Monthly Archives: December 2024

2024-12-18: News Headlines

SKWAWKBOX (2024-12-18). British Medical Association dancing to pro-Israel pressure group LAAS smears against president. Shamelessness of antisemitism-scam perpetrators in attack on GP who stands against genocide The British Medical Association (BMA) has put its president under investigation after a laughable smear by pro-Israel pressure group LAAS — the same misnamed 'Labour against antisemitism' at the heart of the antisemitism scam against the Labour left and then-party leader Jeremy Corbyn. …

newarab (2024-12-18). Pope says escaped two attempts on his life in Iraq in 2021. The pontiff's Vatican security detail received an urgent warning from the British secret services, Francis wrote. | "A woman packed with explosives, a young suicide bomber, was heading towards Mosul to blow herself up…

Travis Montgomery (2024-12-18). Hope to harsh reality: 10 years of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations. Cuba's road to liberation has been hard-fought, facing fierce opposition from the United States for over 65 years.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-18). Cuban Olympic champion focuses on professional boxing. Camagàºey, Cuba, Dec 18 (Prensa Latina) One of the main attractions in the ongoing Cuban Boxing Championship by teams, which is taking place in the city of Camagàºey, is Olympic champion Erislandy Alvarez, who is focusing on fighting professional rivals.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-18). Debates begin in the fourth session of the Cuban Parliament. Havana, Dec 18 (Prensa Latina) The deputies to the Fourth Ordinary Session of the National People's Power Assembly of Cuba (parliament) began the debates today, after two days of discussions in standing committees.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Lamentan en Panamá deceso de dramaturgo cubano Huberto Llamas (+Fotos). Ciudad de Panamá, 18 dic ( RHC) El embajador de Cuba en Panamá, Víctor Cairo, lamentó este miércoles el deceso en el istmo del destacado dramaturgo de esa isla, Huberto Llamas, residente en la nación canalera.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-18). Rusia condena decisión de EE.UU. de mantener a Cuba en infame lista. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) Rusia condena enérgicamente la decisión de Estados Unidos de mantener a Cuba en la lista de patrocinadores del terrorismo, declaró hoy la portavoz de la Cancillería del país eslavo, María Zajárova.

Staff (2024-12-18). Cuba recibe a 43 migrantes devueltos desde EE.UU. tras intentos de salida ilegal. Este miércoles fueron devueltas a Cuba 43 personas que habían participado en dos salidas ilegales del país por la vía marítima e interceptadas posteriormente por el Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos. Los 34 hombres, siete mujeres y dos menores retornaron en horas de la mañana en una embarcación del citado servicio por el puerto de Orozco, Bahía Honda, Artemisa.

María Candela (2024-12-18). En la mira de los diputados cubanos medidas para enfrentar eventos hidrometeorológicos y sismos (+Fotos). La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) La Comisión Nacional de Defensa y Orden Interior de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular,reunida este martes en el Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana,recibió una información actualizada del Estado Mayor Nacional de la Defensa Civil,sobre los eventos hidrometeorológicos àìscar y Rafael que azotaron el Oriente y el Occidente del país,así como los sismos que afectaron a las provincias de Granma y Santiago de Cuba.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Cuba agradece a Dominica apoyo contra bloqueo de EEUU. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, agradeció este miércoles la aprobación en el Parlamento de Dominica de una resolución que demanda el cese del bloqueo económico impuesto por los Estados Unidos a la isla.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional resalta voluntad política y empeño de Cuba para salir adelante. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (Parlamento), Esteban Lazo, resaltó este miércoles la voluntad política y el empeño de la Revolución para transformar la compleja situación que atraviesa la nación caribeña.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Medidas económicas en Cuba buscan ordenar la actividad comercial. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, ratificó este miércoles que las nuevas medidas aprobadas para la comercialización no buscan prohibir, sino ordenar la actividad comercial.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-18). Condecoraciones para tres revolucionarios que han puesto en alto el nombre de Cuba. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) En el pecho de Mijaín López Núñez, Gladys Bejerano Portela y Omara Durand Elías puso, este martes, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución Cubana, las condecoraciones que los acreditan con los títulos honoríficos de Héroe de la República de Cuba y Heroínas del Trabajo.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-18). Compleja recta final para cubanos en Torneo de Ajedrez Carlos Torre. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) Una serie de resultados se combinaron en la ciudad mexicana de Mérida para que los cubanos llegarán hoy sin puesto entre los posibles premiados a la despedida del Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Carlos Torre in Memóriam 2024.

Staff (2024-12-18). Cuba espera un crecimiento del 1% del PIB para 2025, según ministro de Economía. En sesión plenaria del cuarto periodo ordinario de sesiones de la décima legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional, el ministro de Economía y Planificación, Joaquín Alonso Vázquez, anunció que Cuba proyecta un crecimiento del 1% en el producto interno bruto (PIB) para 2025. Alonso Vázquez dijo que el año estuvo marcado por desafíos significativos.

