Monthly Archives: December 2024

2024-12-24: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-24). Sahara dust affects Caribbean skies. Bridgetown, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) Several Caribbean nations will experience a sharp deterioration in air quality due to the arrival of a dense layer of dust from the Sahara, which could also affect the health of people with respiratory problems.

Staff (2024-12-24). Headlines for December 24, 2024. Israel Attacks Two Hospitals in Northern Gaza, Israel Detains 100 in West Bank; Palestinian Authority Clashes with Palestinian Fighters in Jenin, Israel Confirms It Assassinated Haniyeh as It Threatens to Kill Houthi Leaders Next, Greenland Is Not for Sale: PM Responds to Donald Trump's Remark, El Salvador: Lawmakers Vote to Overturn Ban on Mineral Mining, Mass Protest in Cuba Denounces U.S. Sanctions, House Ethics Report Finds Matt Gaetz Spent Tens of Thousands of Dollars on Sex and Drugs, Family of Rep. Kay Granger Reveals She Has Dementia; Texas Republican Has Missed Every Vote Since July, Amazon Accused…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-24). China subraya importancia de ampliación del grupo Brics. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) China destacó hoy la importancia de la expansión del grupo Brics con Indonesia, Malasia, Tailandia, Bielorrusia, Bolivia, Cuba, Kazajstán, Uzbekistán y Uganda.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-24). Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba is highly acclaimed in Mexico. Mexico, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba's successful performance in Playa del Carmen, one of the most attractive tourist destinations in southeastern Mexico, confirms the company's vigor and authenticity.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-24). Mijaín, Omara and Argentine football win Annual Prensa Latina Poll. Havana, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) Wrestler Mijaín López, Paralympic sprinter Omara Durand Elías, both Cubans and the Argentine soccer team were winners in the 60th edition of the annual Prensa Latina Sports Survey.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-24). Condemnation in Ho Chi Minh City of US blockade of Cuba ratified. Hanoi, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) The Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association of Ho Chi Minh City ratified its condemnation of the increased US blockade and rejected the fact of keeping the island on the list of countries that allegedly sponsors terrorism.

María Candela (2024-12-24). Fin de semana por Cuba y contra el bloqueo (+Foto y Video). Participantes en la combativa manifestación en Fort Lauderdale, en La Florida, en contra del bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba divulgaron imágenes y vídeos que testimonian sus pedidos de levantar las injustas medidas coercitivas y de sacar el nombre de la isla caribeña de la injusta lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-24). Diario indio: Si EE.UU. elimina bloqueo sería paso histórico con Cuba. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) El diario indio Financial Express aseguró que si Estados Unidos elimina a Cuba de la lista de países terroristas y desmantela el bloqueo sería un paso histórico hacia la reconciliación entre las dos naciones.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-24). Cuba mantiene metas de justicia social a pesar del bloqueo. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) A pesar del bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos y la compleja situación que atraviesa el país, Cuba ha alcanzado metas de justicia que siguen siendo hoy una aspiración para decenas de millones de personas en el mundo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-24). Ratifican en Ciudad Ho Chi Minh condena a bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) La Asociación de Amistad Vietnam-Cuba de Ciudad Ho Chi Minh ratificó su condena al recrudecido bloqueo estadounidense y rechazó el hecho de mantener hoy a la Isla en la lista de países presuntamente patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-24). Frente Amplio de Dominicana apoya gran marcha en Cuba contra bloqueo. Santo Domingo, 24 dic (RHC) El Frente Amplio (FA) y el Bloque Popular Jesús Adón de República Dominicana reafirmaron hoy su apoyo a la gran marcha protagonizada por más de 500 mil habaneros contra el bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos a Cuba.

María Candela (2024-12-24). Evalúan incidencias generadas por sismo de 6,1 grado, al sur del Oriente cubano. Bayamo, 23 dic (RHC) Las principales incidencias originadas por el sismo de 6,1 grado de magnitud, en la escala Richter, registrado en la madrugada de este 23 de diciembre, al sur del Oriente ocasionó, hasta el momento, afectaciones leves en muros y cerramentos de viviendas y otras edificaciones de la provincia de Granma.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-24). López y Durand, virtuales ganadores en Encuesta de Prensa Latina. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) A horas del cierre de las votaciones, los cubanos Mijaín López y Omara Durand aparecen como virtuales ganadores de la Encuesta Deportiva de Prensa Latina para seleccionar a los mejores deportistas de 2024 en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

Staff (2024-12-24). Espejismos o cuando la atmósfera nos "engaña" Los cambios, tanto en la composición química de la atmósfera y en algunos casos variaciones en parámetros físicos dentro de la misma, pueden provocar alteraciones en como esta se comporta ante algunos fenómenos y procesos. Esto produce gran variedad de efectos ópticos, algunos tan frecuentes como los que ocurren en los atardeceres.

Staff (2024-12-24). La descomposición como camino: De Mesalina a Lily Philips. La joven británica Lily Phillips ahora es más famosa que Mesalina, aunque probablemente no sepa nada de la emperatriz romana. Dominando los imperios más poderosos de la época actual, que son las redes sociales, el TikTok, YouTube y la semipornoplataforma Onlyfans, esta muchacha de 23 años subió al Olimpo del 'glamour'.

Staff (2024-12-24). La ONU exige acción urgente tras desaparición de cuatro menores en Ecuador con presunto involucramiento militar. El Comité de Desapariciones Forzadas de la ONU ordenó medidas de acción inmediata por la desaparición de cuatro menores en Ecuador hace más de dos semanas, un caso que involucra a militares. La resolución, difundida por el Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de Guayaquil, fija un plazo al Estado ecuatoriano hasta el 7 de enero de 2025.

Staff (2024-12-24). Moscú revela las actividades de laboratorios biológicos estadounidenses en àÅfrica y alerta sobre sus riesgos. El mayor general Alexéi Rtíschev, jefe adjunto de las Tropas de Defensa Radiológica, Química y Biológica de Rusia, denunció este martes que Estados Unidos considera àÅfrica como "un reservorio natural ilimitado de agentes infecciosos y un polígono de pruebas para medicamentos experimentales". Según el alto mando ruso, Washington ha creado un sistema para gestionar riesgos biológicos en otros países.

Staff (2024-12-24). Senador denuncia el uso de millones de dólares para experimentos con gatos en EE.UU. El senador republicano Rand Paul reveló en su informe anual sobre el presupuesto de Estados Unidos que se han gastado decenas de millones de dólares en experimentos científicos catalogados como crueles y grotescos, realizados principalmente con gatos. Entre las instituciones señaladas, destaca la participación de la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzada de Defensa (DARPA).

