(2025-01-13). UK's Starmer touts plan to 'turbocharge' living standards with AI. aljazeera.com British Prime Minister says AI has the potential to 'transform the lives of working people'.
(2025-01-13). The Khalistan Assassinations. aljazeera.com A murder that rocked the Sikh community in British Columbia, Canada.
(2025-01-13). Cuba formaliza su adhesión a la demanda de Sudáfrica contra Israel por el genocidio en Palestina. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de la República de Cuba hizo entrega formal ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia en su sede en La Haya, Países Bajos, de la Declaración de intervención en el caso Sudáfrica contra Israel. El Gobierno de Cuba reitera su profunda preocupación con la continua escalada de violencia, por parte de Israel, en los territorios palestinos ilegalmente ocupados.
(2025-01-13). Presos palestinos relatan abusos en cárceles israelíes: "Vivíamos en un infierno" cubadebate.cu Los testimonios de los presos palestinos en cárceles israelíes ponen de relieve una serie de abusos, torturas sistemáticas, tratos graves, negligencia médica y palizas brutales, informa el Centro de Información sobre Palestina. Numerosos informes de derechos humanos han documentado la muerte de decenas de detenidos, además de ejecuciones sobre el terreno.
(2025-01-13). øCómo podría Canadá enfrentarse a Donald Trump? cubadebate.cu Aunque algunos analistas creen que la retórica es la típica bravuconada de Trump, sus comentarios han sido ampliamente condenados por políticos y economistas canadienses, ya que Canadá no fue uno de los principales objetivos del candidato republicano durante la campaña electoral estadounidense, a diferencia de China, México, los BRICS y la OTAN.
(2025-01-13). Cuba cae frente a club croata rumbo a Mundial de Balonmano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (ACN) La selección nacional cubana de balonmano, que debutará el 16 de enero en el Campeonato Mundial de la disciplina, cayó 36 a 35 frente al Club RK Porek de la liga premier croata en partido de preparación celebrado en la ciudad balcánica de Umag.
(2025-01-13). Cuba and Russia strengthen collaboration for scientific research. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Immunoessay Center signed an agreement for Cooperation in Scientific Research with the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (EIMB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), it was revealed today.
(2025-01-13). Bienal de La Habana continúa con propuestas de las artes visuales. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) La XV Bienal de La Habana, el mayor evento de las artes visuales en Cuba, continúa hoy con diferentes exposiciones abiertas al público en varios espacios de esta capital.
(2025-01-13). Cubano Erislandy àÅlvarez no boxeará el 18 de enero. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (JIT).- Contrario a lo pactado inicialmente, la semifinal de la Copa del Mundo Profesional de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA) que implicará al cubano Erislandy àÅlvarez (63,5 kg) no se disputará el próximo día 18.
(2025-01-13). Cubano Roamy Alonso pasa al frente de los máximos bloqueadores en Italia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC).- El central cubano Roamy Alonso sigue envuelto en una gran temporada en la Superliga de Voleibol de Italia. Con los cinco puntos por bloqueos que marcó el domingo pasó a la cima de ese importante apartado en la mejor liga el mundo.
(2025-01-13). Artistas de Ballet Beyond Borders HAVBANA actúan en Cienfuegos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Bailarines de varios países compartirán hoy la escena del Teatro Tomás Terry de la ciudad de Cienfuegos en una gala especial de Ballet Beyond Borders (BBB) HAVBANA 2025, evento organizado por Cuba y Estados Unidos.
(2025-01-13). Evocan pobladores heroica quema de Bayamo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Con una gala político-cultural en la primera plaza denominada de la Revolución en Cuba, artistas, autoridades y pueblo evocaron la gloriosa quema de la ciudad de Bayamo por sus moradores, trascendental hecho acaecido el 12 de enero de 1869.
(2025-01-13). Se retira el pesista cubano Olfides Sáez. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (ACN).- El adiós al deporte activo de Olfides Sáez, relevante pesista de la provincia de Cienfuegos, y uno de los de mejores resultados para Cuba en los últimos años, centró esta semana las noticias locales de mayor impacto en la prensa provincial.
