(2024-12-28). Moscow: US, UK special forces directing attacks on Russian bases in Syria. presstv.ir The Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) says US and British special services are plotting a series of terrorist attacks against Russian military bases in Syria.
(2024-12-28). Buying democracy: The corrupting influence of Elon Musk. mronline.org The billionaire wants to insert the power of his money into British politics, but Reform can be crushed if we mount a campaign of real protest, unafraid to attack Labour, argues John Westmoreland.
(2024-12-28). Serbians express solidarity with Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 28 (Prensa Latina) The Serbian-Cuban Association of Belgrade reaffirmed its solidarity with the socialist project of Cuba, as reported today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Caribbean nation.
(2024-12-28). Panama and Cuba resume joint literacy program. plenglish.com Panama, Dec 28 (Prensa Latina) The governments of Panama and Cuba signed an agreement on Friday to continue the literacy program based on the Caribbean nation's pedagogical method "Yes, I can" in 2025.
(2024-12-28). Cuba condemns Israeli aggression in the Palestinian strip. plenglish.com "We condemn the Israeli assault on the Kamal Adwan hospital in the north of the Strip, which expelled more than 300 sick and wounded people from the center," the Cuban foreign minister said on the social network X. | According to the head of Cuban diplomacy, in this way Israel violates "International Law in Gaza with impunity." | He also criticizes the permanent attack by Israeli forces on "civilian installations and killing thousands of people."
(2024-12-28). Primer ministro israelí será operado para extirparle la próstata. cubadebate.cu El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, se someterá mañana domingo a una operación de extirpación de próstata, según anunció este sábado su oficina, citada por The Times of Israel. Se informa que el mandatario fue diagnosticado con una infección del tracto urinario causada por un agrandamiento benigno de la próstata.
(2024-12-28). Israel viola la tregua con el Líbano: Se reportan ataques, bombardeos e incursiones. cubadebate.cu Transcurrida la primera mitad del plazo de 60 días para la retirada israelí del sur de Líbano, las fuerzas de Tel Aviv continuaron este sábado los bombardeos, las demoliciones e incursiones en violación de la tregua. De acuerdo con reportes de prensa, los militares israelíes patrullaron zonas sureñas en Taybeh, Al-Qantara, Aadchit, El Qsair y Deir Seryan.
(2024-12-28). Ciudadanos cubanos estarán exentos del pago de tarifas al solicitar visas para viajar a China a partir del 1 de enero. cubadebate.cu La embajada de China en La Habana anunció que, a partir del próximo 1 de enero, los ciudadanos cubanos estarán exentos de pagar tarifas al solicitar visas para China. El embajador chino en Cuba, Hua Xin, comunicó la medida en un mensaje de felicitación por el nuevo año y el 66 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución cubana.
(2024-12-28). Jamaica devuelve por Santiago de Cuba a 21 migrantes irregulares. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades de Jamaica devolvieron este sábado 28 de diciembre a 21 migrantes irregulares por el puerto de Santiago de Cuba, en la primera operación de ese tipo que se realiza desde ese país por vía marítima. Con esta devolución, suman 93 con un total de 1384 personas desde diferentes países de la región, en 2024.
(2024-12-28). Peruvian Party salutes Cuban people for defending honor and dignity. plenglish.com Lima, Dec 28 (Prensa Latina) The Peru Libre Party (PPL) congratulated the Cuban people on Friday for defending their honor and dignity with a large popular mobilization against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States.
(2024-12-28). Americas Baseball Series: Lumberjacks for the gold medal. plenglish.com Las Tunas, Cuba, Dec 28 (Prensa Latina) The Lumberjacks of Las Tunas, Cuban representative to the first Americas Series in baseball, will go for the gold medal, their mentor Abeicy Pantoja said today.
(2024-12-28). Cuba reiterates willingness to dialogue with US without interference. plenglish.com "We are willing to engage in dialogue with the United States and develop relations of respect, on an equal footing," Rodriguez wrote on the social network X. | He also added that the exchange should be mutually beneficial, as it is with the rest of the countries. | He also specified that Cuba will "forcefully confront any attempt to interfere in its internal affairs."
