Daily Archives: May 15, 2022

2022-05-15: News Headlines

Alfred de Zayas (2022-05-15). Arnold August is Right in Blowing the Whistle on the Menace to Academic Freedom in Canadian and US Universities. orinocotribune.com By Alfred de Zayas &#1 ; May 12, 2022 | Review by Alfred de Zayas of the article by Arnold August: "Ukraine-Russia: Sanctions against a 'pro-Russian' professor from the University of Montreal, or freedom of speech?" | Arnold August is right in blowing the whistle on the menace to academic freedom and the ethos of independent research posed by pressures of political correctness and the spread of "cancel culture". This development constitutes moral bankruptcy in any country that considers itself "democratic", and a fortiori a disgrace in the academic profession. The case of Professor Michael Carley of the Universit…

Staff (2022-05-15). El Benny Raffoso estuvo en el Saratoga. cubadebate.cu Sus inagotables discípulos supieron mostrar al mundo la fuerza y solidaridad humanista de este país ante la adversidad. Valorando esos heroicos hechos acontecidos, afirmo que el coronel Bienvenido Raffoso Bartolomé, el mejor apagafuegos de Cuba, el Benny Raffoso, estuvo en el Saratoga.

Staff (2022-05-15). Cuba reporta 93 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 92 altas médicas. cubadebate.cu Al cierre de este sábado 14 de mayo, Cuba reportó 93 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 92 altas médicas. Actualmente hay 467 casos activos, informó el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap) en su parte diario este domingo.

Staff (2022-05-15). Ariel Martínez aumenta a .353 su promedio ofensivo en el béisbol japonés. cubadebate.cu El cácher y jardinero matancero Ariel Martínez bateó de 3-3 en la victoria este domingo de su equipo, los Dragones de Chunichi, sobre los Gigantes de Yomiuri en el Tokyo Dome. En el partido, Martínez logró su tercer jonrón de la temporada 2022 del béisbol japonés, un doblete, un sencillo, tres carreras anotadas y dos empujadas.

Staff (2022-05-15). Cuba e Irán inician decimoctava sesión de Comisión Intergubernamental para las Relaciones Económicas. cubadebate.cu En Teherán comenzó la decimoctava sesión de la Comisión Intergubernamental para las Relaciones Económicas Cuba-Irán, que tiene entre sus objetivos fortalecer la cooperación bilateral. En el ámbito de la reunión, fue inaugurada la planta de producción de la vacuna PastoCorona, transferencia tecnológica de la vacuna Soberana 02 al Instituto Pasteur.

Staff (2022-05-15). Diputados cubanos aprueban nueva Ley del Código Penal (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular aprobó este domingo la nueva Ley del Código Penal, que responde a las actuales y perspectivas condiciones políticas y socioeconómicas del país. Rubén Remigio Ferro, presidente del Tribunal Supremo Popular (TSP), comentó que para la elaboración de este código, que reemplaza a la vigente ley promulgada en 1987, fueron consultados magistrados, jueces, fiscales, especialistas, miembros del Ministerio del Interior, profesores de Derecho y diputados de diferentes territorios.

Staff (2022-05-15). Finlandia anuncia su solicitud para ingresar a la OTAN. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, el presidente finlandés, Sauli Niinistà∂, y la primera ministra, Sanna Marin, anunciaron la solicitud para que Finlandia ingrese en la Organización para el Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) alegando como razón el objetivo de incrementar sus opciones de seguridad ante el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania.

Staff (2022-05-15). Minsap informa que siguen hospitalizados 12 lesionados por accidente en el hotel Saratoga. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Salud Pública informó que hasta las 10: 00 a.m. de este domingo 15 de mayo, el conteo de lesionados por el accidente en el hotel Saratoga es de 99, de los que 12 están hospitalizados en cinco instituciones habaneras y 41 recibieron el alta médica. La cifra de fallecidos se mantiene en 46, precisa el Minsap en su actualización.

Staff (2022-05-15). Prosigue este domingo quinta sesión extraordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia de Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, primer secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, prosigue este domingo la quinta sesión extraordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en su novena legislatura.

