(2023-05-25). ALU's Chris Smalls: 'Worker solidarity doesn't stop at the border'. workers.org Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls greets Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on May 1, 2023. By Chris Smalls On May Day, I joined a delegation of organizers on a trip to Cuba to show solidarity with the Cuban people and call out the injustice that is an economic . . . |
(2023-05-25). Haydée Santamaría, central figure in the Cuban Revolution. workers.org Haydee Santamaría In the early hours of July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and nearly 150 Cuban rebels traveled to the Moncada garrison to capture the barracks and seize the many weapons stored there. They planned for this to be the beginning of the Cuban Revolution to overthrow the Cuban dictator, . . . |
(2023-05-24). The community as a pillar of government communication in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The important role of the communities within the communication process and the function of the Cuban deputies as bridges for dialogue stood out today in this capital.
(2023-05-24). Cuba announced 34 new Covid-19 cases. plenglish.com According to the closing report of May 23 at 12 midnight, 39 medical discharges were granted and the number of recoveries amounted to 1, 105,247. | Since the start of the pandemic, in March 2020, 1,113,960 citizens have been infected with the coronavirus. Now the number of people with Covid-19 in Cuba is 124. | The report detailed that there are no deaths from Covid-19 and the death toll remains at 8,530. On the other hand, 90.7 percent of the Cuban population have the full vaccination schedule, while 8, 732,160 people have booster doses.
(2023-05-24). Portugal supports full application of European Union-Cuba Agreement. plenglish.com Brussels, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Portuguese MEP Sandra Pereira today called for a full implementation of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union (EU) and Cuba, mechanism she considered the basis for a respectful and balanced relationship.
(2023-05-24). Cuban deputies continue preparation day. plenglish.com The parliamentarians, as part of the continuity of the preparation days organized by the Legislative, prior to the second extraordinary session of the tenth legislature tomorrow, addressed issues such as the link to the districts for which they were elected. | In this regard, the Secretary of Parliament Homero Acosta detailed the changes approved the day before by the Council of State on the subject, based on the concerns expressed by the citizens in the exchanges held with the candidates before this year's national elections. | The Council of State adopted yesterday an agreement on the methodology of the legisla…
(2023-05-24). Havana to host Russia-Cuba Friendship Race. plenglish.com Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The 7th Friendship Race, in salute to the 78th anniversary of the victory over fascism and the end of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), will be held in Havana on May 27, its organizers announced today at a press conference.
(2023-05-24). Díaz-Canel attends international hotel business fair. plenglish.com Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Wednesday attended the 4th International Exhibition for Restaurants, Hotels, and Tourist Services, HostelCuba 2023, which gathers 100 exhibitors from 14 countries in this capital.
(2023-05-24). Cuba's FM stands out deep cultural roots with Africa. plenglish.com Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Wednesday spoke about the deep cultural roots that unite this country with Africa, which are everlasting and consolidated.
(2023-05-24). El Hotel Presidente comienza jornada por su 95 aniversario. cubadebate.cu Ha transcurrido casi un siglo desde aquel viernes 28 de diciembre de 1928, día en que se inauguró el Hotel Presidente del Vedado capitalino. Dicen que el mismísimo Presidente de la República de Cuba, el tristemente célebre Gerardo Machado, abrió con una simbólica llave de oro, su puerta principal. Al momento de su inauguración se consideró como el edificio más alto de La Habana, alzando con elegancia sus 10 pisos, que le otorgaron en esa fecha la categoría de "primer rascacielos" de la ciudad.
(2023-05-24). Muere a los 83 años Tina Turner, la 'reina del rock and roll'. cubadebate.cu La cantante Tina Turner, una de las vocalistas de rock más reconocidas del mundo, ha muerto este miércoles a los 83 años de edad, comunicó su portavoz citado por Sky News. "Con ella, el mundo pierde una leyenda de la música y un modelo a seguir", agregó.
(2023-05-24). OPS destaca capacidades cubanas en la producción de medicamentos. cubadebate.cu El director de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y director Regional para las Américas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, Jarbas Barbosa, destacó hoy la importancia de aprovechar las capacidades de Cuba en la producción de medicamentos para el beneficio de la región, al agradecer el encuentro con el ministro cubano José àÅngel Portal Miranda.
(2023-05-24). Tercer Consejo Conjunto Cuba-Unión Europea sesionará este 26 de mayo en La Habana. cubadebate.cu El tercer Consejo Conjunto Cuba-Unión Europea tendrá lugar en La Habana el próximo 26 de mayo, y estará presidido por el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, y por el Alto Representante de la Unión Europea para los Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad, y vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, Josep Borrell Fontelles.
