Daily Archives: November 4, 2021

2021-11-04: News Headlines

Staff (2021-11-04). Nimotuzumab: El medicamento cubano contra el cáncer que reduce las secuelas pulmonares de la COVID-19. cubadebate.cu El Nimotuzumab es una molécula muy segura, que además evidencia una alta tasa de recuperación y permite la reducción de las secuelas pulmonares en pacientes que enfermaron de covid-19. La mejor de las pruebas está en historias como la de Marlon, o en las tantas batallas acumuladas de Leonor, Yaikiel y Raity, quienes desde dentro de la zona roja han visto en el Nimotuzumab traducirse la ciencia de un laboratorio, a la esperanza y la seguridad en salvar vidas.

Helen Yaffe (2021-11-04). July 11 Protests in Cuba: A Personal Narrative of Events. orinocotribune.com By Helen Yaffe — Nov 2, 2021 | Abstract: On Sunday July 11 anti-government protests took place simultaneously in towns and cities throughout Cuba; the first violent protests there for 27 years. The international media depicted mass opposition to the Cuban government, police repression of peaceful protests and a regime in crisis. Cuban American leaders and US politicians called for US intervention, while President Biden labeled Cuba a "failed s…

Rosa Miriam Elizalde (2021-11-04). The US Has an Unhealthy Obsession With Cuba. socialistproject.ca The piggy bank was rattled again. In September 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Staff (2021-11-04). Las razones detrás de los "Besos" de César (+Video y Fotos). cubadebate.cu Así, de a poco y hacia lo infinito, se nos han ido estampando estos Besos del Maestro César López —estrenados recientemente en las plataformas virtuales— que hablan de lo que el amor y la constancia pueden, más allá de las nostalgias latiendo en los abrazos postergados; más allá de los besos otros que subsisten en los extremos de un confinamiento.

Staff (2021-11-04). Aprobado en Viñales el primer geoparque de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Este jueves fue aprobado Viñales como el primer geoparque de Cuba, informó el Ministerio de Energía y Minas. En el Parque Nacional Viñales han sido identificados 57 geositios, entre ellos diez de interés internacional, 23 de interés nacional, 18 regional y seis de relevancia local.

Staff (2021-11-04). Una planta en Islandia funciona con energía geotérmica y secuestra CO2 de la atmósfera. cubadebate.cu Orca (energía, en islandés) es una planta de tecnología de vanguardia en la lucha contra las emisiones de dióxido de carbono que aceleran el cambio climático. Instalada a los pies de un volcán en Islandia, funciona con base en energía geotérmica y secuestra CO2 del aire, lo captura y lo almacena convertido en roca en el subsuelo.

Staff (2021-11-04). Comienza en Cuba fase II de ensayo clínico de Abdala y Mambisa para convalecientes. cubadebate.cu El ensayo clínico fase II con el inmunógeno Abdala y el candidato vacunal Mambisa para convalecientes de la covid-19 en Cuba comenzó este miércoles en La Habana, e incluyó a personas alérgicas al tiomersal. Al finalizar el estudio, los voluntarios recibirán resultados de la respuesta inmunológica a la infección natural y dosis de refuerzo.

Staff (2021-11-04). Julian Assange: øDónde está el mundo?, pregunto. cubadebate.cu Empatía. Hay causas que necesitan que nos coloquemos en el lugar del otro. Sentir su zozobra y hasta su asombro. Porque al final de cuentas Julian Assange solo hizo lo correcto: develó hechos, cifras y saberes incómodos a un mundo acostumbrado a mandar pisoteando a través de la mentira.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-11-04). ICC Chief Prosecutor's Visit to Venezuela Ends with Signing of Memorandum of Understanding. orinocotribune.com The visit to Venezuela by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Ahmad Khan, concluded with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the ICC. During a three-day stay in the country, Khan pursued a busy schedule. | In this sense, the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, mentioned that it was three days of work, and of frank and direct dialogue which he considered favorable and positive for the work carried out by the ICC. For this reason, the president added that the debate demonstrated the legal, doctrinal, and constitutional str…

Editor2 (2021-11-04). As Chávez Said, 'Let's not Change the Climate, Let's Change the System!': A Conversation with Max Ajl. orinocotribune.com An anti-imperialist approach to global warming in the context of COP26. | This week and through November 12, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) takes place in Glasgow, Scotland. COP26 brings together heads of state and other prominent figures to talk about climate change. However, the conference won't address the central environmental problem: capitalism. In this interview we talk to

teleSUR, HIM (2021-11-04). Pdte. venezolano inaugura la Feria Internacional del Libro. telesurtv.net Más de un centenar de libros de autores de diversos países se presentarán en esta 17 edición bajo el lema de "Leer Independiza".

