(2025-01-08). Mother of jailed UK-Egyptian activist reaches 100th day of hunger strike. newarab.com The mother of British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah reached the 100th day of her hunger strike protesting her son's continued imprisonment on Tuesday, according to her family. | Laila Soueif, a 68-year-old mathematics professor, has called on the UK government to do more to secure the release of her son, a longtime dissident who has spent much of the last decade behind bars. | "Unfortunately the government seems to be waiting for me to be hospitalised before they act decisively to secure my son's freedom," she said in a statement. | Her family said Soueif has survived on "nothing but black coffee, herbal…
(2025-01-08). UK soldiers tell inquiry of Afghan civilian killings concerns. newarab.com Soldiers who were part of British special forces working in Afghanistan have told a public inquiry of their concerns that Afghans who posed no threat had been murdered in raids against suspected Taliban insurgents, including some aged under 16. | The independent inquiry was ordered by Britain's defence ministry (MoD) after a BBC TV documentary reported that soldiers from the elite Special Air Service (SAS) had killed 54 people in suspicious circumstances during the war in Afghanistan more than a decade ago. | The investigation is examining a number of night-time raids called deliberate detention operations car…
(2025-01-08). Haiti and American Neocolonialism. counterpunch.org Haiti is best understood in the contexts of the modern world as an American neocolonial protectorate. Besides US policy in Cuba, which includes a genocidal blockade depriving the Cuban people of precious resources needed to function society, it's hard to find another case of such an ongoing and sustained assault from the largest empire in
(2025-01-08). Selección cubana de balonmano empata amistoso rumbo al Mundial. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (ACN) La selección cubana de balonmano sostiene partidos de preparación en la ciudad de Umag, Croacia, uno de los países sede del campeonato mundial de la disciplina en el que Cuba debutará el próximo día 16 de enero.
(2025-01-08). Cubans remember 66th anniversary of Fidel Castro's entry into Havana. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Cubans remember on Wednesday the 66th anniversary of the entry into Havana of the Rebel Army's "Freedom Caravan," led by Fidel Castro, after the revolutionary victory on January 1, 1959.
(2025-01-08). Cuba's Casa de las Américas announces its literary prize. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Casa de las Americas published the rules of its prestigious literary award, called for 2025 in the categories of poetry, short stories, and studies on Latinos in the United States, according to its Facebook site.
(2025-01-08). Cuba: Varadero beach to host Capablanca In Memoriam Tournament. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) The halls of the Solymar-Arenas Blancas and Meliá Internacional hotels, in the Cuban coastal resort of Varadero, will host the Capablanca In Memoriam Chess Tournament, scheduled from May 9 to 19.
(2025-01-08). Yailena Palomo dreams of good results at World Boxing Championships. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Training three times as much if necessary will be my goal in 2025 in order to get good results at the Women's World Boxing Championships, scheduled for March, Cuban boxer Yailena Palomo confessed.
(2025-01-08). Cuba rememora aniversario 66 de entrada de Fidel Castro a La Habana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) Cuba conmemora hoy el aniversario 66 del arribo a esta capital de la "Caravana de la Libertad" del Ejército Rebelde, con Fidel Castro al mando, tras la victoria revolucionaria el 1 de enero de 1959.
(2025-01-08). Tenimesistas cubanos confirmados en justa continental. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (JIT).- Los cubanos Daniela Fonseca y Jorge Moisés Campos aparecen entre los 16 integrantes del cuadro principal de la Copa Panamericana de Tenis de Mesa de San Francisco 2025, que entre el 18 y el 23 de febrero acogerá esa ciudad de Estados Unidos.
(2025-01-08). Equipo de Miguel àÅngel López lidera Liga Japonesa de Voleibol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (JIT).- El equipo Osaka Bluteon, que integra Miguel àÅngel López, prosigue a la cabeza de la Liga Japonesa de Voleibol 2025, tras dos victorias sobre el Stings Aichi, a las que mucho contribuyó el accionar del cubano.
