2024-12-30: News Headlines

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-12-30). BBC Staffers Reveal Editor's 'Entire Job' To Whitewash Israeli War Crimes. popularresistance.org BBC editor Raffi Berg has almost complete control of the British broadcaster's online coverage of Israel's war on Gaza and is ensuring that all events are reported with a pro-Israel bias, according to a new report published on 28 December by Drop Site News. | "This guy's entire job is to water down everything that's too critical of Israel," one former BBC journalist said. | Drop Site News spoke to 13 current and former staffers who stated that the BBC's coverage consistently devalues Palestinian life, ignores Israeli atrocities, and creates a false equivalence in an entirely unbalanced conflict.

Staff (2024-12-30). "A Genocidal Project": Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah on Israel's Destruction of Gaza Health System. democracynow.org Gaza's Health Ministry has confirmed that close to 46,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel's ongoing assault, but Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah estimates the true number is closer to 300,000. "This is literally and mathematically a genocidal project," says Abu-Sittah, a British Palestinian reconstructive surgeon who worked in Gaza for over a month treating patients at both Al-Shifa and Al-Ahli Baptist hospitals. Israel continues to attack what remains of the besieged territory's medical infrastructure. On Sunday, an Israeli attack on the upper floor of al-Wafa Hospital in Gaza City k…

Arturo Dominguez, Unicorn Riot. (2024-12-30). Calls For A Migrant Labor Strike Grow On Social Media. popularresistance.org Since the xenophobia-fueled presidential re-election of Donald Trump, calls have been growing on social media for a pro-immigrant labor strike beginning on January 11, days before Trump is to take office. The emerging movement's goal is to highlight the social, cultural, and economic importance of immigrants in the United States. The Trump campaign's racist rhetoric — targeted at Latin Americans and Caribbean Islanders — is an urgent threat driving the need to speak out against his proposed immigration policies — such as the plan to conduct mass deportations.

Staff (2024-12-30). Cuba en 2024: Adversidad y resiliencia. cubadebate.cu Este 2024 ha sido un año complejo para los cubanos, marcado por la crisis económica, los desastres naturales y el recrudecimiento de medidas unilaterales contra la mayor de las Antillas. No obstante, siguen vivas las esperanzas que nos unen en aras de un futuro mejor. En instantáneas, un resumen de esta etapa que termina.

Staff (2024-12-30). El derrumbe europeo. cubadebate.cu Europa Occidental se resiste a admitir la derrota militar de la OTAN en Ucrania, al tiempo que vacila sobre su lugar en el nuevo orden global que tiene a la Federación rusa como un actor central junto a China y los Brics+. Los cambios se están sucediendo con una velocidad que la institucionalidad tradicional de los países colonizadores no logra procesar con sensatez y cordura.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-12-30). Cuba congratulates Prime Minister of DPRK. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero congratulated his counterpart from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Pak Thae Song, according to a notification from the Antillean nation's Foreign Ministry.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-30). Pintor Ascanio donó en Italia obra dedicada a la Revolución cubana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 de dic (RHC) El reconocido pintor cubano Ascanio, radicado en Italia, donó a la Embajada de su país en Roma una obra dedicada al aniversario 66 del triunfo de la Revolución en esa nación, que hoy se exhibe en la misión diplomática.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-30). Albornoz quiere regresar al trono del ajedrez en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 dic (RHC) Reconquistar el cetro cubano del ajedrez se erige como la principal meta del camagàºeyano Carlos Daniel Albornoz durante 2025, después de una temporada que le dejó sensaciones encontradas.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-30). Cuba felicita a Primer Ministro de República Democrática de Corea. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 de dic (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, felicitó a su par de la República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC), Pak Thae Song, asegura hoy una notificación del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la nación antillana.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-30). Jóvenes enfrentarán máximos retos del ciclismo en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 dic (RHC) Jóvenes ciclistas enfrentarán los mayores retos de ese deporte en sus compromisos internacionales en 2025, quienes a su vez asumirán el nuevo ciclo olímpico, encabezados por los menores de 23 años.

