(2022-01-30). There are No Untouchables: Another Gasoline Mafia Dismantled in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com In another blow to the gasoline mafia in Venezuela, within the framework of the "Iron Hand" operation against fuel mafias, several officials from Anzoátegui state were captured for being involved in fuel smuggling. Among the arrested individuals is the mayor of Independencia municipality (Soledad), Carlos Rafael Vidal Bolívar; as well as the Superior Prosecutor of Bolívar state, Manuel Junior Gil da Silva. | This was reported by the Venezuelan Minister for Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami. He also informed about the arrest of a captain of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), Antonio José Barrios González, commander o…
(2022-01-30). Perú derrota a Colombia y se acerca al Mundial de Catar 2022. telesurtv.net Venezuela, por su parte, venció a Bolivia por goleada de cuatro goles a uno con triplete de Salomón Rondón.
(2022-01-30). Honduras y Venezuela formalizan el restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas. telesurtv.net La ceremonia de entrega de documentación se llevó a cabo en el Palacio de Gobierno de Tegucigalpa, la capital hondureña.
(2022-01-29). Is Washington Under Alien Control? strategic-culture.org Biden and Blinken get everything backwards in terms of US interests | By Philip GIRALDI | The drama currently unfolding in which the Biden Administration is doing everything it can to provoke a war with Russia over Ukraine is possibly the most frightening foreign policy misadventure since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and the 1967 Lyndon Johnson attempt to sink the USS Liberty and blame it on Egypt, either of which could have gone nuclear. I can well recall the Robert Heinlein sci-fi book The Puppet Masters, later made into a movie, which described how alien-slugs, arriving by way of a flying saucer landing in Io…
(2022-01-29). Russia-Venezuela Cooperation Will Halt Aggressive US Agenda, Says Russian Ambassador. orinocotribune.com The Russian ambassador in Caracas considers that cooperation between Moscow and Caracas is a stabilizing factor in the face of United States' threats to the region. | The Russian ambassador in Venezuela, Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov, emphasized that military cooperation between Russia and Venezuela is of the utmost importance in the face of the repressive measures taken by the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) against the government of Nicolás Maduro. He made these comments in an interview to Russian news agency Sputnik, published on Friday, January 28. | "Our specialists have successfully interacte…
(2022-01-29). China planea enviar dos sondas a la Luna para 2027. cubadebate.cu La Administración Nacional Espacial China publicó un informe en el que perfila sus actividades para los próximos cinco años, que se centrarán en continuar con las tareas de exploración de la Luna y de otros objetos del sistema solar. La entidad china se propone enviar a nuestro satélite natural las sondas Chang'e 6 y Chang'e 7.
(2022-01-29). Honduras Resumes Diplomatic Relations with Venezuela. orinocotribune.com With the start of the mandate of President Xiomara Castro de Zelaya in Honduras, the Republic of Honduras normalized diplomatic relations with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Honduran leader took office this Thursday, January 27, with the announcement of very innovative measures to address the crisis of extreme poverty in her country, as well as a number of progressive measures in domestic and foreign policies. | The political, economic and cultural exchange and cooperation between Venezuela and Honduras was interrupted since 2019 when former President Juan Orlando Hernández terminated relations with th…
(2022-01-29). Honduras' new president recognizes Venezuela's real gov't; coup leader Guaidó loses drug-trafficking ally. multipolarista.com Honduras' new President Xiomara Castro, the country's first democratic leader since a 2009 US-backed coup, broke ties with unelected putschist Juan Guaidó and recognized Venezuela's constitutional President Nicolás Maduro.
