Daily Archives: January 2, 2022

2022-01-02: News Headlines

Roger D. Harris (2022-01-02). 2021 Latin America and the Caribbean in Review: The Pink Tide Rises Again. orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris — Dec 30, 2021 | US policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean continued in a seamless transition from Trump to Biden, but the terrain over which it operated shifted left. The balance between the US drive to

Liberation Staff (2022-01-02). COVID-19: What Cuba has accomplished. liberationnews.org Cuba, a small, poor country held back by the 60-year U.S. economic blockade has made remarkable achievements in combating COVID-19.

Liberation Staff (2022-01-02). COVID-19: What Cuba has accomplished. liberationnews.org Cuba, a small, poor country held back by the 60-year U.S. economic blockade has made remarkable achievements in combating COVID-19.

_____ (2022-01-02). Cuba Grows And Advances Despite The Difficulties Of 2021. popularresistance.org This 2021 has been the most difficult year for the Cuban people. In addition to the ravages of the blockade, thousands of people died due to the Covid-19. The list was immense, and as the days went by, names became familiar and beloved faces. Moreover, it was also a year of economic readjustments and changes needed to move the island towards a possible and sustainable development over time.

Staff (2022-01-02). Venezuela Commemorates Haitian and Cuban Revolutions. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, January 1, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela congratulated the people and the government of Haiti for 218 years of independence of the nation as well as Cuba for the 63rd anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. Venezuela also reaffirmed its commitment to brotherhood with the two Caribbean countries. | "Since the birth of the Haitian Revolution, the Haitian people have been the precursor of liberation struggles and a spirit of equality that spread throughout all of Our America," read the statement released on Saturday by the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published on its Twitt…

Staff (2022-01-02). Venezuela Commemorates Haitian and Cuban Revolutions. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, January 1, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela congratulated the people and the government of Haiti for 218 years of independence of the nation as well as Cuba for the 63rd anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. Venezuela also reaffirmed its commitment to brotherhood with the two Caribbean countries. | "Since the birth of the Haitian Revolution, the Haitian people have been the precursor of liberation struggles and a spirit of equality that spread throughout all of Our America," read the statement released on Saturday by the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published on its Twitt…

Staff (2022-01-02). Bancos centrales de todo el mundo han aumentado sus reversas de oro. cubadebate.cu Los bancos centrales de todo el mundo están dando la espalda al dólar y optan en lugar de la divisa estadounidense por las reservas de oro, que no han parado de crecer en las últimas década. De hecho, los activos en oro en 2021 llegaron a su mayor valor en 31 años, según los analistas consultados por el diario japonés Nikkei Asia.

Staff (2022-01-02). Cuba registra 469 positivos a la covid-19 y un fallecido. cubadebate.cu Al cierre del día de ayer, 1 de enero, se encuentran ingresados 5 871 pacientes, sospechosos 3 785, en vigilancia 317 y confirmados activos 1 769. Para la COVID-19 se realizaron un total de 19 512 muestras para la vigilancia en el día, resultando positivas 469. El país acumula 11 713 325 muestras realizadas y 966 942 positivas…

teleSUR, DRL, MER (2022-01-02). Cuba agradece felicitaciones por aniversario de la Revolución. telesurtv.net Diversos gobernantes, líderes e intelectuales del mundo han trasmitido sus felicitaciones y respaldo a Cuba.

Staff (2022-01-02). Cuba registra una tasa de mortalidad infantil de 7,6 por mil nacidos vivos, en un año complejo debido a la pandemia. cubadebate.cu Preservar el bienestar de todas las embarazadas, puérperas e infantes del país ha sido una prioridad mantenida durante décadas por el Estado Cubano y su Sistema Nacional de Salud mediante el Programa de Atención Materno Infantil, un programa al que se consagraron en el año 2021 nuestros profesionales con tal de arrebatarle cada vida al SARS-CoV-2.

