Monthly Archives: December 2024

2024-12-13: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-13). Antigua and Barbuda on alert after earthquake. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, its epicenter was located 181 kilometers north of San Juan, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Montserrat. The earthquake did not cause any loss of life or material damage. | Being small in size, Caribbean countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, are prone to frequent earthquakes, the Associated Times said. | Two days ago, an earthquake measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale was recorded, and the U.S. Geological Survey confirmed that the earthquake was located at a depth of 10 kilometers. | A minor earthquake was also recorded on Sunday, with an epicenter shifting over the Caribbean…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-13). Barbados to ratify solidarity with Cuba. Bridgetown, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) The Cuba-Barbados Friendship Association (AACB) will hold a meeting as part of the Caribbean Solidarity Movement to demand an end to the United States blockade against Cuba, Group President David Danny reported on Thursday.

Pressenza New York (2024-12-13). Human Rights Violations in Balochistan: A Bitter Reality. Balochistan was a colony of Britain from 1839 till 1947 and on August 11 Balochistan became an independent country. There was only a 9-month window in history within which Balochistan was independent during 1947. The Indian Independence Act of 1947, which resulted in the independence of British India from British rule and the birth of both India and Pakistan, was passed by the British Parliament in that year. Nevertheless, the Act created circumstances that would lead to apprehensions of Pakistan's control over Balochistan rather than the desired self-rule. | By Basit Zaheer Baloch | Soon after the partition of I…

newarab (2024-12-13). A State of Passion: One doctor's unwavering dedication for Gaza>. If anyone still doubts that hell has surfaced on Earth and roams Gaza, they need to watch Carol Mansour and Muna Khalidi's latest documentary, This all-encompassing portrait of British-Palestinian surgeon Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah — volunteering for the sixth time in his homeland of Palestine during a military conflict — lays bare the ongoing atrocities, which, despite the hypocritical rhetoric of international human rights discourse, no legal body seems capable of ending. | A State of Passion recently cele…

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-13). Hernández cumplió en Mundial de Natación de Curso Corto. La Habana, 13 dic (JIT).- El cubano Vladimir Hernández cumplió con los pronósticos al conseguir marca personal de 4: 07: 02 minutos en los 400 metros estilo libre durante el Campeonato Mundial de Natación de Curso Corto de Budapest.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-13). Cuban President congratulates Julio Cortázar Prize winner. Havana, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel sent congratulations to writer Rubén Rodríguez, winner of the Ibero-American Short Story Prize Julio Cortázar, and to Laidi Fernández, who received a mention in the contest.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-13). Celebrarán en la Biblioteca Nacional 160 años del béisbol en Cuba. La Habana, 13 dic (ACN).- El teatro de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí se convertirá este viernes en el escenario para celebrar el 160 aniversario de la llegada al país del béisbol, deporte nacional declarado Patrimonio Cultural de la nación.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Presidente de Venezuela rememora 30 años del abrazo de Fidel y Chávez (+Foto y video). Caracas, 13 dic (RHC) El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, rememoró este viernes las tres décadas del abrazo de los comandantes Hugo Chávez y Fidel Castro en La Habana, Cuba, que cambió para siempre la historia del continente.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Resumen Salud 2024. El 2024 ha sido un año difícil para Cuba por todas las dificultades internas y externas, fenómenos atmosféricos y el bloqueo comercial y financiero de Estados Unidos que tiene un muy negativo impacto en el campo de la salud.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Vacuna contra el dengue de Cuba tiene apoyo solidario del pueblo italiano (+Fotos). La Asociación Nacional de Amistad Italia-Cuba (ANAIC) firmó en abril de 2023 un acuerdo de colaboración con el Centro Cubano de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB) para ayudar a financiar una investigación que busca sintetizar un candidato vacunal adecuado contra el dengue, una enfermedad viral transmitida a los humanos por vectores.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Cuba agradece postura de Venezuela contra lista terrorista (+Post). La Habana, 13 dic (RHC) El canciller de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, agradeció este viernes el comunicado emitido por el gobierno de Venezuela que rechaza la decisión de Estados Unidos de mantener a la isla en la unilateral lista de Estados patrocinadores del terrorismo.