(2023-05-24). Reportan más de 3 000 accidentes de tránsito en Cuba solo en cuatro meses. cubadebate.cu Más de tres mil accidentes de tránsito, 243 fallecidos y una cifra superior a los 2 300 lesionados se reportaron en Cuba durante el primer cuatrimestre del año, anunció hoy en La Habana la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Vial.
(2023-05-24). Cadeca anuncia que se podrán depositar en tarjetas magnéticas más de 40 000 pesos. cubadebate.cu Casas de Cambio S.A. (Cadeca) anunció hoy que en su red de oficinas los clientes podrán depositar en sus tarjetas magnéticas más de 40 000 CUP. La información, publicada en el perfil oficial en Twitter de la institución financiera, aclara que para realizar depósitos que excedan la referida cifra, los clientes deberán pagar una comisión.
(2023-05-24). Devueltos 23 migrantes irregulares por el Servicio de Guardacostas de EEUU, suman 2 898 retornados en 2023. cubadebate.cu Un total de 23 personas, incluida una mujer, que habían participado en dos salidas ilegales del país, fueron devueltas a Cuba este martes por el Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos a través de puerto de Orozco, Bahía Honda, Artemisa. Se trata de la operación número 47 que efectúan las autoridades estadounidenses en 2023 con 2 898 devueltos.
(2023-05-24). Gigante tecnológico Huawei promueve servicios de su nube para Latinoamérica y el Caribe. cubadebate.cu Huawei, uno de los gigantes tecnológicos de China, abrió hoy un evento para promover las distintas prestaciones, innovaciones y oportunidades que ofrece su nube al sector empresarial e institucional de América Latina y el Caribe. Se auguró mayor avance de la herramienta en terrenos como comercio electrónico y economía digital, entre otros.
(2023-05-24). Mayo, el mes de las flores. cubadebate.cu Mayo es conocido como el mes de las flores, entre otras cosas, porque la primavera está en su máximo esplendor y los duendes salen a colorear el entorno. Eso jura mi vecina. Lo cierto es que en estos días hay poesía en las calles, olores en el aire y colirios a la vista en cada paisaje que nos regala este soleado mes.
(2023-05-24). Gobernador de Florida Ron DeSantis anunciará su candidatura a presidencia de EEUU en medio de polémicas. cubadebate.cu El gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, prevé lanzar hoy su candidatura presidencial en medio de varias polémicas por su aprobación de medidas calificadas por grupos progresistas de Estados Unidos como de ultraderecha, aseguró un reporte noticioso.
(2023-05-24). Con Filo: Iroel (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El pasado jueves murió uno de los fundadores de este programa, una persona que quisimos, que queremos. Iroel Sánchez no solo fue ese dirigente, ese militante, del que hablaron las notas necrológicas: fue un aliado nuestro en este empeño por defender la verdad sobre Cuba. Y a él le rendimos homenaje hoy.
(2023-05-24). Falleció Fritz Suárez Silva, destacado profesional del periodismo cubano. cubadebate.cu El conocido periodista Fritz Suárez Silva falleció hoy en La Habana, tras una larga carrera en el periodismo y la televisión cubana. Suárez Silva era un profesional reconocido en temas internacionales en espacios estelares de la televisión cubana, que concluía con la frase "Y así las cosas…", sello distintivo de su estilo.
(2023-05-24). Las 3 del día: VI Pleno del Comité Central del PCC, preparación parlamentaria y otras noticias (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a Las 3 del día, el podcast donde los actualizaremos de lo que ha sido noticia este martes 23 de mayo. Hoy Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor los invitan a repasar el resumen informativo de la jornada, donde se destaca el inicio del VI Pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Así que no se desconecte y póngase los audífonos que ya comenzamos.
(2023-05-24). Tenista Rafael Nadal posterga su adiós para 2024. cubadebate.cu Nadal anunció el fin de su carrera como deportista activo, pero no ha querido marcharse sin más y postergó su adiós para 2024. Ello apenas retrasa lo que por natura todos esperan, pero temen. Desde ya comienza la cuenta regresiva para la carrera de uno de los mejores tenistas que pasó por las canchas. Para muchos, el mejor.