María Candela (2024-12-30). Con ayuda de Cuba, Panamá se beneficiará de eficaz método para iletrados. radiohc.cu Veintitrés años después de perfilarse el método cubano "Yo sí puedo", el cual combina números y letras para enseñar a leer y escribir, se abre camino nuevamente en Panamá.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-30). Béisbol5: un capítulo dorado para Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 dic (RHC) En el universo del Béisbol5, donde la agilidad, la estrategia y el compañerismo se conjugan en un vibrante espectáculo, el año 2024 marcó un capítulo dorado para Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-30). Al año nuevo con nuevas ganas, inteligencia y manos propias. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 de dic (RHC) Este 2024 ha sido para Cuba un desafío colosal contra las adversidades: ciclones, terremotos, desconexiones del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (sen), apagones por insuficiente capacidad de generación eléctrica, precios altos, dificultades para completar la canasta familiar normada, falta de combustibles, de transporte, de medicamentos…

Staff (2024-12-30). Cuba: Un ejemplo de justicia frente a la hipocresía de EEUU. cubadebate.cu En 1997, Cuba fue víctima de una serie de atentados terroristas en hoteles de La Habana. Uno de los autores materiales de estos crímenes, el salvadoreño Raúl Ernesto Cruz León, fue detenido, juzgado y condenado a muerte en Cuba. Sin embargo, en un acto de coherencia y humanidad, el sistema legal cubano conmutó su pena por 30 años de prisión. Hoy, tras cumplir su condena, Cruz León ha sido liberado, demostrando que Cuba respeta sus leyes y garantiza justicia, incluso para quienes han cometido graves delitos.

Staff (2024-12-30). øQué pretende el nuevo jefe de Misión en la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba? cubadebate.cu Contra la Revolución cubana los yanquis no hacen nada por gusto, su accionar siempre responde a un plan para intentar derrocarla, o al menos desestabilizar el orden interno. La historia así lo recoge en múltiples documentos y hechos. Por esa razón lo publicado en X, por la representación diplomática de Estados Unidos en La Habana el 10 de diciembre del 2024, hace pensar que algo se pudiera estar cocinando por Mike Hammer, recientemente nombrado como jefe de esa Misión, al asegurar que había sostenido un encuentro con Berta Soler Fernández y Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, dos desgastadas figuras de la contrarrevolu…

Staff (2024-12-30). Sobre la cancha: El gran recuerdo de O Rei. cubadebate.cu Otra vez camina por el vestuario, siente el silencio, pero ahí está la 10. Tras vestir nuevamente de corto se dispone a pisar el rectángulo verde, el mismo escenario donde su arte con la otrora blanquinegra hizo del fútbol el idioma más universal. Se acerca a la línea, es el último en entrar, todos aguardan conscientes de que sin él el balón no desea rodar. Edson Arantes do Nascimento se presenta como lo que siempre fue, alguien capaz de traspasar la etiqueta de inmortal, de leyenda.

Staff (2024-12-30). Al menos 71 pasajeros mueren tras caída de un camión a un río en Etiopía. cubadebate.cu El portavoz del Gobierno regional de Sidama, en el sur de Etiopía, Wosenyeleh Simion, informó que al menos 71 personas murieron por la caída de un camión de pasajeros en un río, en el distrito de Bona. Simion dijo a Reuters este lunes que, como resultado del accidente, fallecieron 68 hombres y tres mujeres.

Staff (2024-12-30). Guardia Civil española incauta siete toneladas de cocaína en Sevilla. cubadebate.cu La Guardia Civil incautó siete toneladas de cocaína en una finca de Coria del Río (Sevilla), el mayor alijo interceptado hasta la fecha introducido en narcolanchas en el sur español. Como resultado de la operación, que tuvo lugar el 27 de diciembre, fueron detenidas tres personas. Además de la droga, se decomisaron tres armas de fuego. Entre ellas, un fusil AK-47.

