(2023-05-26). Chinese Immigrants Sue Florida Over Unconstitutional, Discriminatory Law. popularresistance.org Tallahassee, Florida — A group of Chinese citizens who live, work, study, and raise families in Florida, as well as a real estate brokerage firm in Florida that primarily serves clients of Chinese descent, are filing a lawsuit to combat Florida's discriminatory property law, SB 264. Signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, the legislation unfairly restricts most Chinese citizens — and most citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, and North Korea — from purchasing homes in the state. Unless the courts act, the law will take effect on July 1, 2023. | The plaintiffs are represented by the American Civ…
(2023-05-26). Unión Euroasiática aboga por más cooperación con América Latina. telesurtv.net El presidente de Cuba ofreció a su país como puente entre el bloque euroasiático y la región América Latina y el Caribe.
(2023-05-26). Buena Fe mantiene gira en España a pesar de hostilidad. telesurtv.net El dúo musical cubano denunció en sus redes sociales que en Barcelona fueron objeto de insultos y agresiones físicas.
(2023-05-26). Realizan segunda sesión extraordinaria del Parlamento cubano. telesurtv.net Los diputados cubanos aprobaron la Ley de Comunicación Social, resultado de un riguroso proceso de construcción colectiva.
(2023-05-26). Sobre la nueva Ley: Una visión más integral de qué es la comunicación. cubadebate.cu Algunas consideraciones sobre el contenido de la ley, su implementación y la importancia de la comunicación social para el país. Es hora de comprender y emplear todos los recursos de la comunicación social para favorecer la participación, la transparencia, la rendición de cuentas, para poner en común, es decir unir todos nuestros conocimientos en función de extraer las mejores ideas, articularnos, generar consenso.
(2023-05-26). Hollywood musical classics come to Cuba in orchestral format. plenglish.com Havana, May 26 (Prensa Latina) The Havana Chamber Orchestra is getting its strings ready to bring to Cuba Hollywood Classics in a single show that will celebrate a new anniversary of the band.
(2023-05-25). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions: Event Summary. scheerpost.com By Francisco R. Rodríguez and Mark Weisbrot / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) On May 19, 2023, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) brought together leading experts in the study of economic sanctions to help to answer a critical, but often-ignored, question: What are the human consequences of US economic sanctions? …
(2023-05-25). Punto Deportivo: øQué se espera de Cuba en los Juegos Centroamericanos? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Los 24 Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe tendrán lugar en San Salvador del 23 de junio al 8 de julio. Históricamente, Cuba ha dominado la lid multideportiva, aunque hace cuatro años en Barranquilla perdió el cetro regional.Sobre las posibilidades de Cuba en el evento nos comentan los periodistas Joel García y Angélica Arce Montero.
(2023-05-25). Asamblea Nacional constituye comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, Esteban Lazo Hernández, informó este jueves la constitución de las once comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario y nombró a los presidentes de cada una de ellas. Explicó que la composición de las comisiones es heterogénea, para garantizar y favorecer la labor de la comisión.
(2023-05-25). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions: Event Summary. scheerpost.com By Francisco R. Rodríguez and Mark Weisbrot / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) On May 19, 2023, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) brought together leading experts in the study of economic sanctions to help to answer a critical, but often-ignored, question: What are the human consequences of US economic sanctions? …
(2023-05-25). Punto Deportivo: øQué se espera de Cuba en los Juegos Centroamericanos? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Los 24 Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe tendrán lugar en San Salvador del 23 de junio al 8 de julio. Históricamente, Cuba ha dominado la lid multideportiva, aunque hace cuatro años en Barranquilla perdió el cetro regional.Sobre las posibilidades de Cuba en el evento nos comentan los periodistas Joel García y Angélica Arce Montero.
(2023-05-25). Asamblea Nacional constituye comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, Esteban Lazo Hernández, informó este jueves la constitución de las once comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario y nombró a los presidentes de cada una de ellas. Explicó que la composición de las comisiones es heterogénea, para garantizar y favorecer la labor de la comisión.
