Monthly Archives: September 2024

2024-09-21: News Headlines

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Devuelven a 19 migrantes irregulares desde Bahamas. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) Las autoridades de Bahamas devolvieron por su línea aérea este viernes a 19 personas (16 hombres y tres mujeres), la mayoría de las provincias de Villa Clara y Ciego de àÅvila, que habían salido ilegalmente del país por vía marítima e interceptados con posterioridad.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-09-21). Confirman realización de Copa del Caribe de béisbol en Bahamas. La Habana, 21 sep (ACN) La sexta edición de la Copa del Caribe se realizará en Bahamas del 23 al 28 de octubre venideros, informaron en conferencia de prensa miembros del comité organizador y de la Asociación de Béisbol de Bahamas (BBA).

newarab (2024-09-21). Hezbollah 'financier' pleads guilty to evading US sanctions. A former Lebanese diplomat accused of being a financier for Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi, 60, who holds Lebanese, British and Belgian citizenship, pleaded guilty in a federal court in New York to conspiracy to conduct unlawful transactions with an international terrorist…

Staff (2024-09-21). Israel Lobbied Britain to Change Law on War Crimes Arrests. General Almog | Source: Wikimedia Commons By John McEvoy / Declassified UK When retired Israeli general Doron Almog boarded his flight from Tel Aviv on 11 September 2005, he expected to soon step foot on British soil. Minutes after landing at Heathrow airport, however, an Israeli embassy official boarded the plane and warned Almog to …

newarab (2024-09-21). Egypt: Alaa Abdel Fattah's family anxious as release date nears. The family of detained British- According to Abdel Fattah's UK-based family, the political prisoner is set to be released on 29 September, having nearly completed five years behind bars in Egypt, which is the length of his sentence. | However, his family fears that – as with previous announcements and rumours of his release – Abdel-Fattah will not be freed.

Rania Khalek (2024-09-21). 'The Biggest Gangster in Haiti Is the US Government' w/ Dr. Jemima Pierre. Has the latest UN military occupation of Haiti improved the country's security? | Dr. Jemima Pierre says the answer is a clear "no." She joins hosts Eugene and Rania to discuss the deployment of Kenyan police to Haiti under a US-backed mission to supposedly "restore security." Pierre reveals how the US is working to turn the mission into a "full occupation force," under UN auspices, aiming to further undermine Haiti's sovereignty and exploit its resources. | Dr. Jemima Pierre is the Professor of Global Race in the Institute of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia…

MEE staff (2024-09-21). Pro-Palestine legal centre urges BBC to drop Robbie Gibb over Jewish Chronicle scandal. Pro-Palestine legal centre urges BBC to drop Robbie Gibb over Jewish Chronicle scandal | Advocacy group says Gibb's continued role as board member 'poses reputational damages' to the British broadcaster | | The headquarters of the British Broadcasting Corporation pictured in London on 11 March…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-09-21). Hemingway's tourist spots in Cuba. Havana (Prensa Latina) Caught by the spell of his literary excellence, many travelers seek out the places that the American writer Ernest Hemingway chose in Cuba to rest or where his mark is still present.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-09-21). Parliamentarians call for Cuba's removal from terrorist US list. Havana, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) Nearly 600 parliamentarians from 73 countries called on the U.S. Government to remove Cuba from the State Department's list of alleged States Sponsoring Terrorism (SST).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Divulga diario de Sri Lanka carta de parlamentarios a favor de Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El diario Sri Lankan Guardian divulga hoy la carta para el presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, de casi 600 parlamentarios internacionales en demanda de eliminar a Cuba de la lista de Estados presuntos patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Participa Canciller en Encuentro de Cubanos Residentes en EE.UU. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) Con la presencia de Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, sesiona hoy el V Encuentro de Cubanos Residentes en los Estados Unidos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Resaltan trascendencia de asambleas populares en Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba, Esteban Lazo, resaltó la trascendencia de la rendición de cuenta de los delegados de ese órgano a sus electores, en curso hoy en todo el país.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-09-21). Fondista olímpica Belmonte regresa al atletismo con la ilusión de volver a grandes eventos. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC).- La fondista olímpica Dailín Belmonte regresó al atletismo cubano con la meta de volver a grandes eventos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Presentarán novela Los conjurados en espacio literario en Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El tradicional espacio Sábado del Libro, celebrado en la Calle de Madera del Centro Histórico habanero, acogerá hoy la presentación de la novela Los conjurados, del escritor Alberto Guerra.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Concluye exitosamente la primera etapa del ensayo clínico Baconao II. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) La primera etapa del ensayo clínico Baconao —cuya segunda fase concluyó recientemente en el Hospital Provincial Saturnino Lora, de Santiago de Cuba— resultó exitosa…