Staff (2022-01-02). Conoce los siete fenómenos astronómicos del 2022 que no te debes perder. cubadebate.cu Lluvias de estrellas intensas, eclipses totales y superlunas serán parte de los fenómenos astronómicos de 2022. La primera gran lluvia de estrellas del año alcanzará su punto máximo de actividad la madrugada del 3 y el 4 de enero, cuando será posible observar hasta 100 meteoros por hora en condiciones ideales desde el hemisferio norte.

Staff (2022-01-02). Realismo y autenticidad, las mejores fotos de paisajes naturales. cubadebate.cu "Fotografías que retrataran la naturaleza de una manera realista", explica el fotógrafo estadounidense de paisajes y naturaleza, Eric Bennett, cuya serie de fotografías le ha valido para alzarse entre las más de 13 350 fotografías presentadas al concurso por fotógrafos de casi 50 países, con el título de Fotógrafo del Año en la primera edición del recién nacido Natural Landscape Photographer of the Year.

Staff (2022-01-02). Reto viral: øEres capaz de encontrar el número faltante? cubadebate.cu Cubadebate te propone un nuevo reto viral que está poniendo a prueba a muchos usuarios de las redes sociales. Se trata de un acertijo matemático para encontrar el número faltante. Lo que hay que hacer es encontrar el número restante para poder completar la secuencia lógica de esta acertijo. Déjanos saber en los comentarios si lograste resolver el reto.

Staff (2022-01-02). Dulce ambición: No apta para diabéticos. cubadebate.cu Secundadas por la música contagiosa de Tá Escrito, se suceden las imágenes de primerísimos planos de cremas de chocolate, almíbares, gelatinas y frutas. Ruedan los créditos de la telenovela brasileña Dulce ambición que, al parecer, pretende aprovechar visualmente el auge mundial de los programas de cocina, estilo Masterchef.

Staff (2022-01-02). Radiografía cubana: Mortalidad infantil, vacunación y exportaciones. cubadebate.cu En un año especialmente difícil para la Salud Pública por la tensa situación generada en Cuba por la COVID-19, la provincia de Sancti Spíritus logró una tasa de mortalidad infantil de 4,5 por cada mil nacidos vivos. Un total de nueve millones 672 mil 464 personas han completado el esquema de vacunación contra la COVID-19 en Cuba. El incremento de los rubros exportables a través de las nuevas formas de gestión y actores económicos constituye uno de los grandes retos del 2022 para Villa Clara.

ANSWER Coalition (2022-01-02). Monday 1/3: SF Rally + Press Conference to Support Normalization of U.S. – Cuba Relations. indybay.org Federal Building, 7th + Mission St., San Francisco…

teleSUR, lvm, JCM (2022-01-02). Deportarán a Colombia a un implicado en el magnicidio de MoàØse. telesurtv.net Marco Antonio Palacios, quien permanece en Jamaica, debe ser deportado el 3 de enero a Colombia.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-01-02). Primer ministro de Haití sale ileso de un atentado. telesurtv.net En el tiroteo que se produjo contra el gobernante haitiano falleció una persona y varias más resultaron heridas.

sputniknews (2022-01-02). Prime Minister of Haiti Survives Assassination Attempt Near Gonaives Church. sputniknews.com MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) – A failed attempt to assassinate the prime minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, took place on Sunday at a church in the city of Gonaives during a mass dedicated to the 218th anniversary of the country's independence, the VTV broadcaster reported.

Jesús Faría (2022-01-02). Venezuela: De la resistencia a la recuperación productiva y el bienestar social. liberationnews.org Por Jesús Faría, presidente de la Comisión Permanente de Economía, Finanzas y Desarrollo Económico de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), y miembro del liderazgo nacional del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV).

