Monthly Archives: February 2022

2022-02-24: News Headlines

Staff (2022-02-24). Venezuela Gives Full Support to Putin & Criticizes US and NATO Militarism. This Wednesday, February 22, the president of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro expressed his support to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, after Moscow recognized the independence of the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The president reiterated: "Venezuela announces its full support for President Vladimir Putin, in defense of peace in Russia and the region, and in the brave defense of his people and his homeland. All our support for President Putin. All our support for Russia." | Maduro, through the state TV channel Venezolana de Televisión said that: "We have been attentive to the events in Russia and in Ukraine,…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-02-24). Puerto Rican union workers strike against austerity, point to U.S. responsibility. In Puerto Rico on Feb. 18, thousands of publicly-employed union workers, retired workers, and university students took part in a national strike and march that spread throughout the island. The largest contingent filled streets in San Juan. Demonstrators made noise and marched behind a long banner saying, "People before Debt — Salary Justice — Dignified …

scorinoco (2022-02-23). Operation Peter Pan: How CIA Secretly Transferred More Than 14,000 Unaccompanied Cuban Children to the US and Spain. Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish articles that are over 10 days old. However, in this case an exception is being made, as the subject matter of the following piece remains as significant today as at the time of its publication. It is about one of the lesser known crimes against humanity that the United States has committed against Cuba. | By Delfín Xiqués Cutiño — Dec 24, 2020 | Operation Peter Pan was one of the most perverse, monstrous and inhuman actions of the psychological war against Cuba committed by the CIA to clandestinely smuggle—through lies and manipulation—m…

Staff (2022-02-23). Cuba llama a preservar la paz y la seguridad internacionales. Llamamos a EE.UU. y a la OTAN a atender de manera seria y realista los fundados reclamos de garantías de seguridad de la Federación de Rusia, que tiene derecho a defenderse. Cuba aboga por una solución diplomática a través del diálogo constructivo y respetuoso.

Staff (2022-02-23). Las 3 del día: øQué es noticia este 22 de febrero? (+ Podcast). En esta emisión de La tres del día te proponemos un recorrido noticioso por lo que fue noticia este 22 de febrero en Cubadebate. Repasaremos la comparecencia en la Mesa Redonda de las ministras de Finanzas y Precios, y de Trabajo y Seguridad Social quienes hablaron sobre las modificaciones salariales en la empresa estatal, la atención a situaciones de vulnerabilidad, los precios, entre otros temas.

Staff (2022-02-23). Los abuelos y el Código de las Familias o cómo saldar una deuda con nuestra primera escuela. En cinco años lo ha visto dos veces. La primera, cuando nació. La segunda, un día que iba en una gazela. Esa segunda vez fueron segundos. Lo que tarda un auto en pasar por una calle y unos ojos en reconocer a su exnuera cargándolo en brazos. Lunaida Pupo tiene tres nietos, pero uno de ellos no la podría reconocer nunca, mucho menos desde una gazela. Su madre no lo deja ver a su abuela.

Staff (2022-02-23). Autoridades responden sobre la exhibición desarrollada en el Encuentro de Técnicas Comerciales 2022. Mucho se ha hablado en estos días sobre la pasarela que se exhibió en la inauguración del Encuentro de Técnicas Comerciales 2022, desarrollado en el Recinto Ferial de Línea y 18. Cubadebate conversó con el director de la escuela de belleza "Bella Caribe", Yordis Matos Nicot, quien dijo que esta iniciativa formaba parte del trabajo de curso de un grupo de estudiantes de este centro.

Editor2 (2022-02-23). The Virtual Overflow of the State Department and Its Office in Havana. By José Ramón Cabañas — Feb 16, 2022 | In recent months, both Cuban internet users and foreign diplomats residing in Cuba have been surprised by the unabashed way in which both the State Department in Washington and its embassy in Havana have incorporated into their daily routine the issuance of judgments and opinions on Cuba's internal reality, which they publish and reiterate without any modesty. Although the practice has encompassed several platforms, it has greater presence in Twitter, which is supposed to be less popular than Facebook, but where government officials, academics and decision-makers of var…

Staff (2022-02-23). The Washington Post: El renacer de la economía venezolana. Las transformaciones que han venido remodelando la economía venezolana en años recientes están obrando a profundidad. Sin lugar a duda, las orientaciones de política macroeconómica seguidas por el gobierno venezolano han dado un giro de 180 grados, lo cual ha empezado a rendir dividendos.

