(2024-01-23). Cuba: BANDEC to expand e-credit facilities. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 23 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Banco de Crédito y Comercio (BANDEC) will be expanding the credit facilities for the use of its prepaid card in USD, the bank institution informed on Tuesday.
(2024-01-22). Sixth Cycle of dialogues for peace in Colombia installed in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Sixth Cycle of the Peace Dialogue Table between the government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) was installed today in this capital, an official source announced.
(2024-01-22). Chile's Cronica Digital highlights new Operation Truth in Cuba. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Editor in Chief of the Chilean alternative Cronica Digital daily Ivan Gutierrez stressed on Monday the significance of the New Operation Truth International Forum being held in Cuba to debate on challenges faced by disinformation and fake news.
(2024-01-22). Prensa Latina raises the voice of a nation that steadfastly resists. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Algerian Press Service Director Samir Gaid on Monday praised the work done by Prensa Latina News Agency, whose performance raises the voice of Cuba, a country that still remains steadfastly resisting.
(2024-01-23). Cuban Tourism and Its Pending Issues. orinocotribune.com By Luz Marina Fornieles Sánchez — Jan 19, 2024 | Tourism continues to be essential to alleviating the difficulties derived from the war economy that Cuba is going through. These are times to correct distortions and reinvigorate the economic panorama. | Cuba starts on a new path for its development this year, after the government announced a series of measures with this aim last year. Now we are working on its careful implementation in 2024. We steer back into the path, and we are looking for solutions with the conviction that in the face of complexity in the current situation, we must act in order to resolve…
(2024-01-23). Cuba acoge sexto ciclo de diálogos entre Gobierno colombiano y ELN. telesurtv.net Este ha sido el cese más largo firmado entre las partes hasta la fecha, comenzó el 3 de agosto y finaliza en principio este próximo 29 de enero.
(2024-01-22). Guantanamo: An Enduring Stain. transcend.org 11 Jan 2024 – The infamous U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay turns 22 today. Then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld chimed in, "To be in an eight-by-eight cell in beautiful, sunny Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is not inhumane." Since then, 780 Muslim men and boys have been detained there; 30 still remain imprisoned today. The article also includes a list of books and films that I found very valuable.
(2024-01-22). Mensaje del Partido Comunista de Cuba al Centenario de la muerte de Lenin. workers.org Por el Partido Comunista de Cuba/Comité Central Enviado a la Reunión por el Centenario de la Muerte de Lenin en NYC. Estimados participantes: Extendemos un cordial saludo al Partido Mundo Obrero y a todas las organizaciones que asisten a este significativo evento, que rinde tributo a Vladimir Ilich Lenin a . . . |
(2024-01-22). Message from Communist Party of Cuba to Lenin Centennial. workers.org By Communist Party of Cuba, Central Committee A message to the Jan. 21, 2024, Lenin Centennial in New York City. Dear participants, We extend our cordial greetings to Workers World Party and all the organizations attending this significant event, which pays tribute to Vladimir Ilich Lenin 100 years after his . . . |
(2024-01-22). Haiti: Migrants Arrive at North Coast in Central Cuba. telesurenglish.net Milaxy Yanet Sánchez, vice governor of Villa Clara, Odelvis Luis Vásquez, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Caibarién and Dr. Juan José Pulido, provincial director of Public Health, among other leaders of the territory, arrived at the place of the rescue. | The prevailing bad weather made it impossible to sail the boat in which they were bound for the United States. Jan. 22, 2024.
(2024-01-22). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Lenin como estandarte del socialismo. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu øCuáles son los aportes de Vladimir Ilich Lenin al marxismo revolucionario? øQué nos aporta en la lucha contra el imperialismo y el colonialismo? øPor qué su pensamiento es tan temido por la burguesía transnacional? øPor qué es necesario volver siempre a Lenin?
(2024-01-22). El trabajo a distancia y el teletrabajo: Argumentos parar su potenciación en Cuba. cubadebate.cu Ante la situación que actualmente atraviesa el país en cuanto a las afectaciones al sistema electro energético nacional, a la transportación por la carencia de combustibles, entre otras situaciones complejas øpor qué no se autoriza a más trabajadores el régimen legal del trabajo a distancia o el teletrabajo?