Staff (2024-12-24). A los Maestros de Juventudes, gracias por su arte y la pasión por Cuba. Nos ha tocado vivir una época de transformaciones, de grandes preguntas. Habitamos un planeta cada vez más complejo, en el que a las dificultades del mundo físico se suman las del virtual. Eso nos confiere una responsabilidad adicional con el presente, con la historia de nuestro país, con nuestros abuelos y padres, y sobre todo con nosotros mismos, con nuestra moral de cubanos.

Staff (2024-12-24). Brasil impulsa su liderazgo en minerales estratégicos para la transición energética. El Ministerio de Minas y Energía de Brasil ha intensificado sus esfuerzos en 2024 para posicionar al país como un proveedor clave de minerales estratégicos esenciales para la transición energética global. Brasil cuenta con vastas reservas de litio, cobalto y níquel, elementos fundamentales para la producción de baterías, vehículos eléctricos y paneles solares.

Staff (2024-12-24). Turquía: Explosión en fábrica de municiones deja víctimas mortales y heridos. Al menos doce trabajadores murieron y cuatro más resultaron heridos este martes debido a una explosión en una fábrica de municiones ubicada en Balikesir, al oeste de Ankara, Turquía. Las autoridades aún desconocen la causa del siniestro, pero han descartado cualquier posibilidad de atentado. La explosión ocurrió alrededor de las 8: 25 a.m. (hora local).

Staff (2024-12-24). AHS entrega el Premio Maestro de Juventudes a destacados creadores cubanos. Los galardonados fueron el pianista y compositor José María Vitier, el escritor y ensayista Abel Prieto Jiménez, la intérprete Beatriz Márquez, el actor y director de teatro Ernesto Parra, el bailarín y coreógrafo Santiago Alfonso, la artista plástica Zaida del Río, el cineasta Manuel Herrera y la profesora de danza Élida Jústiz.

Staff (2024-12-24). Siria: Cristianos protestan en Damasco tras el incendio de un árbol de Navidad. Varias manifestaciones estallaron este martes en barrios cristianos de Damasco, en protesta por la quema de un árbol de Navidad ocurrida la noche antes de Nochebuena cerca de la ciudad de Hama, en el centro de Siria. "Exigimos los derechos de los cristianos", corearon los manifestantes mientras marchaban hacia la sede del Patriarcado Ortodoxo. (2024-12-24). China's GBA economic scale tops global bay economies by end of 2023: report. A blue book on the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) released on Monday indicates that the region's economic scale ranked top among global peers at the end of 2023.

Mnar Muhawesh (2024-12-24). The Future of Syria w/ Ghadi Francis. Join Mnar Adley and Ghadi Francis as they delve into the rapidly changing dynamics of the resistance movement in support of Palestine. | With the fall of Syria's President Assad and relentless Israeli bombings targeting Syrian military infrastructure, the region's resistance groups face unprecedented challenges. Syria, once a critical hub for these groups, now forces a major reshaping of strategies and operations. | What does this mean for the fight for a free Palestine? Tune in for an in-depth analysis of this pivotal moment in the Middle East. (2024-12-24). UN warns of 'dramatic consequences' as Kurds-Turkey tension mounts in northeast Syria. The UN envoy for Syria has warned of "dramatic consequences" of the hostilities between Kurdish-led militants and Turkish-backed groups in the country's northeast.

infobrics (2024-12-24). With Nuland in NED, get ready for more color revolution bonanza. Victoria Nuland is certainly an unadulterated war criminal, but also an extremely effective one. Organizations such as the NED should be treated as terrorist groups that serve as the vanguard of US aggression against the world. Everyone getting money from them is essentially a danger to the integrity of any country on the planet and should be treated as a dangerous foreign agent, which also explains why the US is against laws defining them as such.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-24). Haiti's international airport, more wishes than planes. Port-au-Prince, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) A plane that flew to Brazil with 200 passengers sowed the belief about a normalization of air traffic in Haiti, but the desire multiplied by anxiety today is equal to a great disappointment. (2024-12-24). 37th Sun Island Int'l Snow Sculpture Expo begins trial operation in Harbin. The 37th Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Expo began its trial operation on Monday.The expo covers an area of 1.5 million square meters, and displays more than 260 snow sculptures.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-24). Galapagos islands sanctuary, not military base, organizations demand. Quito, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) A coalition of 50 social, national and international organizations today rejected the foreign military presence in the Galapagos Islands, because it violates the Constitution of Ecuador, threatens the conservation of the archipelago and compromises national sovereignty.

aljazeera (2024-12-24). Enough with buck-passing, child abuse in the church is systemic. Resignations by incompetent leaders are welcome, but what we really need is true institutional responsibility.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-24). UN asks Ecuador for urgent measures for missing minors. Quito, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) The Committee on Enforced Disappearances of the United Nations (UN) issued today urgent action measures after the disappearance for more than two weeks of four minors in Ecuador, a case involving military.

NEOB (2024-12-24). Deputy President wishes nation a safe festive season. Deputy President wishes nation a safe festive season | Deputy President Paul Mashatile has urged all road users to adhere to the rules of the road as holiday makers travel around the country, to ensure a safe festive season. | "[We] urge those who are driving during this period to please adhere to the rules of the road. Don't drink and drive, no speeding, wear seat belts and take time to rest when driving long distances. We want everybody to arrive alive at their destinations," he said in a recorded message to the nation. | Deputy President Mashatile called on all citizens not to partake in excessive alcohol use…

The Independent (2024-12-24). U-17 AFCON Qualifiers: Uganda seeks redemption against Somalia in semi-final. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda National Under-17 team, the Uganda Cubs, will take on Somalia today in the semi-final of the TotalEnergies CAF U-17 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) CECAFA qualifiers, taking place in Uganda. This semi-final clash is a repeat of the 2022 CECAFA U-17 semi-final, where Somalia triumphed over Uganda at …

IAN KATUSIIME (2024-12-24). Confronting an AI future. Artificial Intelligence and digital safety headline UN Internet Governance Forum in Saudi Arabia ANALYSIS | IAN KATUSIIME | With Artificial Intelligence increasingly driving the way individuals, companies and governments operate, the 19th United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia provided yet another global stage to ponder on AI and its impact on the …

WSWS (2024-12-24). Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to three years in prison. The sentencing of the former head of state on charges of corrupting the judiciary exposes the degeneracy of the French Fifth Republic and the bankruptcy of the capitalist regime.