Staff (2022-05-15). Consideraciones teórico-metodológicas para la disputa por el sentido. cubadebate.cu Es imprescindible organizar las batallas por el sentido como una verdadera revolución que, si se desarrolla en toda su extensión, está llamada a convertirse en uno de los acontecimientos científicos más importantes de este momento histórico. Asumir una responsabilidad importante ante las ofensivas imperiales decididas imponernos, entre mil canalladas, su guerra cognitiva desplegada, incluso, por la OTAN.

Staff (2022-05-15). La moda en Cuba, más que una guayabera. cubadebate.cu Hay que decir, además, que el mercado del diseño de moda en Cuba se encuentra poco explotado, por lo que es relativamente sencillo posicionarse dentro de él, siempre y cuando se ofrezca al consumidor un producto y una atención de calidad, que satisfaga sus gustos y sea asequible al bolsillo. La complejidad radica fundamentalmente en la adquisición de la materia prima, la cual escasea y, en ocasiones, la existente no tiene la calidad requerida para cumplir con los estándares del mercado.

Staff (2022-05-15). Ex jefe del Pentágono reveló que Trump le propuso a Guaidó asesinar a Maduro. cubadebate.cu Mark Esper, quien fue secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos durante la Administración Trump, ha revelado que el entonces inquilino de la Casa Blanca propuso a los líderes de la oposición de Venezuela matar al presidente Nicolás Maduro. Trump puso sobre la mesa dicha propuesta el 5 de febrero de 2020.

Staff (2022-05-15). Eclipse total de Luna: Cinco horas para observar este domingo la primera "Luna de sangre" del 2022. cubadebate.cu El Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España comunicó este viernes que durante la próxima noche del 15 de mayo al lunes 16 de mayo de 2022 el mundo podrá apreciar el primer eclipse total de luna del año, el cual será totalmente visible en la nación europea. De acuerdo con la institución el evento cósmico se observará a simple vista.

Staff (2022-05-15). El tiempo: Chubascos y tormentas eléctricas en occidente y centro en la tarde. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá mayormente nublado en centro y oriente y parcialmente en el occidente. En la tarde estará nublado, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas, que serán más numerosos en centro y occidente, las que pueden llegar a ser fuertes en algunas localidades.

Staff (2022-05-15). Jeff Bezos pide a la Junta de Gestión de la Desinformación de EEUU a revisar un tuit de Joe Biden. cubadebate.cu Jeff Bezos, ha instado a la recién creada Junta de Gestión de la Desinformación del Gobierno estadounidense a verificar un tuit del presidente Joe Biden en el que aseguraba que la alta tasa de inflación podría rebajarse mediante una subida de impuestos corporativos. Bezos sugirió que el mandatario estaba equivocado al querer relacionar los dos asuntos.

teleSUR, DRL, JL (2022-05-15). Asamblea cubana evalúa resultados de medidas económicas en 2022. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio de Economía, se aprecia un proceso de recuperación gradual, pero sostenido, en los primeros meses.

teleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-05-15). Parlamento cubano aprueba ley de Soberanía Alimentaria. telesurtv.net La nueva legislación promueve la gestión efectiva de los recursos alimentarios locales por parte de los actores municipales.

Staff (2022-05-15). Orinoco Tribune 3.5 Anniversary Celebration & Fundraising Campaign. orinocotribune.com Caracas, May 11, 2022 ( Every May our team evaluates how the website is bench-marking in comparison with well-established leftist and anti-imperialist news outlets around the world, as well as with Venezuelan local news outlets and other more mainstream liberal outlets. | This year was not an exception and we again achieved amazing performance, especially taking into consideration that Orinoco Tribune is 100…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-05-15). Colombia decriminalizes medically assisted suicide for critically ill patients. peoplesdispatch.org With the decision, Colombia becomes the first and only country in the Latin America and the Caribbean region to have decriminalized both euthanasia and medically assisted suicide…

teleSUR, DT, JGN (2022-05-15). Se cumplen 106 años de la invasión de EE.UU. a República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La resistencia del pueblo dominicano a la invasión estadounidense se manifestó en la batalla de La Barranquita.