(2024-12-28). Lamentan fallecimiento de Académico de Mérito cubano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) La Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (ACC) lamentó el fallecimiento, recientemente, del Doctor en Ciencias Porfirio Hernández Ramírez, Académico de Mérito de la institución.
(2024-12-28). Reitera Cuba voluntad de dialogar con EE.UU. sin injerencias. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Bruno Rodríguez reiteró hoy que el gobierno de Cuba está dispuesto a tratar con su par de Estados Unidos cualquier asunto bilateral, sin condiciones.
(2024-12-28). Manifiestan en Serbia solidaridad con Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) La Asociación Serbio-Cubana de Belgrado reafirmó su solidaridad con el proyecto socialista de Cuba, según notificó hoy el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la nación caribeña.
(2024-12-28). Espacio literario en Cuba homenajeará el triunfo de la Revolución. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) En homenaje al triunfo de la Revolución cubana, el tradicional espacio Sábado del Libro, en la Calle de Madera del Centro Histórico habanero, presentará hoy el título Historia y testimonio de una época. Fidel, Che y Mao.
(2024-12-28). Cuba baila Casino por la Victoria. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) Una Simultánea de Ruedas de Casino tendrá lugar hoy a lo largo del territorio nacional en homenaje al triunfo de la Revolución cubana.
(2024-12-28). 2025 también será un año de intensa solidaridad con Cuba. radiohc.cu El movimiento de solidaridad con Cuba en América Latina y el Caribe se prepara para un intenso 2025, con diversas acciones de respaldo a la justa lucha del pueblo cubano por el levantamiento del bloqueo norteamericano y a favor de la exclusión de la Mayor de las Antillas de la arbitraria lista de Estados Unidos de países supuestamente patrocinadores del terrorismo.
(2024-12-28). Estudiantes reeditan suceso histórico de la Revolución Cubana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 28 dic (RHC) Un grupo de estudiantes de las enseñanzas primaria y secundaria en la central provincia de Villa Clara reeditan desde hoy los hechos de la Batalla de Santa Clara, clave para el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana.
(2024-12-28). 1958: El derrumbe. cubadebate.cu Lo último que hizo el dictador Fulgencio Batista en la madrugada del 1 de enero de 1959, antes de salir de la casa presidencial de Columbia, fue ordenar que le sirvieran una taza de café con leche. Batista comenzó a preparar su fuga en la noche del 22 de diciembre.
(2024-12-28). Donald Trump pide a la Corte Suprema que pause la ley que prohibirá TikTok en EEUU. cubadebate.cu Millones de personas en Estados Unidos con una cuenta de TikTok están a la expectativa de cuál será el futuro de la red social en el país, ya que la plataforma podría prohibirse a nivel nacional gracias a una legislación promulgada en abril de este año. Este viernes,Trump presentó una solicitud a la Corte Suprema para que suspenda la implementación de la ley.
(2024-12-28). Federación Cubana de Béisbol y Softbol reconoce a los mejores exponentes del deporte nacional. cubadebate.cu La Federación Cubana de Béisbol y Softbol reconoció este sábado a los peloteros que más se destacaron en diversas categorías a largo del año que finaliza. El equipo de Béisbol5 resultó el más sobresaliente, gracias a sus títulos en el Panamericano de Barranquilla y el Mundial de Hong Kong, que lo posicionaron como líder mundial.
(2024-12-28). øQué es el fenómeno de la "luna negra" que tendrá lugar la semana próxima? cubadebate.cu En la noche del lunes al martes de la próxima semana tendrá lugar un evento lunar único conocido coloquialmente como 'luna negra', informó el portal EarthSky. øDe qué se trata? øA qué hora empezará el fenómeno?.
(2024-12-28). Fuertes lluvias e inundaciones en algunas áreas de La Habana este viernes (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Intensas lluvias han afectado diversas localidades de La Habana este viernes, causando inundaciones en algunas zonas. En su pronóstico para la jornada, el Instituto de Meteorología alertó sobre estas fuertes precipitaciones en la capital cubana.