Staff (2024-12-24). Gaetz-Gate: House Ethics Report on Former Florida Rep. Details Statutory Rape, Drug Use, Corruption. The U.S. House Ethics Committee has released its damning report on former Republican Representative Matt Gaetz, whom Trump had picked to be his attorney general before the Florida politician was forced to withdraw from consideration. The bipartisan committee's report found Gaetz "regularly paid women for engaging in sexual activity with him" and possessed illegal drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, on "multiple different occasions." The report also found Gaetz had violated Florida's statutory rape law by paying a 17-year-old high school student for sex in 2017. The Ethics Com…

A a (2024-12-24). La rinascita dell'industria dei fertilizzanti in Brasile. Dato il ruolo predominante dell'agricoltura nell'economia brasiliana, è chiaro che i fertilizzanti sono diventati una risorsa strategica da cui dipende il paese. | Segue nostro Il lungo e doloroso processo di deindustrializzazione del Brasile, iniziato negli anni '80, unito ai prezzi favorevoli delle materie prime, ha fatto sਠche nel 2021, per la prima volta dopo decenni, il settore primario (agricoltura e miniere) rappresentasse u…

aljazeera (2024-12-24). Israeli forces raid occupied West Bank as clashes continue in Jenin. One killed, 18 others detained amid ongoing violent Israeli incursions into the occupied Palestinian territories.

infobrics (2024-12-23). Young British leaving the armed forces. British citizens don't believe their government's narratives about the Russian threat.

People's Dispatch. (2024-12-23). Cubans March Against The US Blockade. "President Biden, take Cuba off the infamous list!" exclaimed the over half a million Cubans who marched on Havana's malecón to the US Embassy. The mass march was called for by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel earlier this week to demonstrate the absolute and total rejection of the Cuban people to the six-decade US-imposed blockade on the island as well as the inclusion of Cuba to the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list (SSoT) which together have wreaked havoc on the island's economy. | The march was led by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and General Raúl Castro who were flanked by over half a million Cubans f…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-12-23). To the People of Cuba: Is Washington Preparing a "Soft Coup"? The Co-optation of Cuban Intellectuals. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-12-23). Cuban Matanzas to host fourth Atenas Fusion music competition. Matanzas, Cuba, Dec 23 (Prensa Latina) From December 27 to 28, the Cuban province of Matanzas will host the fourth edition of the Atenas Fusion festival, a competition aimed at promoting alternative and electronic music.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-12-23). Cuban President salutes Foreign Service anniversary. In his profile on the social network X, the president ratified the country's confidence in their work, and conveyed deep recognition for a meritorious and effective service record, which fills the people with pride and exalts the name of Cuba in every corner of the world. | Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez also celebrated the date on X and recalled that during these years Cuban diplomacy has defended the Homeland, the Revolution and Socialism with commitment, discipline and unity. | We congratulate all those who have contributed to the legacy of Minrex, he said. The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs was establish…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Cuba no está sola pese a bloqueo de EE.UU., afirma Sri Lanka Guardian. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) El periódico Sri Lanka Guardian resaltó hoy la creciente participación de Cuba en el escenario internacional pese a la política agresiva de Estados Unidos contra la isla caribeña.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Nuevo sismo de 6,1 despierta este lunes a los granmenses. 23, dic (RHC) Ya no tan desprevenidos los granmenses despertaron esta madrugada con la ocurrencia de un nuevo sismo esta vez de 6,1 grados al suroeste de Chivirico en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Resuenan en Vietnam ecos de marcha en Cuba contra bloqueo de Estados Unidos. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) Los ecos de la multitudinaria marcha en La Habana contra el bloqueo que hace más de seis décadas mantienen sucesivas administraciones estadounidenses contra Cuba resuenan todavía hoy en los sitios web de medios de prensa vietnamitas.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Celebran en Santiago de Cuba acto central por el Día del Educador. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) Más de 100 educadores de la región oriental fueron reconocidos en el acto central por el Día del Educador, que tuvo lugar el domingo, en el Complejo Cultural Teatro Heredia de Santiago de Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Figuras del arte en Cuba recibirán Premio Maestro de Juventudes 2024. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) Ocho personalidades del arte en Cuba recibirán hoy, en el Memorial José Martí de esta capital, el Premio Maestro de Juventudes 2024 que otorga la Asociación Hermanos Saíz (AHS).

María Candela (2024-12-23). Sancti Spíritus, 2024: A la altura de su gloriosa historia (+Fotos). Aferrados a la memoria, al tiempo, siguen los acordes trovadorescos, los pasacalles espirituanos; aferrados a la memoria, igualmente, el tropel del caballo y, sobre todo, las ideas del más guerrero de los hijos nacidos en esta tierra del centro de Cuba, el Mayor General Serafín Sánchez Valdivia.

María Candela (2024-12-23). Contienda en el éter. Con una "tropa" profusa de autotituladas ONG y beligerantes youtubers, Estados Unidos impulsa la manipulación informativa contra Cuba, tanto para desarticular programas en el país caribeño, como con vistas a sembrar el desconcierto, mentir o tergiversar la realidad.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Sismo de magnitud 6.1 al sur de Santiago de Cuba. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) Un sismo de magnitud 6.1 en la escala de Richter sacudió el Oriente cubano a la 1: 00 a.m. de este lunes, 23 de diciembre, y según datos preliminares del Servicio Sismológico Nacional se localizó a unos 35 kilómetros (km) al suroeste de la localidad de Chivirico, cabecera del municipio santiaguero de Guamá.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-23). Partido Comunista del Trabajo de Dominicana reitera apoyo a Cuba. La Habana, 23 dic (RHC) El Partido Comunista del Trabajo (PCT) de República Dominicana denunció los actos de agresión y permanente acoso contra Cuba de los enemigos de la Revolución, en primer lugar, del imperialismo norteamericano.

Staff (2024-12-23). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda, retransmisión del "En persona: Julio Camacho Aguilera" Comandante del Ejército Re ≠bel ≠de, integrante del Consejo de Mi ≠nis ≠tros que en 1959 firmó la primera Ley de Reforma Agraria. Julio Camacho Agui ≠le ≠ra ha sido protagonista de acontecimientos fundamentales en la historia de la Revolución Cubana, desde la rebeldía frente al golpe de Estado de Batista, hasta los días actuales, dedicados al cuidado y desarrollo de una de las zonas de ma ≠yor potencialidad turística en el occidente del país.

Staff (2024-12-23). øHay preferencia horaria en la ocurrencia de terremotos? Para muchos sismólogos, la pregunta puede parecer absurda. Es casi un consenso que la ocurrencia de terremotos es aleatoria en el tiempo y no depende de factores climatológicos. Ahora bien, en varias regiones del mundo, como el Caribe, hay una diferencia marcada entre la cantidad de eventos sísmicos que ocurren en el horario diurno y el horario nocturno.

