2022-03-08: News Headlines

Fight Back (2022-03-08). Eyewitness report from Venezuela: Second day of PSUV Congress. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – The second day of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) 5th Congress, March 6, featured speeches and workshops about building the party among working people, while strengthening the role of women and youth. Facts and figures played an important part in educating the PSUV militants, with data and explanations appearing on giant video walls. However, it was the speaker's analysis of problems, and proposed solutions that kept everyone talking. | For example, there are 8 million registered to vote for the PSUV, but until now, no way to check how people participate in the party. There is…

teleSUR (2022-03-07). Cuba Condemns Renewal of US Executive Order Against Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Venezuela repudiated the decision to renew executive order 13962 of March 8, 2015, as it lacks support and real evidence, and only worked for the United States to materialize a systematic blockade against Venezuela. | The Nicolás Maduro gov't rejected Washington's renewal of the 2015 executive order branding the South American country as an "unusual and extraordinary threat" to US national security.

Staff (2022-03-07). Una nueva edad geopolítica. cubadebate.cu El 24 de febrero de 2022, fecha del inicio de la guerra en Ucrania, marca la entrada del mundo en una nueva edad geopolítica. Nos hallamos ante una situación totalmente nueva en Europa desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aunque ha habido en este continente, desde 1945, muchos acontecimientos importantes, como la caída del muro de Berlín, la implosión de la Unión Soviética y las guerras en la antigua Yugoslavia, nunca habíamos asistido a un evento histórico de semejante envergadura, que cambia la realidad planetaria y el orden mundial.

Staff (2022-03-07). Jornada de tablas en el campeonato nacional de ajedrez. cubadebate.cu La segunda ronda del campeonato nacional de ajedrez transitó en Santa Clara por un domingo apacible con la mayoría de las partidas en división del punto desde el Palacio Guillermo Garcia de esta ciudad al centro de Cuba. El bicampeón nacional, Gran Maestro (GM) Carlos Albornoz pidió el armisticio al Maestro Internacional(MI) Henry Soto.

Staff (2022-03-07). Cuba planea producir a escala industrial componentes semafóricos en 2022. cubadebate.cu La producción a escala industrial del primer lote de producción nacional de gabinetes semafóricos, cajas de control y tarjetas semafóricas, que permitan alcanzar la soberanía tecnológica en este renglón, se encuentra entre lo previsto para el segundo semestre de 2022 por la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Vial (CNSV).

Staff (2022-03-07). Nuestros niños y Soberana: °Estos datos tienen relevancia mundial! cubadebate.cu Compartimos con la comunidad científica internacional, inicialmente como preprint en el repositorio MedRxiv, los resultados del ensayo clínico SoberanaPediatria. Estos datos tienen relevancia mundial, son excelentes resultados en niños 3-18 años pero particularmente de 3-11 años, donde ha habido sus patinazos por ahí.

Staff (2022-03-07). øIm-plantar medidas para cosechar alimentos? (+ Fotos e Infografía). cubadebate.cu Toda medida relacionada con la alimentación no es efectiva hasta que no se ve reflejada en "el plato" de la población, algo que en tiempos donde la inflación monetaria aprieta, tiene ecos directos también en los "bolsillos" de la gente, en este caso particular, de los guantanameros.

Staff (2022-03-07). SNB 61: Huracanes de Mayabeque se quedan solos en la cima (+ Box score y tabla de posiciones). cubadebate.cu Tres pases de escoba se produjeron este fin de semana en la continuación de la Serie Nacional número 61, una de ellas de los Huracanes de Mayabeque para quedarse solos en la cima del campeonato. Los occidentales desataron un violento ataque de 16 imparables y vencieron por la mínima 7-6 a los Toros camagàºeyanos.

Staff (2022-03-07). El tiempo: Calor y aisladas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Estará nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental, así como en la Isla de la Juventud, con algunas lluvias, principalmente en el norte de Guantánamo. En el resto del país amanecerá con poca nubosidad, incrementándose a parcialmente nublado y se nublará en la tarde en algunas localidades de la costa norte occidental con aisladas lluvias.

Staff (2022-03-07). Batalla campal entre hinchas de Querétaro y Atlas deja un saldo de 26 heridos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Un enfrentamiento entre aficionados de los equipos mexicanos de fútbol Querétaro y el actual campeón Atlas que se disputaba el sábado, dejó al menos 26 heridos, según autoridades de protección civil locales.