Staff (2024-12-18). "El 47" es favorita con 14 nominaciones a los Goya (+ Listado). La ciudad de Granada se viste de gala para acoger la esperada ceremonia de los Premios Goya 2025, que se celebrará el próximo sábado 8 de febrero. Este evento, que representa la cúspide del reconocimiento al cine español, promete ser una noche llena de emociones y sorpresas, en un año donde la competencia se presenta más abierta que nunca.

Staff (2024-12-18). Formación en ciberseguridad: Un camino hacia la resiliencia digital. A pocas horas de graduar a la primera generación de Ingenieros en Ciberseguridad de nuestro país, les hablaré acerca del impacto que tiene la formación en esta área del conocimiento para la sociedad actual. La formación en ciberseguridad no solo es una herramienta vital para proteger datos sensibles, sino también una inversión en la resiliencia y la confianza digital.

Staff (2024-12-18). La familia oficialista (+ Video). øQué es Ideas Multimedios? en el nuevo programa de Confilo este martes, hablamos sobre nuestra familia oficialista, que incluye a la reconocida Mesa Redonda, celebró con orgullo sus 25 años de existencia.

Staff (2024-12-18). Ministro de Finanzas y Precios presenta presupuesto del Estado para el 2025. Al presentar el estimado del presupuesto del Estado para el ejercicio fiscal del año 2024, así como el anteproyecto de presupuesto del Estado para 2025, el ministro de Finanzas y Precios, Vladimir Regueiro Ale, dijo que la propuesta de presupuesto del Estado para el año entrante se fundamenta en las proyecciones de gobierno para corregir las distorsiones y reimpulsar la economía.

Staff (2024-12-18). Vamos a acabar con eso: Trump promete cambios drásticos en las leyes migratorias. En una entrevista a la cadena NBC News, el presidente electo de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, anticipó las medidas migratorias que planea emprender en sus primeros días en el cargo, entre ellas, redobló su promesa de acabar con la ciudadanía por derecho de nacimiento.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Insatisfacción en Cuba con programa para reimpulsar la economía(+Foto). La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, mostró este miércoles su insatisfacción con los resultados hasta ahora del programa Proyecciones del Gobierno para corregir distorsiones y reimpulsar la economía.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-18). Havanatur tiene en agenda 49 eventos para 2025. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El grupo turístico cubano Havanatur ya tiene en agenda 49 eventos para el próximo año, aunque aspira sumar algunas decenas más, vaticinó Raidel Leyva, el jefe de su departamento responsable de esta modalidad.

Staff (2024-12-18). Falleció el reconocido cineasta argentino Ernesto Bravo. Pedro Pablo Prada, embajador de Cuba en la República Argentina, expresó su profundo pesar en un mensaje en X (anteriormente Twitter) por el fallecimiento del reconocido comunista, médico, profesor y cineasta argentino, Ernesto Bravo.

Staff (2024-12-18). Mbappé, Rodrygo y Vinicius llevan al Real Madrid a su cuarta Copa Intercontinental. El Real Madrid se proclamó este miércoles campeón de su cuarta Copa Intercontinental al imponerse por 3-0 al Pachuca mexicano en el estadio Lusail de Doha gracias a los goles del francés Kylian Mbappé y de los brasileños Rodrygo y Vinicius.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Ineludible mirar hacia el campo. Los cubanos están urgidos de una elevación de los niveles de producción en el país, incluyendo los campos y en especial en las montañas.

María Candela (2024-12-18). Cuba aplicará modificaciones en sistema cambiario. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El gobierno de Cuba aplicará modificaciones en el sistema cambiario, anunció este miércoles el primer ministro Manuel Marrero, en una comparecencia ante la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (Parlamento).

María Candela (2024-12-18). Recuperan en Cuba las Ciclovías y Motovías. La Habana, 18 dic (RHC) El Ministerio de Transporte trazó la estrategia de recuperar las Ciclovías y Motovías en toda Cuba a partir del incremento de la adquisición y circulación de motocicletas, ciclomotores y bicicletas por los sectores estatal y privado.

Staff (2024-12-18). Senado de EE.UU. aprueba nuevo presupuesto de defensa por 885 000 millones de dólares. El Senado de Estados Unidos aprobó el miércoles un proyecto de Ley de Autorización de la Defensa Nacional (NDAA, por sus siglas en inglés) por un monto de 895.000 millones de dólares, informan medios locales. La votación resultó en 85 a 14 a favor del proyecto, superando ampliamente los 60 votos necesarios en la Cámara Alta compuesta por 100 miembros.

