2022-03-01: News Headlines

Staff (2022-03-01). Colombia, US & NATO Carry Out Naval Drill near Venezuela (+Nuclear Submarine). orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 28, 2022 ( The military drill was announced by Colombian Minister for Defense, Diego Molano, through a post o…

Liberation Staff (2022-03-01). Official statement: "Cuba advocates a solution that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all" liberationnews.org The government of Cuba issued this official statement on the war in Ukraine.

Staff (2022-03-01). Las 3 del día: øQué fue noticia este último día de febrero? ( +Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este lunes en Las 3 del día realizamos el resumen radial del último día de febrero. Pues sí, el mes del amor ha llegado a su fin, pero esperamos gratas sorpresas en marzo. En nuestro compendio noticioso incluimos informaciones políticas, económicas, deportivas, de actualidad nacional y en materia de salud. No se mueva de su asiento, que ya le damos play al debate.

Staff (2022-03-01). La paz del malecón habanero (+Fotos). cubadebate.cu Las tardes en el malecón habanero destilan poesía. "La Habana es una ventana al mar. Canta en mis pulmones el aire azul de La Habana. Lejos de ella, suelo estar falto del aire preciso: necesito el mar, mi mar, mi mar con su Malecón, el azul con el recuerdo, la espuma con la ilusión".

Staff (2022-03-01). El tiempo: Día algo fresco en occidente y algunas lluvias. cubadebate.cu 🌦Estará mayormente nublado en zonas de la costa norte de occidente y centro, con chubascos ocasionales que durante la tarde se extenderán a algunas localidades del interior y sur.

Staff (2022-03-01). La tierra pide más brazos ( +Podcast). cubadebate.cu Desde sus entrañas, la tierra lanza un grito lastimero. Pide más brazos y no los encuentra. No importan las 17 279 hectáreas ociosas con las cuales Artemisa cerró en 2021. Las extensiones cultivadas tampoco disponen de fuerza de trabajo suficiente para atenderlas. Según Daidée de la Candelaria Piedra, directora de capital humano del Grupo Empresarial Agropecuario y Forestal Artemisa, su fuerza total asciende a 11 446, de ellos 9542 de manera directa a la producción (897 mujeres).

Staff (2022-03-01). Omar Rolando: Navegar en un mar de emociones. cubadebate.cu Desde la distancia fluyó un cálido intercambio con Omar Rolando, el joven actor que, con sus "Pasos Firmes", nos regalara al intrépido Dany, ese atleta guía que cada vez más intensifica los bríos en la sólida pista de su carrera artística. Tras un telefilme que casi ni hace" debido a su edad, se produjo un torrente de oportunidades que reafirmaron su entrega.

Staff (2022-03-01). Ucrania: la historia del Batallón Azov. cubadebate.cu El Batallón Azov opera como una empresa para la guerra. Tiene su página de reclutamiento donde ensalza la gloria de sus muertos en la campaña del Donetsk. Su símbolo es el Wolfsangel, de inconfundible linaje nazi y prohibido en Alemania.

Staff (2022-03-01). Panel de expertos ONU: La mitad de la población mundial, vulnerable al cambio climático. cubadebate.cu "Las posibilidades de un futuro vivible en el planeta se reducen", advirtió la ONU este lunes. El nuevo informe del Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas (IPCC) es un verdadero "atlas del sufrimiento humano" y no deja lugar a dudas: las consecuencias del calentamiento global provocado por las actividades humanas no se limitan al futuro.

Staff (2022-03-01). Presidente cubano recibe a ministro de Estado de Angola. cubadebate.cu El Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, recibió en la tarde de este lunes al Ministro de Estado, Jefe de la Casa Civil de la Presidencia y Co-Presidente de la Comisión Intergubernamental Cuba-Angola, excelentísimo señor Adà£o Francisco Correia de Almeida, quien realiza una visita oficial a nuestro país.

Staff (2022-03-01). Venezuela Repudiates Washington's Aggression Before UN Human Rights Council (+Alex Saab). orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke this Monday, February 28 at the 49th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, and denounced any intention to use the international human rights system "to replace governments not aligned with Western hegemonic interests, imposing against the countries of the South formulas of judicial colonialism seeking to replace national systems with interventionist, colonialist, foreign mechanisms, contrary to the principles of sovereignty, self-determination and complementarity." | In his speech, he also repudiated the actions of the Bank of England which, with the sup…

Rick Rozoff (2022-02-28). Turkish, Ukrainian defense chiefs discuss Russian military actions. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahFebruary 28, 2022 Turkish, Ukrainian defense ministers discuss Russian attacks Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and his Ukrainian counterpart Oleksii Reznikov discussed the latest developments in Ukraine after Russia's military intervention on Monday. According to a statement from the defense ministry, Akar said that Ankara will continue working for peace in the region while also …

Benjamin Norton (2022-02-28). U.S. Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Also Target Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba. towardfreedom.org U.S. President Joe Biden's top Latin America advisor, Juan S. González, admitted U.S. sanctions against Russia aim to hurt Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. The three socialist governments condemned NATO aggression for creating the crisis in Ukraine, reports Ben Norton.