(2025-01-08). Realizan en Argentina jornada en homenaje a Ernesto Guevara. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) El museo La Pastera, en la provincia de Neuquén, acogerá desde hoy y hasta el 11 de este mes una jornada en homenaje al guerrillero argentino-cubano Ernesto Guevara (1928-1967) que incluirá exhibiciones y estreno de documentales.
(2025-01-08). Conmovedor espectáculo inaugura en Cuba evento internacional de danza. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba (LADC) inauguró la víspera el segundo Ballet Beyond Borders (BBB) HAVBANA 2025, con selecciones de un espectáculo que roza la poesía lírica y clama por un renacimiento de esta capital.
(2025-01-08). Condenan que Estados Unidos entrenara mercenarios cubanos en Puerto Rico. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) Una organización izquierdista condenó a la estadounidense Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) por utilizar la isla puertorriqueña de Vieques para entrenar a mercenarios cubanos, a la vez que perseguía a los independentistas en Puerto Rico.
(2025-01-08). Casa de las Américas de Cuba convoca a su premio literario. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) Casa de las Américas de Cuba publicó las bases de su prestigioso premio literario, convocado para 2025 en las categorías poesía, cuento y estudios sobre latinos en Estados Unidos, señala su sitio en Facebook.
(2025-01-08). Veteranos de Cuba y EE.UU. sostendrán partido de béisbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 ene (ACN) Veteranos de Cuba y Estados Unidos sostendrán dos partidos amistosos de béisbol en el capitalino estadio Latinoamericano, anunció la Federación Cubana de este deporte.
(2025-01-08). Warning in Dominica on changes in weather conditions. plenglish.com Roseau, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) The Meteorological Department of Dominica maintains today's alert on changes in weather conditions in the nation, where low-lying areas may be the most affected.
(2025-01-08). South Syria militants 'not convinced' to give up arms amid rift with HTS leader. presstv.ir Militants in southern Syria who helped topple President Assad say they are not convinced by the idea of dissolving armed groups.
(2025-01-08). Germany defunds two Israeli rights groups critical of Gaza war. newarab.com The The
(2025-01-08). Israeli Forces Detain 45 Palestinians in West Bank Raids. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Israeli forces have arrested at least 45 Palestinians, including a child and two women, in a series of overnight raids across the occupied West Bank, Palestinian prisoners' groups reported on Wednesday.
(2025-01-08). Haitian Exodus from Springfield, Ohio Might Be a Sign of Things to Come. counterpunch.org
(2025-01-08). VPNs, training, and mental health workshops: How CPJ helped journalist safety in 2024. Lucy Westcott
(2025-01-08). People are flocking to Florida. Will there be enough water for them? grist.org While wading through wetlands in the headwaters of the Everglades, where tall, serrated grasses shelter alligators and water moccasins, agroecologist Elizabeth Boughton described one of Florida's biggest environmental problems: There's either too much water, or too little. | An intensifying climate, overexploitation of groundwater, and a development boom have catalyzed a looming water supply shortage — something that once seemed impossible for the rainy peninsula. | "It's becoming more of an issue that everyone's aware of," said Boughton, who studies ecosystems at the Archbold Biological Station, a resea…
(2025-01-08). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-08). Light aircraft crashes at tourist hotspot in Australia, killing 3. aljazeera.com Authorities say they are investigating the cause of the crash off island located near Perth, Western Australia.
(2025-01-08). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-08). Delegate to the United Nations- Indefinite-term contract based in FIDH Geneva office. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights organisations from 116 countries. FIDH is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, apolitical, and not for profit organisation. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all human rights — civil, political, economic, social, and cultural — as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
| You can find us on our social networks: : www.fidh.org/en (…) | – |
(2025-01-08). Iran executed over 900 people in 2024, including dozens of women. newarab.com The number of people executed in Iran rose to 901 last year, including 31 women, some of whom were convicted of murdering their husbands to fend off rape or after being forced into marriage, the UN human rights office said on Tuesday. | Most of the executions were for drug-related offences, but political dissidents and people connected with mass protests in 2022 over the death in police custody of a 22-year-old woman were also among the victims. | "It is deeply disturbing that yet again we see an increase in the number of people subjected to the death penalty in Iran year-on-year," United Nations High Commissi…
(2025-01-08). President: Iran Pursuing Friendly Interaction with World. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian stressed his administration's policy of friendly interaction with other nations across the world.
