Daily Archives: May 6, 2022

2022-05-06: News Headlines

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-05-06). Washington's Threats May Ruin Summit of the Americas. orinocotribune.com Tension continues around the holding of the next Summit of the Americas, scheduled for June in Los Angeles, California, from which the United States government insists on excluding the republics of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. | Criticism is growing around Washington's announcement, as the US seemingly granted itself the right to decide who to invite and who to exclude, although the international forum is supposed to be a platform and meeting place for all continental political leaders, without exception. | To date, there has been no change of position or further announcement from the US in response to the stat…

Staff (2022-05-06). Secretario general de la ONU pide unidad a la comunidad internacional para poner fin al conflicto en Ucrania. cubadebate.cu El secretario general de ONU, António Guterres, llamó hoy a la comunidad internacional a unirse para poner fin al conflicto en Ucrania, aliviar la situación de los civiles y detener los impactos mundiales de esa contienda.

Staff (2022-05-06). Los 80 del Niño de Trastalleres (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El próximo sábado, el cantante puertorriqueño Andy Montañez cumplirá 80 años de vida. En Cuba eligió celebrar su cumpleaños e iniciar los festejos por sus 60 años de vida artística. "Yo a Cuba me la disfruto como a mi Puerto Rico", dice camino a Matanzas, la ciudad que le abre sus puentes para conocerlo y mimarlo por por darle voz y color a nuestra música. Este miércoles 4 de mayo de 2022, el elegante Teatro Sauto de Matanzas lo recibió para pasar "Una noche con Andy Montañez".

Staff (2022-05-06). Vuelta a Andalucía tiene nombre: Arlenis Sierra, de Cuba. cubadebate.cu La vuelta a Andalucía 2022 ya tiene nombre, Arlenis Sierra, de Cuba, quien con su equipo Movistar también dominó la tercera y última etapa al asegurar este jueves el uno-dos tras su compañera serbia Jalena Eric.

Staff (2022-05-06). øLa globalización ha terminado? cubadebate.cu Para la teoría marxista, la globalización es realmente la palabra corriente para nombrar la expansión del imperialismo. En el siglo XXI, el control del imperialismo permanece y si las economías imperialistas comienzan a luchar por la rentabilidad como lo están haciendo ahora, entonces comienzan a luchar y no a cooperar, sentando las bases para el conflicto y la división.

Staff (2022-05-06). Descubren el olor que ayuda a los mosquitos a encontrar a sus víctimas humanas. cubadebate.cu Numerosos estudios han demostrado que los mosquitos utilizan su sentido del olfato para diferenciar a sus víctimas, incluidos los humanos. De hecho, reconocen precisamente el olor humano, incluso si este está mezclado con el entorno y el olor de los animales cercanos.

Staff (2022-05-06). Chapeando: Las visas a buchito y la desinformación a chorro (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Una nueva fake news sobre Cuba, recorre las redes, pero esta vez el punto de partida no son los llamados medios tóxicos sino varias agencias de prensa.

Staff (2022-05-06). Panamericano de lucha: Oscar Pino gana su cuarto título continental en el estilo greco. cubadebate.cu La confirmación de Oscar Pino como uno de los mejores grequistas cubanos del momento y el buen debut internacional de Juan Luis Conde marcaron para Cuba la primera fecha del Campeonato Panamericano de Lucha, que hasta el próximo 7 de mayo acoge la ciudad mexicana de Acapulco. Cuba también estará en el estilo libre en ambos sexos.

Staff (2022-05-05). Venezuela's Foreign Minister Plasencia Arrives in Bolivia to Meet with President Arce. orinocotribune.com The minister of foreign affairs of Venezuela arrived in La Paz, capital of Bolivia, for a three-day visit, during which he will meet with Bolivian authorities and discuss issues of concern for both nations including the international context, marked by the conflict in Ukraine and US interference. | The Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Félix Plasencia, also plans to meet with Bolivia's former President Evo Morales (2006-2019). The visit is intended to strengthen the strategic ties of brotherhood between the two countries. | "I appreciate the opportunity to be here," Plasencia said after disembarking at El Alto airpo…

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals. news.antiwar.com According to a report from The New York Times citing unnamed senior US officials, intelligence provided by the US on Russian military units Ukraine has claimed to have killed 12 Russian generals, but the number is not confirmed, and Kyiv has an interest in exaggerating its success on the battlefield, and the officials wouldn't specify how many Russian officers were killed as a result of the assistance. But either way, the claim by US officials that they are helping kill Russian generals is a major provocation toward…