(2024-12-28). Visita presidente Díaz-Canel nuevas sedes de instituciones de la prensa cubana (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, visitó en la mañana de este sábado las nuevas sedes de la editora multimedios Juventud Rebelde (JR) y el Centro de Información para la Prensa, acompañado por el miembro del Buró Político y secretario de Organización del Comité Central, Roberto Morales Ojeda.
(2024-12-28). La Universidad Central de Las Villas recuerda la investidura del Che como Doctor Honoris Causa. cubadebate.cu La Universidad Central de Las Villas recordó este sábado el aniversario 65 de la investidura del Comandante Ernesto "Che" Guevara como Doctor Honoris Causa.
(2024-12-28). Mayo Clinic Neurology AI Program tests platform to detect brain diseases‚ÄØ. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research suggests machine learning can assist clinicians with diagnoses, treatment ‚ÄØ Imagine a world where neurological diagnoses are made with greater precision, treatment decisions are supported by data-driven insights and early detection is more frequent. This is the vision driving new research from the Mayo Clinic Neurology Artificial Intelligence Program (NAIP), where artificial intelligence (AI) serves as a powerful tool to support and augment the expertise of healthcare professionals. The NAIP team is testing StateViewer,…
(2024-12-28). CAIR Calls on Med Groups to Speak Out as Israel Burns Hospital, Murders Medical Staff. indybay.org The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on U.S. and international medical groups to condemn Israel's burning of Kamal Adwan Hospital, one of the last hospitals in northern Gaza, and the murder of five members of its medical staff.
(2024-12-28). Coalition of labor, community, and faith groups wins victory for the BDS movement in California. mondoweiss.net Organizers in Alameda County, CA, scored a BDS victory in December when the Board of Supervisors voted to develop an ethical investment policy that could divest tens of millions of dollars from companies profiting off Israeli genocide and apartheid.
(2024-12-28). Biden Moves to Protect Climate Progress From Trump, But Advocates Want More. truthout.org Even before Election Day, environmental groups were suggesting ways that the Biden administration could protect the president's climate agenda from an incoming president who has vowed to increase fossil fuel production and repeal major climate initiatives. Since then, Biden has taken many of those steps — backing a proposal to curtail public financing for oil and gas projects around the… |
(2024-12-28). Ecuador hands over Galapagos Islands to build U.S. military base. mronline.org The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, ordered the handover of the Galapagos Islands for the construction of a U.S. military base, due to the approval of the "Comprehensive security project in the island region" and the "Instructions for the application of cooperation agreements between Ecuador and the United States" on December 10.
(2024-12-28). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2024-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Update adult vaccinations for a new year. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the start of a new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult vaccinations. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Whether it's the annual flu shot,…
(2024-12-28). Report: Climate Crisis Is Causing 3 Quarters of the World's Land to Dry Out. truthout.org As Earth grows warmer, its ground is becoming drier and saltier, with profound consequences for the planet's 8 billion inhabitants — nearly a third of whom already live in places where water is increasingly scarce and the ability to raise crops and livestock is increasingly difficult. Climate change is accelerating this trend. New research has found global warming has made 77 percent of the… |
(2024-12-28). The small Chinese towns making big waves in 2024. ecns.cn As the footsteps of time gently bring us to the end of this year, looking back on 2024, many small Chinese towns are making big waves. Though modest in size, they're brimming with potential, emerging as powerful new forces in China's economy, and carving out their places on the global stage.
(2024-12-28). The Chinese towns we explored in 2024. ecns.cn As the footsteps of time gently bring us to the end of this year, looking back on 2024, we've explored and unlocked many unique Chinese small towns. Though small in size, they're brimming with potential, emerging as powerful new forces in China's economy, and carving out their places on the global stage. From local tales to the global impact, from quiet beginnings to shining success. Let's revisit the places we've explored in 2024. What stories have they written into history?
(2024-12-28). The small Chinese towns making big waves in 2024. ecns.cn As the footsteps of time gently bring us to the end of this year, looking back on 2024, we've explored and unlocked many unique Chinese small towns. Though small in size, they're brimming with potential, emerging as powerful new forces in China's economy, and carving out their places on the global stage. From local tales to the global impact, from quiet beginnings to shining success. Let's revisit the places we've explored in 2024. What stories have they written into history?
