Daily Archives: May 10, 2023

2023-05-10: News Headlines

Darío Machado Rodríguez (2023-05-10). Cuba — Acerca de la representatividad. globalizacion.ca El propósito, funcionamiento y particularidades de la construcción de la democracia en la sociedad cubana no pueden explicarse con los puntos de partida de la concepción liberal de democracia, por más que en el plano formal haya momentos elementales de…

Hedelberto López Blanch (2023-05-10). Romper el monopolio capitalista de los medicamentos. globalizacion.ca Una negociación trascendental para los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe como la reciente firma entre Cuba, México y Colombia para la creación de la Agencia de Medicamentos y Dispositivos Médicos de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (Amlac), ha tenido…

Staff (2023-05-10). Asiste Díaz-Canel a acto conmemorativo por aniversario 50 del Frente Polisario. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, participó hoy en un acto conmemorativo por el aniversario 50 de la fundación del Frente Polisario, en la Sala Universal de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, de esta capital. Participaron también Roberto Morales Ojeda, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del PCC y secretario de Organización, y otros representantes del Partido y el Gobierno cubanos.

Staff (2023-05-10). Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprueba 67 nuevos actores económicos (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Economía y Planificación anunció hoy la aprobación de 67 nuevos actores económicos, como parte de las medidas para impulsar el desarrollo económico y social. De estos, 63 son mipymes privadas y 4 son mipymes estatales.

Staff (2023-05-10). Clarisse °seis oros mundiales!, Grigalashvili suma la segunda. cubadebate.cu El cuarto día del campeonato mundial de judo en Doha deparó una de las más agradables confirmaciones para todos los asistentes a la ABHA Arena, pues la francesa Clarisse Agbegnenou se convirtió en la cuarta mujer con seis o más títulos a este nivel; mientras el georgiano Tato Grigalashvili arribó a dos cetros de manera consecutiva.

Staff (2023-05-10). Segunda devolución de migrantes irregulares por vía aérea desde EEUU en 2023. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades de Estados Unidos realizaron este miércoles la segunda operación de devolución de migrantes irregulares por vía aérea de 2023, con 66 personas que indistintamente fueron capturadas al llegar a las costas por vía marítima o al cruzar la frontera con México. En total, los estadounidenses han retornado a Cuba este año a 2 708 personas.

Staff (2023-05-10). Genéticamente hablando: Cuidado con los gatos (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Quizás sea exagerado decirlo así, pero vale para llamar la atención, especialmente de las embarazadas: la toxoplasmosis es una enfermedad que puede adquirirse, entre otras vías, al entrar en contacto con las heces de los gatos y otros felinos, aunque también por insuficiente cocción de los alimentos.

Staff (2023-05-10). Mujeres al sur: Sororas (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Ya está aquí otro capítulo del podcast Mujeres al Sur: SORORAS. El episodio se acercará al activismo contra la violencia de género, pero esta vez desde las perspectivas de quienes acompañan a las víctimas. En SORORAS se habla sobre sistemas de consejería, acompañamiento y asesoramiento a víctimas, como momento clave de la sororidad ante este conflicto.

Staff (2023-05-10). Cancilleres de Rusia, Turquía e Irán instan a conservar soberanía e integridad territorial de Siria. cubadebate.cu Los cancilleres de Siria, Rusia, Turquía e Irán se reunieron este miércoles en Moscú para examinar los esfuerzos de normalización de las relaciones entre Ankara y Damasco. Coincidieron en la necesidad de conservar la soberanía e integridad territorial de Siria, así como continuar la lucha contra el terrorismo y el separatismo.

Staff (2023-05-10). " °Ya tengo un nuevo chelo! Gracias, amigos de Canadá" (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu °Tengo que llamar a mi mamá para que sepa que ya tengo un nuevo chelo!, pensó en alta voz Roldán, en cuanto acarició las cuerdas del obsequio que recibió de manos de Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, quien entregó, esta mañana, en la escuela Paulita Concepción, al Ministerio de Cultura, 100 instrumentos musicales donados por amigos canadienses a través del proyecto solidario Cubacan.