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals. news.antiwar.com According to a report from The New York Times citing unnamed senior US officials, intelligence provided by the US on Russian military units Ukraine has claimed to have killed 12 Russian generals, but the number is not confirmed, and Kyiv has an interest in exaggerating its success on the battlefield, and the officials wouldn't specify how many Russian officers were killed as a result of the assistance. But either way, the claim by US officials that they are helping kill Russian generals is a major provocation toward…

_____ (2022-05-05). International Seminar For Peace Kicks Off In Cuba. popularresistance.org Leaders of the World Peace Council (WPC) and its member organizations, as well as prominent figures, academics, anti-war activists and friends in solidarity with Cuba, are present in the event, to be held until Thursday, May 5. | According to the program, WPC President Maria do Socorro Gomes, that organization's Executive secretary Iraklis Tsavdaridis and Venezuela's Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Ron Martinez are also attending the Seminar. | According to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), the meeting will demand the cessation of the arms race being developed by the United States along wi…

_____ (2022-05-05). Over 5 Million People March On May Day In Cuba, A Country Of 11 Million. popularresistance.org Led by the slogan, "Cuba Works and Lives," Havana's 2022 May Day parade was attended by more than 700,000 workers and students from across Havana, demonstrating both a joyful celebration and triumphant victory of the Cuban Revolution. | More than 5.5 million people celebrated throughout Cuba on May 1 in their respective provinces, for a total of 6 million people at events over the weekend. | It was a special celebration because of the parade's cancellation the last two years due to COVID-19 restrictions. Cuba's May Day parade is historically the largest in the world, and this year it came back with a roar in one…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-05-05). Video: Descendant Of Slaves Who Helped Build Harvard University Reacts To Reparative Justice Announcement. moguldom.com A descendant of slaves owned by Harvard University's early benefactors is sharing how she feels about the school's recent pledge of $100 million to help atone for its ties to slavery. Roberta Wolff, 79, is a descendant of Darby Vassall, whose parents Tony and Cuba were an enslaved couple owned by the wealthy Vassall family …

Luis Chirino (2022-05-05). Cuba hosts International Tourism Fair. america.cgtn.com Cuba's International Tourism Fair is underway, and the event hopes to attract tourists as well as investments. Tourism, of course, is an important economic sector on the island, a major source of revenue for the Cuban economy, which has suffered over the past two years …

Staff (2022-05-05). Para China, la OTAN "sembró las semillas" del conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania. cubadebate.cu El representante permanente de China ante el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, Zhang Jun, declaró este jueves que "la reiterada expansión de la OTAN hacia el este después de la Guerra Fría no solo ha fracasado en hacer a Europa más segura, sino que también sembró las semillas del conflicto". Además, dijo que la entrega de armas no proporcionará la paz.

Staff (2022-05-05). Proyecto de Ley del Sistema de Recursos Naturales y del Medio Ambiente: Nuevas realidades y enfoque sistémico. cubadebate.cu Uno de los proyectos de leyes que abordará el Parlamento en su quinta sesión extraordinaria de la novena legislatura es el del Sistema de los Recursos Naturales y del Medio Ambiente. El texto legal, fruto de un proceso de análisis y estudio, consultas, conciliaciones y elaboración que comenzó años atrás, derogaría la vigente Ley 81, Del Medio Ambiente (1997).

Staff (2022-05-05). Este viernes, cuarta edición de la peña La Pupila Afilada. cubadebate.cu El encuentro, que ya es esperado por los comprometidos con la Revolución, se celebrará en la Casa de la Amistad del Vedado capitalino y estará dedicado a las madres cubanas y al pensamiento y obra de Antonio Guiteras Holmes.

Staff (2022-05-05). Recibió Díaz-Canel al presidente de la Confederación Mundial de Beisbol y Softbol (+ Video). cubadebate.cu ´Para nosotros es una nueva oportunidad de poder compartir ª, expresó el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en el encuentro de bienvenida a Riccardo Fraccari, presidente de la Confederación Mundial de Beisbol y Softbol. | En el Palacio de la Revolución, el Jefe de Estado agradeció al directivo por el apoyo dado al país caribeño en el ámbito del beisbol…

Staff (2022-05-05). Visitará Cuba el Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. cubadebate.cu El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Excmo. Sr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, realizará una visita de trabajo a Cuba a partir del próximo 7 de mayo. | El distinguido visitante sostendrá conversaciones con autoridades cubanas y realizará otras actividades.

Staff (2022-05-05). SNB 61: Los Gallos espirituanos ya tienen su boleto para los playoffs. cubadebate.cu Los Gallos espirituanos alcanzaron su victoria número 42 de esta temporada y se convirtieron oficialmente en el primer equipo de esta Serie Nacional 61 que asegura un puesto para los playoffs, cuando van restando cinco partidos para concluir el calendario regular.