Haiti Action Committee (2022-02-23). Saturday 2/26: Solidarity with Haiti March and Rally. San Francisco Federal Building, 90 7th Street, Corner of Mission and 7th Streets…

Editor (2022-02-23). The capitalist imperative driving cruel and bipartisan U.S. migration policies. Capitalism's need for labor is the determining factor in immigration policy. Its contradictions create a system that is consistently inhumane.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-02-23). Venezuela and Iran Deepen Hydrocarbon Alliance, Blast US Sanctions. In a high-level meeting, Iran's oil minister committed to ramping up assistance for renovation projects in Venezuela's oil industry.

Staff (2022-02-23). Enrique Ochoa Antich Wants G4 to Hold Dialogue with Other Opposition Factions in Venezuela (2024 Presidential Elections). Venezuelan opposition leader Enrique Ochoa Antich has strongly criticized the G4 coalition of the extreme-right opposition after the G4 made public that it would be discussing the implementation of a regulation for primaries. | During an interview on Primera Página on Monday, February 21, Ochoa Antich stated that it would be "a very serious mistake" if the G4 elects a candidate for the 2024 presidential elections without discussing it with all the other opposition factions. | "It seems to me a very serious mistake that these four parties, and the other smaller ones that congregate around them, which only obtained…

Staff (2022-02-23). European Union Underlines Transparency of Venezuela's 21N Regional Election. In a report on Venezuela's November 21 regional elections, the European Union highlighted the transparency measures adopted by the South American country. | The Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union (EU EOM), in its final report on the mega-elections held in Venezuela last November, to which it sent 134 observers from various European countries, highlighted "improvements observed in the electoral process." | In its text issued this Tuesday, February 22, after a preliminary statement published in Venezuela on November 23, the EU mission stated that these were the "first national elections in which th…

Victoria Torres (2022-02-23). Venezuela reports 701 New COVID-19 Cases and 7 Deaths on Monday. This Monday, February 21, Venezuelan health authorities reported 701 new COVID-19 infections in the past 24 hours. Of these, 697 were due to community transmission and 4 imported. In addition, seven deaths were reported. This was announced by the Minister of Communication and Information, Alfred Nazareth àëáñez, via Twitter. | With this update, Venezuela has reached a total of 511,772 infections and 5,616 deaths after almost two years of the pandemic. Of these, 10,417 represent active cases, 9,328 receiving treatment in public healthcare centers (5,836 with Supervised Community Care) and 1,089 in private hos…

Staff (2022-02-23). Venezuela Signs Hydrocarbon Agreements with Iran, Plasencia Reiterates Venezuela's Commitment to Energy Sector. Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister, Félix Plasencia met with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, on Tuesday, February 22, on the sidelines of the Sixth Summit of Heads of States of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Qatar, to strengthen bilateral cooperation efforts between Iran and Venezuela. | At the meeting, hydrocarbon agreements were signed between the two countries. The two functionaries also reiterated the commitment of the two nations to continue counteracting together the illegal and arbitrary unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States on both countri…

2022-02-24 23:05 | 19:05 EST | jz | 18 | 0 | 14 | 2 | 0 

2022-02-23: News Headlines

Editor (2022-02-23). The capitalist imperative driving cruel and bipartisan U.S. migration policies. Capitalism's need for labor is the determining factor in immigration policy. Its contradictions create a system that is consistently inhumane.

Staff (2022-02-23). Los abuelos y el Código de las Familias o cómo saldar una deuda con nuestra primera escuela. En cinco años lo ha visto dos veces. La primera, cuando nació. La segunda, un día que iba en una gazela. Esa segunda vez fueron segundos. Lo que tarda un auto en pasar por una calle y unos ojos en reconocer a su exnuera cargándolo en brazos. Lunaida Pupo tiene tres nietos, pero uno de ellos no la podría reconocer nunca, mucho menos desde una gazela. Su madre no lo deja ver a su abuela.

Staff (2022-02-23). Cuba llama a preservar la paz y la seguridad internacionales. Llamamos a EE.UU. y a la OTAN a atender de manera seria y realista los fundados reclamos de garantías de seguridad de la Federación de Rusia, que tiene derecho a defenderse. Cuba aboga por una solución diplomática a través del diálogo constructivo y respetuoso.

Staff (2022-02-23). Autoridades responden sobre la exhibición desarrollada en el Encuentro de Técnicas Comerciales 2022. Mucho se ha hablado en estos días sobre la pasarela que se exhibió en la inauguración del Encuentro de Técnicas Comerciales 2022, desarrollado en el Recinto Ferial de Línea y 18. Cubadebate conversó con el director de la escuela de belleza "Bella Caribe", Yordis Matos Nicot, quien dijo que esta iniciativa formaba parte del trabajo de curso de un grupo de estudiantes de este centro.