(2022-01-29). Cuban doctor kidnapped in Haiti — her community protests. workers.org Jan. 23 — Dr. Daymara Pérez is a Cuban doctor who has worked in Haiti since 2019, currently at the Notre Dame Hospital in Petit-Goâve, south of Port-au-Prince. Ten days ago she was on a public bus traveling through the Martissant neighborhood, on the southern edge of Port-au-Prince, when the . . . |
(2022-01-29). Winners of the Casa de las Americas Award 2022 Announced. telesurenglish.net Works from Argentina, Cuba, and Spain were awarded literary prizes in an array of categories in the 62nd edition of the literary contest. More than 1 600 works were received and the winners were identified among 150 finalists. | The Casa de las Américas literature award has returned after it was called off due to the pandemic in 2021. The literary contest received over 1 600 applications including 759 in novels, 755 in poetry and 97 in essays. Jan. 29, 2022.
(2022-01-29). Anuncian obras ganadoras del Premio Casa de las Américas 2022. telesurtv.net Reconocen a autores de España, Cuba y Argentina. Se recibieron más de 1.600 obras y las premiadas se identificaron entre 150 finalistas.
(2022-01-29). Frente frío: Afectaciones en líneas eléctricas de municipios habaneros. cubadebate.cu Producto del paso del frente frío en la madrugada y mañana de este sábado en La Habana, los fuertes vientos han afectado las líneas eléctricas provocando interrupciones a clientes residenciales en los municipios Playa, Plaza de la Revolución, San Miguel del Padrón, Habana del Este y Diez de Octubre.
(2022-01-29). Obras de Argentina, Cuba y España galardonadas en Premio Casa de las Américas 2022. cubadebate.cu La Casa de las Américas otorgó este viernes los premios correspondientes a la 62 edición de su concurso literario, uno de los más antiguos y prestigiosos del continente. En esta ocasión, autores de Argentina, Cuba y España recibieron los galardones en las categorías de novela, poesía y ensayo de tema histórico-social.
(2022-01-29). Cuba reporta 3 059 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y dos fallecidos. cubadebate.cu Al cierre de este viernes 28 de enero estaban ingresados 28 746 pacientes: 14 192 sospechosos, 132 en vigilancia y 14 422 confirmados (casos activos). De 28 114 muestras analizadas, 3 059 resultaron positivas, y fueron dadas 3 331 altas, informó el Minsap en su parte diario.
(2022-01-29). Los efectos del bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba llegan hasta el Parlamento Europeo. cubadebate.cu Diputados del Parlamento Europeo y de la delegación del Grupo de la Izquierda de ese órgano legislativo denunciaron el carácter extraterritorial del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos contra Cuba, el cual ha afectado el viaje oficial de varios eurodiputados y funcionarios a la Isla.
(2022-01-29). 'Cuba's socialist revolution sets an example for working people'. themilitant.com Halfway through the Jan. 1 to Feb. 15 international "I worked in hospitals for decades," Militant reader Jannie Jackson told SWP members Kaitlin Estill and Jacquie Henderson when they stopped by her home in Cincinnati Jan. 18…
(2022-01-29). To the People of Cuba: Is Washington Preparing a "Soft Coup"? The Co-optation of Cuban Intellectuals. globalresearch.ca The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle…
(2022-01-29). Participa Díaz-Canel en asamblea de balance del Partido en San José de las Lajas. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia del primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, se inició la asamblea de balance de la máxima organización política en el municipio San José de las Lajas, capital de Mayabeque.
(2022-01-29). Havana Syndrome, the U.S.'s Monumental Hoax. mronline.org Last week, the United States decided to recognize for the first time in five years that the phenomenon baptized as "Havana Syndrome" is nothing more than a big farce. On Thursday, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that its allegations against Cuba for the so-called "health incidents" suffered by CIA officials in La Havana back in 2016 were not caused by "a deliberate attack."
(2022-01-29). Disponible aplicación Banmet de Banco Metropolitano con nuevas prestaciones. cubadebate.cu El Banco Metropolitano lanzó una nueva versión de su aplicación informática Banmet que incorpora nuevas prestaciones para sus casi dos millones de clientes en la capital. La herramienta para móviles está disponible en APKlis y ofrece el acceso a informaciones sobre los productos y servicios de la entidad con 120 oficinas en La Habana.
