2024-11-17: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-11-17). This week in history: November 18-24. wsws.org Myanmar-Thailand border clash; UN recognizes Palestinian "right of return";British Labour government nationalizes iron and steel industry; first Australopithecus skull discovered.

Abubaker Abed (2024-11-17). Palestinian courage "inspires me beyond belief" electronicintifada.net British-Egyptian soccer star Sam Morsy has been an outspoken advocate for Palestinian rights.

Nicola Jeffery (2024-11-17). If you want a TRUE 'full English breakfast', there's only ONE British thing on the plate. thecanary.co When you talk to your neighbour and they say "we're losing our identity, Muslims are taking over… what about our full English breakfasts?", it does make you wonder just what people are watching on X and TikTok. However, it also got me wondering just how 'English' is a full English breakfast? Well, not very as […] | By

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-11-17). Authorities congratulate Cuban students. plenglish.com A hug goes out to all the students who are standing and fighting for Cuba in their communities, scholarships and study centers, wrote the country's president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, on the social network X. | The head of state highlighted that during the date many citizens, including students from various levels of education, participate in recovery efforts after the ravages of hurricanes Oscar and Rafael, plus two earthquakes, in less than 30 days. | "A heartfelt congratulations to the Cuban students; who contribute decisively, always at the forefront, to the economic-social development of our country," said, meanwh…

Staff (2024-11-17). Disparan bengalas contra la casa del primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu. cubadebate.cu La Policía israelí informó que dos bengalas fueron disparadas la tarde del 16 de noviembre en los alrededores de la residencia del primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, ubicada en Cesarea. El incidente, calificado como "grave" por las autoridades, ocurrió alrededor de las 19: 30 horas y las bengalas cayeron en el patio de la casa.

Staff (2024-11-17). Patria y amor. cubadebate.cu Hay que dar la batalla de hoy con proyectiles de más calibre, con la crítica y autocrítica desde el aula hasta el país, conscientes como dice Fidel, que nosotros poseemos otro tipo de armas nucleares: nuestras ideas, y la magnitud de la justicia por la cual luchamos. No hacer concesiones en nuestro pensamiento radical -ni de términos- para lograr consensos.

Staff (2024-11-17). Nuevo informe del Pentágono traza la hoja de ruta nuclear de EE.UU. cubadebate.cu El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Lloyd Austin, remitió al Congreso un informe que detalla la estrategia del país respecto al uso de armas nucleares. El comunicado, emitido por el Pentágono, destaca varios puntos clave. Detalla el estado de alerta de las fuerzas nucleares del país: los misiles balísticos intercontinentales permanecen en alerta diaria.

Staff (2024-11-17). La dignidad de la Revolución se hizo sentir en Ecuador frente a la bochornosa y aislacionista posición de Argentina. cubadebate.cu Otra vez la lamentable actuación de los delegados del ultraderechista Milei pusieron al país en el escenario de la vergàºenza y el cipayismo. Ahora, los hechos se dieron en Ecuador, en el marco de la Conferencia Iberoamericana. Cumpliendo a rajatabla lo que le ordena el imperio yanqui, quiso desmerecer al pueblo y al gobierno de Cuba.

Staff (2024-11-17). El plátano con cinta adhesiva que podría alcanzar un millón de dólares en subasta. cubadebate.cu Un plátano adherido a una pared con cinta adhesiva podría alcanzar un precio superior al millón de dólares en una próxima subasta de Sotheby's en Nueva York. La obra, titulada "Comedian", es creación del artista italiano Maurizio Cattelan y debutó en 2019 en la feria Art Basel Miami Beach como parte de una serie de tres piezas. Allí se convirtió en el centro de atención y debate.

Staff (2024-11-17). Entrega colectivo de la Mesa Redonda premio especial en Marabana 2024. cubadebate.cu Como parte del Marabana 2024, IDEAS Multimedios, la entidad mediática que produce la Mesa Redonda, y el Comité Organizador de Marabana, entregaron esta mañana un premio especial a los primeros corredores que pasaran por el km 25 del trayecto, situado a la altura de estatua ecuestre del Héroe Nacional José Martí, en el Parque 13 de Marzo.

Staff (2024-11-17). Premier 12: La mejor cara de Cuba, pero el mismo samurái. cubadebate.cu Con la emoción del empate hasta el último lanzamiento del noveno inning, la vivencia feliz de dos remontadas en un mismo partido, así como el recuerdo de la alegría y gallardía de equipos nacionales de antaño, nuestra selección jugó su mejor partido en este torneo, aunque terminó cayendo 7-6 ante un mismo samurai japonés, que de paso nos devuelve a casa.

Staff (2024-11-17). Respuestas øfáciles? a problemas complejos. cubadebate.cu El triunfalismo y sus derivados son una hidra musculosa que rencarna en la concreción de políticas nacionales. No pocas veces se reproducen para esconder o empeorar problemas que afectan grave y cotidianamente la vida de los cubanos. Este engendro de nuestro modelo socialista, nació al vapor del cerco y la agresión externa, como forma de esconderle la bola al enemigo.