Staff (2024-12-23). øPor qué no fusilaron a Calixto García? El general Calixto García fue capturado herido en septiembre de 1874. La ley española estipulaba la pena de muerte. øPor qué no lo fusilaron como habían hecho con tantos insurrectos? En 1874 la guerra en Cuba estaba empantanada en sangre. "Seis largos años de lucha llevamos, sin que se pueda vislumbrar la aurora del triunfo" ⚪ escribía Calixto García el 4 de julio de ese año.

Staff (2024-12-23). Punto Deportivo: Torneos que marcaron el deporte cubano en 2024 (II) (+ Video). En esta entrega del Punto Deportivo continuamos con la serie de programas dedicados a hitos y torneos que marcaron el deporte cubano en 2024. El colega de Trabajadores y habitual colaborador de Cubadebate, Joel García, nos acerca al Premier 12, certamen del cual hizo la cobertura periodística.

Staff (2024-12-23). Aumentan a 16 los desaparecidos por el derrumbe de un puente en el norte de Brasil. El derrumbe de un puente en el norte de Brasil dejó al menos 16 personas desaparecidas, además de un fallecido, y ha puesto la región en alerta por un vertido tóxico. El puente Juscelino Kubitschek, de 533 metros de extensión colapsó este domingo mientras pasaban al menos ocho vehículos, entre ellos un camión con ácido sulfúrico que causó un vertido en el río Tocantins.

Staff (2024-12-23). Francia nombra un nuevo Gobierno tras colapsar el gabinete anterior. El secretario general del Elíseo, Alexis Kohler, anunció este lunes la composición del nuevo Gobierno francés bajo la dirección del recién nombrado primer ministro, Franàßois Bayrou, después de que el gabinete anterior colapsara en una votación histórica provocada por disputas sobre el presupuesto del país.

Staff (2024-12-23). Uno de los volcanes más activos de la Tierra entra en erupción en Hawái. El volcán Kilauea, en el Parque Nacional de los Volcanes de Hawái, entró en erupción este lunes, informó el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. Este volcán es uno de los más activos del planeta. Según el organismo, las fases iniciales de las erupciones son dinámicas, por lo que en los videos del lugar de la erupción se pueden ver fuentes de lava brotando de las fisuras.

Staff (2024-12-23). Sobre la cancha: La errada teoría de la disparidad (Parte 1). Tras la goleada del Real Madrid sobre el Pachuca, mucho se ha especulado sobre la disparidad entre los clubes europeos y el ganador de la Champions. En el regreso de la Copa Intercontinental los de Carlo Ancelotti no necesitaron mucho esfuerzo para ganar. Ahora, el modernismo no puede desmerecer a un torneo con grandes historias desde su inicio en 1960.

Staff (2024-12-23). Presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel saluda aniversario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en el aniversario 65 de su fundación. El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, felicitó hoy a los trabajadores del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Minrex) en el aniversario 65 de la fundación de ese organismo. En su perfil en la red social X, el mandatario ratificó la confianza del país en su trabajo, y trasladó el profundo reconocimiento por una hoja de servicios meritoria y eficaz.

Staff (2024-12-23). Presidente panameño agradece respaldo regional ante amenazas de Trump. El presidente José Raúl Mulino agradeció este lunes a los mandatarios y los pueblos de la región por su respaldo ante las amenazas del mandatario Donald Trump de apoderarse del Canal de Panamá. "Agradezco en nombre de todos los panameños las expresiones solidarias de diferentes mandatarios y exmandatarios", dijo Mulino en su cuenta de X. (2024-12-23). (Macao's 25th return Anniversary) UM Rector calls for Greater Bay Area integration and stronger ties with Portuguese-Speaking countries. "Macao, a city with over 400 years of history, serves as a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and the West. The University of Macau, located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is known for its globalization and internationalization," said Yonghua Song, rector of the University of Macau (UM), in an interview with China News Network in Beijing.

newarab (2024-12-23). Gaza deal 'closer than ever', say Palestinian groups from Cairo.

Elizabeth Beattie (2024-12-23). Honda-Nissan Megamerger in the Works. Nissan Motor and Honda Motor are discussing a merger that could create the world's No. 3 carmaker and leave Japan with just two auto-manufacturing groups. | A combination of some sort has been under consideration for some time as the companies …

aljazeera (2024-12-23). Suspect arrested after woman fatally set on fire on New York subway. The attack took place on the F train at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue subway station in Brooklyn.

Lucia Posteraro (2024-12-23). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution.

UMMID (2024-12-23). US votes against UNGA resolution on Israel's humanitarian aid obligations in Gaza. Showing again its duplicity on humanitarian crisis, the United States Thursday voted against a United Nations General Assembly resolution seeking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) opinion on Israel's obligations to facilitate aid to Palestinians in Gaza. (2024-12-23). UN envoy: AI not privilege of few people. China's ambassador to the United Nations said on Thursday that artificial intelligence technology is not a pie to be divided among a small group of people, nor should its global governance be determined by just a small number of countries.

infobrics (2024-12-23). BRICS + NDB Aims for More Inclusive, Sustainable, Resilient & World. The New Development Bank (NDB), aligned with BRICS, aims for a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable world, presenting member nations with equitable and accessible economic opportunities, Russian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Evgeny Terekhin said…

UMMID (2024-12-23). Justice Madan Lokur to head UN Internal Justice Council. Former Supreme Court Judge Madan B Lokur has been appointed as the Chairperson of the United Nations Internal Justice Council till 2028.

Katie Myers (2024-12-23). Faith organizations have a complex relationship to disaster relief. On the second weekend after Hurricane Helene, Swannanoa Christian Church held its first Sunday service since the storm battered western North Carolina. The sanctuary was piled high with clothes, water, and food, so everyone gathered outdoors. Out in the yard, beneath a clear blue sky and uphill from devastation wrought by the flood, the congregation interspersed prayer with the testimonies of congregants who had pulled people from the water or been pulled from it themselves. | After the service, as congregants lingered to chat or sort donations, Elder Gordon Dasher recounted his church's mission following the…

Daniel Chang (2024-12-23). In Florida, officials and communities clash over where to build the nation's largest trash incinerator. When leaders of Florida's most populous county met in September to pick a site for what could become the nation's largest trash incinerator, so many people went to the government center to protest that overflow seating spilled into the building's atrium. | "MIRAMAR SAYS NO TO INCINERATOR! NOT IN OUR BACKYARD," read green T-shirts donned by some attendees who wanted to stop the new industrial waste facility — capable of burning up to 4,000 tons of garbage a day — from being built near their homes. | Residents feared the site would not only sink their property values and threaten the environment, but…

infobrics (2024-12-23). Trump's threats to annex Canada are part of his Monroeist plans. Trump's war with part of the so-called Deep State might largely determine the degree of success that any of Trump's "grandiose" plans will have. The truth is the military industry would not be content with being "just" a continental hegemon, and Washington simply cannot afford to lose positions in places like the Middle East and elsewhere.