_____ (2022-05-15). 'Corporal Punishment Is Violence': Black Communities Vow To Ban School Paddling. popularresistance.org Today, as the founder and director of Activists with a Purpose Plus, based in Grenada, Freelon-Foster advocates for students at school disciplinary hearings. She also served as mayor of Grenada in 2004 and 2005. To her, the beatings and disproportionate use of force against Black children like Kiorey, even today, is a continuation of the historical racial violence that has been perpetrated against Blacks starting in the days of slavery. "For me, corporal punishment is violence," she said. "How can corporal punishment be thought of as reasonable?" | Freelon-Foster counseled Ringo and her family on their options in…

____ (2022-05-15). Fourth brother: Turkey-Qatar Supreme Strategic Committee. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahMay 15, 2022 'Turkey, Qatar move toward strategic partnership' Turkey and Qatar are moving toward a strategic partnership while boosting their bilateral ties, Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said on Sunday. The emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani's visit to Turkey on Friday is highly significant in consolidating the strong and …

Wellbeing Blueprint (2022-05-15). Tuesday 5/17: Power of the Native Vote: Mobilizing Indigenous Communities to Advance Structural Change. indybay.org Online event…

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newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Sharing Mayo Clinic: A shared heart: Two families come together after tragedy, transplant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Around the 15th of every month, Christin Gigstad and Tina Haug think of each other. They pick up their phones and text. Even if they've already talked that week, they want to check in. It's an important date for them, one that no one else can fully understand. Four years ago, Christin and Tina were strangers. Their lives were brought together by crisis. And now they like to say they have a shared heart, thanks…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Putting your best foot forward with diabetes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently was diagnosed with diabetes and am learning about various components of my health care that require special attention. For instance, I was told I'd need to take special care of my feet. Can you explain why foot care is so important and what is necessary? Do I need to see a special type of doctor? ANSWER: You're among the millions of people in the U.S. who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Managing…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can uterine fibroids affect pregnancy? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A uterine fibroid is a benign or noncancerous growth of the muscle portion of the uterus. While common, they may cause pain and excessive bleeding, and concerns about fertility and pregnancy for some. Dr. Michelle Louie, a Mayo Clinic gynecologic surgeon and fibroid specialist, says it is important to know your treatment options and work with a specialist. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute. youtu.be/RjubdzreMOE Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (: 57) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: National Nurses Week. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org At Mayo Clinic, the Department of Nursing consists of over 22,000 people, including nurses, patient care assistants, patient care technicians and social workers. Like many health care professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a stressful and challenging time for those in the department. "Throughout the pandemic, our nurses have continued to be there for their patients," says Ryannon Frederick, Mayo Clinic's chief nursing officer. "Our patient satisfaction actually increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. And that's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Mohs surgery for melanoma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It develops in the cells that produce melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. Melanoma is one of the most common cancer types in the U. S. Roughly 2% of people will be diagnosed with melanoma of the skin at some point during their lifetime, according to the National Cancer Institute. Treatment for early stage melanomas usually includes surgery to remove the melanoma. Mohs surgery is a…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Springtime allergies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I love the changing seasons and am looking forward to the warmer days of spring. Unfortunately, I am often miserable because of seasonal allergies. What can I do to keep the box of tissues at bay and enjoy the springtime weather? ANSWER: As we flip the calendars to April and May, spring is in the air. Warmer springtime temperatures mean that trees bud, flowers bloom and grass grows. And people often are more active…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Minute: African Americans at higher risk of stroke. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is National Stroke Awareness Month. According to the CDC, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the U.S. Do you know that stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States? A stroke happens when blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. This causes brain cells to become damaged or die. Risks of stroke vary by race and ethnicity. African American…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). 9 Mayo hospitals earn 'A' grades for patient safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nine Mayo Clinic hospitals scored the highest safety marks from The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit organization that collects and analyzes data to help patients choose their preferred health care destinations. These Mayo Clinic hospitals earned "A" grades for patient safety: Arizona Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona. Florida Mayo Clinic Hospital in Florida. Rochester Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester. Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea and Austin, Minnesota.Eau Claire, Wisconsin.Fairmont, Minnesota.La…