Staff (2023-05-10). Médicos en Holguín salvan a niño de 17 meses que tragó un muelle. cubadebate.cu Un equipo multidisciplinario del Hospital Pediátrico Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja, de la provincia de Holguín, salvó la vida de un bebé de 17 meses, el cual ingirió un muelle de un palillo de tendera. El paciente llegó al cuerpo de guardia de la institución asistencial con un cuadro de dificultad respiratoria y mucha inflamación.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-09). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. independentmediainstitute.org Headlines in This News Package: U.S. Activists Face Harassment From Authorities Upon Return From Cuba IACHR Slams Peru's De Facto Government for Human Rights Violations Against Protesters South African Court Rules in Favor of NUMSA and Others in Load Shedding Case, Asks State to Ensure Power Supply to Critical Facilities Iran and Syria Call for …

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-05-09). Defiant Cuba Celebrates May Day. mronline.org Mainstream reports on this past May Day celebration in Cuba leave out a key element: the imperialist economic and financial blockade.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-09). Free Cuba to Free Ourselves. By: Calvin Wu. midwesternmarx.com ​We left Havana on May 3. Tired after days of seminars, meetings with locals, and cultural activities, I was able to begin unpacking and relax, unlike many others returning home to the United States who ended up being detained at the airports of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Newark. They were granted special permission to visit Cuba under the US blockade that has been in place for more than sixty years (except for a short reprieve from 2014—2017). Yet, despite legal documents and …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-10). Haiti: "Sectors of the Police and the Government are Accomplices of the Criminal Gangs" libya360.wordpress.com Carlos Aznarez Henry Boisrolin is a member of the Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina and a lucid analyst of what is happening in Haiti. We spoke with him about the serious events taking place in his country. What is the situation in Haiti at the moment, since lately we have been receiving information about the…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-05-10). Haiti faces a choice: Social revolution or foreign occupation. peoplesworld.org With long experience of chaos, violence, and dysfunctional governance, Haiti looks now to be on the verge of a new crisis in the form of foreign military intervention. U.S. and United Nations decision-makers have held back, but now they look to be moving, again. The need all the while has been for change so that …

Editor (2023-05-10). U.S. hands off Haiti! Reparations now! workers.org By any account the situation in Haiti is desperate. What the U.S. has done to Haiti in the past, as well as its current maneuvers, has devastated the country. Most people in Haiti have no access to clean water, which is essential to controlling cholera. While the disease had . . . |

Fight Back (2023-05-10). Minneapolis rallies to free Alex Saab and all political prisoners! fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On May 7, a couple dozen activists gathered at the busy intersection of Minneapolis' Chicago and Lake Streets for a rally as part of the international "Week for Alex Saab" called by the Committee to Free Alex Saab. Speakers from different movements gave messages of solidarity with Venezuela's kidnapped diplomat and connected Alex Saab's struggle to a broader history of U.S. imperialism and repression. Many cars honked in support of the "Hands off Venezuela" signs and passersby stayed to listen to the speeches. | Sarah Martin of the Women Against Military Madness Solidarity Committee of the Ameri…

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-05-09). Defiant Cuba Celebrates May Day. mronline.org Mainstream reports on this past May Day celebration in Cuba leave out a key element: the imperialist economic and financial blockade.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-09). Free Cuba to Free Ourselves. By: Calvin Wu. midwesternmarx.com ​We left Havana on May 3. Tired after days of seminars, meetings with locals, and cultural activities, I was able to begin unpacking and relax, unlike many others returning home to the United States who ended up being detained at the airports of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Newark. They were granted special permission to visit Cuba under the US blockade that has been in place for more than sixty years (except for a short reprieve from 2014—2017). Yet, despite legal documents and …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-10). Haiti: "Sectors of the Police and the Government are Accomplices of the Criminal Gangs" libya360.wordpress.com Carlos Aznarez Henry Boisrolin is a member of the Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina and a lucid analyst of what is happening in Haiti. We spoke with him about the serious events taking place in his country. What is the situation in Haiti at the moment, since lately we have been receiving information about the…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-05-10). Haiti faces a choice: Social revolution or foreign occupation. peoplesworld.org With long experience of chaos, violence, and dysfunctional governance, Haiti looks now to be on the verge of a new crisis in the form of foreign military intervention. U.S. and United Nations decision-makers have held back, but now they look to be moving, again. The need all the while has been for change so that …

Editor (2023-05-10). U.S. hands off Haiti! Reparations now! workers.org By any account the situation in Haiti is desperate. What the U.S. has done to Haiti in the past, as well as its current maneuvers, has devastated the country. Most people in Haiti have no access to clean water, which is essential to controlling cholera. While the disease had . . . |