Staff (2024-12-30). Guterres urge a abandonar lo antes posible el camino del "colapso climático" cubadebate.cu En su mensaje de Año Nuevo, el secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, advirtió que el mundo va camino a la "ruina" si no se toman medidas inmediatas ante el cambio climático. "Estamos presenciando el colapso climático en tiempo real. Este camino está abocado a la ruina y tenemos que abandonarlo lo antes posible", afirmó.

Staff (2024-12-30). Trump pierde la apelación por difamación y abuso sexual contra la periodista E. Jean Carroll. cubadebate.cu Un panel de un tribunal federal de apelaciones ha confirmado este lunes el veredicto de un jurado que declara responsable al presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, de abusar sexualmente de la periodista E. Jean Carroll, así como de difamarla, y le ordena pagar cinco millones de dólares.

Staff (2024-12-30). Respuesta a "Con los educadores presentes, una penta ensalada gigante de fin de año" cubadebate.cu Con los números de los doce meses de un año, debes construir el número 2025, como bienvenida al nuevo año. La única restricción es usar solamente una vez cada número del 1 al 12. Puedes utilizar cualquier operador matemático y cualquier cantidad de paréntesis. Trata de resolverlo con la mayor eficiencia posible. Vamos por partes.

Staff (2024-12-30). Gaceta Oficial publica Ley del Presupuesto del Estado para 2025. cubadebate.cu La Gaceta Oficial No. 127 (ordinaria), de este 30 de diciembre, publicó la Ley 174, del Presupuesto del Estado para 2025, aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, en el Cuarto Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones de la X Legislatura.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-12-30). Estrellas Orientales ganan serie regular de la Liga Dominicana de Béisbol. radiohc.cu La Habna, 30 dic (RHC) Las Estrellas Orientales ganaron este domingo la serie regular de la Liga Dominicana de Béisbol 2024-2025, al vencer 2-1 a Tigres del Licey en 10 entradas, en partido celebrado en el Estadio Tetelo Vargas, en San Pedro de Macorís.

UMMID (2024-12-30). 'Imagined Reality': Bethlehem Pastor tears into Zionist idea of 'Greater Israel'. ummid.com The idea of "Greater Israel" that Israel and its supporters want the world to believe in order to create a Zionist state in Palestine is a case of 'imagined reality' based on incorrect interpretation of Bible, Rev. Munther Isaac said.

aljazeera (2024-12-30). Palestinian Authority's raid on Jenin appeals to Israeli, Western interests. aljazeera.com The Palestinian Authority is fighting armed groups in Jenin in hopes of winning favour with Israel and the US.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-12-30). Israeli Channel 14: Military Division 162 is incapable of defeating Hamas whose groups are still operating in northern Gaza. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-12-30). Aid groups demand end to Israel's attacks on Gaza hospitals. newarab.com The head of the "Hospitals in Gaza have once again become battlegrounds and the health system is under severe threat," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a post on X. | "We repeat: stop attacks on hospitals. People in Gaza need access to health care. Humanitarians need access to provide health a…

Robert Inlakesh (2024-12-30). BBC Exposé: Israeli Lobby and Government Collaborate in Free Speech Crackdown. mintpressnews.com Israeli lobbyists, organizations, and former intelligence operatives are actively working behind the scenes to suppress free speech, stifle debate at academic institutions, ban advocacy groups, and curtail the right to assembly. This coordinated effort has intensified during the ongoing Gaza war, with substantial complicity from Western governments and major social media platforms. | On December 17, the BBC published an

Jesse Hagopian (2024-12-30). Teachers Turn to Study Groups for Anti-Racist Learning as History Is Whitewashed. truthout.org It is hard to overstate the burdens public school educators have been asked to carry over the last several years. There are the perennial stressors: inadequate funding, crumbling infrastructure, the inundation of schools with standardized testing, and too little time to plan, grade and collaborate with colleagues. Then came the COVID-19 pandemic: isolation, building closures, remote teaching… |

newarab (2024-12-30). The Taliban say they will close all NGOs employing Afghan women. newarab.com The Taliban say they will close all national and foreign nongovernmental groups in It comes two years after they told In a letter published on X Sunday night, the Economy Ministry warned that failure to comply with the latest order would lead to NGOs losing their license to o…

