2022-04-19: News Headlines

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Defense Ministry: Japan to supply military supplies to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kyodo NewsApril 19, 2022 Japan to offer protective masks, clothing, drones to Ukraine Japan will provide Ukraine with protective masks and clothing against chemical weapons, as well as commercial drones, to support the country in its ongoing war with Russia, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. The decision was made upon a request from the Ukrainian …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Japan, EU, U.S. pursue common course on Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kyodo NewsApril 19, 2022 U.S., Japan, EU leaders affirm swift support to Ukraine amid war Leaders from the United States, Japan and the European Union agreed Tuesday to continue providing swift support to Ukraine as Russia begins a renewed military offensive in the eastern part of its neighboring country. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told his …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Pentagon to train Ukrainians in sites outside nation to use U.S. artillery. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Rustavi2April 19, 2022 Defense Department expects to start training Ukrainian trainers outside of Ukraine on how to use the U.S.-provided Howitzers in the coming days Defense Department expects to start training Ukrainian trainers outside of Ukraine on how to use the U.S.-provided Howitzers in the coming days The first shipments of the latest round of …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Polish hospitals prepared to treat 10,000 wounded Ukrainian soldiers: PM. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioApril 19, 2022 Polish hospitals ready to treat 10,000 wounded Ukrainian soldiers: PM Polish hospitals are prepared to admit up to 10,000 Ukrainian troops injured in combat against invading Russian forces, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said. The Polish prime minister made the declaration in Lviv, western Ukraine, on Tuesday, public broadcaster Polish Radio's …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). State Department: China will "face serious consequences" from U.S., allies over Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Ukrainian News AgencyApril 19, 2022 China Will Face Serious Consequences If Helps Russia — United States The United States said it was closely monitoring China's level of support for Russia and warned of serious consequences if it provided weapons to the aggressor country or helped circumvent sanctions. This was stated by U.S. Department of State …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). U.S. lawmakers visit Georgia to expand war, Georgian war party visits Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Senator Coons has discussed deploying American troops to Ukraine. Civil GeorgiayingApril 19, 2022 U.S. Congress Delegation to Visit Georgia A delegation of the U.S. Congress will be led by the Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), to Georgia this week. The delegation will include Senators Gary Peters …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Will war party bring about collapse of German government? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Beta News AgencyApril 19, 2022 Scholz falls because of Ukraine? The German opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU/CSU) is increasingly pressuring Chancellor Olaf Scholz to send heavy weapons to Ukraine. They accuse German Chancellor of being partially responsible for the Ukrainian defense, and they also threatened him with a vote of no confidence in the Bundestag, …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). MP among Georgians fighting in Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaApril 19, 2022 Georgian MP Returns from Ukraine War Georgian MP Alexander Elisashvili, who volunteered to fight against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is returning to Georgia. Earlier today, Elisashvili wrote on Facebook that he is already in Warsaw, en route to the homeland together with his party colleague, Vice-Speaker Levan Ioseliani, who visited …

Staff (2022-04-19). How Putin Can Use 5D to End the War and Merge Russia and Ukraine THIS VERY MOMENT. anti-empire.com 10 days before the war I warned Kiev it was facing a Russian invasion, but also advised it there was a brilliant way it could thwart Putin's plan: An uncomfortable thing to do emotionally, but such is 5D judo. Unilaterally settling the status of Donetsk and Lugansk (in their favor) would have robbed Putin of an excuse to escalate the standoff into the current regime-change war. | As it was, Kiev did not listen to my advice and Moscow used precisely the pretext of Don…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Western think tanks push permanent NATO presence on Russian border, Asia-Pacific analog. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kyodo NewsApril 17, 2022 NATO needs bases on eastern border to counter Russia: experts Russia's war in Ukraine will lead to NATO radically overhauling its long-term security capabilities in Eastern Europe, defense analysts say. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is likely to establish permanent bases on its eastern flank and significantly boost spending, experts predict. …

