Monthly Archives: February 2024

2024-02-06: News Headlines

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-06). Cineasta cubano Manuel Herrera en proyecto sobre Carlos M. de Céspedes. La Habana, 6 de feb (RHC) El cineasta cubano Manuel Herrera, de vasta y reconocida carrera en el séptimo arte latinoamericano, a sus 84 años está inmerso en la escritura de un guion sobre la vida del patriota Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-06). Cuba promueve en Italia negocios durante Feria de Turismo de Milán. La Habana, 6 de feb (RHC) La delegación cubana que participa en la edición 44 de la Bolsa de Turismo (BIT) que se desarrolla en la norteña ciudad de Milán, presentó oportunidades de negocios a empresarios italianos del sector…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-06). Cuba y España realizan provechoso intercambio sobre comunicaciones. La Habana, 6 de feb (RHC) Cuba y España completaron un provechoso intercambio en materia de comunicaciones, en el cual se trataron cuestiones de interés de cooperación e inversiones.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-06). Debaten desde el Parlamento temas vitales para Cuba. La Habana, 6 de feb (RHC) Las acciones para el enfrenamiento al bloqueo de Estados Unidos desde el sistema legislativo y el proceso para corregir distorsiones y reimpulsar la economía este año fueron temas debatidos en reunión de la máxima dirección de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). Prevención de incendios forestales en Cuba en nuevo instrumento legal. La Habana, 5 feb (RHC) La prevención y el monitoreo constante de los incendios forestales aparece hoy en un nuevo instrumento legislativo, destacó el coronel Manuel Lama, Jefe del Cuerpo de Guardabosques de Cuba.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). En Cuba prestigiosos expertos de la Parálisis Braquial Obstétrica (+Foto). La Habana, 5 feb (RHC) Con la presencia, por primera vez, de prestigiosos expertos de la ortopedia y la traumatología comenzó este lunes la II Jornada Quirúrgica Internacional de Parálisis Braquial Obstétrica -PBO-, que se desarrollará en el hospital pediátrico William Soler.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). Comunistas serbios asistirán en Cuba a encuentro de la izquierda (+Fotos). Belgrado, 5 feb (RHC) Delegados de la organización Comunistas de Serbia asistirán al II Encuentro Internacional de Publicaciones Teóricas de Partidos y Movimientos de Izquierda, en La Habana, del 12 al 14 de este mes, indicaron fuentes diplomáticas.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). Gobiernos de Cuba y Honduras dialogarán sobre temas migratorios. La Habana, 5 feb (RHC) Los gobiernos de Cuba y Honduras realizarán en Tegucigalpa los días 6 y 7 de este mes la IV Ronda bilateral de Conversaciones sobre Temas Migratorios, informó el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de nuestro país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). Gobierno de Cuba desea pronta recuperación de rey británico Carlos III. La Habana, 5 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, trasladó este lunes a través de la red social X sus votos por la pronta recuperación del rey británico Carlos III, diagnosticado de cáncer.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-05). Lamenta Díaz-Canel muertes y destrucción por incendios en Chile. La Habana, 5 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, lamentó este lunes la pérdida de 51 vidas humanas y la destrucción de miles de viviendas a causa de los incendios forestales que azotan al Sur de Chile.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-05). Mandatarios latinoamericanos lamentan muerte de presidente namibio. Namibia debe su independencia a la acción de las tropas cubanas a finales de la década de 1980, que derrotaron el apartheid sudafricano y las obligaron a retirarse de ese territorio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-06). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN concluyen sexto ciclo de diálogos. Gobierno de Colombia y Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) concluyeron el sexto ciclo de diálogos con una prórroga del cese al fuego y acuerdan crear fondo multidonante para el proceso de paz.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-02-06). Cuba y Honduras conversan en Tegucigalpa sobre temas migratorios. La delegación de Honduras estará encabezada por el director del Instituto Nacional de Migración, Allan Alvarenga.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-06). Cuba and Spain carry out exchanges on communications. First Deputy Minister of Communications Wilfredo González Vidal detailed, during a videoconference with Spanish and Cuban businessmen residing in Spain, the domains in which there is potential to deepen existing or new types of collaboration ties. | Vidal explained that there are possibilities of developing joint models with Spain. "Joint projects could be marketed in Latin America due to the language facilities that the two nations share," he said. | In his introductory words, González Vidal mentioned among Cuba's strengths the formation of human capital, which offers a space in a sphere in which there is great…