(2025-01-13). Reconocidos investigadores cienfuegueros por el Día de la Ciencia Cubana (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 13 ene (RHC) Investigadores cienfuegueros recibieron reconocimientos por el Día de la Ciencia Cubana en el acto provincial efectuado en el Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos (CEAC), donde también estimularon a varios sectores destacados.
(2025-01-13). Vietnamitas en Los Palacios con eficiente técnica arrocera. radiohc.cu La inversión extranjera en Cuba y la sostenida colaboración con Vietnam adquieren nuevos ribetes, al calor de un plan para aumentar la producción de arroz en el archipiélago caribeño, donde el cereal es altamente demandado.
(2025-01-13). Por un control efectivo sobre los incendios forestales en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 ene (RHC) Entre el 90 % y el 95 % de los incendios forestales en Cuba tienen origen humano, fundamentalmente por las quemas para diferentes fines, fumadores y transeúntes irresponsables, la circulación de vehículos con desperfectos técnicos en el sistema de escape de los gases de combustión….
(2025-01-13). Arabia Saudita planea producir más de 90 000 toneladas de uranio. cubadebate.cu Arabia Saudita planea producir y exportar uranio, lo que supondría un importante cambio en el sector energético del país, anunció este lunes el ministro de Energía, el príncipe Abdulaziz bin Salmán. Dijo, además, que Riad está trabajando para localizar tecnologías modernas e industrias, con el sector petroquímico como pieza clave para el futuro.
(2025-01-13). Canciller de Venezuela denuncia ataques contra sedes diplomáticas del país en el extranjero. cubadebate.cu El canciller de Venezuela, Yván Gil, ha hecho un llamado urgente a las autoridades de Lisboa (Portugal), Frankfurt (Alemania), Medellín (Colombia), Vigo (España) y San José (Costa Rica) para que aceleren las investigaciones relacionadas con los recientes ataques a sedes consulares venezolanas. Denunció que estos actos son parte de una "acción coordinada por los comanditos del fascismo desquiciado".
(2025-01-13). Estudian agujero negro supermasivo con características "nunca vistas antes" cubadebate.cu El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participa en el estudio de una galaxia que alberga un agujero negro supermasivo con características nunca vistas previamente, como la emisión de un chorro de plasma y unas inusuales y rápidas fluctuaciones de rayos X. El descubrimiento se ha realizado en una galaxia situada a unos 270 millones de años luz en la constelación de Draco.
(2025-01-13). Los bomberos han contenido un 33% del incendio de Eaton, en Los àÅngeles, según las autoridades. cubadebate.cu El incendio de Eaton en el condado de Los àÅngeles, que Cal Fire dice que es probablemente uno de los incendios más destructivos en la historia de California, fue contenido al menos en un tercio este lunes por la mañana, dijeron las autoridades. El incendio, que había quemado 14 117 hectáreas, estaba contenido en un 33% a las 7: 18 am pt de este lunes.
(2025-01-13). TUCKER SURL: Servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento para lograr un "cambio real" cubadebate.cu Servicios integrales que combinan la limpieza y mantenimiento que permiten "un cambio real" en la instalación. Así se define TUCKER SURL, una pyme que surgió en el 2019 como TCP, hasta constituirse como pequeña empresa en el 2020. Poco a poco, se convirtieron en lo que son hoy: una empresa con prestigio, con una marca reconocida.
(2025-01-13). La infancia enfrenta una nueva era de amenazas y retos, advierte la ONU. cubadebate.cu El exponencial aumento de la desigualdad y los conflictos, junto con la amenaza del cambio climático y la tecnología crean una época de incertidumbre para los niños en todo el mundo. La agencia de la ONU para la infancia exige reforzar los sistemas diseñados a mitigar el impacto de todos esos fenómenos.
(2025-01-13). Este lunes en la Mesa Redonda: El presupuesto del Estado de 2025. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu El ministro de Finanzas y Precios y otros directivos de ese ministerio comparecen este lunes en la Mesa Redonda para informar detalles sobre la conformación del Presupuesto del Estado en el 2025, el cual fue aprobado a fines de diciembre por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular.
