(2022-01-08). Women in the Haitian Revolution. orinocotribune.com By Tristan Graham — Jan 6, 2022 | The 1791 slave uprising of Saint-Domingue was the largest and most successful slave revolt in modern history. It transformed one of the wealthiest colonies in the world into a new nation led by the black leaders of the Revolution. Because Saint-Domingue was a French colony, the French Revolution was inextricably linked to the Revolution in Saint-Domingue, however, the two Revolutions functioned in largely separate spheres not least because of the ocean that separated them. The struggle for liberation took on a particularly bloody and brutal shape on the island of Saint-Domin…
(2022-01-08). El día que La Habana abrazó a los rebeldes triunfantes. cubadebate.cu "Todos los sonidos de la ciudad se unieron al vocerío de las muchedumbres: las sirenas de los barcos, las campanas de las iglesias, las bocinas de los autos, los silbatos de las fábricas… La garganta del pueblo enronquecía en un grito: °Viva Fidel! °Viva Cuba Libre! °Viva la Revolución!"
(2022-01-08). 'I really like the Militant's coverage of today's strikes'. themilitant.com The six-week drive to win more than 300 current Militant readers to Among recent subscribers are strikers met on union picket lines, family farmers and taxicab drivers fighting crushing debt; opponents of the U.S. rulers' economic war against Cuba's socialist revolution; and hundreds of working people who subscribed after Soc…
(2022-01-08). Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía anuncia inauguración de Observatorio cubano-ruso. cubadebate.cu Gracias al convenio de colaboración con el Instituto de Astronomía Aplicada (IPA) y el Instituto de Astronomía (INASAN), ambos de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, el Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía de Cuba alberga en una pequeña construcción coronada por una cúpula blanca automatizada el nuevo Observatorio cubano-ruso, cuya inauguración tendrá lugar el próximo 14 de enero, en saludo al día de la Ciencia Cubana.
(2022-01-08). Estudio revela que los perros pueden identificar entre idiomas humanos familiares y ajenos. cubadebate.cu Además, a partir de un conjunto de patrones de actividad específicos para el lenguaje encontrados en la corteza auditiva secundaria, el estudio descubrió que los perros son capaces de distinguir entre dos idiomas. Se trata de la primera muestra de que un cerebro no humano es capaz de diferenciar entre idiomas distintos.
(2022-01-08). Colombia and Ecuador Join the Lawfare Campaign Against Alex Saab. orinocotribune.com The Colombian government has made clear its intention to join in the lawfare campaign against Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who has been illegally imprisoned in the United States since October 16, 2021. | Moreover, on January 11 a group of extreme right-wing spokespersons from Ecuador will present to Colombian President Iván Duque a series of documents as supposed evidence of alleged links between Saab and some Colombian companies accused of having committed various felonies. This announcement was made by Fernando Villavicencio Valencia, president of the Supervisory Commission of the National Assembly of Ecuador…
(2022-01-08). Venezuelan Government and Opposition to Resume Mexico Talks? orinocotribune.com A statement issued by the Venezuelan hard right opposition's Unitary Platform (PU) expresses their willingness to return to the dialogue table that had been underway in Mexico City last year. The talks were being mediated by the Kingdom of Norway, with the accompaniment of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. | Through the statement published on social media, the extreme right delegation of the Unitary Platform stressed that the agenda that had been discussed in the negotiations is "more timely and urgent than ever." | PU is thus trying to minimize the harm done to Venezuelan diplomat Alex S…
(2022-01-08). Some Reflections on Venezuela's Resiliency. orinocotribune.com By Maria Páez Victor — Jan 5, 2022 | The end of the year 2021 has come and as customary, we reflect upon what we have lived during it. | Pandemic | First to be considered is the pandemic. We thought that with the roll out of the vaccines we would see the ebbing of the epidemic. But it has not been so. | ‚Ä¢ The USA continues to be the epicenter of the pandemic with 167,302 cases per million, and 2,537 deaths per million. | ‚Ä¢ It is followed in severity by India, Brazil, Great Britain, Russia, Turkey, France, Germany, Iran, Spain and Italy. | ‚Ä¢ Canada is numb…
(2022-01-08). Venezuela adapts to cryptocurrencies. america.cgtn.com Cryptocurrencies as a payment method are gaining ground in Latin America, but one country stands out among them. Venezuela's economic crisis has pushed many citizens to turn to cryptos to preserve their weakened incomes.
(2022-01-08). Argentina Assumes Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC. orinocotribune.com Argentina has assumed the pro tempore presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for the year 2022, announcing its vision to strengthen the unity of the region and to further advance regional integration. | Argentina will replace Mexico as the president state of CELAC after the latter had been in charge of the organization for more than a year, as meetings and elections had been postponed in the midst of the pandemic. | During the plenary session of the 22nd Summit of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the CELAC, which was held this Friday, January 7, at the San Martín Palace in Buenos A…