(2025-01-04). Bahamas devolvió a Cuba 19 migrantes irregulares. radiohc.cu La Habana, 4 ene (RHC) El Ministerio del Interior de Cuba informó este sábado de la devolución desde Bahamas de 19 migrantes irregulares, de ellos 16 hombres y tres mujeres, en la primera operación de este tipo en 2025.
(2025-01-04). Journalist Could Face Prison For Refusing To Give Passwords To Police. popularresistance.org It is an unprecedented case. And it risks triggering an unprecedented threat to journalism. The UK police have repeatedly tried to obtain the passwords to the phones of the British independent journalist, Richard Medhurst, the first reporter arrested in London under Section 12: his analyses and comments on Israel's bloodbath in Gaza — which Amnesty International has characterised as genocide — have been interpreted by the police as support for organisations banned from the UK, such as Hamas and Hezbollah. | The son of two UN peacekeepers, Medhurst was arrested last August at London's Heathrow Airport…
(2025-01-04). Musk urges release of British far-right figurehead. newarab.com In a flurry of messages on his X platform, Musk also renewed his criticism of
(2025-01-04). Journalist faces prison for refusing to hand over passwords to the British fascist police. indybay.org Richard Medhurst is the first reporter arrested and under investigation under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The UK police have sought to obtain the passwords to his phones, including a highly secure phone with a Graphene operating system. If the UK authorities prevail, no journalist travelling to London will be safe any longer when it comes to source protection…
(2025-01-04). China Donates 70 Tons of Equipment to Cuba To Restore Its Electric System. orinocotribune.com The People's Republic of China has donated almost 70 tons of power generator parts and accessories to The materials arrived in the country on Sunday (29) and were received by China's ambassador to Cuba, Hua Xin, and Cuba's deputy ministers of Foreign Trade and Investment, Déborah Rivas, and Energy and Mining, Tatiana Amarán…
(2025-01-04). Confidence in Cuba's capacity to face challenges ratified in Sri Lank. plenglish.com Colombo, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Sri Lankan Graduates in Cuba today expressed its confidence in the Cuban people's capacity to overcome the current adversities and signified its strength in defending its dignity and values in difficult periods.
(2025-01-04). Italy:Support for the Cuban Revolution on its anniversary reaffirmed. plenglish.com Rome, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) Groups in solidarity with Cuba in Italy reaffirmed today, as part of celebrations for the 66th anniversary of the Revolution in that nation, their support for their people who, amid difficulties, are struggling to defend their conquests.
(2025-01-04). Hermanos puertorriqueños con más amor hacia Cuba (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 4 ene (RHC) Con la premisa de que la hermandad y la solidaridad entre Puerto Rico y Cuba no se puede acallar ni bloquear, el Comité de solidaridad (CSC) boricua laboró intensamente en el año 2024 y se mantendrán activos durante el 2025.
(2025-01-04). Recinto expositivo ideado por Fidel Castro arriba a su 36 aniversario. radiohc.cu La Habana, 4 ene (RHC) El mayor centro expositor del país, EXPOCUBA, fue inaugurado este día de 1989 lo que materializó una iniciativa del líder histórico del proceso revolucionario en la isla, Fidel Castro, recuerdan medios de prensa este sábado.
(2025-01-04). En Italia reafirman apoyo a la Revolución cubana en su aniversario 66. radiohc.cu Roma, 4 ene (RHC) Agrupaciones solidarias con Cuba en Italia reafirmaron este sábado en el marco de las celebraciones por el aniversario 66 de la Revolución en esa nación, el apoyo a su pueblo que, en medio de dificultades, lucha por defender sus conquistas.
(2025-01-04). Ratifican en Sri Lanka confianza en capacidad de Cuba ante desafíos. radiohc.cu Colombo, 4 ene (RHC) La Asociación de Graduados srilanqueses en Cuba manifestó este sábado su confianza en la capacidad del pueblo cubano para superar las actuales adversidades y significó su fortaleza al defender su dignidad y valores ante periodos difíciles.