Staff (2022-03-07). El "amor" que nos cuentan las películas, riesgos tras el final feliz. cubadebate.cu "A través de mi ventana", la película con que Netflix celebró "el mes del amor", nos cuenta una historia recurrente. Otra vez la plataforma de streaming propone un relato cargado de clichés y micromachismos, que naturaliza el acoso y valida las relaciones tóxicas. El filme triunfó, por supuesto, y precisamente por ello es tan preocupante.

teleSUR (2022-03-07). 300 Haitian Migrants Arrive by Boat In South Florida. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office announced that about 300 Haitian migrants arrived on a wooden boat at Ocean Reef Club, an exclusive recreation area of Key Largo in Florida, United States. | RELATED: | "At least 163 of these migrants swam to shore moments after the vessel grounded," U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Agent Walter Slosar tweeted, stressing that his office coordinated the Haitians' rescue and…

Diana Ramos Gutierrez (2022-03-07). In Puerto Rico, Paradise for a Few and Austerity for the Masses. towardfreedom.org A U.S. federal judge recently approved a debt adjustment plan for Puerto Rico, but it does not bode well for the people, as foreigners have been encouraged to enjoy the island as a tax-free paradise, reports Diana Ramos Gutiérrez.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-03-07). US Officials Meet Maduro, Fail to Drive Wedge Between Venezuela and Russia. venezuelanalysis.com Washington is seeking to isolate Moscow from its allies in Latin America but Venezuela has maintained support for Russia.

_____ (2022-03-07). Venezuela: Communard Union Holds Founding Congress, Elects Leadership. popularresistance.org Caracas ‚Äí Venezuelan communards gathered on March 3 and 4 to officially launch a national organization. | More than 450 delegates were present in El Maizal Commune, Lara State, for the founding congress of the Communard Union. The collective aims to build a network of social organizations throughout the country. | The delegates, representing 48 communes and 12 other social movements, approved the organization's political program and internal statutes, which include a political structure and mechanisms for new organizations to join. The founding documents were collated by a provisional leadersh…

Staff (2022-03-07). PSUV Congress Emphasizes Ethics & Fight Against Corruption. orinocotribune.com "Zero tolerance for corruption and the moral rottenness of a few," Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro said at the Fifth Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) on Saturday. "If they are involved in acts of corruption, in criminal acts, wherever they are, whatever they have been," added the head of state, "they will be taken to court and to prison, and punished with the greatest penalties." | PSUV President Maduro recalled that the Venezuelan government, in recent months, has detained mayors, deputies, and other public officials involved in gasoline trafficking, and others implicated in drug t…

Staff (2022-03-07). Senior US Officials to Meet with Government of President Nicolás Maduro: More NYT Fake News? orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 6, 2022 ( The first paragraph of the NYT hit piece claims that "senior US officials are traveling to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the government of President Nicolás Maduro, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Biden ad…

teleSUR (2022-03-07). Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Begins. telesurenglish.net Several delegates filled the largest theater in the city of Caracas to participate in the inaugural session of the Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the largest political party in Latin America, founded by former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. | RELATED: | The Congress aims to update the party line to the new objectives outlined by the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, for the next 8 years, summarized i…

teleSUR (2022-03-07). Venezuela Gets 69 Tons of Drugs & Medical Equipment From China. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, Venezuela's Health Ministry received a 69-ton shipment of drugs and equipment for surgery and medical protection from the Chinese government. | RELATED: | "This shipment will allow health personnel to enhance its care for COVID-19 and other chronic non-communicable diseases patients," Venezuelan Institute of Social Security President Magaly Gutierrez stated. | In 2020, the Bolivarian government opened an air…

Staff (2022-03-07). 'Senior US Officials to Meet with Government of President Nicolás Maduro:' More NYT Fake News? orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 6, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Yesterday, the New York Times (NYT) published a news piece signed by hardcore antichavista journalist Anatoly Kurmanaev, about an alleged visit of Washington top officials to Venezuela, in an attempt to weaken the solid alliance between Caracas and Moscow amid the Ukrainian conflict. | The NYT hit piece reads in its first paragraph that "senior US officials are traveling to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the government of President Nicolás Maduro, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Biden administration steps up efforts to separate Russia from…

Misión Verdad (2022-03-07). By trying to sanction the whole world, Washington backs itself into a corner. peoplesdispatch.org As the US loses Russia as a key supplier of oil, poor relations with energy giant Venezuela have a strong chance of backfiring…

JANET (2022-03-07). Alex Saab's case — U.S. Political and Legal Damage. iacenter.org Please add your support for freedom for Alex Saab. Urge others to support this campaign and to spread Alex Saab's words of resolute resistance to U.S. demands. Tens of thousands of people in the U.S. and internationally have called on the U.S. government to release this Venezuelan diplomat. Sign Now — Click here to add your name The International Action Center, along with solidarity, human rights and social justice organizations in the U.S. and around the world, calls upon the U.S. State Department and Department of Justice to end their witch hunt of Alex Saab and end the illegal unilateral sanctions against…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-03-07). US, Venezuela hold talks on oil exports to replace Russia's. en.mehrnews.com The US is seeking to ease oil sanctions on Venezuela as part of a broader US strategy to temper oil prices that have skyrocketed due to Russia's operation in Ukraine, according to people familiar with the matter.

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