(2025-01-13). The Unfairness and Inadequacy of Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment Increases. counterpunch.org Reductions in the purchasing power of one's income occur when cost-of-living increases just keep up with the rate of inflation and are simultaneously accompanied by greater imposed costs. This has happened to Social Security recipients who are on Medicare. The 2025 Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 2.5% is being undermined by the
(2025-01-13). The Global Net Zero Financial Cartel, Falling Apart. wattsupwiththat.com Less than three weeks ago, on December 23, in a post on optimism about the potential demise of the green energy fantasy, I took note that two of the largest U.S. banks had just quit something called the "Net Zero Banking Alliance." The two were Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. These two banks, along with many others, including all of the biggest ones, had joined the NZBA as it was getting organized under auspices of the UN back in 2021. NZBA, together with other related groups organized around the same time, aspired to be cartels of financial institutions that would save the planet by starving hydrocarbon fuels of…
(2025-01-13). Armed groups kill at least 40 farmers in Nigeria's Borno State. aljazeera.com Officials say Boko Haram and ISWAP groups suspected of being behind the attacks on farmers in the Dumba region.
(2025-01-13). Vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 and RSV in Uruguay. plenglish.com The immunization will be done with the drug Comirnaty JN.1, a vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and adapted to the Omicron JN.1 subvariant of the virus. | In the first instance, risk groups will be considered, including older adults, people with comorbidities and minors with moderate to severe immunosuppresion. | Also pregnant women, people with Down syndrome, health care workers with potential risk and caregivers. | The MSP recommends that the booster dose should be given at least four months after the last dose received or after the infection. | The MSP will also roll out from Monday a vac…
(2025-01-13). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-13). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-13). Iran Sets Sights on Lunar Exploration with New Rover Project. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's Space Agency has launched its first major lunar rover project, signaling a strategic move to tap into the Moon's resources and join the ranks of other spacefaring nations.
(2025-01-13). UNRWA's expulsion from Jerusalem will seal Israel's annexation. newarab.com In the last week of January, two Knesset bills ending Israel's "cooperation" with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA), are scheduled to come into force. If they do, UNRWA's activities in the territory of the state of Israel would be illegal under Israeli law and any Israeli official or institution engaging with the agency would be breaking the law. | In
(2025-01-13). Israel Destroyed Gaza 'for Generations to Come' and the World Stayed Silent. counterpunch.org The first official reference to Gaza becoming increasingly uninhabitable was made by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2012, when the population of the Gaza Strip was estimated at 1.8 million inhabitants. The intention of the report, "The Gaza Strip: The Economic Situation and the Prospects for Development," was not merely
(2025-01-13). Bolivia advances in certification of 200 tourist destinations. plenglish.com La Paz, Jan 13 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President Luis Arce reaffirmed the commitment that his government is currently promoting tourism, with the certification of 200 destinations underway, of which 20 emblematic ones will be selected for international promotion.
