meshuggener" counterpunch.org Donald Trump has occupied the White House for only three weeks, and the term "crazy town," which former chief of staff John Kelley applied to Trump's Washington in the first term, is gaining greater credibility and meaning. According to Bob Woodward's book "Fear," Kelly said that Trump was an "idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails We're in Crazytown. I don't know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."

The Onion Staff (2025-02-10). SATIRE: Nick Sirianni To Eagles Fans: 'I Hate All Of You, ____ You'. theonion.com NEW ORLEANS—Delivering the fiery, expletive-laden remarks at a postgame press conference after winning Super Bowl LIX, Philadelphia Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni told Eagles fans Sunday, "I hate all of you, ____ you." "It's sad to think how much greater the Eagles' legacy would be if it didn't have a worthless fanbase filled with such …

Kim Petersen (2025-02-10). Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide? globalresearch.ca coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and …

presstv.ir (2025-02-10). Activists in Mexico rally against incoming Trump's anti-immigration policies. presstv.ir Migrant rights groups in Mexico demonstrated against the proposed anti-immigration measures of US President-elect Donald Trump.

ecns.cn (2025-02-10). China grants visa-free entry to ASEAN tour groups visiting Xishuangbanna. ecns.cn China allows tour groups from ASEAN countries to visit Xishuangbanna in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, free of visa, for up to six days, the National Immigration Administration announced on Monday.

ecns.cn (2025-02-10). Nation's ethnic athletes shine at Winter Asiad. ecns.cn China's gold medalists in ski mountaineering sprint believe their achievements at the ongoing 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, will inspire more young people from different ethnic groups, especially those living in mountainous areas, to participate in the sport.

Jake Johnston (2025-02-10). Where Does the Money Go? A Look at USAID Spending in Haiti. counterpunch.org

APR editor (2025-02-10). Cook Islands crisis: Haka with the taniwha or dance with the dragon? asiapacificreport.nz The Cook Islands finds itself in a precarious dance — one between the promises of foreign investments and the integrity of our own sovereignty. As the country sways between partners China and Aotearoa New Zealand, the Cook Islands News asks: "Do we continue to haka with the Taniwha, our constitutional partner, or do we dance…

Pacific Media Watch (2025-02-10). Trump's USAID freeze 'undermines relationships in Pacific', says editor. asiapacificreport.nz RNZ Pacific Marshall Islands Journal editor Giff Johnson says US President Donald Trump's decision on aid "is an opening for anybody else who wants to fill the gap" in the Pacific. Trump froze all USAID for 90 days on his first day in office and is now looking to significantly reduce the size of the…

Human Rights Watch (2025-02-10). Negotiations for UN Tax Treaty Present Historic Opportunity for Rights. hrw.org Click to expand Image | An activist holds up a button as negotiations for the tax convention take place at the United Nations in New York, February 6, 2025. | © 2025 Anne Marte Skaland | This week, United Nations member states began negotiating a first-ever treaty on international tax cooperation that could replace the current patchwork system that deprives governments of billions in revenue and undermines their capacity to deliver on human rights.The treaty process was initiated in 2022 by African countries, which face particularly consequential losses under the current tax system yet lack fair represent…

____ (2025-02-10). A Little Bit On An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. smoothiex12.blogspot.com You know, famous Adam Smith's treatise which gives some (not all) reasonable insights into the nature of wealth accumulation. And since I mentioned today this "moron with Ph.D" such as Sarah. C. Paine who for some unknown reason teaches "strategy" in otherwise respectable US Naval War College, there are certain material signs of the wealth. We should start with recognizing the fact that REAL wealth's accumulation is susceptible to such events as continental warfare, which neither the UK nor, especially, the US know. As a result, not experiencing such pleasantries of continental warfare such as material devastatio…

Jessica Corbett (2025-02-10). Amid Trump Threat, Greenland Bans Foreign Political Donations Before March Elections. globalresearch.ca Faced with repeated threats from U.S. President The new measure—which also …