Staff (2024-12-18). Headlines for December 18, 2024. Israeli Attacks Kill Dozens of Palestinians Amid Signs of Breakthrough in Gaza Ceasefire Talks, Israeli Forces Kill Two More Palestinians in Occupied West Bank, U.N. Envoy Warns Syria's War "Has Not Ended" as Turkish-Backed Forces Challenge Kurdish Fighters, Netanyahu Vows Israeli Forces Will Remain in Syria Indefinitely, Haaretz: Israel and Saudi Arabia Reach Breakthrough in Talks to Normalize Ties, Human Rights Groups Condemn FIFA's Selection of Saudi Arabia to Host 2034 World Cup, U.S. to Transfer 3 More Prisoners from Guantánamo Bay, Trump Sues Iowa Pollster and Des Moines Register for…

newarab (2024-12-18). Rights groups file complaint against French-Israeli soldier. Several rights groups have filed a civil party complaint with the War Crimes Unit of the Paris Tribunal against a Franco-Israeli soldier who served in the army amidst The rights groups accuse Yoel O. of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and complicity in crimes committed against Palestinians held in Israeli custody. | The complaint was issued by the International Federation for Human Rights as well as Al Haq, Al Mezan, the Palestinian Centre…

infobrics (2024-12-18). Western propaganda narrative on Syria collapses like a house of cards. After NATO-backed terrorists took over Syria, the mainstream propaganda machine got the chance to do whatever it wants. However, they're still just as amateurish as ever (if not more). They're using the so-called "White Helmets" as a source, an organization that has been discredited long ago, specifically for its ties with US/NATO intelligence and various terrorist groups. The "hot story" now is the Sednaya prison, for which the political West claims it was a "horrifying torture chamber" used by the "evil dictator Assad".

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-12-18). Senior Israeli defense officials worry statements by cabinet members threaten army mission in Syria. High-ranking defense sources say pledges to remain in Syrian demilitarized zone could lead to friction with rebel groups, while the defense minister's statement on security control in Gaza could harm prospects for a hostage deal…

aljazeera (2024-12-18). Mary Jane Veloso, Filipina nearly executed in Indonesia, arrives home. Mother of two, who became a poster child for anti-trafficking groups, now awaits potential pardon in a Manila prison.

Olivia Barber (2024-12-18). Police forces were 'unprepared' for far-right riots this summer. A police risk assessment before the riots described a 'moderate increase in activity by "extreme right-wing groups" but graded the risk of violent disorder as "low"

RONALD MUSOKE (2024-12-18). Uganda's gold export data continues to haunt sector. Opaqueness surrounding Uganda's gold data has not only frustrated UGEITI but also other government agencies like UBOS and URA NEWS ANALYSIS | RONALD MUSOKE | Where does Uganda source the millions of dollars' worth of gold it exports annually? This question often dominates discussions involving artisanal miners, gold traders, government officials, and civil society groups. But … (2024-12-18). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.

Caleb Kieffer, R.G. Cravens (2024-12-18). Tracking the Spread of Hateful Anti-Haitian Rhetoric. Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-18). China conveys condolences after earthquake in Vanuatu. Beijing, Dec 18 (Prensa Latina) China today expressed its solidarity with Vanuatu after the devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake that shook the island nation, with significant damage in the capital Port Vila. (2024-12-18). Macao counts down for 25th anniversary of return to motherland. People visit a flower show celebrating the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, on Taipa Island in the Macao Special Administrative Region.

editor (2024-12-18). No more silent tears for the National Museum of Australia. Over 500,000 children experienced life in an orphanage, other institutions or foster care in the 20th century. 50,000 were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, known as the Stolen Generations.

Lucia Posteraro (2024-12-18). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution.

John Pittman (2024-12-18). 1951: Truman launches propaganda campaign to distract from 'We Charge Genocide' petition. This article is part of the People's World 100th Anniversary Series. Presented to the United Nations in December 1951 by William L. Patterson in Paris and Paul Robeson in New York, the "We Charge Genocide" petition—We Charge Genocide: The Crime of Government Against the Negro People by its full name—documented page after page of evidence of … (2024-12-18). Iran Urges Inclusive Political Process in Syria. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the UN described the Syrian people as the sole ones that should decide the future of their country free from external interference, calling for an inclusive, Syrian-led, and Syrian-owned political process facilitated by the United Nations. (2024-12-18). Iran, Malaysia Call for Muslim Action against Israel. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Senior officials from Iran and Malaysia called for collective action by Muslim nations in support of Gaza, Lebanon and Syria against the Israeli regime's atrocities.

Staff (2024-12-18). Privatizing Syria: US Plans to Sell Off A Nation's Wealth After Assad. Feature photo | Illustration by MintPress News By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News In the immediate wake of the Syrian government's abrupt collapse, much remains uncertain about the country's future — including whether it can survive as a unitary state or will splinter into smaller states as did Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, a move …

Editor (2024-12-18). Privatizing Syria: US Plans to Sell Off A Nation's Wealth After Assad.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-18). China rejects US defamations over its anti-drug policy. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said China is one of the most determined nations in the fight against drugs, with comprehensive policies and an outstanding record in this regard. | "We are also one of the countries with the highest number of controlled substances and strictest regulations in the world," he added. | Lin stressed that the anti-drug authorities rigorously enforce the law to prevent the detour of chemicals used in the manufacture of narcotics, whereby companies operate legally and in accordance with established regulations. | The spokesman emphasized that the root of the drug crisis in the Unite… (2024-12-18). UN relief chief: Gaza 'apocalyptic'; almost impossible to deliver aid amid Israeli siege. The UN warns about the "apocalyptic" situation in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli regime's 14-month aggression and tightened siege.

