Daily Archives: October 3, 2024

2024-10-03: News Headlines

____ (2024-10-03). Historic Handback: UK Returns Chagos Islands Sovereignty to Mauritius. devdiscourse.com In a historic move, the UK has agreed to return the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands, including the strategically significant Diego Garcia atoll, to Mauritius. This decision marks the end of over five decades of British control and is seen as a pivotal moment in the decolonisation process of Mauritius.

United World International (2024-10-03). The Left in Latin America: Trends and Perspectives (2nd and final part). uwidata.com By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein During the first 15 years of this century, Latin America and the Caribbean witnessed a series of democratic and popular processes that placed different versions of the left at the center of events. However, the leading role of Cuba and Venezuela and the overwhelming influence that commanders Fidel Castro and Hugo …

United World International (2024-10-03). The Left in Latin America: Trends and Perspectives (2nd and final part). unitedworldint.com 6 major currents and the need to redefine what's left. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein During the first 15 years of this century, Latin America and the Caribbean witnessed a series of democratic and popular processes that placed different versions of the left at the center of events. However, the leading role of Cuba and Venezuela …

Eduardo Garcia (2024-10-03). NicaNotes: They Are All Our Children: Memories from Nicaragua. afgj.org By Dorothy Granada (Dorothy Granada is a US-born peace activist and nurse who has lived and worked in Nicaragua for many years. She has been honored many times for her work with women and children by the Nicaraguan government, the Central American Parliament, and the North Caribbean Autonomous Region, among others. The hospital in Matiguas…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-10-03). Cuban children's company La Colmenita highly acclaimed in US capital. plenglish.com Washington, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban children's theater company La Colmenita gave another excellent performance, this time in the capital of the United States, the last stop of a tour that also included Tampa and New York.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Destacan atractivo de Cuba para empresas vitivinícolas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) Participantes en la 23 edición de la Fiesta Internacional del Vino del Hotel Nacional de Cuba destacaron hoy las potencialidades del mercado turístico de esta isla para firmas vitivinícolas.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Primera etapa de campaña de vacunación contra el neumococo a la población pediátrica. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) Más del 89 % de la población pediátrica cubana prevista para inmunizarse con la vacuna antineumocócica Pneumosil 10 valente, recibió la primera dosis, informó el director nacional de Epidemiología del Ministerio de Salud Pública, Francisco Durán.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-10-03). Cubans recall creation of the Communist Party's Central Committee. plenglish.com Havana, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Cubans recall the creation, 59 years ago, of the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), an event that consolidated the ideological and organizational unity, vanguard of the Revolution.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Trova cubana en Panamá de la mano de Adrián Berazain. radiohc.cu Ciudad de Panamá, 3 oct (RHC) Con la conferencia "Cuba, la historia cantada", los panameños se adentraron hoy en una peculiar narrativa que matizó con interpretaciones de piezas antológicas y propias el trovador de esa nación caribeña, Adrián Berazain.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Presidente de Cuba reitera denuncia de crímenes de Israel en Líbano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reiteró hoy la denuncia de los crímenes que comete Israel en el Líbano, y demandó acciones de la comunidad internacional para detener la agresión.

María Candela (2024-10-03). Una familia que apuesta por el barrio. radiohc.cu Cada año en Cuba se entrega el Premio del Barrio, importante reconocimiento otorgado por los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR) a colectivos destacados, cederistas y familias por su quehacer sobresaliente en los barrios y comunidades.

María Candela (2024-10-03). La amistad detrás de la moringa (+Foto y Audio). radiohc.cu El agricultor Omar González Santamaría de la provincia de Matanzas introdujo el cultivo de la moringa en Cuba. No obstante, el campesino jamás pudo imaginar que su investigación fuera el inicio de una profunda amistad con el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Rememoran en Cuba creación del Comité Central de Partido Comunista. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) Los cubanos rememoran hoy la creación hace 59 años del primer Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC), hecho que consolidó la unidad ideológica y organizativa de la agrupación de vanguardia de la Revolución.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Crece el rechazo en el mundo ante lista espuria de Estados Unidos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) Cuba no está sola en la batalla por su exclusión de la lista estadounidense de Estados patrocinadores del terrorismo, miles de voces repudian hoy una política que mantiene al pueblo cubano "bajo un castigo colectivo ilegal e inhumano".

