2023-06-01: News Headlines

Calla Mairead Walsh (2023-06-01). Biden administration continues Trump's anti-Cuba policies, but solidarity movement is pushing back. peoplesworld.org On Tuesday, May 23rd, the State Department reported that Cuba—along with Iran, Syria, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Venezuela—are not "not cooperating fully" in the United States supposed fight against terrorism. The Biden administration officially designates Cuba as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" (SSOT), as well as Iran, Syria, and the DPRK. Literally 0% of Americans view Cuba as a serious …

Staff (2023-06-01). Se forma depresión tropical Dos de la actual temporada ciclónica. cubadebate.cu Un área de bajas presiones que tenía lento movimiento sobre el nordeste del golfo de México, ha mostrado durante este jueves signos de una mejor organización, con persistencia de áreas de lluvias fuertes en las cercanías de su centro, informó el Centro de Pronósticos del Insmet. Un avión de reconocimiento determinó que se ha convertido en depresión tropical.

Staff (2023-06-01). Declaración del Minrex: "Asedio del odio fascista a la cultura cubana" cubadebate.cu La cultura cubana, que sufre el impacto del inhumano e ilegal bloqueo, es portadora de mensajes de paz, diálogo y tolerancia. Rechaza la barbarie, el odio y la violencia que tratan de imponer intereses monopólicos imperialistas desde Estados Unidos y algunos de sus aliados. Cuba no renunciará a exponer su cultura en cualquier rincón del mundo y ante cada agresión responderá con firmeza y unidad.

Staff (2023-06-01). Cubamodela y la apuesta por el comercio electrónico. cubadebate.cu La popularidad de esta tienda online no está basada en los algoritmos de Internet, sino en las ofertas para sus clientes, la correlación con los precios y la disposición de un colectivo de jóvenes emprendedores deseoso de salir adelante con el país.

Staff (2023-06-01). Galtier confirma que el partido contra el Clermont será la despedida de Messi en el PSG. cubadebate.cu En un partido intrascendente para el ya campeón de la Ligue 1, que se coronó el pasado fin de semana con gol de Leo Messi frente al Estrasburgo, el astro rosarino tendrá este sábado ante el Clermont su último juego con la camiseta del Paris Saint-Germain en el Parque de los Príncipes, dijo a la prensa el técnico Christophe Galtier.

Staff (2023-06-01). López Obrador: "La OEA no ha hecho nada para defender a los pobres del mundo" cubadebate.cu "La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) no ha hecho nada para defender a los pobres del mundo y no le creo nada", declaró este jueves el presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en su habitual conferencia de prensa matutina, esta vez desde el estado de Tamaulipas, en la frontera con Estados Unidos.

Staff (2023-06-01). Investigación: Partidas de financiación climática fueron a hoteles, tiendas de chocolate y planta de carbón. cubadebate.cu "Las naciones ricas dicen que están gastando miles de millones para luchar contra el cambio climático. Algo de dinero va a lugares extraños", señala un reporte de Reuters en el que la agencia noticiosa presenta los resultados de una investigación que dio seguimiento a proyectos de financiación climática de varios países del Primer Mundo.

Staff (2023-06-01). Ejecutan comprobaciones para sincronización de la termoeléctrica Guiteras al sistema eléctrico nacional. cubadebate.cu Luego de varios meses de mantenimiento, en la central termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras, de Matanzas, se ejecutan las comprobaciones para sincronizar al sistema eléctrico nacional su bloque unitario, el mayor y más eficiente del país, informó el ingeniero Lázaro Guerra Hernández, director técnico de la Unión Eléctrica (UNE).

Staff (2023-06-01). ONU: Se requiere regulación internacional para explotar el espacio. cubadebate.cu El número de satélites en órbita podría crecer de unos 2 500 en 2022 a más de un millón en 2030, según datos de la ONU. El informe "Para toda la humanidad. El futuro de la gobernanza del espacio ultraterrestre" señala que la explotación de la órbita terrestre ofrece tanto oportunidades como desafíos y destaca la necesidad de nuevos marcos legales.

