Daily Archives: June 8, 2022

2022-06-08: News Headlines

JANET (2022-06-08). Cuba-China cooperation leads to vaccine breakthrough. iacenter.org By Sara Flounders June 7, 2022 Cuba and China formally announced June 2 that they have filed for joint patent for a Pan-Corona vaccine. The new vaccine, a collaboration between the biotechnological sectors of the two countries, is the first patent for a single vaccine effective against the many variants of COVID-19. A collaboration between the biotechnology sectors of China and Cuba has resulted in the development of the first patent for a Pan-Corona vaccine, being presented here at the National Intellectual Property Office in China. News of the jointly developed vaccine is particularly exciting because of the tw…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-06-08). For the Peoples of Our Region, the Failure of Biden's Summit of the Americas Would Be a Welcome Event. libya360.wordpress.com Ajamu Baraka Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announces he will not attend the Summit of Americas The Summit of the Americas is not the property of the host nation. The U.S. has no right to exclude, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but has done so in disregard of their sovereignty. The U.S. is not fit…

_____ (2022-06-08). Biden's Exclusionary 'Summit Of The Americas' Disrupted By Journalists. popularresistance.org The ninth Summit of the America's opened in Los Angeles on Monday, June 6. This is the second time that the summit has been hosted in the United States. The Biden administration chose to exclude the elected governments of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, inviting members of the US-backed far right 'opposition' instead. That decision caused the presidents of other American countries to boycott the summit, notably Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras and Guatemala. | In protest, social movements from the United States and Latin America organized a counter summit, The People's Summit, which begins on June 8. Journalists involved…

_____ (2022-06-08). Haiti and the Americas Syllabus. popularresistance.org What does it mean to defend our Americas? For the Black Alliance for Peace, defending our Americas begins with a re-drawing of the map of the Americas. No longer can the United States stand at the center of the hemisphere, upholding an eternal whiteness while imposing a suffocating capitalism. Instead, for BAP, Haiti is the center of the Americas. Solidarity with Haiti is key to the defense of the Americas. Haiti endures the original territory of Black emancipation from slavery, of Black independence from colonialism, and Black resistance to racism and global capitalism. | Yet Haiti has also become the region's l…

Staff (2022-06-08). "Global Embarrassment": Mexico & More Skip Biden's Summit of Americas for Excluding Cuba, Venezuela. democracynow.org Top leaders from Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are all absent from the ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he would boycott the conference after the U.S. said it would not invite Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We speak with historian Alejandro Velasco and Roberto Lovato, award-winning Salvadoran American journalist and author, who calls the conference "a failure of hemispheric proportions and a global embarrassment for the United States and for the Biden administration." Lo…

Scorinoco (2022-06-08). Venezuela Launches Tech Platform to Quickly Resolve Public Services Issues. orinocotribune.com The Maduro government has recently been focused on resolving quality-of-life issues for Venezuelan workers and families. | The Venezuelan government launched a new app-based initiative to address deteriorated public services that will facilitate a more direct means of communication between the citizenry and the government. | President Nicolás Maduro toured the headquarters of a newly-opened rapid-response center, located inside the presidential palace of Miraflores on May 28, saying the new system would "show the complaint, show the process and show the result, so that people can see processes and results." | Mad…

Editor (2022-06-08). Ralph Gonsalves: "Latin-Caribbean integration is necessary, but it has been discontinuous" mronline.org The small island countries of CARICOM have given a demonstration of dignity and sovereignty, maintaining firm positions on the U.S. interference policy against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Editor (2022-06-08). U.S. govt's Summit of the Americas fails: Boycott by presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala. mronline.org As the U.S. government's Summit of the Americas opens in Los Angeles, California, the presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, and Guatemala have refused to attend, protesting the exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

Amy Goodman (2022-06-08). Latin American Nations Skip Summit of Americas for Excluding Cuba and Venezuela. truthout.org Top leaders from Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are all absent from the ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he would boycott the conference after the U.S. said it would not invite Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We speak with historian Alejandro Velasco and Roberto Lovato, award-winning Salvadoran American journalist and author, who calls the conference "a failure of hemispheric proportions and a global embarrassment for the United States and for the Biden administration." Lovato calls t…

Fight Back (2022-06-08). Young Lords pass the torch, honor Jose "Cha Cha" Jimenez. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL- At a momentous event in Chicago, the original Young Lords passed the leadership torch to a new generation. The moving June 4 ceremony involved the Young Lords Central Committee led by Jose "Cha Cha" Jimenez placing medallions over the heads of more than 50 New Era Young Lords. The young activists from seven cities and Puerto Rico proudly wore their purple berets and distinctive Young Lords shirts. The medallions read, "Tengo Puerto Rico en mi corazón," with the original Young Lords logo. | The Young Lords Organization was founded by Jose "Cha Cha" Jimenez in 1968 in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of…

Staff (2022-06-08). Turkey lectures Russian FM, DM on its impending invasion of Syria. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahJune 8, 2022 Turkey urges Russia to fulfill deals to clear N. Syria of terrorists Turkey expects Russia to fulfill commitments made in Syria against terrorist organizations and abide by agreements signed in 2019, Foreign Minister Mevlàºt àáavu≈üoƒülu said Wednesday, reiterating Ankara's call for northern Syria near the Turkish borders to be cleared of …

JANET (2022-06-08). Mumia Abu-Jamal: When the empire calls. iacenter.org By Mumia Abu-Jamal June 6, 2022 Mumia Abu-Jamal The following message from political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was prepared for the Workers' Summit in Tijuana, Mexico, June 10-12, which is being held in response to President Joe Biden's Summit of the Americas. My brothers, sisters and comrades in Tijuana, I welcome you, delegates of the excluded. People from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and beyond. Many of you come from poor nations, countries with relatively low GDP, like Cuba, for example, which has a GDP roughly equal to Ghana. As I write from the richest nation on earth, I have to add that I also write from a na…

____ (2022-06-08). Treasures found at 300-year-old sunken galleon in Columbia. ecns.cn The San Jose galleon sank in 1708 near Colombia's Caribbean port of Cartagena.

