Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-11: News Headlines

Zoe Alexandra (2022-03-11). ALBA Movements fortifies its commitment to build internationalism and La Patria Grande. The platform of social movements will hold its third continental assembly at the end of April in Buenos Aires, Argentina where it will discuss its six principles of struggle…

Editor2 (2022-03-11). Cuba, Nicaragua & Mexico Lead World Gender Parity in Parliaments. Latin America continues to lead over the rest of the world in parliamentary gender parity. | Cuba, Nicaragua and Mexico have been ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the world, having achieved the highest proportion of women in parliament out of 189 countries. What's more, these three along with Rwanda and the United Arab Emirates are the only five countries in the world to have achieved gender parity in their lower or single legislative house (National Assembly, Congress, or Parliament) as of February 2022. | The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) released its 2021 Women in Parliament report of countries with the best gende…

Staff (2022-03-11). Más de 270 ponencias inscritas en Convención y Feria Internacional Informática 2022. Más de 270 ponencias de 14 países han sido registradas para participar en la XVIII Convención y Feria Internacional Informática 2022, que sesionará de manera híbrida del 21 al 25 de marzo en el Palacio de Convenciones, de La Habana, y a través del sitio La Convención estará integrada por nueve eventos.

Staff (2022-03-11). Inder e Icap firman acuerdo de colaboración. Un convenio de colaboración concebido como paso superior en el propósito de afianzar sus vínculos fue firmado este jueves por el Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación y el Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos. Fue rubricado por sus presidentes, Osvaldo Vento Montiller y Fernando González Llort.

Staff (2022-03-11). Disponible desde este jueves página web del San Remo Music Awards Cuba. La página web oficial de la primera emisión en Cuba del San Remo Music Awards está disponible desde este jueves, 10 de marzo, con datos generales sobre el evento, que se celebrará en La Habana del 5 al 10 de abril. Desde el sitio digital es posible acceder a material multimedia como fotos, flyer, carteles y videos que apoyan el encuentro.

Staff (2022-03-11). Franàßois-Michel Lambert: "El bloqueo de EEUU contra Cuba no lo podemos aceptar" "La lucha por el levantamiento del bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba es la principal acción que desarrolla hoy el Grupo Parlamentario de Amistad Francia-Cuba". Así lo manifestó a Cubadebate el diputado galo Franàßois-Michel Lambert, quien preside la delegación de la Asamblea Nacional de Francia en visita oficial en la Isla.

Staff (2022-03-11). Meta cambia su política y permite mensajes de odio contra los soldados rusos. La corporación Meta, propietaria de Facebook e Instagram, decidió cambiar sus reglas en cuanto a lenguaje de odio si está dirigido contra las tropas rusas que participan en combates en Ucrania, según confirmó este jueves el portavoz de la compañía, Andy Stone, citado por The Washington Post.

Klaus Joachim Herrmann, Ingar Solty (2022-03-11). Cuba and the Ukraine Crises. History repeats itself after all. What as the Cuban Missile Crisis left the world balancing on the precipice is exemplified by the Ukraine crisis. Starting in 1959, the USA stationed nuclear-tipped medium-range missiles in Italy and Turkey aimed at the USSR. The latter responded with medium-range nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba in 1962.

Staff (2022-03-11). La flor de fuego que vive en Patricia. Patricia Villegas es una especie de duende apasionada que no salió por arte de magia de la caja parlante que hoy llamamos televisor, sino que llegó a Venezuela como lo hacen muchos peregrinos, a través de autobuses o aviones; pero cargando no una, sino tres maletas de sueños. "Aquí he vivido los momentos más intensos de la vida de teleSUR y por qué no, de mi vida". Dice sin tan siquiera preguntar mi nombre.

Staff (2022-03-11). Hermaiony Villa: Una niña que pinta al más universal de los cubanos (+ Video). Cuando no está en la escuela, Hermaiony Villa despierta pasadas la una de la tarde. Durante la noche ve algunas películas, navega en Internet, mira capítulos de la serie de turno, deja fluir su "pasión irremediable" por la animación. Es una rutina necesaria para ella, tanto como limpiar cuidadosamente los bordes de los pomos de pintura antes de dar la primera pincelada del día.

Staff (2022-03-11). Siguen los rugidos en el campo de piña: Tigres llegan a 20 victorias. Tres barridas y par de partidos decididos por la ley de la piedad antes de las entradas estipuladas, marcaron este jueves el cierre de las decimoterceras subseries particulares de esta Serie Nacional, donde lo más llamativo fue el paso de los Tigres de Ciego de àÅvila y el descalabro sufrido por los Cocodrilos matanceros. Aquí, el resumen.