Staff (2023-06-01). Respuesta a "Patrones de números y palabras; y la sopa de letras de mayo" cubadebate.cu Con ausencias notables, pero con respuestas que nos harán disfrutar y pensar transcurrió este acertijo. En nombre de todos los acertijandos envío un mensaje a Marlon, el más joven de nuestro participantes, deseándole la pronta recuperación de su salud. Vamos por partes.

Staff (2023-06-01). Plata y bronce para Cuba en otro torneo de la Ranking Series de lucha. cubadebate.cu Los grequistas Oscar Pino (130 kg) y Luis Alberto Orta (67 kg) ganaron respectivas medallas de plata y bronce en un torneo organizado en la ciudad kirguiza de Bishkek, en lo que representa su segunda incursión del año en eventos pertenecientes a la Ranking Series, uno de los circuitos de mayor calidad entre los eventos de primer nivel.

manager (2023-05-31). CEPR Sanctions Watch May 2023. cepr.net In this edition of Sanctions Watch, covering May 2023: Local civil society leaders call for the release of central bank assets to Afghanistan; Members of Congress urge Biden to address migration by easing sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela; Five years since Trump's withdrawal from nuclear deal, scholars say "maximum pressure" on Iran has failed; US …

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-06-01). Estado dominicano niega acusaciones de racismo contra Haití. telesurtv.net Panelistas del Foro Permanente sobre los Afrodescendientes de la ONU tildaron al Estado dominicano de abusivo contra los haitianos.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-06-01). Alcaldes denuncian poca previsión ante huracanes en Puerto Rico. telesurtv.net Los ejecutivos aún no reciben todos los reembolsos de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias de los gastos en anteriores eventos meteorológicos.

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Boric Embraces Trump's Attacks on Venezuela: Evo Morales. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Bolivia's former President Evo Morales rejected statements made against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | During the summit of South American presidents held in Brasilia on Tuesday, Boric said that the Venezuelan human rights situation is not a "narrative construction" but a "serious reality", which he has personally appreciated "in the eyes and in the pain o…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). UNESCO Awards Venezuelan Theoretical Physics AnamarIa Font. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced that Venezuelan scientist Anamaria Font will receive a distinction for her contributions to theoretical particle physics. | RELATED: | Font is one of the five winners of the "L'Oreal-UNESCO International Awards for Women and Science", which honor the work of researchers around the world. They were chosen by an indepe…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-06-01). South America Renews Integration Efforts, Venezuela Praises 'Tolerance Spirit'. venezuelanalysis.com Brazil's Lula da Silva announced that a new roadmap for regional integration will be presented in 120 days.

Staff (2023-06-01). President Petro Announces Colombia's Re-Entry Into UNASUR (+International Conference on Venezuela). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( "I have decided to make the country rejoin UNASUR by ratifying the treaty approved by Congress through law and I requested that it be named the Association of South American Nations to guarantee pluralism and permanence over time," wrote Petro on his social media acc…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-06-01). Estado dominicano niega acusaciones de racismo contra Haití. telesurtv.net Panelistas del Foro Permanente sobre los Afrodescendientes de la ONU tildaron al Estado dominicano de abusivo contra los haitianos.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-06-01). Alcaldes denuncian poca previsión ante huracanes en Puerto Rico. telesurtv.net Los ejecutivos aún no reciben todos los reembolsos de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias de los gastos en anteriores eventos meteorológicos.

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Boric Embraces Trump's Attacks on Venezuela: Evo Morales. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Bolivia's former President Evo Morales rejected statements made against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | During the summit of South American presidents held in Brasilia on Tuesday, Boric said that the Venezuelan human rights situation is not a "narrative construction" but a "serious reality", which he has personally appreciated "in the eyes and in the pain o…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). UNESCO Awards Venezuelan Theoretical Physics AnamarIa Font. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced that Venezuelan scientist Anamaria Font will receive a distinction for her contributions to theoretical particle physics. | RELATED: | Font is one of the five winners of the "L'Oreal-UNESCO International Awards for Women and Science", which honor the work of researchers around the world. They were chosen by an indepe…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-06-01). South America Renews Integration Efforts, Venezuela Praises 'Tolerance Spirit'. venezuelanalysis.com Brazil's Lula da Silva announced that a new roadmap for regional integration will be presented in 120 days.