(2023-05-24). Triple empate en cima de serie nacional de la pelota cubana. cubadebate.cu La victoria de Artemisa, el fracaso de Santiago de Cuba y la suspensión del duelo en que se enrolaría Mayabeque, ha propiciado un nuevo triple empate entre esos conjuntos en la cima de la LXII Serie Nacional de Béisbol, que inició hoy sus undécimas subseries particulares.
(2023-05-24). Periodista absoluto, °Intelectual sin ego! cubadebate.cu Jamás entregó tarde, jamás escribió líneas de más, jamás las mandó mediante un tercero, jamás rehuyó el análisis de sus textos, ni discutió un arreglo conveniente. Traía los hábitos y la disciplina de la vieja escuela. Y con todas sus obras, sus guiones, sus libros, sus poemas, sus premios y reconocimientos, iba por el mundo como un sencillo hombre de pueblo. Cubanísimo periodista de múltiples talentos que se comportaba siempre como un aprendiz cuando ya era el Maestro.
(2023-05-24). Argentine festival pays tribute to Cuban filmmaker. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine capital is hosting the 12th International Political Film Festival which includes a tribute to the renowned Cuban documentary filmmaker Santiago Alvarez (1919-1998).
(2023-05-24). Cuban FMC members meet with Cambodian Minister of Women's Affairs. plenglish.com Phnom Penh, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The delegation of the Federation of Cuban Women(FMC), led by its Secretary General Teresa Amarelle, visits the Kingdom of Cambodia and will meet with Minister of Women's Affairs Kantha Phavi on Wednesday.
(2023-05-24). Díaz-Canel assesses PCC's challenges. plenglish.com Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina)The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel stated that the main challenge of this political organization is to search for solutions to face the country's economic challenges.
(2023-05-24). Cuba to participate in the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Cuba expects to participate with some 400 athletes in the Pan American Games, the general secretary of the Cuban Olympic Committee, Ruperto Herrera, declared.
(2023-05-24). Cuba to host 10th International Congress of Social Work. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Community sustainability and inclusion are among the issues to be tackled in the 10th International Congress of Social Work, which Cuba will be hosting from June 27 to 30 in the Varadero resort's hotel facilities.
(2023-05-24). Third Cuba-EU Joint Council to be held in Havana. plenglish.com During the meeting, the status of the implementation of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (ADPC) will be assessed, which was signed on December 12, 2016 and began to be implemented provisionally on November 1, 2017. | The Ministry detailed that the ADPC is since then the regulatory framework of relations, establishing the basis for enhancing stable, mutually beneficial and long-term ties, on principles of mutual respect, reciprocity and equality. | Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez, and the EU High Representative, Vice-President of the European Comission, Josep Borrell will chair…
(2023-05-23). Cuba Rejects Being in US List of Not-Collaborating Countries. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Cuba described as "mendacious accusations" the US decision to keep the island on its list of countries that do not "fully" cooperate against terrorism. | RELATED: | Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez considered that Cuba's permanence on that list is an "abominable crime that the U.S. has practiced without scruples and uses opportunistically as a tool of political coercion." | Previously, the State Department included Cuba for the…
(2023-05-23). Cuba Has Been Saving Lives Worldwide for 60 Years. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Cubans celebrate the 60th anniversary of the start of the solidarity actions that their doctors and health workers have carried out around the world. | RELATED: | "Today is a day of gratitude for the opportunity we have had to be part of this great army of white coats that is making history in the five continents," said Idael Cabrera, a doctor who is part of a Cuban mission in Ghana. | "The whole world knows the value and commitment of our prof…
(2023-05-25). Solidarity with Haiti on Haitian Flag Day. workers.org Students at Global Women's Center salute Haiti Flag Day, Philadelphia, May 18, 2023. San Francisco Haitian Flag Day, commemorated all over Haiti and internationally May 18, marks the day in 1803 when the then-enslaved Haitian people made a commitment to create the sovereign nation of Haiti, totally independent of France. . . . |
(2023-05-24). Apátridas dominicanos piden al Congreso resolver su ciudadanía. telesurtv.net El Grupo Reconocido, una red cívica nacional independiente, conformada principalmente por dominicanos de ascendencia haitiana, protagoniza la protesta.
