(2021-12-13). The ALBA-TCP Summit To Foster Latin American Sovereignty. telesurenglish.net Cuba's Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Josefina Vidal said that 19th Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples' Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) to be held in Havana on Tuesday will strengthen Latin American sovereignty. | RELATED: | "The Summit will be a good opportunity to assess the regional scenario, actions to guarantee peace and stability, and political agreements to prevent interfere…
(2021-12-13). ALBA Denounces US' Criminal Use of COVID Against Other Nations. telesurenglish.net The executive secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), Sacha Llorenti, ratified this Monday the regional bloc as a mechanism for strengthening Latin American unity. | Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP Sacha Llorenti said Tuesday, "We are proud to hold the first face-to-face summit in Cuba. Despite the challenges we remain steadfast, as ALBA continues to be as necessary as it was 17 years ago."
(2021-12-13). Danny Shaw on Honduras & Venezuela Elections + Movements in Haiti. towardfreedom.org Danny Shaw reported back on the Venezuela elections and his latest journey to meet with the movements in Haiti during Toward Freedom's December 2, 2021 webinar.
(2021-12-13). Highland Resistance: How the Che Guevara Commune Confronts the Crisis. libya360.wordpress.com Cira Pascual Marquina and Chris Gilbert First-hand accounts of the impact of the US sanctions on a coffee and cocoa growing commune in the Venezuelan Andes. The Che Guevara Commune lies on the fertile hillsides that rise up from the shores of Lake Maracaibo in western Venezuela. Historically this has been a cocoa-growing region but…
(2021-12-13). Venezuela: Why Chavismo Must Win in Barinas. libya360.wordpress.com Eder Peña Santo Domingo river canyon, in Barinitas, Barinas state (Photo: Archive). From the valley of the Santo Domingo river comes a strong wind called "Barinés" that descends from the Andean mountain range in a west-east direction during the rainy season, against the prevailing trade winds in most of the country. Contrary to what a…
(2021-12-13). Venezuelan Central Bank Latest Figures: Hyperinflation Might be Officially Gone Next Month. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 12, 2021 ( According to the most accepted definition of hyperinflation, a country gets out of this phenomenon aft…
(2021-12-13). Biden vs. Maduro: øCambio de ruta? globalizacion.ca El reconocimiento del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro como representante legítimo de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y las contradicciones emergentes dentro de los sectores más extremistas del antichavismo, exhiben el fracaso de…
(2021-12-13). Over 80 Percent Of The Venezuelan Population Is Already Vaccinated. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Venezuela's Territorial Minister Mervin Maldonado reported that 81 percent of the population has already been vaccinated against the COVID-19 pandemic. | RELATED: | Following the Vaccination Plan promoted by President Nicolas Maduro, the authorities hope to reach 90 percent of the immunized population by the end of December. | "We invite all those people who have not yet been vaccinated to get vaccinate…
(2021-12-13). Bolivia & Venezuela Urge To Strengthen LATAM Integration. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Vice Presidents David Choquehuanca (Bolivia) and Delcy Rodriguez (Venezuela) met in Caracas, where they ratified their countries' commitment to strengthen regional integration and fight social injustices. | RELATED: | "On behalf of our people, we received Choquehuanca and sent a message of peace and brotherhood to Bolivia," Rodriguez tweeted, stressing that her government defends Simon Bolivar'
(2021-12-13). TeleSUR Denounces Censorship Of Its Instagram Account. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Latin American multistate company teleSUR reported that its official Instagram account was arbitrarily deactivated without prior notice. | RELATED: | The teleSUR team considers this act of censorship as another attempt to silence an independent outlet that gives voice to the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. | Faced with what happened, it reaffirmed its determination to remain firm in showing the…
(2021-12-13). Korean Feminists Shout "Ni Una Menos" (Not One Less). peoplesdispatch.org November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The date was first selected in 1981 to honor three sisters who had fought against the dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. In 2000, it was designated an international day by the United Nations. | The Korean government also designated the week for the elimination of violence against women in 1981, but reality hasn't changed a lot since then. That is why the Seoul Women's Association (SWA) and its sister organization the College Feminist Club Association decided to perform "Un violador en tu camino" ("A Rapist in Your Path"). The…
(2021-12-12). Cuba condemns politicization of Beijing Winter Olympics. ecns.cn The Cuban Olympic Committee (COC) on Friday condemned the politicization of the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
(2021-12-12). Muere a los 81 años el cantante mexicano Vicente Fernández. cubadebate.cu El cantante mexicano Vicente Fernández, ídolo popular de las rancheras, ha fallecido este domingo a los 81 años, según lo anunció su familia en un comunicado publicado en la cuenta oficial de Instagram del cantante. | "Lamentamos comunicarles su deceso el día domingo 12 de diciembre a las 6: 15 am", reza el comunicado.
(2021-12-12). COVID-19 en el mundo: øCómo se comporta la pandemia? cubadebate.cu Rusia registró hoy 29 mil 929 nuevos casos de Covid-19, la menor cifra desde el pasado 13 de octubre, según el estado mayor nacional para el enfrentamiento al coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Con esta cantidad, suman 10 millones 16 mil 896 los positivos en el país desde el inicio de la pandemia. En este momento, 986 mil 58 rusos continúan bajo tratamiento médico.