The Independent (2025-02-10). The fate of record 264 Luwero P.E candidates with withheld results uncertain. independent.co.ug Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | While candidates who excelled in the 2024 Primary Leaving Examinations (P.L.E) start secondary school today, uncertainty looms over 264 pupils in Luwero District whose results were withheld. The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the 2024 P.L.E results on January 23, 2025. In Luwero District, 1,085 candidates (6.8%) failed, …

The Independent (2025-02-10). UNEB to release 2024 UCE results tomorrow. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) will release the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results on the 11th February, 2025. All Secondary schools are advised to settle all outstanding invoices on EREG-PORTAL to avoid being blocked from receiving 2024 results at the time of release tomorrow. Share on: WhatsApp…

Basit Mahmood (2025-02-10). Tories could be forced to move CCHQ headquarters to cheaper location as donations dry up. leftfootforward.org With its rich donors fast losing faith in the Tory party, Kemi Badenoch's troubles appear to be worsening.

presstv.ir (2025-02-10). Israeli assault on West Bank displaces 30,000 Palestinians in two weeks. presstv.ir A media tally also indicates the Israeli assault on the occuped northern West Bank has forcibly displaced 30,000 Palestinians in the past two weeks.

The Independent (2025-02-10). Michael Atingi-Ego appointed as new BoU Governor. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has appointed Dr. Micheal Atingi-Ego Governor of the Bank of Uganda and Augustus Nuwagaba as the new Deputy Governor. Atingi-Ego who has been serving as the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Uganda replaces the late Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile, who died in January 2021, after a long illness. Nuwagaba …

Mike Miccioli, Geopolitical Economy. (2025-02-10). US / Israel-Backed Overthrow Of Syria Was Blow To Palestine Liberation. popularresistance.org Opposition forces backed by NATO member Turkey launched an offensive in Syria, in coordination with Israel and the United States, on November 27, 2024. | Within 11 days, the government of the Syrian Arab Republic was toppled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a group led by Abu Mohammad al-Julani, who now uses his birth name Ahmed al-Sharaa. | Sharaa, who was appointed the unelected "president" of Syria, was previously leader of Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda. He was also an emissary of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS.

DikelediM (2025-02-10). Historic summit brings hope for peace in the DRC. sanews.gov.za Historic summit brings hope for peace in the DRC | President Cyril Ramaphosa has reiterated South Africa's commitment to a diplomatic solution that ensures stability in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its neighbours, while also protecting the well-being of the Congolese people. | | In his weekly newsletter to the nation, President Ramaphosa said South Africa supports the right of the Congolese people to live free from forces that violate their human rights, plunder their natural resources and terrorise their communities. | | "South Africa stands in solidarity with the Congolese people and their aspirati…

J.B. Gerald (2025-02-10). Congo: Do We Trace Genocide to Human Hatred or Corporate Profit? dissidentvoice.org Rwanda has broken international law with the visible presence of Rwandan troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo alongside Rwanda's covert M-23 militia. M-23 is reported to have captured Goma (again) and the civilians are in a state of emergency. This is familiar because M-23 previously took over the city in 2012 but had to …

ecns.cn (2025-02-09). Relay gold cold comfort for Team China. ecns.cn Team China has no excuses at all for its poorer-than-expected campaign at Harbin 2025, where it was totally outperformed on home ice by its close neighbor the Republic of Korea, arguably the world's most decorated program in the sport.

Our Reporter (2025-02-10). Abapakasi Bus Company Accused of Fleecing Passengers. plusnews.ug Abapakasi Bus Company is under scrutiny following multiple complaints from passengers alleging fraud and mistreatment during their journeys. The bus that plies the Kampala-Kabale route reportedly picks up passengers under the assurance of transporting them to Kisoro District, Kigali in Rwanda, and Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Passengers traveling to Kisoro are charged UGX …

Our Reporter (2025-02-10). EAC, SADC Leaders Call for Immediate Cessation of Hostilities in DRC. plusnews.ug The joint summit of the heads of state and government of the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Democratic Republic of Congo-DRC. In a joint communique issued after the summit held in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, the leaders said …

Martha Ríos (2025-02-09). Museo del Ron Havana Club con millonaria cifra de visitantes (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 feb (RHC) En la proximidad de su vigésimo quinto aniversario, el Museo del Ron Havana Club, en la zona antigua de la capital cubana se reafirma como sitio ideal para conocer de la historia y tradición del alegre, refinado y atractivo hijo de la caña de azúcar.