_____ (2024-12-23). Turkey jails 7 journalists and media workers, places one under house arrest.

Ayurella Horn-Muller (2024-12-23). Three-quarters of the world's land is drying out, 'redefining life on Earth'. As Earth grows warmer, its ground is becoming drier and saltier, with profound consequences for the planet's 8 billion inhabitants — nearly a third of whom already live in places where water is increasingly scarce and the ability to raise crops and livestock is increasingly difficult. | Climate change is accelerating this trend. New research has found global warming has made 77 percent of the Earth's land drier over the past three decades while rapidly increasing the proportion of excessively salty soils. | Drylands, or arid areas where water is hard to come by, now make up more than 40 percent of the pl…

Julie Hollar (2024-12-23). Press downplays danger of Supreme Court case that threatens Trans rights—among others. There's no reason to doubt the incoming Republican government will continue its attacks on trans people and their rights, only now with much more power at its disposal.

Staff (2024-12-23). Elon Musk's Opposition to Gov't Spending Bill a "Smokescreen" for His Business Interests: Robert Kuttner. After the Republican-led Congress passes a government spending bill but rejects a last-minute demand for a debt limit suspension from President-elect Donald Trump and his billionaire adviser Elon Musk, we look at the richest man in the world's growing influence, with The American Prospect editor Robert Kuttner. "At the end of the day, Musk got exactly what he wanted," says Kuttner, referring to Musk's influence in the removal of an anti-China trade provision in the bill. "It's a classic case of Musk rolling Trump. … I don't think this is going to end well."…

Richard D. Wolff (2024-12-23). Political Economy Contradictions as We Lurch Into 2025. The Republicans (GOP), traditionally the U.S.'s anti-tax party, now promise to use tariffs to wage trade wars, to massively deport immigrants, and to stop drug traffic. But tariffs are simply the name of one kind of tax (on imported goods and services). So the GOP becomes both anti-tax and pro-tax. Likewise, the traditional party of minimal government, today's GOP now favors massive subsidies to industries that big government will select as well as economic sanctions and bans on enterprises and whole countries that big government will select. Beyond the right-wing ideology and financial self-serving, Trump reflec…

United World International (2024-12-23). What will Marcos Rubio do? By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein President Donald Trump has chosen Mark Burnett, producer of the TV game shows "The Voice" and "The Apprentice," as special envoy for the United Kingdom. He also appointed: Richard Allen Grennel, ambassador to Germany during his first term, as presidential envoy for special missions to Venezuela and the Democratic People's Republic …

_____ (2024-12-23). (Italiano) Revisione: Libri-Palestina, metafora del mondo, nel dono della legge. L'Introduzione è intitolata L'apocalisse di Gaza. Questo libro ´è un saggio di filosofia, nato durante un viaggio nella terra dove tre religioni riconoscono alle Tavole della legge mosaica un'origine divina ª…

Staff (2024-12-23). "Christ Is Still in the Rubble": Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Calls on U.S. to Stop Funding Gaza Genocide. Christmas celebrations are canceled in the West Bank and the city of Bethlehem, Jesus Christ's birthplace, for the second year in a row in response to Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza and ethnic cleansing of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We feature an excerpt of the Christmas sermon of Reverend Munther Isaac of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, titled "Christ Is Still in the Rubble," referencing a sermon he gave at this time last year titled "Christ in the Rubble," about the loss of Palestinian life to Israel's assault of Gaza. We also go to…

Amy Goodman (2024-12-23). In Bethlehem, Palestinian Christians Demand an End to Western-Backed Genocide. Christmas celebrations are canceled in the West Bank and the city of Bethlehem, Jesus Christ's birthplace, for the second year in a row in response to Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza and ethnic cleansing of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We feature an excerpt of the Christmas sermon of Reverend Munther Isaac of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, titled "Christ Is… | (2024-12-23). Tel Aviv tells Damascus Israeli forces will remain in occupied territory: Report. The Israeli regime reportedly informed Syria's new administration that the occupation troops will remain stationed at a so-called "buffer zone" inside the occupied Syrian Golan Heights "for now."

WSWS (2024-12-23). Israel closes Dublin embassy in response to Irish government ICJ intervention and Occupied Territories Bill. The Irish government, faced with popular protests, felt obliged to go somewhat further than its peers in offering criticisms of the starvation and massacre of the Palestinians.

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2024-12-19: News Headlines

Conference Organizing Committee, Black Agenda Report. (2024-12-19). Declaration Of The International Conference Cuba 2024. From December 9th to the 13th, the 240 delegates, coming from 30 nations from four continents, gathered for the International Conference "Cuba 2024 Decade for People of African Descent. Equality – Equity – Social Justice", that took place in the cities of Havana and Matanzas. | Attended by 103 delegates from Cuba and 137 from the following geographical áreas: | From the Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama. | From the African continent: Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Comoros, Ghana, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, To…

newarab (2024-12-19). British artists back theatre targeted by pro-Israel group. UK group Artists for Palestine UK (APUK) The Brighton based ThirdSpace Theatre Company has come under scrutiny from UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI), which accused the group of promoting "antisemitic and pro-terror overtones" and called for an "investigation"

Dr. Mark Trozzi (2024-12-19). Canadian Politicians and Bureaucrats Responsible for the COVID-19 Crimes. I greatly appreciated this message from Rick Charleston of British Columbia, and we are sharing it here with his permission. | I would like to add an important note to Mr. Charleston's list of recipients: Canadian judges who neglected their duty, …

newarab (2024-12-19). Alaa Abdel Fattah's mother passes 80 days of hunger strike in UK. Sitting on a small chair in front of the British Foreign Office building in London, Despite having completed his prison sentence, Now past 80 days of the hunger strike, which began in Cairo after Alaa's sentence officially…

WSWS (2024-12-19). Labour's John Healey moots sending British military trainers to Ukraine. The UK defence secretary said, "The year may be ending, but the war is not. This is the time to step up further in Ukraine on every front."

A a (2024-12-19). British media gloating betrays masterminds behind Kirillov's killing.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-19). El Salvador approves resolution in solidarity with Cuba. San Salvador, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) The second National Assembly of the Bloc of Resistance and National Rebellion (BRP) in El Salvador approved a resolution in solidarity with the people of Cuba, a statement said.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-19). Diaz-Canel present in second day of parliamentary debates in Cuba. Havana, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel participates today in the second day of debates of the fourth ordinary period of sessions of the National People's Power Assembly (Parliament).