Staff (2024-11-17). Fincimex anuncia novedades para tarjetas AIS y Clásicas. cubadebate.cu Los clientes de Fincimex podrán consultar el saldo de sus tarjetas Clásica y AIS mediante la pasarela de pago EnZona, novedad dada a conocer en la reciente Feria Internacional de La Habana (Fiahv 2024). El servicio fue desarrollado gracias a la alianza establecida con Xetid. Se trató de que el registro de las tarjeta en EnZona fuera lo más sencillo posible, respetando los estándares internacionales.

Staff (2024-11-17). Innovación y comercio: Temas clave en la cumbre China-América Latina que se realizará en Nicaragua. cubadebate.cu Bajo el lema "Uniendo fuerzas, creando oportunidades: nuevos horizontes para China y América Latina y el Caribe", Nicaragua se prepara para recibir una importante cumbre internacional que incluye una sesión promocional de la segunda Exposición Internacional de la Cadena de Suministro de China. Durante la cumbre se abordarán temas clave.

Staff (2024-11-17). El parlanchín de la aldea. cubadebate.cu Con su habitual verborrea, brinda criterio de todo, y ya le han puesto de apodo "el parlanchín de la aldea". No aporta una sola idea aunque emplee más de una hora sin ver cuánto se demora en una charla sin fin, porque se cree el hablantín que su discurso enamora. Dispara a diestra y siniestra, con tono hostil y arrogante, se convierte en un pedante que la palabra secuestra.

Staff (2024-11-17). El partido del capital estadounidense. cubadebate.cu El Partido Republicano tiene la ignominiosa distinción de no haber ganado nunca el voto popular. .La victoria de Donald Trump no hace sino confirmar la precariedad de la posición del partido. Ha consolidado una gran coalición de la élite estadounidense, pero al hacerlo ha perdido cada vez más a su base obrera. Su larga búsqueda de los corazones y las mentes de los ricos le ha costado caro al partido y al país.

Staff (2024-11-17). 📨 Modo Avión: Los sucesos. cubadebate.cu Hola mi gente. No se pueden quejar, esta semana ha estado llena de sucesos, entre los Grammy Latinos, Miss Universo y la Bienal de La Habana. La gente no ha parado de hablar de eso, la cogieron fuerte. Hay mucho debate sobre las participantes del concurso de belleza y si verdaderamente cada una de ellas representan a su país. øUstedes qué piensan?

Staff (2024-11-17). EE. UU. autoriza a Ucrania a atacar territorio ruso con misiles de largo alcance. cubadebate.cu Por primera vez, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, ha autorizado a Ucrania a llevar a cabo ataques en territorio ruso utilizando misiles de largo alcance suministrados por Washington, según informó este domingo The New York Times, citando fuentes familiarizadas con la decisión. Las armas, según funcionarios estadounidenses no identificados, se utilizarían inicialmente contra tropas rusas y norcoreanas.

Staff (2024-11-17). Trump nombra a un defensor de los combustibles fósiles como secretario de Energía. cubadebate.cu Donald Trump anunció este sábado la nominación de Chris Wright, actual director ejecutivo de Liberty Energy, como secretario de Energía. La decisión, según Trump, tiene como objetivo impulsar las inversiones privadas y consolidar el "dominio energético" de Estados Unidos. Wright es conocido por cuestionar la existencia de la crisis climática.

Staff (2024-11-17). Víctimas de accidente en Moa evolucionan satisfactoriamente. cubadebate.cu Las 11 personas involucradas en el accidente sucedido la tarde del sábado en el municipio holguinero de Moa, evolucionan de manera satisfactoria y sin peligro para la vida, reportándose solo cuatro casos en estado grave y los restantes estables. La Dirección Provincial de Salud de Holguín informó en sus redes sociales de la ocurrencia del hecho.

Staff (2024-11-17). Cuba y Turquía apuestan por la cooperación en el área de la salud. cubadebate.cu Cuba y Turquía celebraron en Estambul la primera sesión del grupo de trabajo para abordar la cooperación en la esfera de la Salud, en aspectos como medicina de emergencia y desastres, indicaron hoy fuentes diplomáticas. | En el marco del décimo Congreso Mundial de Salud, la viceministra cubana Tania Margarita Cruz dialogó con el titular homólogo.

Staff (2024-11-17). Premier 12: Cuba cae ante Japón y queda fuera de la próxima ronda. cubadebate.cu En un disputadísimo partido, la selección de Japón derrotó 7-6 a Cuba en la mejor demostración de los criollos en el torneo. Con este resultado, los nuestros no logran avanzar a la próxima ronda del Premier 12. El enfrentamiento, disputado este domingo en Taipei de China, tuvo momentos destacados por ambos equipos.

Staff (2024-11-17). Más de 2300 corredores participaron en Marabana 2024. cubadebate.cu Con salida y meta en la sala polivalente Ramón Fonst tuvo lugar esta mañana la tradicional carrera del Marabana, cuya 38 edición estuvo dedicada a los 505 años de la capital cubana. Corredores de más de 40 países tomaron la largada en la principal carrera pedestre cubana.