Staff (2022-03-11). La Casa Blanca expone razones de por qué no entregará aviones de combate a Ucrania. La portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, explicó este jueves que Washington no trasferirá aviones de combate a Ucrania para evitar la escalada de su conflicto con Rusia a un nivel global. "No es probable que sumar aviones al inventario cambie significativamente la efectividad de la Fuerza Aérea de Ucrania", dijo Psaki.

Staff (2022-03-11). Plan Turquino en Cienfuegos, una obra sostenida en indicadores sociales. Indicadores positivos y estables como cero mortalidad materno-infantil, la apertura de nuevas instalaciones educativas y de salud, la conservación del medio ambiente y las mejoras en las vías de acceso al lomerío caracterizaron el año 2021 en el Plan Turquino, en Cienfuegos. Estos logros fueron en medio del bloqueo contra Cuba.

Ana Perdigón (2022-03-11). Venezuela's Delcy Rodríguez & Russia's Sergey Lavrov Meet in Turkey. In order to deepen their cooperative alliance and mutual respect, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, held a meeting this Thursday, March 10, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov. The encounter occurred just a few days after the White House sent an official delegation to Caracas in order to alleviate the disruption in oil supplies caused by the recent unilateral and illegal economic coercive measures (euphemistically called sanctions) issued by the US against Russia. | The meeting took place on the eve of Rodríguez's participation in the 2nd Antalya Diplomati…

translation (2022-03-11). Biden Maduro Rapprochement ? "It has been a respectful, cordial and diplomatic meeting. There were the flags of the United States and Venezuela, the flags united looked pretty," Maduro said in an address. A phrase unthinkable until a few days ago. The rapprochement, which raised the possibility of reactivating Venezuela's oil exports to the US, has received multiple negative reactions.

Editor2 (2022-03-10). By Trying to Sanction the Whole World, Washington Backs Itself into a Corner. By Ernesto Cazal — Mar 7, 2022 | In a short amount of time, a series of events took place, centered around Venezuela, which from a political point of view have the elements of a melodrama with a hint of comedy. It all began when a plane left Washington, passing through Miami and ended its journey at the international airport of Maiquetía (La Guaira), where a delegation of US officials was reportedly received by the Venezuelan government. | The visit, unprecedented within the context of hostilities and diplomatic disagreements, was a sort of "effort" on the part of the US to breakdown the Russian—Venezu…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-03-10). The Saharawi People Resist and Cuba Stands by Them. Nuria Barbosa León This March, the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic celebrates 46 years since its proclamation of independence. Photo: EFE Cuba defends Saharawis' right to independence and sovereignty, recognized, as well, by more than 80 other countries "Cuba has always supported our people, the historical ties we share are inalterable and will be maintained as…

_____ (2022-03-10). Venezuela: Government Raises Wages As Inflation Hits Eight-Year Low. Caracas, Venezuela — The Nicolás Maduro government decreed a near twentyfold salary hike. | In a public forum with trade unions on March 3, the Venezuelan president announced that the minimum wage would be set at half a Petro, some 126 bolivars (BsD) which amount to US $29 at the present exchange rate. | The new figure represents a significant increase over the previous one of 7 BsD (roughly $1.6). The government is reportedly weighing raising public employee food bonuses o 45 BsD ($10.4). They are currently set at 3 BsD. | Pensions and regular government bonuses, such as support for large households, will…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-10). Colombia's Media Reacts to Venezuela-US Talks. Four days after the announcement of a meeting between President Nicolás Maduro and a high-ranking US delegation in Venezuela, shock waves are being felt across the Latin American political landscape, particularly in Colombia. | In recent hours, Colombian media went so far as expressing the need for President Iván Duque to dialogue with the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. Duque has led a prolonged conspiracy to overthrow President Maduro, following the script directed by the White House, that now has apparently evaporated into thin air. | All this occurs at a time when the entire globe has its eyes on the pos…

Staff (2022-03-10). Two Naturalized US Citizens Detained in Venezuela Released After Negotiations (+CITGO 6). Caracas, March 9, 2022 ( This rel…

Patricia Ferrer (2022-03-10). Canada & El Salvador Upset About Possible Energy Deal Between Venezuela & US. The governments of Canada and El Salvador expressed their discomfort with a high-level delegation from the US meeting with the Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to discuss energy issues. | Nayib Bukele, controversial president of El Salvador, expressed his annoyance with the United States government, due to its constant change of positions, through a post on his Twitter account. Many of Bukele's advisors are right-wing Venezuelans, and that has created friction within his own cabinet. | The authoritarian right-wing populist Bukele has occasionally found himself at o…

Jonathan Cook (2022-03-10). The West's Hands in Ukraine Are as Bloody as Putin's. Ukrainians will pay the price to wear down Russia, just as Syrians, Libyans, Iranians, Yemenis, Venezuelans and Palestinians have paid the price as the U.S. has sought to attain the goals of its globe-spanning imperial project.