Staff (2022-05-05). Ministro de Comunicación e Información de Venezuela: Hoy libramos una batalla por el derecho a tener voz. cubadebate.cu Sobre los desafíos que las redes sociales imponen a nuestros pueblos y el relato sobre la realidad que las grandes corporaciones mediáticas construyen a nivel global, conversó hoy el vicepresidente sectorial de Comunicación, Cultura y Turismo de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Freddy àëáñez, con estudiantes de relaciones internacionales y profesionales de la prensa en Cuba.

Staff (2022-05-05). Minister Plasencia Meets with Head of European Union Mission. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, May 4, Venezuela's minister for foreign affairs, Félix Plasencia, held a meeting with the Chargé d'affaires of the European Union in Venezuela, Rafael Dochao Moreno, at the headquarters of the foreign ministry in Caracas. | "We received Ambassador Rafael Dochao, head of the European Union Mission in our country, with whom we spoke about issues of mutual interest and discussed the international situation," Plasencia wrote on his Twitter account. | Recibimos en Cancillería al Embajador Rafael Dochao, Jefe de la Misión de la Unión Europea en nuestro país, con quien hablamos sobre los temas de interés…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-05-05). Caricom advierte que no iría a la Cumbre de las Américas si hay exclusiones. telesurtv.net Embajador caribeño asegura que la política de Joe Biden hacia la región ha seguido la estrategia de "divide y vencerás" trazada por Donald Trump.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-05-05). By Redefining UNRWA, Washington Destroys the Foundation for a Just Peace in Palestine. dissidentvoice.org Palestinians are justifiably worried that the mandate granted to the United Nations Agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, might be coming to an end. UNRWA's mission, which has been in effect since 1949, has done more than provide urgent aid and support to millions of refugees. It was also a political platform that protected and preserved …

Ramzy Baroud (2022-05-05). By Redefining UNRWA, Washington Destroys the Foundation for a Just Peace in Palestine. dissidentvoice.org Palestinians are justifiably worried that the mandate granted to the United Nations Agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, might be coming to an end. UNRWA's mission, which has been in effect since 1949, has done more than provide urgent aid and support to millions of refugees. It was also a political platform that protected and preserved …

Jonathan Cook (2022-05-05). The persecution of Julian Assange. dissidentvoice.org The British home secretary, Priti Patel, will decide this month whether Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States, where he faces a sentence of up to 175 years — served most likely in strict, 24-hour isolation in a US super-max jail. He has already spent three years in similarly harsh conditions in …

Jonathan Cook (2022-05-05). The persecution of Julian Assange. dissidentvoice.org The British home secretary, Priti Patel, will decide this month whether Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States, where he faces a sentence of up to 175 years — served most likely in strict, 24-hour isolation in a US super-max jail. He has already spent three years in similarly harsh conditions in …

Global Research News (2022-05-05). Selected Articles: Are the Neocons Setting Up the World for Nuclear War? globalresearch.ca By A false flag event is not the only avenue to nuclear war. The expansion of NATO to Finland and Sweden is …

Global Research News (2022-05-05). Selected Articles: Are the Neocons Setting Up the World for Nuclear War? globalresearch.ca By A false flag event is not the only avenue to nuclear war. The expansion of NATO to Finland and Sweden is …

Niko Leka (2022-05-05). John Shipton: 'Assange is caught in plague of malice'. greenleft.org.au The Hunter Asylum Seeker Advocacy screened Ithaka, a film about Julian Assange, with his father John Shipton a keynote speaker. Niko Leka reports.

Niko Leka (2022-05-05). John Shipton: 'Assange is caught in plague of malice'. greenleft.org.au The Hunter Asylum Seeker Advocacy screened Ithaka, a film about Julian Assange, with his father John Shipton a keynote speaker. Niko Leka reports.

____ (2022-05-05). Biden declares ongoing wildfires in New Mexico 'a major disaster'. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday declared wildfires lasting for weeks in the southwestern state of New Mexico "a major disaster," unlocking millions of dollars in relief for affected individuals and local recovery efforts.

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). US Ramps Up Training of Ukrainian Troops. news.antiwar.com The US is stepping up its efforts The US first started training Ukrainian forces after the 2014

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). US Ramps Up Training of Ukrainian Troops. news.antiwar.com The US is stepping up its efforts The US first started training Ukrainian forces after the 2014

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). Sweden Says It Received Security Assurances From US for NATO Application Period. news.antiwar.com Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said Wednesday Both Sweden and Finland are seriously considering joining NATO and

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-05). Sweden Says It Received Security Assurances From US for NATO Application Period. news.antiwar.com Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said Wednesday Both Sweden and Finland are seriously considering joining NATO and

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