Dave DeCamp (2022-04-19). Treasury Secretary to Press Other Countries to Ramp Up Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will press US allies to ramp up the economic pressure on Russia during meetings of World Bank and IMF members this week, The war in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed in response are expected to be major topics of discussion at the meetings, which began Monday. The Treasury official said Yellen "will use this week's meetings to work with allies to continue our united efforts to increase economic pressure on Russia while mitigating spillover e…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). State Department hails NATO ally Turkey for "holding Russia to account" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyApril 18, 2022 Turkey playing 'important role' in holding Russia to account: US Turkey is playing an "important role" in ensuring Russia is held to account for its war against Ukraine, the United States said on Monday ahead of a bilateral meeting of top diplomats. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is slated to host …

Staff (2022-04-19). Alfredo Fadraga considerado el jugador más valioso de esta semana en la Serie Nacional. cubadebate.cu El avileño Alfredo Fadraga recibió hoy votación unánime de la afición, la prensa y la comisión nacional, y mereció la condición de jugador más valioso de la 61 Serie Nacional de Beisbol en la semana del 9 al 14 de abril. El destacado atleta bateó de 18-10 en el período señalado, incluidos tres tubeyes, igual cifra de jonrones, nueve carreras empujadas y siete anotadas.

Staff (2022-04-19). Barcelona pierde frente al Cádiz y se desvanecen sus aspiraciones de ganar LaLiga. cubadebate.cu El Barcelona podía haberse acercado a su objetivo de sellar una plaza para la próxima Champions pero perdió tras siete victorias seguidas ante el Cádiz (0-1). Ganar LaLiga es casi imposible para los de Xavi Hernández. El Madrid es líder con 15 puntos de ventaja y le quedan siete para el alirón.

Staff (2022-04-19). Diputados cubanos debaten proyectos de ley sobre cultura y medio ambiente. cubadebate.cu Con la participación del presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba (Parlamento), Esteban Lazo, diputados de todo el país, debatieron sobre el Sistema de Protección de la Creación Literaria y Artística, Ley General de Protección al Patrimonio Cultural y al Patrimonio Natural, y Del Sistema de los Recursos Naturales y el Medio Ambiente.

Staff (2022-04-19). "Se equivocaron al medir la moral de nuestro pueblo, el valor de nuestro pueblo y la fuerza de una Revolución" cubadebate.cu "Hace un año, un día como hoy, se disipaba el humo de los últimos disparos de la batalla de Playa Girón. Los que lanzaron aquel ataque se imaginaron que aquello sería el fin de la Revolución; pensaron que tal vez un año después, un día como hoy, no volveríamos a estar aquí juntos pensaron que la Revolución podía ser destruido."

Staff (2022-04-19). Chapeando: La embajada que sólo funciona para echar leña al fuego pregunta qué es eso (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Girón es muchas primeras veces: primera derrota del imperialismo en América. Es la primera batalla popular por el socialismo. Es el bautizo de fuego de los milicianos cubanos. Esa es una espina que tienen clavada en la garganta. Quizás por eso han estado organizando para este 19 de abril una nueva campaña de la guerra mediática.

Staff (2022-04-19). Santiago de Cuba: Fallecen dos adolescentes en Playa Sardinero. cubadebate.cu La pérdida de la vida de dos adolescentes, fue el trágico saldo de un accidente ocurrido alrededor de las 11 de la mañana de este 18 de abril en Playa Sardinero. Todo indica que cerca del mediodía los menores fueron arrastrados por una corriente marina que les ocasionó la muerte. Esta información continúa el proceso investigativo.

Staff (2022-04-19). CTE Antonio Guiteras prevé sincronizar este martes antes del horario pico. cubadebate.cu La Central Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras, mayor y más eficiente bloque unitario en Cuba, prevé sincronizar con el Sistema Electroenergético Nacional antes del horario pico de este martes, luego de una salida imprevista en la tarde del sábado último. Actualmente se acometen acciones de soldadura en tuberías del área de caldera que pudieran finalizar esta noche.