Staff (2024-10-03). Tensión en Medio Oriente: Israel realiza nuevas incursiones militares en Beirut. cubadebate.cu Israel lanzó hoy una nueva serie de ataques aéreos en la capital del Líbano, Beirut, reportan medios locales, citados por varias agencias de prensa. Uno de los corresponsales de Al Mayadeen señaló que los bombardeos de Israel alcanzaron el edificio de la oficina del grupo chiita Hezbolá para las relaciones con los medios en el barrio de Moawad, en el sur de Beirut.

Staff (2024-10-03). El Che que nos inspira: Envíanos tu imagen sobre el Guerrillero Heroico. cubadebate.cu Desde La Tira de los Lectores te invitamos a que nos envíes fotos sobre cómo te inspira el Che en tu día a día. Las imágenes serán recibidas a través del correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com y publicadas el próximo domingo en nuestro sitio web y redes sociales.

Staff (2024-10-03). Crean en Cuba el primer buró sindical para nuevos actores económicos. cubadebate.cu El sector del comercio, la gastronomía y los servicios de La Habana, conformó el primer buró sindical del país para la atención directa a nuevos actores económicos, un paso importante en el quehacer del movimiento obrero y que responde a lo aprobado por el Secretariado Nacional de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba en noviembre del pasado año.

Staff (2024-10-03). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: EEUU a un mes de las elecciones. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Sobre la contienda electoral de EEUU, sus trasfondos y los elementos que hoy la dominan se hablará este jueves en la Mesa Redonda, con la participación de periodistas y académicos.

Staff (2024-10-03). Carta de Fidel desde el presidio: "Hay que tener dignidad; hay que saber hacerse respetar" (+ Facsímil). cubadebate.cu El 3 de octubre de 1954, Fidel Castro redactó un manifiesto dirigido a todos los miembros del Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio. Este documento fue refrendado por los combatientes del 26, quienes en ese momento cumplían sanciones en el Reclusorio Nacional para Hombres de Isla de Pinos.

Staff (2024-10-03). Exitosa presentación de La Comenita de Cuba en Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Una nueva actuación de excelencia tuvo la compañía de teatro infantil cubana La Colmenita, esta vez en la capital de Estados Unidos, último punto de la gira que llevó también al colectivo a Tampa y Nueva York. La de ayer fue una tarde noche de plena complicidad a ver la versión del director y fundador de la agrupación Carlos Alberto 'Tin' Cremeta del popular cuento La Cenicienta…

Staff (2024-10-03). Firman Héctor Béjar, Carlos María Alsina y Sonia Rivera Valdés carta de Ramonet a Biden. cubadebate.cu El abogado, sociólogo y escritor peruano Héctor Béjar, el dramaturgo y director teatral argentino Carlos María Alsina y la narradora cubana, radicada en los Estados Unidos, Sonia Rivera Valdés, todos ganadores del Premio Casa de las Américas, se unieron a los firmantes de la carta de Ramonet a Biden, en la que se exige retirar a Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Staff (2024-10-03). Realizan en Cuba importante inversión para el mantenimiento de locomotoras. cubadebate.cu En la mañana de hoy miércoles visitamos el Taller de Tracción José Ramírez Casamayor (Ciénaga) para intercambiar con quienes ejecutan la importante inversión que allí tiene lugar. Con la conclusión de este proyecto, como promedio, podremos garantizar anualmente reparaciones medias y generales a más de 40 locomotoras.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Felicitan a trabajadores agropecuarios por su día. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) El secretario general de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento congratuló a los afiliados del sector agropecuario por celebrar su día y laborar con nuevos bríos para cumplir las misiones agrícolas encomendadas.

Staff (2024-10-03). Respuesta a "Homenaje al Indio Naborí, desde la matemática y el conocimiento" cubadebate.cu Por delante mi agradecimiento al amigo Fidel Antonio Orta, hijo del Indio Naborí por su comentario. Buenas respuestas las de RARJ y de Jorgem; ambos ganadores en el Concurso Modo Verano. Y enhorabuena reapareció Orlando con sus décimas. Vamos por partes.

Staff (2024-10-03). Tormenta tropical Leslie no ofrece peligro para Cuba. cubadebate.cu Durante la noche de este miércoles, la depresión tropical Trece continuó ganando en organización e intensidad y se convirtió en la duodécima tormenta tropical de esta temporada: Leslie. Sus vientos máximos sostenidos se han incrementado hasta 55 kilómetros por hora, con rachas superiores. Su presión mínima central descendió hasta 1005 hectopascales.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Mejor guion original en Oscar 2024 llega a Cine Francés en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) En el contexto del Festival de Cine Francés en Cuba la sala Acapulco, de esta capital, proyectará hoy el filme ´Anatomía de una caída ª, de la directora francesa Justine Triet, y ganadora del Oscar como Mejor guion original.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Cuba y México, una profunda amistad. radiohc.cu La gran amistad entre los pueblos de Cuba y México se ha vuelto a poner en evidencia, durante el viaje a territorio mexicano del presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz Canel, para asistir a la asunción de Claudia Sheinbaum como presidenta del país latinoamericano.