(2024-01-22). Anuncian Todo Estrellas de la Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano. cubadebate.cu El Todo Estrellas de la Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano fue anunciado, este lunes, en conferencia de prensa realizada en el estadio Latinoamericano. El equipo participará en la Serie de Estrellas, junto al campeón de la presente liga invernal. El director del conjunto Todo Estrellas será el subcampeón de la Élite. La Serie de Estrellas comenzará sus actividades el 28 de enero, en la provincia de Matanzas.
(2024-01-22). Descubrir patrones numéricos y homenaje a nuestro José Martí. cubadebate.cu Vamos a ejercitar las habilidades numéricas para descubrir patrones y construir números. Y comprobemos tus conocimientos sobre la vida y la obra de José Martí.
(2024-01-22). Díaz Canel en Foro Nueva Operación Verdad: Los proyectos mediáticos alternativos representan un desafío en tiempos de terrorismo mediático y difamación (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Díaz-Canel resaltó la importancia de este foro, que retoma la original Operación Verdad llevada a cabo en 1959 por el líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, con el objetivo de desmentir las campañas mediáticas en contra del proyecto social emergente.
(2024-01-22). El legendario Eric Clapton hace eco de la causa palestina con su guitarra emblemática. cubadebate.cu El músico tocó una guitarra estilizada con la bandera Palestina. El evento privado tenía como objetivo recaudar fondos para proporcionar asistencia médica a las víctimas del genocidio de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.
(2024-01-22). Grupo de emigrantes haitianos recala en Caibarién, al centro de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Un grupo de 38 emigrantes haitianos recalaron este 21 de enero por las costas del municipio de Caibarién, distante a 50 kilómetros de la ciudad de Santa Clara, en el centro de Cuba. El mal tiempo imperante imposibilitó la navegación de la embarcación en la que se dirigían hacia territorio de Estados Unidos.
(2024-01-22). Nueve países anfitriones: La Liga de Naciones de voleibol llega con fuerza en su sexta edición. cubadebate.cu De acuerdo con la Federación Internacional (FIVB), serán 104 partidos de cada género entre los 16 equipos nacionales femeninos y masculinos, en el último examen internacional antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024.
(2024-01-22). Saldo de fallecidos por frío extremo en Estados Unidos sobrepasa las 80 personas. cubadebate.cu Una ola de frío extremo y fuertes nevadas ha dejado un trágico saldo de al menos 89 personas fallecidas en Estados Unidos. Los meteorólogos advierten que la ola de aire ártico continúa extendiéndose por gran parte del país, generando un "frío glacial y peligrosas condiciones de hielo" que afectan a millones de personas.
(2024-01-22). Trump y Haley lideran la contienda republicana en New Hampshire: øQuién se llevará la victoria? cubadebate.cu Aunque el campo comenzó nutrido, este lunes 22 de enero de 2024, a horas de las elecciones primarias en New Hampshire, solo Donald Trump y Nikki Haley quedan con vida por el Partido Republicano (GOP) en la carrera electoral de Estados Unidos.
(2024-01-22). BRICS media take part in an international media forum in Cuba. tvbrics.com The event is dedicated to media communications in the modern world, as well as building a unified international information space‚Å…
(2024-01-23). GARR asks DR to respect deportation protocols. plenglish.com In a statement, GARR urged DR to pay more attention to paragraph setting forth the division of family members, as Haitians suffer such a situation caused by the Dominican immigration authorities. | GARR also felt anger for how Haitians in DR are being treated, in particular the subhuman conditions they are being repatriated to. | We strongly reject all physical and moral abuses committed, destruction of their legal documents, rapes and expulsion of members of the same family. | Dominican authorities intercept Haitians on the streets without letting them get their children and other family members.
(2024-01-23). Asesinan a vicecónsul Claude Joazard en Haití. telesurtv.net Este violento suceso ha exacerbado las manifestaciones y los nuevos paros de sindicatos de varios sectores en Haití.
(2024-01-22). Congress Pushes Back on US-Haiti Policy. counterpunch.org In a December 8 letter, Congresswomen Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), James McGovern (D-MA) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), wrote to Secretary Blinken to express their concerns over the administration's backing of the Kenya-led multinational security support mission. They warned that "another armed foreign intervention in Haiti will not
(2024-01-22). Pope Francis Pleads For Release Of Hostages Kidnapped In Haiti Including 6 Nuns. latintimes.com The kidnapping took place on Jan. 19 when the armed men hijacked the bus and drove off to an unknown destination, taking all the passengers, as well as the nuns.
