Daily Archives: November 7, 2021

2021-11-07: News Headlines

teleSUR (2021-11-07). 52% Of Nicaraguans Aged Two Years and Older Has a Vaccine. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, Nicaragua's Vice President Rosario Murillo reported that 52 percent of the population aged two years and older have already received a COVID-19 vaccine. | RELATED: | She highlighted that the vaccination process would be intensified as of Monday due to the application of booster doses to control the disease. | On Friday, the Central American nation received a shipment of Cuban -developed Soberana 02 vaccine to comple…

Staff (2021-11-07). Nicaragua abre las urnas este domingo para sus comicios generales. cubadebate.cu Los comicios generales para la selección del presidente, vicemandataria y diputados comienzan este domingo en Nicaragua, con un padrón electoral de más de cuatro millones de votantes y seis candidatos al máximo puesto gubernamental. Debido a las condiciones sanitarias, la campaña de los aspirantes trascurrió hasta el 3 de noviembre último.

teleSUR (2021-11-07). Venezuelan Lawmakers Accompany Nicaraguan Elections. telesurenglish.net The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) announced that lawmakers Julio Chavez, Marelis Perez, and Fernando Soto traveled to Managua to participate as international companions in the Nicaraguan elections, which are held this Sunday. | RELATED: | "By doing so, they assume their commitment to solidarity and inform the world that the Nicaraguan people are on their feet, with joy and enthusiasm for the elections," t…

Staff (2021-11-07). 📨 Modo Avión: Ni una felpita más. cubadebate.cu Volvemos con eso de poner su teléfono en Modo Avión, porque de eso se trata esta locura. Primero, ni una felpita más. øAún no sabe de qué va este rollo ridículo de las felpitas? Acá te lo explicamos clarito. Paso a paso, des-pa-ci-to…yaaaa, que luego Daddy Yankee y Luis Fonsi dicen que usamos sus estribillos. Ilusos. Este aterrizaje necesita de cinturones fuertes.

Staff (2021-11-07). Abogados aún buscan a los familiares de 270 niños separados en la frontera bajo el gobierno de Trump. cubadebate.cu Un expediente judicial asegura que todavía existen abogados que buscan a los padres de 270 niños migrantes que fueron separados en la frontera con México bajo el gobierno de Donald Trump. Aunque la cifra es inferior a los 303 de septiembre, representa que todavía hay familias que no han podido ser reunificadas y viven bajo el drama de la 'tolerancia cero'.

Staff (2021-11-07). Cuba inicia nuevo protocolo sanitario para viajeros internacionales. cubadebate.cu Desde hoy, quienes lleguen a la nación caribeña no tendrán que aislarse por un periodo de tiempo en espera de los resultados del diagnóstico de la Covid-19, un paso previo a otras medidas que se implementarán desde el próximo 15 de noviembre. En esa fecha el país volverá a recibir pasajeros en todas sus terminales aéreas.

Staff (2021-11-07). Cuba reporta 483 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y solo un fallecido. cubadebate.cu Para la COVID-19 se realizaron un total de 21 mil 695 muestras para la vigilancia en el día, resultando 483 positivas. El país acumula 10 millones 668 mil 223 muestras realizadas y 955 mil 981 positivas.

Staff (2021-11-07). La Timba en pleno renacimiento. cubadebate.cu El viernes 22 de octubre, hace poco más de dos semanas, el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez visitó el barrio habanero de La Timba. Un listado de las necesidades más perentorias de la población y de las acciones a cumplir guió el recorrido. "La Timba es puro ajetreo, todos sus espacios se reaniman, sus habitantes hacen y agradecen", publicó entonces el Sitio de la Presidencia en su cuenta en Twitter. El ajetreo aumenta; las obras terminadas y el agradecimiento, también.

Staff (2021-11-07). Parlamento cubano califica de injerencista la resolución aprobada por el Congreso de Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Condenamos este nuevo engendro anticubano y alertamos una vez más a los legisladores de todo el mundo acerca de estos planes y sobre el incremento de la retórica agresiva y amenazante utilizada por funcionarios del gobierno y miembros del legislativo estadounidense, destinada a justificar una posible nueva escalada en la política de confrontación de Estados Unidos de América contra nuestro país.

Staff (2021-11-07). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 7 de noviembre de 2021. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2021-11-07). Residencia del Primer Ministro iraquí sufre ataque con dron. cubadebate.cu La residencia del primer ministro de Iraq, Mustafa al Kadhimi, fue atacada este domingo en Bagdad con un dron cargado de explosivos, hecho calificado por el Ejército iraquí como "intento de asesinato". Tras el asalto, Al Kadhimi aseguró en su cuenta de Twitter que "está bien" y pidió a la población mantener "la calma y la moderación por el bien de Iraq".