Fight Back (2023-05-10). Minneapolis rallies to free Alex Saab and all political prisoners! fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On May 7, a couple dozen activists gathered at the busy intersection of Minneapolis' Chicago and Lake Streets for a rally as part of the international "Week for Alex Saab" called by the Committee to Free Alex Saab. Speakers from different movements gave messages of solidarity with Venezuela's kidnapped diplomat and connected Alex Saab's struggle to a broader history of U.S. imperialism and repression. Many cars honked in support of the "Hands off Venezuela" signs and passersby stayed to listen to the speeches. | Sarah Martin of the Women Against Military Madness Solidarity Committee of the Ameri…

Franc Contreras (2023-05-10). Migrants gather at U.S.-Mexico border as Title 42 expiring. america.cgtn.com Just days before Title 42 is set to expire, hundreds of migrants, many from Colombia, Venezuela and Central America, have gathered at the U.S. Mexico border. They're hoping to be among the first to cross into the United States and take advantage of the possibility of beginning the asylum process.

Dan Collyns (2023-05-10). Migrants stranded on Peru-Chile border. america.cgtn.com Hundreds of migrants, mostly Venezuelans seeking to return home, have been stranded in camps along Peru's border with Chile. Dan Collyns has been speaking to migrants and officials in the city of Tacna on Peru's southern border with Chile. See the latest.

Staff (2023-05-10). Venezuela's Opposition Defines Rules for October Primary Elections. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's opposition primaries will take place on October 22 of this year. In recent months, the parameters of the elections that will determine who will be the candidate to face Chavismo in the 2024 presidential elections have been defined. | According to the latest update from the National Primary Commission (CNP) on Sunday, May 7, the regulations establishing the rules for nominations, advertising, participation of witnesses, voting abroad and the voting process have been finalized. | As established by the CNP, the registration of candidacies will begin on May 24 and end on June 23. After this, "admitted…

Ana Perdigón (2023-05-10). US Temporarily & Partially Suspends Liquidation of CITGO. orinocotribune.com On Sunday, US federal judge Paul B. Matey ordered the suspension of the attempted seizure of CITGO Corporation. a subsidiary of Venezuela's national petroleum company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). | The decision was issued after the US judge accepted a motion filed by the ad hoc board of directors of the parallel, illegitimate "PDVSA" appointed by former deputy Juan Guaidó and recognized by Joe Biden administration as the legitimate management of PDVSA. | The ruling establishes that the liquidation and six other processes that require the collection of the debt through CITGO will be temporarily suspended. The c…

Staff (2023-05-10). International Criminal Court Confirms There Are No Victims Yet in 'Venezuela I' Case (+Legal Technicality). orinocotribune.com This Monday, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry issued a The official statement by Venezuela's foreign ministry, issued on May 8, 2023, warns that "the aforementioned decision recognizes that the report of the Victim Reparation and Participation Section of the International Criminal Court only includes the opinions…

Celina Della Croce, People's Dispatch. (2023-05-10). Activists Demand Representative Jim McGovern Act Against Sanctions. popularresistance.org May 28, 2023 will mark exactly two years to the date of Rep. Jim McGovern's letter imploring President Biden to "stop using the Venezuelan people as a bargaining chip." "The impact of sectoral and secondary sanctions is indiscriminate, and purposely so," the congressman wrote in what has been referred to by policy experts as "the best letter that we've ever seen out of Congress on sanctions, period." | His letter was applauded by his constituents and human rights defenders around the world and remains frequently cited by leading experts in the field — including supporters of the Venezuelan opposition who ar…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-09). Venezuela: Opposition Mayor Arrested for Alleged Hate Speech. venezuelanalysis.com Ernesto Paraqueima reportedly made disparaging comments about local children with autism.

Janna Corredor (2023-05-09). President of Guinea-Bissau Visits Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The Monday, Venezuela's Vice President Delcy Rodríguez received the president of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, at the Casa Amarilla on the occasion of his working visit to the country to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. | Umaro Sissoco Embaló arrived in Venezuela during the afternoon and is scheduled to meet with Venezuelan authorities and discuss matters of common interest. | Relations b…

teleSUR (2023-05-10). Bahamas Receives Donation of Medical Supplies From China. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Chinese government made a donation of medical provisions to the Grand Bahama Island, which represents the northernmost island in the Bahamas. | Related: | The donation consists of a variety of hospital supplies, including syringes and needles, that are intended to safeguard the health of individuals residing on the island. | During the handover ceremony, Dai Qingli, Chinese Ambassador to the Bahamas, underscored th…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-09). Grenada's PM: We Support China's Efforts Towards Peace and Global Development. orinocotribune.com We are pleased to republish the speech given by Hon. Dickon Mitchell, Leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and Prime Minister of Grenada, at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting, which was organized by the Communist Party of China on 15 March. It was originally carried on the website of the Not…

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