Staff (2022-04-19). Anuncia Federación Internacional de Tiro Deportivo nuevo formato de competiciones. cubadebate.cu La Federación Internacional de Tiro Deportivo (ISSF, por sus siglas en inglés) ha comenzado un nuevo formato de competiciones y anunció el sistema de clasificación para los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024. Ya se pusieron en práctica las nuevas reglas que atañen sobre todo a las fases finales de las modalidades de escopeta, fusil y pistola.

Staff (2022-04-19). Luis Arce es el político mejor evaluado de Bolivia, según encuesta. cubadebate.cu Según los resultados de un sondeo realizado por la Agencia Boliviana de Comunicación Cultura Interactiva para el diario Página Siete, el mandatario boliviano cuenta con el 51,6 % de imagen positiva respecto a su gestión política desde que fue elegido como el presidente del país latinoamericano en 2020.

Staff (2022-04-19). Cuba reporta 239 nuevos casos de COVID-19, un fallecido y 420 altas médicas. cubadebate.cu Al cierre del día de ayer, 18 de abril, se encuentran ingresados un total de 4 818 pacientes, sospechosos 3 286, en vigilancia 59 y confirmados activos 1 473. Para la COVID-19 se realizaron un total de 5 337 muestras para la vigilancia en el día, resultando positivas 239 para 4,5% de positividad.

Staff (2022-04-19). Las 3 del día: Propuestas de la Editorial Gente Nueva para la Feria del Libro (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La trigésima Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana comenzará este 20 de abril y se extenderá hasta el día 30. Desde Las 3 del día conocerá las novedades que nos trae, especialmente, la Editorial Gente Nueva, para niños y jóvenes. Además, la periodista Thalía Fuentes nos contará cómo Cubadebate cubrirá el evento.

Staff (2022-04-19). Pagar con la mano øCómo funcionan los implantes de microchip? cubadebate.cu Cada vez que Patrick Paumen paga algo en una tienda o en un restaurante causa un revuelo. Este hombre de 37 años no necesita una tarjeta bancaria o su teléfono celular para pagar. En su lugar, simplemente pone su mano izquierda cerca del lector de tarjetas sin contacto y se realiza el pago.

Staff (2022-04-19). Festival internacional de danza llegará a calles y plazas de La Habana del 22 al 24 de abril. cubadebate.cu El Festival Internacional de Danza en Paisajes Urbanos Habana Vieja: Ciudad en Movimiento, regresa al calendario de eventos en Cuba para instalarse en sus calles y conjugar de forma magistral cotidianidad y arte. En su vigésimo sexta edición, el evento acontecerá del 22 al 24 de abril en parques, plazas y vías del centro histórico.

Staff (2022-04-19). Destacan en México calidad de vacuna cubana Abdala contra la covid-19. cubadebate.cu México calificó de muy buena la vacuna cubana Abdala, tanto en formato para adultos como para niños, según explicó el subsecretario de Prevención de Salud Pública, Hugo López-Gatell. Ante una pregunta sobre la vacunación infantil el subsecretario pidió no dejar confundirse pues México nunca se ha opuesto a vacunar niños.

Staff (2022-04-19). Girón, la victoria (+ Fotos y línea del tiempo). cubadebate.cu El 19 de abril tendrá siempre gran trascendencia en la historia de nuestra nación. Para el pueblo cubano y su naciente Revolución significó defender la soberanía del país, el suelo sagrado de la patria, defender sus intereses, sus ideales y su proceso socialista.

Staff (2022-04-19). Nueva masacre en Colombia deja cuatro muertos, entre ellos dos menores de edad. cubadebate.cu Cuatro personas, entre ellas dos menores de edad, fueron asesinadas en la zona rural de Tame, en el departamento colombiano de Arauca, fronterizo con Venezuela, cuando el vehículo en el que viajaban fue atacado por un grupo armado. Dirigentes de izquierda y activistas de organizaciones sociales de derechos humanos criticaron estos hechos.