Staff (2023-06-01). President Petro Announces Colombia's Re-Entry Into UNASUR (+International Conference on Venezuela). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( "I have decided to make the country rejoin UNASUR by ratifying the treaty approved by Congress through law and I requested that it be named the Association of South American Nations to guarantee pluralism and permanence over time," wrote Petro on his social media acc…

Ana Perdigón (2023-06-01). Fake News Alert: Did President Maduro's Security Attack a Journalist in Brazil? orinocotribune.com A new fake news operation was launched on some social media platforms by local and international far-right outlets regarding Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's visit to Brazil, when a journalist working for said outlets falsely spread the idea that President Maduro's security team supposedly attacked a Brazilian journalist. | The event was reported this Tuesday night, May 30, at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasília—the building housing the Brazilian Foreign Ministry—at the end of the Summit of South American Presidents, called for by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. At the end of the summ…

Staff (2023-06-01). President Maduro: 'We Are Working as Single Entity to Respond to Rainy Season'. orinocotribune.com After his successful visit to Brazil, participating in the Summit of South American Presidents, President Nicolás Maduro met with his general staff upon return to Venezuela, in order to take stock of the arrival of the rainy season in the Caribbean country and devise necessary response measures. | The president met with governors via video-conference this Wednesday, May 30, who shared live reports on the impacts of rainfall across the national territory "state by state, municipality by municipality," the president announced on a televised broadcast. Particularly in recent hours, Venezuela is feeling the arrival o…

People's Dispatch. (2023-06-01). Maduro Makes Historic Trip To Brazil For South American Presidents' Summit. popularresistance.org Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro participated in a joint press conference on Monday May 29 from the Planalto Palace in Brasília and highlighted the importance of the neighboring countries resuming ties. The press conference was held following a bilateral meeting between the heads of state ahead of the South American Presidents' Summit. | Lula told national and international media that, "This is a historic moment. After eight years, President Nicolás Maduro is back to visiting Brazil and we have recovered our right to have a foreign policy with the seriousness w…

krish-rad_ind (2023-06-01). Washington Authorizes 4 Oil Corporations to Pay Taxes in Venezuela (+OFAC). orinocotribune.com

teleSUR, JDO, DRL (2023-06-01). Evo Morales rechaza declaraciones antivenezolanas de Chile. telesurtv.net Evo Morales critica que se olvide la vocación antiimperialista de Salvador Allende y se repitan ataques de Donald Trump contra Caracas.

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Russia, China Welcome Venezuela's Interest in Joining the BRICS. telesurenglish.net The Chinese government has applauded Venezuela's willingness to join the BRICS, an economic cooperation forum that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. | RELATED: | Venezuela's intention highlights the increasing prestige of the BRICS in the world, stated Alexander Schetinin, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry's representative for Latin America. | "We welcome the prompt accession of as many supp…

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Over 16,000 Venezuelans Participate in the 2023 Rainfall Plan. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan Risk Management and Civil Protection Vice Minister Carlos Perez announced the deployment of over 16,000 troops to ensure security throughout the country. | RELATED: | Currently, the General Staffs of the subnational governments are activated as part of the 2023 Rainfall Plan, he explained. | The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is articulated with the National Risk Management System, which includes fir…

Juraima Almeida (2023-06-01). América Latina y el Caribe: El largo camino de la integración. globalizacion.ca Las doce naciones de América del Sur comenzaron a verse las caras de nuevo y a hablar de integración, luego de varios intentos anteriores con éxito disímil y una década con predominio de gobiernos de derecha que la bombardearon, en…

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