_____ (2024-02-05). Yemen's Houthis on U.S. Attacks and Their Blockade of Israel. 29 Jan 2024 – Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior political official and spokesperson for Yemen's Ansar Allah, discusses the blockade and Yemen's escalating tensions with the United States.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2024-02-05). Sociedad civil convoca movilizaciones antigubernamentales en Haití. Cada vez son más los actores políticos que se oponen a la permanencia del Primer Ministro haitiano, Ariel Henry.

teleSUR, dcdc -JCM (2024-02-06). Protestas antigubernamentales en Haití dejan un fallecido. En la capital, se produjeron barricadas incendiadas en algunas calles y se oyeron disparos en varias partes del área metropolitana.

Pavan Kulkarni (2024-02-05). "We will fight in the streets of Nairobi for our brothers and sisters in Haiti" Despite the prohibition by Kenya's High Court, President William Ruto has vowed to deploy policemen within this week to Haiti. Communist Party of Kenya leader Booker Omole says Ruto is selling the country's foreign policy to the highest bidder, namely the US… (2024-02-06). Puerto Rico and Palestine: 'Our struggles are linked'.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-06). Panamá derrota a Puerto Rico en Serie del Caribe. Los Tiburones de la Guaira, representantes de Venezuela, realizaron rally en el séptimo inning, anotando seis carreras, lo que les permitió derrotar a los Naranjeros de Hermosillo… (2024-02-05). Puerto Rico and Palestine: 'Our struggles are linked'.

Ben Norton (2024-02-06). Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia. Reports reveal that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) used known criminals to spy on and destabilize the left-wing governments in Venezuela, Mexico, and Bolivia.

guest author (2024-02-06). Venezuelan analyst: Lenin on 'Socialism and War'. By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein A message from Rodríguez Gelfenstein, a political analyst and former Venezuelan diplomat and official, to the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21 in New York City. Amid the horror exposed by Israel's colonial-imperialist aggression against the Palestinian people, we commemorate the . . . |

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-02-06). 25 Years Into The Revolution, Venezuela Resists US Interference. February 2 marked the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, which was the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution. Over the past 25 years, Venezuela has made remarkable gains in reducing poverty, ending illiteracy and building social infrastructure such as housing, health care, education, transportation and more, despite persistent interference by the United States to impose an economic blockade, fund an opposition, attempt coups and assassinations, delegitimize the elections and threaten military attacks. Clearing the FOG speaks with Leo Flores, a Venezuelan activist, about t…

Misión Verdad (2024-02-06). Bolivarian Revolution: Between Achievements, Challenges, and Sieges. By Mision Verdad — Feb 2, 2024 | On February 2, 1999, with the swearing-in of Commander Hugo Chávez Frías as president of Venezuela, the Bolivarian Revolution formally began one of the most important political and cultural processes that has occurred in Venezuela, the region, and recent world history. It constitutes, without a doubt, a hinge between the last century, with its "end of history," and this century that opened a passage between old and rejuvenated utopias. | In the past quarter of a century, there have been many achievements and success stories. Even greater are the challenges that arise for the…

Pressenza New York (2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy,…

Roger Harris (2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. The State Department accused the Venezuelan government of actions that are "inconsistent" with the Barbados agreement, negotiated last October. This accord arranged a prisoner exchange with the US and the issuance of licenses allowing Venezuela to sell some of its own oil and gold. The agreement promised temporary and partial sanctions relief for Venezuela, although major coercive economic provisions were still left in place.

Staff (2024-02-06). Venezuela Launches National Dialogue to Define Presidential Election Day. A day of national dialogue was held at the headquarters of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) to define an electoral schedule to guarantee that the presidential elections will be carried out in 2024, per what has been established by the Constitution. | This Monday, February 5, the aforementioned meeting was led by National Assembly (AN) President Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, who received many representatives of different political parties and movements, including several presidential candidates. | In his speech at the beginning of the session, Rodríguez recommended the creation of a commission that, in no more than…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-06). Venezuela y Argentina empatan, Paraguay gana a Brasil en preolímpico. En un partidazo, lleno de polémicas, tres tarjetas rojas, penal, autogol; Venezuela y Argentina empataron a dos.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2024-02-06). Instalan diálogo para elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela. El presidente de la AN, Jorge Rodríguez, reiteró que las elecciones presidenciales se llevarán a cabo este año, una vez que sean convocadas por el CNE.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-06). Presidente venezolano destaca éxito de consulta pública convocada por la Asamblea Nacional. El jefe de Estado afirmó que la jornada de diálogo nacional arrancó con buen pie al contar con la participación de la mayoría de precandidatos presidenciales.