Staff (2024-09-21). Del proceso de rendición de cuentas, los bombardeos en Beirut y la Muestra de Cine Ruso en Cuba hablamos en Las 3 del día (+ Podcast). Es viernes y nos volvemos a encontrar en Las 3 del día, un podcast de Cubadebate con el resumen de lo que ha sido noticia en nuestra web durante la semana que concluye. Yo soy Yunier Sarmientos y le invito a que se quede escuchando hasta el final. °Ya comenzamos!

Staff (2024-09-21). Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla participó en V Encuentro de Cubanos Residentes en Estados Unidos. El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, participó en la mañana de hoy en el V Encuentro de Cubanos residentes en Estados Unidos. El Canciller cubano agradeció la labor de un amplio grupo de connacionales en Estados Unidos que mantienen su accionar público en apoyo a la eliminación del bloqueo.

Staff (2024-09-21). Putin destaca contribución de Sociedad Rusa de Amistad con Cuba. El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, felicitó este sábado a los dirigentes y miembros de la Sociedad Rusa de la Amistad con Cuba por el 60 aniversario de su fundación, destacó el servicio de prensa del Kremlin. En el texto de felicitación, Putin significó que esta sociedad contribuye significativamente al desarrollo de la cooperación constructiva ruso-cubana.

Staff (2024-09-21). Participan jóvenes cubanos en Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes de América Latina, el Caribe y China. Escritores, periodistas y dirigentes cubanos participan en el Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes de América Latina, el Caribe y China "Puente al Futuro" que tiene lugar en el gigante asiático. En la cita, se fortalecen las relaciones e intercambios culturales, a través de debates y visitas a sitios de interés histórico y cultural.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Ambiente de solidaridad en carrera por la Paz desde el barrio. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) Con un ambiente de solidaridad y alegría se celebró hoy en Cuba la carrera por la paz desde el barrio, en saludo al aniversario 64 de la fundación de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR), en lo que fue una ocasión propicia para hacer un llamado en contra de la guerra.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Líder vietnamita emprende gira que culminará con visita de Estado a Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El presidente de Vietnam, To Lam, emprendió una gira como parte de la cual participará en la Cumbre del Futuro de las Naciones Unidas y que culminará con una visita de Estado a Cuba.

Staff (2024-09-21). Harris acepta invitación para un nuevo debate con Trump. La vicepresidenta Kamala Harris aceptó este sábado una invitación de CNN para debatir con el expresidente Donald Trump el 23 de octubre, desafiando a su rival a otra evento en un escenario público para las últimas semanas de la campaña. La confrontación sería similar al primer debate presidencial de 2024.

Staff (2024-09-21). Conozca al árbitro cubano en el mundial de fútbol sala. Reinier Fiss Solís se convirtió en el cuarto árbitro cubano en actuar en un mundial de futsal cuando fue seleccionado a la edición de Uzbekistán 2024. Con una trayectoria meritoria por eventos internacionales a pesar de su juventud, se ganó la nominación a la más alta competencia de la disciplina como uno de los mejores referees de Concacaf.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Destaca Vladimir Putin contribución de Sociedad Rusa de Amistad con Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, felicitó hoy a los dirigentes y miembros de la Sociedad Rusa de la Amistad con Cuba por el 60 aniversario de su fundación, destacó el servicio de prensa del Kremlin.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Cancilleres de Cuba e Irán dialogan previo a Asamblea General de la ONU. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El canciller de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, dialogó hoy con su homólogo iraní, Seyed Abbas Araghchi, en vísperas del inicio de la 79 Asamblea General de la ONU.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Califica Canciller cubano al bloqueo como política motivada para hacer daño. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El canciller de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, calificó hoy el bloqueo contra su país como una política motivada para hacer daño, al denunciar su impacto en una reunión con connacionales residentes en Estados Unidos.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-09-21). Apoya Cuba la Asociación de Beisbol de las Américas. La Habana, 21 sep (JIT) – La Federación Cubana de Beisbol-Softbol (FCBS) mostró su pleno apoyo a la creación en Panamá, de la Asociación de Beisbol de las Américas (ABAM).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Buena Fe le canta a la danza, a la vida y a Cuba. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) El dúo cubano Buena Fe desborda hermosura para cantarle a la danza, a la vida y a Cuba, desde un audiovisual donde palpita tan majestuoso arte, Quién olvidó, disponible hoy en su canal de YouTube.