(2024-01-23). Venezuela revela acciones golpistas neutralizadas contra el país. telesurtv.net El fiscal general Tarek William Saab relató la secuencia de varias acciones desveladas, cuyo propósito eran asesinar al jefe de Estado.
(2024-01-23). Presidente Maduro denuncia que en Venezuela la extrema derecha apuesta por generar escenarios de violencia. telesurtv.net "Le digo a los venezolanos y venezolanas, hay que estar en alerta permanente, (con) nervios de acero, calma y cordura", dijo Maduro.
(2024-01-22). Venezuela Calls on Non-Aligned Countries to Defend Right to Live in Peace. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan minister for foreign affairs, Yván Gil, called on the member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), during its summit held in Kampala, Uganda, to defend the right of peoples and nations to live in peace | During his speech this Friday, January 19, at the plenary session of the 19th NAM Summit, Minister Gil said that the bloc must take a central role in the fight against those who promote eternal war. | In addition, Minister Gil denounced the use of unilateral coercive measures, also known as sanctions, as one of the manifestations of today's neocolonialism. | Minister Gil stated that these me…
(2024-01-22). Through the "Bolivar Act" U.S. congressmen intend to tighten the blockade against Venezuela. mronline.org The U.S. political class continues to apply its economic and financial gunboat diplomacy disguised as progressive humanitarianism.
(2024-01-22). Faced with looming defeat in Ukraine, NATO wants WW3 to prevent it. infobrics.org Apart from its aggression in Europe, US actions in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Latin America also indicate other countries will be targeted, including China, Iran and Venezuela.
(2024-01-22). COVID-19 has lasting effects on Venezuela's education. america.cgtn.com One of the main challenges for Latin America is to provide quality and uninterrupted education. | Countries like Venezuela struggle with not only a complex economic crisis but also the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that have left students with a setback in their learning process. | January 24 is International Day of Education.
(2024-01-22). PSUV spurs to be united, alert ahead of conspiratorial actions. plenglish.com Caracas, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV) spurred all revolutionary forces to be united and alert on Monday, ahead of coup and conspiratorial acts woven by the national extreme right.
(2024-01-22). Venezuela urges for political commitment to soar cooperation. plenglish.com Kampala, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil urged Monday for political commitment to soar and fully achieve South-South cooperation, as he spoke out at the G77+China 3rd Summit, which concluded in Kampala, Uganda.
(2024-01-22). Argentina y Paraguay cierran con empate durante preolímpico de fútbol. telesurtv.net El centrocampista Diego Gómez abrió la cuenta por los guaraníes al minuto 67, en tanto que el delantero argentino Luciano Gondou emparejó el score al minuto 90.
(2024-01-22). Conviasa abre puente aéreo entre Caracas y Argel. telesurtv.net La apertura del servicio dio cumplimiento a acuerdos suscritos entre ambas naciones para impulsar el desarrollo comercial y en otras esferas estratégicas.
(2024-01-22). Perú vence a Chile 1-0 en preolímpico de fútbol en Venezuela. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios de prensa, el once de Chile fue superior al peruano, mas no pudo evitar el gol de Franchesco Flores.
(2024-01-22). Fallece en Venezuela el líder del Porteñazo, Víctor Hugo Morales. telesurtv.net El capitán de fragata, Víctor Hugo Morales definía el levantamiento de 1962 como "uno de los intentos más abiertos contra el liberalismo económico en América Latina".