Ana Perdigón (2022-03-10). Antony Blinken Reveals US Interests in Venezuela. On Wednesday, March 9, the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, elaborated on US interests towards Venezuela, after being questioned about the meeting of a high-level delegation with the government of Nicolás Maduro in Caracas last weekend. | During a joint press conference held with British Foreign Minister Liz Truss in Washington, Blinken stated that the US has a set of interests with Venezuela. | He explained that among the interests are "supporting the democratic aspirations" of the Venezuelan people, and securing the release of US citizens detained in Venezuela, two of whom were released…

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-03-10). Pdte. venezolano reitera llamado a la paz y estabilidad mundial. El jefe de Estado alerto que existe una guerra mundial que es económica y busca causar incertidumbre en el abastecimiento de diversos rubros.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-10). War victims abandon Colombia's 'rigged' election race. At least 18 victim representatives abandoned Colombia's congressional elections, claiming that authorities rigged the vote in favor of their victimizers. The aspiring congressmen from the Caribbean region were vying for…

2022-03-11 20:09 | 14:09 EST | jz | 27 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 0 

2022-03-10: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-03-10). By Trying to Sanction the Whole World, Washington Backs Itself into a Corner. By Ernesto Cazal — Mar 7, 2022 | In a short amount of time, a series of events took place, centered around Venezuela, which from a political point of view have the elements of a melodrama with a hint of comedy. It all began when a plane left Washington, passing through Miami and ended its journey at the international airport of Maiquetía (La Guaira), where a delegation of US officials was reportedly received by the Venezuelan government. | The visit, unprecedented within the context of hostilities and diplomatic disagreements, was a sort of "effort" on the part of the US to breakdown the Russian—Venezu…

Staff (2022-03-10). Two Naturalized US Citizens Detained in Venezuela Released After Negotiations (+CITGO 6). Caracas, March 9, 2022 ( This rel…

Jonathan Cook (2022-03-10). The West's Hands in Ukraine Are as Bloody as Putin's. Ukrainians will pay the price to wear down Russia, just as Syrians, Libyans, Iranians, Yemenis, Venezuelans and Palestinians have paid the price as the U.S. has sought to attain the goals of its globe-spanning imperial project.

translation (2022-03-10). Biden Maduro Rapprochement ? "It has been a respectful, cordial and diplomatic meeting. There were the flags of the United States and Venezuela, the flags united looked pretty," Maduro said in an address. A phrase unthinkable until a few days ago. The rapprochement, which raised the possibility of reactivating Venezuela's oil exports to the US, has received multiple negative reactions.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-10). War victims abandon Colombia's 'rigged' election race. At least 18 victim representatives abandoned Colombia's congressional elections, claiming that authorities rigged the vote in favor of their victimizers. The aspiring congressmen from the Caribbean region were vying for…

Kathy Durkin (2022-03-09). Despite U.S. blockade, Socialist Cuba combats COVID-19. Juan Antonio Quintanilla, permanent Cuban envoy to the United Nations, adamantly stated that this Caribbean nation will stay on its socialist path, despite continual U.S. aggression via the blockade. In a speech to the U.N. in Geneva March 3, he emphasized that this is the Cuban people's will and that . . . |

Editor (2022-03-09). She, we… on the road to equality. In Cuba, we are fortunate to be part of a social project in which women have been protagonists and beneficiaries of the transformations achieved.

Staff (2022-03-09). Reino Unido declara delito penal el ingreso de aviones rusos en su espacio aéreo. Reino Unido declaró delito penal el ingreso de aviones rusos en su espacio aéreo, según comunicó este martes el secretario de Estado de Transporte del Reino Unido, Hon Grant Shapps. "He convertido en delito penal que cualquier avión ruso ingrese al espacio aéreo del Reino Unido y ahora el Gobierno de Su Majestad puede interceptar estos aviones", escribió en su cuenta de Twitter.

Staff (2022-03-09). Continúan labores de recuperación tras incendio en Termoeléctrica del Mariel. Fuerzas especializadas de los Ministerios de Energía y Minas, y el de la Construcción, trabajan intensamente en las labores de recuperación de la Central Termoeléctrica (CTE) Máximo Gómez Báez, de Mariel, tras el incendio de grandes proporciones acontecido en la noche de este lunes.

Staff (2022-03-09). Asamblea Provincial del PCC en Matanzas: Un balance para seguir avanzando. El sábado 12 de marzo se desarrollará en Matanzas la Asamblea 8vo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba, un importante espacio de discusión que tiene como antecedentes al propio cónclave, en abril de 2021, y las asambleas municipales de balance efectuadas a finales de ese año.

Staff (2022-03-09). Código de las Familias con impronta de mujer (+ Video). Los derechos de la mujer reflejados en el nuevo Código de las Familias fue el tema central de la Mesa Redonda de este martes, que contó con la participación de la miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y secretaria general de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), Teresa Amarelle Boué. øCuánto impacta el texto legal en la vida de las cubanas? øCómo se aborda la violencia de género? øPierden los hombres derechos?