Staff (2024-09-21). "Los jóvenes de todo el mundo debemos proponernos un futuro mejor a nivel global" Palabras en el Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes de América Latina, el Caribe y China en la ciudad de Dunhuang, provincia de Gansu. "Puente al futuro" es en verdad un puente de esperanza, una plataforma para conocernos, intercambiar, soñar y también para ser mejores ciudadanos del mundo.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-09-21). Voleibol cubano cae inesperadamente ante el de Perú en Copa sub 23. La Habana, 21 sep (ACN) El equipo masculino de Cuba sufrió una inesperada derrota ante el de Perú en 5 sets, en las semifinales de la Copa Panamericana sub 23 de voleibol, con sede en Paramaribo, Surinam.

Staff (2024-09-21). Concluye primer Simposio de Deporte, Medio Ambiente y Sociedad. El primer Simposio de Deporte, Medio Ambiente y Sociedad en un entorno de inclusión social concluyó este sábado en Varadero, Matanzas, tras intensas jornadas de intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos sobre la actualidad deportiva cubana. Asistieron a la clausura diversos directivos del Inder y otras instituciones.

Staff (2024-09-21). Vigilvent: Novedoso tomógrafo de impedancia eléctrica desarrollado en Cuba. Un novedoso Tomógrafo de Impedancia Eléctrica es desarrollado en Cuba con el objetivo de vigilar la función respiratoria de pacientes en unidades de cuidados intensivos y salones de operaciones, según trascendió este sábado mediante un reporte de prensa. Con el Vigilvent, Cuba implementaría, por primera vez, la Tomografía de Impedancia Eléctrica (TIE).

Staff (2024-09-21). Avanza plan de adaptación para la zona costera de La Habana. El Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía informó sobre la existencia de avances en la formulación del plan de adaptación para la zona costera de La Habana, conocido por las siglas de AdaptHabana. Un paso en esa dirección lo constituyó la organización de un taller en torno a la visión integradora de la reducción del riesgo de desastre.

Staff (2024-09-21). Cosmonautas rusos superan récord de permanencia en estación espacial. Kononenko se convirtió en el primer cosmonauta en permanecer 1 000 días en la ISS. Los cosmonautas rusos Oleg Kononenko y Nikolái Chub han superado el récord de permanencia en la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS), posterior a 374 días de vuelo, informó la corporación espacial rusa Roscosmos.

Staff (2024-09-21). Rogelio García, ciclón de ponches. Rogelio García Alonso no era el estudiante más destacado en las escuelas primaria y secundaria del poblado de Ovas, en Pinar del Río. Pero 20 años más tarde se convirtió en Hijo Ilustre del lugar y de la provincia. En lugar de Español, Matemáticas, Biología o Química él prefirió siempre la Educación Física, en especial jugar pelota.

Staff (2024-09-21). Conmebol anuncia calendario de partidos para próximas fechas de eliminatorias mundialistas. La Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Conmebol), con sede en la ciudad paraguaya de Luque, dio a conocer hoy el calendario oficial de partidos de las fechas 9 y 10 de las Eliminatorias Sudamericanas para la Copa del Mundo 2026 de la FIFA. Ambas jornadas se disputarán íntegramente en el mes de octubre próximo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-21). Cuba desarrolla novedoso tomógrafo de impedancia eléctrica. La Habana, 21 sep (RHC) Cuba incursiona en la tecnología médica con el desarrollo de un Tomógrafo de Impedancia Eléctrica para vigilar la función respiratoria de pacientes en unidades de cuidados intensivos y salones de operaciones, se divulgó hoy.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-09-21). Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-09-21). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