(2025-01-04). Espacio literario en Cuba ´reedita ª Caravana de la Libertad en texto. radiohc.cu La Habana, 4 ene (RHC) El libro "La Caravana de la Libertad", de los reconocidos periodistas cubanos Luis Báez y Pedro de la Hoz, será presentado este sábado en el habitual espacio Sábado del Libro, en esta capital.
(2025-01-04). Conozca sobre la nueva escala progresiva para la Declaración Jurada del Impuesto sobre ingresos personales. cubadebate.cu La Ley 174 del Presupuesto del Estado para el 2025 establece adecuaciones a la Ley 113 del Sistema Tributario, dentro de ellas una muy importante: La modificación de la escala progresiva para el cálculo de la liquidación adicional del Impuesto sobre ingresos personales, mediante Declaración Jurada, para los ingresos obtenidos en el ejercicio fiscal 2024.
(2025-01-04). Greater Masaka Region swears in new Khadi. independent.co.ug Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Sheikh Badru Wassajja Kiruuta has been named the new Greater Masaka Muslim Regional Kadhi. He replaces Sheikh Hamis Sulait Ssentongo, who resigned his responsibilities last month after serving for two years. Kiruuta's appointment comes barely a year after he shifted his allegiance from the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council at Old Kampala, …
(2025-01-04). Systemic Rape Allegations Against Israel Meet A Deafening Silence. popularresistance.org A flood of devastating new testimonies documenting the systemic sexual abuse of Palestinian men and women by Israeli soldiers has surfaced in recent weeks. Yet, as these harrowing accounts gain traction amongst human rights groups and international organizations, Western media has conspicuously turned its focus elsewhere—amplifying Israel's poorly corroborated claims against Hamas. | Following a raid on Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip on December 28, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor published a report documenting harrowing testimonies of sexual assault by Israeli soldiers.
(2025-01-04). Gangs in Uganda: A ticking Time Bomb. plusnews.ug Uganda risks slipping into the hands of criminal gangs should the State continue to fold hands on, holding the emerging violent groups accountable for their actions. In November last year, the gangs, affiliated to well-known musicians, with unrivalled confidence, attacked Nsambya Hospital and assaulted a number of its staff with impunity before fleeing scene. They …
(2025-01-04). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. presstv.ir National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.
(2025-01-04). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…
(2025-01-04). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-04). Iran Reaffirms Right to Prosecute Assassins of Gen. Soleimani. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations reaffirmed Tehran's legitimate right to hold accountable the perpetrators, organizers, and sponsors of assassination of top commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, who was martyred in a US strike in Iraq in 2020.
(2025-01-04). UNICEF calls for protecting children from horrors of war. plenglish.com United Nations, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) UNICEF called on the international community to protect children from the horrors of war and end the deadly "new normal" of attacks on children today.
(2025-01-04). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-04). Streeting says pensioners can afford heating because of triple lock — which is 4 months away. skwawkbox.org Pensions have not risen since Labour got into government and cut Winter Fuel Allowance, but Streeting thinks it's helping poor pensioners afford fuel As Skwawkbox covered on Friday, Heath Secretary Wes Streeting — a recipient of substantial donations from private interests — told pensioners they should wrap up warm and put the heating on during …
(2025-01-04). Mayo Clinic Minute: Update adult vaccinations for a new year. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the start of a new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult vaccinations. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Whether it's the annual flu shot,…
(2025-01-04). üüßYEAR2025: Tom Standage's ten trends to watch in 2025. independent.co.ug A letter from the editor of The World Ahead TOM STANDAGE | THE ECONOMIST | IT SEEMS APPROPRIATE that 2025 has been designated the year of quantum science and technology by the United Nations. Because like Schrà∂dinger's cat, which (in a quantum thought-experiment) was both alive and dead at the same time inside a closed box, …
(2025-01-04). Turkey jails 7 journalists and media workers, places 1 under house arrest. evrensel.net
(2025-01-04). Iran's top medical association urges 'safe' release of Gaza hospital's director. presstv.ir The Academy of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran calls for safe release of Director of Gaza's Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya.