WSWS (2022-02-28). Conflict between US-NATO and Russia over Ukraine threatens nuclear war. wsws.org Sixty years after the Cuban Missile crisis, the war in Ukraine has brought the world to the point where the exchange of nuclear weapons is a real possibility.

rqorinoco (2022-02-28). Cuba and Guyana Commit to Strengthening Bilateral Ties. orinocotribune.com His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali reiterated Guyana's support and solidarity for Cuba, and spoke about strengthening cooperation in key areas during a telephone conversation Wednesday with the Spanish-speaking Caribbean island's president, Miguel Díaz-Canel. | President Ali also acknowledged the longstanding relationship between the two countries and their 50 years of diplomatic relations. | Guyana and Cuba established diplomatic relations on December 8, 1972. Given this milestone, he expressed optimism about a renewed sense of cooperation: "Guyana has benefited tremendously from the goodwill of Cuba and its people."

Staff (2022-02-28). Conferencia de prensa: Jugador de la Semana y regulación de pitcheo. cubadebate.cu Este lunes, en el salón Adolfo Luque del estadio Latinoamericano, se realizó el tradicional encuentro semanal entre los directivos del béisbol y la prensa especializada, donde se tocaron varios temas de interés. Allí fue anunciada la elección del Jugador de la Semana, que en esta oportunidad recayó en el lanzador camagàºeyano Juan Sebastián Contreras.

Staff (2022-02-28). Suben acciones de compañías chinas del sistema de pagos interbancarios por la expulsión de bancos rusos del SWIFT. cubadebate.cu Tras la decisión tomada por EE.UU., la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido, Canadá y Corea del Sur de eliminar a algunos bancos rusos del sistema interbancario SWIFT, varias compañías chinas vinculadas al sistema alternativo de pagos interbancarios del gigante asiático han comenzado a experimentar significativas ganancias…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-02-28). 33 Years After the People's Uprising: Renowned Venezuelan 'Frasso' Remembers the Caracazo (+Maduro & Padrino). orinocotribune.com 33 years after the popular rebellion of the Caracazo, journalist and photographer Francisco "Frasso" Solórzano evoked the moments that he lived as a Venezuelan, in the front lines of battle as a reporter covering the events of February 26-28, 1989. | Frasso spoke with journalist Ernesto Villegas in an interview that had the Caracazo as the central topic. There he recounted how during those hours he had to portray dozens of trucks full of the corpses of victims of the insurrection that in those days rose up against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) package promoted by then president Carlos Andrés Pérez from th…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-02-28). 33 Years After the People's Uprising: Venezuelan Renowned 'Frasso' Remembers the 'Caracazo' (+Maduro & Padrino). orinocotribune.com 33 years after the popular rebellion of the Caracazo, journalist and photographer Francisco "Frasso" Solórzano evoked moments that he lived as a Venezuelan, in the front lines of battle as a reporter covering the events of February 26-28, 1989. | Frasso spoke with journalist Ernesto Villegas in an interview that had the Caracazo as the central topic. There he recounted how during those hours he had to portray dozens of trucks full of the corpses of victims of the insurrection, that in those days rose up against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) package promoted by then president Carlos Andrés Pérez from the D…

Staff (2022-02-28). Caracas-Area Beaches Packed During Carnival Holiday. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan beaches such as Candilejas, Coral, Camurí Chico, Los Angeles, and the town of Caruao in the state of La Guaira, were packed with bathers from Caracas and Miranda state, as well as locals, for the first Carnival beach swim after the COVID-19 pandemic reopening. | The influx of bathers to the beaches of La Guaira began at 7 a.m. despite bad weather in the morning hours of Sunday, February 27, 2022. "We arrived early, the beach is clean and organized, we are with the family," said Gregori Rodríguez, who went to Macuto's Camurí Chico beach on the special Los Teques-La Guaira bus route, activated for these…

Staff (2022-02-28). Venezuela Advances Undefeated in FIBA World Cup 2023 Qualifiers. orinocotribune.com Undefeated, and with an exemplary performance in the qualifying round of the International Basketball Federation's (FIBA) World Cup 2023, the Venezuelan team advanced to the second round by beating the Paraguayan team 97-48. | The match was held at the Obras Sanitarias gym in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the Venezuelan players made clear what they are made of. Venezuela's dominating play evidenced the team's desire to continue its non-stop advance towards the World Cup. | °Venezuela invicta! Nuestra selección nacional venció a Paraguay en el cierre de la segunda…

Rick Rozoff (2022-02-28). Ukraine praises role of Turkish combat drones in fighting with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahFebruary 28, 2022 Turkey-made drones helping fight against Russia: Ukrainian envoy Turkey-made Bayraktar drones have been very efficient in Ukraine's battle against invading Russian forces, Kyiv's ambassador to Ankara, Vasyl Bodnar, said Sunday. *** The battle-tested unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have already proven their capabilities in Libya, Syria and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Turkey has …

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