Staff (2024-10-03). Unión Eléctrica pronostica déficit de 1264 MW para el horario pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación las 24 horas del día y se ha mantenido durante toda la madrugada de hoy. La máxima afectación por déficit de capacidad de generación en el horario pico fue de 1249 MW a las 20: 40 horas, coincidente con el horario pico. Para hoy se pronostica una afectación de 1264 MW en el pico nocturno.

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Díaz-Canel encabeza pleno del Partido en Las Tunas. radiohc.cu Las Tunas, 3 oct (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, PCC y presidente de la República Miguel Díaz-Canel, encabeza el Pleno extraordinario del comité provincial de esa organización política en Las Tunas.

María Candela (2024-10-03). Constituyen Consejo electoral del municipio Bayamo (+Foto y Audio). radiohc.cu Bayamo, 3 oct (RHC) Los integrantes del Consejo Electoral del municipio Bayamo en la provincia cubana de Granma, tomaron posesión de sus cargos ante la autoridad electoral provincial en ceremonia efectuada este miércoles en el Museo Casa Natal de Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Premian a notables autores y editores en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) El Instituto Cubano del Libro (ICL) y el Centro Cultural Dulce María Loynaz reconocieron a notables autores y editores en Cuba con los Premios de la Crítica Literaria y la Crítica Científico Técnica 2023.

Staff (2024-10-03). El tiempo este 3 de octubre: Tarde cálida y algunas lluvias en zonas del interior. cubadebate.cu Estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del país, con nublados ocasionales y aislados chubascos en la costa norte central, así como en Isla de la Juventud. En la tarde se nublará con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas hacia zonas del interior, más aisladas en el resto.

Staff (2024-10-03). Entrará en vigor la Ley de Comunicación Social: øCómo se implementará? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El próximo 4 de octubre entrará en vigor la Ley de Comunicación Social, aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Sobre cómo se implementará y sus disposiciones complementarias dialogaron hoy en la Mesa Redonda directivos del Instituto de Información y Comunicación Social (ICS).

Staff (2024-10-03). Qué trae la prensa cubana, jueves 3 de octubre de 2024. cubadebate.cu

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Dominican Republic says will expel up to 10,000 Haitian migrants a week. aljazeera.com Haiti is reeling from gang violence, hunger and instability, prompting the UN to warn against sending people back.

Germán Gorraiz López (2024-10-03). Towards A New Oil Crisis? globalresearch.ca The US is looking to start a new regional war in the Middle East with the dual objective of drying up China's energy sources and subsequently, designing the cartography of the new Greater East. Such an escalation of war could …

tvbrics (2024-10-03). South Africa to modernise payment systems for greater accessibility and security. tvbrics.com South African bank launches major payment system upgrades to accelerate the transition towards digital payments…

imperial.ac.uk (2024-10-03). True global impact of human-driven bird extinctions far greater than expected. imperial.ac.uk The ongoing loss of bird species is likely to have severe knock-on effects as their unique roles in ecosystems are not fulfilled, shows a new study.

Travis Ross, Black Agenda Report. (2024-10-03). Imperialist Feminism: Canada Funds Haitian Human Rights Groups. popularresistance.org The Canadian government funds several non-governmental organizations (NGO) in Haiti under the banner of promoting human rights. A significant portion of this funding is devoted to feminist and women's advocacy groups in Haiti. Often in coordination with the United-Nations and private foundations, the Canadian government directly implicates itself in the governance of these NGOs. Other Canadian-funded programs in Haiti include leadership programs that provide training to individuals to participate in developing reforms related to governance. Key leaders in Haiti's feminist movement are also long-time recipients of…

Andrew Korybko (2024-10-03). China, Iran, Pakistan and Russia Statement Sharply Critical of the Taliban Regime. The Hosting of ISIS Terrorist Groups in Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca All four agree that it isn't doing enough to fight international terrorist groups inside Afghanistan. | The Chinese, Iranian, Pakistani, and Russian Foreign Ministers gathered for their third quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan on the sidelines of the UNGA last week. The …

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Protesters in Tel Aviv demand release of Gaza hostages. presstv.ir Families of Israeli captives in Gaza staged a new protest in Tel Aviv, urging a deal with Palestinian resistance groups.