(2025-01-04). World War III in 2025? The Relentless Western push for Nuclear Armageddon. globalresearch.ca "I don't harbour the least doubt that an attack by the United States and Israel against the Islamic Republic of Iran would inevitably evolve towards a global nuclear conflict. | The World's peoples have an obligation to demand of their …
(2025-01-04). Ruido en el sistema. radiohc.cu Sin todavía gozar de las "mieles del poder", la élite republicana ha entrado en una polémica con ribetes clasistas y racistas. Por un lado, los multimillonarios que apoyan al presidente electo, Donald Trump, como Elon Musk, David Sacks o Vivek Ramaswany, quieren que los inmigrantes altamente cualificados en áreas de interés para el sector tecnológico, puedan seguir teniendo el sistema de visados H-1B, que permite en la actualidad a algo más de 65.000 extranjeros, recibir un contrato de trabajo en una empresa que pueda justificar que no ha encontrado estadounidenses con ese nivel de capacitación.
(2025-01-04). M23 dislodges FARDC from two positions in Masisi territory. independent.co.ug North Kivu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The March 23 Movement (M23) has dislodged the Armed Forces of Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) soldiers and militia coalition under their umbrella Wazalendo (patriots) from two positions as fighting rages on Friday in Masisi territory, North Kivu province. Heavy fighting resumed on Thursday in the territory after some …
(2025-01-04). The Tears Of Our Children. popularresistance.org A scientific study from 2017 found that deep childhood traumas can mark a person both physically and psychologically. Trauma reroutes children's developing nervous systems, causing them to be highly alert and anxious even decades later. This process, the authors write, generates a mechanism called 'enhanced threat processing'. No wonder studies of children who lived through earlier wars show that they disproportionately suffer from medical conditions, including heart ailments and cancer. | In March 2022, five doctors from Afghanistan, India, Ireland, and Sri Lanka wrote a heartfelt letter to The Lancet in which t…
(2025-01-04). 2025: un secondo Rinascimento o il caos? strategic-culture.su Ricordi del 2024 e previsioni per il 2025 di Pepe Escobar. | Segue nostro FIRENZE — àà una splendida mattina d'inverno in Toscana e mi trovo all'interno della leggendaria chiesa domenicana di Santa Maria Novella, fondata all'inizio delXIII secolo e definitivamente consacrata nel 1420, in un luogo molto speciale della Storia dell'Arte: proprio davanti a uno degli affreschi monocromi dipinti nel 1447-1448 dal maestro della pros…
(2025-01-03). Banksy's "Scar of Bethlehem": A Lament. counterpunch.org Today's news, Six Children Freeze to Death in Gaza as Rainfall Worsens Conditions for Displaced At least 52,030 Palestinians have been killed, according to Euro-Med, with 33% of the casualties being children and 21% women. And of 46,410 civilians killed, 190 of the casualties were journalists, and 2,313 were healthcare professionals, including 83 doctors. Out
(2025-01-03). British scientists reveal medieval paintings in digital image. plenglish.com London, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Medieval wall paintings hidden in a French cathedral were revealed in digital images by a team of art historians and conservators from the United Kingdom, according to the newspaper Artnewspaper today.
(2025-01-03). Musk urges release of British far-right figurehead. newarab.com In a flurry of messages on his X platform, Musk also renewed his criticism of
(2025-01-03). China donates 70 tons of equipment to Cuba to restore its electric system. mronline.org Equipment such as radiators and engines were sent to the Caribbean island to promote energy transition.
(2025-01-03). Cuban ties with BRICS are highlighted despite US pressure. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is officially an associate member of BRICS despite the United States' efforts to isolate the Caribbean country, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said today on the social network X.
(2025-01-03). Ethiopians commemorate 66 years of triumph of the Cuban Revolution. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Cuban state mission, solidarity associations in Ethiopia, and the embassies of Nicaragua and Venezuela celebrated here today the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution on the Caribbean island.
