Daily Archives: June 18, 2022

2022-06-18: News Headlines

_____ (2022-06-18). The Lethality Of Washington's Global Monroe Doctrine. popularresistance.org This past week, as part of its policy to dominate the American hemisphere, the United States government organised the 9th Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. US President Joe Biden made it clear early on that three countries in the hemisphere (Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) would not be invited to the event, claiming that they are not democracies. At the same time, Biden was reportedly planning an upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia — a self-described theocracy. Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador questioned the legitimacy of Biden's exclusionary stance, and so Mexico, Bolivia, and Honduras refuse…

Editor2 (2022-06-18). Haiti's Cup of Tears is Filled to the Brim. orinocotribune.com By Berthony Dupont &#1 ; Jun 14, 2022 | After so many years of fear, lack of the imagination, and heinous crimes beyond human comprehension, the Haitian people have almost forgotten what it is to be proud of their country. | Instead, they feel abandoned, humiliated, and depressed by their impoverished nation, with its underpaid, overexploited workers and precarious peasantry. Haiti no longer knows how to attract tourists or produce food for export or even to feed itself. Its infrastructure and social services are practically non-existent. Even its hallowed, bustling public squares, once filled with flirting coupl…

Staff (2022-06-18). Díaz-Canel visita central termoeléctrica Ernesto Guevara de la Serna en Santa Cruz del Norte. cubadebate.cu El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, llegó esta mañana a la Central Termoeléctrica Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, ubicada en Santa Cruz del Norte. Con esta visita Díaz-Canel continúa su recorrido por las plantas de Cuba, que atraviesan una compleja situación, con averías y déficits diarios en la generación. El mandatario estuvo este viernes en Renté, Felton y Nuevitas.

Staff (2022-06-18). Los Pinos y otros lugares. cubadebate.cu La referencia más remota de lo que es la Plaza Roja de La Víbora, la explanada que se abre frente al edificio del instituto preuniversitario, corresponde al 19 de abril de 1905, cuando Josefa de Armas, viuda de Tarafa, y àÅngel Justo Párraga, solicitaron al Ayuntamiento habanero la autorización pertinente para abrir una calle que podía ser Carmen o Vista Alegre.

Staff (2022-06-18). Comienza hoy edición 74 del Memorial Barrientos de atletismo. cubadebate.cu La edición 74 del Memorial Barrientos de atletismo, correspondiente al año 2022, comenzará este sábado en el Estadio Panamericano, de La Habana, con una extensa jornada competitiva que incluirá la discusión de más de 20 finales. Sin celebrase desde el 2019 a causa de la pandemia, ese evento que honra la memoria del otrora destacado velocista José Barrientos.

Staff (2022-06-18). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 18 de junio de 2022. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2022-06-18). Ana Gloria Matos: La mujer que vela por los obreros en Felton. cubadebate.cu Ana Gloria Matos es la mujer que vela porque nada "malo" le pase a los obreros de la empresa de mantenimiento a centrales eléctricas. Es una de las encargadas de seguridad y salud del trabajo en la termoeléctrica "Lidio Ramón Pérez", de Felton y lleva 33 años en estas lides de aportar en las reparaciones de centrales eléctricas.

Staff (2022-06-18). Fidel: Vilma no se inmutaba ante peligro alguno (+ Video). cubadebate.cu En el aniversario 15 del fallecimiento de Vilma Espín, Cubadebate y el sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas recuerdan fotos y fragmentos de la reflexión que escribiera Fidel Castro, "Las luchas de Vilma" al momento de su muerte.

Staff (2022-06-18). Vuelo chárter de la aerolínea World Atlantic restablece las operaciones aéreas entre Holguín y Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Como parte del restablecimiento de las operaciones aéreas entre las provincias cubanas y Estados Unidos, un vuelo chárter de la aerolínea World Atlantic, con más de 80 pasajeros procedentes de Miami, Florida, arribó hoy al aeropuerto internacional Frank País García de Holguín. El programa de vuelos incluye dos frecuencias semanales.

Staff (2022-06-18). Unión Eléctrica pronostica afectaciones al servicio este sábado por déficit de generación. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó este sábado que para el horario pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2 482 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 850 MW, para un déficit de 368 MW, por lo que se pronostican afectaciones al servicio en este horario. Este viernes se afectó el servicio durante todo el día. La máxima afectación en el horario pico fue 536 MW a las 21: 40 horas.

Vijay Prashad (2022-06-17). The lethality of Washington's Global Monroe Doctrine: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter (2022). mronline.org This past week, as part of its policy to dominate the American hemisphere, the United States government organised the 9th Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. U.S. President Joe Biden made it clear early on that three countries in the hemisphere (Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) would not be invited to the event, claiming that they are not democracies.

Staff (2022-06-17). NATO allies working actively to accommodate Turkey's diktat: Stoltenberg. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahJune 17, 2022 'NATO allies working actively to address Turkey's concerns' NATO allies take Turkey's "legitimate concerns" related to the fight against terrorism seriously in the context of Sweden's and Finland's membership applications, the security bloc's chief said Thursday, assuring that alliance members are working "actively to find a solution." Speaking at a news …

Mumia Abu-Jamal (2022-06-17). Mumia Abu-Jamal: When the Empire Calls. orinocotribune.com By Mumia Abu-Jamal &#1 ; Jun 6, 2022 | The following message from political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was prepared for the Workers' Summit in Tijuana, Mexico, June 10-12, which is being held in response to President Joe Biden's Summit of the Americas. | My brothers, sisters and comrades in Tijuana, I welcome you, delegates of the excluded. People from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and beyond. | Many of you come from poor nations, countries with relatively low GDP, like Cuba, for example, which has a GDP roughly equal to Ghana. As I write from the richest nation on earth, I have to add that I also write from a nation…

Editor (2022-06-17). Nicolás Maduro's Eurasian tour is a victory lap for the Bolivarian Revolution. mronline.org In a major turn toward re-engagement, Maduro has announced increased ties with states in North Africa, West Asia and beyond.

Misión Verdad (2022-06-17). Emtrasur Flight in Argentina: Another Attempt by Media to Poison Political Relations. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad &#1 ; June 16, 2022 | Since June 8, an event has shocked the Argentine press, encouraged by the opposition to the government of Alberto Fernández, and by certain local Israeli organizations. These forces have used the grounding of a Venezuelan flight to justify an attack, not only on the current Peronist administration of Argentina, but also on the key geopolitical targets of Venezuela and Iran. | The retention of a Boeing 747, with Venezuelan registration YV3531, is causing a series of reactions that are linked to politics and international relations in Argentina, and that have little to do with…

Staff (2022-06-17). Russian Mir Payment System to be Operational in Venezuela this Year. orinocotribune.com According to information that the president of the Central Bank of Venezuelan, Calixto José Ortega Sánchez, shared with Sputnik News, Venezuelan officials expect the Russian Mir payment system to be operational in the South American country as early as this year. | "We have the will for this system to be working this year if possible. I think that the most important thing is to have the will, that is what at this moment is determining the speed with which the project is being reviewed," said Ortega Sánchez during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). | He specified that tomorrow, on Friday, Jun…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-16). US Biowarfare: Fever-Carrying Mosquitoes Studied in Ukrainian Labs May Have Been Used Against Cuba. libya360.wordpress.com The Russian Defence Ministry earlier reported discovering files in seized bio laboratories in Ukraine which indicated that scientists were carrying out tests on dangerous pathogens with the presumed intent to use them as components in biological weapons. The ministry said these laboratories were funded by the US for over a decade. The Ukrainian biological laboratories…

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