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Iran will continue to support resistance until Palestine's liberation: Pezeshkian. presstv.ir The Iranian president says Tehran will continue to support the strong tree of resistance groups until Palestine is liberated.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Mexican soldiers kill six after opening fire on truck carrying migrants. aljazeera.com Rights groups warn that migrants and asylum seekers journeying north through Mexico often experience violence.

Staff (2024-10-03). The EU is under pressure over fossil fuel subsidies — with a mass protest planned. thecanary.co More than 30 leading climate crisis and social justice groups under the United for Climate Justice (UCJ) coalition have issued an urgent open letter to EU leaders, calling for an end to fossil fuel subsidies by 2025. Stop fossil fuel subsidies, NOW The letter, addressed to the Presidents of the European Commission, Council, and Parliament, and …

aljazeera (2024-10-03). UK agrees to give sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius. aljazeera.com The deal includes the tropical atoll of Diego Garcia, which is used by the United States as a military base.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Two killed as 'weird' Typhoon Krathon crashes into southwestern Taiwan. aljazeera.com As storm batters island, soldiers in south mobilised to help battle electrical fire in hospital that killed nine.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). South America gets 'ring of fire' solar eclipse. aljazeera.com An annular solar eclipse known as the "ring of fire" was seen across parts of South America and Pacific islands.

Eve Andrews (2024-10-03). Is climate anxiety a pressing problem, or a luxury? grist.org This story is part of the Grist arts and culture series In May 2014, Kate Schapira carted a little table with a hand-painted sign out to a park near her home in Providence, Rhode Island, and started listening to strangers' problems. The sign read "Climate Anxiety Counseling Booth," referencing an emotion that was rel…

____ (2024-10-03). Taiwan Braces for Impact: Weakened Typhoon Krathon Approaches. devdiscourse.com Taiwan is preparing for the arrival of Typhoon Krathon, which, despite weakening, has resulted in two fatalities. As a precaution, the island has shut down for a second consecutive day, grounding flights and closing financial markets. The typhoon is expected to make landfall around midday near Kaohsiung as a weaker category 2 storm. Authorities have issued warnings for torrential rain and potential storm surges along the coast.

UMMID (2024-10-03). Infants who receive only breast milk after birth at lesser asthma risk. ummid.com New born babies who are exclusively fed breast milk during their hospitalisation at birth are less likely to develop asthma in early childhood, researchers said.

hindustantimes (2024-10-03). Biden's Big Snub To Netanyahu? U.S. Opposes Potential Israeli Strikes On Iran's Nuclear Sites. hindustantimes.com US President Joe Biden said that he does not support Israel's retaliatory strike on Iran's nuclear program to avenge the October 1 missile and drone attack. Biden said "no" while responding to reporters' questions amid mounting chorus in Israel to attack Iran's nuclear sites or oil facilities. He, however, said that he will be "discussing with the Israelis what they're going to do, but all seven of us (the G7 nations) agree that they have a right to respond, but they should respond proportionally."

Staff (2024-10-03). Understanding Iran's overdue retaliation, w/Dr. Foad Izadi. youtube.com The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal interviews Dr. Foad Izadi, a professor of American Studies at the University of Tehran, on Iran's retaliation against Israel for its assassinations of key allies including Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, and addresses widespread criticism that the response came too late. Izadi charts the next step in …

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2024-10-03). Biden's Israel Policy Has Led Us to the Brink of War on Iran. counterpunch.org On October 1, Iran fired about 180 missiles at Israel in response to Israel's recent assassinations of leaders of its Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), Hezbollah and Hamas. There are conflicting reports about how many of the missiles struck their targets and if there were any deaths. But Israel is now considering a counterattack that could propel it into an all-out

UMMID (2024-10-03). Israel bans UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. ummid.com In another move insulting to the United Nations, the far right and extremist Zionist Regime of Israel banned the entry of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calling him 'persona non grata'.