(2023-05-24). Venezuela: Gobierno intenta crear un falso PCV subordinado a su política neoliberal. peoplesworld.org Caracas, 22-05-2023 (Redacción TP).- El Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro propició el pasado domingo 21 de mayo un evento fraudulento para "construir un falso positivo" con el objetivo de "desconocer los procesos legítimos de toma de decisiones en el seno del Partido Comunista de Venezuela e intentar, a través de medidas administrativas o judiciales, colocarlo al …
(2023-05-24). Venezuelan Communists say government established fake communist party to 'hijack' their supporters. peoplesworld.org CARACAS—The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has pointed the finger at the leadership of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for an alleged attempt to "hijack" the organization. "The PSUV leadership wants to take away the PCV's legal status, to neutralize its role in the country's social struggles," Communist Party General Secretary àìscar …
(2023-05-24). Worker empowerment stalls in Venezuela as left unity fractures. peoplesworld.org Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president from 1999 until 2013, inspired and led a "Bolivarian Revolution" that sought independence from U.S. domination, regional integration, and so-called "socialism of the 21st century." The obstacles that lay before these goals have been many: capitalism in control of the national economy, unrelenting right-wing political opposition, U.S. intervention—and longstanding political divisions …
(2023-05-24). Venezuelan Ambassador Delivers Credentials In Brazil. telesurenglish.net Venezuela's ambassador to Brazil, Manuel Vadell, delivered his credentials to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Wednesday, accrediting himself to the Brazilian government. | RELATED: | "Ambassador Manuel Vadell has delivered credentials to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, accrediting himself before the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil," Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil said via Twitter. | At the P…
(2023-05-24). Venezuela Rejects Washington's Unfounded Accusations. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the administration of President Nicolas Maduro issued an official communiqué rejecting the United States questioning Venezuela's commitment to the fight against terrorism. | RELATED: | "The Government of the Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela once again rejects the questioning of Venezuela's commitment to the fight against terrorism, which year after year has been demonstrated by complying with all its nacional and…
(2023-05-24). Venezuela's Far-Right Intends to Finance Primaries with Public Money Stolen by Washington (+OFAC License Renewal). orinocotribune.com During his weekly program Con Maduro+ this Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounced the far-right sector of the opposition's intention to use State resources to finance its presidential primaries scheduled for October. | President Madura reported that Dinorah Figuera, political leader of Justice First (PJ), received $346 million from a frozen bank account belonging to Venezuela. He said this money will be used to finance the opposition primaries and subsequent presidential campaign. | These funds are intended to "finance the primaries of the failed right, of the anti-Homeland right, to finance the pr…
(2023-05-24). New Developments Regarding Venezuela's Gold Stolen by Bank of England. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice Minister for Anti-Blockade Policies William Castillo reported that the London Court of Appeals will hold a new hearing on the case of Venezuelan gold illegally seized by the Bank of England (BoE). | This Tuesday, Castillo wrote on his social media accounts that the British Court of Appeals will evaluate the case in order to determine who the Bank of England should recognize as the legitimate government of Venezuela, despite the fact that the UK Foreign Office has normal diplomatic relations with President Nicolas Maduro administration. In this way, it will be defined who will have access to the se…
(2023-05-24). Venezuela rechaza cuestionamiento sobre compromiso en lucha contra el terrorismo. telesurtv.net Venezuela reiteró el llamado a que EE.UU. respeste el derecho internacional y vuelva a la práctica de la diplomacia para fortalecer la estabilidad y la paz mundial.
(2023-05-23). President Maduro Highlights the Importance of UNASUR. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reiterated his defense of "continental integration" on the 15th anniversary of the signing of the founding treaty of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). | RELATED: | "On a day like today, Commander Hugo Chavez promoted the creation of UNASUR, taking up the premise of a great homeland that our liberator Simon Bolivar outlined," he said. | "We are still giving…
(2023-05-23). Ucrania intenta una contraofensiva política en Latinoamérica. globalizacion.ca Con la presentación del canciller Dmitró Kuleba, invitado estelar de la IXa Cumbre de Jefes de Estados y/o Gobierno de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC), realizada en Guatemala del 8 al 12 de mayo, comenzó formalmente la contraofensiva…
(2023-05-24). Regenerative medicine paves the way for a heart transplant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Travis Kelchen's path to a regenerative intervention at Mayo Clinic began when he was on vacation in the Dominican Republic and could barely walk at his brother's wedding. At 31, he was tired, winded and losing color. Within months, his cardiologist said he could not do anything more for Travis' congenital heart defect and referred him to Mayo Clinic. Travis arrived at Mayo just in time: His failing heart went into cardiac arrest. Whether it…
(2023-05-24). Mantienen alerta en 21 provincias dominicanas por vaguada. telesurtv.net Se recomienda a las personas no cruzar ríos, arroyos y cañadas con altos volúmenes de agua.