(2021-12-12). El Mayor niño en la película El Mayor. cubadebate.cu Alejandro se embulló cuando vio por Cubavisión el spot convocando a menores interesados en interpretar el personaje de Ignacio Agramonte en la película El Mayor. El papá lo recogió en la escuela primaria José Luis Tassende, donde estudiaba y lo invitó a entrar en la sala teatral aledaña, escogida para iniciar el proyecto de selección.
(2021-12-12). Cuba reporta 62 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y ninguna persona fallecida. cubadebate.cu Al cierre del día de ayer, 11 de diciembre, se encuentran ingresados 2 mil 778 pacientes, sospechosos 2 mil 185, en vigilancia 262 y confirmados activos 331. Para la COVID-19 se realizaron un total de 18 mil 970 muestras para la vigilancia en el día, resultando positivas 62. El país acumula 11 millones 328 mil 647 muestras realizadas y 963 mil 628 positivas.
(2021-12-12). El diario perdido de Humboldt llega a Cuba. cubadebate.cu Durante mucho tiempo este tesoro escrito, que contiene el diario de Humboldt en La Habana, se consideró perdido, hasta que reapareció en 2005. Hoy regresa a Cuba mediante una nueva publicación en español. La Colección Ediciones Bachiller, de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí, tiene el privilegio y la premier mundial de llevarlo al papel.
(2021-12-12). Chile: Exigen reparación integral para las víctimas de violaciones de Derechos Humanos. cubadebate.cu El Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos de Chile (INDH) pidió el sábado al Estado una ley de reparación integral a las víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos ocurridas durante las manifestaciones de 2019 en el país suramericano. Sergio Micco, director del INDH, hizo la demanda tras lamentar el suicidio del joven Patricio Pardo, de 26 años.
(2021-12-12). Lennon: El recuerdo perenne, el homenaje siempre. cubadebate.cu Hace pocos días se cumplió otro aniversario de la muerte de John Lennon. A propósito le compartimos este fotorreportaje que ilustra la presencia de este símbolo de la música en varios escenarios, desde New York a La Habana. Flores, versos, música, escultura.
(2021-12-12). Ciencia, tecnología y propiedad de las empresas: øCuál es el vínculo? cubadebate.cu Construir el socialismo implica construir una base económica que sea propiedad de la sociedad en su conjunto. Con diversas modalidades y actores, y diversas formas de propiedad (como establece nuestra Constitución), pero siempre en función de los intereses de toda la sociedad.
(2021-12-12). El Baràßa cede en los minutos finales y empata 2-2 ante el Osasuna. cubadebate.cu El coraje de Gavi, el oportunismo de Nico y el descaro de Abde no le bastaron al Barcelona de Xavi para iniciar la tan anunciada nueva era con una victoria en Pamplona. El Baràßa empató a dos en El Sadar en un típico partido entre equipos de media tabla después de que en los minutos finales del duelo el equipo blaugrana volviera a diluirse ante el empuje del rival.
(2021-12-12). November Elections in Latin America Panel: A South to North Perspective. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 4, 2021 (OrinocoTribune.com)—On November 29, Orinoco Tribune, within the framework of its third anniversary celebration, organized a panel with experts about the very busy electoral schedule in Latin America during the month of November. These included presidential and parliamentary elections held in Nicaragua on November 7, followed by parliamentary elections in Argentina seven days later, and then regional and municipal elections in Venezuela and presidential elections in Chile one week after that, and presidential and regional elections in Honduras on November 28. We added Mexico to the…
(2021-12-12). Calderon Berti: G4 Cannot Have Monopoly on Power. orinocotribune.com Humberto Calderon Berti, former Venezuelan "ambassador" to Colombia illegally appointed by Juan Guaidó, have made some new and controversial statements in a recent interview, calling for an end to the G4 monopoly, which reveals, among other things, the internal contradictions within the hard right opposition platform. G4 is the group of hard core extreme right political parties of Venezuela that have supported the failed US "Guaido project," and comprises the parties Popular Will, Democratic Action, Un Nuevo Tiempo, and Justice First. | Berti is known for making public the theft of "humanitarian aid" money in 201…
(2021-12-12). Venezuela Receives Russian Sputnik Light Vaccine Booster Doses. telesurenglish.net Venezuela's Health Ministry Saturday reported the arrival of 2,611,000 doses of the Russian-produced Sputnik Light vaccine to continue the immunization process in the Bolivarian nation. | RELATED: | The Sputnik Light vaccine will be used as a booster dose in the health and education sector personnel who received a vaccine. | The Bolivarian nation has at least 80 percent of the population with a COVID-19 vaccine dos…
(2021-12-12). Barbados: The Long Road To The Republic. popularresistance.org On November 30, 2021, on the 55th anniversary of its political independence, Barbados will become a republic. It is commonly assumed this was some sudden decision by Mia Mottley's government. The most bizarre suggestion came from British voices, who asserted this had to do with Barbados tilting to China. But the roots of this change go back decades, and are anchored in the politics of the wider Caribbean. | Forbes Burnham's decision in 1970 to proclaim the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and Eric Williams's push towards the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in 1976, are the key precedents. Both were underpinned by…
(2021-12-12). A Holistic Approach is Needed to Respond to Future Shocks in the Caribbean. moderndiplomacy.eu I started my new job as World Bank Director for the Caribbean this summer and I must say it was baptism by fire. Although, luckily, the 2021 hurricane season in the Caribbean was not that bad, the region saw quite a few serious calamities. In April, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines dealt with a volcano, …