Staff (2024-11-17). Escalada de violencia en Haití provoca el desplazamiento de más de 20 000 personas. cubadebate.cu En apenas cuatro días, más de 20 000 personas han sido desplazadas en Puerto Príncipe, la capital de Haití, según reportó la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM). De ellas, más de 17 000 se encuentran refugiadas en 15 campamentos improvisados, mientras la violencia de las pandillas sigue escalando. La crisis ha interrumpido las cadenas de suministro esenciales.

Eva Canan (2024-11-17). Dominican Republic: FIDH urges dialogue and action on pollution, corruption, and human rights violations. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) led a mission to the Dominican Republic to follow up on serious cases of corruption and environmental pollution that have resulted in human rights violations. Santo Domingo, 7 November 2024. As part of a follow-up mission to the Dominican Republic, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) visited the Punta Catalina area and Los Tres Brazos this week to monitor and verify cases of pollution and corruption that have been (…) | – |

ICRC (2024-11-17). Sudan: ICRC President calls for greater humanitarian space and respect of international humanitarian law. icrc.org

ICRC (2024-11-17). Sudan: ICRC President calls for greater humanitarian space and respect of international humanitarian law. icrc.org

english.wafa.ps (2024-11-17). Hundreds protest in Chicago and Dallas calling for arms embargo on IsraelThe calls for an arms embargo on Israel have gained significant traction, particularly among progressive and pro-Palestinian groups, who argue that the U.S. government must stop its military aid to Israel until it halts its military offensive in Gaza and complies with international law.

dzorinoco (2024-11-17). Where Are the Self-Proclaimed 'Mujahideen' for Gaza? orinocotribune.com By Badr Al-Ibrahim — Nov 15, 2024 | The question of armed Salafi groups, or so-called "jihadi groups," and their position on what is happening in Gaza does not seem urgent or widely discussed in Arab public discourse. In some ways, this issue has become self-evident: it is obvious that these groups in Syria, Iraq, and across the Arab region do not engage with events in Gaza in the same way they do with the Arab civil wars. This is because of changes in the orientation of these groups since the events of September 11, through the occupation of Iraq and subsequent events, up to the Arab Spring and the ensuing…

MEE staff (2024-11-17). More than 100 foreigners executed in Saudi Arabia in 2024. middleeasteye.net More than 100 foreigners executed in Saudi Arabia in 2024 | Rights groups say 2024 marks largest number of foreigners executed in kingdom's history | | Amnesty International activists dressed as referees hold a banner reading 'World Cup in Saudi Arabia? KNVB: Do not sideline human rights' in fro…

UMMID (2024-11-17). MHT CET 2025 syllabus, marking scheme published, check here. ummid.com The Maharashtra CET Cell Tuesday Nov 12, 2024 published on its official website 'cetcell.mahacet.org' syllabus and marking scheme of MHT CET 2025 (PCM and PCB groups both) to be conducted for the academic year 2025-26.

Dan Bacher (2024-11-17). Tribes, environmental groups slam Delta Tunnel hearing process. indybay.org Despite widespread opposition to the Delta Tunnel by Tribes, fishing groups, conservation NGOs, environmental justice advocates, family farmers, boating group, elected officials, the five Delta Counties and Southern California water ratepayers, the Newsom administration keeps moving forward with the environmentally destructive project.

tn.ai (2024-11-17). US Fined Nearly $50 Billion for Sponsoring Terrorist Groups. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — An Iranian court ruled that the US government should pay $48,860 million in compensation to families of the soldiers who have been martyred in defending the Holy Shrines against the terrorist groups.

Brett Wilkins (2024-11-17). Trump Picks Fracking Company CEO Chris Wright to Head the Department of Energy. truthout.org In a move that alarmed green groups, Republican President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday tapped Chris Wright — the CEO of a fracking company who denies the climate emergency — as his energy secretary. Wright, who leads the Denver-based oil services company Liberty Energy, is a Republican donor whose nomination to head the Department of Energy is backed by powerful fossil fuel boosters… |

dzorinoco (2024-11-17). Where Are the Self-Proclaimed 'Mujahideen' for Gaza? orinocotribune.com By Badr Al-Ibrahim — Nov 15, 2024 | The question of armed Salafi groups, or so-called "jihadi groups," and their position on what is happening in Gaza does not seem urgent or widely discussed in Arab public discourse. In some ways, this issue has become self-evident: it is obvious that these groups in Syria, Iraq, and across the Arab region do not engage with events in Gaza in the same way they do with the Arab civil wars. This is because of changes in the orientation of these groups since the events of September 11, through the occupation of Iraq and subsequent events, up to the Arab Spring and the ensuing…

tn.ai (2024-11-17). US Fined Nearly $50 Billion for Sponsoring Terrorist Groups. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — An Iranian court ruled that the US government should pay $48,860 million in compensation to families of the soldiers who have been martyred in defending the Holy Shrines against the terrorist groups.

ecns.cn (2024-11-17). Xi warns U.S. against meddling in South China Sea. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday the United States should not get involved in bilateral disputes over the relevant islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao, nor should it aid or abet the impulsion to make provocations.

aljazeera (2024-11-17). Video: Super typhoon Man-yi forces mass evacuation in the Philippines. aljazeera.com Super Typhoon Man-yi has hit the Philippines' main island of Luzon with winds up to 185 kilometres per hour.