teleSUR, JDO (2021-11-04). Venezuela abre puertas a su Feria Internacional del Libro. telesurtv.net Filven21 rinde homenaje a la gesta de Carabobo y se realiza pese a la guerra económica de EE.UU. y la Covid-19.

teleSUR, drl, JDO (2021-11-04). Fiscal Saab celebra reconocimiento de CPI a jurisdicción venezolana. telesurtv.net Tarek William informó resultados de la visita y firma del memorándum de entendimiento firmado entre Venezuela y la CPI.

Daniela Jimenez (2021-11-03). Airports to Restart Operations as Venezuela Eases COVID-19 Restrictions. orinocotribune.com As part of the flexibilization of commercial and labor activities in Venezuela, announced by President Nicolás Maduro to begin on Monday, November 1, and that will last up to December 31, general, private and commercial aviation will begin operations to and from the controlled airports of the Maiquetía region, La Guaira. This measure exempts uncontrolled airports, which still require authorization. This was informed by the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC). | Through a statement, INAC explained that starting from November 1, as part of the flexibilization scheme, the air routes, which had remained su…

_____ (2021-11-03). Protest In Miami In Support Of Alex Saab. popularresistance.org Members of the Bolivarian Circle in Miami and Trokia Kollective chant "free Alex Saab" outside Miami's Clyde Atkins Courthouse on Monday, Nov 1st – the day originally scheduled for Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab's arraignment. Despite the disappointing delay of his arraignment to November 15th, his supporters are energized as they stand witness outside Ambassador Saab's prison, the Miami Federal Detention Center (FDC). They are resolute in their commitment to Diplomat Saab for breaking through the crippling illegal U.S. unilateral economic sanctions imposed on the people of Venezuela. | Reportedly, the arraignment…

_____ (2021-11-03). US 'Justice' Dismisses 7 Of 8 Charges Against Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab. popularresistance.org On Monday, November 1, the US Department of Justice dismissed seven charges of money laundering against Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, leaving only one charge of conspiracy to commit that crime. | The motion was presented by the prosecutor Kurt Lunkenheimer, the day a hearing was scheduled in which the eight charges were to be read to Saab, a procedure that was postponed to next November 15, reported EFE news agency. The request was issued because the prosecution could not find sufficient evidence to prove the accusations, as Saab's defense team had argued. The decision aligns with the fact that the Swiss Prosecu…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2021-11-03). US Drops Seven Charges Against Alex Saab as Part of Deal with Cape Verde. venezuelanalysis.com The revelation that the US made a deal with Cape Verde to secure his extradition adds yet another layer to the complicated legal drama involving Saab.

_____ (2021-11-03). The United States Is Organizing A Color Revolution In Cuba. popularresistance.org Havana — The United States government is playing a key role in organizing, promoting and amplifying upcoming nationwide protests in Cuba planned for November 15. | When directly challenged at a press conference as to whether the United States is directly involved in the planning of the overthrow of the Cuban government, State Department spokesperson Ned Price refused to deny it, instead twice giving long statements about how much the U.S. supports the protests' demands — responses that skeptical readers might consider tantamount to a "yes". "The United States remains deeply committed to the Cuban peop…

Ike Nahem (2021-11-03). Turning Points, Contradictions, and Dynamics. dissidentvoice.org Cuba will always remember your expressions of support, your permanent call for the lifting of the embargo…[My invitation to attend the Independence Day celebrations] has an immeasurably greater value in times in which we are suffering the ravages of a multidimensional war, with a criminal blockade opportunistically intensified in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic …

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2021-11-03). COP 26: Can a Singing, Dancing Rebellion Save the World? dissidentvoice.org Greta Thunberg leads protests in Italy ahead of COP26. Credit: Radio Habana Cuba COP Twenty-six! That is how many times the UN has assembled world leaders to try to tackle the climate crisis. But the United States is producing more oil and natural gas than ever; the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere and global …

teleSUR (2021-11-03). Cuba Faces CIA's Most Complex Cultural Warfare Operation. telesurenglish.net A Cuban government representative said that Cuba has probably been facing up the largest and most complex cultural warfare operation orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), promoting a new type of counterrevolution. | RELATED: | On Twitter, Cuba's Deputy Foreign Minister Anayansi Rodríguez posted a U.S. plan to bring Cuba's political system down, which combines social media, digital communication me…

teleSUR (2021-11-03). Cuba's Constitution Is Clear-Cut Against Destabilizing Attempts. telesurenglish.net The Cuban Constitution is clear against destabilizing attempts, according to jurists here today, who underscored the illegal nature of a march called for such purposes and promoted by the United States. | RELATED: | The chief prosecutor of the Directorate of Information and Analysis of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), Ana Hernandez, said that the Constitution recognizes the right to public demonstration, but then sp…