Jesús Faría (2022-01-02). Venezuela: from resistance to recovery in production and social welfare. liberationnews.org By Jesús Faría, president of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finances and Economic Development of the National Assembly and member of the national leadership of the…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-01-02). Welcome 2022! President Maduro Highlights his Administration's Achieved Goals. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro issued a message to welcome in the new year 2022. In his message, the president highlighted the goals that had been achieved in the previous year 2021 and referred to it as a mystical cycle for Venezuela in which the Carabobo Bicentennial was celebrated. | Maduro pointed out that 2021 was characterized by its renewal of hope and by the strength of the people's courage in the midst of the attacks perpetrated by different sectors of the national and international right-wing. | "We will have to remember 2021 as being the year of our democratic institutions; of the consolidation of…

Jesús Faría (2022-01-02). Venezuela: De la resistencia a la recuperación productiva y el bienestar social. liberationnews.org Por Jesús Faría, presidente de la Comisión Permanente de Economía, Finanzas y Desarrollo Económico de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), y miembro del liderazgo nacional del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV).

Jesús Faría (2022-01-02). Venezuela: from resistance to recovery in production and social welfare. liberationnews.org By Jesús Faría, president of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finances and Economic Development of the National Assembly and member of the national leadership of the…

teleSUR, MER (2022-01-02). Pdte.Maduro: EE.UU. saboteó diálogo con oposición venezolana en México. telesurtv.net El mandatario cuestionó que EE.UU. saboteara un proceso que es beneficioso para el pueblo venezolano.

_____ (2022-01-01). 2021 Latin America And The Caribbean In Review: The Pink Tide Rises Again. popularresistance.org US policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean continued in a seamless transition from Trump to Biden, but the terrain over which it operated shifted left. The balance between the US drive to dominate its "backyard" and its counterpart, the Bolivarian cause of regional independence and integration, continued to tip portside in 2021 with major popular electoral victories in Chile, Honduras, and Peru. These follow the previous year's reversal of the coup in Bolivia. | Central has been the struggle of the ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America) countries — particularly Venezuela, Cuba, and…

Staff (2022-01-01). Venezuelan Government Delivers House Number 3.9 Million Despite the Blockade. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, December 30, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, delivered in the Nueva Barinas II Housing Complex, in the Barinas municipality, Rómulo Betancourt parish, Barinas state, the milestone of 3.9 million homes delivered by the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV). | "Today we deliver the 3,900,000 house here, a gift to Chávez," said the president. | In Aragua state, President Maduro pointed out that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which continues to affect the world, and despite the imposition of unilateral coercive measures by the United States government and authorities, the Venezuelan g…

Staff (2022-01-01). Venezuelan Government Delivers House Number 3.9 Million Despite the Blockade. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, December 30, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, delivered in the Nueva Barinas II Housing Complex, in the Barinas municipality, Rómulo Betancourt parish, Barinas state, the milestone of 3.9 million homes delivered by the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV). | "Today we deliver the 3,900,000 house here, a gift to Chávez," said the president. | In Aragua state, President Maduro pointed out that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which continues to affect the world, and despite the imposition of unilateral coercive measures by the United States government and authorities, the Venezuelan g…

Xosé L Pérez-Fernández, Joan Sabater-Riera, MariPaz Fuset-Cabanes (2022-01-01). [Correspondence] COVID-19 ARDS: getting ventilation right. thelancet.com We read with special interest the Article by Ryan Barbaro and colleagues,1 describing the evolving outcomes of patients with COVID-19 who required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) during 2020. We were sad to corroborate the same increased mortality we had observed in our own patients. However, we wish to clarify two key aspects that we hope will supplement the conclusions of this important Article.

Xosé L Pérez-Fernández, Joan Sabater-Riera, MariPaz Fuset-Cabanes (2022-01-01). [Correspondence] COVID-19 ARDS: getting ventilation right. thelancet.com We read with special interest the Article by Ryan Barbaro and colleagues,1 describing the evolving outcomes of patients with COVID-19 who required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) during 2020. We were sad to corroborate the same increased mortality we had observed in our own patients. However, we wish to clarify two key aspects that we hope will supplement the conclusions of this important Article.

2022-01-02 17:32 | 19:32 EST | jz | 32 | 0 | 5 | 25 | 0