Staff (2022-02-23). Las 3 del día: øQué es noticia este 22 de febrero? (+ Podcast). En esta emisión de La tres del día te proponemos un recorrido noticioso por lo que fue noticia este 22 de febrero en Cubadebate. Repasaremos la comparecencia en la Mesa Redonda de las ministras de Finanzas y Precios, y de Trabajo y Seguridad Social quienes hablaron sobre las modificaciones salariales en la empresa estatal, la atención a situaciones de vulnerabilidad, los precios, entre otros temas.

Staff (2022-02-23). The Washington Post: El renacer de la economía venezolana. Las transformaciones que han venido remodelando la economía venezolana en años recientes están obrando a profundidad. Sin lugar a duda, las orientaciones de política macroeconómica seguidas por el gobierno venezolano han dado un giro de 180 grados, lo cual ha empezado a rendir dividendos.

Haiti Action Committee (2022-02-23). Saturday 2/26: Solidarity with Haiti March and Rally. San Francisco Federal Building, 90 7th Street, Corner of Mission and 7th Streets…

Staff (2022-02-23). European Union Underlines Transparency of Venezuela's 21N Regional Election. In a report on Venezuela's November 21 regional elections, the European Union highlighted the transparency measures adopted by the South American country. | The Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union (EU EOM), in its final report on the mega-elections held in Venezuela last November, to which it sent 134 observers from various European countries, highlighted "improvements observed in the electoral process." | In its text issued this Tuesday, February 22, after a preliminary statement published in Venezuela on November 23, the EU mission stated that these were the "first national elections in which th…

Victoria Torres (2022-02-23). Venezuela reports 701 New COVID-19 Cases and 7 Deaths on Monday. This Monday, February 21, Venezuelan health authorities reported 701 new COVID-19 infections in the past 24 hours. Of these, 697 were due to community transmission and 4 imported. In addition, seven deaths were reported. This was announced by the Minister of Communication and Information, Alfred Nazareth àëáñez, via Twitter. | With this update, Venezuela has reached a total of 511,772 infections and 5,616 deaths after almost two years of the pandemic. Of these, 10,417 represent active cases, 9,328 receiving treatment in public healthcare centers (5,836 with Supervised Community Care) and 1,089 in private hos…

Rick Rozoff (2022-02-22). Erdogan curtails African trip to attend emergency NATO summit. Daily SabahFebruary 22, 2022 Erdogan postpones Guinea-Bissau visit to attend NATO summit on Ukraine Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan departed on Sunday for a four-day tour to three African countries upon the invitation of his counterparts but had to postpone his upcoming visit to Guinea-Bissau as he will now attend the NATO Leaders' Summit on …

Staff (2022-02-22). Igualdad salarial para mujeres y hombres de la selección de fútbol de Estados Unidos. Megan Rapinoe y Alex Morgan han liderado a sus compañeras para anotarse el gol más importante en sus carreras. Las jugadoras de soccer de Estados Unidos han logrado una indemnización de 24 millones de dólares y el acuerdo de que, a partir de ahora, las que participen en campeonatos y amistosos de su selección recibirán la misma retribución que los hombres.

Staff (2022-02-22). Asambleas provinciales de balance del Partido iniciarán el 11 de marzo por Pinar del Río. Los miembros del Comité Provincial del Partido en Pinar del Río estudian y enriquecen por estos días el Informe que se presentará a la Asamblea Provincial de Balance de la organización, que se realizará el próximo 11 de marzo. Así lo confirmó el Jefe del Departamento Ideológico del Comité Provincial del PCC en la más occidental de las provincias.

Staff (2022-02-22). Ministra de Comercio Interior intercambia con jóvenes trabajadores del sector. Durante la última jornada del Encuentro de Técnicas Comerciales 2022, desarrollado en el Recinto Ferial de Línea y 18, la ministra de Comercio Interior, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, intercambió con una representación de jóvenes de todas las provincias del país que trabajan en el sector.