Robert Hunziker (2025-02-09). The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams. pressenza.com "All of these changes, we can plot them and if we look exponentially, we see really catastrophic effects in the next few years, certainly in the next decade or two the world will be completely different… I think we're at the last minute now." (Peter Wadhams) | PM Margaret Thatcher's 1989 speech to the UN General Assembly made reference to Peter Wadhams, Head of Polar Ocean Physics, Cambridge as her British scientist on board a ship in the Arctic Ocean: "The lesson of these Polar processes is that an environmental or climatic change produced by man may take on a self-sustaining or 'runaway' quality and may be ir…

Hugo GABBERO (2025-02-09). Cambodia: British environmental journalist denied re-entry to the country. fidh.org The Cambodian government's decision to deny British journalist Gerald Flynn re-entry to Cambodia and ban him from the country is a blatant attack on journalism and serves as yet another example of the Cambodian authorities' intolerance of critical and investigative journalism. The Observatory for the protection of human rights defenders (International Federation for Human Rights-FIDH and World Organisation Against Torture-OMCT) along with 19 other organisations condemn this arbitrary (…) | – |

Hugo GABBERO (2025-02-09). Cambodia: Denial of entry and harassment of British journalist Gerald Flynn. fidh.org

Hugo GABBERO (2025-02-09). Cambodia: British environmental journalist denied re-entry to the country. fidh.org The Cambodian government's decision to deny British journalist Gerald Flynn re-entry to Cambodia and ban him from the country is a blatant attack on journalism and serves as yet another example of the Cambodian authorities' intolerance of critical and investigative journalism. The Observatory for the protection of human rights defenders (International Federation for Human Rights-FIDH and World Organisation Against Torture-OMCT) along with 19 other organisations condemn this arbitrary (…) | – |

Robert Hunziker (2025-02-09). The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams. pressenza.com "All of these changes, we can plot them and if we look exponentially, we see really catastrophic effects in the next few years, certainly in the next decade or two the world will be completely different… I think we're at the last minute now." (Peter Wadhams) | PM Margaret Thatcher's 1989 speech to the UN General Assembly made reference to Peter Wadhams, Head of Polar Ocean Physics, Cambridge as her British scientist on board a ship in the Arctic Ocean: "The lesson of these Polar processes is that an environmental or climatic change produced by man may take on a self-sustaining or 'runaway' quality and may be ir…