UMMID (2024-12-30). MHT CET 2025 (PCB and PM) dates officially confirmed. ummid.com The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell has released the date and schedule of MHT CET 2025 – PCM and PCB groups, both on its official website.

presstv.ir (2024-12-30). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…

Human Rights Watch (2024-12-30). New UN Cybercrime Treaty Primed for Abuse. hrw.org Click to expand Image | The United Nations Headquarters building in New York City, United States, July 16, 2024. | © 2024 Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via AP Photo | The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention against Cybercrime on December 24, despite widespread concerns that the treaty will facilitate human rights violations.The convention, the first global treaty of its kind, extends far beyond addressing cybercrime — malicious attacks on computer networks, systems, and data. It obligates states to establish broad electronic surveillance powers to investigate and cooperate on a wide ran…

newarab (2024-12-30). Israeli forces order evacuation in besieged northern Gaza town. newarab.com Israeli forces carrying out a weeks-long offensive in The fresh expulsion orders caused a new wave of displacement, although it was not immediately clear how many people were affected, the residents said. | Palestinian and United Nations offi…

tvbrics (2024-12-30). United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres wishes the world Happy New Year. tvbrics.com "Together, we can make 2025 a new beginning"

newarab (2024-12-30). Sudan government rejects UN-backed famine declaration. newarab.com The Sudanese government strongly rejected on Sunday a report backed by the United Nations which determined that famine had The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) review, which UN agencies use, follows repeated warnings from the IPC said last week that…

Staff (2024-12-30). Talk World Radio: U.S. Government Funds Other Nations' Militaries More Than It Funds Climate Protection. davidswanson.org AUDIO: Talk World Radio is recorded on Zoom. Here is this week's video and all the videos on Youtube. VIDEO: This week on Talk World Radio, a new analysis finds that over the past decade the U.S. government has given to foreign nations' militaries 40 times the money it has paid into the Green Climate …

newarab (2024-12-30). Taliban leader bans windows overlooking women's areas. newarab.com The According to a statement released late Saturday by the Taliban government spokesman, new buildings should not have windows through which it is possible to see "the courtyard, kitchen, neighbour's well and other places usually used by women". | "Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from we…

_____ (2024-12-30). Turkey jails 7 journalists and media workers, places one under house arrest. evrensel.net

NEOB (2024-12-30). Law enforcement beefed up as the New Year approaches. sanews.gov.za Law enforcement beefed up as the New Year approaches | The National Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has called on motorists to drive with caution and respect the rules of the road as the new year approaches. | The corporation said stricter enforcement is in place as holidaymakers make their way across the country. | "Law enforcement will be tighter on the roads and around places of entertainment to ensure the safety of all road users on New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and when holiday makers start travelling back to home after the festive season holidays. | "More than one million vehicles have been stop…

A A (2024-12-30). Clueless in Gaza. strategic-culture.su If we review the hard powers resisting Israel's Gazan turkey shoot, the first thing we notice is that almost all of these have been armed by Iran or its proxies, with the major exception being the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and its derivatives, which were headquartered in the former Syrian Arab Republic, whose new rulers are literally spreading their hind cheeks to accommodate Israel's expansionist designs.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-12-30). France's Covid-19 pandemic investrigation handling closed. plenglish.com Paris, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) The Court of Justice of the French Republic (CJR) has closed the investigation into handling the Covid-19 pandemic, which involved high-ranking authorities, the press reports today.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-12-30). Urge unidad como garantía para desarrollo en el Caribe. radiohc.cu La Habana, 30 de dic (RHC) La secretaria general de la Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom), Carla Barnett, calificó 2024 como un año de grandes desafíos y confirmó la necesidad de trabajar colectivamente en estrategias para el desarrollo.

presstv.ir (2024-12-30). Israel struggling to contain attacks as Yemeni missiles rain down: US report. presstv.ir A report says the Israeli regime is struggling to contain the damage resulting from extensive Yemeni strikes against the occupied Palestinian territories.

