2023-06-12: News Headlines

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-06-12). Cuba mantiene alerta ante lluvias en varias provincias del país. telesurtv.net El Estado Mayor de la Defensa Civil indicó intensificar las medidas de protección de vidas humanas y recursos materiales frente al posible incremento de las precipitaciones.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-06-12). Presidente Díaz-Canel se solidariza con damnificados por lluvias. telesurtv.net El mandatario cubano reconoció el valor y organización de los dirigentes e instituciones que enfrentan estos eventos hidrometeorológicos.

Orinoco Tribune. (2023-06-11). June 18 Webinar: ALBA-TCP, First Fair Trade Agreement In The World. popularresistance.org The Chicago ALBA Solidarity Committee is inviting everyone to a webinar organized by the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, with the participation of high-level officials from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, to expose the attacks that successive US administrations have unsuccessfully launched over the years to destroy the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas — Peoples Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP). | The speakers will be: from Cuba, Héctor Igarza Cabrera, ambassador to Canada; from Venezuela, Carlos Ron, Venezuela's deputy foreign affairs minister for North America; and from Nicaragua, Minister of Commerce Jesús B…

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-11). Grand Master says "Chess enjoys good health in Cuba" plenglish.com The Cuban chess player talked to Prensa Latina prior to her participation in a chess simultaneous event that took place in this capital as a tribute to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Ernesto Guevara, passionate and promoter of that sport in Cuba. | He was accompanied in the simultaneous by Uruguayan International Master Bernardo Roselli, for whom Che Guevara could have reached an Elo of 2,300 points and the rank of Master of the International Chess Federation (FIDE). | Pita directs in his country the Center of Chess Studies of the University of Sport, and considers that the Cuban science game is "on good f…

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-11). Venezuela ratified its support to dialogue process in Colombia. plenglish.com Caracas, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has ratified his unrestricted support to the peace talks that are advancing today in Colombia, after the agreements reached in Cuba between the Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN).

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-11). Defensa de EE.UU. niega informe sobre base china de espionaje en Cuba. telesurtv.net El secretario de prensa del Pentágono, general Pat Ryder calificó un informe del Wall Street Journal sobre el aparente acuerdo como inexacto.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-06-12). Inicia en Jamaica consulta para solucionar crisis en Haití. telesurtv.net Participan representantes del espectro político haitiano y de naciones caribeñas. Se promueve el diálogo y el consenso sin injerencia.

JANET (2023-06-11). Growing mass anger in Haiti. iacenter.org By G. Dunkel June 9, 2023 Millions of Haitians regularly don't get enough to eat. They have access only to dirty, contaminated water. The turmoil of their struggle for survival has resulted in more than 1,630 people killed, wounded or kidnapped in the first three months of 2023, according to the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. Schools were closed for months. When they opened, kids had to walk for hours at a quick pace to get to school on time, since the high price of fuel has made public transportation unaffordable for their parents. Hospitals and clinics often close when their staff is kidnapped or ha…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-06-11). Reportan 743 decesos por cólera en Haití desde octubre pasado. telesurtv.net Organización Mundial de la Salud manifiesta su preocupación ante el ritmo que han alcanzado los contagios de cólera en la nación caribeña.

Katherine Rapin, Next City. (2023-06-11). Movement That Built Puerto Rico's First Community-Owned Microgrid. popularresistance.org For two weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, Lucy's Pizza was the only restaurant open in the central mountain town of Adjuntas. The town's 18,000 residents, like those on the rest of the island, were entirely without electricity. | "No one has power, you can't get gas, it's difficult to make food, so everyone came here to eat," says owner Gustavo Irizarry. "The line," he gestured down the block along the town's central plaza, "endless." | Using a diesel generator, Lucy's was running at about 75% capacity. The generator was loud, emitted dangerous fumes and wasn't always reliable.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-12). Antigua y Barbuda rechaza dichos de Trump sobre Venezuela. telesurtv.net El expresidente de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.), Donald Trump, confensó querer apoderarse del petróleo de Venezuela durante su mandato.

teleSUR, SH (2023-06-12). Presidente iraní comienza en Venezuela su gira por Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net Antes de iniciar su visita a América Latina, Ebrahim Raisí, afirmó que esta gira supondrá "un punto de inflexión" en la profundización de sus lazos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-06-11). Reportan 743 decesos por cólera en Haití desde octubre pasado. telesurtv.net Organización Mundial de la Salud manifiesta su preocupación ante el ritmo que han alcanzado los contagios de cólera en la nación caribeña.

Katherine Rapin, Next City. (2023-06-11). Movement That Built Puerto Rico's First Community-Owned Microgrid. popularresistance.org For two weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, Lucy's Pizza was the only restaurant open in the central mountain town of Adjuntas. The town's 18,000 residents, like those on the rest of the island, were entirely without electricity. | "No one has power, you can't get gas, it's difficult to make food, so everyone came here to eat," says owner Gustavo Irizarry. "The line," he gestured down the block along the town's central plaza, "endless." | Using a diesel generator, Lucy's was running at about 75% capacity. The generator was loud, emitted dangerous fumes and wasn't always reliable.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-12). Antigua y Barbuda rechaza dichos de Trump sobre Venezuela. telesurtv.net El expresidente de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.), Donald Trump, confensó querer apoderarse del petróleo de Venezuela durante su mandato.

teleSUR, SH (2023-06-12). Presidente iraní comienza en Venezuela su gira por Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net Antes de iniciar su visita a América Latina, Ebrahim Raisí, afirmó que esta gira supondrá "un punto de inflexión" en la profundización de sus lazos.

JANET (2023-06-11). Erdogan: a ship that could continue to sail in a sea of contradictions. iacenter.org By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein June 10, 2023 The author of this article, published June 2 on lapluma.net, is a former Venezuelan military officer and diplomat and current international analyst. Twitter: @sergioro0701. Translation: John Catalinotto. The coalition that supported President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the presidential elections of Türkiye held on May 28. Although Erdogan's victory in this second round was expected, the broad support his coalition received in the parliamentary elections that accompanied the first round on May 14 came as a surprise. Despite the devastation and death caused by the Feb…

Jonathan Ng (2023-06-11). US Economic War on Venezuela Has Rewarded Corruption and Undermined Democracy. truthout.org This spring, the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó delivered a solemn address to the international press in Miami, Florida. Claiming his life was in danger, Guaidó announced that he fled Venezuela to escape persecution and rally the world against the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In bold strokes, he argued that Maduro constitutes a threat to "the entire world… |

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-11). Yván Gil told Donald Trump US will not be able to beat Venezuela. plenglish.com Caracas, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Today in Caracas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, assured that the United States could not and will not be able to beat Venezuela.

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-11). El Salvador will be ready for the Games, Bukele says. plenglish.com San Salvador, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) President Nayib Bukele said today in a tweet that El Salvador will be ready for the 24th Central American and Caribbean Sports Games.

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