Israel Shahak (2024-09-21). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East… (2024-09-21). Protesters in Tel Aviv demand release of Gaza hostages. Families of Israeli captives in Gaza staged a new protest in Tel Aviv, urging a deal with Palestinian resistance groups. (2024-09-21). Sept. 19: 'Axis of Resistance' operations against Israeli occupation. Amid the Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestinian and regional resistance groups continued their operations against the regime on Thursday, September 19.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-21). Azerbaijan: Unprecendent repression since January 2024. In a joint letter, human rights groups, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, alert the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Alain Berset, to the escalation of repression in Azerbaijan since January 2024.
| 240918 CoE SG Alain Berset by Obs defenders | – |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-09-21). To combat heart disease and cancer, genomics researcher looks abroad. Mayo Clinic cardiologist Iftikhar Kullo, M.D., believes that global collaboration is needed to refine polygenic risk scores so they perform equitably across people from diverse groups. Genetic technology has the potential to significantly improve human health by improving disease risk prediction and guiding prevention strategies. The development of a new genetic test called a polygenic risk score is a major advance. Still, it may widen health disparities because such scores may not work equally well…

UMMID (2024-09-21). NGOisation of Public Causes Harming Efforts to Address Pressing Issues. For civil society groups, it is the need of the hour to recognize the limitations of the NGO model and focus more on the formation of solidarities around structural and systemic issues for attempting meaningful and sustainable change.

UMMID (2024-09-21). American Muslims urged to vote for pro-Palestine candidates. A coalition of Muslim-American groups has urged Muslims to come out in a large number to vote in the November 2024 Presidential Elections and vote for pro-Palestine candidates.

aljazeera (2024-09-21). Kenya's Ruto lands in Haiti to assess police mission as insecurity deepens. Kenya-led police mission to Haiti's mandate expires next month as country continues to reel from widespread violence.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-09-21). Dr. Jemima Pierre: 'The Biggest Gangster in Haiti is the US Government'. BreakThrough News Has the latest UN military occupation of Haiti improved the country's security? Dr. Jemima Pierre says the answer is a clear "no." She joins hosts Eugene and Rania to discuss the deployment of Kenyan police to Haiti under a US-backed mission to supposedly "restore security." Pierre reveals how the US is working to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-09-21). Eating Pets or Devouring Sovereignty? Notes on Anti-Haitian Racism. Jemima Pierre Haitian refugees in the McCalla hangar in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on Dec. 5, 1991. Photo: AP/Chris O'Meara It is not only JD Vance and Trump and their Republican friends who have been racist towards Haiti and the Haitian people. It is all the other people who — either by their silence or…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-09-21). Haiti: Exclusive Interview with Jimmy Chérizier. Who is Jimmy Chérizier, aka 'Barbecue,' the Haitian gang leader? Pan Africanist Emergencies spokesperson Maud-Salomé Ekila spoke with the former police officer on behalf of African Stream to gain a detailed understanding of the man. Ekila sat down with Chérizier, whom some regard as Haiti's most powerful gang leader, in an exclusive interview to ask…

newarab (2024-09-21). Taiwan questions two in probe into pagers detonated by Israel. Two people from Taiwanese companies were questioned as part of a probe into pagers that were detonated by Israel Lebanon, investigators said Friday, as top officials insisted the devices were not from the island. | Questions and speculation have swirled over where the devices came from and how they were supplied to the militant group after hundreds of pagers and walkie-talkies detonated across Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday, killing at least 37 people and wounding nearly 3,000. | The New York Times reported this week that Israel had inserted explosive material into a shipment of pagers from Taiwan's Gold Apo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-09-21). Mayo Clinic to expand access to state-of-the-art cancer care through transformational gift. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic will enhance and expand access to cancer care and clinical trials for patients and communities, thanks to a generous philanthropic commitment from Stephen M. and Barbara J. Slaggie of Marco Island, Florida, and Winona, Minnesota. The Slaggies' $50 million investment accelerates Mayo Clinic's Bold. Forward. strategy to Cure, Connect and Transform healthcare by supporting Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in revolutionizing the delivery of cancer care. Mayo Clinic is leading…

Guest Blogger (2024-09-21). Tech Giant Secures Deal To Bring Back Reactor At Infamous Nuclear Power Plant. The agreement would bring back Unit 1 at Three Mile Island, which was shuttered in 2019 for "economic reasons," according to Constellation's statement. Unit 1 is adjacent to the Unit 2 reactor that caused the worst nuclear meltdown in U.S. history on March 28, 1979, which results in 40% of people evacuating the area. (2024-09-21).   An Attack On The Whole Of HumanityThe insertion of explosives in thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies is one of the most evil acts ever perpetrated by a state in the history of nations. So the pervasiveness of the evil pertains not just to the Lebanese, much less demonized Hezbollah, but to the whole of humanity. ⚪ As reported, Dr. Elias Warrak, an ophthalmologist at Mount Lebanon University hospital, stated that in 25 years of practice, he had "never removed as many eyes" as he had been obliged to do on Tuesday.