María Candela (2024-12-19). Díaz-Canel en segunda jornada de debates parlamentarios en Cuba. La Habana, 19 dic (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, participa este jueves en la segunda jornada de debates del cuarto periodo ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (Parlamento).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-19). Impulsa Cuba creación de Observatorio Nacional de Drogas. La Habana, 19 dic (RHC) Con el fin de iniciar el proceso de implementación de un Observatorio Nacional de Drogas en el país, profesionales de diferentes organismos cubanos participan en un taller hasta mañana 20 de diciembre, con especial énfasis en la importancia de esa plataforma para el diseño políticas contra el consumo de drogas.

María Candela (2024-12-19). Cuba, por mayor protección de los niños y jóvenes. Desde el triunfo de la revolución, en enero de 1959, Cuba ha trabajado incansablemente por proteger a sus niños y jóvenes y garantizar su desarrollo pleno, aún en las difíciles condiciones que durante más de seis décadas ha impuesto el bloqueo norteamericano.

María Candela (2024-12-19). Resumen Cultural 2024. La cultura cubana constituye una trinchera moral que enaltece la obra emancipadora de la Patria en este 2024.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-19). Presidenta de Honduras destacó solidaridad de médicos cubanos. La Habana, 19 dic (RHC) La presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, destacó la solidaridad y altruismo de los médicos especialistas cubanos que implementan la "Operación Milagro" en beneficio de la población más humilde.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-19). Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba otorga premios de música. La Habana, 19 dic (RHC) El joven Fabio González mereció el primer y tercer premio de composición Harold Gramatges que otorga la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Uneac), se informó hoy en esta capital.

Staff (2024-12-19). Podría ser malaria la enfermedad misteriosa que causó la muerte de 37 personas en República Democrática del Congo. La agencia sanitaria de la Unión Africana declaró este jueves que la enfermedad misteriosa que causó al menos 37 muertes en la República Democrática del Congo (RDC) probablemente sea malaria, agravada por la vulnerabilidad de la población afectada. El 40% de los casos corresponden a niños menores de cinco años, con síntomas son similares a los de una gripe.

Staff (2024-12-19). Ministro de Energía y Minas ofrece detalles del programa de recuperación del SEN. Este programa ‚àídijo De la O Levy‚àí concibe acciones concretas a corto plazo y tiene como objetivos fundamentales, además de recuperar la generación distribuida, recuperar la generación de las termoeléctricas que consumen combustible. "Además, debemos trabajar en las fuentes renovables de energía, fundamentalmente en la generación de energía fotovoltaica, para reducir los costos de generación".

Staff (2024-12-19). Unión Eléctrica estima afectación de 1 711 megawatts durante el horario pico nocturno de este jueves. La Unión Eléctrica informó este jueves a través de su comunicado diario que se estima para la hora pico nocturna una disponibilidad de 1 559 MW y una demanda máxima de 3 200 MW, para un déficit —la diferencia entre la disponibilidad y la demanda— de 1 641 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se prevé una afectación de 1 711 MW en ese horario.

Staff (2024-12-19). Fuerzas militares de Yemen lanzan ataque con misiles balísticos contra la capital de Israel. Fuerzas militares de Yemen lanzaron, este jueves, desde su territorio varios misiles balísticos de corto alcance hacia la capital de Israel. De acuerdo con la agencia de noticias catarí Al Jazeera, se sintieron fuertes explosiones en el centro de Palestina ocupada, abarcando tanto Tel Aviv como la ciudad de Al-Quds (Jerusalén).

Staff (2024-12-19). Continúan sesiones del Parlamento con apretada agenda. Este jueves, la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular desarrolla la segunda jornada plenaria de su cuarto período ordinario de sesiones, en la décima legislatura, con la presencia del presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

Staff (2024-12-19). Cuba apuesta por una política de atención integral a la niñez, la adolescencia y la juventud. En el cuarto período ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, en su décima legislatura, el vice primer ministro Eduardo Martínez Díaz comentó la implementación del Plan de Acción de la Política de Atención Integral a la Niñez, Adolescencia y Juventudes.

Staff (2024-12-19). Equipo médico de Lula: Ha mostrado una recuperación notable y se le ha autorizado retomar sus labores cotidianas. El mandatario brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, se prepara para retomar sus funciones en la capital tras recibir el alta médica. Según su médico de cabecera, Roberto Kalil, el presidente ha mostrado una recuperación notable, permitiéndole viajar de vuelta a Brasilia desde su residencia en Sao Paulo, donde ha pasado el periodo de convalecencia.

Staff (2024-12-19). Iniciativa de Biden pretende reducir emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en más del 60 por ciento para 2035. El presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, ha reafirmado su compromiso con la mitigación del cambio climático al anunciar una meta ambiciosa de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en más del 60% para 2035. Según medios de prensa, la iniciativa se presenta como un esfuerzo por consolidar su legado en la lucha contra el calentamiento global.

María Candela (2024-12-19). Aprueban en El Salvador resolución de solidaridad con Cuba. San Salvador, 19 dic (RHC) La segunda Asamblea Nacional del Bloque de Resistencia y Rebeldía Nacional (BRP) en El Salvador aprobó una Resolución de solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba, indicó este jueves un comunicado.

Staff (2024-12-19). Vladímir Putin: Rusia necesita no un alto el fuego con Ucrania sino una paz duradera. "Necesitamos no una tregua, necesitamos una paz duradera, sólida respaldada por garantías para la Federación de Rusia y sus ciudadanos. Cómo proporcionar estas garantías es una cuestión difícil". aseguró este jueves el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, durante una rueda de prensa anual combinada con la línea directa con la ciudadanía.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-19). Analizarán diputados cubanos implementación de política de la niñez. La Habana, 19 dic (RHC) La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba (Parlamento) analizará hoy los avances en la implementación de la política de atención integral a la niñez, adolescencia y juventudes, aprobada hace un año.

Staff (2024-12-19). Qué trae la prensa cubana, jueves 19 de diciembre de 2024.

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-12-19). Inside 'Greater Israel': Myths And Truths Behind The Zionist Fantasy. As Israel pushed its forces deep into sovereign Syrian territory following the fall of Bashar Al-Assad's regime the term 'Greater Israel' has resurfaced in media coverage. The term has been used in recent days to describe Israel's military expansion beyond its currently recognized borders, an ever-expanding definition of what the Israeli state can come to encompass. The maps used to describe the vision often echo biblical stories that many Zionists consider as history. But what is the 'Greater Israel' idea in actuality? Is there really such an Israeli project? And how realistic is it that it will be realized?