The Media Line Staff (2024-12-18). Iran Nuclear Deal Revival Crucial, Warns Senior UN Official.

WSWS (2024-12-18). US, UK hail murder of Russian lieutenant-general in charge of nuclear defense. The bombing is the latest in a series of assassinations of high-ranking Russian military and political figures carried out by Ukrainian forces and marks the highest-ranking Russian military figure to have been assassinated. (2024-12-18). Iran nuclear chief urges IAEA to uphold impartiality, refrain from provocations. The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran urges the IAEA chief to preserve the body's impartiality.

ICRC (2024-12-18). ICRC: "We have the chance to improve the lives of millions" Delivered by Ms. Laetitia Courtois, Permanent Observer and Head of Delegation, UN General Assembly debate on strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance… (2024-12-18). President Pezeshkian arrives in Egypt for D-8 summit. President Masoud Pezeshkian has arrived in Egypt to attend a summit of the D-8 bloc of developing Muslim nations, which will take place on Thursday.

UMMID (2024-12-18). Henna inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. 'Henna' has been inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2024.

Chris Walker (2024-12-18). House Ethics Committee Votes to Release Matt Gaetz Ethics Report. On Wednesday, the House Ethics Committee announced that it will release its inquiry into former Republican congressman Matt Gaetz after previously deadlocking on whether or not the report should be made public. The report will be released to the public before the end of the current congressional session, after all other business is completed. That means it could be released as soon as the… | (2024-12-18). Gharibabadi: Iran's enrichment program has no military objectives. Iran's deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs says the Islamic Republic's nuclear enrichment program has no military objectives. (2024-12-18). Iran FM Calls for Israel's Immediate Withdrawal from Occupied Territories.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2024-12-18). Presidente Biden, saque de prisión a Simón Trinidad y déjelo regresar a Colombia. El presidente Biden indultó recientemente a su hijo Hunter Biden y conmutó las sentencias de 1.499 delincuentes relacionados con las drogas. El analista Charles Pierce insiste en que Biden también debería indultar a Simón Trinidad. Nos sumamos a esta petición en nombre del colombiano Ricardo Palmera, cuyo nombre de guerra es Simón Trinidad. Biden debe …

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2024-12-17: News Headlines

Josiah Mortimer (2024-12-17). Conservative MPs Want to Scrap Workers' Rights to Paid Holiday and Annual Leave. The Conservative MPs on the bill's scrutiny committee, the Shadow Business Minister Greg Smith, Assistant Whips Nick Timothy and Sir Ashley Fox and Peter Bedford — have sought to table amendments to Labour's Employment Rights Bill that would strip workplace protections from millions of British workers, including the complete removal of maximum working hours regulations. | The efforts would revoke the Working Time Regulations 1998, which currently ensure British workers have rights to paid holidays, rest breaks, and a 48-hour maximum working week. | The rights are already a watered-down version of tough…

Ed Sykes (2024-12-17). UK government delegation meets wanted terrorist leader in show of massive hypocrisy. Jihadists with links to Al-Qaeda are now in charge in Syria. And a British delegation has just met with the wanted terrorist at its helm — Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani (now trying to shake off his past by calling himself Ahmed al-Sharaa). According to journalist Ibrahim Hamidi, this was "the most senior western meeting" yet. British […] | By (2024-12-17). US, British strikes target Yemeni Defense Ministry premises in Sana'a. American and British fighter jets have conducted a new act of aggression against Yemen, targeting the premises of the Defense Ministry in the capital Sana'a.

WSWS (2024-12-17). Starmer visits British-NATO troops in Estonia, pushes war agenda. Starmer has made 16 international trips since Labour formed a government in July, with the most common reason being to escalate the imperialist-backed war against Russia.