Staff (2021-11-07). Van contra Cuba y van contra todos en nuestra América. cubadebate.cu Sobre esta hora, hace 45 años, se iniciaba en Caracas el vuelo 455 del DC-8 de Cubana de Aviación que, después de una escala en Barbados, sobre las 17: 15 horas locales, estallaría en pleno vuelo sobre el Mar Caribe, con sus 73 pasajeros y tripulantes civiles, incluido el equipo nacional juvenil de esgrima que acaba de conquistar el Campeonato Centroamericano y del Caribe.

sputniknews (2021-11-07). Son of Slain Haitian President Says Was Attacked on Day of His Father's Assassination. sputniknews.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The son of assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moise, Joverlein Moise, said that he suffered an armed assault on the day his father was shot dead.

_____ (2021-11-07). Newly Released Documents Expose US Intelligence Meddling In Venezuelan Elections Via Social Media. popularresistance.org America's interference in the electoral process in Venezuela is laid bare in a series of files that reveal how Washington provided significant investment to train political activists in campaigning effectively online. Documents released to researchers under the US Freedom of Information Act have revealed how US intelligence fronts weaponized social media to promote Venezuela's right-wing opposition, and assist their election to parliament, thus laying the foundations for Washington's appointment of Juan Guaido as the country's leader in January 2019.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-11-07). Minister Plasencia Responds to Borrell's Latest Comments. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Felix Plasencia categorically repudiated the latest interventionist comments issued by the high representative of the European Union (EU), Josep Borrell, regarding the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. | Through his social media accounts, the Venezuelan foreign affairs minister confirmed that Venezuela has its doors open for the EU to observe the electoral process, just as the country has opened its doors to many other movements, governments and international organizations. | "On his tour of neighboring countries, he insists on dedicating his rhetoric ag…

Peoples Dispatch (2021-11-07). Venezuela vaccinates 67% of its population against COVID-19. mronline.org Despite the U.S. blockade against Venezuela, the socialist government led by President Nicolás Maduro has been carrying out a successful mass vaccination drive against COVID-19…

Staff (2021-11-07). CNE to Open Probe Against PSUV and Opposition Candidates for Electoral Campaign Violations. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, November 6, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) reported that it will open administrative probes against several candidates and political parties running in the 2021 Regional and Municipal Elections, for having violated the regulations on Electoral Campaign and Propaganda. | According to a press release by the electoral body, CNE authorities unanimously agreed to open administrative inquiries against David Uzcátegui (opposition), who is running for…

teleSUR, JL (2021-11-07). CNE venezolano culmina nueva auditoría para elecciones del 21N. telesurtv.net La nueva jornada de auditoría se efectuó en el estado venezolano de Lara.

teleSUR, JL (2021-11-07). Venezuela y Perú fortalecen mecanismos consulares. telesurtv.net Durante el encuentro, las autoridades diplomáticas de ambos países abordaron temas como la migración, así como programas bilaterales de inclusión y tolerancia.

Olivia Engling (2021-11-07). COP26: New Research Shows Latin American and Caribbean Countries Face Growing Climate Risk. indybay.org Washington DC — As climate talks continue in Scotland, new research shows that developing countries lack the resources to respond to the climate crisis.

Staff (2021-11-06). FILVEN 2021: Ignacio Ramonet Expresses Admiration for Over 100 Books Published in Times of Pandemic — Book on Alex Saab Case. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, November 4, at the inauguration of the 17th International Book Fair of Venezuela (FILVEN), the Spanish journalist and political analyst Ignacio Ramonet expressed his admiration for Venezuela for having achieved the publication of more than 100 books in times of the pandemic and in the background of the ever-present blockade. | "This is a feat that should be applauded, and I express my admiration," stressed Ramonet, and praised the choice of venue for the book fair, because "it is worth recalling what is at stake here in Venezuela, which is precisely democracy." The official venue for the 17th edition…

A Guest Author (2021-11-06). Alex Saab's case—Legally, politically damaging to the U.S. workers.org The following is based on a statement on the case of diplomatic Special Envoy Alex Saab — kidnapped by the U.S. for attempting to ameliorate the dire conditions wreaked on Bolivarian Venezuela by U.S. sanctions — and was issued Nov. 5 by the International Action Center. The statement has been . . . |

scorinoco (2021-11-06). The Prosecution of Alex Saab: The Latest Attempt to Strangle Venezuela. orinocotribune.com By Caleb T. Maupin — Oct 29, 2021 | A businessman and diplomat now sits in a US Federal Detention Facility in Miami awaiting trial, part of the latest move in continuous US efforts to destabilize South America. | Writing for the Wall Street Journal on May 24, 2018 Anatoly Kurmanaev wrote: "When I arrived in Venezuela in 2013, the party was still on. Oil was fetching $100 a barrel, and Mr. Maduro's populist government was showering petrodollars on everyone. The Caracas skyline was dotted with grandiose construction projects, steakhouses were buying vintage Scotch by the container load and hotels had to be res…