(2023-05-25). Asamblea Nacional define cronograma legislativo de la décima legislatura. cubadebate.cu El nuevo cronograma legislativo contiene las normas jurídicas previstas para el 2022 y que, por disímiles motivos, se decidió su aprobación en la actual legislatura, así como las solicitudes de varias instituciones para la elaboración de normas jurídicas que permitan la actualización del ordenamiento jurídico cubano. En el periodo 2023-2027 se prevé aprobar 52 leyes, de ellas 16 previstas inicialmente en el cronograma legislativo para el 2022.
(2023-05-25). Cambio climático puede impactar sostenibilidad de población de peces. cubadebate.cu Los peces polares experimentan una mortalidad más baja que los tropicales, por lo que retrasan la reproducción para cuando son más grandes y pueden producir más huevos, lo cual puede tener implicaciones para los efectos del cambio climático en la sostenibilidad de las poblaciones de peces, reveló la investigación realizada por la Universidad de Monash, Australia.
(2023-05-25). Muere madre de héroe cubano. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio del Interior (Minint) lamentó el fallecimiento a la edad de 81 años de Juana Quintosa Quintosa, madre de Rolando Pérez Quintosa, Héroe de la República de Cuba y mártir de ese organismo. En nota publicada en su sitio web, el Minint refirió que Quintosa Quintosa nunca dejó de honrar la memoria de su hijo, quien sufrió el ataque de un grupo de contrarrevolucionarios.
(2023-05-25). Parlamento cubano aprueba Ley de Comunicación Social. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, en su décima legislatura, aprobó este jueves la nueva Ley de Comunicación Social, durante la segunda sesión extraordinaria que se desarrolla en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana. El presidente del Instituto de Comunicación e Información Social, Alfonso Noya Martínez, presentó el proyecto de ley a los diputados.
(2023-05-25). Se mantiene la producción de cilindros de gas, pese a limitaciones. cubadebate.cu Aunque a un 40 de su capacidad productiva, debido a la carencia de recursos financieros y materiales, la local Empresa de Conformación de Metales (Conformat) de Matanzas se mantiene activa en la fabricación y reparación de cilindros de gas para toda Cuba. En lo que va del presente año se produjeron 17 mil recipientes conocidos por balitas, y la meta es llegar a 70 mil.
(2023-05-25). Venezuela formalizó restablecimiento de relaciones con Brasil. cubadebate.cu El nuevo embajador de Venezuela en Brasil, Manuel Vadell, entregó sus credenciales diplomáticas al presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, en un acto que formalizó el restablecimiento de las relaciones entre ambos países. El portal Brasil de Fato indica que Vadell fue nombrado por el jefe de Estado venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.
(2023-05-25). Vicepresidenta de Gabón llegó a Cuba en visita oficial. cubadebate.cu La vicepresidenta de Gabón, Rose Christiane Ossouka Raponda, arribó hoy a Cuba para realizar su primera visita oficial a la isla. Según informó la cancillería cubana, la dignataria sostendrá conversaciones oficiales con el vicepresidente, Salvador Valdés, con el vice primer ministro y titular del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera, Ricardo Cabrisas, entre otras autoridades.
(2023-05-25). ALU's Chris Smalls: 'Worker solidarity doesn't stop at the border'. workers.org Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls greets Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on May 1, 2023. By Chris Smalls On May Day, I joined a delegation of organizers on a trip to Cuba to show solidarity with the Cuban people and call out the injustice that is an economic . . . |
(2023-05-25). Haydée Santamaría, central figure in the Cuban Revolution. workers.org Haydee Santamaría In the early hours of July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and nearly 150 Cuban rebels traveled to the Moncada garrison to capture the barracks and seize the many weapons stored there. They planned for this to be the beginning of the Cuban Revolution to overthrow the Cuban dictator, . . . |
(2023-05-25). Cuban lawmakers assess a social communication bill. plenglish.com Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Cuban lawmakers to the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP, Parliament) are on Thursday assessing a social communication bill during the 2nd extraordinary session of the legislative body in its 10th Legislature.
(2023-05-25). Gabon's Vice President arrived in Cuba on official visit. plenglish.com According to the Cuban Foreign Ministry, the leader will hold official talks with Vice President Salvador Valdes, Deputy Prime Minister and head of Foreign Trade and Investment, Ricardo Cabrisas, among other authorities. | Cuba and Gabon established relations on March 26, 1974. Since then, they have been developing positive bilateral ties. Currently, both nations' authorities are remarking the existence of big potentialities to be exploited for mutual benefit.