(2025-01-08). SATIRE: U.S. Healthcare System By The Numbers. theonion.com Compared to similar high-income nations, Americans spend twice as much on healthcare, yet have lower life expectancies and higher infant mortality rates. The Onion looks at the key facts and figures behind the U.S. healthcare system. 39%: Americans in national survey who reported delaying emergency medical care "due to financial limitations or having just put …
(2025-01-08). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-08). The promises and challenges of the Philippines' new climate-resilient city. grist.org The highway approaching New Clark City is wide — four lanes each way in places — but carries little traffic. Newly installed streetlamps, powered by sunlight, dot the median. Construction equipment and recently finished buildings rise ahead, where the Philippine government is building a metropolis designed to withstand the threats of a hotter, less predictable world. | Once completed in 2065, this
(2025-01-08). High number of mpox cases reported in Kampala. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Health is reporting a sustained high number of mpox cases in the country that is currently ranking third on the continent after Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the latest update released by the Ministry's surveillance pillar, Busoga, South Central and South Western regions …
(2025-01-08). Russia e Vietnam continuano ad approfondire il loro partenariato strategico globale. strategic-culture.su Un legame storico, consolidato e in continua evoluzione sin dai tempi dell'Unione Sovietica: le relazioni tra Vietnam e Russia si fondano su una lunga tradizione di cooperazione e fiducia reciproca, che oggi si rafforza con nuovi accordi strategici in materia di difesa ed energia. | Segue nostro L'amicizia tra Vietnam e Russia affonda le proprie radici nelle storiche relazioni ai tempi dell'Unione Sovietica, quando Mosca fu il princip…
(2025-01-08). Sudan's military pushes back rebels in second city of Omdurman. aljazeera.com Army takes control of RSF territories in Mansoura, Murabaat and Elfitihab, and seizes weapons and ammunition depot.
(2025-01-07). Nanociencia y nanotecnología: Centro de Estudios Avanzados, estratégico en el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de Cuba (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El CEA, en La Habana, es estratégico para el desarrollo científico nacional. Su director destaca la concepción de "plataforma abierta multidisciplinaria con tecnología de punta, en algunos casos tecnología que, por sus prestaciones, es única en el país, y laboratorios con potencialidades para desarrollar investigaciones que antiguamente requerían salir al extranjero por largos periodos de tiempo y que hoy podemos hacer en Cuba".
(2025-01-07). Gang violence killed more than 5,600 people in Haiti in 2024: UN. aljazeera.com Violent gangs control most of the Caribbean country's capital, Port-au-Prince.
(2025-01-07). Cuba reported record number of earthquakes in 2024. plenglish.com According to data published by SSN Director Enrique Diego Arango, this activity is due to the occurrence of two earthquakes: one on November 10 of 6.0 magnitude and another of 6.7 about 40 kilometers southeast of the town of Pilón, Granma province, and a 6.1-magnitude seism south of Guamá municipality, in Santiago de Cuba province, on December 23. | Both earth tremors occurred in a sector of the Oriente transform fault characterized by a predominant sliding movement along the left lateral course, the expert explained. | Since the seismic activity began on November 10, 8,873 aftershocks of both earthquakes have b…
(2025-01-07). Cuba: Longina Sings Corona Festival to be dedicated to Marta Valdés. plenglish.com Santa Clara, Cuba, Jan 7 (Prensa Latina) The 29th edition of the Longina Sings Corona Festival will be dedicated to National Music Award Winner Marta Valdés, organizers informed in this central Cuban city on Monday.
(2025-01-07). Desarrolla vicecanciller amplia agenda de trabajo en Catar. cubadebate.cu Gerardo Peñalver Portal, viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, copresidió este martes en Catar la III Ronda de Consultas Políticas, como parte de una amplia agenda de trabajo que desarrolla en esa nación del Medio Oriente.