_____ (2022-02-22). Elections In Colombia: Prospects For Change And Lack Of Guarantees. The Latin American and Caribbean electoral calendar for 2022 promises to be no less hectic than that of the previous year. Among the upcoming elections and referendums that are slated for this year—Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile, Peru, perhaps Haiti—two contests that are expected to attract the most attention, due to the specific geopolitical weight of these respective countries, are the general elections in Brazil, which are supposed to take place in October, and the Colombian parliamentary and presidential elections, slated for the first half of 2022. | After 20 years of governments that have supported t…

Staff (2022-02-22). Headlines for February 22, 2022. Putin Orders Russian "Peacekeepers" into Ukraine Separatist Regions, U.N. Rebukes Russia over Violations of Ukraine's Territorial Integrity, Florida Senate Advances Bill to Ban Nearly All Abortions After 15 Weeks, Colombia Legalizes Abortion During First 24 Weeks of Pregnancy, Dominican Republic Begins Construction of High-Tech Border Wall with Haiti, Dr. Paul Farmer, Who Brought Free, Quality Healthcare to World's Poorest, Dies at 62, Mali's Military Rulers Cement Hold on Power, Leak Reveals Credit Suisse Ties to Dictators, Torturers and Organized Crime, Wildfires Burn Nearly 2 Mill…

Amy Goodman (2022-02-22). Paul Farmer Leaves Behind the Legacy of a Global Public Health Movement. Image Credit: Twitter: @PIH | We remember the life and legacy of Dr. Paul Farmer, a public health icon who spent decades building community health networks helping millions of poor people in Haiti, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and beyond. He died unexpectedly Monday at the age of 62. We feature Farmer's past interviews with Democracy Now! and speak with his longtime colleague, Dr. Joia Mukherjee. Farmer leaves behind a remarkable legacy and an "enormous community of people that he brought to this large table…

Staff (2022-02-22). Remembering Dr. Paul Farmer: A Public Health Pioneer Who Helped Millions from Haiti to Rwanda. We remember the life and legacy of Dr. Paul Farmer, a public health icon who spent decades building community health networks helping millions of poor people in Haiti, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and beyond. He died unexpectedly Monday at the age of 62. We feature Farmer's past interviews with Democracy Now! and speak with his longtime colleague, Dr. Joia Mukherjee. Farmer leaves behind a remarkable legacy and an "enormous community of people that he brought to this large table that is now global health," says Mukherjee, chief medical officer for Partners In Health, where she worked with Farmer for 23…

JANET (2022-02-22). Puerto Rico: Workers, yes! Colonizers, no! February 21, 2022 This slightly edited press release was written by Gabriela Malespin and Normahiram Pérez of New York Boricua Resistance and Call to Action on Puerto Rico. The organizations holding the Feb. 18 rally were New York Boricua Resistance, Call to Action on Puerto Rico, Colectiva Solidaridad, ProLibertad and Partido Independentista Puertorriqueña. Union Square, New York City, Feb. 18. Photo: Brenda Ryan On Feb. 18, a coalition of Puerto Rican and global anti-imperialist groups will rally at Union Square, [New York City], at 5: 00 p.m. in solidarity with the workers' strikes happening in Puerto Rico. Thi…

KWORINOCO (2022-02-22). Bernal: Cross-Border Trade Frozen by Colombia. The governor of Táchira state bordering Colombia, Freddy Bernal, assured the public that the paralysis of commerce through the border between Colombia and Venezuela is the result of political measures taken by Colombian President Iván Duque. | Bernal made it clear that the decisions taken from his office, as protector of the state and now as governor, have always been geared towards reactivating the border economy, which can be attested to by the innumerable meetings which he has held with representatives from the productive sectors of the Colombian economy. | "I met with all of the entities of commerce, industry…

teleSUR (2022-02-22). Venezuela to Foster Natural Gas For Sustainable Development. On Monday, Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Felix Plasencia affirmed that his country "was committed" to the use of natural gas as a means to achieve the objectives of sustainable development. | RELATED: | "We are sure that natural gas guarantees a cleaner transition. It also gives us confidence for the development of our peoples in the medium and short term," Plasencia said during the 6th Summit of Heads of State of th…

KWORINOCO (2022-02-22). When Piñera Was Going to Invade Venezuela. By HispanTV — Feb 18, 2022 | Given the current rate of social change and the frequent apocalyptic signs, each year seems more intense than the last. But even so, 2019 was a special year for Latin America. | February 23 is a landmark in the history of the region: a number of governments conspired with the US to invade their neighboring country—Venezuela—by land, via the Colombian border, using the civil population as cannon fodder. | The fact that the whole event was a fiasco and that it made its organizers look ridiculous doesn't take away from its significance: today relations between Colombia…

2022-02-23 20:58 | 16:58 EST | jz | 23 | 0 | 12 | 9 | 0