teleSUR (2024-02-06). National Assembly's Consultation Is Successful: Pres. Maduro. On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro highlighted the success of the public consultation called by the National Assembly for the development of the schedule for the 2024 presidential elections. | RELATED: | During his program "Con Maduro +", the Bolivarian leader stated that the national dialogue session started "on the right foot" by having the participation of the majority of presidential pre-candidat…

Staff (2024-02-05). Massive Chavista Demonstration in Caracas to Celebrate the 4F Uprising (+Photo & Video Gallery). Caracas ( "Great Bolivarian Fury" demonstration that saw tens of thousands of Chavistas parade through the streets of Caracas in support of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution. | "In Venezuela, the people rule," said President Maduro. "Here, only the people appoint or remove [pres…

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2024-02-05). Minuto a minuto: Venezuela conmemora el Día de la Dignidad Nacional. El presidente Nicolás Maduro reafirmó que en Venezuela sólo el pueblo manda y que no volverán las oligarquías mandar en ese país.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-05). Presidente venezolano: cuando el CNE convoque a elecciones estaremos preparados. El mandatario instó a gestar una poderosa unión nacional, una amplia alianza, un amplio frente nacional rumbo al 2030.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-05). Presidente de Venezuela se solidariza con Chile por incendios. ElJefe de Estado venezolano aseguró que en Chile "cuentan con el apoyo y mano amiga de los venezolanos y venezolanas… fuerza hermanas y hermanos chilenos ¡Estamos con ustedes!".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-02-06). Piden a EE.UU. poner fin a las sanciones contra Venezuela. "Se puede construir una relación entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela donde no tenga cabida este tipo de agresiones", señalan.

Staff (2024-02-05). President Maduro Announces Cabinet Changes. The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, announced several changes in his Cabinet days before the announcement of the 2024 Presidential Elections schedule. Through his social media accounts, he reported the appointment of Luis Villegas Ramírez as Minister for National Commerce. Dheliz àÅlvarez, who held that position, will become the new Minister for Women and Gender Equality, and Guy Vernaez will become the new Minister for Communes. Alexis Corredor will become the new Minister of the Social Labor Process. | "With the need to continue advancing in the strengthening of the government team, I have decided t…

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2024-02-05). Instalan diálogo para elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela. El presidente de la AN, Jorge Rodríguez, reiteró que las elecciones presidenciales se llevarán a cabo este año, una vez que sean convocadas por el CNE.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-05). Presidente venezolano destaca éxito de consulta pública convocada por la Asamblea Nacional. El jefe de Estado afirmó que la jornada de diálogo nacional arrancó con buen pie al contar con la participación de la mayoría de precandidatos presidenciales.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-05). Federales de Chiriquí de Panamá lidera la Serie del Caribe 2024. Los panameños son el único equipo invicto de la Serie del Caribe al registrar tres triunfos sin derrotas.

3iSolution (2024-02-05). Seguimiento Fenómeno del Niño — Dashboard Desabastecimiento y Racionamiento de agua, Colombia 2024. Country: Colombia | Sources: 3iSolution, iMMAP Inc. | Please refer to the linked Interactive Content. | En este dashboard se detallan los municipios con declaración de desabastecimiento y racionamiento de agua en el territorio colombiano 2024.

Final Straw (2024-02-05). Final Straw: Free Alex Stokes and Russian Anti-War Sabateur Ruslan Siddiqui. Long running anarchist radio show The Final Straw reports on the case of antifascist prisoner Alex Stokes and beyond. Listen and Download HERE This week on the show, we're starting out with an interview with Lo and Meghan, two supporters of Jewish independent journalist, artist and antifascist leftist from Albany, NY, Alex Stokes Contompasis. Alex…