(2024-12-28). Iran Hits Back at Arab League Claims of Fueling Tensions in Syria. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian foreign minister rebuked the Arab League for accusing Tehran of attempts to foment strife in Syria, reaffirming that the Islamic Republic seeks peaceful transition of power and the formation of an inclusive government in Syria.
republicworld.com (2024-12-28). ADMISSION? Putin Apologises To Azerbaijan Over Plane Crash As Kremlin Admits Firing Over Grozny Airport Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday apologised to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev over the tragic plane crash that killed nearly 38. In an official statement on Saturday, the Kremlin said its air defense systems were firing near Grozny due to a Ukrainian drone strike, but stopped short of saying one of these hit the plane.
(2024-12-28). Russian President sends congratulations to his DPRK counterpart. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory letter on the arrival of the New Year to his counterpart from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un.
(2024-12-28). Iraq's PMU voices loyalty to Iran for help in anti-terror fight. presstv.ir Iraq's anti-terror Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) says it will remain faithful to Iran over the Islamic Republic's support and assistance.
(2024-12-28). An Anarchist View From Rojava on Recent Events in Syria. itsgoingdown.org Long-running anarchist radio show and podcast The Final Straw speaks with a member of Tekoşîna Anarşist about the unfolding situation in Syria. This week, The Final Straw is sharing a conversation with Errico, a combatant member of Tekoşîna Anarşist, an internationalist anarchist formation in critical solidarity with the Rojava Revolution. For this episode, Errico answers…
(2024-12-28). Yemeni forces target Israeli Nevatim Airbase in retaliatory missile strike. presstv.ir The Yemeni Armed Forces have targeted the Israeli Nevatim Airbase in the occupied territories in retaliation for the Tel Aviv regime's bloody onslaught against the Palestinians in Gaza.
(2024-12-27). Reform UK MPs' biggest gaffes since being elected. leftfootforward.org Unfortunately, Reform won five seats at the general election in July, which, also unfortunately, has led to increased media exposure. | However, this has also (fortunately) brought increased scrutiny of their harmful statements. | A glance at their candidate lineups, featuring a Hitler admirer, COVID conspiracy theorists, and British National Party supporters, none of whom were properly vetted, makes it clear they have no qualms about selecting people with extreme and offensive views. Now let's take a closer look at the damaging statements, and actions, that have put Reform MPs in the spotlight for all the wr…
(2024-12-27). What's Left In Latin American And The Caribbean: Year 2024 In Review. popularresistance.org The progressive regional current, the "Pink Tide," could be better called "troubled waters" in 2024. The tide had already slackened by 2023 compared to its rise in 2022, when it was buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil. Then, progressive alternatives had sailed into power replacing failed neoliberal policies. Since, they have had to govern under circumstances that they inherited but were not their own making. | Brazil's "suicidal veto" in August, which excluded Venezuela and Nicaragua from the BRICS trade alliance, was indicative of triangulating between the US and regional allegiances.
(2024-12-27). El próximo zar fronterizo de Trump advierte sobre la posibilidad de encarcelar a familias migrantes. cubadebate.cu Tom Homan, el nuevo "zar fronterizo" nominado por el presidente electo, Donald Trump, afirmó que cuando el magnate regrese a la Casa Blanca las autoridades estadunidenses encarcelarán a familias migrantes en centros de detención antes de ser expulsados del país como parte de sus planes de deportación masiva.
(2024-12-27). Cuba conoció sus rivales para el Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol Masculino de 2025. cubadebate.cu El equipo masculino de Cuba competirá en el apartado D del XXI Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol 2025, certamen previsto para efectuarse del 12 al 28 de septiembre de 2025 con sede en dos escenarios de Filipinas. Luego del sorteo anunciado en el sitio de la Federación Internacional, los cubanos estarán en acción ante uno de los favoritos para subir al podio.
(2024-12-27). Dominicans will pay tribute to Cuban singer songwriter Pablo Milanés. plenglish.com Santo Domingo, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) The concert "Dominicana sings to Pablo," announced by Vibra Productions for February 26, will be dedicated to singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés, one of the founders of Cuba's New Song Movement.