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Lamentan en Cuba muerte líder namibio San Nujoma y resalta su liderazgo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel lamentó este domingo el fallecimiento de San Nujoma, Padre Fundador y primer presdiente de Namibia, quien lideró a su pueblo en la lucha por la independencia y contra el Apartheid.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-02-09). Cuba present at the Milan Tourism Fair Bit 2025. plenglish.com Rome, Feb 9 (Prensa Latina) A delegation from Cuba will showcase the latest tourism developments in this destination at the 45th edition of the Milan Fair Bit 2025, which will bring together specialists from the sector in Italy from today until February 11.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2025-02-09). More than 1,200 digital titles at the Havana Book Fair. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 9 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Cuban Book Institute (ICL), Juan Rodriguez, highlighted today that the upcoming 33rd International Book Fair in Havana will make available to the public more than 1,200 new literary works in digital format.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Partido de Sri Lanka exige retirada de Estados Unidos de ilegal base en Cuba. radiohc.cu Colombo, 9 feb (RHC) El Partido Socialista de Primera Línea de Sri Lanka exigió este domingo la retirada inmediata de Estados Unidos de la Base Naval de Guantánamo y la devolución de ese territorio que ocupa de manera ilegal en Cuba.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Afirma la ACNU que bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba perjudica al pueblo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) El bloqueo del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra Cuba afecta directamente al pueblo de la isla caribeña, aseguraron este domingo integrantes de la Asociación Cubana de Naciones Unidas -ACNU.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Suspenden remesas de Estados Unidos a Cuba, lado duro de irracional política. radiohc.cu Washington, 9 feb (RHC) Innumerables familias cubanas se efectarán con la suspensión del envío de remesas a Cuba como resultado de la vuelta de tuerca del Gobierno de Estados Unidos en su irracional política de línea dura hacia la isla.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Artista cubano Papushi nominado a Premios Tejano Mundial 2025 (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) Con su tema "Te digo adiós", el cantante y compositor cubano Jorge Soto, conocido artísticamente como Papushi, concursará el próximo 20 de febrero en los Premios Tejano Mundial 2025, en la ciudad estadounidense de San Antonio, Texas.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Alistan Festival del Monólogo Latinoamericano en Cienfuegos de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) El VI Festival del Monólogo Latinoamericano y la entrega del Premio Terry 2025, tendrán lugar del 27 de este mes al 2 de marzo próximo, en la provincia de Cienfuegos, ubicada al sur de la zona central de Cuba.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Cuba por la unidad en países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) La viceministra de Relaciones Exteriores y coordinadora nacional ante la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños -CELAC-, Anayansi Rodríguez, intervino en el segmento de apertura de la XI Reunión de Coordinadores Nacionales del mecanismo.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Decretan duelos oficial y nacional en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) Con profundo pesar, nuestro pueblo ha conocido del fallecimiento del entrañable amigo de Cuba, el Excmo. Sr. Dr. Sam Nujoma, Padre Fundador y primer presidente de la hermana República de Namibia.

Bárbara Gómez (2025-02-09). Accidente en Santiago de Cuba deja dos fallecidos y seis heridos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 feb (RHC) En la noche de este sábado ocurrió un accidente en la carretera central de Arroyo Blanco, municipio de Palma Soriano, en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba.

Staff (2025-02-09). Accidente en Palma Soriano deja dos fallecidos y seis heridos. cubadebate.cu En la noche de este sábado ocurrió un accidente en la carretera central de Arroyo Blanco, municipio de Palma Soriano, en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba. Se pudo conocer que hasta el momento hay dos fallecidos y seis lesionados.

Staff (2025-02-09). La Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 1 372 MW para este domingo. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para el horario pico de este domingo una disponibilidad 1 898 MW, frente a una demanda máxima de 3 200 MW, lo que representa un déficit de 1 302 MW, de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 1 372 MW en este horario. Para el pico se estima la entrada de 2 motores de la móvil de Melones con 35 MW.

Staff (2025-02-09). Western Union suspende operaciones en Cuba por medidas punitivas del gobierno de EEUU contra el pueblo cubano. cubadebate.cu Un comunicado de la entidad, citado en medios digitales, enfatizó que "debido a un cambio en las regulaciones de sanciones de Estados Unidos", la compañía de servicios financieros se ve obligada a suspender indefinidamente su servicio de transferencia de dinero a Cuba, "con efecto inmediato".

Staff (2025-02-09). Tierras en descanso, øEn paz descanse? cubadebate.cu Resulta cuando menos sospechoso que ahora mismo en Cuba alguien argumente que no puede prestar o entregar sus tierras baldías por más de cuatro años a otro para que las ponga a producir, porque están en ´descanso ª, nada más y nada menos.

Staff (2025-02-09). El cubano Raidel Martínez impresiona en Japón. cubadebate.cu El cubano Raidel Martínez, ahora con los Gigantes de Yomiuri, sorprendió durante su primera sesión de bullpen de la primavera. El mentor Shinnosuke Abe y Shosei Togo, uno de los mejores lanzadores del equipo, fueron testigos de su actuación. Raidel Martínez, de 28 años, inicia su primera temporada con los Gigantes de Yomiuri.