Staff (2022-04-19). Puerta innovadora para las empresas con pérdidas. cubadebate.cu De rato en rato, el reporte de las empresas con pérdidas revuelve la alarma mediática en Cuba. Ocurrió hace cosa de un mes. Al informe gubernamental le siguió una ola de comentarios en la prensa y debates más o menos encendidos en las redes sociales. Luego, el asunto se hundió en la penumbra. Queda confiar en que apenas ha quedado medio escondido, cocinándose entre los telones de un escenario económico dominado por inflaciones y otras urgencias.

Staff (2022-04-19). Díaz-Canel intercambia con expertos sobre el estado de las neurociencias en Cuba. cubadebate.cu El estado de las neurociencias y las neurotecnologías en nuestro país centró el nuevo encuentro del presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, con académicos cubanos. El avance de estas "ciencias del cerebro" en la Isla siempre sorprende, aunque sus fundadores se empeñan en recalcar menos en lo hecho, y más en lo que falta por hacer.

Staff (2022-04-19). Cuba y Estados Unidos desarrollarán nueva ronda de conversaciones migratorias. cubadebate.cu El próximo jueves en Washington, los gobiernos de Cuba y Estados Unidos desarrollarán una nueva ronda de conversaciones migratorias, informó este martes la cancillería de la isla caribeña. El Gobierno cubano ha reiterado en múltiples escenarios su compromiso con una migración ordenada y segura y la disposición al diálogo.

Editor (2022-04-19). Chávez the Radical XXVIII: 'The Empire and the Oligarchy Will Never Accept Us'. mronline.org In this episode of "Chávez the Radical," the Venezuelan leader reminds comrades and followers that the Venezuelan oligarchy and the U.S. empire will never accept the Bolivarian Revolution.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-19). UNASUR Reaffirms Objectives 15 Years After Foundation. orinocotribune.com With the challenge of building peace, guaranteeing sovereignty, and promoting the comprehensive development of the countries of the south, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) celebrated 15 years as an integration platform, with the aim of "strengthening Bolívar's project," as Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said. | On Sunday April 17 Venezuela's head of state reiterated his nation's commitment to achieving the objectives for which the organization was born. UNASUR from its inception had the support of Commander Hugo Chávez and other progressive leaders of the continent. | "We are called to strongly r…