(2023-05-25). Cuba's Tourism Booming With Inflow of 1.2 Mln Foreign Visitors. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the National Statistics Bureau informed that, in the first four months of 2023, Cuba received over than 1.2 million foreign visitors, up by 190 percent from a year earlier. | RELATED: | Canada tops the list with some 495,000 visitors, followed by the United States and Russia with 54,000 and 44,000 respectively. | "The rise in fuel prices and the U.S. blockade against the island have impacted the flow of…
(2023-05-25). Desde Cuba, artistas e intelectuales condenan agresión contra Buena Fe. cubadebate.cu Hoy, desde La Habana, un grupo de intelectuales y artistas se reúnen para condenar un acto de este tipo, dónde el odio y la violencia, la cara más horrenda del fascismo se interpuso a la música, pero el arte puede más y como dijo el propio Israel "la música es nuestra fortaleza. La manera más violenta en que golpeo al que me ofende".
(2023-05-25). Cuban President Greets Africa Day. plenglish.com Through his Tweeter account, the head of State highlighted the 60th anniversary of the Organization of African Unity and said this Caribbean island and that Continent celebrate today their friendship and brotherhood, as well as their cultural and historic links. | The Day of Africa is celebrated each May 25 in different countries over the world. | The date remembers the day when 32 leaders of that continent met in Addis Abeba to form the Organization of African Unity, today African Union. | The commemoration was established in order to make known the needs faced by those countries and serve to reivindicate their…
(2023-05-25). Condenan agresión contra artistas cubanos en Barcelona, España. telesurtv.net Uno de los integrantes del dúo, Israel Rojas, resaltó que de ellos saldrá música y que le han visto el rostro al fascismo.
(2023-05-25). Celebran 60 años de colaboración médica internacional de Cuba. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Salud habló sobre la "hermosa Operación Milagro, que devolvió la visión y con ella la vida útil a personas de 35 países de América y África".
(2023-05-25). Cuban province to host Agrociencias 2023 event. plenglish.com The event, organized by the Fructuoso Rodriguez Agrarian University of Havana, under the precept of The university and innovation for sustainable development, will be held in a hybrid format that will include workshops, business rounds, among other collateral activities. | Maydolis Cabrera, head of the Communication Department of the university, explained to Prensa Latina that the event will be distinguished by keynote lectures by national and international experts, as well as virtual posters and scientific and commercial exhibitions. | According to the official program of Agrociencias 2023, the main objective o…
(2023-05-25). Cuban President calls for greater demands in Parliament. plenglish.com Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, stressed that the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP, Parliament) has to demand more for compliance with everything it approves.
(2023-05-25). Cuban Parliament to assess bill on social communication. plenglish.com Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban National People's Power Assembly (Parliament) will evaluate the Bill on Social Communication during its 2nd extraordinary session of the 10th Legislature on Thursday.
(2023-05-25). EU high representative Josep Borrell arrives in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, May 25 (Prensa Latina)The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, arrived in Cuba for an official visit, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.
(2023-05-25). Solidarity with Haiti on Haitian Flag Day. workers.org Students at Global Women's Center salute Haiti Flag Day, Philadelphia, May 18, 2023. San Francisco Haitian Flag Day, commemorated all over Haiti and internationally May 18, marks the day in 1803 when the then-enslaved Haitian people made a commitment to create the sovereign nation of Haiti, totally independent of France. . . . |
(2023-05-26). Chile Appoints New Ambassador to Venezuela After 7 Years (+Brazil). orinocotribune.com Caracas, May 25, 2023 ( As Chile's new represent…
(2023-05-26). Presidente venezolano activa plan ante temporada de lluvias. telesurtv.net Para este 26 de mayo se prevé la llegada de la primera onda tropical al país suramericano.
(2023-05-25). Venezuela Rejects 'Cynical' US Report on Terrorism: 'Sanctions Are the Real Terror'. venezuelanalysis.com Caracas condemned the US' "infamous war on terror" and the imposition of economic sanctions against one-third of the planet.