Staff (2022-06-08). EEUU oficializa levantamiento de restricciones a viajes grupales y envío de remesas a Cuba. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de EE.UU. modificó este miércoles sus regulaciones sobre los viajes grupales y el envío de remesas a Cuba. De esta forma, estarán permitidos los viajes educativos grupales de estadounidenses a la isla. Respecto a las remesas, la Administración norteamericana eliminó oficialmente el límite de 1 000 dólares cada tres meses.

Staff (2022-06-08). Entregan a Gobierno de La Habana donativo para familias afectadas por accidente del hotel Saratoga. cubadebate.cu Cargado de amor, unidad y fraternidad partió esta mañana de los almacenes de Suministro y Transporte Habana, ubicado en Avenida Vento y Santa Catalina, en el Cerro, para la Villa Panamericana, un donativo de efectos electrodomésticos y avituallamientos para familias afectadas por el lamentable accidente del hotel Saratoga.

Staff (2022-06-08). Escándalo en Cumbre de las Américas: Vocera de un grupo de trabajo renuncia bajo amenazas. cubadebate.cu La vocera original del grupo de trabajo de Gobernabilidad Democrática, de la cumbre que se celebra en Los àÅngeles, ha decidido renunciar a sus funciones, se conoció este miércoles. En una declaración, explicó las presiones a las que ha sido sometida por los organizadores del evento, en una especie de aplicación de una política fascista.

Staff (2022-06-08). Necesidad de fondos de la ONU para afrontar desastres climáticos creció 800 por ciento en últimos 20 años. cubadebate.cu En los últimos 20 años, a medida que se agravan los efectos del calentamiento global, la necesidad de financiación de la ONU para hacer frente a desastres climátios se ha disparado en más del 800%, según un estudio de Oxfam. Esos desastres afectan principalmente a personas vulnerables en los países que menor incidencia tienen en el cambio climático.

Staff (2022-06-08). Premundial sub 15: Cuba vence a Panamá en cierre de la etapa clasificatoria. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba categoría sub 15 que participa en el Premundial de Valencia, Venezuela, dejó tendido en el césped a su similar de Panamá con marcador de 13-12, en un partido donde solo estaba en juego la ubicación final en la etapa clasificatoria.

____ (2022-06-08). Poor attendance of regional countries clouds U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas. ecns.cn The U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas got off to a rough start here on Monday following Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's official boycott of the regional gathering over a guest list that excludes Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Staff (2022-06-08). Elogio del salto. cubadebate.cu Hay un instante en el que no hay vuelta atrás. Cuando se alcanza determinada velocidad con los pies, cuando a medida que se avanza el torso va asumiendo cierta pendiente, cuando el corredor de segunda ya está a punto de pisar la tercera y abalanzarse al home por la ventaja, cuando la pelota va a picar y no llegas y te faltan dos, tres metros.

Staff (2022-06-08). De nuevo la Universidad de La Habana entre las mejores del mundo. cubadebate.cu La Universidad de La Habana (UH) ocupó el puesto número 467 del QS World University Rankings 2023, con lo cual avanzó 35 lugares con respecto al año anterior, informó la casa de altos estudios en su cuenta en Twitter.

Staff (2022-06-08). ONU: Debemos revitalizar los océanos, son los pulmones de nuestro planeta. cubadebate.cu El océano cubre más del 70% del planeta y es fuente de vida y sustento de la humanidad y de todos los organismos de la tierra; sin embargo, está gravemente amenazado por la triple crisis del cambio climático, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la contaminación. En el Día Mundial de los Océanos, la ONU llamó a emprender una acción colectiva para revitalizar el océano.

Staff (2022-06-08). Recuperarse de las lluvias, imperativo de vegueros pinareños: Afectadas 500 toneladas de tabaco. cubadebate.cu Unas 500 toneladas de tabaco se encuentran afectadas en Pinar del Río, provincia mayor productora de la hoja en Cuba, tras la incidencia de las intensas lluvias, y ahora el imperativo de cada veguero es recuperarse y volver a empezar. Murillo Jorge destacó que en Vueltabajo fueron afectadas unas 90 casas de tabaco, y "todas las vamos a recuperar".

Staff (2022-06-08). Premios TripAdvisor incluyen a cuatro hoteles gestionados por Meliá en Cuba entre los mejores del Caribe. cubadebate.cu En esta ocasión, Meliá Cayo Coco, Paradisus Princesa del Mar y Meliá Las Dunas ocuparon plazas entre los 25 complejos turísticos todo incluido más populares del Caribe, con las posiciones 7, 14 y 17 respectivamente. Por su parte, Paradisus Los Cayos logró el lugar 24 entre los hoteles de lujo de esta área.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-08). US sanctions have returned like boomerang: Maduro. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 08 (MNA) — US sanctions have 'returned like a boomerang,' affecting the American and European economies, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has said.

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