(2023-07-11). Cuba's Foreign Minister Condemns EU's Lack of Transparency Ahead of CELAC—EU Summit. orinocotribune.com The European side aims to hide content of the debates and organize parallel forums to the event. | On Monday, Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez condemned the lack of transparency and the manipulative conduct of the European Union (EU) in the preparation of the third CELAC—EU Summit. | "I denounce the lack of transparency and the manipulative conduct of the European Union in the preparation of the III #CelacUE Summit, which seriously jeopardize the success of the meeting. There is little time left, but it is not too late to avoid failure," wrote Rodríguez on social media. | Denuncio la falta de transp…
(2023-07-11). Cuba's Civil Society Denounces Exclusions and Lack of Transparency of CELAC-EU Social Forum. orinocotribune.com Several civil society organizations of Cuba denounced a lack of transparency and exclusions from a social forum prior to the CELAC-EU Summit that will take place in Brussels on July 17-18. | On Friday, July 7, the Cuban Association of the United Nations (ACNU), which represents these civil society organizations, condemned the lack of timely information and the exclusion of participants of Cuban civil society, youths and local authorities from the forum, convened by the European Union (EU) during July 13-14. | At a press conference held in Havana on Friday, ACNU President Norma Goicochea criticized the proposed fo…
(2023-07-11). Cuban president slams US for "genocidal act" of depriving Cubans of oxygen during the pandemic. peoplesdispatch.org Cuba was prohibited from accessing spare parts for their only oxygen plant as well as importing medical oxygen due to the blockade, as COVID-19 ran rampant…
(2023-07-11). Listín Diario highlights Cuban people's resilience to US blockade. plenglish.com Santo Domingo, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) Listín Diario, the newspaper with the largest circulation in the Dominican Republic, published on Tuesday that the Cuban people's tenacity and resilience are a source of inspiration to overcome obstacles and achieve success under adverse circumstances.
(2023-07-11). "Cuba solo pertenece a Cuba" telesurtv.net Declaración de la Casa de las Américas, desde La Habana, Cuba.
(2023-07-11). Cuba denuncia opacidad de la UE en preparación de cumbre con Celac. telesurtv.net La III Cumbre de jefes de Estado y Gobierno CELAC – Unión Europea, se celebrará en Bruselas, Bélgica, el 17 y 18 de julio, tras ocho años de no realizarse.
(2023-07-11). Cuban media outlets denounce incitement to social unrest from the US. plenglish.com Havana, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban national television denounced that persons and entities in the United States continue inciting to carry out acts of violence and vandalism aimed at causing a social outbreak in Cuba, and have stepped up in that direction.
(2023-07-11). Venezuela respalda denuncia de Cuba sobre manipulación de la UE. telesurtv.net Venezuela respalda las denuncias realizadas por Cuba relacionadas con la falta de transparencia y la conducta manipuladora de la UE en la preparación de cumbre con la Celac.
(2023-07-10). Today Solidarity Aid to Cuba is Not Just a Symbolic Act to Challenge the Blockade. libya360.wordpress.com Bill Hackwell Medical aid for Cuba arrives in Miami. photos: Bill Hackwell I was part of a team of Cuban solidarity activists who just delivered several tons of medical aid here that was purchased and collected by IFCO Pastors for Peace. The duffel bags with needed pharmaceuticals will be taken to the island with their…
(2023-07-10). "Sanctions have lethal effect": Intellectuals call for end to US blockade on Cuba and Venezuela. peoplesdispatch.org More than 50 intellectuals from around the world have called on US Senator Bob Menendez to stop supporting sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. In a "We respectfully ask that you stop spreading the false narrative that…
(2023-07-11). Trump Lashes Out At Venezuela Again in Campaign Speech. orinocotribune.com
(2023-07-11). Criminal Sanctions: Washington Extends Authorization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Exports to Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The US government extended the authorization of liquefied petroleum gas exports to Venezuela. According to a "Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this general license, all transactions related to the exportation or reexportation, directly or indirectly, of liquefied petroleum gas to Venezuela,…
(2023-07-11). Presidente de Venezuela apoya revitalizar una agenda para preservar la Amazonía. telesurtv.net El dignatario venezolano subrayó que el Amazonas es uno de los puntos fundamentales para lograr el equilibrio del planeta.
(2023-07-11). Venezuela y Surinam estrechan vínculos de amistad y cooperación. telesurtv.net El líder de la diplomacia venezolana expresó su gratificación por la visita, la quinta reunión del Mecanismo del Consultas Políticas Surinam-Venezuela.
(2023-07-10). President Maduro Highlights Civic-Military Union Key Role. orinocotribune.com On July 9, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the indispensable role played by the civic-military union in the harmonious development of the country, which focuses on defending sovereignty and maintaining national peace. | The Venezuelan president further expressed on twitter that the combination of the people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces has defended national…
(2023-07-11). Celebran el 50 aniversario de la independencia de Bahamas. telesurtv.net El primer ministro Phillips Davis calificó la independencia como "el primer gran paso en el largo viaje".
(2023-07-11). Colombia to Chair CELAC for the First Time in 2025. orinocotribune.com The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) unanimously elected Colombia to assume the association's pro tempore presidency for the first time in 2025. The decision was made by consensus of the 32 countries that make up CELAC during a meeting of foreign ministers on Friday. | "The designation of Colombia in the 'pro tempore' presidency of this mechanism implies that the country will more decisively lead integration processes of our region with the other regional blocs and powers of the world, positioning the interests of the national government and the consensus of the region," said the Colombian…
(2023-07-11). Caribbean Association seeks regional tourism solutions. plenglish.com Bridgetown, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) today announced the need to seek tourism solutions for this region and thus to be tuned to the desired sustainability for the sector.
(2023-07-11). Rechazan convocatoria de la UE sobre América Latina y el Caribe. telesurtv.net ALBA Movimiento denunció que los criterios de selección para la participación en el Foro se desconocen, y se definieron sin tener en cuenta a la Celac.