(2023-05-25). Venezuela and Brazil formally restore ties. peoplesdispatch.org Venezuela's new ambassador to Brazil, Manuel Vadell, delivered his diplomatic credentials to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Wednesday afternoon May 24, in an act that formalized the reestablishment of relations between the two countries. | Vadell had been appointed by Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, in December 2022, even before Lula took office. After the ceremony, Maduro said that the normalization of relations between Brazil and Venezuela is "a great step" that constitutes "a new starting point for the consolidation of the union between both brotherly peoples." | The presence of a new Venezuelan…
(2023-05-25). Venezuela at Eurasian Economic Union Summit: 'The World Needs New International Financial System'. orinocotribune.com During a speech at the Second Summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, urged participants to reflect on the need to create a new international financial infrastructure, and further highlighted the importance of creating an economic model that serves humanity, and does not solely serve hegemonic forces. | The Venezuelan vice president made a call at the summit, held this Wednesday, May 24, for nations of the region and beyond to resume their leading role in the world economy. She further elaborated, explaining that 23 years ago the world's main trading partner…
(2023-05-25). Venezuela Rejects Unfounded US Accusations Regarding Terrorism. orinocotribune.com The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela issued a The Venezuelan government emphasized in the document that the US must respect international law, and called on the authorities of the US to practice diplomacy in order to strengthen stability and world peace. | El Gobie…
(2023-05-25). On the Long Path to Reparations. libya360.wordpress.com Cira Pascual Marquina Jesús "Chucho" García is an intellectual and activist, and the author of several books, including Afrovenezolanidad e inclusión en el Proceso Bolivariano [Afro-Venezuelanness and Inclusion in the Bolivarian Process, 2018]. He is also a founder of the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations and a member of the National Decolonization Commission. In this interview, García talks…
(2023-05-25). Slavery and Prior Accumulation in Venezuela. libya360.wordpress.com Cira Pascual Marquina Enrique S. Rivera is a historian, journalist, and documentary film producer. He teaches at UCLA, and his recent book, The Untold History of Capitalism: Primitive Accumulation and the Anti-Slavery Revolution (2021), focuses on the 1795 anti-slavery rebellion in the west of what we now know as Venezuela, but it also examines the origins of…
(2023-05-25). Venezuela reestablishes relations with Brazil. plenglish.com Brasilia, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The new Venezuelan ambassador to Brazil Manuel Vadell handed over his diplomatic credentials to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in an act to reestablish relations between the two countries, the press on Thursday confirmed.
(2023-05-25). Venezuela Takes Preventive Measures for the Rainy Season. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that his administration is taking preventive measures to attend to any contingency in the rainy season, during which the passage of 65 tropical waves is expected from May to November. | RELATED: | The Bolivarian leader remains in permanent contact with governors, mayors, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Civil Protection (PC) and firefighters. | Interior Minister R…
(2023-05-25). Putin: Rusia seguirá construyendo un orden global más justo. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta ejecutiva de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, propuso crear un sistema financiero internacional "que ofrezca verdaderas libertades para su expansión…".
(2023-05-26). Ecuador's President Dissolves National Assembly Triggering Early Elections. popularresistance.org Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso dissolved the National Assembly by decree on May 17 bringing forward legislative and presidential elections and heading off an attempt by opposition politicians to impeach him. | Opposition politicians wanted to impeach Lasso over accusations he disregarded warnings of embezzlement related to a contract at state-owned oil transportation company Flopec, charges the president denies. | A majority of lawmakers had backed a resolution accusing Lasso of allowing the corrupt contract to continue after taking office in 2021, although a congressional oversight committee, which heard te…
(2023-05-25). Latin American paintings and photographs open conference in France. plenglish.com Paris, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Fine artists and photographers from Latin America and those dedicating part of their work to that region on Thursday joined paths in the beginning of the 10th edition of the "Weeks of Latin America and the Caribbean" in France.
(2023-05-26). Ascienden a 25 las provincias dominicanas en alerta por vaguada. telesurtv.net En alerta roja se encuentra Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo, en Santiago Rodríguez (solo para la comunidad de Guayabito), en Mote Cristi (solo para las comunidades de Martín García, el Rincón, Manga y Cruce de Manga).
(2023-05-25). Continúa alerta para 20 provincias dominicanas por vaguada. telesurtv.net El director del COE instó a la población a estar pendientes de partes emitidos acerca de las condiciones metereológicas.