María Candela (2024-12-13). El bloqueo a Cuba-Otra condena. El 2024 se ha caracterizado por un gran acompañamiento a Cuba en su lucha contra el bloqueo norteamericano. Condenas de gobiernos, personalidades y pueblos, así como múltiples acciones de solidaridad se registraron a lo largo del año, en el que la nación caribeña obtuvo una nueva y rotunda victoria en la ONU.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Los médicos cubanos salvan vidas en Calabria. Para los habitantes de Calabria no existen palabras que expresen todo el agradecimiento, respeto y admiración que sienten por la labor que desarrollan los médicos cubanos en esa sureña región de Italia.

Staff (2024-12-13). Primera visita de Chávez a Cuba y génesis del Alba. Evocaciones. Aquella fresca noche del 13 de diciembre de 1994, arriba Chávez a Cuba cargado de ideas, sentimientos y expectativas. Es la primera vez que visita la patria de Martí y de su admirado pueblo cubano y anhela al menos poder saludar brevemente a Fidel. øCuáles son los antecedentes de esta histórica visita de apenas 36 horas y de su encuentro con Fidel, que se convertirían en un hito de los nexos entre Cuba y Venezuela?

Staff (2024-12-13). Con Filo: øNo hay derechos humanos en Cuba? (+Video). Sobre los derechos humanos, tema que los enemigos han intentado convertir en flecha de lanza contra Cuba hablamos en el programa de hoy. Mediante análisis y videos de noticias y fake news que circulan en las redes sociales respondemos a una interrogante que se repite una y otra vez: øNo hay derechos humanos en Cuba?.

Staff (2024-12-13). Chapeando: No se puede tapar el sol con un dedo (+Podcast). Dos odiadores de los más agresivos y recalcitrantes que se mueven en las plataformas anticubanas en internet, arremeten contra los planes de desarrollo de las energías renovables en Cuba, en los audios con los que abrimos este podcast. Las sinrazones (razones no tienen) darían para un manual.

Staff (2024-12-13). El hombre que regresó de la muerte (I). Podría inspirar un filme de superhéroes. En medio del caos que provoca la sorpresa; rodeado de enemigos que acortan la distancia sin dejar de disparar; coloca el cañón de su revolver bajo el mentón, y dispara. La lógica debía al grueso plomo calibre 44 a salir destrozando cerebro y cráneo. No es necesario decir más, hablamos de Calixto García.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-13). Buen cierre de Lezcano en lid continental de pentatlón moderno. La Habana, 13 dic (JIT).- El cubano Sunel Lezcano cerró su destacado desempeño en el Campeonato Panamericano de Pentatlón Moderno 2024, con sede en Brasil, al ubicarse onceno en la categoría de mayores, tras conquistar el quinto lugar entre los juveniles.

María Candela (2024-12-13). La UPEC honra a Pedro Martínez Pírez, un periodista universal (+Foto y Audio). Este 12 de diciembre la Sede Nacional de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) recibió a decenas de periodistas, amigos, directivos de organizaciones sociales y colegas, quienes junto a la familia, decidieron rendir un hermoso y sentido homenaje al periodista cubano Pedro Martínez Pírez, quien recientemente dio su paso a la eternidad.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-12-13). A consulta especializada Anteproyecto de Ley del Sistema Deportivo Cubano>. La Habana, 13 dic (JIT).- El Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación (Inder) anunció a la prensa el comienzo de la consulta especializada en torno al Anteproyecto de Ley del Sistema Deportivo Cubano.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-13). Resaltan especial relación entre Angola y Fuerzas Armadas de Cuba. La Habana, 13 (RHC) La especial relación existente entre Angola y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) de Cuba fue exaltada hoy durante el acto por el aniversario 68 del cuerpo armado de la nación caribeña, celebrado en Luanda.