Ben Norton (2024-09-21). World Demands End to Israel's Illegal Occupation of Palestine, in Landslide UN Vote. By Ben Norton — Sep 19, 2024 | The vast majority of the world voted at the UN General Assembly to demand an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory within 12 months, with 124 countries (64%) in favor, 14 (7%) against, and 43 (22%) abstentions. | The world voted overwhelmingly at the United Nations to demand an end to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and a withdrawal of all troops and settlers within 12 months. | The

Brett Wilkins (2024-09-21). Israeli Minister of Education Suggests Lebanon Will Be "Annihilated" As Israel followed up its remote bombings of communications devices in Lebanon with airstrikes on Beirut, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency session Friday during which officials urgently called for an immediate cease-fire and warned that the Middle East is on "the brink of catastrophe." "We risk seeing a conflagration that could dwarf even the devastation and suffering… | (2024-09-21). UN Envoy Asserts Iran's Right to Respond to Israel for Injuring Beirut Ambassador. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said Tehran reserves the right under the international law to take all necessary measures to respond to the Zionist regime for the explosions of pagers in Beirut that injured the Iranian envoy in Lebanon.

Scott Ritter (2024-09-21). Why Israel Could Face DEVASTATING Defeat if War with Hezbollah Breaks Out! Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. | From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector for the United Nations in Iraq, leading the search for Iraq's proscribed weapons of mass destruction. | Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war with Iraq. His new book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union, is his…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-09-21). UN calls for support to ceasefire in DRC. Kinshasa, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) The head of the United Nations Department of Peace Operations, Jean Pierre Lacroix called Saturday on all those involved to support the implementation of the ceasefire in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

hindustantimes (2024-09-21). Full Speech: Iran & Syria Openly Warn Israel At UNSC Meeting On Lebanon Pager Blasts, Deaths. During a recent UN Security Council meeting on Pager blast attack in Lebanon, Iran and Syria delivered stark warnings to Israel regarding the attack. Both nations condemned Israel's actions and called for accountability, emphasising the need for regional stability. Watch the full video for details.

UMMID (2024-09-21). Walkie-Talkie explosions rock Lebanon a day after Pager blasts. A day after simultaneous Pager blasts, Lebanon Wednesday (September 18, 2024) has been rocked by a series of explosions caused by detonations of Walkie-Talkies.

scorinoco (2024-09-21). President Maduro Informs UN Secretary-General About Mercenaries Contracted to Invade Venezuela. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro had a telephone conversation with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, where he informed the UN chief about the aggressions and destabilization attempts against Venezuela through the hiring of mercenaries to invade the country and carry out assassinations. | President Maduro also alerted Guterres about the promotion and collection of funds on social media by mercenaries, encouraging people to donate towards attacks against Venezuela. | The UN secretary-general expressed that "the United Nations organization has expressed its opposition to the application of the po…

scorinoco (2024-09-21). Venezuela Condemns UN Fact-Finding Mission's Human Rights Report. Venezuela categorically condemned a report presented before the United Nations Human Rights Council by the UN Fact-Finding Mission linked to the Lima Group, which intends to distort the human rights situation in the country and President Nicolás Maduro's government's human rights record. | The Venezuelan government issued a statement in this regard on Thursday, September 19, stressing that the Fact-Finding Mission is trying to turn the victims of the Venezuelan far-right's fascism into victimizers while omiting the actions of the "comanditos" that murdered 27 Venezuelans and inflicted damage on public healthcare,…

Staff (2024-09-21). 18 Years Since Hugo Chávez's Iconic UN Speech: Smells of Sulfur! On September 20, 2006, during the 61st General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) held in New York City, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez showed his anti-imperialist character by saying, "Yesterday, the devil came here. Yesterday, the devil was here, in this very place. This table where I have to speak still smells of sulfur." | In this emblematic speech, Commander Chávez condemned the terrorist international policy of George W. Bush, then-president of the United States. | "Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this very rostrum, the President of the United States, whom I call 'the devil,' came here speaking as…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-21). Azerbaijan: Civil society demands attention to human rights and climate justice ahead of COP29. Human rights organisations, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, highlight the urgent need to address serious human rights concerns in Azerbaijan in the lead-up to its hosting this year's United Nations Climate Conference (COP29), to be held in Baku from November 11 to 22, 2024.
11th September 2024. We, the undersigned civil (…) | – | /…

