(2023-05-27). The Transition Care Farm With Room For All. popularresistance.org It all started with four people from a small Transition group and a derelict former farm site. Four people, an old farm, and an idea to grow a bit of food, maybe teach local kids about nature. | Today, Greenslate community-run farm is a hive of community activity, with hundreds of people visiting, volunteering and learning each month. It's home to rescue and heritage animals, a social enterprise cafe, drug recovery service, a community project incubator, a men's shed and Rhiannon Jones, one of those founding four Transitioners and today, project co-ordinator who lives on the bustling site.
(2023-05-27). Haydée Santamaría, central figure in the Cuban Revolution. iacenter.org By Lyn Neeley May 24, 2023 Haydee Santamaría In the early hours of July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and nearly 150 Cuban rebels traveled to the Moncada garrison to capture the barracks and seize the many weapons stored there. They planned for this to be the beginning of the Cuban Revolution to overthrow the Cuban dictator, President Fulgencio Batista. Batista's forces ambushed the rebels, however, killing half of them and imprisoning those who survived the attack, including Fidel and Haydée Santamaría. Although the rebels failed to take hold of the Moncada, it was a turning point that changed the course of Cuban histo…
(2023-05-27). Cuban hero conducts extensive work program in Laos. plenglish.com Vientiane, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The Hero of the Republic of Cuba and national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Gerardo Hernandez, is continuing his visit to Laos, where he is carrying out an extensive work program.
(2023-05-27). Democratic Youth will march against US blockade of Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, May 27 (Prensa Latina) Delegations of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) will lead a caravan in Havana against the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.
(2023-05-27). Conozca sobre el parkour, relacionado con la gimnasia y "parecido a ser bombero" (+Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu "El principal uso en la filosofía del parkour es ser fuerte, para ser útil. Principalmente, se utiliza para escapar de una situación de peligro o para ayudar a alguien que lo esté. Es parecido a ser bombero. Hay que estar en una gran forma física para poder llegar a lugares que serían prácticamente inalcanzables para alguien sin preparación, y hacerlo en el menor tiempo posible".
(2023-05-27). øCuáles son las tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este sábado 27 de mayo? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 27 de mayo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país. Estas tasas son las establecidas por el Banco Central de Cuba (BCC) y las casas de cambio (Cadeca) para las operaciones de canje y recanje de moneda.
(2023-05-27). Directora del FMI urge a EE.UU. a resolver el problema del techo de la deuda antes de que sea demasiado tarde. cubadebate.cu Aunque no es la primera vez que Estados Unidos se acerca a la fecha límite para elevar el techo de la deuda nacional, los políticos de ese país deben apresurarse y resolver el problema lo antes posible, declaró el viernes la directora gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Kristalina Georgieva.
(2023-05-27). El tiempo: Chubascos y tormentas eléctricas en la tarde en gran parte del país. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado gran parte del país y nublado en ocasiones en la costa norte central con aisladas lluvias. Desde el mediodía se nublará en gran parte del territorio, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas en el interior y costa norte, los que serán más aislados en el resto del país.
(2023-05-27). Huracanes de Mayabeque bajan intensidad pero siguen en la cima de la Serie de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Mayabeque se mostró improductivo y cedió hoy ante La Isla (6×4), pero mantuvo el liderazgo al caer las cortinas de las undécimas subseries particulares en la 62 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. De visita en el estadio Cristóbal Labra, de Nueva Gerona, los Huracanes del mentor Michael González no mostraron su buena productividad con el madero en ristre.
(2023-05-27). La urgencia de actuar: 11 millones de toneladas de plástico se vierten en los océanos cada año, advierten en París. cubadebate.cu La canciller francesa, Catherine Colonna, instó a la acción inmediata para frenar el daño que causa el plástico al planeta y la salud humana. Cada año se vierten 11 millones de toneladas de plástico en los espacios marinos a nivel global, lo que asfixia a los océanos y los ecosistemas, ataca la biodiversidad y amenaza la salud.