Frances Madeson (2022-03-09). 'We Are Not Slaves!': Haitian Garment Workers Strike for a Fair Wage. Buoyed by international union solidarity and hearkening to the revolutionary legacy of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haitian strikers facing state violence and lowball concessions remain undeterred, reports Frances Madeson.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-03-09). Venezuela: Maduro Reactivates Opposition Talks, Confirms Meetings with US Officials. The Venezuelan president said the meeting with US officials was "cordial" and that the sides agreed "to work on an agenda moving forward."

Ricardo Vaz (2022-03-09). Venezuela: Government Raises Wages as Inflation Hits Eight-Year Low. Maduro pledged to continue recovering incomes, which remain far from covering living costs.

_____ (2022-03-09). Maduro Announces Reactivation Of Dialogue With The Opposition. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, on Monday, March 7, announced the reactivation of the dialogue and negotiation process with the platform of far-right opposition sectors in favor of the economic recovery and stability of the country. Additionally, the president reported that on March 5, he held a meeting with a delegation from the government of his counterpart from the United States, Joe Biden. Maduro made the announcements during a meeting with his vice presidents, ministers, and military high command at the Miraflores Palace. | In a further show a potential shift in the relations between the two countries,…

Misión Verdad (2022-03-09). Geopolitics and Diplomacy: Venezuela's Approach to the Ukraine Conflict. On Monday, March 7, President Nicolás Maduro announced a series of interconnected geopolitical initiatives that Venezuela will adopt, in the international geopolitical situation generated by the deployment of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. | During a meeting with the Venezuelan military high command and the council of ministers, the president expressed his points of view concerning "the effects of all kinds" that have arisen as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine. | Taking into account the current global situation, Maduro declared, "We are doing everything in our power to ensure that, regar…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-03-09). 'Sorrow and disappointment' in Colombia due to Caracas-Washington Rapprochement. Francisco "Pacho" Santos, former ambassador of Colombia to the United States, spoke out against the recent meeting that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro held with a high-level delegation sent by Washington to Caracas. | Santos did not hide his deep frustration and annoyance while criticizing US President Joe Biden for what he considers "a slap in the face" to the Iván Duque administration. | According to Santos, the fundamental and strategic alliance that Colombia has maintained with the Washington administration seems to have been rendered ineffective as a result of the meeting of US officials with Maduro.

Staff (2022-03-09). President Maduro: Russia-Ukraine Conflict Could Spread to Other Regions. Monday, March 7, 2022, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, met at night with members of the nation's high political and military command, the Council of Vice Presidents, and the Superior General Staff of the Bolivarian National Armed Force, to carry out an analysis of the world geopolitical situation in response to the operation Russia is carrying out in Ukraine. He also confirmed the meeting between his administration and US government officials, providing some initial details. | In a televised broadcast on Monday night after 10: 30 p.m., Venezuela's president said, according to intelligence reports and t…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-09). US holds talks with President Nicolás Maduro amid energy crisis and other stories. Today we look at the meeting between Venezuelan President Maduro with US officials, the killing of a leader of South Africa's shack dwellers' movement, and more…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-09). Maduro announces reactivation of dialogue with the opposition after meeting with US government. The dialogue process between the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition had been suspended since October 2021. Meanwhile, the diplomatic relations between Venezuela and the US had been suspended since January 2019…

teleSUR, MER (2022-03-09). Dictan medida de libertad para dos estadounidenses en Venezuela. Una fuente oficial indicó que las liberaciones surgen tras los acuerdos logrados en la reunión de una delegación de EE.UU. con el presidente Nicolás Maduro.

JANET (2022-03-09). Global South rejects U.S./NATO aggression. By Betsey Piette March 8, 2022 As the U.S. and NATO work to advance their war against Russia now breaking out in Ukraine, many countries who have experienced imperialist aggression — by the U.S., France, Britain and other NATO members — are speaking out. They are denouncing the impact of U.S. sanctions as acts of war and calling NATO the threat to global peace. Times Square, New York City, March 5. Photo: Brenda Ryan. The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — ALBA — is an intergovernmental organization of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on social, politic…

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-09). Turkey delivers advanced attack helicopters to Philippines. Daily SabahMarch 9, 2022 Philippines receives 1st batch of Turkey-made attack helicopters The Philippines has received the first batch of Turkey-made attack helicopters, the country's air force announced on Wednesday. Two T129 Tactical Reconnaissance and Attack Helicopters (ATAK) arrived at Clark Air Base, Pampanga early Wednesday, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) said…. The country had …

2022-03-11 01:24 | 21:24 EST | jz | 25 | 1 | 18 | 5 | 0