Tony Schick (2024-09-21). Yakama Nation's $32 Million in Federal Solar Funds Could Expire Due to Red Tape. The Department of Energy gave the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation what seemed like very good news earlier this year: It had won a $32 million grant for a novel solar energy project in Washington state. Built over a series of old irrigation canals, the proposed solar panels would generate electricity for tribal members without removing farm acreage from cultivation. |

hindustantimes (2024-09-21). Putin's New List Of Enemy Nations, But 3 NATO & EU Members Missing: Watch Who | Ukraine, Russia, USA. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved a list of countries that have a "destructive attitude." The list has 47 countries like the US, UK, Germany, and France, along with several EU and NATO nations. However, the list doesn't mention EU and NATO members Slovakia and Hungary, as well as NATO member Türkiye. Watch this video for more.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-09-21). US Congress must oppose the UN's Pact for the Future regardless of what Biden says. The upcoming 79th session of the United Nations ("UN") General Assembly will feature the Summit of the Future, intended to bolster the UN's role in global governance. A key component of the …

Peter Koenig (2024-09-21). Towards an "Oppressive Digital New World Order". UN "World for the Future" Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless "Enslavement Package", Digital Control over 8 Billion People. In less than two weeks, the United Nations will present during a special session — 22 and 23 September — of their 2024 UN annual meeting in New York, the World of The Future. It is a fully digitized …

Carlos Lancho (2024-09-21). Venezuela: United Nations Rights Council should renew experts' mandate.

Juliette Rousselot (2024-09-21). Afghanistan: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. On 10 September 2024, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) delivered an oral statement during the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan. The statement, prepared with FIDH's member organisation Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA, calls on the UN Human Rights Council to escalate its response to the situation in the country and to establish a new independent international accountability mechanism. Read the oral statement below.
UN Human Rights (…) | – |

The Independent (2024-09-21). UN assures UPDF of support towards fight against terrorism. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) has assured Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) of support towards the fight against terrorism. Sylvia Kabaki, acting UNOCT head of the Nairobi Programme Office, said fighting violent extremism requires sustainable engagement and continuous learning within strategic communications. "I reaffirmed the UN's commitment to …

newarab (2024-09-21). FIFA unveils Intercontinental Cup schedule with Real Madrid to play final in Qatar. The first edition of the annual The tournament, which was announced in December last year, replaces the annual Club World Cup which will now be played every four years with 32 teams from 2025. | AFC Champions League winners Al-Ain will first host O… (2024-09-21). Iran says to respond to Israeli attack on ambassador to Beirut. Iran has condemned Israel's attacks in Lebanon where the explosion of thousands of booby-trapped devices killed dozens of people and left nearly 3,000 others injured, including the Islamic Republic's ambassador to Beirut.

Ana Perdigón (2024-09-21). National Assembly of Venezuela Adopts Repudiation Resolution Against European Parliament for Interference in Internal Affairs. The National Assembly of Venezuela approved the Draft Resolution in Repudiation of the gross interference in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by the European Parliament. | During the plenary session of Thursday, September 19, Deputy Blanca Eekhout presented the Draft Resolution in Repudiation of the gross interference in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by some far-right members of the European Parliament (MEPs). | The first vice-president of the National Assembly, Pedro Infante, expressed his support for the resolution and condemned fascism and racial supre…

scorinoco (2024-09-21). Remigio Ceballos Designated as Venezuela's New Ambassador to China. The National Assembly of Venezuela authorized the appointment of Remigio Ceballos as the new extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the People's Republic of China. | On Thursday, September 19, during the plenary session of the National Assembly, the proposal of the Permanent Commission for Foreign Policy, Sovereignty and Integration was unanimously approved after Deputy Desirée Santos Amaral presented the arguments on the merits supporting Ceballos' appointment as the new ambassador to China. | The deputy highlighted that until recently the nominee, Ceballos, serve…

WSWS (2024-09-21). As voting begins, Trump and his Republican allies intensify efforts to suppress and subvert election. Despite the fact many states have already begun to mail out ballots, in several states Republicans are seeking to purge voters and re-write rules to favor Trump. (2024-09-21). Municipal archives to be made public. The Beijing Municipal Archives will release around 30,000 files to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which falls on Oct 1. (2024-09-21). Iran Marks Sacred Defense Week with Military Parades. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Armed Forces staged countrywide military parades on Saturday to mark the Sacred Defense Week on the 44th anniversary of the onset of the Iraqi imposed war on the Islamic Republic.