Staff (2024-12-30). Jimmy Carter Dead at 100: Fmr. Pres. Urged "Peace Not Apartheid" in 2007 DN! Interview on Palestine. democracynow.org Former President Jimmy Carter died Sunday at his home in Plains, Georgia, at 100 years old. The 39th president served a single, tumultuous term in the White House from 1977 to 1981. As we begin our look at his life and legacy, we hear Carter's own words in a Democracy Now! interview discussing his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Carter criticized Israel's policies in the West Bank and Gaza, and argued Israel's settlements in the Occupied Territories were the main barrier to peace. "Americans don't want to know and many Israelis don't want to know what is going on inside Pa…

Ultimas Noticias, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-12-29). ALBA-TCP Condemns Trump's Statements About Panama Canal. popularresistance.org On Tuesday, the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) expressed their strongest condemnation of United States President-elect Donald Trump's statement in which he threatened to take control of the Panama Canal. | Through a statement published on Telegram, the multilateral bloc condemned this new threat to the Latin American and Caribbean region. It also reaffirmed its support for the Republic of Panama in defending its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and self-determination.

Staff (2024-12-29). Crisis climática expuso a las personas a seis semanas adicionales de calor peligroso en 2024, según estudio. cubadebate.cu La crisis climática provocó seis semanas adicionales de días peligrosamente calurosos en 2024 para la persona promedio, potenciando el efecto nocivo de las olas de calor en todo el mundo. Los efectos del calentamiento global fueron mucho peores para algunas personas, según un análisis de World Weather Attribution y Climate Central.

Mark Ginsburg, 48 hills. (2024-12-29). The Cuban Healthcare System And Its Lessons For The US. popularresistance.org I was in Cuba (again) during the first week of December. I traveled with a delegation of members of the National Single Payer organization, which is working to achieve a national healthcare system in the US that would fully cover everyone under a single, comprehensive, government-funded program. We visited a variety of healthcare institutions in the cities of Havana and Matanzas, the capital of the province of the same name. | One of the most memorable interactions took place at the University of Medical Sciences in Matanzas. After receiving a presentation about the organization and curriculum by one of the leade…

Martha Ríos (2024-12-29). China envía donativo al sistema eléctrico de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 29 dic (RHC) China envió este domingo un primer lote de donativo de piezas y accesorios para los equipos de grupos electrógenos de Cuba, como parte de la implementación de los consensos alcanzados entre los dos países.

Staff (2024-12-29). Elon Musk, AfD y el atentado en Alemania: Así usa la extrema derecha la tragedia para desatar el caos. cubadebate.cu Taleb al Abdulmohsen fue detenido como sospechoso de asesinato e intento de asesinato. No es islamista; tenía publicaciones islamófobas en internet. Pero la extrema derecha ha aprovechado la tragedia para difundir mensajes de odio contra la población migrante y rascar votos, cuando falta poco más de un mes para las elecciones.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-29). Cuba in 2024: resistance and the path to economic recovery. plenglish.com Havana (Prensa Latina) In 2024, Cuba faced big challenges related to disasters, the tightening of unilateral coercive measures, and its own internal deficiencies, although its will to continue to fight did not give up.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-29). Cuba to host international Barlady contest. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina) Twenty countries have confirmed their participation in the second edition of the International Barlady Contest, scheduled for March 7-9 in this capital, according to sources close to the event.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-12-29). Cubans in Uruguay honor the Revolution's anniversary. plenglish.com Montevideo, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's embassy staff and Cubans residing in Uruguay jointly marked here the upcoming 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, voicing their confidence in the future of their homeland.