(2024-12-27). More than 100 hurricanes have crossed Cuba in the last two centuries. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) One hundred and twenty-one hurricanes crossed Cuba between 1791 and 2023, 84 of which passed through the west of the island, the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) published on its digital social networks.
(2024-12-27). Nuevo laboratorio en Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 dic (RHC) El primer laboratorio del país para la evaluación del sistema nervioso autónomo fue inaugurado este jueves en el Centro de Investigaciones del Deporte Cubano (CIDC).
(2024-12-27). Cuba dispondrá de nuevos parques solares fotovoltaicos para 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 dic (RHC) Cuba pondrá en funcionamiento 55 nuevos parques solares fotovoltaicos en el transcurso del próximo año, aseguró hoy el canciller cubano, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.
(2024-12-27). Siete días de luto en India por deceso de exprimer ministro Singh. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 dic (RHC) India anunció hoy siete días de luto estatal por el deceso del exprimer ministro Manmohan Singh, una de las grandes personalidades políticas que aportó a las relaciones amistosas entre su país y Cuba.
(2024-12-27). Destacan posibilidad de Cuba y Sri Lanka cooperar en comunicación. radiohc.cu La Habana, 27 dic (RHC) El embajador Andrés González coincidió hoy con el nuevo presidente de la cadena Rupavahini Corporation, Gihan de Silva, en la posibilidad de cooperación en las esferas de la comunicación entre Cuba y Sri Lanka.
(2024-12-27). Chávez, spirituality and celebration: A conversation with Joel Suárez (Part II). mronline.org A theologian from Cuba's Martin Luther King Center talks about how Chávez celebrated life.
(2024-12-27). Exhibition of Cuban artists inaugurated in Crimea. mronline.org The Crimean Central Library is showcasing for the first time a selection of 30 paintings by Cuban artists, featuring landscapes, portraits, cityscapes, and depictions of Cuban life.
(2024-12-27). Cuba y otros países se adherirán al BRICS como socios en 2025. cubadebate.cu A partir del 1 de enero de 2025, varios países pasarán a formar parte del grupo BRICS en calidad de Estados socios, comunicó este viernes la Cancillería rusa. La creación de esta nueva categoría fue acordada durante la cumbre del BRICS que se celebró en octubre de la ciudad rusa de Kazán.
(2024-12-27). Cuba y Panamá reinician su colaboración en el programa de alfabetización. cubadebate.cu Cuba y Panamá suscribieron este viernes un convenio que da continuidad en 2025 al programa de alfabetización basado en el método pedagógico de la nación caribeña "Yo sí puedo". El documento que sienta las bases del programa conocido como "Muévete por Panamá" fue suscrito en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides).
(2024-12-27). El Gobierno español obligará a los influencers en redes sociales a rectificar cuando publiquen noticias falsas. cubadebate.cu El Consejo de Ministros aprobó la semana pasada la reforma de la ley que regula el derecho de rectificación, para incluir también a los influencers y perfiles con cientos de miles de seguidores en las plataformas digitales. La medida supone una "actualización" de la norma de 1984 y busca "promover una mayor calidad en el debate público".
(2024-12-27). La aerolínea Azerbaijan Airlines nombró la causa del accidente aéreo en Kazajistán. cubadebate.cu La empresa aérea Azerbaijan Airlines, cuyo Embraer 190 se estrelló en Kazajistán este miércoles, nombró la causa preliminar del accidente. Según el comunicado de la aerolínea, en el que también anunció la suspensión de vuelos a varias ciudades rusas, el avión que se dirigía a Grozny cayó debido a "interferencias externas físicas y técnicas".
(2024-12-27). Protestas postelectorales en Mozambique: ONG reporta 134 muertos desde el lunes. cubadebate.cu Al menos 134 personas han muerto en Mozambique debido a las protestas que estallaron tras la publicación de los resultados finales de las elecciones generales. El pasado lunes, se confirmó el triunfo de Daniel Chapo, candidato presidencial del oficialista Frente de Liberación de Mozambique (Frelimo), en los comicios, aunque la oposición ha rechazado los resultados.