Alexandra Hall Hall (2024-12-17). The West Will Regret Abandoning the Georgian People to the Clutches of Russia. One of my proudest achievements as a British diplomat was to instigate the creation of a new strategic partnership between the UK and Georgia during my time there as Ambassador, in 2015. This became known as "The Wardrop Dialogue" in honour of the British diplomat, Sir Oliver Wardrop, who was the first British Chief Commissioner to the TransCaucasus in 1919, and his sister, Marjory, who became a champion of Georgian culture. | Under the partnership, the UK supported Georgia in three broad areas — security, economy and good governance. | Examples of our security cooperation included the conduct of joint…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-17). Colombian airline Avianca resumes flights to Cuba. Havana, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian company Avianca resumed its daily flights to Cuba on Monday, with a plane from Bogotá that arrived at the José Martí international airport in this capital.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-17). New solidarity container from Valencia to Cuba. Madrid, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Solidarity with Cuba continues in Spain and Bétera, Valencia, where a new container with various sanitary materials is ready for shipment, it was learned on Monday.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-17). Tobacco harvest in Cuban province contributes to growth. Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) As the final stage of the 2024-2025 tobacco harvest is starting in this central Cuban province, access to foreign currency is recognized for producers of the sun-on-stick technology.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-17). Ambassadors of the Russian Language Program again in Cuba. Moscow, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) The second educational expedition of the program of Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World is in Cuba until December 20, reported the channel TVBrics.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-17). Nicaraguan president highlighted Fidel Castro's solidarity. Managua, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega stressed here the solidarity of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro (1926-2016), during the struggle against the Somoza dictatorship in this Central American nation.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-17). Veneration to St. Lázaro, an example of religious syncretism in Cuba. Havana, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Hundreds of Cubans are making the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary or Church of San Lazaro in El Rincón, located on the outskirts of Havana, a tradition in the country's syncretism.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-17). Transformation of science under debate in Cuba's Parliament. Havana, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) The transformation of Cuba's science, technology, and innovation system and the search for financing for the sector will be the focus of debates today at the National People's Power Assembly before the Fourth Ordinary Session of the 10th Legislature.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Nuevamente en Cuba embajadores del programa de Lengua Rusa. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) Hasta el próximo 20 de diciembre se encuentra en Cuba la segunda expedición educativa del programa de Embajadores de la Lengua Rusa en el Mundo, informó hoy el canal TVBrics.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Presidente de Nicaragua destacó solidaridad de líder Fidel Castro. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) El presidente nicaragàºense, Daniel Ortega, destacó la solidaridad del líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, durante la lucha contra la dictadura somocista en esta nación centroamericana.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Veneración a San Lázaro, muestra del sincretismo religioso en Cuba. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) Cientos de cubanos realizan hoy una peregrinación hasta el Santuario o Iglesia de San Lázaro en El Rincón, ubicado en las afueras de La Habana, una tradición que es muestra del sincretismo religioso en el país.

María Candela (2024-12-17). Diez años del regreso de los cinco luchadores antiterroristas cubanos. Hace diez años la Patria abrazó finalmente a los cinco luchadores antiterroristas cubanos que guardaron injusta prisión en Estados Unidos. El retorno el 17 de diciembre de 2014 de Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino y Antonio Guerrero puso fin a años de lucha, resistencia y perseverancia por su liberación.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Prevé Cuba 2 600 000 arribos de visitantes extranjeros en 2025. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) Para el año 2025 se pronostican 2 600 000 arribos de visitantes extranjeros, lo que significa crecer un 18 % sobre lo estimado para el calendario que concluye.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Cuba-Estados Unidos, una década después del regreso de los Cinco. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) El 17 de diciembre del 2014 los presidentes Barack Obama y Raúl Castro anunciaron que Estados Unidos y Cuba retomarían los nexos diplomáticos, pero hoy, una década después, lejos de avances, hay retroceso.

Staff (2024-12-17). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Cinco héroes, cinco hombres. A diez años del regreso de Gerardo, Ramón y Antonio y el reencuentro de los 5 en la Patria, la Mesa Redonda dedica una emisión especial a estos 5 Patriotas que sacrificaron sus vidas para intentar proteger a nuestro pueblo del terrorismo.

Staff (2024-12-17). De husos y zonas horarias. Hoy vamos a conversar del tiempo, pero no del tiempo meteorológico, sino del cronológico y las peculiaridades de la forma en que queda organizado. Los husos horarios son franjas "verticales", es decir orientadas norte-sur e igualmente espaciadas, en las que "debe" regir una misma hora oficial, producto de la velocidad de rotación de la Tierra.

Staff (2024-12-17). ANPP: No se alcanzan los resultados esperados en los rubros exportables ni en la inversión extranjera. Al evaluar la situación de los principales rubros exportables y de la inversión extranjera en el país, el ministro de Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera, Oscar Pérez-Oliva Fraga, afirmó que "no se alcanzan los resultados esperados y ambos son decisivos para recuperarnos de la compleja situación económica que atraviesa la nación".

Staff (2024-12-17). Comisión de Atención a los Servicios aborda situación de viales y proyecciones del sector de transporte. Sobre el cumplimiento del programa de recuperación de viales y las proyecciones del sector de transporte para 2025 debatieron este martes los diputados de la Comisión de Atención a los Servicios. El ministro de Transporte, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, afirmó que "contamos con una estructura vial deteriorada y, aunque se han ejecutado acciones, la recuperación de los viales no avanza como se esperaba".

Staff (2024-12-17). Las Tunas representará a Cuba en la Serie de las Américas de Béisbol. La Federación Cubana de Béisbol-Softbol (FCBS) confirmó hoy que será el equipo de Las Tunas, campeón nacional, su representante en la primera Serie de Béisbol de las Américas, prevista del 23 al 31 de enero en Nicaragua.

Staff (2024-12-17). Proceso de bancarización en Cuba: Nuevas medidas y viejas verdades. Una evaluación integral sobre el proceso de bancarización que se desarrolla en el país fue presentada en la jornada de este martes en la Comisión de Asuntos Económicos de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. También se anunciaron nuevas medidas para su implementación. Entre las principales deficiencias, mencionó la violación, por parte de los actores económicos, del derecho de los clientes a escoger el método de pago en las operaciones comerciales.