Martha Ríos (2024-12-29). Presidente de Azerbaiyán felicita a Díaz-Canel por Fiesta Nacional de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 29 dic (RHC) El presidente de Azerbaiyán, Ilham Aliyev envió una felicitación a su par cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, en ocasión de la Fiesta Nacional de Cuba (1ro de enero) informó este domingo el embajador de la nación caribeña en Bakú, Carlos Valdés.

María Candela (2024-12-29). Colaboradores cubanos bailan casino en Venezuela (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Los colaboradores cubanos vibraron de alegría e identidad, al unirse este sábado desde Venezuela a la iniciativa "Cubaa* baila casino por la victoria"

Staff (2024-12-29). Colisión con aves y clima adverso pudieron causar accidente aéreo que dejó 179 muertos en Corea del Sur. cubadebate.cu Según el Ministerio de Transportes, la torre de control emitió al avión una advertencia de impacto con pájaros poco antes del aterrizaje y dio permiso al piloto para aterrizar en una zona diferente. Una autoridad dijo que se presume que la causa del accidente habría sido un choque con pájaros, combinado con condiciones climáticas adversas.

Staff (2024-12-29). Cuadrando la Caja: øCuadró la caja el 2024? cubadebate.cu Este domingo 29 de diciembre, con retransmisiones el martes 31 y el miércoles 1 de enero de 2025, vamos a intentar responder una de las preguntas que más nos hacen: øcuadra o no cuadra la caja? Lo haremos a través de un resumen de este año, 2024, que ya termina.

Staff (2024-12-29). Unicef: 473 millones de niños están atrapados en zonas de conflictos. cubadebate.cu Un informe del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, divulgado este sábado, reveló que aproximadamente 473 millones de niños y niñas en todo el mundo viven actualmente en zonas de conflicto. Esta cifra representa casi el 19% de la población infantil global, un alarmante incremento respecto al 10% registrado en la década de 1990.

Staff (2024-12-29). Cuba cuenta con elevado potencial de fuentes renovables de energía, según experto (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La disponibilidad del sistema electroenergético nacional alcanzó este 2024 sus niveles más bajos en los últimos cinco años. Sobre las potencialidades de las llamadas energías limpias en Cuba y su utilización por el sector estatal, Cubadebate dialogó con Rosell Guerra Campaña, director de Energía Renovable del Ministerio de Energía y Minas.

Staff (2024-12-29). UNE prevé afectación de 1 070 MW en horario pico nocturno este domingo. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico de este domingo, la Unión Nacional Eléctrica proyecta una disponibilidad de 2 100 MW frente a una demanda máxima de 3 100 MW. De mantenerse las condiciones actuales, se espera un déficit de 1 000 MW y una afectación estimada de 1 070 MW. Se mantienen las afectaciones por averías y déficit de combustible.

Staff (2024-12-29). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 29 de diciembre de 2024. cubadebate.cu

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-12-29). Mayo Clinic Neurology AI Program tests platform to detect brain diseases‚ÄØ. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research suggests machine learning can assist clinicians with diagnoses, treatment ‚ÄØ Imagine a world where neurological diagnoses are made with greater precision, treatment decisions are supported by data-driven insights and early detection is more frequent. This is the vision driving new research from the Mayo Clinic Neurology Artificial Intelligence Program (NAIP), where artificial intelligence (AI) serves as a powerful tool to support and augment the expertise of healthcare professionals. The NAIP team is testing StateViewer,…

UMMID (2024-12-29). 'Imagined Reality': Bethlehem Pastor tears into Zionist idea of 'Greater Israel'. ummid.com The idea of "Greater Israel" that Israel and its supporters want the world to believe in order to create a Zionist state in Palestine is a case of 'imagined reality' based on incorrect interpretation of Bible, Rev. Munther Isaac said.