As'Ad AbuKhalil, Consortium News. (2024-10-03). The Middle East After Nasrallah. popularresistance.org There is no doubt that leaders do matter in the life of nations and movements, no matter how much one must acknowledge the role played by the masses of ordinary, working people. | The death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1970 changed the political landscape in the region forever and helped launch what is commonly dubbed the "Saudi era" (i.e., the domination of Saudi Arabia over the affairs of the Arab world). | Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah's impact on the Arab-Israeli question has been, perhaps, bigger than Nasser's because he has been more effective — from the standpoint of the Arab strug…

IMEMC News (2024-10-03). WAFA: "UNSC Members Renews Support To UN Secretary-General Guterres" imemc.org NEW YORK, October 2, 2024 (WAFA) — Members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Wednesday renewed their support to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres after Israel declared him "persona non grata," as reported by Anadolu Agency (AA). Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia described Israel's decision concerning Guterres as "unheard of, and is a slap, not just …

infobrics (2024-10-03). Russia's BRICS Chairmanship Set Stage for Memorable, Impactful Summit in Kazan. infobrics.org With its packed agenda and new initiatives, Russia's BRICS Chairmanship has set the stage for a memorable and impactful summit in Kazan. The event promises to strengthen ties among BRICS nations and drive cooperation in various areas, shaping the future of global collaboration…

United World International (2024-10-03). President Erdoƒüan at the United Nations; President of Parliament, Kurtulmu≈ü in Moscow; "Israel is preparing to attack Türkiye" uwidata.com Türkiye's agenda last week was tied to global developments. | President Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan's speech at the United Nations, President of Parliament Numan Kurtulmu≈ü's visit to Russia and Presidential Advisor Yiƒüit Bulut's statements regarding Israel were the key topics. | President Erdoƒüan at the United Nations: | President Erdoƒüan visited New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. In addition to delivering a speech at the General Assembly, Erdoƒüan met with numerous leaders. | During his address to the General Assembly…

tvbrics (2024-10-03). Colombia to join China's Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen bilateral ties. tvbrics.com The next year will mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations‚Å…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-10-03). Colombia to join China's Belt and Road initiative. plenglish.com Bogotá, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Colombia will join China's Belt and Road initiative to strengthen the political and commercial ties that already unite both nations, said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Rojas.

newarab (2024-10-03). Fresh Israeli strikes on Beirut as nations ramp-up evacuations. newarab.com A Lebanese soldier was killed and four Red Cross volunteers were wounded in a rescue operation after they were targeted by The latest attack comes after an Israeli strike on an apartment in central Beirut late on Wednesday killed seven civil defence rescue workers in a rare attack in the heart of the Lebanese capital without prior warning. | "A soldier was killed and another was wounded as a resul…

David Swanson (2024-10-03). How to Get Aid to Victims of a Genocide. worldbeyondwar.org By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, October 3, 2024 | Remarks to Global Peace Summit's Round Table Conference, October 3, 2024 | One obvious step would be for the U.S. government to restore funding of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). For five reasons. | It's pocket change compared to what the U.S. is spending on militarism — not trillions or hundreds of billions but merely $100 million or so — (Note that the U.S. military spent over $200 million on a public…

Human Rights Watch (2024-10-03). UN: Reject Saudi Bid for Human Rights Council Seat. hrw.org Click to expand Image | UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, February 26, 2024. | © 2024 Janine Schmitz/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images | (New York) — United Nations member countries should reject Saudi Arabia's bid for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council because of the government's widespread human rights violations, including possible crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said.On October 9, 2024, the UN General Assembly will select 18 new members for three-year terms on the Human Rights Council beginning in January 2025. In that vote, which is nearly devoid of competition, country delegation…

United World International (2024-10-03). President Erdoƒüan at the United Nations; President of Parliament, Kurtulmu≈ü in Moscow; "Israel is preparing to attack Türkiye" unitedworldint.com

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-10-03). Cambodia: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-10-03). Thailand: Report on torture and ill-treatment submitted to UN body. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) submitted a shadow report to the United Nations (UN) Committee Against Torture (CAT), ahead of its review of Thailand's second periodic report under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The review of Thailand's report will take place on 5 and 6 November 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.
30 September 2024. The joint FIDH-UCL shadow report details the Thai authorities' failure to comply (…) | – |

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-10-03). Vietnam: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org On 27 September 2024, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) delivered a statement at the 57th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council during the Interactive Dialogue for the adoption of Vietnam's Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The statement expressed criticism of the Vietnamese government's behavior during the current UPR and urged UN member states to press the Vietnamese government to release all political prisoners and initiate legal, institutional, and (…) | – |

____ (2024-10-03). China Urges UN Action to Halt Escalating Middle East Conflict. devdiscourse.com China is urging the United Nations Security Council to swiftly intervene in the Middle East as tensions have escalated following Israel's recent air strikes in Lebanon.