(2025-01-03). Cuba's links with Brics highlighted despite US pressure. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is officially an associate member of the Brics despite the United States' efforts to isolate the Caribbean country, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez stated today on the social network X.
(2025-01-03). Continúa impune genocidio israelí en Gaza, denuncia canciller de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) El titular de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denunció hoy la impunidad con que persiste el genocidio cometido por el gobierno de Israel contra la población gazatí, que asciende a más de 45 mil muertos.
(2025-01-03). Ejército israelí busca controlar embalses de agua en Siria. cubadebate.cu Poderosas explosiones han sacudido los barrios occidentales de la capital. Su objetivo es el cuartel militar de Tal Al Shahem, uno de los centros militares más importantes del antiguo ejército regular en el sur de Damasco. Alberga centros de comunicaciones militares y radares, además de ser un punto crítico para misiles y armas antitanques.
(2025-01-03). Estados Unidos: Signos de degradación. cubadebate.cu El capitalismo de libre mercado que admira Javier Milei exhibe cotidianamente un doble perfil sangriento. La lógica de la refracción explica el vínculo entre las 700 bases militares estadounidenses esparcidas a lo largo y ancho del Planeta Tierra y su obvia relación con las recurrentes matanzas, tiroteos masivos y asesinatos colectivos.
(2025-01-03). Temporada de muchos mundiales para el voleibol de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (JIT).- Varios campeonatos mundiales de voleibol se celebrarán en 2025 y Cuba estará representada en cuatro de ellos, además de buscar la clasificación para el de la modalidad de playa.
(2025-01-03). Convocan en Cuba a Festival Internacional de Poesía. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) El Centro Cultural CubaPoesía, con el auspicio del Ministerio de Cultura, convoca al 31 Festival Internacional de Poesía de La Habana y a su Mitin Poético Virtual, del 26 al 31 de mayo de 2025.
(2025-01-03). Se recuperan accidentados del siniestro en provincia de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) Tras el accidente de tránsito ocurrido la víspera en las proximidades de Santa Cruz del Sur, en esta región de Cuba, los pacientes remitidos al Hospital Provincial de Camagàºey avanzan en su recuperación.
(2025-01-03). Futbolista Paradela estará fuera de las canchas varios meses por grave esión. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (JIT).- El delantero Luis Javier Paradela, capitán de la selección cubana de fútbol, estará fuera de las canchas por varios meses tras sufrir una lesión en su rodilla izquierda.
(2025-01-03). Sancti Spíritus con la tasa de mortalidad infantil más baja de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) Por cinco años consecutivos Sancti Spíritus ha mantenido resultados de lujo en uno de los principales indicadores de progreso en el bienestar infantil, consolidado este 2024, cuando la provincia registró una tasa de mortalidad en menores de un año de 3.6 por cada mil nacidos vivos, la más baja de Cuba.
(2025-01-03). Libertad conquistada en cada caravana de victorias (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Como aquella tarde del 2 de enero de 1959, nuevamente la Plaza de la Revolución de Bayamo, se llenó de patriotismo, al recordar el paso de la Caravana de la libertad por estas tierras del oriente cubano.
(2025-01-03). Sucel Suárez Armas: La relevancia del trabajo del psicólogo deportivo en la construcción de una medalla. cubadebate.cu En el logro de resultados deportivos de alto nivel, convergen múltiples factores que trascienden la preparación física y actúan como eslabones esenciales para alcanzar la estabilidad integral del atleta. Entre ellos, la psicología destaca como un pilar fundamental, tanto en competencias individuales como colectivas.
(2025-01-03). Trump conocerá su sentencia el 10 de enero, pero no irá a prisión. cubadebate.cu En un extraordinario desarrollo, un juez estableció que el próximo 10 de enero el próximo presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, conocerá el veredicto del proceso que enfrenta por hacer pagos para ocultar información desfavorable, a poco más de una semana antes de que regrese a la Casa Blanca. No obstante, el magistrado indicó que no será encarcelado.