aljazeera (2024-11-17). Video: Super typhoon Man-yi forces mass evacuation in the Philippines. aljazeera.com Super Typhoon Man-yi has hit the Philippines' main island of Luzon with winds up to 185 kilometres per hour.

ecns.cn (2024-11-17). Xi warns U.S. against meddling in South China Sea. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday the United States should not get involved in bilateral disputes over the relevant islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao, nor should it aid or abet the impulsion to make provocations.

aljazeera (2024-11-17). Germany thrash Bosnia 7-0; Netherlands beat Hungary 4-0 in Nations League. aljazeera.com Netherlands's win was halted due to a medical emergency on Hungary's assistant coach Adam Szalai.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-11-17). Azerbaijan: Call on the participants of the European Political Community Summit to address the climate of repression. fidh.org The undersigned human rights organisations call on the participants of the forthcoming European Political Community Summit to address the climate of unprecedented repression in Azerbaijan and to demand the release of Anar Mammadli and other human rights defenders, civil society activists, environmental activists and journalists whose arrests are politically motivated. 6 November 2024. Less than a week before the opening of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework (…) | – |

Adam Fishbein (2024-11-17). RFK Jr. Is a Whacked-Out Crank, but He Is Right About the Pharmaceutical Industry. cepr.net RFK Jr.'s main claim to fame, apart from his ancestry, is from saying crazy things about vaccines. As has been well-documented, vaccines have not led to autism or killed thousands of people. They have saved tens of millions of lives and protected billions of people from debilitating illnesses. By discouraging vaccinations, RFK Jr.'s crazed rants …

mforinoco (2024-11-17). La Via Campesina Participates and Gives Inputs to the First In-Person Meeting of the UN Working Group on Rights of Peasants in Geneva. orinocotribune.com From the 21st to the 25th of October 2024, the United Nations Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (the Working Group) held its second session in Geneva. The Working Group on peasants was established in October last year when the member states of the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution tabled by Bolivia and a core group of states agreeing to further implement the La Via Campesina (LVC) delegat…

UMMID (2024-11-17). Makkah, Madinah Most Preferred Real Estate Destinations for Rich Muslims. ummid.com Makkah al Mukarramah and Madinah al Munawwarah – the two holiest cities in the world, are the most preferred rear estate destinations to buy properties for wealthy Muslims from around the world, a latest survey has found.

UMMID (2024-11-17). IIT Roorkee releases new paper combinations for GATE 2025. ummid.com IIT Roorkee, the examination conducting authority for this year's Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2025), has published new two paper combinations.

Guest Blogger (2024-11-17). I Press My Own Buttons': Al Gore Goes On Unhinged Rant During UN Climate Summit. wattsupwiththat.com Former Vice President Al Gore raged against "polluters" during an address at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, demanding that people listen to scientists about climate change.

UMMID (2024-11-17). IIT Roorkee releases new paper combinations for GATE 2025. ummid.com IIT Roorkee, the examination conducting authority for this year's Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2025), has published new two paper combinations.

mforinoco (2024-11-17). La Via Campesina Participates and Gives Inputs to the First In-Person Meeting of the UN Working Group on Rights of Peasants in Geneva. orinocotribune.com From the 21st to the 25th of October 2024, the United Nations Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (the Working Group) held its second session in Geneva. The Working Group on peasants was established in October last year when the member states of the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution tabled by Bolivia and a core group of states agreeing to further implement the La Via Campesina (LVC) delegat…

aljazeera (2024-11-17). Germany thrash Bosnia 7-0; Netherlands beat Hungary 4-0 in Nations League. aljazeera.com Netherlands's win was halted due to a medical emergency on Hungary's assistant coach Adam Szalai.

Adam Fishbein (2024-11-17). RFK Jr. Is a Whacked-Out Crank, but He Is Right About the Pharmaceutical Industry. cepr.net RFK Jr.'s main claim to fame, apart from his ancestry, is from saying crazy things about vaccines. As has been well-documented, vaccines have not led to autism or killed thousands of people. They have saved tens of millions of lives and protected billions of people from debilitating illnesses. By discouraging vaccinations, RFK Jr.'s crazed rants …

ICRC (2024-11-17). Central African Republic: Clean drinking water remains a luxury. icrc.org

WSWS (2024-11-17). Dahomey: "Our heritage comes back to make us ask questions"—but what are the questions? wsws.org The issue of the restitution of such artefacts as the token 26 statues to the Republic of Benin, so long rejected by the colonial powers, has now become entangled in broader geopolitical conflicts, with a few institutions now repatriating ⚪ or offering to repatriate—a handful as a public relations exercise.