2024-02-06 15:45:56 | 15:45 EST | by | 45 | 0 | 21 | 22 | 0 

2024-02-05: News Headlines

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-05). Mandatarios latinoamericanos lamentan muerte de presidente namibio. Namibia debe su independencia a la acción de las tropas cubanas a finales de la década de 1980, que derrotaron el apartheid sudafricano y las obligaron a retirarse de ese territorio.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-04). Condemnation of U.S. blockade marks Cuban residents in Panama. Panama City, Feb 4 ( Prensa Latina) The Asociación Martiana de Cubanos Residentes en Panamá (AMCRP) celebrates the XII National Meeting with to condemn the US blockade against the island.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-04). China presents Friendship Award to Cuban journalist and other experts. Beijing, Feb 4 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese government today presented the Friendship Award to Cuban journalist Sergio Alejandro Gomez and other international experts for their contributions to China's development.

Medea Benjamin (2024-02-04). Redefining US-Latin American Relations. By Medea Benjamin and Steve Ellner — Feb 1, 2024 | The Trump administration dusted off the 19th century Monroe Doctrine that subjugates the nations of the region to US interests. The Biden administration, instead of reversing course, followed suit, with disastrous results for the region and a migration crisis that threatens Biden's re-election. | It has left most of Trump's sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba intact and has tightened those against Nicaragua. | US policy towards Venezuela has been a fiasco. Try as it might, both Trump and Biden were unable to depose President Maduro and found themselves stuc…

mforinoco (2024-02-04). Cuban People Will Debate Measures To Boost the Economy. By Alejandra Garcia — Jan 30, 2024 | Cuba needs development, even if it seems impossible amid increasingly adverse international conditions. And it needs to develop without trampling on the most vulnerable but also in being consistent with the world around us which is unstable, marked by inflation, and the exponential increase in essential goods. All of this in world of escalating tensions. | To achieve this, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has announced that the entire Cuban people will discuss and analyze the measures recently announced by the government, which include the increase in the price of gasoli…

mforinoco (2024-02-04). Cuban People Will Debate Measures To Boost the Economy. By Alejandra Garcia — Jan 30, 2024 | Cuba needs development, even if it seems impossible amid increasingly adverse international conditions. And it needs to develop without trampling on the most vulnerable but also in being consistent with the world around us which is unstable, marked by inflation, and the exponential increase in essential goods. All of this in world of escalating tensions. | To achieve this, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has announced that the entire Cuban people will discuss and analyze the measures recently announced by the government, which include the increase in the price of gasoli…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-04). Cuba condena por irresponsable ataque de EE.UU. a Irak y Siria. Cuba ha insistido de manera reiterada en la responsabilidad de Estados Unidos y otras potencias imperialistas en la desestailización regional, en particular tras las invasiones a Irak de 1991 y 2003.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-04). Accidente en Guatemala cobra la vida de 11 personas. De acuerdo con IGM, nueve de los fallecidos eran cubanos y se trasladaban al norte para llegar a los Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-04). Cuba envía condolencias a Chile por incendios forestales. En su mensaje, el canciller cubano incluyó a los familiares y seres queridos de los fallecidos en Chile a causa de los incendios forestales.

tvbrics (2024-02-04). Cuba and India agree to increase cooperation in the audiovisual sector. The GAFX 2024 conference demonstrated the South Asian country's interest in strengthening ties with Cuba…

tvbrics (2024-02-04). Cuba and India agree to increase cooperation in the audiovisual sector. The GAFX 2024 conference demonstrated the South Asian country's interest in strengthening ties with Cuba…

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2024-02-05). Sociedad civil convoca movilizaciones antigubernamentales en Haití. Cada vez son más los actores políticos que se oponen a la permanencia del Primer Ministro haitiano, Ariel Henry.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-02-04). Impact of the Haitian Revolution on Resistance History.

Pavan Kulkarni (2024-02-05). "We will fight in the streets of Nairobi for our brothers and sisters in Haiti" Despite the prohibition by Kenya's High Court, President William Ruto has vowed to deploy policemen within this week to Haiti. Communist Party of Kenya leader Booker Omole says Ruto is selling the country's foreign policy to the highest bidder, namely the US…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-02-04). Impact of the Haitian Revolution on Resistance History.