(2025-01-13). Umalusi approves release of Matric 2024 exam results. sanews.gov.za Umalusi approves release of Matric 2024 exam results | South Africa's national education quality assurance body, Umalusi, has approved the release of the November 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. | The national results will be released later today. | "The approval statements bring together decisions taken after careful consideration of available evidence by various role players at different stages of Umalusi's quality assurance cycle. | "EXCO's approval for the release of candidates' results is confirmation that the assessment leading to certification in schools, adult education centres and t…
(2025-01-13). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-13). Thousands flee southern Sudan town amid escalating clashes: UN. newarab.com Thousands have fled a town in southern Sudan since clashes erupted last week between the Sudanese army and rival paramilitaries, the United Nations' migration agency said Sunday. | The conflict in Sudan, which erupted in mid-April 2023, has pitted the forces of army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against his former deputy "Between 1,000 and 3,000 households were displaced from Um Rawaba town" in North Kordofan state in the country's so…
(2025-01-13). The Coming Fires. counterpunch.org LA completely embodies the concept of the endless American suburb, where people have historically gone to buy their little patch of paradise, or their big patch of paradise, depending on how wealthy they may be. But now paradise has burned, again. And whether you're one of the estimated 70,000 people in Los Angeles County living on the streets (some of whom may be staying warm in the winter with propane heaters in their tents), or a movie star in a mansion with a nice, safe, fireplace, we're all equal under the Santa Anna winds, just as prone to the errant cigarette butt as everyone else, just as strong as the we…
(2025-01-13). Lithuania's Provocative Remark About Kaliningrad Doesn't Equate To A Territorial Claim. thealtworld.com Referring to places by the names that a certain group once used doesn't automatically imply territorial claims, though it can be interpreted as such depending on the context, but it's also understandable that the current inhabitants might consider it provocative if they now describe those places differently. | Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted to Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda's remarks on X describing Kaliningrad city as "Karaliaucius" and its oblast/region as "Lithuania Minor" by
(2025-01-13). "Tinderbox": How Fossil Fuel Companies & Electric Utilities Intensified L.A. Wildfires, Climate Chaos. democracynow.org We speak with Leah Stokes, a researcher on climate and energy policy, who says the scale of the Los Angeles wildfires is a result of burning fossil fuels and destabilizing the planet's equilibrium. "The ultimate driver here is climate change," says Stokes. She says that as people begin to consider rebuilding their communities, they should think about how to build more resilient homes or whether the risk is simply too great in some areas. "Are these places where people really want to be building back at that same density, with that same risk?" she asks. "We do have to be asking…
(2025-01-13). SA's natural resources can drive inclusive growth: President Ramaphosa. sanews.gov.za SA's natural resources can drive inclusive growth: President Ramaphosa | President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa's tourism sector, largely underpinned by its natural endowments, has great potential to drive inclusive growth. | "As the festive season makes way for the start of the new year, many South Africans have been returning home from different parts of the country. Some people have been visiting family, while others have been exploring new places. | "This is a time of year when we get to appreciate why our country is such an attractive destination for visitors. We are blessed with natural splendour that…
(2025-01-13). Ellen Brown: Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game — The Bank of North Dakota Model. scheerpost.com By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost North Dakota is staunchly conservative, having voted Republican in every presidential election since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. So how is it that the state boasts the only state-owned bank in the nation? Has it secretly gone socialist? No. The Bank of North Dakota (BND) operates on the same …
(2025-01-13). Lebanon: Nawaf Salam officially announced as prime minister. newarab.com Lebanese President "The president of the republic called on Judge Nawaf Salam to task him with forming a government, knowing that he is currently abroad. It has been decided he will return tomorrow," it said. | The Harvard-ed…
(2025-01-13). Iran Army Adds 1,000 High-Tech Drones to Combat Fleet. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Islamic Republic of Iran's Army has reinforced its combat forces by incorporating 1,000 state-of-the-art drones, designed for strategic missions and long-range operations.
(2025-01-13). Are the Republicans Now the Working-Class Party? counterpunch.org Conservatives claim that Donald Trump's electoral victories show that his Republican Party, not the Democrats, now represents the working class. Sen. Josh Hawley tweeted on election night 2020, "We are a working-class party now. That's the future." Although unions only represent 10% of the working-class labor force, since 1980, Democrats have not dipped below 51%. However, as
(2025-01-13). PMPI Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Municipal Waters. pressenza.com We, the 230 members of the Philippine-Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI), express profound concern regarding the Supreme Court's First Division's affirmation of the Malabon Regional Trial Court's decision declaring Sections 4 (58), 16, and 18 of the Philippine Fisheries Code (Republic Act No. 8550, as amended by RA 10654) unconstitutional. This decision would allow large-scale commercial fishers to operate within municipal waters, further threatening the livelihoods of small-scale fishers who depend on these waters for their daily sustenance. | We are alarmed and greatly disappointed that this ruling on Section…
(2025-01-13). GOP Is Gearing Up to Push Major Medicaid Cuts, Leaked Document Reveals. truthout.org Policy analysts and Democratic lawmakers raised alarm over the weekend at a leaked document indicating that House Republicans intend to pursue massive cuts to Medicaid, a program that provides sometimes lifesaving coverage to roughly 80 million people across the United States. Near the top of a list of "spending reform options" that House Republicans are considering to help finance additional… |
(2025-01-13). Ukraine Briefing: Trump-Putin Talks, Turkstream sabotage, Russian strategic victories, Western plans. thesiriusreport.com
(2025-01-12). Zionist lobby head in UK caught in pedophile scandal. presstv.ir The chairman of a Zionist lobby group with close ties to the Israeli embassy in the UK has been caught by pedophile hunters while attempting to meet with a child, police say.