(2025-01-03). "Una revolución no se argumenta: se hace" cubadebate.cu "Una revolución no se argumenta: se hace", diría el escritor cubano Alejo Carpentier para resumir parte de la historia que le tocó vivir. Es una idea que cada día toma forma en el esfuerzo compartido de Cuba y su gente. La periodista Azalia Arias ha recopilado en su perfil dela red social Facebook un grupo de imágenes que convierten en hechos la frase de Carpentier.
(2025-01-03). Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos reelige a Mike Johnson como su presidente. cubadebate.cu El republicano Mike Johnson ha sido reelecto hoy como presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, tras una votación de 218 papeletas a su favor y el apoyo de la mayoría de los congresistas de su partido. Thomas Massie fue el único republicano que no votó por él. Donald Trump anunció que brinda todo su apoyo al legislador republicano.
(2025-01-03). Jóvenes holguineros recuerdan paso de la Caravana de la Libertad. cubadebate.cu Una representación del pueblo holguinero evocó hoy el aniversario 66 la trayectoria de la Caravana de la Libertad encabezada por Fidel Castro Ruz junto al Ejército Rebelde y que en enero de 1959 recorrió el país desde Santiago de Cuba hasta La Habana tras el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana.
(2025-01-03). Premios BAFTA ya tiene lista de películas favoritas. cubadebate.cu La Academia Británica reveló los resultados de la primera ronda de votación en las 25 categorías de los Premios de Cine BAFTA 2024, con dos thrillers encabezando el lista de largometrajes preseleccionados. La cinta "Emilia Pérez", del francés Jacques Audiard, un thriller musical en español que Netflix eligió en Cannes, se ha situado por delante de la carrera.
(2025-01-03). Serie de las Américas: Primer compromiso internacional del béisbol cubano en 2025. cubadebate.cu La meta del seleccionado es ganar la medalla de oro y gracias a la excelente actuación que ha tenido junto a su cuerpo de dirección desde que se sentó en el banquillo de mando, se ha ganado el beneficio de la duda de todos los que quieren ver otra vez un equipo representativo de esta isla en lo más alto del podio de un evento internacional.
(2025-01-03). øCómo supe del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana? cubadebate.cu øSabes lo que me sorprendió? Que los que estaban en ese salón reaccionaron todos como si estuvieran impulsados por un resorte (había como ochenta o noventa personas) y se hubieran puesto de pie al unísono al grito de " °Viva! °Viva Fidel! °Viva Cuba! °Viva la Revolución Cubana!" y proponiendo interminables brindis por Fidel y sus muchachos.
(2025-01-03). Paradela, capitán de la selección cubana de fútbol, estará fuera de las canchas por lesión en su rodilla izquierda. cubadebate.cu Luis Javier Paradela, capitán de la selección cubana de fútbol, estará fuera de las canchas tras sufrir una lesión en su rodilla izquierda, informó Manuel Almira, médico de la absoluta. El delantero sufrió una rotura parcial del ligamento cruzado interior y en la inserción del menisco medial que necesitará tratamiento quirúrgico.
(2025-01-03). Cadenas Logísticas en Cuba o cómo llegar a todos. cubadebate.cu En esta emisión de Cuadrando la Caja abordamos los intrincados desafíos logísticos que enfrenta la mayor de las Antillas, con ideas de expertos sobre la necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia dentro de la cadena logística. El programa describe los componentes de una logística eficaz, como la gestión de inventario y el embalaje, y hace hincapié en el papel fundamental de los operadores logísticos para navegar por las complejidades de las cadenas de suministro de Cuba.
(2025-01-03). Voleibol cubano participará en varios certámenes mundiales durante 2025. cubadebate.cu La temporada en este 2025 también depara al voleibol de Cuba la presencia en la Liga de Naciones, pero solo en su versión masculina. Esa justa se desarrollará del 11 junio al 3 de agosto y el representativo de la Isla debutará en Brasil, enfrentando en la primera semana a los de Estados Unidos, Eslovenia, Ucrania, Irán y el elenco anfitrión.