(2024-12-27). Se conmemoran 129 años desde la primera proyección comercial de cine. cubadebate.cu Este 28 de diciembre se cumplen 129 años de la primera exhibición comercial, en 1895, de las películas producidas por los hermanos Lumiere para presentar su invento del cinematógrafo. En una primera proyección privada anterior, el 22 de marzo de 1895, Auguste y Louis Lumiere proyectaron la que suele considerarse como primera película de la historia.
(2024-12-27). La Habana se prepara para Carrera de San Silvestre. cubadebate.cu La Habana se prepara para despedir el año con una tradición que combina deporte, historia y espíritu festivo: la Carrera de San Silvestre, a celebrarse el próximo 31 de diciembre en la Ciudad Deportiva. Con el respaldo técnico de la Dirección de Deportes de la provincia, la Comisión Nacional de Carreras y Caminatas Marabana -Maracuba.
(2024-12-27). UNE: Para el horario pico se prevé una afectación estimada de 1311 MW. cubadebate.cu El servicio eléctrico se vio afectado este jueves desde las 04: 58 h por déficit de capacidad de generación. La máxima afectación registrada fue de 1301 MW a las 18: 10 h, coincidiendo con el horario de mayor demanda. La afectación quedó restablecida a las 00: 58 h de la madrugada, pero se reanudó a las 04: 58 h de la mañana de hoy.
(2024-12-27). Primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, inauguró empresa agroindustrial en Mayabeque. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, inauguró este jueves la empresa agroindustrial 13 de Agosto, ubicada en la provincia de Mayabeque, cuya misión principal es la producción de alimentos desde un enfoque más integral y sostenible, teniendo al municipio como instancia fundamental de la vida económica y social del país.
(2024-12-27). 'Imagined Reality': Bethlehem Pastor tears into Zionist idea of 'Greater Israel'. ummid.com The idea of "Greater Israel" that Israel and its supporters want the world to believe in order to create a Zionist state in Palestine is a case of 'imagined reality' based on incorrect interpretation of Bible, Rev. Munther Isaac said.
(2024-12-27). As some Israeli officers seem to push systematic destruction in Gaza, Hamas regroups. haaretz.com In tent camps, Palestinian teenagers are undergoing training in firearms, rocket-propelled grenades and explosives ‚ñ Defense Minister Katz is good at undercutting the IDF chief of staff, whose personnel crisis is deepening…
(2024-12-27). Mozambique Conflict Has Left 1 Million Displaced But Western Media Still Focuses on Ukraine. globalresearch.ca Corruption and mismanagement by the Mozambican government fueled feelings of exclusion and revolt among local youth, facilitating recruitment by terrorist groups and allowing the creation of extremist bases in the African country. Yet, with conflict raging in the northern province …
(2024-12-27). One of the most dangerous contemporary groups. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Al-Allamah Rabee Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him, stated: However, the most dangerous of these (above) categories and the ones who produced the worst consequences were the people of innovation-the spiteful ones that are filled with hatred. This is since by their plotting …
(2024-12-27). "We're Not for Sale": Greenlandic Member of Danish Parliament Responds to Trump's Vow to Buy Island. democracynow.org We speak with a Greenlandic member of the Danish Parliament, Aaja Chemnitz, about incoming U.S. President Donald Trump's plans to make America larger, in part by taking ownership of Greenland, which is controlled by Denmark. Greenland's prime minister rejected the idea this week, saying, "We are not for sale and will never be for sale." Trump's statement on Greenland was made as he announced he was picking PayPal co-founder Ken Howery as his pick for United States ambassador to Denmark. "We're open for business. We're not for sale," says Chemnitz. "The d…
(2024-12-27). Brazil: Piquiá de Baixo's community members resettled to safe houses away from mining pollution. fidh.org
(2024-12-27). Insights | Erik Solheim extends early New Year wishes to the Chinese people. ecns.cn Looking upon this passing year, Erik Solheim, the former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), praises China for its progress in environmental initiatives in a recent interview with China News Network. He expresses hope that China will continue to adopt even greener practices by 2025. Additionally, he wishes his Chinese friends and the people of China a Happy New Year.