Urban CNY News (2024-12-19). Syracuse Land Bank December 2024 Listing: 104 Elmhurst Ave. Charming fixer-upper in the Elmwood neighborhood. This home has three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, formal dining room and eat-in kitchen. This home must be sold to an owner-occupant or renovated and resold to an owner-occupant. The buyer must show proof of funds in the amount of $100k. Contact our Greater Syracuse Land Bank office at 315.422.2301 ext. 0 to learn more about our buying process or to schedule a showing. 104 Elmhurst AveSyracuse, NY 13207Asking Price: $21,000.00Renovation Estimate: $78,897.00 Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-19). Grenada for sustainable production of seaweed with sargassum. Saint George's, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) Grenada's Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell called for proposals on the sustainable production of seaweed with sargassum, an initiative that today could be added to the list of items that will contribute to the national economy.

Sharon Zhang (2024-12-19). 2 Key Humanitarian Groups Join Chorus Saying Israel Committing Acts of Genocide. On Thursday, two major humanitarian groups joined the chorus of experts and other human rights organizations saying that Israel's slaughter of Palestinians and leveling of Gaza for the past 14 months is consistent with genocide under international humanitarian law. In a 179-page report, Human Rights Watch concluded that Israel's deprivation of water for Palestinians in Gaza is one of the five… |

Ryan Cristián (2024-12-19). James Corbett Interview — Syria, Drones & The Ongoing WWIII. Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the recent regime change in Syria and the many moving parts of this developing story. We discuss the history of the Syria war and the many players involved, including the West's creation and development of the terrorist groups that currently control the destabilized nation. We also

oliviaalperstein (2024-12-19). Climate Justice Groups: Latest U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution Falls Short of What's Needed. While the NDC is meant to give Americans and subnational governments, tribal nations, and others an indicator of what we need to accomplish, in reality this NDC falls short of what we need: a concrete, substantive action plan that builds global solidarity to address the climate crisis at scale in the U.S. and around the world.

Seth Sandronsky (2024-12-19). Slow Motion Genocide and Resistance in Haiti. A little over a week ago, on December 6th and 7th, at least 184 people were massacred in Wharf Jeremi, part of Site Soley, one of the most impoverished communities in the Americas, located by the seashore in Port-au-Prince. The majority of those murdered, 127, were elderly.[1] The massacre was perpetrated by a "powerful gang", more accurately labeled as a (2024-12-19). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.

Michael T. Klare (2024-12-19). Trump Confronts a Rising China. Gaza, Haiti, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, and Venezuela: President-elect Donald Trump will face no shortage of foreign-policy challenges when he assumes office in January. None, however, comes close to China in scope, scale, or complexity. No other country has the capacity to resist his predictable antagonism with the same degree of strength and

María Candela (2024-12-19). Mujeres opinan y aportan a reforma constitucional en Haití. Puerto Príncipe, 19 dic (RHC) El ministerio de la Condición de la Mujer y los Derechos de la Mujer de Haití promueve este jueves un debate para que este segmento social opine y aporte ideas para reformar la Constitución de la nación caribeña.

Urban CNY News (2024-12-19). New York State Division of Human Rights Enforces Compliance in a Long Island Housing Discrimination Matter.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-12-19). Sri Lanka thanks China for economic and debt support. The president acknowledged China's contribution to his country in a meeting with Qin Boyong, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), according to a statement from the office of the presidential media division. | During the meeting, the head of State said his appreciation extends to Beijing's support for the debt restructuring program and its loans during economic challenges. | He also highlighted China's assistance during disaster situations and the provision of school uniforms for the South Asian island's children. | Dissanayake also called for…

Pablo Meriguet (2024-12-19). Ecuador's Galapagos Islands now open to US military. The decision is part of a process that seeks the reestablishment of US military bases in Ecuadorian territory. Several voices have severely criticized the decision as a violation of Ecuador's sovereignty.

Lucia Posteraro (2024-12-19). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2024-12-19). Privatizing Syria: US Plans To Sell Off A Nation's Wealth After Assad. In the immediate wake of the Syrian government's abrupt collapse, much remains uncertain about the country's future — including whether it can survive as a unitary state or will splinter into smaller states as did Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, a move that ultimately led to a bloody NATO intervention. Moreover, who or what may take power in Damascus remains an open question. For the time being at least, members of ultra-extremist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) appear highly likely to take key positions in whatever administrative structure sprouts from Bashar Assad's ouster after a decade-and-a-half of grinding…

Gabisile (2024-12-19). ACSA urges passengers to arrive early for flights. ACSA urges passengers to arrive early for flights | To manage the high volumes of passengers expected at OR Tambo International Airport this festive season, holidaymakers are advised to arrive three hours before international flights and two hours before domestic flights, as they head to their various travel destinations. | | The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) issued a warning on Monday about longer queues at the passport control points at OR Tambo International Airport due to a failure in the border management system. | | ACSA reported that the unresponsiveness of the Border Management Authority (BM…

Gabisile (2024-12-19). ACSA urges passengers to arrive early for flights. ACSA urges passengers to arrive early for flights | To manage the high volumes of passengers expected at OR Tambo International Airport this festive season, holidaymakers are advised to arrive three hours before international flights and two hours before domestic flights, as they head to their various travel destinations. | The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) issued a warning on Monday about longer queues at the passport control points at OR Tambo due to a failure in the border management system. | ACSA reported that the unresponsiveness of the Border Management Authority (BMA) biometric movement control s…

Brian Berletic (2024-12-19). Syria Today, Iran Tomorrow, and Inevitably China. The collapse of the Syrian government in mid-December 2024 represents a pivotal moment for U.S. geopolitical strategies in the Middle East and beyond. | This event aligns with longstanding objectives, including the subsequently planned disarming, division, and destruction of Iran and the toppling of the Iranian government, the possible eviction of Russian military bases in Syria, and the use of US-sponsored terrorist organizations utilized in overrunning Syria to export terrorism to other targeted nations both in the region and far abroad including both Russia and China. | Syria's Collapse Was Long Sought After…

Xinhua (2024-12-19). China willing to play constructive role in helping Syria restore peace and stability. Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said Tuesday that his country hopes Syria will achieve peace and restore stability as soon as possible, and is willing to play a constructive role to that end."Recently, the situation in Syria has undergone drastic changes, to which China pays great attention," Geng said in his speech at the UN Security Council briefing on Syria. | "It is imperative to stabilize the security situation," Geng stressed, and called on all parties involved in Syria to exercise calm and restraint, refrain from actions that may aggravate the situation and avoid…

Editor (2024-12-19). UN Security Council Denounces Illegal Israel Settlements in Palestine. (2024-12-19). Iran president urges Muslim unity to counter Israeli aggressions. Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has highlighted the necessity of unity among Islamic nations, urging collective action to counter the aggressions of the Israeli regime.