Staff (2024-12-17). Desempeño fiscal en 2025 será mejor que el año que concluye. El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, afirmó que los resultados estimados en la ejecución de la Ley del Presupuesto del actual año muestran un discreto resultado, pero un muy importante resultado al disminuir el déficit fiscal planificado, lo cual forma parte del programa de estabilización macroeconómica, y ratifica que en un año complejo, existen muchas reservas para poder avanzar.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Transformación de la ciencia a debate en Parlamento de Cuba. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) La transformación del sistema cubano de ciencia, tecnología e innovación y la búsqueda de financiamiento del sector centrarán hoy los debates en la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, previa al IV Período Ordinario de Sesiones, en su X Legislatura.

Staff (2024-12-17). La Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 1180 MW en horario pico de este 17 de diciembre. La Unión Eléctrica estima para el horario pico de este 17 de diciembre una afectación de 1180 MW, informó la empresa en su parte habitual. Se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 1940 MW y una demanda máxima de 3050 MW, para un déficit de 1110 MW.

Staff (2024-12-17). Una marcha contra la ignominia imperial. El 20 de diciembre le quedarán a la actual administración estadounidense 30 días exactos para finalizar su mandato. Cuba sigue sufriendo como consecuencia de su exclusión cínica, cruel e ilegal de la economía y las finanzas internacionales, dada su permanencia en la arbitraria lista de supuestos patrocinadores del terrorismo. El presidente Biden puede acabar con esa mentira y atender el reclamo de decenas de gobiernos, numerosos expresidentes y primeros ministros, cientos de parlamentarios, la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos y otros líderes religiosos, y de miles de organizaciones de todo el mu…

Staff (2024-12-17). Díaz-Canel reitera convocatoria a marcha por el fin del bloqueo. Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, reiteró hoy la convocatoria para una marcha combatiente este viernes, 20 de diciembre, por el cese de la hostilidad de Estados Unidos contra la isla.

Staff (2024-12-17). Cuba está dispuesta a una relación respetuosa con Estados Unidos. Cuba tiene la disposición de sentarse con Estados Unidos en busca de una relación seria, basada en el respeto a la soberanía, la autodeterminación y la no injerencia en asuntos internos, afirmaron hoy fuentes oficiales.

María Candela (2024-12-17). Recuerdan en Cuba regreso de Los Cinco antiterroristas presos en EEUU. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) El décimo aniversario del retorno a Cuba de cinco antiterroristas presos en Estados Unidos, y del restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas con el país norteño, genera reacciones este martes, entre ellas las del presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Staff (2024-12-17). Conmemorará Ballet Nacional de Cuba importantes fechas con tres funciones de Cascanueces. El Ballet Nacional de Cuba, bajo la dirección de Viengsay Valdés, ofrecerá tres funciones del clásico "Cascanueces", los días 28 y 29 de diciembre y el primero de enero, en la Sala Avellaneda del Teatro Nacional.

Staff (2024-12-17). Ministro de Energía y Minas presenta plan gubernamental para la recuperación del sistema eléctrico. El ministro de Energía y Minas, Vicente de la O Levy, presentó este martes el programa del Gobierno para la recuperación del sistema electroenergético nacional (SEN) en la Comisión de Industria, Construcciones y Energía.

Staff (2024-12-17). Un lugar en la Mesa con Fidel. Finalizaba 1999, a punto de abordar un nuevo milenio, y la luz larga del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro ceñía pasado, presente y futuro, el batallar de un pueblo por la justicia, la historia, la ideología y todas las ciencias. Es la identidad nacional y la independencia en un solo programa de televisión.

Staff (2024-12-17). Cuba recuerda el regreso de los Cinco Héroes. El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel, la vice primera ministra Inés María Chapman, el canciller Bruno Rodríguez e instituciones de Cuba rememoran hoy el décimo aniversario de la liberación de los héroes cubanos presos en Estados Unidos.

Staff (2024-12-17). Vinicius se lleva el Premio The Best de la FIFA 2024. El brasileño Vinicius Junior, delantero del Real Madrid, recibió hoy el premio The Best FIFA 2024 en gala atípica realizada de manera telemática. Vinicius pudo recibir el premio de forma presencial porque el conjunto merengue jugará mañana en Doha la final de la Copa Intercontinental de Clubes.