Staff (2025-02-09). Unión Africana lamenta el fallecimiento del primer presidente de Namibia. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Comisión de la Unión Africana, Moussa Faki Mahamat, expresó este domingo su pesar por el fallecimiento de Sam Nujoma, primer mandatario de Namibia, a quien calificó como un ícono de la liberación africana. A través de su cuenta en la red social X, Mahamat recordó a Nujoma como uno de los revolucionarios más ilustres y el epítome de coraje.

Staff (2025-02-09). Llega sin pedir permiso. cubadebate.cu En las provincias de Oriente
| hay cultura sismológica,
| una cuestión allí lógica
| pues tiembla frecuentemente.

Staff (2025-02-09). Inicia la jornada electoral en Ecuador. cubadebate.cu A las 07: 00 (hora local) abrieron este domingo los colegios electorales en Ecuador, donde la ciudadanía elegirá presidente, vicepresidente y 151 asambleístas. Un acto oficial en la sede del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), en Quito, liderado por autoridades electorales y del Ejecutivo bajo un estricto esquema de seguridad, dejó inaugurada la jornada de sufragios.

Staff (2025-02-09). Desoft: 27 años por la informatización del país. cubadebate.cu Este 9 de febrero la Empresa de Aplicaciones Informáticas Desoft cumple 27 años de creada.

Staff (2025-02-09). Richard Gere critica la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca. cubadebate.cu Richard Gere ha declarado que con la llegada de Trump hay "un matrimonio oscuro de poder y dinero". "La gente que le votó ni siquiera pensaba que él iba a hacer lo que prometió que iba a hacer", afirmó Gere.

Staff (2025-02-09). De cuando Sosa y yo fuimos a California. cubadebate.cu Yo vivía en Llanos de Maceira, pero trabajaba en California. No es un error, es la pura verdad. Sosa fue a buscarme y nos arreglamos como pudimos, porque el gordo es el tipo más batallador que pueda imaginarse. Todo es poco.

Staff (2025-02-09). "Little Rubio" sueña con darle la joya de la corona a Trump. cubadebate.cu Marquito, "Little Marco", fue uno los términos que usó Donald Trump para burlarse de Marco Rubio durante las primarias republicanas del 2016. También lo trató de "hazmerreir" ("laughing stock").1 Menospreciando la capacidad de Rubio como senador, dijo: "es un peso ligero al que no contrataría para dirigir una de mis empresas más pequeñas."

Staff (2025-02-09). Para evitar el hambre y la sed de los animales (I). cubadebate.cu En la ocasión anterior nos referimos a las necesidades básicas de cualquier especie y categoría, que todos los cridadores de animales deben satisfacer. Cuando decimos criadores estos pueden ser los que atienden, sus dueños, responsables, cuidadores o convivientes, es decir que son aquellos comprometidos con todo lo que compete a garantizar la protección y la salud, lo que sin dudas contribuye al bienestar de los mismos.

Staff (2025-02-09). Llega sin pedir permiso. cubadebate.cu En las provincias de Oriente
| hay cultura sismológica,
| una cuestión allí lógica
| pues tiembla frecuentemente.

SKWAWKBOX (2025-02-09). Labour executive seizes control of Tameside council and selections — to facilitate Reeves's pension-grab. skwawkbox.org Reeves plan to take control of public sector pension plans for 'risky' investments sees resisters on council likely to be deselected The deep-rooted anti-democratic nature of the Labour right and the Starmer regime in particular has gone on show again with the party machine's seizure of control of Labour-run Tameside Council in Greater Manchester — …

aljazeera (2025-02-09). Libya finds two mass graves with bodies of nearly 50 migrants, refugees. aljazeera.com Rights groups and UN agencies have documented systematic abuse in Libya including torture, rape and extortion.