(2025-01-12). Israeli Security on High Alert Over Potential Ansarullah Retaliation After Joint Airstrikes on Yemen. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) Israel's security apparatus has been placed on high alert amid rising concerns of a retaliatory attack by Yemen's Ansarullah movement following joint airstrikes by the US, British, and Israeli forces.
(2025-01-12). An overview of the nefarious activities of the "Mutton Crew": From Brexit to covid to climate change and Ukraine. expose-news.com The "Mutton Crew" is an organisation with pharmaceutical and financial interests. Although it has links to the British Army, it is not a military unit but its operatives may have been trained …
(2025-01-12). UK should consider letting IS members return: government lawyer. newarab.com The UK government should consider letting British members of the Speaking to BBC Radio 4's The World Tonight, Jonathan Hall KC said the government needs to look at the bigger picture when it comes to repatriating people and national security.
(2025-01-12). Exhibition brings together Caribbean women artists in Havana. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 12 (Prensa Latina) "Breaking with Traditions Isn't Free" is the title of a collective exhibition that brings together 17 Caribbean women artists at the Universal Art Building of the National Museum of Fine Arts (MNBA) in Havana.
(2025-01-12). Ejército israelí admitió alrededor de 400 bajas durante la guerra en Gaza. cubadebate.cu Al menos 400 militares israelíes murieron en ataques de las milicias palestinas o fuego amigo en Gaza dese el comienzo del conflicto, el 7 de octubre de 2023, según datos oficiales publicados este domingo por la prensa nacional. Varios medios de comunicación destacaron la cifra de bajas en el enclave costero.
(2025-01-12). Embajada informa sobre fallecimiento de médico cubano en México. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 ene (RHC) La Embajada de Cuba en México informó sobre el repentino fallecimiento de un médico de la isla que brindaba servicios al pueblo de ese país norteamericano en el hospital integral Xicotepec, del estado de Puebla.
(2025-01-12). Celebran Cuba e India 65 años de nexos con visión de futuro. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 ene (RHC) Cuba y la India celebran hoy 65 años del inicio de sus relaciones diplomáticas con espíritus renovados para fortalecerlos y su cooperación internacional, favorecidos por la inclusión de la isla caribeña en el grupo Brics.
(2025-01-12). Cubadebate estrena nueva columna Por el bienestar animal. cubadebate.cu Estamos seguros de que el intercambio entre los profesionales de la sanidad animal y los lectores, constituirá igualmente una forma eficaz de aprender e informarse sobre la relación hombre-animal y la convivencia en las diferentes circunstancias y ecosistemas que todos compartimos…
(2025-01-12). María Teresa Mora, la joven que impresionó a Capablanca(+Audio). cubadebate.cu Hasta el día de hoy, la vida de María Teresa Mora sigue siendo un misterio en el mundo de los trebejos. Su obra continúa bajo estudio constante y profundo de los amantes del juego ciencia cubano, sobre todo de los historiadores Jesús González Bayolo y Yandy Rojas Barrios, quienes redactan un libro biográfico sobre la destacada ajedrecista, capaz de impresionar al mismísimo José Raúl Capablanca, quien fuera también su maestro.
(2025-01-12). Actualizan sobre estado de los pacientes lesionados en accidente en Camagàºey. cubadebate.cu Durante la jornada de este domingo se informó que los siete niños atendidos en el hospital pediátrico fueron dados de alta. Quienes, además de recibir atención personal de salud, fueron visitados por dirigentes juveniles y de cultura. En el hospital provincial Manuel Ascunce, varios lesionados también han sido dados de alta.