G. Dunkel (2024-12-17). Stop deportations of Haitians from Dominican Republic! About half a million Haitians — many of them undocumented — live in the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. They supply essential labor in sugar, coffee and cocoa production, as well as in construction and parts of the Dominican Republic's tourism sector. Hispaniola lies between . . . |

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-12-17). Ajamu Baraka On The US-Backed Coup In Syria And Anti-Anti-Imperialism. On December 8, the United States and Israel, with support from Turkey, succeeded in overthrowing the Syrian government using Islamic jihadist militants as proxies. Some people in the United States are claiming this as a victory for the Syrian people even though the proxies are Al Qaeda terrorists. Clearing the FOG speaks with Ajamu Baraka about the coup, the history of resistance in Syria and in the region, and what this means for the Syrian people. Baraka discusses Israel's immediate expansion of its occupation in Syria and its quest for a 'Greater Israel.' He also discusses a tendency for some Left forces in th…

Qassam Muaddi (2024-12-17). Inside 'Greater Israel': myths and truths behind the long-time Zionist fantasy. The expansive territorial ambitions of creating a "Greater Israel" once seemed only to be a right-wing Zionist fantasy. Today, current events in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria show it might be closer than many ever thought possible. (2024-12-17). Cities adding charging facilities for HK, Macao EVs. Mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are accelerating the construction of charging facilities tailored for Hong Kong and Macao electric vehicles.

Staff (2024-12-17). Headlines for December 17, 2024. Israeli Forces Attack Gaza "Safe Zone" and Again Assault Kamal Adwan Hospital, Family Asks Blinken to Launch Independent Probe of Israel's Killing of Ay≈üenur Ezgi Eygi, "Nobody Is Going to Silence Ireland": Irish PM Blasts Israel's Closure of Dublin Embassy, U.S. Officials Warn Turkey Is Preparing Invasion of Syrian Kurdish Autonomous Region, Rights Groups Warn Mass Graves in Syria Could Hold Over 100,000 Victims of Assad Family, Kyiv Says It Killed Russian General Responsible for Chemical Weapons Attacks in Ukraine, 15-Year-Old Girl Guns Down Student and Teacher Be…

newarab (2024-12-17). Rights groups file complaint against French-Israeli soldier. Several rights groups have filed a civil party complaint with the War Crimes Unit of the Paris Tribunal against a Franco-Israeli soldier who served in the army amidst The rights groups accuse Yoel O. of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and complicity in crimes committed against Palestinians held in Israeli custody. | The complaint was issued by the International Federation for Human Rights as well as Al Haq, Al Mezan, the Palestinian Centre…

Eileen Kinch (2024-12-17). Most congregations avoid discussing politics, new study shows. Despite the incessant tracking of evangelical Christian, Latino Catholic, Muslim and other religious groups through the recently ended election season, a study released on Election Day by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research showed that most congregations are politically inactive, with nearly half actively avoiding discussing politics at their gatherings. The Hartford report, "Politics in …

Olivia Barber (2024-12-17). Campaigners to protest outside the High Court over £3 billion Thames Water bailout plea. Protests will take place at the High Court this morning as Thames Water seeks approval for a £3 billion temporary bailout. | Campaigners are set to gather outside the Royal Courts of Justice to oppose the bailout plea, which We Own It has said will rack up £300 million in interest a year over two and a half years, and add an extra £250 a year to customers' bills. | Groups including We Own It, Windrush Against Sewage Pollution and the Henley Mermaids are calling for Thames Water to be brought back into public ownership instead of receiving the bailout at customers' expense. | A letter from Cat…

Olivia Barber (2024-12-17). Environmental groups to support Just Stop Oil M25 protestors appeal sentences. Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have revealed they will work together to help five Just Stop Oil activists appeal their 'record-length' sentences. | In July, Five Just Stop Oil activists were handed four and five-year jail sentences for joining a Zoom call to discuss a planned protest on the M25 motorway. | Founder of JSO, Roger Hallam, was sentenced to five years in prison in July while activists Daniel Shaw, Louise Lancaster, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, and Cressida Gethin received four-year sentences. | The protestors were sentenced under the 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance' offence which was intr… (2024-12-17). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.

María Candela (2024-12-17). Cae otro notorio pandillero en Haití en operación policial. Puerto Príncipe, 17 dic (RHC) La Policía Nacional de Haití (PNH) eliminó a dos líderes pandilleros gracias a las operaciones que adelanta hoy la institución para poner fin al caos que vive la nación caribeña.

aljazeera (2024-12-17). Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Vanuatu capital. Tsunami threat has passed for nearby islands after earthquake struck near Vanuatu's capital Porta Vila. (2024-12-17). Sand dunes turned to winter wonderland after snow in Xinjiang. Huludao, or Calabash Island, named for its shape, sits along the eastern edge of the Taklamakan Desert, where the Tarim River winds through sands, creating anapproximately 133-hectare oasis.

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-17). Egypt: Asylum Bill Threatens Refugee Rights. Click to expand Image | Refugees fleeing conflict in Sudan cross into Egypt through the Argeen Land Port on May 12, 2023. | © 2023 Khaled Desouki/AFP via Getty Images | (Beirut) — Egypt's draft asylum law, if enacted, risks violating the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, Human Rights Watch said today. The law would hinder the work of United Nations agencies and others providing vital services and breach Egypt's obligations under international law.Egypt's parliament approved the Law Regarding the Asylum of Foreigners on November 19, 2024, in a rushed process without meaningful consultation with… (2024-12-17). Iran: Zionist criminals render United Nations ineffectual as genocide continues apace. The head of Iran's atomic energy agency says criminal Zionists have in effect rendered the United Nations inoperative.