Mark Eric Owor (2024-10-03). UBA's Tony Elumelu uses UNGA 79 to urge global leaders to invest in Africa's future. independent.co.ug Tony Elumelu at #NGA79: Driving Financial Inclusion, Tackling Global Hunger, Unemployment New York, the United States | THE INDEPENDENT | Tony Elumelu, Group Chairman of United Bank for Africa (UBA) and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, used his platform at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York this September to urge …

hindustantimes (2024-10-03). New Iran Strategy? Khamenei Skips 'Israel' Mention In First Address After Missile Attack, Blames… hindustantimes.com Iranian supreme leader made his first public address after massive missile attack on Israel. In a warning to Israel, Khamenei said that Iran is hopeful of 'getting rid of enemies' evil'. However, Khamenei made no mention of the missile attack the night before. The Iranian leader also slammed presence of American and EU nations in Mideast, as per IRNA. Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-10-03). Putin Aide's Big Attack On Israel; Says Netanyahu's Real Motive Behind Mid-East Belligerence Is… hindustantimes.com The Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, has made headlines with a pointed attack on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Nebenzya claims that Netanyahu's recent actions in the Middle East are motivated by ulterior motives, particularly in light of escalating tensions following Iran's missile strikes on Israel. Watch the full speech for details.

hindustantimes (2024-10-03). Putin's Bold Support To Tehran After Missile Strike On Israel: 'West Thinks Iranian Attack Started…'. hindustantimes.com In a recent statement during an UN media stakeout, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia emphasised Iran's remarkable restraint over the past two months amidst escalating tensions with Israel. He noted that Iran's missile attack on Israel did not occur in a vacuum, highlighting the complex backdrop of regional conflicts and provocations. This attack is seen as a direct response to the recent killings of key Iranian and Hezbollah leaders, which have intensified hostilities between the nations. Watch the video for details. Watch the video for details.

Democracy Now! (2024-10-03). Will Republicans Ensure Voting Rights in Helene-Devastated Battleground State of North Carolina? democracynow.org We look at how Hurricane Helene is impacting election preparation in Republican-leaning hard-hit areas of the battleground state of North Carolina, where some roads are impassable and mail service is suspended. | We look at how Hurricane Helene is impacting election preparation in Republican-leaning hard-hit areas of the battleground state of North Carolina, where some roads are impassable and mail service is suspended.

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-10-03). EcoWaste Coalition to PBBM: Waste-to-Energy Is Not the Answer to Flooding. pressenza.com A critical factor exacerbating waste and flooding issues is the continued production and use of single-use plastics. These materials dominate waste streams, clogging drainage systems and waterways, leading to severe flooding in urban areas. Rather than relying on WtE, we must shift towards reducing plastic production, promoting reuse, and phasing out single-use plastics. | At the heart of addressing this issue is ecological waste management, as envisioned in Republic Act 9003. The law mandates the segregation, collection, and disposal of waste through environmentally sound methods such as recycling, composting, a…

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Iran summons German, Austrian envoys over pro-Israeli antics. presstv.ir Iran's Foreign Ministry has separately summoned the German and Austrian ambassadors after their respective governments rebuked the Islamic Republic's retaliatory missile attack on the Zionist regime.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Boat capsizes in Democratic Republic of Congo. aljazeera.com Video shows the moment a boat carrying scores of passengers capsized on Lake Kivu in eastern Congo.

Eric Toussaint (2024-10-03). The Latin American Left amid China, the United States, late progressivism and the far Right. cadtm.org

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Yemen strikes 'vital target' in Tel Aviv with Yaffa drones. presstv.ir Yemen's Armed Forces have targeted with several drones a "vital target" in the center of the Israeli-occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Hezbollah rocket attack triggers power cut in northern Israeli occupied territories. presstv.ir A barrage of rockets launched by Hezbollah has caused a power outage in the northern Israeli occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Israel declares UN chief 'persona non grata' over Iran reaction. presstv.ir Israel has prevented the UN chief from entering the Israeli-occupied territories for not condemning Iran's missile attack.

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Iraqi fighters use new advanced drone to hit vital Israeli target. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has used an advanced kamikaze drone for the first time to strike a vital Israeli target in the southern part of the Israeli-occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-10-03). Tel Aviv on fire after being hit by kamikaze drone barrage. presstv.ir A barrage of kamikaze drones targets Tel Aviv in the occupied Palestinian territories, setting off sirens across the coastal city and causing a large fire.

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