(2025-01-07). Matanzas: Caravana de la Libertad conecta generaciones. cubadebate.cu Nuevamente jóvenes destacados protagonizan la reedición de la Caravana de la Libertad, y en su tránsito por la provincia de Matanzas, el periplo se ratifica como simbólica tradición que conecta generaciones para honrar la memoria histórica.
(2025-01-07). Vórtice polar genera intensa ola de frío en sur de EEUU. cubadebate.cu Un vórtice polar generado por aire frío desde el àÅrtico trajo temperaturas bajo cero el martes al sur de Estados Unidos, amenazando con cubrir de nieve a partes de Texas y Oklahoma y contribuyendo a un corte de energía en la capital de Virginia que hizo al agua imposible de beber.
(2025-01-07). Conociendo a Reytel Oro, el César de Renacer. cubadebate.cu Casi al concluir la telenovela Renacer, aún hay personajes que nos mantienen a la expectativa, pues resulta difícil entenderlos. Uno de ellos, sin dudas, es César, cuyas actitudes y "características" nos han llegado a sorprender, pues así no suelen ser los cubanos de estos tiempos.
(2025-01-07). Cubanos marchan contra el bloqueo estadounidense y la guerra híbrida. peoplesworld.org Cientos de miles de cubanos marcharon el 20 de diciembre por el emblemático Malecón de La Habana frente al Estrecho de la Florida. (Vea fotos y video aquí.) El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel y el expresidente Raúl Castro encabezaron una protesta masiva contra los crecientes esfuerzos de Estados Unidos para empobrecer a los cubanos y derrocar …
(2025-01-07). La Habana acoge por segunda ocasión el Ballet Beyond Borders (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Por segunda ocasión desde La Habana abre sus puertas este martes y hasta el próximo 11 de enero el Ballet Beyond Borders (BBB), un espacio multicultural protagonizado por la danza. Las propuestas de BBB Havbana 2025 se desarrollarán en tres espacios fundamentales: la sede de Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba, Malecón ART 255 y el Teatro Nacional.
(2025-01-07). Veteranos de Cuba y EEUU jugarán en el Latinoamericano. cubadebate.cu Veteranos de Cuba y Estados Unidos sostendrán dos partidos amistosos de béisbol en el capitalino estadio Latinoamericano, anunció este martes la Federación Cubana de este deporte. Para el próximo sábado 11 y domingo 12 de enero a las 10: 00 a.m. están pactados los desafíos sobre la grama del mítico estadio.
(2025-01-07). Human Rights Groups Manufacture Consent For 'Regime Change" popularresistance.org In the words of the United Nations, "human rights" range from "the most fundamental—the right to life—to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty." These rights are supposed to be "inherent to us all." But this lofty ambition has become distorted, not only by the UN itself but by the whole of what Alfred de Zayas calls the "Human Rights Industry." | This industry, headed by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), has multiple layers that include UN "expert groups" and "rapporteurs," regional commissions like (in the Western Hemisphere) the Inter-…
(2025-01-07). Gaza aid effort at 'breaking point', warns UN. aljazeera.com OCHA chief says attacks by Israeli troops and Palestinian groups stifling bid to save lives in war-torn enclave.
(2025-01-07). The Militia and the Mole: Reporter Josh Kaplan on How a Freelance Vigilante Infiltrated U.S. Militias. democracynow.org We speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Joshua Kaplan about his latest blockbuster article for ProPublica chronicling the rise of a "freelance vigilante" through the ranks of the right-wing militia movement in an effort to surveil and disrupt their operations. Kaplan's source, a wilderness survival trainer named John Williams, says he went undercover after being shocked by the January 6 insurrection, when members of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other armed right-wing groups led the riot at the U.S. Capitol. "He's an extraordinarily talented liar," Kaplan says of Willi…
(2025-01-07). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. presstv.ir National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.
(2025-01-07). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-07). Danish PM says Greenland 'not for sale' as Donald Trump Jr visits island. aljazeera.com Before his son's 'private' visit, President-elect Donald Trump again says he wants Greenland to 'become part of' US.