teleSUR (2021-11-06). 'Saab's Case Is Wrong and Inconsistent', Lawyer Rivkin Says. telesurenglish.net Speaking in an interview offered to teleSur, attorney David Rivkin assured that Alex Saab's extradition was illegal and improper as the U.S. has no grounds to deny the Venezuelan official's diplomatic status. | RELATED: | Rivkin offered an update on the appeal proceeding being taken before the 11th Circut Court of Appeal in Florida. He remarked that the legal team holds Saab's Special Envoy to Iran status granted…

Seth Galinsky (2021-11-06). SWP campaign points the road forward for all working people. themilitant.com Today's discussion about what workers can do to fight back against the relentless attacks of the bosses and their government continues broadly, as results of the Nov. 2 elections offer no solutions for working people. | Socialist Workers Party campaigners continue to present the party and its program as they talk to working people on their doorsteps; build solidarity with workers striking for better conditions and wages; and join protests against the U.S. embargo of Cuba and in solidarity with working people in Sudan fighting to overturn the military coup there. | They explain why organizing solidarity with today…

teleSUR -HIM (2021-11-06). Cuba aumentará producción de vacunas en laboratorio del Mariel. telesurtv.net El laboratorio CIGB-Mariel es el más moderno de su tipo en Cuba y uno de los más avanzados de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

Assata Shakur (2021-11-06). Assata Shakur: 'Fight tooth and nail to save Mumia's life and free him'. workers.org Note: This statement was recorded at Radio Havana in Cuba in 1998 and featured on "All Things Censored: Vol. 1, 1998" by Mumia Abu-Jamal. "The first time I heard a tape of one of Mumia's radio broadcasts, it was the first time I fully understood why the United States government . . . |

Staff (2021-11-06). Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones en el servicio este sábado. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informa que no habrá afectaciones al servicio eléctrico por déficit de capacidad de generación este sábado, de mantenerse una disponibilidad superior a la demanda. A las 07: 00 horas, el SEN contaba con una disponibilidad de 2 470 MW y una demanda de 1 910 MW, con toda la carga servida.

Staff (2021-11-06). Cuba reporta 550 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y cuatro fallecidos. cubadebate.cu Al cierre del día de ayer, 5 de noviembre, Cuba reportó 550 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y cuatro fallecidos, según dio a conocer el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap), en su parte oficial. El país acumula10 millones 646 mil 528 muestras realizadas y 955 mil 498 positivas.

Staff (2021-11-06). Se proclama Andy Cruz tricampeón mundial, en Belgrado 2021. cubadebate.cu El estelar púgil cubano Andy Cruz añadió hoy la tercera faja universal a su palmarés tras vencer al turco Kerem àñzmen en la final de los welter ligeros (63.5 kilogramos) del Mundial de boxeo en esta capital.

Staff (2021-11-06). Ofrece Estados Unidos recompensa de cinco millones de dólares por el hermano del Chapo Guzmán. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos anunció una recompensa de hasta cinco millones de dólares por información que lleve a la detención de cuatro integrantes del Cártel de Sinaloa, entre ellos, Aureliano Guzman, hermano de El Chapo Guzmán. El gobierno estadounidense los acusa de ser responsables "de más del 63 por ciento de las muertes por sobredosis entre marzo de 2020 y 2021".

Staff (2021-11-06). Del "Poder Inteligente" a la Guerra no Convencional (I). cubadebate.cu Se habrá tropezado usted alguna vez con denominaciones que, con más o menos acierto, manejan medios de información para definir las distintas modalidades de Estados Unidos para ejercer hoy su pretendida hegemonía mundial. El problema se agrava si su interés ronda en torno a la Guerra No Convencional, cuya falta de "convencionalidad" sirve de estímulo a la imaginación.

Staff (2021-11-06). Firma el Ministerio de Salud Pública, el primer contrato de Asociación Económica Internacional en la modalidad de prestación de servicios. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2021-11-06). Presenta Ediciones Cubanas Artex: Francisco Formell Madariaga. Su obra. cubadebate.cu Como parte de la jornada de celebración por el décimo aniversario de Ediciones Cubanas Artex, la escritora María Elena Marqués Tablón, presentó el libro Francisco Formell Madariaga. Su obra, en el que analiza la impronta artística de quien fuera el padre del destacado músico y compositor cubano, Juan Formell.