María Candela (2024-12-13). Díaz-Canel felicita al ganador del premio Julio Cortázar. La Habana, 13 dic (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió felicitaciones este viernes al escritor Rubén Rodríguez, ganador del Premio Iberoamericano de Cuento Julio Cortázar, y a Laidi Fernández, quien obtuvo mención en el concurso.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-13). Cuba y Bolivia posibles países socios del Brics en 2025, opina Rusia. La Habana, 13 (RHC) Cuba y Bolivia podrían unirse al Brics como países socios a partir del 1 de enero de 2025, declaró hoy al periódico Izvestia el viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Riabkov.

Staff (2024-12-13). IX Pleno del Comité Central evalúa resultados alcanzados en la producción de alimentos. Durante la primera jornada de trabajo del IX Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, se evaluó de manera crítica y autocrítica los resultados alcanzados en la producción de alimentos y la implementación de la Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN). Ese tema formó parte del primer punto de la agenda del pleno.

Staff (2024-12-13). Sobre el IX Pleno del PCC y el Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano hablamos en Las 3 del día (+ Podcast). Bienvenidos al podcast Las 3 del día. Hoy es 12 de diciembre y Ariadna Cuza Milanés les presenta el resumen informativo de la jornada. Dedicamos los primeros minutos a conversar sobre el IX Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. También nos vamos hasta el Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano.

The Independent (2024-12-13). Long-term exposure to air pollution linked to blood clots: study. LOS ANGELES | Xinhua | A large study found that greater exposure to long-term air pollution was linked to increased risks for blood clots that can occur in deep veins, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). If untreated, the condition can block blood flow and cause serious complications, even death, said NIH …

SKWAWKBOX (2024-12-13). Video: new Syrian official says Israel — which is bombing and has invaded — is not Syria's enemy. The only enemy is Iran, Ayman al-Asimi tells BBC, as Israel destroys Syrian arms and infrastructure and seizes territory A senior official of the new Syrian regime has told the BBC that Israel is not an enemy, rather a friend or 'potential friend'. While Israel spent years semi-secretly supporting the terrorist groups, including ISIS and …

newarab (2024-12-13). This digital museum is exposing the Islamic State group's crimes. In 2013, the The group imposed its extremist ideology on the region, using violence and intimidation to enforce its rule. Those who opposed them faced severe consequences, including imprisonment and public beheadings. | While ISIS was indeed

Bar Peleg (2024-12-13). IDF says it struck Hamas operatives taking aid as Gaza ministry alleges 15 killed. Hamas-run information ministry says some 15 people were killed while protecting truck from looting. Local groups have been seen in southern Gaza organizing against possible criminal elements trying to control aid…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-13). New Haitian tax directors face great challenges. Port-au-Prince, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) The new head of the Haitian Tax Directorate (DGI) has today the great challenge of complying with the demands of its workers who until recently were on strike. (2024-12-13). China firmly opposes official exchanges between the authorities of island of Taiwan and Somaliland: FM. China firmly opposes any official exchanges or the establishment of official institutions between the authorities of island of Taiwan and Somaliland; and China urges relevant parties in Somalia .

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2024-12-13). Letter To Refaat Alareer. We are not silent. We are being silenced. The students who, during the last academic year set up encampments, occupied halls, went on hunger strikes and spoke out against the genocide, were met this fall with a series of rules that have turned university campuses into academic gulags. Among the minority of academics who dared to speak out, many have been sanctioned or dismissed. Medical professionals who criticize the wholesale destruction by Israel of hospitals, clinics and targeted assassinations of health workers in Gaza have been suspended or terminated from medical school faculties with some facing threats t…

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-13). Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown. Click to expand Image | A message is typed on a smartphone, July 2022. | © 2022 Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture alliance via Getty Images | (Beirut) — Saudi Arabia is hosting a major United Nations conference on internet governance while dozens of people remain imprisoned for peaceful online speech, Human Rights Watch said today. Many are charged under the country's abusive counterterrorism law, and the authorities conduct invasive surveillance of civil society members at home and abroad. The 19th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be held from December 15 to 19 in Riyadh, un…