Ido David Cohen (2024-12-19). European Broadcasting Union warns Israel against closing its public broadcasting corp. Warning that Israel will be ejected from the union was issued ahead of Knesset deliberations to shut down Kan, with the director of the EBU calling Israel's planned move 'a departure from standards upheld by democratic nations worldwide'… (2024-12-19). ASEAN set to benefit from China's growth. With China aiming to maintain steady economic growth in 2025, its efforts to invigorate the economy will not only help its own stable growth but also have a positive impact on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Drago Bosnic (2024-12-19). Georgia's Roadmap for Reconciliation with Russia and a Sovereign Future. Ever since it gained independence in 1991, Georgia has been struggling to find a clear path. This is a rather unusual development for one of the oldest countries on the planet and one of the first Christian nations. | For approximately …

ICRC (2024-12-19). ICRC: "We have the chance to improve the lives of millions" Delivered by Ms. Laetitia Courtois, Permanent Observer and Head of Delegation, UN General Assembly debate on strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-12-19). Italy strengthens ties with Mexico by restitution of artefacts. Rome, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) The recent restitution by Italy to Mexico of more than 100 archaeological pieces stolen from that country, shows how much space is left to deepen the cooperation between both nations, a statement says today.

GABIK (2024-12-19). De Lille encourages integrating community engagement into tourism. De Lille encourages integrating community engagement into tourism | Tourism Minister Patricia de Lille has highlighted the importance of integrating community engagement into tourism and conservation efforts. | "Sustainable tourism is about ensuring that the beauty and biodiversity of our destinations are preserved for future generations," De Lille said. | | As part of the annual Tourism Summer campaign, launched in the Free State in October this year, de Lille and Deputy Minister Maggie Sotyu, visited various sites in the eThekwini Municipality on Wednesday. | | The visit forms part of the summer readiness…

Robert Hunziker (2024-12-19). Climate Change Trial at The Hague. The stakes are extremely high as the impact of fossil fuels on climate change goes to The Hague for hearings December 2-13, 2024 to determine whether nations are obligated to phase out fossil fuels. Will the esteemed court issue an opinion that truly impacts climate change? | The court's opinion is expected in 2025. | {Special Notification: Antarctica is experiencing a frightening collapse that has polar scientists fearful and speaking out like never before. A link to an interview with James Woodford, a New Scientists' reporter, who attended a recent emergency session with 450 polar scientists is found at the end…

UMMID (2024-12-19). Henna inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. 'Henna' has been inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2024.

aljazeera (2024-12-19). Red Bull names Liam Lawson as new F1 driver alongside Verstappen for 2025. Lawson replaces Sergio Perez, who exited Red Bull Racing on Wednesday after four years with the world championship team.

Gareth Roberts (2024-12-19). 'The Pelicot Rape Trial Shows How Pornography is Contributing Towards an Epidemic of Sexual Violence Against Women'. Like many others I have admired the dignity and fortitude with which the victim in this case, Gisele Pelicot, has conducted herself throughout an ordeal that has been horrific on every possible human level. | And, although the scale of the allegations and in particular the sheer number of those accused is staggering, sadly, many aspects of the case are depressingly familiar to anyone who is involved with this type of offence in the UK, and probably most other places in the world. | There has been over the last few years a significant increase in the number of sexual offences that are reported in the UK and e…

Chris Walker (2024-12-19). President Elon? GOP Follows Billionaire Musk's Call to Block Debt Ceiling Bill. At the behest of billionaire Elon Musk and president-elect Donald Trump, Republicans scrapped a bipartisan agreement to keep the government funded for the next three months on Wednesday, just two days ahead of a deadline for avoiding a shutdown. Knowing he had to secure some votes from Democrats in the near-evenly split House of Representatives, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana)… |

Staff (2024-12-19). Headlines for December 19, 2024. Israeli's Attacks Continue Across Gaza Despite Talks of Nearing Ceasefire, Twin Palestinian Sisters Killed by Israeli Attack as They Attempted to Leave Gaza, Haaretz: Israeli Soldiers Arbitrarily Kill Palestinians, Then Declare Them Terrorists, Israel Bombs Yemen, Killing at Least 9, Senate Passes $895B Pentagon Bill, Includes Ban on Healthcare for Military Trans Family Members, Government Shutdown Looms After House Republicans Reject Compromise Spending Deal, GOP Introduces DOGE Act to Slash Billions from Social Programs, House Ethics Committee to Release Report on Matt Gaetz's Sex Trafficking and Dr…

aljazeera (2024-12-19). Facing government shutdown, Trump and Republican allies scuttle budget bill. Trump was one of several prominent Republicans in the incoming administration to denounce the bill on social media.

infobrics (2024-12-19). Georgia's roadmap for reconciliation with Russia and a sovereign future. In addition to economic cooperation, Tbilisi could reestablish direct ties with Moscow, which could lead to resolving regional security issues. This could help the country to deconflict with the two breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And while it may seem too farfetched now, it might even result in the restoration of full ties with them, particularly if Georgia gives Russia feasible security guarantees.

WSWS (2024-12-19). Democrats join Republicans in passing fascistic "Crucial Communism Teaching Act" The passage of the bill reflects immense fear within the US ruling class that large sections of the population will be looking for a revolutionary alternative to the unending war, inequality, austerity and fascism offered by the capitalist system.

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2024-12-19). "President" Musk gets his lapdog Trump to push for government shutdown. WASHINGTON—Apparently heeding his corporate "handler," multibillionaire Elon Musk, Republican President-elect Donald Trump torpedoed a spending agreement covering the federal government from now through March 14 unless congressional Democrats raised the U.S. debt ceiling. Musk and his lap dog Trump don't want to deal with the mess of raising the debt ceiling next year even though …

Mark Gruenberg (2024-12-19). La NEA se opone a la elección de McMahon como secretaria de Educación por parte de Trump. WASHINGTON — La Asociación Nacional de Educación, el sindicato más grande del país y con tres millones de miembros, se opone a la elección de Linda McMahon por parte del presidente electo republicano Donald Trump para dirigir el Departamento de Educación, una agencia que Trump y sus legiones quieren eliminar de todos modos. "Los estudiantes … (2024-12-19). 1 million-plus settlers flee after Yemeni missile strikes Tel Aviv metropolitan area: Media. More than one million illegal settlers reportedly flee after a Yemeni missile strikes the largest metropolitan area in the occupied Palestinian territories. (2024-12-19). Iran Stresses Israel's Exit from Lands Occupied in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi called on the international community to block the Zionist regime's attempts to annex the territories it has occupied, stressing that the Israeli forces must immediately withdraw from the soil of Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

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