(2022-01-29). Silencian página web de Resumen Latinoamericano Cuba a causa del bloqueo (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Este 27 de enero, la web cubaenresumen.org, del sitio Resumen Latinoamericano, quedó silenciada como consecuencia del bloqueo estadounidense contra Cuba. El intento absurdo de silenciarnos deja al desnudo la mentira y la hipocresía sobre la tan manipulada libertad de prensa e información, informó en un comunicado la publicación.
(2022-01-29). The 'next Cuba' will not be colonized. workers.org The following, lightly edited article first appeared in Resumen Latinoamericano — English Jan. 18, 2022. By Pedro Jorge Velázquez There are failures that I guess you get a taste for, or how can it be possible for the defeated to regenerate into new forms of failure? Are they guided by . . . |
(2022-01-29). El tiempo: Día invernal y algunas lluvias en centro y oriente. cubadebate.cu La tarde será fría con temperaturas que alcanzarán máximas entre los 19 y 22 grados Celsius en el occidente y el centro, entre los 24 y 27 grados Celsius en el oriente, llegando hasta los 31 grados Celsius en el sur oriental. Desde la tarde bajarán las temperaturas para ser una noche muy fría con temperaturas entre los 16 y 19 grados Celsius, hasta los 22 ∫C en el sur oriental.
(2022-01-29). Haiti's Migrant Crisis & the Blind Eye to Imperialism's Sins. orinocotribune.com By Rainer Shea — Jan 27, 2022 | Last year, when photos came out of Texas border patrols riding on horseback to use whip-like reins for intimidating Black Haitian migrants, the United States was confronted with an uncomfortable reality about how our society is set up. | Images like these were supposed to be confined to America's era of slavery, yet here they were today. What factors had led to the situation revealed in these photos? Why had these migrants fled their homes? How much was the United States to blame? Beyond the unnerving optics, how many parallels were there between the context behind the border…
(2022-01-29). Mayor parte de los haitianos desea emigrar, según encuesta. telesurtv.net La crisis económica en la que está sumido el país caribeño se vio exacerbada con la Covid-19.
(2022-01-29). Guaidó May Ask US to Ease Sanctions on Venezuela for Government to Return to Dialogue with Opposition. orinocotribune.com According to a report from Guaidó stated that this plan is "on the table, aimed at strengthening the opposition in its role as…
(2022-01-29). Jeanine àÅñez and Juan Guaidó: Professional Swindlers. orinocotribune.com By José Llamos Camejo — Jan 25, 2022 | Miserably infamous, Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed "president" of Venezuela, on Washington's orders, makes no secret of his nature. He is a hybrid of kleptomania and submission, two elements valued by his imperialist puppet master. | From the beginning, he has operated with bravado, carefully honoring his position, follwoign the two "algorithmic" elements of his status: "Steal and obey." | He carried out his first assignment to the letter, proclaiming himself president—in charge of what, who? The answers were anticipated by the facts. The Trump administration arbitr…
(2022-01-29). Venezuelan Opposition Looking to Reshuffle Leadership. orinocotribune.com The far-right in Venezuela is pushing for a change in leadership, which until now has been organized around former deputy Juan Guaidó, the self-appointed "interim president," with the backing of the United States, some European nations and Colombia. | This statement was made this Thursday, January 27, by Miami-based journalist Gaby Perozo, for the television channel VPI TV, during an interview in which she commented on her recent discussion with the fugitive from Venezuelan justice, Antonio Ledezma. | "Yesterday we spoke with Antonio Ledezma and he revealed to us that, indeed, there have been some meetings within…
(2022-01-29). COVID-19 pandemic led to increase in extreme poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean, reports ECLAC. peoplesdispatch.org According to ECLAC's annual report, extreme poverty rate in the region rose from 13.1% in 2020 to 13.8% in 2021, a setback of 27 years…
(2022-01-29). Panamá y Colombia triunfan en inicio de Serie del Caribe de Béisbol. telesurtv.net Los anfitriones de República Dominicana es el país que más títulos posee en Series del Caribe con 21 coronas.