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-13). UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities. Click to expand Image | Emina ƒÜerimoviƒá speaks at the United Nations Security Council "Arria formula" meeting on December 6, 2024. | © 2024 Private | On December 6, I briefed the United Nations Security Council at its first informal meeting in five years on the protection of people with disabilities in armed conflict. During the meeting, I shared evidence collected over a decade and a video from Ghazal, a 15-year-old girl with a disability from Gaza, to demonstrate that in conflict-affected communities, people with disabilities are among those most at risk, yet they remain largely… (2024-12-13). Iran calls for expulsion of Israel from UN over crimes, aggression. Iran calls on the United Nations to reconsider Israel's membership in the world body over violations of international law. (2024-12-13). UN urges Gaza truce, backs Palestine agency. The international community has thrown its support behind the United Nations Palestine refugees agency following the adoption of two resolutions by the UN General Assembly that demanded Israel reverse its stance against the agency and reiterated the urgent need for a cease-fire in Gaza. (2024-12-13). Iran Urges Formation of Inclusive Government in Afghanistan. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations stressed the need for the formation of a "representative and inclusive" government in Afghanistan to ensure long-term peace and stability in that country. (2024-12-13). Strengthening Sino-Japanese cooperation to benefit both sides. A newly released blue book underscores the critical role of economic cooperation between China and Japan in bolstering bilateral relations and driving economic growth for both nations.

Robert Hunziker (2024-12-13). Climate Change Trial at The Hague. The stakes are extremely high as the impact of fossil fuels on climate change goes to The Hague for hearings December 2-13, 2024 to determine whether nations are obligated to phase out fossil fuels. Will the esteemed court issue an opinion that truly impacts climate change?

editor (2024-12-13). United Nations acts illegally in violation of its own charter. Article 80 was inserted in the United Nations Charter in April 1945 after the Jewish Agency for Palestine submitted a Memorandum to the United Nations Conference.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-13). Conflict zones, main scene of journalist deaths. United Nations, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) Conflict zones were the scene of the most deaths of journalists this year, a UN report, which recognizes the percentage as the highest in more than a decade, warns.

The Independent (2024-12-13). Nakivubo Stadium cleared by CAF for CHAN. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | CAF has given a go ahead to Uganda and Burundi to play their African Nations Championship (CHAN) 2024 qualifier matches at Hamz Stadium, Nakivubo. This becomes the first continental fixture the stadium will host since its re-opening earlier this year. The two nations will face off in a two-legged … (2024-12-13). Israeli troops push deeper into Syria, hinder UN peacekeepers. Several regional nations have also once again denounced Israel's incursion into Syrian territory. (2024-12-13). Houthi warns of US, Israeli plot to strip Muslims of any deterrence. Houthi says the US and Israel are trying to rearrange West Asia to their liking, and that their plots are aimed at regional nations.

aljazeera (2024-12-13). Fears in DRC as mystery disease kills dozens, mainly children. More than 500 cases of unknown illness have emerged in rural, remote Panzi in western Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-13). Russia approves use of NovoSkin artificial skin. Moscow, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) Authorities in the Republic of Buryatia, Russia, said on Thursday that NovoSkin, a product to replace human skin, was approved for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor).

Mark Gruenberg (2024-12-13). Trump's backdoor scheme to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. WASHINGTON—When Republican Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office next month, the first idea he plans is to extend and expand his eight-year-old tax cut for corporations and the rich. That and other plans he has will destroy the safety nets the country depends upon without ever having to do what Elon Musk is urging …

NEOB (2024-12-13). German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier pays working visit to SA. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier pays working visit to SA | President Cyril Ramaphosa will today host President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany for a working visit at Mahlamba Ndlopfu, the President's official residence in Pretoria. | | According to the Presidency, the visit will highlight the "30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa and the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall". | | "The leaders will have an opportunity to engage on a variety of issues of mutual interest, thereby enhancing the strategic relationship and fostering closer cooperation betwee…