(2025-01-03). Fallo informático afecta el tráfico en aeropuertos alemanes. cubadebate.cu Un fallo informático por causas todavía desconocidas dañó hoy los ordenadores de la Policía Federal Alemana, responsable de los controles fronterizos, ocasionando problemas y retrasos en los aeropuertos, especialmente en el este del país. En otros aeropuertos, entre ellos Fráncfort, el más grande de Alemania, se reportaron problemas similares.
(2025-01-03). Global silence enables Gaza's humanitarian catastrophe amid ongoing Israeli assault. nationofchange.org Human rights groups condemn global complicity in Gaza's humanitarian crisis.
(2025-01-03). Fighting increased between military and armed groups in Colombia. plenglish.com Bogotá, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Recent reports from Admiral Francisco Cubides, the Commander General of the Armed Forces, indicate a marked increase in military confrontations during the year 2024. Specifically, there had been a 52 percent escalation in clashes, totaling 447 engagements, suggesting an intensified military offensive aimed at safeguarding the Colombian people.
(2025-01-03). Iraqi Kurdish city bans groups accused of PKK links. newarab.com
(2025-01-03). Mayotte and Mozambique: Contrasting responses to Cyclone Chido. workers.org Mayotte was devastated by Cyclone Chido which struck on Dec. 14. Mozambique, an African country also hit by Chido, suffered serious damage but not the same degree of devastation. Mayotte is a French colony. It comprises several islands in the Indian Ocean between Mozambique and Madagascar. All of the major . . . |
(2025-01-03). 27 migrants die off Tunisia, 83 rescued, in shipwrecks. newarab.com Twenty-seven migrants, including women and children, died after two boats capsized off central The rescued and dead passengers, who were found off the Kerkennah Islands off central Tunisia, were aiming to reach Europe and were all from sub-Saharan African countries, said Zied Sdiri, head of civil defence in the city of Searches w…
(2025-01-03). Mauritius challenges UK over Chagos Islands deal. mronline.org Negotiations have also been influenced by India, which supports Mauritius due to shared cultural and historical ties.
(2025-01-03). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2025-01-03). Frexit: Why Ivory Coast is joining African campaign to expel French troops. aljazeera.com Ivory Coast is the sixth in a growing list of African nations cutting military ties with former colonial power France.
(2025-01-03). BBC, Sky, Times, Guardian leave out fact Broxtowe councillors quit Labour over Gaza. skwawkbox.org Glaring omission in coverage exposed by group's resignation letter As Skwawkbox reported yesterday, twenty councillors in Broxtowe, Notts, have resigned from the Labour party in disgust at Keir Starmer's betrayal of Labour values. The resignations have been widely covered by the so-called 'mainstream' media, but almost all have a huge omission in their coverage of …
(2025-01-03). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org
(2025-01-03). Turkey jails 7 journalists and media workers, places 1 under house arrest. evrensel.net
(2025-01-03). Headlines for January 3, 2025. democracynow.org "How to Hide a Genocide": Al-Haq Report Shows How Israel Hides Behind "Safe Zones", Doha Ceasefire Talks Set to Resume as UNSC Takes Up Israeli Attacks on Gaza Hospitals, 3,500 Children in Gaza Could Die of Malnutrition as Hunger Grips Besieged Territory, Texas Veteran Who Killed 15 People on Bourbon Street Previously Planned to Harm Family, Driver of Cybertruck That Exploded Outside Trump Hotel ID'd as U.S. Army Sgt. Matthew Livelsberger, Fate of House Speaker Mike Johnson Uncertain as 119th Congress Is Sworn In, Biden Awards Presidential Citizens Medal to Republican Ex-Rep. Liz Che…
(2025-01-03). Headlines for January 3, 2025. democracynow.org "How to Hide a Genocide": Al Haq Report Shows How Israel Hides Behind "Safe Zones", Doha Ceasefire Talks Set to Resume as UNSC Takes Up Israeli Attacks on Gaza Hospitals, 3,500 Children in Gaza Could Die of Malnutrition as Hunger Grips Besieged Territory, Texas Veteran Who Killed 15 People on Bourbon Street Previously Planned to Harm Family, Driver of Cybertruck That Exploded Outside Trump Hotel ID'd as U.S. Army Sgt. Matthew Livelsberger, Fate of House Speaker Mike Johnson Uncertain as 119th Congress Is Sworn In, Biden Awards Presidential Citizens Medal to Republican Ex-Rep. Liz Che…