KWORINOCO (2022-04-19). Venezuela Condemns Vandalization and Fire at Consulate in Bogotá. orinocotribune.com This Monday, April 18, the Venezuelan government condemned the vandalization and arson which took place at the Venezuelan consulate in Bogotá earlier the same day. | Several news agencies reported that early Monday morning a serious fire broke out at the Venezuelan consulate. | The United States and its subservient government in Colombia are the leaders of recent anti-Chavista campaign and coup plotting against Venezuelan authorities. With both countries Venezuela break diplomatic relations in 2019 just days after their fail "regime change" operation using Juan Guaido as alleged interim president. Bogota as well…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Estonia: NATO conducts air-infantry exercises near Russia's border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandApril 19, 2022 Belgian F-16s conduct Air-Land training with Allies for NATO's Bold Dragon Exercise Bold Dragon provides key air-land integration training between Belgian F-16s and UK, French and Danish soldiers in the NATO multinational battalion 13-14 Apr, 22. Belgian F-16s have executed Close Air Support (CAS) training missions with NATO's multinational battalion …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Georgia scours the country recruiting soldiers to wear NATO uniforms. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseApril 19, 2022 Admission to military contract service continues The Ministry of Defense of Georgia continues to receive citizens in the contract service. An information campaign on contract military service is underway across the country. Personnel from the National Guard's area traveled by mobile recruiting vehicles to regions, towns and villages of …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Iraq summons Turkish ambassador over latest invasion. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Iraqi News AgencyApril 19, 2022 Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons the Turkish ambassador and hands him a strongly worded protest note The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned today, Tuesday, the Turkish ambassador to Iraq, Ali Riza Guney, and handed him a strongly worded protest letter against the backdrop of the continuous breaches and violations of …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Leading NATO official to address Georgian parliaments's Committee on Defence and Security. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Until recently Appathurai was the NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia. Agenda.geApril 19, 2022 NATO Deputy Assistant Sec Gen to address Georgian Parliament's Defence and Security Committee NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai will address the Committee on Defence and Security of the Parliament of Georgia on Wednesday. Appathurai …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Serbia target of hybrid war because of independent foreign policy. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyApril 19, 2022 Vulin: Serbia a target of hybrid war Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Tuesday Serbia was a target of hybrid war due to its independent policy. "Serbia is a target of hybrid war because it has an independent policy and because we have not imposed sanctions on the Russian …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Serbia will not be pulled into broader European conflict: interior minister. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyApril 19, 2022 "We will not participate in anti-Russian hysteria" Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin pointed out that Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation. He said that Serbia, headed by President Aleksandar Vucic, would not join the anti-Russian hysteria. Vulin emphasized that Russia stood …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). The lasting impact of war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagApril 18, 2022 A bomb dropped 76 years ago in Vietnam has been defused In the middle of the last century, a 300-kilogram unexploded bomb dropped during the Indochina War was defused in northern Vietnam. This was reported by the Zan Chi newspaper, AZERTAC reports. The shell was found during the repair of a bridge …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). Turkey escalates "anti-terrorist" rampage, carnage at home and abroad. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATO's rules-based international order and Euro-Atlantic values in all their majestic splendor. AzertagApril 19, 2022 So far, 26 terrorists have been neutralized during the operation in northern Iraq The number of terrorists neutralized during the next anti-terrorist operation carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces under the code name "Panja-Kilit" has reached 26. [See how …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-19). U.S. companies eager to exploit conquered Karabakh: ambassador. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyApril 19, 2022 US would like to see more of its companies operating in Azerbaijan's liberated lands — ambassador The US would like to see more of its companies operating in the Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation [in the 2020 second Karabakh war], the country's Ambassador to Azerbaijan Earle Litzenberger told Trend, …

WSWS (2022-04-19). Australian war crimes from 1999 in East Timor exposed. wsws.org The crimes included murder, the mutilation of corpses, and sexual assault and torture of prisoners, including children.

Jason Ditz (2022-04-19). Yemen's New Leaders: Our First Option Is Peace. news.antiwar.com While talking up their willingness to continue waging a protracted war if necessary, Yemen's new leadership council, which earlier this month replaced President Hadi, clearly understands that's not what's expected of it. | " The Saudi coalition is reportedly very interested in efforts toward a p…

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-04-19). Zionist army forces, settlers attack Al-Quds Mosque again. en.mehrnews.com According to media sources, the Zionist regime's military forces and settlers heavily attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied lands and territories on Tuesday morning.

Ian Angus (2022-04-19). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, April 2022. greenleft.org.au Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for activists.

Barry Healy (2022-04-19). Grief and reconciliation in the Basque struggle for liberation. greenleft.org.au The Basque liberation movement, ETA, waged war on the Spanish state for about 60 years. Maixabel is obligatory viewing to understanding the emotional and spiritual impact of armed struggle, writes Barry Healy.

Staff (2022-04-19). Taliban assured Iran to protect diplomatic missions. en.mehrnews.com In a phone call with the Iranian Foreign Minister, the Taliban's acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi has assured Tehran of full security of Iranian diplomatic facilities, and diplomats in Afghanistan.

Reihana Mohideen (2022-04-19). Philippine elections: 'For a new politics, for a new economy'. greenleft.org.au The May 9 national elections in the Philippines are taking place as the country reels under the blows of multiple system crises — climate, economic and social — compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, writes Reihana Mohideen.

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