(2025-01-12). Embajada informa sobre repentino fallecimiento de médico cubano en México. cubadebate.cu La Embajada de Cuba en México informó sobre el repentino fallecimiento de un médico de la mayor de las Antillas que brindaba servicios al pueblo de este país norteamericano en el hospital integral Xicotepec, del estado de Puebla. "Se realizan todas las gestiones necesarias para brindar el apoyo consular requerido y su repatriación", afirmó la Embajada.
(2025-01-12). Unión Eléctrica pronostica afectación de 920 MW en pico nocturno este domingo. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico de este domingo una disponibilidad de 2100 MW y una demanda máxima de 2950 MW, para un déficit de 850 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 920 MW en este horario. La disponibilidad del SEN a las 07: 00 horas era de 2100 MW.
(2025-01-12). øPor qué Desiderata? cubadebate.cu He querido compartir mis deseos y mis echares de menos como invitación necesaria para iniciar un nuevo año, convencido de que muchas desideratas no verbalizadas atraviesan nuestro universo espiritual. En mi caso, he tratado siempre de ser fiel al concepto, pero posicionándome en tiempo y espacio. Escribo con Cuba y desde Cuba. Es Cuba quien inunda mi existencia desde los cuatro puntos cardinales. Es Cuba la que me hace sentir, la que me hace pensar, la que me hace luchar.
(2025-01-12). Cuba e India celebran 65 años de nexos con visión de futuro. cubadebate.cu Cuba y la India celebran este domingo 65 años del inicio de sus relaciones diplomáticas con espíritus renovados para fortalecerlos y su cooperación internacional, favorecidos por la inclusión de la isla caribeña en el grupo Brics. Al entrar en el 2025, hay intenciones de continuar ampliando las relaciones políticas e impulsando los intercambios económicos.
(2025-01-12). Abierta la consulta pública para los anteproyectos de leyes del Registro Civil y del Régimen General Contravencional. cubadebate.cu Dos anteproyectos de leyes previstos en el Cronograma Legislativo —del Régimen General Contravencional y del Registro Civil— se encuentran disponibles para el proceso de consulta especializada con diversas instituciones del país, académicos, expertos nacionales y foráneos, así como con la ciudadanía a fin de obtener una propuesta de mayor calidad.
(2025-01-12). Cuba y Rusia firman convenio de cooperación para la investigación científica. cubadebate.cu El Instituto Engelhardt de Biología Molecular (EIMB) de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (RAS) y el Centro de Inmunoensayo del Grupo de las industrias biotecnológica y farmacéutica de Cuba, Biocubafarma, firmaron este domingo un convenio de cooperación para la investigación científica.
(2025-01-12). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 12 de enero de 2025. cubadebate.cu
(2025-01-12). Anti-poverty charities urge government to do more to address rising child poverty. leftfootforward.org 4.3 million children live in poverty in the UK, Labour has promised to reduce child poverty and has introduced a new taskforce responsible for 'developing an ambitious strategy to reduce child poverty.' | But anti-poverty and children's charities are urging for more to be done. | The Resolution Foundation is calling on the government to provide greater support to fulfil its promise of reducing child poverty. The charity p…
(2025-01-12). #WeWillMarch Groups Challenge Police Over Palestine Demo Permit. popularresistance.org A new year has begun, yet Israel's atrocities in Palestine persist. In Gaza, the situation is more dire than ever. Health workers are stretched to breaking point, particularly in northern Gaza, where not a single hospital remains functional. Their resilience in the face of unimaginable suffering is nothing short of heroic, but they cannot do it alone. | On Monday 7 January, health workers and supporters gathered outside parliament to demand urgent action. Jeremy Corbyn addressed the crowd calling for IDF troops to withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank, as well as from southern Lebanon and Syria; and for the Britis…
(2025-01-12). Two dead in northern Israel in suspected double murder, as conflict mounts between Arab crime groups. haaretz.com The conflict between criminal organizations in Arab society has intensified in recent years. Places once considered safe — such as private homes, cafés, and quiet streets — have become scenes of violence…
(2025-01-12). GST is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich: TS Singhdeo. ummid.com India's GST (Goods and Services Tax), system is disproportionately benefiting the wealthy while burdening the middle and lower-income groups, says TS Singhdeo, former Deputy Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.