ICRC (2024-11-17). Central African Republic: Clean drinking water remains a luxury. icrc.org

scorinoco (2024-11-17). Swimming in Mud in the Fifth Circle of Hell. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Nov 14, 2024 | Instead of solving the problems of the majority, the 'far right of a special type'—a right that is intimately tied to liberalism—cultivates a politics of anger. | When Dante Alighieri and his guide reach the fifth circle of hell in Inferno's Canto VII, they come across the River Styx, where people who could not contain their anger in life now wallow and fight each other on the surface of the turbulent, muddy water, and below them lie those who had been sullen in life, their frustrations coming to the surface as bubbles: | And I, who stood intent upon beholding,…

scorinoco (2024-11-17). Swimming in Mud in the Fifth Circle of Hell. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Nov 14, 2024 | Instead of solving the problems of the majority, the 'far right of a special type'—a right that is intimately tied to liberalism—cultivates a politics of anger. | When Dante Alighieri and his guide reach the fifth circle of hell in Inferno's Canto VII, they come across the River Styx, where people who could not contain their anger in life now wallow and fight each other on the surface of the turbulent, muddy water, and below them lie those who had been sullen in life, their frustrations coming to the surface as bubbles: | And I, who stood intent upon beholding,…

newarab (2024-11-17). Israeli forces blow up Shrine of Shimon in south Lebanon. newarab.com The area is revered among Shia and Christian populations, as Christian worshippers believe a Christian saint is buried there and Shia believers have constructed various sites to honour Imam Mahdi. | According to Arabic news site Arabi21, Lebanese sources said that Israeli forces directly targeted…

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Flares fired at Netanyahu's home in Caesarea; three arrested. presstv.ir Israeli police forces have arrested three people after a pair of flares were fired at prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's holiday residence in Caesarea in the northern part of the occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Israel sends draft orders to more ultra-Orthodox amid war on Gaza, Lebanon. presstv.ir Ultra-Orthodox have threatened to leave the occupied territories en masse if the regime ends the community's exemptions from mandatory military enlistment.

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Iraqi resistance strikes key Israeli targets in occupied territories. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has launched a string of drone strikes on key Israeli positions in the northern and southern parts of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, marking the latest in a series of retaliatory operations.

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Yemen stages drone strike against Eilat in fresh anti-Israeli operation. presstv.ir Yemen's Armed Forces strike the city of Eilat in the southernmost tip of the occupied Palestinian territories in their most recent anti-Israeli operation.

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Flares fired at Netanyahu's home in Caesarea; three arrested. presstv.ir Israeli police forces have arrested three people after a pair of flares were fired at prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's holiday residence in Caesarea in the northern part of the occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-11-17). Yemen stages drone strike against Eilat in fresh anti-Israeli operation. presstv.ir Yemen's Armed Forces strike the city of Eilat in the southernmost tip of the occupied Palestinian territories in their most recent anti-Israeli operation.

Kit Klarenberg (2024-11-16). Leaks expose secret British military cell plotting to 'keep Ukraine fighting'. thegrayzone.com Leaked files show top UK military figures conspired to carry out the Kerch bridge bombing, covertly train "Gladio"-style stay-behind forces in Ukraine, and groom the British public for a drop in living standards caused by the proxy war against Russia. Emails and internal documents reviewed by The Grayzone reveal details of a cabal of British military and intelligence veterans which plotted to escalate and prolong the Ukraine proxy war "at all costs." Convened under the direction of the British Ministry …

Media Lens (2024-11-16). Deliberate Israeli Targeting of Palestinian Children Becomes "Local News" on the BBC. dissidentvoice.org Imagine an experienced Ukrainian surgeon breaking down in front of a committee of British MPs as he related how Russian forces had been deliberately targeting Ukrainian children. Imagine the surgeon had had to operate in desperate conditions on young children who had been lying injured after a Russian bombing attack and who were then 'picked …

WSWS (2024-11-16). 55,000 Canada Post workers walk off the job in nationwide strike. wsws.org Workers across the country from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Vancouver, British Columbia, took enthusiastically to picket lines outside their depots and workplaces, seeking to beat back demands for major concessions by the federally controlled Crown corporation.

A A (2024-11-16). British media still complicit in keeping the Ukrainian dream alive. strategic-culture.su

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). En Cuba, Feria Expobodas-2024 (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Con la primera feria EXPOBODAS-2024, que se desarrolló en el hotel Tryp Habana Libre, la agencia Cubatur creó un adecuado escenario para el conocimiento de proyectos, entidades y servicios disponibles con vistas al desarrollo del segmento de mercado de eventos nupciales y afines.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Gobierno de Cuba reitera apoyo a la Unesco. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El Gobierno de Cuba ratificó este sábado su voluntad de apoyar las gestiones globales de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco).