(2024-12-27). Lebanese Brigadier General Warns of New Status Quo as Israeli Enemy Escalates Violations. english.almanar.com.lb Brigadier General Mounir Shehadeh, former Lebanese government coordinator with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), has raised concerns over ongoing Israeli enemy violations since the ceasefire was declared. He warned that these actions reflect Israeli efforts to impose a new status quo on Lebanon and its resistance. Exploiting International Cover In an interview …
(2024-12-27). WHO Chief Survives Israel's Bombing of Sanaa Airport That Killed 4 People. truthout.org As part of Israel's assault on various countries across the Middle East, Israeli fighter jets on Thursday bombed multiple sites in Yemen, including Sanaa International Airport, killing multiple people and threatening the life of a leading United Nations official. World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and colleagues were at the airport, wrapping up a trip… |
(2024-12-27). Washington's Unstoppable Superweapon. orinocotribune.com By Brian Berletic — Dec 24, 2024 | As geopolitical tensions escalate, the U.S. wields its most formidable weapon—not military might, but a sophisticated network of political and informational control that reshapes nations and regions to serve its interests. | In recent months, even across the collective West's media, growing admissions are being made about both Russia and China's superior military industrial capacity. With Russia's first use of the intermediate-range ballistic missile, the Oreshnik, it is admitted that Russia (and likely China) possess formidable military capabilities the collective We…
(2024-12-27). Big Tech Backs Trump to Cut Taxes, Boost Crypto, Replace Workers with AI: Tech Investor Roger McNamee. democracynow.org Silicon Valley and tech billionaires are lining up to support the incoming Trump administration. With the world's richest man, Elon Musk, as one of Trump's closest advisers, Trump has hosted Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg for dinners at Mar-a-Lago. Amazon, Meta and OpenAI's Sam Altman have all announced donations of $1 million each to Trump's inaugural committee. Trump has placed tech executives all over his new administration, including PayPal co-founder Ken Howery, venture capitalists Scott Kupor and Sriram Krishnan, and tech boss David Sacks, whom Trump has p…
(2024-12-27). Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution refuses to implode. onlineopinion.com.au The Saudi-based Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution (HKOPS) to end 100 years of conflict between Arabs and Jews refuses to implode despite the best efforts of the United Nations and world media.
(2024-12-27). UN calls for investigation into air strikes on Afghan border. newarab.com The UN mission to The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said it had "received credible reports that dozens of civilians, including women and children, were killed in airstrikes by Pakistan's military forces in Paktika prov…
(2024-12-27). Big Tech Backs Trump to Cut Taxes, Deregulate Crypto and Replace Workers With AI. truthout.org Silicon Valley and tech billionaires are lining up to support the incoming Trump administration. With the world's richest man, Elon Musk, as one of Trump's closest advisers, Trump has hosted Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg for dinners at Mar-a-Lago. Amazon, Meta and OpenAI's Sam Altman have all announced donations of $1 million each to Trump's inaugural committee. |
(2024-12-27). Republicans Plan to Revive Legislative Attacks on Voting Rights. truthout.org A key GOP lawmaker made clear in an interview published Thursday that Republicans plan to push for a pair of their voting-related bills when they take control of both chambers of Congress and the White House next month. Congressman Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), who campaigned for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), chairs the Committee on House… |
(2024-12-27). Russian President sends New Year greetings to DPRK leader. plenglish.com Moscow, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent New Year greetings to the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un, the Kremlin's press service reported.
(2024-12-27). SATIRE: Mysterious Illness In Congo Kills Dozens. theonion.com An unidentified disease with flu-like symptoms has killed dozens of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with unknown illness having led to the death of at least 79 people and sickened 376. What do you think?
(2024-12-27). SATIRE: Pope Francis Decries Legal Head Shops Overrunning Vatican City. theonion.com VATICAN CITY—Speaking to reporters in front of Saint Peter's Holy Vape House in the heart of downtown, Pope Francis spoke out this week against the legal head shops he decried are overrunning Vatican City. "You can't walk the colonnade without passing a cluttered window display with a bunch of bongs and a painting of a …
(2024-12-27). 'Hypersonic' Yemeni missile hits Tel Aviv after Israeli airstrikes. presstv.ir Air raid sirens have sounded over a large part of the Israeli occupied territories following a missile attack from Yemen which targeted Tel Aviv early Friday, causing Ben Gurion airport to shut down.