Editor (2021-11-03). Cuban Leader: The U.S. Government is the true organizer and promoter of the provocation planned for November in Cuba (+video). mronline.org Polanco Fuentes drew attention to how as soon as the march was announced, it received public support from U.S. legislators, political operators and the media that encourage actions against the Cuban people, try to destabilize the country and urge military intervention.

Peoples Dispatch (2021-11-03). Conditions worsen in Haiti amid fuel shortages. peoplesdispatch.org The gas stations in Haiti have been short of fuel since the beginning of September as the criminal armed gangs have seized control of major oil terminals and blocked ports that hold fuel stores. The acute scarcity of fuel has impacted key sectors of life…

Staff (2021-11-03). Hurricane LUMA: Puerto Ricans Fight Big Coal & Privatized Energy Amid Climate Disasters, Blackouts. democracynow.org As we cover the fight against Big Coal with climate activists attending the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, we look at the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, which has experienced some of the most extreme weather over the last two decades. Hurricane Maria destroyed the island's electrical grid four years ago and left residents in the dark for months. The fragile power system is still unreliable for people, prompting mass protests and renewed calls for lawmakers to move away from dirty power and turn the island into a center for renewable energy, a movement featured in the new film "El poder del pueblo," or…

Ana Perdigón (2021-11-03). Central Bank of Venezuela Injects $50 Million into Foreign Exchange Market. orinocotribune.com The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) has injected, once more, around $50 million into the foreign exchange market in order to curb the rise of the parallel dollar as well as inflation. | At present, the exchange rate applied by the BCV is 4.37 bolivars per dollar, the latter having a 1.30% increase compared to the previous 4.32 price. | Since October, specifically since the new monetary reconversion began, the BCV has adopted the measure of injecting dollars into the market in order to contain the dollar black market. | In the days prior to the entry into force of the new monetary reconversion, the parallel dollar…

Misión Verdad (2021-11-03). Venezuela Vaccinates 67% of Its Population and Begins Flexibilization Period. orinocotribune.com The following is a translation of the Samuel Robinson Institute report for November 1, 2021. | On Sunday, October 31, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro confirmed that, starting from Monday, November 1, the country has started a two-month period of broad flexibility that will culminate on December 31. | This is the longest relaxation period that has been decreed since the start of the implementation of the pandemic control measures back in March 2020. | Context | The start of flexibilization period does not signify the removal of pandemic protocols. The maintenance of biosafety protocols, such as the use…

Staff (2021-11-03). CNE President: We will Investigate Electoral Campaign Violations — 21N Mega-Elections. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), Pedro Calzadilla, assured this Tuesday, November 2, that as of the day before the electoral authority had begun investigations into possible violations of the electoral campaign regulations. Venezuela's upcoming regional and municipal elections are scheduled for Sunday, November 21. | In this year's electoral campaign regulations, social networks were added as an authorized means of transmission of messages. Thus, the accounts of political parties are being observed. | Calzadilla also pointed out that the CNE has a record of all official accounts of t…

Staff (2021-11-03). ICC Prosecutor is Scheduled to Visit SEBIN and DGCIM in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, will visit the prisons where those awaiting trial for their role in Operation Gideon and other civic-military events, destined at the time for the overthrow of President Nicolás Maduro, are incarcerated. | According to some judicial sources, Khan has planned to visit detention centers of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM). Both sites were already visited in the past by agents of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). |

Adán Chávez Frías (2021-11-03). Venezuela — Bolívar y Chávez en tiempo presente. globalizacion.ca I | Durante nuestra reciente gira por la Federación de Rusia y la República de Belarús, tuvimos la oportunidad de reunirnos con autoridades de los Poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo de estos países; así como con representantes de organizaciones políticas, del Movimiento…

teleSUR (2021-11-03). 'We'll Sow the Seeds of Our Common Destruction': PM Mottley. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley delivered a powerful speech at the opening ceremony of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Scotland, UK. | Related | Addressing over 100 world leaders, she accused the richest nations of not doing enough to stop climate change. One example is the failure to deliver the promised annual US$100 billion to help developing nations prepare and adapt to climate…

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