(2024-01-23). The Dialectics of Constituted and Communal Power: A Conversation with àÅngel Prado. libya360.wordpress.com Chris Gilbert, Cira Pascual Marquina àÅngel Prado (Venezuelanalysis) The main spokesperson of El Maizal Commune is trying to put institutional power at the service of the commune. El Maizal Commune lies at the gateway to Venezuela's Llanos region, between the states of Lara and Portuguesa. It is one of the most consolidated communes in Venezuela with some…
(2024-01-23). Essequibo and Other Border Issues: Venezuela's Territorial Losses to Imperialist Powers Through the Centuries (Part 3). orinocotribune.com By Saheli Chowdhury — Jan 19, 2024 | This is the final part of a three-part series. The earlier articles can be found at the following links: The Essequibo issue in times of neocolonialism | Since the time of the 1899 Arbitral Award, colonialism…
(2024-01-23). Venezuela's Attorney General: Dozens Arrested for Terrorism & Destabilization Plots (+María Corina Machado Named). orinocotribune.com Several individuals, who were involved in plans to sow terror and destabilization in Venezuela, with conspiracies aimed at assassinating President Nicolás Maduro, are under arrest. This was reported by the Attorney General of the Republic Tarek Willian Saab during a press conference on Monday, January 22. He added that the far-right opposition politician María Corina Machado was named by one of the individuals arrested. | Saab explained that among the Venezuelans who were involved in a destabilization plan called "White Bracelet" are Tamara Sujú, Wender Villalobos, Norbey Marín, María Barraez, Mario Carratú Molin…
(2024-01-23). Venezuela's Defense Ministry: US DEA & CIA Linked to 5 Terrorist Plots (+Statement). orinocotribune.com At a press conference, Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino reiterated that the Venezuelan Bolivarian Armed Force (FANB) will respond forcefully against violence and vile actions that seek to harm Venezuelan society. Venezuelan intelligence has recently "discovered five conspiracies against the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro," reported Padrino. "We will have zero tolerance against unscrupulous traitors." | "Throughout 2023 and the beginning of 2024, we have seen with indignation that the Venezuelan far-right, with the shameless support of the [US] Central Intelligence Ag…
(2024-01-22). 5 Conspiracies Were Activated in Venezuela: Prosecutor Saab. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Attorney General Tarek William Saab offered details about the latest conspiracies against the Venezuelan state, which were revealed and prosecuted by the authorities. | RELATED: | "Over the last few months, the intelligence institutions and the Prosecutor's Office have deactivated five new conspiracies, the last of which sought to fill the country with blood once again. These conspiracies are linked to ea…
(2024-01-22). Venezuelan Airline Conviasa Inaugurates Caracas-Algiers Route. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Transport Minister Ramon Velasquez announced that the Venezuelan Consortium of Aeronautical Industries and Air Services (Conviasa) inaugurated a new route connecting Caracas to Algiers, the capital of Algeria. | RELATED: | "We are expanding our wings to strengthen bilateral relations between both nations and offer passengers the opportunity to explore this destin…
(2024-01-23). The integration of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean: A revolutionary way out. pressenza.com From 22 to 24 February next, the Latin American and Caribbean Day of Peoples' Integration will take place in Foz do Iguaàßú, at the apex between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay known as the Triple Frontier. | The aim of the conclave, which is expected to bring together around five thousand activists from different parts of the region, is to establish a dialogue to discuss the systemic crisis of capitalism, the threats to peace, the sovereignty of the peoples, and to make an economic, political and cultural diagnosis of the challenges facing Our America in a context of global right-wing advances. | The meetin…
(2024-01-22). Nicaragua: Who are the traitors to the Homeland? uwidata.com To General Augusto C. Sandino as we approach the 90th anniversary of his departure to immortality. Nicaragua has had to fight in defense of its sovereignty almost from the moment it was established as an independent republic. From the British invasion of 1847 on its Caribbean coast, and the following year to San Juan and …
(2024-01-23). Mantienen 11 provincias dominicanas en alerta por sistema frontal. telesurtv.net Las autoridades meteorológicas indicaron que cuatro provincias tienen activada la alerta amarilla y siete están en la verde.
(2024-01-22). DR: Ruling Party Expects More Mayorships in Municipal Elections. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the secretary of Municipal Affairs of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) assured that this group and its allied forces have won 25 mayoralties in the head municipalities of the 32 provinces of the Dominican Republic. | RELATED: | With less than four weeks to the municipal elections, set for February 18, Cruz explained that they are competing strongly with the opposition for five of the seven remaining mayoralties, with ampl…
(2024-01-23). War on Gaza: Israeli tanks and snipers encircle Khan Younis, shooting 'anyone who moves'. middleeasteye.net
(2024-01-22). War on Gaza: 'There is nothing left. They destroyed everything'. globalresearch.ca
(2024-01-22). Sincan Uygur àñzerk Bà∂lgesi'nde 7 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem meydana geldi. aa.com.tr ABD Jeolojik Ara≈ütƒ±rmalar Kurumu, àáin'in Sincan Uygur àñzerk Bà∂lgesi'ndeki Aykol kasabasƒ± merkezli 7,0 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem meydana geldiƒüini bildirdi.