Kit Klarenberg (2024-12-17). Privatizing Syria: US Plans to Sell Off a Nation's Wealth After Assad. In the immediate wake of the Syrian government's abrupt collapse, much remains uncertain about the country's future — including whether it can survive as a unitary state or will splinter into smaller states as did Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, a move that ultimately led to a bloody NATO intervention. Moreover, who or what may

People's Dispatch. (2024-12-17). Petro Asks Biden To Pardon Colombian Political Prisoner Simón Trinidad. A few weeks ago, media reports revealed that the government of Gustavo Petro asked President Biden to pardon Simón Trinidad, a former Colombian guerrilla fighter who was sentenced to 60 years in prison in the United States after being captured in Ecuador in 2004 when he was on his way to meet with a United Nations delegate. | According to the Colombian Executive, Trinidad's release would contribute to building a reconciled Colombia after decades of civil war. It was even known that the Colombian ambassador in Washington, Daniel García, sent a note to the US government requesting the pardon.

ICRC (2024-12-17). ICRC: "We have the chance to improve the lives of millions" Delivered by Ms. Laetitia Courtois, Permanent Observer and Head of Delegation, UN General Assembly debate on strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance…

UMMID (2024-12-17). Henna inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. 'Henna' has been inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2024.

The Independent (2024-12-17). Examiners abandon New Curriculum marking, want pay rise. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Panic has gripped Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) as several examiners marking the first Senior Four national examinations under the new lower secondary curriculum abandoned marking centers over a pay dispute. The walkout that occurred over the weekend involved examiners who had been confined at Namugongo Secondary …

APR editor (2024-12-17). Superpower rivalry makes Pacific aid a bargaining chip — vulnerable nations still lose out. ANALYSIS: By Sione Tekiteki, Auckland University of Technology The A$140 million aid agreement between Australia and Nauru signed last week is a prime example of the geopolitical tightrope vulnerable Pacific nations are walking in the 21st century. The deal provides Nauru with direct budgetary support, stable banking services, and policing and security resources. In return,…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-12-17). Worldwide study on forced displacements presented. Violent confrontations and natural disasters are among the triggers of forced movements, according to the report presented this Tuesday by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). | According to the new study, in the first instances, at least 60 percent of those internally displaced by conflicts or disasters already prefer to stay in the places where they are, instead of returning to their communities. | These conclusions, the organization said, challenge the common belief that what is always preferred is to return to the area of origin. | Among those displaced…

WSWS (2024-12-17). Biden administration places profits over lives, fueling the spread of H5N1 bird flu. The Biden administration's response to the spread of the bird flu among dairy cattle across the US over the past year amounts to nothing short of criminal negligence.

Thomas Knapp (2024-12-17). I Heartily Agree With Donald Trump (and It's About Time). On December 13, president-elect Donald Trump pledged on Truth Social that in his coming term the Republican Party will "use its best efforts to eliminate Daylight Saving Time." It's not very often I agree with US presidents, but I like to give credit where credit is due, and I'm 100% with Trump on this. It's long past

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-17). Kennedy Jr. intenta disipar dudas en Capitolio de Estados Unidos. La Habana, 17 dic (RHC) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., el candidato del presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, para secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos, busca hoy disipar preocupaciones de los republicanos y tendrá semana de gira por el Capitolio.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-17). Tribute to Simón Bolívar in Venezuela on the anniversary of his death. Caracas, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) With the raising of the tricolor flag at the National Pantheon in Caracas, Venezuelan civilian and military authorities commemorated today the 194th anniversary of the passing to immortality of Liberator Simón Bolívar.

María Candela (2024-12-17). Los costos del colonialismo. Si hoy día usted tiene la oportunidad de ir a Europa, digamos a Francia, y se le ocurre preguntar si transcurrida ya casi la tercera parte del siglo XXI existe el colonialismo y si ese país practica esa infame política en algún lugar del planeta, seguramente le van a responder con un categórico NO.

Sharon Zhang (2024-12-17). Senators Urge Biden to Grant Palestinians Special Status to Avoid Deportation. A group of senators is urging President Joe Biden to designate the occupied Palestinian territories for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in order to grant Palestinians in the U.S. the "strongest possible protection" against moves like deportation. In a letter effort led by Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vermont), the senators say that neither Gaza nor the occupied West Bank are safe for Palestinians to… |

Lawrence Davidson (2024-12-17). Trump, Christian Fundamentalism and Lemmings. Lemmings are small rodents who live in underground tunnels in far northern climes. They are pretty successful from an evolutionary standpoint. They spend the snowy winters breeding and this sometimes leads to food shortages in the Spring. Food shortages, in turn, can lead to migration to new territories. It is the migration behavior that has led

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-17). Bowel cancer increases in young people globally. Washington, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) The incidence of colorectal cancer continues its upward pace in adults under the age of 50 in many high-income countries, a study released today with data up to 2017 in 50 territories indicates.

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