Staff (2021-11-06). Julio César hace su quinta "cruz" mundial y Cuba también queda campeón. cubadebate.cu El púgil camagàºeyano, Julio César La Cruz, acaba de titularse pentacampeón en Belgrado, Serbia, al ganarle al italiano, Aziz Abbes Mouhiidine, en la división de 92 kilogramos. Con este triunfo, la escuadra cubana de boxeo también conquista el máximo palmarés por países.

Staff (2021-11-06). Avanza entrega de cajas decodificadoras a beneficiarios de la asistencia social en Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu Más de dos mil 200 beneficiarios de la asistencia social en Pinar del Río han recibido hasta el momento cajas decodificadoras de la señal de la televisión digital, ante la salida por la señal analógica de los canales Educativo y Educativo 2, pactada a partir del 30 de noviembre desde esta provincia hasta Matanzas.

Seth Galinsky (2021-11-06). Cuban Revolution vs. US capitalism. themilitant.com There is no COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Cuba. Yet by the time you read this some 73% of the population will be fully vaccinated and over 90% will have at least one dose, one of the highest rates in the world. | Leaders of the socialist revolution there act on the capacities of working people to join together and mobilize to advance our interests. That approach is well captured in the words of Thomas Sankara, the communist leader of the 1983-87 popular revolution in Burkina Faso, West Africa. A real revolution, Sankara said, is based on "a convinced people, not a conquered people." | In the United States, the most…

G. Dunkel (2021-11-06). Haiti in crisis, U.S. big-business press calls for intervention. workers.org Oct. 31 — The Haitian economy lacks the fuel it needs to function. Because Haiti's electric grid is unreliable, hospitals, factories, banks, cell phone towers, schools, taxis and the "tap taps" that provide public transport — are cutting back or shutting down. A general strike of fuel truck drivers and . . . |

teleSUR- jaa -HIM (2021-11-06). Alertan que aumento de inseguridad en Haití afecta la educación. telesurtv.net Al menos siete colegios de la capital han tenido que pagar a grupos armados a cambio de seguridad.

_____ (2021-11-06). University Of Puerto Rico Students Have Declared An Indefinite Strike. popularresistance.org The first student general assembly 2021-2022 at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) has announced an indefinite strike starting today, while other universities are on strike. The university students, who arrived on stage at the main campus for the UPR, made the decision in light of the academic, administrative, social and economic problems that the campus suffers from.

Staff (2021-11-06). 'His dancing sucks too': WATCH maskless Schumer celebrate indoors in Puerto Rico. rt.com Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) is the latest Democrat politician to face public backlash over video of him breaking Covid-19 masking protocols, while dancing the night away in Puerto Rico. | Schumer and other Democrats have been attending the SOMOS conference in Puerto Rico, an annual meeting that draws current and former politicians and strategists. | Footage from the event appears to show Democrats having a fairly good time while their party reels from state election losses, but celebrates the recent passage of an infrastructure spending bill stuck in limbo for months. | Also on rt.com

sputniknews (2021-11-06). 'Where's His Mask?' Netizens React to Video of Senate Majority Leader Schumer Dancing in Puerto Rico. sputniknews.com The Puerto Rican authorities have ordered people to wear masks at both indoor and outdoor events with more than 50 people, regardless of an individual's vaccination status.

Staff (2021-11-06). Former Deputy Guaidó's Million Dollar Salary — 'Legal' Money Laundering Sponsored by US and UK. orinocotribune.com Approximately $2.6 million have gone supposedly as salary into the pockets of former deputy Juan Guaidó to date in 2021 only, as revealed by spokespersons of the right as well as by media, based on documents issued by organizations that recognize the so-called "interim government" of Venezuela, a fiction only supported by the United States government and a constantly decreasing number of European countries. | In this regard, anti-Chavista Venezuelan economist based in New York city, Francisco Rodríguez, published on social media platforms data corresponding to a report of the fake board of directors of the Centra…

teleSUR, drl, JDO (2021-11-06). Concluye auditoría a infraestructura electoral en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Es uno de los pasos previos a la celebración de las elecciones del próximo 21 de noviembre y fue conducida por el CNE.

teleSUR, JGN (2021-11-06). Venezuela rechaza intromisiones del Alto Representante de la UE. telesurtv.net El canciller del país suramericano invitó a la UE a las elecciones del 21 de noviembre, una "fiesta de protagonismo popular".

Staff (2021-11-06). Iran, Venezuela discuss expansion of tourism cooperation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 06 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Ali Asghar Shalbafian met and held talks with Venezuela's Minister of Tourism and Foreign Trade Ali Padron on the expansion of tourism cooperation.

2021-11-07 21:56 | 17:56 EST | jz | 48 | 0 | 26 | 20 | 0