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Cuba alcanza primer triunfo en torneo beisbolero Premier 12. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) Cuba venció este sábado 4-3 a Australia en el Tianmu Baseball Stadium de Taipéi, y consiguió su primer triunfo en el III torneo beisbolero Premier 12, al que asisten los países mejor ranqueados del mundo.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Cubanos residentes en México e Italia apoyan a su país. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) Grupos de cubanos residentes en México e Italia comienzan este sábado encuentros en Querétaro y Bari, respectivamente, enfocados en temas como la solidaridad con su país de origen y el rechazo al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero que Estados Unidos le impone desde hace más de 60 años.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Autoridades de Cuba felicitan a La Habana en sus 505 años (+Post). radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (CCPCC), y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel felicitó este sábado a la capital del país con motivo de la celebración del aniversario 505 de la villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Cumbre Iberoamericana condena bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba, pese a Argentina (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El director general de Asuntos Multilaterales y Derecho Internacional de la Cancillería cubana, Rodolfo Benítez destacó este sábado el respaldo de la recién concluida XXIX Cumbre Iberoamericana a la lucha contra el bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos, a pesar de posturas obstruccionistas asumidas por la delegación del actual Gobierno de Argentina.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Presidente cubano recorre municipios de La Habana (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel recorrió este sábado La Habana Vieja, en el contexto del aniversario 505 de la villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Jefe de Estado cubano recibe a ejecutiva del Foro de Sao Pablo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (CCPCC) y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel recibió este sábado a Mónica Valente, secretaria ejecutiva del Foro de Sao Paulo, quien realiza una visita de trabajo a la isla.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Presidente Díaz-Canel firma declaración en apoyo a Cristina Fernández. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (CCPCC) y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel firmó una declaración de apoyo a la expresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, trascendió este sábado en esta capital.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Mandatario de Seychelles reitera solidaridad con Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El presidente de Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan reiteró la solidaridad del gobierno y pueblo de esa nación de àÅfrica oriental con Cuba, reveló este sábado el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la nación antillana.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). EEUU: Crece solidaridad con Cuba en tiempos difíciles (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) Otras tres organizaciones se adhirieron este sábado a la Red Nacional sobre Cuba en Estados Unidos (NNOC sigla del inglés) durante la Conferencia Anual en Detroit, con lo cual suman más de 70 grupos de todo el norteño país.

María Candela (2024-11-16). Rusia apoya a Cuba también en situaciones de emergencia. radiohc.cu Dos altos funcionarios del gobierno ruso visitaron a Cuba en los últimos días, en grupos separados, en expresión de la relevancia de los vínculos bilaterales.

María Candela (2024-11-16). Desde Venezuela, avanza Campaña solidaria "Cien bolívares por Cuba" (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Como una prueba de la hermandad que fructifica en esta América Nuestra, avanza Campaña solidaria Cien bolívares por Cuba, convocada por el Movimiento de Amistad y Solidaridad mutua Venezuela-Cuba.

María Candela (2024-11-16). Cuba frente a los embates del cerco económico y la naturaleza. radiohc.cu En las dos últimas semanas Cuba ha vivido intensas jornadas a causa de dos potentes huracanes y dos terremotos de inusitada fuerza, que provocaron afectaciones importantes al país, a las personas y a la economía en general.

María Candela (2024-11-16). Concluyó en Cienfuegos Primer Proceso de Rendición de Cuenta del delegado a sus electores. radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 16 nov (RHC) El Primer Proceso de Rendición de Cuenta del Delegado a sus Electores concluyó de forma positiva en la provincia de Cienfuegos, bajo el lema Desde la comunidad hacemos Cuba, y luego de efectuase las dos mil 326 reuniones planificadas.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-11-16). Bolivia voices solidarity to Cuba at Ibero American Summit. plenglish.com La Paz, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's Deputy Foreign Minister Elmer Catarina ratified his country's solidarity with Cuba and deplored the economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the island, at the 29th Ibero-American Summit which recently wound up in Ecuador.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-11-16). Cuban President congrats Havana on its 505th anniversary. plenglish.com "Congratulations, beautiful Havana," the head of State posted in a message on X. | "We will tirelessly work every day to heal the wounds left by the hurricane and those opened by the relentless passage of time," Diaz-Canel added in a message with the hashtag #DePieYCombatiendo. | The anniversary of the founding of the Village of San Cristobal de La Habana (Havana), one of the first seven founded by the Spanish colonizers in Cuba, is celebrated every year on November 16. | This year's celebrations include the Leales a La Habana (Loyal to Havana) communication campaign, which pays tribute to the city and its histo…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-11-16). Meeting of Cuban residents in Italy kicks off. plenglish.com Rome, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) The 6th Meeting of Cuban Residents in Italy began on Saturday in the southern city of Bari, featuring an agenda that includes how to better support their country of birth.

Isidro Estrada Dela (2024-11-16). National Network on Cuba in the United States holds annual meeting. plenglish.com Detroit, USA, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) Focused on coming together for better results, representatives of dozens of organizations and social movements that make up the National Network on Cuba (NNOC) in the United States are holding their annual conference today in the city of Detroit.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-11-16). Cuba reiterates support for UNESCO. plenglish.com On the 79th anniversary of that UN agency, Cuba renews its commitment to this organization in the search for peace, the Foreign Ministry assured in a message on its X profile. | It also ratifies that Cuba "will continue to defend its multilateral and intergovernmental nature, as well as its founding values and principles." | Founded on November 16, 1945, UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that has the purpose of contributing to peace and security in the world through education, science, culture and communications. | The constitution signed on that day came into force on November 4, 1946, and wa…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-11-16). Ibero-American Summit condemns blockade on Cuba, despite Argentina. plenglish.com Quito, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) Cuba on Saturday underscored the support from the recently concluded 29th Ibero-American Summit, which rejectied the US blockade on the island, despite the obstructionist positions assumed by the Argentine delegation.

Martha Ríos (2024-11-16). Jefe de Estado cubano recibió a vicepresidente de Agencia de Cooperación china. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel recibió este viernes al vicepresidente de la Agencia de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Internacional de China, Liu Jianfeng, de visita en el país.