_____ (2024-02-05). Yemen's Houthis on U.S. Attacks and Their Blockade of Israel. 29 Jan 2024 – Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior political official and spokesperson for Yemen's Ansar Allah, discusses the blockade and Yemen's escalating tensions with the United States. (2024-02-05). Puerto Rico and Palestine: 'Our struggles are linked'. (2024-02-04). Puerto Rico and Palestine: 'Our struggles are linked'.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-04). Venezolanos y panameños lideran la Serie del Caribe 2024. Para este domingo, los panameños se enfrentarán a la novena nicaragüense, el equipo venezolano a su similar de Puerto Rico y en el último partido se medirán mexicanos y dominicanos.

Staff (2024-02-05). Massive Chavista Demonstration in Caracas to Celebrate the 4F Uprising (+Photo & Video Gallery). Caracas ( "Great Bolivarian Fury" demonstration that saw tens of thousands of Chavistas parade through the streets of Caracas in support of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution. | "In Venezuela, the people rule," said President Maduro. "Here, only the people appoint or remove [pres…

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2024-02-05). Minuto a minuto: Venezuela conmemora el Día de la Dignidad Nacional. El presidente Nicolás Maduro reafirmó que en Venezuela sólo el pueblo manda y que no volverán las oligarquías mandar en ese país.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-05). Presidente venezolano: cuando el CNE convoque a elecciones estaremos preparados. El mandatario instó a gestar una poderosa unión nacional, una amplia alianza, un amplio frente nacional rumbo al 2030.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-05). Presidente de Venezuela se solidariza con Chile por incendios. ElJefe de Estado venezolano aseguró que en Chile "cuentan con el apoyo y mano amiga de los venezolanos y venezolanas… fuerza hermanas y hermanos chilenos ¡Estamos con ustedes!".

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-04). Venezuela expresses condolences on the death of Namibian president. Caracas, Feb 4 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expressed its deepest condolences to the people of Namibia and its honorable government for the death today of President Hage G. Geingob, in Windhoek.

Staff (2024-02-05). President Maduro Announces Cabinet Changes. The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, announced several changes in his Cabinet days before the announcement of the 2024 Presidential Elections schedule. Through his social media accounts, he reported the appointment of Luis Villegas Ramírez as Minister for National Commerce. Dheliz àÅlvarez, who held that position, will become the new Minister for Women and Gender Equality, and Guy Vernaez will become the new Minister for Communes. Alexis Corredor will become the new Minister of the Social Labor Process. | "With the need to continue advancing in the strengthening of the government team, I have decided t…

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-04). Why The United States Is Reimposing Sanctions On Venezuela. Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy, forcing more people to leave the country out of economic necessity. | The Venezuelan government, for its part, has not been contrite. Vice President Delcy Rodríguez protested "the wrong step of intensifying economic aggression against Venezuela." She warned that if Washington takes the threatened measures, Venezuela will cancel repa…

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-04). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. By Roger D. Harris — Feb 3. 2024 | Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed

scorinoco (2024-02-04). Venezuela Repudiates Vandalism of Bolívar Statue in Rome. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced the desecration of the bust of Liberator Simón Bolívar in Monte Sacro, Rome, capital of Italy. | "I denounce the unacceptable aggression that fascist hordes in Italy have perpetrated in Monte Sacro, Rome, against Simón Bolívar, Father and Liberator of our free America," President Maduro wrote on X on Saturday, February 3. | Denuncio la agresión inaceptable que hordas fascistas en Italia han perpetrado en el Monte Sacro, Roma, en contra de Simón Bolívar, Padre y Libertador de nuestra América libre. Repudio totalmente esta agresión llevada adelante por quienes s…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-04). Venezuela condena vandalismo contra estatua de Bolívar en Roma. El canciller, venezolano, Yvan Gil, señaló que "con los ataques al monumento a nuestro Libertador Simón Bolívar se pretende golpear a toda Latinoamérica y su ideal de libertad y soberanía".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-04). Presidente venezolano anuncia cambios en su gabinete. Se produjeron cambios, entre otros, en las carteras de Igualdad y Género, Comunas y Comercio nacional.

3iSolution (2024-02-05). Seguimiento Fenómeno del Niño — Dashboard Desabastecimiento y Racionamiento de agua, Colombia 2024. Country: Colombia | Sources: 3iSolution, iMMAP Inc. | Please refer to the linked Interactive Content. | En este dashboard se detallan los municipios con declaración de desabastecimiento y racionamiento de agua en el territorio colombiano 2024.

2024-02-05 20:16:07 | 20:16 EST | by | 33 | 0 | 20 | 11 | 0