(2025-01-07). The Maldives: The Future of Climate Change. fpif.org A prime example of the existential risks posed by climate change is the Maldives, a republic of 1,192 coral islands dispersed around the Indian Ocean. The Maldives, which have an average height of only 1.5 meters above sea level, are particularly susceptible to catastrophic weather events and increasing sea levels. | Rising sea levels, projected to increase by up to one meter by the end of the century, could submerge significant portions of the country. Approximately 80 percent of the islands are less than one meter above mean sea level, leaving them at risk of being entirely submerged or rendered uninhabitable d…
(2025-01-07). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-07). What Is Going On in Syria and What Does It Mean? Paul C. Roberts. globalresearch.ca The explanations we are given make no sense, neither Washington's, Putin's, nor Iran's. How did terrorists whose leaders had $10 million bounties on their heads become "democratic jihadists" who comprise Syria's "interim government" with Washington's and Putin's support? | Interim for …
(2025-01-07). Delegate to the United Nations- Indefinite-term contract based in FIDH Geneva office. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights organisations from 116 countries. FIDH is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, apolitical, and not for profit organisation. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all human rights — civil, political, economic, social, and cultural — as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
| You can find us on our social networks: : www.fidh.org/en (…) | – |
(2025-01-07). US accuses Russia of funding both sides of Sudan's war. newarab.com The United States accused Russia at the United Nations on Monday of funding the two warring parties in Sudan, an apparent step up from Washington's previous assertion that Moscow was playing both sides of the conflict to advance its political objectives. | The war erupted in April 2023 amid a power struggle between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) ahead of a planned transition to civilian rule, triggering the world's largest displacement and hunger crisis. | In November Russia vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution that called on the warring parties to immediatel…
(2025-01-07). "Requiem for a Refugee Camp": Mosab Abu Toha on Destruction of Jabaliya, Abduction of Doctors & More. democracynow.org Israeli forces are continuing their unrelenting attacks across the Gaza Strip, killing scores of Palestinians in the first week of 2025 even as Israeli and Hamas officials resume talks in Qatar aimed at reaching a ceasefire. The official death toll in Gaza is nearing 46,000, although experts say the true figure is likely much higher. The United Nations has warned its efforts to bring humanitarian aid into the besieged Gaza Strip are at a "breaking point" after Israeli forces opened fire on a World Food Programme convoy over the weekend, and healthcare facilities across much of the territory are destro…
(2025-01-07). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-07). Norwegian PM raises concern over Musk's political influence. independent.co.ug OSLO | Xinhua | Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store has expressed concern over the potential influence of billionaire Elon Musk on democratic processes, criticizing his involvement in the internal affairs of other nations. In an interview with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) on Monday, Store said, "I find it concerning that a man with …
(2025-01-07). McDonald's boss in meltdown as 1 in 2 outlets face legal action. leftfootforward.org The CEO of McDonald's, Alistair Macrow, was forced to face the music as MPs grilled him on harassment allegations brought forward by over 700 workers at the fast food chain. | Liam Byrne MP, the chair of the select committee, asked Macrow: "Has McDonald's basically become a predator's paradise?". | Macrow said the fast-food giant's new approach to harassment is 'working', despite 700 workers filing legal claims over abuse at work. | According to Macrow, the company has strengthened its standards and adopted a "robust and industry-leading" approach to tackling harassment. In addition, he described McDonald's as…
(2025-01-07). La clase empresarial entrega dinero a Trump, los sindicatos preparan planes de contraataque. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—El reciente titular del Wall Street Journal lo decía todo: "Los grandes nombres de Wall Street, que antes desconfiaban de Trump, ahora quieren entrar". Pero no es solo Wall Street el que ha llevado dinero de campaña al presidente electo republicano y delincuente convicto, Donald Trump. Son Elon Musk y Amazon. Es el multimillonario de …
(2025-01-07). Morocco, Spain custom deal turns autonomous Melilla 'Moroccan'. newarab.com After nearly three years of protracted negotiations, However, within the enclaves, officials and merchants fear Madrid has given Rabat a foothold in the autonomous territories— at least trade wise. | For the…