Juan Cole (2022-05-15). Busan, S. Korea, constructing Solar-Powered Artificial Biorock Island to replace Coastal land lost to Sea Level Rise. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) &#1 ; UN Habitat, the municipality of Busan in South Korea, and the company OCEANIX are responding to the challenge of sea-level rise by building an artificial floating city off the coast of the country's second-largest city. A prototype is expected to be in the water as early as 2025. Although a …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Expert alert: Outpatient joint replacement surgery benefits patients. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Outpatient surgery may be an option for people who are having their hips, knees or other joints replaced. It is part of a trend in orthopedic surgery to move total joint arthroplasty, commonly known as joint replacement, from inpatient to outpatient surgery. Patients benefit from the shorter hospital stay, and they are more satisfied recovering at home. A decade ago, a patient who had a knee or hip replacement would likely stay…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Consumer Health: Women's health and living a longer, healthier life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org National Women's Health Week will be observed May 8—14, which makes this a good time to learn about the biggest threats to women's health and what you can do to keep yourself healthy. Two of the leading causes of death for women in the U.S. are heart disease and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The good news is that healthy lifestyle choices can reduce your risk for both. Heart disease…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Consumer Health: Understanding skin cancer and how to prevent it. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this and good time to learn about the three main types of skin cancer and what you can do to keep yourself healthy. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. And most skin cancers are preventable. The three main types of skin cancer are: Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinoma begins in the basal cells — a type of cell within…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). FDA limits use of J&J COVID-19 vaccine. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has limited use of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine for adults due to risks associated with blood clots. "The FDA's decision to limit the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for SARS-CoV2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) was due to an FDA analysis that indicated an elevated but low risk for blood clots in some patients who received the vaccine," says Dr. Andrew Badley, an infectious…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). 5-10-2022 Media Only News Briefing: Living in the "Sandwich": Women's Health & Menopause. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org National Women's Health Week is May 8-14, 2022. Women in the "sandwich generation" may be balancing the competing demands of caring for both dependent children and aging parents, and often working outside of the home. Their own needs may take a backseat while they care for others and juggle all of the demands of life, which has been made even worse with the stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionally affecting women. Around this same time in life, many…

| Nameconor Heffernan, Assistant Professor of Physical Culture, Sport Studies, University of Texas At Austin (2022-05-15). Tucker Carlson pulls from an old playbook as he stokes anxiety about a masculinity crisis. Conor Heffernan, Assistant Professor of Physical Culture and Sport Studies, University of Texas at Austin

Fight Back (2022-05-14). Mexican president bails on Biden's Summit of the Americas, Workers plan Summit of the Americas in Tijuana. fightbacknews.org Grand Rapids, MI – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced he plans to bail on the Summit of the Americas because the Biden administration refuses to invite all the countries and leaders of Latin America. Mexico will instead send their foreign minister. The Biden administration has so far refused to invite Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela because the White House does not like their governments or leaders. | The 9th Summit of the Americas is supposed to involve all the heads of state and officials of government from the Western Hemisphere. President Biden is hosting it in Los Angeles June 6 through 1…

Xiaolu Sun (2022-05-14). Dominica excludes Russians and Belarusians from citizenship program. america.cgtn.com The "Citizenship By Investment" program in the island of Dominica is under threat due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. EU and U.S. lawmakers want to phase out the program to prevent Russian oligarchs from evading sanctions.