The Independent (2024-12-29). China attaches greater importance to minors' mental health. independent.co.ug BEIJING | Xinhua | China has attached increasing importance to the mental health of children and adolescents, experts said at a press conference held by the National Health Commission (NHC) on Wednesday. Epidemiological survey results from authoritative institutions show that the actual prevalence of depression among adolescents in China is about 2 percent, said Xie …

Jonathan Cook (2024-12-29). Another Expert Report Finds Israel Is Committing Genocide. The West Yawns. Jonathan Cook. globalresearch.ca Three separate reports published this month by leading international human rights and medical groups have detailed the same horrifying story: that Israel is well advanced in its genocide of the Palestinian population in Gaza. | Or, to be more accurate, they …

Julia Conley (2024-12-29). Lawmakers and Free Speech Groups Urge SCOTUS to Overturn Impending TikTok Ban. truthout.org On Friday evening, President-elect Donald Trump filed a brief with the Supreme Court that took no position on whether a ban on TikTok would violate First Amendment rights. Instead, he wrote that he has "consummate deal-making expertise," and as president would be able to "negotiate a resolution to save the platform while addressing the national security concerns expressed by the government."… |

UMMID (2024-12-29). MHT CET 2025 (PCB and PM) dates officially confirmed. ummid.com The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell has released the date and schedule of MHT CET 2025 – PCM and PCB groups, both on its official website.

presstv.ir (2024-12-29). Haiti gang massacres at least 110 people in Cite Soleil: Rights group. presstv.ir National Human Right Defense Network says at least 110 were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil by gang led by Monel Felix.

presstv.ir (2024-12-29). Landslides following 7.4 magnitude quake in Vanuatu. presstv.ir Magnitude 7.4 earthquake causes widespread damage in Pacific island nation of Vanuatu…

Lucia Posteraro (2024-12-29). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org

presstv.ir (2024-12-29). Syria situation won't impact Iran-Russia strategic partnership: Russian FM. presstv.ir Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reaffirmed that the volatile situation in Syria will not affect the nature of the Iran-Russia strategic partnership and the two nations are set to sign their agreement in the near future.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-29). Hamas calls on UN to send observers to Gaza. plenglish.com Ramallah, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Hamas movement on Sunday condemned Israel's attacks on hospitals in the Gaza Strip and called on the United Nations to send observers to refute the Army's accusations about the use of these facilities for military purposes.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-12-29). Laos/Thailand: United Nations body petitioned over the enforced disappearance of Thai dissident. fidh.org

United World International (2024-12-29). France strengthens its position in the Horn of Africa. uwidata.com By Yiƒüit Saner French President Emmanuel Macron's recent visit to Djibouti and Ethiopia has raised many questions about the real objectives Paris hopes to achieve in the Horn of Africa. This visit coincided with a significant decline in French influence in several Sahel countries, including key nations such as Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, as …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-12-29). Mayo Clinic Minute: Update adult vaccinations for a new year. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the start of a new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult vaccinations. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Whether it's the annual flu shot,…

_____ (2024-12-29). Turkey jails 7 journalists and media workers, places one under house arrest. evrensel.net

Martha Ríos (2024-12-29). Avión con 175 pasajeros se estrella en aeropuerto de Corea del Sur. radiohc.cu La Habana, 29 dic (RHC) Un avión de Jeju Air se estrelló este domingo al aterrizar en un aeropuerto de la ciudad suroccidental de Muan, Corea del Sur, proveniente de Bangkok, Tailandia.

newarab (2024-12-29). Florida rep. Hillary Cassel switches to Republican 'for Israel'. newarab.com

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-12-29). Billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy Is A Wall Street Speculator. popularresistance.org Vivek Ramaswamy is the billionaire Republican politician and failed presidential candidate whom Donald Trump appointed to lead the so-called "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE), alongside co-chair Elon Musk, the richest oligarch on Earth (who brands himself a libertarian anti-government crusader, while his companies receive billions in US government subsidies). | Ramaswamy sparked something of a civil war among US conservatives with a puerile Twitter post lamenting how US popular culture upholds jocks over nerds.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-12-29). Russians commemorate Korean hero Kim Jong Il's death. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina) On the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the death of the hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Il, several commemorative events were held in Russia, it was reported here on Sunday.

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