Emilie Paumard, Eric Toussaint, Milan Rivié (2024-09-21). The IMF and the World Bank in the time of Coronavirus: the failed campaign for a new image.

Eric Toussaint (2024-09-21). The popular uprising in Ecuador on 22nd June 2022 and similarities with other rebellions in Europe and Latin America.

2024-09-21 19:33:38 | tr | 83 | 0 | 1 | 82 | 0 

2024-09-19: News Headlines

Hamas — Islamic Resistance Movement, Workers' World. (2024-09-19). Resistance Groups Denounce Israel's Cyberattack On Lebanon. We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), strongly condemn the Zionist terrorist aggression that targeted Lebanese citizens by detonating communication devices in various areas of Lebanese territory, as well as civilian and service facilities. | This attack injured thousands of citizens, without distinguishing between fighters and civilians, and resulted in the martyrdom of several individuals. This crime defies all laws and norms, and we hold the occupation government fully responsible for the consequences of this dangerous crime. | This terrorist operation comes as part of the systematic Zionist aggressio… (2024-09-19). Protesters in Tel Aviv demand release of Gaza hostages. Families of Israeli captives in Gaza staged a new protest in Tel Aviv, urging a deal with Palestinian resistance groups.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-19). Azerbaijan: Unprecendent repression since January 2024. In a joint letter, human rights groups, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, alert the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Alain Berset, to the escalation of repression in Azerbaijan since January 2024.
| 240918 CoE SG Alain Berset by Obs defenders | – |

Editor (2024-09-19). When the Clintons Did Haiti: Keep the Natives From Breeding.

ICRC (2024-09-19). Haiti: Under chronic stress and in constant fear, health workers strive to save lives.

hindustantimes (2024-09-19). Lebanon: 3rd Device Starts Exploding After Pager, Walkie-Talkie; Bomb In Ambulance; 60 Fires | Solar. After incidents involving pagers and walkie-talkies, a new type of device has begun to explode in Lebanon, leading to fresh blasts that rocked the country just hours after panic ensued from the earlier walkie-talkie detonations. Meanwhile, reports indicated that explosives were even discovered in an ambulance at the American University Hospital. In Nabatieh, firefighters extinguished over 60 fires resulting from such incidents. Earlier in the day, fresh blasts left 300 people injured and at least 9 dead. This came a day after pager blasts killed at least 12 and injured nearly 3,000 people. Watch the full video fo…

newarab (2024-09-19). Did Israeli pager attack on Hezbollah violate international law. Included in these condemnations were reminders on the importance of

Staff (2024-09-19). Two IDF soldiers killed by Hezbollah fire as Nasrallah accuses Israel of declaring war. Hezbollah chief Nasrallah: Pager blasts could be called 'a declaration of war,' will meet 'just punishment' ‚ñ IDF chief approves northern front plans as Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon ‚ñ Several Israelis wounded in Hezbollah anti-tank, drone hits in country's north ‚ñ Jewish Israeli businessman charged with plotting assassinations of Netanyahu and key officials for Iran ‚ñ Eight Israelis wounded by Hezbollah missile fire in country's north…

Amos Harel (2024-09-19). Hezbollah faces a choice — back down or go to war with Israel. Assuming that this week's attacks in Lebanon were carried out by Israel, there are two possible explanations for Netanyahu's intentions: to force an agreement in the north or to exploit the organization's response to launch all-out war ‚ñ Meanwhile, despite declaring that Hamas' brigades in Gaza have been defeated, Israel continues to pay in blood…

sputnikglobe (2024-09-19). Pentagon Fears Israel on Verge of Launching Ground Operation Against Hezbollah — Media. Shortly after the wave of deadly detonations of pagers that the Lebanese government and the Hezbollah movement blamed on Tel Aviv the Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant posted a cryptic message on social media indicating that his country was moving on to a "new phase in the war." (2024-09-19). Iran Warns of Response After Ambassador Injured in Israeli Attack on Lebanon. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran has informed the United Nations of its intent to respond to an Israeli terrorism and sabotage attack in Lebanon, which injured Iran's ambassador to the Arab country.