JANET (2022-05-14). Call for 'Workers Summit of the Americas'. iacenter.org May 12, 2022 The following is posted on the website tinyurl.com/workerssummit2022 The Workers Summit of the Americas meeting, in Tijuana, Mexico, offers a space to join with all the peoples of "Our Americas." We will counteract the OAS Summit of the Americas organized by the U.S. Department of State in Los Angeles. The countries of the continent besieged by the USA (Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, among others) will not participate in the OAS farce. The Workers' Summit gives us the opportunity to invite our comrades in struggle from North America who want to participate. Tijuana is a meeting place with the progressiv…

JANET (2022-05-14). U.S. excludes Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua from Summit of the Americas ‚àí Will it boomerang? iacenter.org May 12, 2022 Published May 5 in Cuba Debate. Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews and edited. credit: Peruvian Foreign Ministry/ Flickr Holding the Summit of the Americas is at risk, warned Ronald Sanders, the ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda, in Washington, D.C., on May 5. Sanders stressed that if the United States insisted on excluding Cuba, this could be an immediate cause for the nations of the Caribbean to skip the event. Sanders spoke at a webinar in which several panelists examined the policy of the Biden administration towards the Caribbean in its first year in the White House. He said that "If the…

Staff (2022-05-14). Diputados aprueban leyes sobre soberanía alimentaria, recursos naturales y medioambiente y datos personales. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular aprobó este sábado la Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, una disposición novedosa dada la ausencia en el ordenamiento jurídico cubano de normativas relacionadas con esta materia.

Staff (2022-05-14). Sancionan a trabajadores de àìmnibus Nacionales y Viajero tras irregularidades en viaje Habana-Holguín. cubadebate.cu En correspondencia con la gravedad de los hechos, fueron aplicadas nueve medidas disciplinarias, tanto a los implicados directos como a los jefes que debieron impedirlo: cinco separaciones definitivas de la entidad, un cambio de puesto de trabajo definitivo y uno temporal con condiciones laborales distintas, y dos amonestaciones ante los colectivos laborales.

Staff (2022-05-14). Trump Wanted to Bomb Venezuela's José Antonio Anzoátegui Petrochemical Complex, Claims Former US Defense Secretary Mark Esper. orinocotribune.com The Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations, Samuel Moncada, has provided more details about the comments made a few days ago by Mark Esper, US secretary of defense during the Donald Trump administration. In an interview with CBS network, Esper stated that Trump's advisers proposed two military invasions in his last year in office: one against Venezuela and the other against Iran, as well as carrying out a total blockade against Cuba. On Thursday, May 12, Moncada reported that the proposed attack on Venezuela was to bomb the José Antonio Anzoátegui Petrochemical and Industrial Complex, located…

_____ (2022-05-14). Summit Of The Americas Is Shaping Up To Show US Has Become Isolated. popularresistance.org US observers are becoming increasingly worried that next month's Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles is about to be one of the Biden Administration's worst-ever foreign policy embarrassments following last August's chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan. Politico headlined a piece about how "Biden's Americas summit is drawing jeers and threats of boycott", which reported that several Latin American leaders are threatening to boycott the event if Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela aren't invited to attend. While Antigua, Barbuda, and Bolivia might not be a big deal in the grand scheme of US strategy towards the hemisph…

Staff (2022-05-14). Desde las redes: "Ojalá nunca te haya tenido que volver a usar" cubadebate.cu Ese día mi isla se cubrió de polvo y llantos, mi antiguo uniforme gastado por el tiempo se metía en mi mente como diciendo una más, una vez más… Nadie nos preparó para esto, ni a los viejos ni a los nuevos, pero sí sé que la herida que dejó en lo más profundo de una nación será convertida en una cicatriz permanente.

Staff (2022-05-14). SNB 61: °Industriales ya está en los playoffs! cubadebate.cu Los Industriales de la capital vencieron esta tarde de viernes a los Cazadores de Artemisa 10-9 en el primero de sus tres partidos pendientes, para llegar a 40 triunfos en la temporada y asegurar un pasaje para los playoffs de esta Serie Nacional en su edición 61.

Staff (2022-05-14). El tiempo: Calor, chubascos y tormentas eléctricas en centro y oriente. cubadebate.cu 🌦️ Será abundante la nubosidad desde Ciego de àÅvila hasta Guantánamo, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas desde la mañana, principalmente en zonas de la costa sur, que a partir del mediodía serán numerosos desde Matanzas hasta Camagàºey.

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