(2025-01-12). VPNs, training, and mental health workshops: How CPJ helped journalist safety in 2024. Lucy Westcott
(2025-01-12). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-12). An Absence of Humanity in Gaza. globalresearch.ca At the risk of writing a numbed monotone in response to fifteen months of reported Israeli war crimes in Gaza l note here some of the lesser known efforts to resist the genocide in Gaza. | No legal system has countered …
(2025-01-12). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-12). Delegate to the United Nations- Indefinite-term contract based in FIDH Geneva office. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights organisations from 116 countries. FIDH is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, apolitical, and not for profit organisation. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all human rights — civil, political, economic, social, and cultural — as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
| You can find us on our social networks: : www.fidh.org/en (…) | |
(2025-01-12). In the Western World You Become Respectable by Selling Out the People. thealtworld.com Two themes to which I return are the difficulty of effecting change and the disappearance of ethnic nations in the West. What is going on right now in France is a story of both together. | Marine Le Pen's political party, National Rally (formerly National Front), is the largest French party, but it is kept from office by all other parties combining against it. Le Pen's party has stood for French ethnicity as opposed to a diverse Tower of Babel. In Europe an ethnic-based national state has become associated with Hitler's Third Reich. Consequently, the French establishment has branded the National Rally racist and…
(2025-01-12). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Update adult vaccinations for a new year. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the start of a new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult vaccinations. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Whether it's the annual flu shot,…
(2025-01-12). US House Passes Bill to Protect Israeli PM Netanyahu From International Criminal Court (ICC). globalresearch.ca One of the first acts of the Republican-led 119th Congress was to pass a bill that would sanction officials attempting to arrest or investigate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader is wanted by the International Criminal Court …
(2025-01-12). What Will Trump's Iran Policy Look Like? popularresistance.org Incoming U.S. President Donald Trump adopted an aggressive Iran policy in his first term. He withdrew from the Obama administration's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), adopted harsh sanctions on the country, and assassinated Iranian military commander Qassem Suleimani. | Should we expect more of the same this time around? Does he actually want a deal with the country? Who might end up pushing him on the issue behind the scenes? Is there any reason to take his non-interventionist seriously or does neocon ideology still prevail within the Republican party? Is the Iranian government actually vulnerable rig…
(2025-01-12). UPDF arrest two Congolese police officers in Zombo. independent.co.ug Zombo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) on Friday arrested two Police officers from the Democratic Republic of Congo following fresh incursion on Uganda's territory. The two Congolese Police officers were arrested in Jangokoro Sub County Zombo district as they attempted to foil the construction of a borehole project in Awasi Center Afuda …
(2025-01-12). Museveni, Liberia VP Discuss Steel Industry Cooperation. plusnews.ug President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni yesterday held a meeting with H.E Jeremiah Kpan Koung, the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia. During a meeting held at the sidelines of the African Union Extraordinary Summit on Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) at Speke Resort Munyonyo, the two leaders discussed matters of mutual interest, including potential …
(2025-01-12). Museveni, Sahrawi Leader Discuss African Solidarity and Challenges. plusnews.ug President Yoweri Museveni yesterday met the President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), H.E. Brahim Ghali. The leaders' discussion centred around African unity, challenges faced by the Sahrawi people, and the need for strengthened continental solidarity. President Museveni and H.E Ghali interacted during a sideline meeting of the African Union Extraordinary Summit on Comprehensive …
(2025-01-12). The Plain Truth About "The Man from Plains" and Jimmy Carter's BIG Lie. covertactionmagazine.com Carter's Canonization: Saint Jimmy Once again Americans have been inundated by a tsunami of one-sided "news" coverage and an officially sanctioned mourning period and state funeral were exploited (at taxpayers' expense) for political purposes, as we were subjected to a hagiographies of former President Jimmy Carter. We endured hours of propagandistic MSM radio and TV …