(2025-01-03). After Delay Following Failed First Vote, Johnson Narrowly Wins Speakership. truthout.org TRepublican Congressman Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) was unsuccessful at winning enough votes in the U.S. House of Representatives to retain his position as Speaker of the House on the first day of the House's meeting for business in its new term. The failed Friday afternoon vote doesn't necessarily mean that Johnson will not eventually become speaker heading into the new term, as he and other… |
(2025-01-03). GOP Rules Package Prioritizes Targeting Trans Protections Under Title IX. truthout.org On Wednesday, Republicans unveiled their first rules package for the upcoming Congress, setting the stage for a contentious legislative session. Much of the attention has focused on measures like increasing the difficulty of ousting the Speaker of the House and prioritizing a bill to sanction the International Criminal Court over its investigation of Israel's actions in Gaza. However… |
(2025-01-03). The Panama Canal: From Teddy Roosevelt To Donald Trump. popularresistance.org Just what is motivating President-elect Donald Trump's threats to take over the Panama Canal, buy Greenland and make Canada the 51st U.S. state? Does he think he can impose a new historic era of U.S. domination, or is he simply following in the footsteps of his imperialist predecessors — Republicans and Democrats alike? | During his first term, Trump's "America First" policy was purportedly based on U.S. isolationism. Is his recent demand that the Panama Canal "be returned to us, in full, quickly and without question," an indication his second term has emboldened him to assert U.S. interests abroad more agg…
(2025-01-03). Trump Taps Longtime Corporate Lobbyist Ken Kies for Key Tax Policy Position. truthout.org President-elect Donald Trump announced late Thursday that he has chosen a longtime corporate lobbyist and Republican donor to serve as assistant secretary for tax policy at the Treasury Department as GOP lawmakers prepare to craft another massive giveaway to the rich and major companies. Ken Kies is currently managing director of the Federal Policy Group, a lobbying firm that was hired… |
(2025-01-03). Iran deploys troops to western, eastern borders: Top commander. presstv.ir A senior Iranian Army commander says the Islamic Republic has deployed several brigades of ground forces on the Western and Eastern borders of the country to maintain its security and preserve its territorial integrity.
(2025-01-03). Limpopo police leave no stone unturned to arrest murder suspects. sanews.gov.za Limpopo police leave no stone unturned to arrest murder suspects | The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe, has ordered investigating teams across all districts to mobilise all resources at their disposal to track down and apprehend the suspects involved in various murder cases. | The province has experienced about 11 murders from 31 December 2024 to date. | "These murder cases were reported in the main Capricorn district (three cases), Mopani (three cases), Waterberg (three cases) and Vhembe (two cases). The majority of these murders are believed to be emanating from do…
(2025-01-03). Rocket Fired from Yemen Strikes Deep into Occupied Palestine. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli media reported that a missile was launched from Yemen, hitting deep into occupied Palestinian territories, triggering widespread alerts and disruptions.
(2025-01-03). Withdrawal: The Only Option for 'Israel' in South Lebanon. english.almanar.com.lb As the 60-day deadline for the Israeli withdrawal from occupied Lebanese territories approaches, reports and actions since the recent ceasefire on 27 November have raised serious doubts about the Zionist entity's intentions to comply. This possibility has become a pressing concern, fueling debates over its implications and potential consequences for Lebanon and the broader region, …
(2025-01-03). Israeli media report a loud explosion in the southern occupied territories. english.almanar.com.lb