GABIK (2024-12-13). Repatriated five-year-old born in Mauritian prison to return home. Repatriated five-year-old born in Mauritian prison to return home | The Republic of Mauritius has officially handed over a five-year-old girl born to a mother jailed for drug trafficking to South African government officials. | | The girl was handed over to the government of South Africa, through the Department of Social Development (DSD). | | The DSD, in partnership with the South African diplomatic mission in Mauritius, has been working diligently for the past three years to bring the little girl back to her maternal family. | | In an emotional handover on Thursday, the mother and daughter hugged and k…

GABIK (2024-12-13). Repatriated five-year-old born in Mauritian prison to return home. Repatriated five-year-old born in Mauritian prison to return home | The Republic of Mauritius has officially handed over a five-year-old girl born to a mother jailed for drug trafficking to South African government officials. | | The girl was handed over to the government of South Africa, through the Department of Social Development (DSD). | | The DSD, in partnership with the South African diplomatic mission in Mauritius, has been working diligently for the past three years to bring the little girl back to her maternal family. | | In an emotional handover on Thursday, the mother and daughter hugged and kissed as the…

NEOB (2024-12-13). German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier pays working visit to SA. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier pays working visit to SA | President Cyril Ramaphosa will today host President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany for a working visit at Mahlamba Ndlopfu, the President's official residence in Pretoria. | | According to the Presidency, the visit will highlight the "30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa and the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall". | | "The leaders will have an opportunity to engage on a variety of issues of mutual interest, thereby enhancing the strategic relationship and fostering closer cooperation between the tw…

María Candela (2024-12-13). Trump, el rabioso antiinmigrante. Posiblemente no exista ningún presidente en Estados Unidos que exhiba tanto su odio contra los inmigrantes como Donald Trump, un republicano que, curiosamente es hijo de una escocesa y nieto de un alemán, que llegó en plena fiebre del oro a buscar fortuna en ese país norteamericano. (2024-12-13). Yemeni forces strike vicinity of Tel Aviv, Ashkelon in fresh anti-Israeli operations. Yemen's Armed Forces strike the city of Jaffa near Tel Aviv as well as the city of Ashkelon in the central part of the occupied Palestinian territories in fresh anti-Israeli operations. (2024-12-13). Lebanon deploys troops in border town after Israeli forces withdraw. The Lebanese army says it has sent troops to the town of Khiam near the border with the occupied territories following the withdrawal of Israeli forces.

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2024-12-12: News Headlines

infobrics (2024-12-12). Understanding Indonesia's Decision to Join BRICS. Indonesia has officially become a new BRICS partner, joining countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Türkiye, Nigeria, Cuba and Kazakhstan. Indonesia's Foreign Minister Sugiono announced this shift at the most recent BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia… (2024-12-12). China opens new mega cross-sea link in Greater Bay Area. The Huangmaohai Sea-Crossing Passage, a major project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) connecting Zhuhai and Jiangmen, officially opened on Wednesday afternoon, shortening travel time between the two cities from over an hours to about 30 minutes. (2024-12-12). Hong Kong unearths 30 rocks of dinosaur bone fossils. About 30 rocks containing dinosaur bone fossils were unearthed at Port Island in Hong Kong, south China, according to the Development Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (DEVB) on Wednesday. (2024-12-12). Mainland dismisses DPP narratives. The Chinese mainland on Wednesday dismissed allegations by Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party that it is using social media influencers from the island for "united front" tactics, calling the claims an attempt to manipulate public opinion and stoke cross-Strait tensions.

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-12). 10 Good News Stories for Kids in 2024. Click to expand Image | Children at the Khone Phapheng Falls, Laos, December 3, 2019. | © 2019 Sergi Reboredo/VWPics via AP Photo | At the end of each year, Human Rights Watch likes to take stock of human rights progress for children around the globe. From strengthening children's access to education to better protecting kids during wartime, here are some of our favorite examples from 2024.Tajikistan and Laos banned all corporal punishment of children, joining 65 other countries with such bans. Five countries—Burundi, the Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, and Uganda—pledged to enact legi…

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2024-12-11). CovertAction Bulletin: South Korea Fights Back Martial Law. Calls for the resignation of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol have rung out from civil society and beyond after Yoon declared martial law on December 3rd. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) called for strikes until Yoon steps down, and groups under and beyond that organization are heeding the call…

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