The Independent (2025-02-09). Tackling drowning in Uganda's water bodies. independent.co.ug Mayuge, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Jovia, a 30-year-old resident of an island in Mayuge decided to take her two-month-old baby to a medical facility on the mainland, unfortunately, the locally made boat capsized and the child died. Two years later, her second baby fell ill, with heavy vomiting. Afraid of trying the boat transport, …

Mark Lesseraux (2025-02-09). The Art of the 21st Century Deal (The US is Finished, Unless…). pressenza.com More of the Same, Despite All the Bluster | Before Donald Trump was elected he gave indications that he had some understanding of the war in Ukraine and how it has exponentially accelerated the transformation of the global economic world order over the course of the last 2 and Ω years. (1) He also spoke of his "very good relations" with the leaders of China and Russia and how he, unlike the neocon led Biden administration, would be able to put a stop to the war between Russia and Ukraine "within 24 hours" of being elected.(2) | Judging by his actions during his first month in office however, all indications…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2025-02-09). The Boomerang Comes Back. libya360.wordpress.com Noura Erakat Police detain a protester at a May 3, 2024 protest at NYU. Image: Getty Images How the U.S.-backed war on Palestine is expanding authoritarianism at home—from Project Esther to violence at the border. In the fallout of the election, a stream of social media content—some from passionate Harris supporters, some from lesser-evil Democratic…

tn.ai (2025-02-09). Iran Proposes Formation of Int'l Alliance to Reconstruct Gaza. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian proposed the idea of establishment of an international alliance, mainly involving the Muslim nations, to assist the Palestinian people and reconstruct the Gaza Strip.

The Independent (2025-02-09). Bodies of 18 SAMIDRC soldiers killed in DRC conflict transported to Uganda for autopsy. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | Xinhua | The bodies of 18 soldiers from other African countries killed in the conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) were transported to Uganda for post-mortem examinations on Saturday, an official said. The remains of the deceased soldiers, who were part of the Southern African Development Community Mission …

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2025-02-09). Scottish Refugee Council celebrates 40 years of helping refugees. leftfootforward.org The Scottish Refugee Council is celebrating its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of supporting refugees and asylum seekers. | Established in 1985 in response to the humanitarian crisis in Vietnam, the charity quickly expanded its mission as Scotland opened its doors to people fleeing persecution and violence from around the world. | In 1999, when Glasgow joined the UK's dispersal scheme to welcome asylum seekers, the Scottish Refugee Council relocated from Edinburgh to Glasgow. It began supporting people fleeing conflicts in countries like Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Cong…

The Independent (2025-02-09). AFC/M23 Coordinator: We are open to dialogue with DRC gov't. independent.co.ug Goma, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo, the Coordinator of Congo River Alliance-AFC, a coalition of the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels has said that they are open to a direct dialogue with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government to solve the root cause of the conflict. Nangaa revealed this in a …

The Independent (2025-02-09). Museveni: Tshisekedi must have dialogue with M23. independent.co.ug Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has reiterated his stand that direct talks between President Felix Tshisekedi and all is opponents are vital for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Museveni, who was in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for the joint Summit of the East African Community (EAC) and …

The Independent (2025-02-09). African leaders call for immediate ceasefire in eastern DRC. independent.co.ug DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA | Xinhua | African leaders on Saturday called for an "immediate ceasefire" in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and reaffirmed their full support for seeking a lasting solution to the ongoing conflict. A "historic summit," jointly convened by the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development …

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2025-02-09). Scottish Refugee Council celebrates 40 years of helping refugees. leftfootforward.org The Scottish Refugee Council is celebrating its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of supporting refugees and asylum seekers. | Established in 1985 in response to the humanitarian crisis in Vietnam, the charity quickly expanded its mission as Scotland opened its doors to people fleeing persecution and violence from around the world. | In 1999, when Glasgow joined the UK's dispersal scheme to welcome asylum seekers, the Scottish Refugee Council relocated from Edinburgh to Glasgow. It began supporting people fleeing conflicts in countries like Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Cong…

tn.ai (2025-02-09). Pakistan Rejects Foreign Plans for Conquest of Palestine. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Foreign Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Ishaq Dar expressed his country's opposition to any ploy to conquer the Palestinian territories, stressing the need to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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