(2022-03-02). President Maduro Confirms Support for Putin During Phone Call. orinocotribune.com In a telephone conversation that took place this Tuesday, March 1, the Venezuelan head of state, Nicolás Maduro, ratified the support of the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the Russian people and the administration of President Vladimir Putin, in the midst of the conflict with the Republic of Ukraine. | For this reason, the diplomatic services of the Eurasian nation reported on the phone call held by the president, as disclosed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, through social media platforms—at least those not censored by Washington and the European Union.
(2022-03-01). Colombia, US & NATO Carry Out Naval Drill near Venezuela (+Nuclear Submarine). orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 28, 2022 ( The military drill was announced by Colombian Minister for Defense, Diego Molano, through a post o…
(2022-03-01). Ukraine: Cuba Champions a Solution that Guarantees the Security and Sovereignty of All. libya360.wordpress.com Statement by the Revolutionary Government The U.S. determination to continue NATO's progressive expansion towards the Russian Federation borders has brought about a scenario with implications of unpredictable scope, which could have been avoided. United States' and NATO's military moves towards regions adjacent to the Russian Federation in recent months, preceded by the delivery of modern…
(2022-03-01). Official statement: "Cuba advocates a solution that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all" liberationnews.org The government of Cuba issued this official statement on the war in Ukraine.
(2022-03-01). Official statement: 'Cuba advocates a solution that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all'. liberationnews.org The government of Cuba issued this official statement on the war in Ukraine.
(2022-03-01). Presidente cubano recibe a ministro de Estado de Angola. cubadebate.cu El Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, recibió en la tarde de este lunes al Ministro de Estado, Jefe de la Casa Civil de la Presidencia y Co-Presidente de la Comisión Intergubernamental Cuba-Angola, excelentísimo señor Adà£o Francisco Correia de Almeida, quien realiza una visita oficial a nuestro país.
(2022-03-01). La paz del malecón habanero (+Fotos). cubadebate.cu Las tardes en el malecón habanero destilan poesía. "La Habana es una ventana al mar. Canta en mis pulmones el aire azul de La Habana. Lejos de ella, suelo estar falto del aire preciso: necesito el mar, mi mar, mi mar con su Malecón, el azul con el recuerdo, la espuma con la ilusión".
(2022-03-01). Omar Rolando: Navegar en un mar de emociones. cubadebate.cu Desde la distancia fluyó un cálido intercambio con Omar Rolando, el joven actor que, con sus "Pasos Firmes", nos regalara al intrépido Dany, ese atleta guía que cada vez más intensifica los bríos en la sólida pista de su carrera artística. Tras un telefilme que casi ni hace" debido a su edad, se produjo un torrente de oportunidades que reafirmaron su entrega.
(2022-03-01). Ucrania: la historia del Batallón Azov. cubadebate.cu El Batallón Azov opera como una empresa para la guerra. Tiene su página de reclutamiento donde ensalza la gloria de sus muertos en la campaña del Donetsk. Su símbolo es el Wolfsangel, de inconfundible linaje nazi y prohibido en Alemania.
(2022-03-01). La tierra pide más brazos ( +Podcast). cubadebate.cu Desde sus entrañas, la tierra lanza un grito lastimero. Pide más brazos y no los encuentra. No importan las 17 279 hectáreas ociosas con las cuales Artemisa cerró en 2021. Las extensiones cultivadas tampoco disponen de fuerza de trabajo suficiente para atenderlas. Según Daidée de la Candelaria Piedra, directora de capital humano del Grupo Empresarial Agropecuario y Forestal Artemisa, su fuerza total asciende a 11 446, de ellos 9542 de manera directa a la producción (897 mujeres).
(2022-03-01). Panel de expertos ONU: La mitad de la población mundial, vulnerable al cambio climático. cubadebate.cu "Las posibilidades de un futuro vivible en el planeta se reducen", advirtió la ONU este lunes. El nuevo informe del Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas (IPCC) es un verdadero "atlas del sufrimiento humano" y no deja lugar a dudas: las consecuencias del calentamiento global provocado por las actividades humanas no se limitan al futuro.
(2022-03-01). El tiempo: Día algo fresco en occidente y algunas lluvias. cubadebate.cu 🌦Estará mayormente nublado en zonas de la costa norte de occidente y centro, con chubascos ocasionales que durante la tarde se extenderán a algunas localidades del interior y sur.
(2022-03-01). Las 3 del día: øQué fue noticia este último día de febrero? ( +Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este lunes en Las 3 del día realizamos el resumen radial del último día de febrero. Pues sí, el mes del amor ha llegado a su fin, pero esperamos gratas sorpresas en marzo. En nuestro compendio noticioso incluimos informaciones políticas, económicas, deportivas, de actualidad nacional y en materia de salud. No se mueva de su asiento, que ya le damos play al debate.
(2022-03-01). Venezuela Denounces EU Censorship of RT & Sputnik. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan Minister of Communications, Freddy Alfred Nazareth àëáñez, has denounced the European Union's (EU) censorship of Russian media outlets such as RT and Sputnik, while expressing his solidarity with the employees of both companies. | Via a Twitter post, àëáñez questioned the freedom of expression and the press in Europe, suggesting these are illusions about the West that are crumbling in this era. "And what about freedoms of expression and of the press?" wrote àëáñez. "Another myth falls in the West during the 21st century. All of our solidarity is with the workers of RT and Sputnik. EU…
(2022-03-01). Plan Puma: When Argentina Ran Military Drills at the Behest of the US to Invade Venezuela. mintpressnews.com "As an active member of the Lima Group, Macri's government demonstrated an interventionist attitude in relation to Venezuela." — Argentina's Defense Minister Jorge Tayana…
(2022-03-01). PDVSA Continues Recovery with Help of China & Iran. orinocotribune.com Despite the hopeless outlook for the Venezuelan oil industry on international markets, according to "The Venezuelan oil industry has made an unexpected comeback at just the right time," stated the Latin American division of Bloomberg. "Venezuela, a founder of OPEC, home to the largest oil reserves on the planet, has doubled its production since the end of 2020, and there is still space for p…
(2022-03-01). Venezuela Repudiates Washington's Aggression Before UN Human Rights Council (+Alex Saab). orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke this Monday, February 28 at the 49th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, and denounced any intention to use the international human rights system "to replace governments not aligned with Western hegemonic interests, imposing against the countries of the South formulas of judicial colonialism seeking to replace national systems with interventionist, colonialist, foreign mechanisms, contrary to the principles of sovereignty, self-determination and complementarity." | In his speech, he also repudiated the actions of the Bank of England which, with the sup…
(2022-03-01). Venezuela's Representative to the UN Condemns US Role in the Ukrainian Situation. libya360.wordpress.com Speech by Samuel Moncada permanent representative of Venezuela at the UN General Assembly emergency special session on Ukraine.