Staff (2024-11-16). Eusebio Leal: La Habana está llena de una historia bella, y de esa historia se vive. cubadebate.cu Salud y futuro, y que cumplan lo que está escrito, "detente al paso caminante, adorna aquí un sitio". Símbolo de salud, un árbol: un árbol que es como el árbol de la vida, a cuya sombra vivimos los cubanos. Ese árbol es también un símbolo que no puede haber ciudad sin naturaleza.

Staff (2024-11-16). Antiguos motores de aviones de combate se adaptan en camiones para despejar nieve en las pistas de aeropuertos en Rusia. cubadebate.cu En algunos aeropuertos de Rusia, antiguos motores de aviones de combate, como los del MiG-15, se adaptan en camiones para despejar nieve de las pistas. Estos motores funcionan como potentes sopladores, capaces de mover grandes cantidades de nieve rápidamente, algo necesario en zonas con nevadas extrema.

Staff (2024-11-16). China lanza su robot humanoide "CASBOT 01" (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu China ha dado otro importante paso en la robótica. El robot humanoide "CASBOT 01" fue lanzado al público a través de una transmisión en vivo en Pekín el miércoles por la noche. Apodado "Wednesday", el robot tiene una altura de 1.79 metros y un peso de 60 kilogramos, y puede trabajar de forma continua durante cuatro horas.

Staff (2024-11-16). La imagen del día: En pie, primera torre de 220 KW de las seis derribadas por Rafael en la autopista La Habana-Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu Un equipo periodístico de la Revista Bohemia fue testigo del izaje de la Primera Torre de 220kv de las seis derribadas por el huracán Rafael en el kilómetro 32 de la autopista nacional La Habana-Pinar del Río.

Staff (2024-11-16). Cuba vence a Australia y sigue con vida en Premier 12 de beisbol. cubadebate.cu La selección cubana remontó y venció 4×3 a Australia, para lograr su primera victoria y mantenerse con vida en el grupo B del Torneo Premier 12 de beisbol, con sede en Taipéi. Este sábado los cubanos produjeron 11 jits, frente a los 14 que tenían en total de los juegos anteriores contra República Dominicana y Corea del Sur.

Staff (2024-11-16). La Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 1 510 MW para el horario pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico nocturna una disponibilidad de 1 660 MW y una demanda máxima de 3 100 MW, para un déficit de 1 440 MW, por lo que, de mantenerse las condiciones previstas, se pronostica una afectación de 1 510 MW en este horario.

Staff (2024-11-16). Mijaín López será reconocido en República Dominicana. cubadebate.cu La leyenda de la lucha cubana, Mijaín López, viajará hoy a República Dominicana, invitado especial a la Ceremonia de Exaltación del Pabellón de la Fama del Deporte Dominicano, que tendrá lugar el 17 de noviembre próximo.

Staff (2024-11-16). NASA: Niveles de agua dulce de la Tierra han descendido bruscamente desde 2014. cubadebate.cu La Agencia Espacial Estadounidense (NASA) reveló este viernes que los niveles de agua dulce de la Tierra han descendido bruscamente desde mayo de 2014, lo que podría indicar que los continentes han entrado en "una fase persistentemente más seca". La NASA precisó que 13 de las 30 sequías más intensas del mundo se produjeron desde enero de 2015.

Staff (2024-11-16). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 16 de noviembre de 2024. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2024-11-16). Toman rehenes en restaurante en Francia. cubadebate.cu Varios rehenes fueron tomados hoy en un restaurante de la ciudad francesa Issy-Les-Moulineaux por el hijo del propietario del local. Durante el acto de captura en el restaurante, cuyo nombre es l'Olivier, el local se encontraba vacío, por lo que ningún cliente fue tomado. El captor declaró su intención de suicidarse, informan medios locales.

Eva Canan (2024-11-16). Dominican Republic: FIDH urges dialogue and action on pollution, corruption, and human rights violations. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) led a mission to the Dominican Republic to follow up on serious cases of corruption and environmental pollution that have resulted in human rights violations. Santo Domingo, 7 November 2024. As part of a follow-up mission to the Dominican Republic, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) visited the Punta Catalina area and Los Tres Brazos this week to monitor and verify cases of pollution and corruption that have been (…) | – |

Urban CNY News (2024-11-16). Chris Ryan Declares Victory in the 50th State Senate District Race. urbancny.com I am deeply honored by the trust the people of the 50th State Senate District have placed in me. With the majority of ballots scanned and the margin greater than than the outstanding ballots remaining, I am proud to declare victory. Throughout the campaign, I listened to your concerns and hopes for our future. You've called for a senator who will fight for good-paying jobs, quality schools, health care access, safe and affordable communities, and smart economic investments for the future. Now, I am ready to get to work delivering on these issues. As a lineman who fought to save hundreds of jobs as a local union p…

A a (2024-11-16). BRICS summit in Kazan: a turning point for Global South. strategic-culture.su ISAS academic Amitendu Palit notes that with four major Southeast Asian countries as partners, the BRICS is on its way to becoming a representative bloc from the global south with multiple regional identities. Greater economic integration through the launch of BRICS Pay will also help Russia and Iran increase their presence in the global economy.