(2023-05-27). Presidente cubano regresa a Santa Clara para intercambiar con el pueblo. cubadebate.cu El mandatario cubano regresa a Santa Clara en su condición de Diputado al Parlamento Cubano para intercambiar con el pueblo en la base, visitar enclaves de interés socioeconómico y constatar cuánto se hace en esta provincia central para seguir sorteando retos inmensos y hacer de 2023, un año mejor.
(2023-05-27). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 27 de mayo de 2023. cubadebate.cu
(2023-05-27). Sesiona en La Habana tercer Consejo Conjunto Cuba-Unión Europea. telesurtv.net El encuentro tiene lugar cuando se cumplen 35 años de relaciones diplomáticas entre la nación caribeña y el bloque comunitario de 27 países.
(2023-05-27). Anuncian la destitución del fiscal de Puerto Príncipe, Haití. telesurtv.net La cartera de Justicia del país caribeño no ofreció detalles sobre los motivos de la destitución de Jacques Lafontant.
(2023-05-28). Central University of Venezuela Community Demands Rector's Resignation After Electoral Fiasco. orinocotribune.com Students, teachers, employees, and retirees of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) demanded the resignation of rector Cecilia García Arocha after the executive board election of the oldest university in Venezuela was suspended with inexcusable logistic arguments and mistakes. | Said election was to be held on Friday, May 26, after a long wait of 15 years, and there was great expectation within the UCV community about the process of electing new authorities to replace the existing executive board led by right winger García Arocha. When it was announced that the process had been postponed for June 9, the UCV…
(2023-05-28). South American Summit in Brazil: President Maduro to Participate, Boluarte Declines. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, was invited to participate in the 2023 South American Summit convened by the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. President Maduro is expected to arrive in Brasilia on May 29. The summit will take place the next day, May 30. | The Brazilian president invited the heads of state of the other 11 countries of the region to participate in the summit: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. | Peru will be the only South American country that will not be represented by the president at the summit, the F…
(2023-05-27). PDVSA and Chevron advance negotiations on oil production. plenglish.com The meeting, held on Friday, was attended by the president of the US multinational oil company, Javier La Rosa, and his team, and served to "advance in the strengthening of oil production", the head of Empresa Petróleos de Venezuela wrote on Twitter. | On December 2, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic and the US company signed important contracts that gave continuity to the operations and oil production of that company in the South American nation. | The agreements, framed in the Constitution of the Venezuelan Republic and the laws that govern the national oil industry, were aimed at continuing with produc…
(2023-05-27). Washington Authorizes 4 Oil Corporations to Pay Taxes in Venezuela (+OFAC). orinocotribune.com The US Department of Treasury authorized four US oil corporations operating in Venezuela to pay taxes to the Venezuelan government, an order which is in contrast to the repeated declaration of the US government of not paying the government of President Nicolás Maduro or giving resources to it. | The
(2023-05-27). Boric appoints new Chilean ambassador to Venezuela. peoplesdispatch.org Chilean President Gabriel Boric on Thursday May 25 appointed a new Chilean ambassador to Venezuela. Jaime Gazmuri Mujica, former Chilean ambassador to Brazil, will fill…
(2023-05-27). Suspenden elecciones en la Universidad Central de Venezuela. telesurtv.net La decisión fue rechazada por integrantes de la comunidad universitaria.
(2023-05-27). Mantienen alerta por lluvias en 18 provincias dominicanas. telesurtv.net El COE mantiene ocho provincias dominicanas en alerta amarilla y diez en verde.
(2023-05-27). Harry Belafonte was more than a Civil Rights activist but a genuine internationalist. iacenter.org By Monica Moorehead and Pedro de la Hoz May 1, 2023 The great Jamaican-identified artist, Civil Rights activist and internationalist, Harry Belafonte, died from congestive heart failure at age 96 on April 25, 2023. Despite becoming the first Black person to win a TV Emmy award in 1960, a Broadway Tony award in 1954 and selling millions of recordings, Belafonte experienced racist discrimination firsthand, like most Black entertainers in the 1950s and 1960s, including his good friend, the late actor Sidney Poitier. Belafonte was an important political organizer and financial backer of the Civil Rights Movement led…