Josh Breiner (2024-09-19). Jewish Israeli charged with plotting assassinations of Netanyahu and key officials for Iran. Moti Maman, a 72-year-old Jewish Israeli businessman, faces charges of plotting an assassination against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials after being recruited by Iranian intelligence. His lawyer says he 'erred in judgement in his business dealings'… (2024-09-19). UN General Assembly Demands Israel End Occupation of Palestinian. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution demanding that Israel end its unlawful occupation of the Palestinian territories within one year.

Manuel Perez-Rocha, Inequality. (2024-09-19). The United Nations Summit Of The Future Appears Stuck In The Past. The United Nations is hosting world leaders on September 22 and 23 for a "Summit of the Future." Unfortunately, the draft action plan for the summit, while full of lofty language and some good intentions, does not challenge the neoliberal model or corporate control of the global economy. | On the contrary, it proposes, for example, to "facilitate access of developing countries to the WTO and promote trade and investment liberalization." | It's astounding that this plan, which is supposed to serve as the basis for an inter-governmental agreement, is so stuck in the past. For decades now, social movements and elect…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-19). Azerbaijan: Civil society demands attention to human rights and climate justice ahead of COP29. Human rights organisations, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, highlight the urgent need to address serious human rights concerns in Azerbaijan in the lead-up to its hosting this year's United Nations Climate Conference (COP29), to be held in Baku from November 11 to 22, 2024.
11th September 2024. We, the undersigned civil (…) | – | /…

tvbrics (2024-09-19). BRICS Cooperation in Health and Medicine. The member nations are committed to enhancing healthcare infrastructure and improving access to essential medicines…

TASS (2024-09-19). Seoul warns Russia, North Korea of consequences if they threaten its security. Yoon Suk Yeol told ahead of his visit to the Czech Republic, where he said he plans to discuss Russia's cooperation with North Korea, as well as Pyongyang's nuclear missile program…

Ben Samuels (2024-09-19). Megadonor Miriam Adelson is going all-in for Trump as the savior of the Jews. Megadonor Miriam Adelson has lent her public voice in favor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, removing any doubt about where the right-wing, pro-Israel community stands on the former president…

Jake Johnson (2024-09-19). The Government Will Shut Down on October 1 Unless Congress Acts. The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday rejected a GOP resolution that would have punted a fight over government funding until after the next president takes office and pushed through a noxious voter suppression measure backed by Republican nominee Donald Trump. The final vote was 202-220, with 14 Republicans joining nearly every member of the House Democratic caucus in voting against… |

Basit Mahmood (2024-09-19). Nigel Farage backs Donald Trump's conspiracy theory about immigrants eating pets. Reform UK leader Nigel Farage, who is a keen supporter of Donald Trump, has repeated the Republican nominee's ridiculed claim that immigrants in the US state of Ohio are eating cats and dogs. | Trump, who often pushes baseless conspiracy theories and has no respect for the truth, has found an ally in Farage. | Farage also flew out to the U.S. just days after being elected as an MP for Clacton, to show support with Trump following an assassination attempt on the former President. | During a debate last week, the former US president, who is running for re-election, said Springfield citizens "have had their pets…

ICRC (2024-09-19). Republic of Korea: Preserving humanity in war by upholding the Geneva Conventions.

ICRC (2024-09-19). Republic of Korea: Upholding humanitarian principles amid security crises in an interconnected world.

Federico Fuentes, Kevin B Anderson (2024-09-19). Marx's anti-colonialism, new sub-imperialisms and consistent internationalism in a bipolar world. Kevin B Anderson is a Marxist humanist and Professor of Sociology, Political Science and Feminist studies at University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author and editor of various works, including the forthcoming book The Late Marx's Revolutionary Roads: Colonialism, Gender, and Indigenous Communism and A Political Sociology of Twenty-First Century Revolutions and Resistances: From the Arab World and Iran to Ukraine, Africa, and France (2024). In this interview with Federico Fuentes for LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Anderson discusses Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin's writings on colonia… (2024-09-19). UN overwhelmingly demands Israel end occupation of Palestinian territories. The action isolates Israel days before world leaders travel to New York for their annual UN gathering. (2024-09-19). 15 Israeli troopers killed, injured as Hezbollah targets military site. The Hezbollah resistance movement targets an Israeli military site in the northeastern part of the occupied Palestinian territories, leaving casualties among the occupation soldiers.

newarab (2024-09-19). UN votes to end Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.

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