Dan Bacher (2024-11-16). Tribes, environmental groups slam Delta Tunnel hearing process. indybay.org Despite widespread opposition to the Delta Tunnel by Tribes, fishing groups, conservation NGOs, environmental justice advocates, family farmers, boating group, elected officials, the five Delta Counties and Southern California water ratepayers, the Newsom administration keeps moving forward with the environmentally destructive project.

Joey Grostern, DeSmog. (2024-11-16). Governments Must Tackle Climate Disinformation, Experts Urge. popularresistance.org Governments around the world must take "immediate and decisive action" to tackle climate disinformation, scientists and campaign groups have urged as talks at the COP29 climate summit in Baku, Azerbaijan enter their fourth day. | A coalition of 55 climate information integrity groups and 42 leading climate scientists and experts have signed an open letter urging countries to counter the risk of false and misleading claims that are wrecking efforts to slow climate change. | It comes two days after UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer spoke at COP29 arguing that "there is no national security without climate security" [m…

SKWAWKBOX (2024-11-16). Breaking: Palestine peace activist Strecker arrested in Jersey. skwawkbox.org Campaigner for a just peace in Palestine raided as Starmer regime intensifies assault on anti-genocide journalists and activists Natalie Strecker, a well-known writer and campaigner for a just peace in Palestine has been arrested on her home island of Jersey this morning. Strecker, an associate of UN-recognised Palestinian advocate of non-violent resistance, Issa Amro, recently …

Owen Schalk (2024-11-16). Canada's Temporary Foreign Workers Program is a Massive Violation of Human Rights. dissidentvoice.org On August 11, 2022, workers in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) penned an open letter about their experiences in the program. "As it currently stands," they wrote, "the [SAWP] is systematic slavery." The article was written by Jamaican workers, but they asserted that migrants of other nationalities had faced similarly dehumanizing experiences. "It feels …

ecns.cn (2024-11-16). Insights | Brazilian EXAME Editor-in-chief: Chinese companies boast fine products and technologies, lead Brazilian EV market. ecns.cn Brazilian leading business magazine EXAME Editor-in-chief Lucas Amorim and Editor in macroeconomics Luciano Pádua recently talked about the cooperation between Brazil and China in an interview with China News Network as this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

WSWS (2024-11-16). United Nations committee finds Israeli war on Gaza "consistent with genocide" wsws.org A standing UN committee investigating human rights violations by Israel said in a report issued Thursday that Israeli actions in Gaza "are consistent with the characteristics of genocide."

Peter Jukes (2024-11-16). Amerexit: Oligarchy Comes to the United States. bylinetimes.com As the chaotic but iconic blonde with a chequered personal past took up the highest office in the land, it seemed like nothing could stop him. | What could stand in the way of his big economic policy goal of national exceptionalism? He would erect trade barriers against capitalists from competing nations. He would stop freedom of movement and protect his labour force. And, though appealing to the public about their pocketbook issues, the new leader's administration would open the way to a raft of crony appointments and favours to his super-rich backers. | Many said his coalition would dominate the nation…

SKWAWKBOX (2024-11-16). Video: Albanese dismantles 'genocide denier' Lammy over wilful ignorance of international law. skwawkbox.org 'What constitutes genocide is the Genocide Convention, not personal opinion' — and her comments apply just as well to Lammy's boss Starmer United Nations legal expert Francesca Albanese has dismantled UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy's wilful genocide denial, during an interview she gave to the 'Thinking Muslim' podcast. Her comments, though, apply just as well …

tn.ai (2024-11-16). Israeli Crimes Left Unchecked amid US Transition, Iran Warns. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations warned about the escalation of the Zionist regime's acts of aggression as a new administration is going to take the helm in the US.

tn.ai (2024-11-16). Spokesman Denies Story That Musk Met with Iran's UN Envoy. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry denied a report by the New York Times that Iran's ambassador to the United Nations and Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest person and a close ally of US President-elect Donald Trump, have met in New York.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-11-16). Azerbaijan: Call on the participants of the European Political Community Summit to address the climate of repression. fidh.org The undersigned human rights organisations call on the participants of the forthcoming European Political Community Summit to address the climate of unprecedented repression in Azerbaijan and to demand the release of Anar Mammadli and other human rights defenders, civil society activists, environmental activists and journalists whose arrests are politically motivated. 6 November 2024. Less than a week before the opening of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-11-16). IIT Roorkee releases new paper combinations for GATE 2025. ummid.com IIT Roorkee, the examination conducting authority for this year's Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2025), has published new two paper combinations.

WSWS (2024-11-16). United Nations committee finds Isreali war on Gaza "consistent with genocide" wsws.org A standing UN committee investigating human rights violations by Israel said in a report issued Thursday that Israeli actions in Gaza "are consistent with the characteristics of genocide."

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-11-16). The 'Budapest playbook': A blueprint we can't afford to follow. leftfootforward.org Orbán's authoritarian playbook, which Trump and his fellow MAGA Republicans seem to idolise, shows just how vulnerable democratic institutions are in the face of rising populism, and how quickly democratic models can be eroded. The need for a robust defence of democratic values has never been more critical.

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